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English language 4 – 1st midterm – Beyond the brain


adjacent adj. susjedan neighboring, adjoining
ancient adj. drevni antique, archaic
atrophy v uvenuti decay, wither
array n mnoštvo range, collection
boom n šipka pole, rod
cadence n ritam beat, rythm
circuit n ruta kružnog oblika turn, orbit
clutch v ščepati grip, grasp, clasp
codify v uspostaviti organize, arrange
confront v suočiti se encounter, meet
conscious adj. svjestan aware, responsive, woke
consensus n dogovor agreement, concord
consistency n gustoća thickness, density
contemporary n suvremenik peer, fellow
cue n red line, row
curdle adj. zgrušati clot, sour
deduce v zaključiti deduct, conclude
degrade v smanjiti reduce, lessen
discrete adj. odvojen individual, detached
dismiss v odbaciti reject, abandon
dormant adj. usnuo asleep, resting
dull adj. tup blunt, obtuse
elicit v izmamiti evoke, obtain
ephemeral adj. prolazan temporary, passing
etch v urezati engrave, carv
excise v kirurški ukloniti extract, remove
exert v vršiti apply, exercise
faintly adj. slabo weakly, barely
fragment n dio piece, part
gleam v sjajiti shine, glimmer
glimpse n pogled view, glance, look
groggy adj. omamljen dazed, dizzy, unsteady
groundbreaking adj. revolucionarno innovative, advanced
hue n nijansa shade, tone
inhibit v blokirati restrict, curb
interact v biti u kontaktu communicate, contact
intrinsic adj. unitrašnji interior, inside
layperson n laik amateur, nonprofessional
legacy n nasljedstvo heritage, tradition
locus n lokacija place, location
mere adj. jedan alone, very
mild adj. blag gentle, tender
mound n nakupina pile, heap
mounted adj. montiran fixed, installed
notion n ideja idea, concept, belief
overwrought adj. uzbuđen agitated, excited, neurotic
pack v napuniti stuff, load
peak v doseći vrhunac culminate, escalate
persist v ostati endure, obtain, pusue
pin v pričvrstiti attach, affix, bind
plain adj. jasan clear, open, vivid
predisposed adj. sklon prone, inclined
preliminary adj. početni introductory, initial
prescient adj. predviđajući forseeing, predictive
procedure n postupak method, process
proclivity n sklonost inclination, tendency
protuberance n ispupčenje bump, lump, outgrowth
prune v obrezati trim, clip
quaint adj. čudan strange, unusual, curious
recall v prisjetiti se remember, remind
redundancy n suvišnost superfluity, prolixity
rein v obuzdati curb, restrain, control
rejuvenate v pomladiti regenerate, revitalize
reside v obitavati locate, settle, inhabit
responsive adj. svjestan aware, conscious
restrain v obuzdati curb, control
revise v mijenjati alter, modify, change
sample v probati taste, try
scoff v ismijavati mock, ridicule
scrap n komadić piece, bit
scrutiny n nadzor observation, examination, inspection
shoulder v nositi carry, bear
smudge n mrlja stain, smear
snapshot n snimak recoding, photograph
spurt n štrcaj jet, squirt
squall n oluja storm, tempest
stack n kup pile, heap
stimulate v potaknuti induce, provoke
sublime adj. uzvišen noble, majestic
tenor n smisao sense, meaning
tentacles n ticala antenna, probe
thrill n uzbuđenje excitement, delight
transcendent adj. uzvišen sublime, extraordinary
tuck v staviti ispod insert, slip
twitch v trzati quiver, jerk
utter v izustiti articulate, say
vacancy n praznina void, emptiness
vivid adj. živopisan realistic, graphic, evocative


amniotic fluid protective liquid which serves as a cushion for growing fetus
bowl of curds zdjela skute
cake of suet torta loja (nakupina masti)
chief surgeon the main surgeon
cognitive functions mental processes that allow humans to perform any task
come on line become active
discrete functions functions that occur only in specific locations
facial recognition ability to recognize faces
filigree of arteries isprepletena mreža arterija
fraction of an inch nekoliko milimetara
frontal lobe one of the 4 main lobes of the brain
good judgement common sense
gray matter darker tissue of the brain crucial for human intelligence
growth spurt occurrence of growing quickly and suddenly in a short period of time
hard at work working with a lot of effort
hold in check keep something under control
imaging studies studies conducted after exploring a series of images
index finger 2nd finger
learning machine someone who learns very fast
locus of thought location from where thoughts come from
mental faculty one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind
mental task brain task, any cognitive process
mild shock brief shock
mother-of-pearl shining pearl
neural circuits net of neurons
pain receptor organ that responds to pain
parietal lobe one of the 4 main lobes of the brain
plaster cast gips
protective membrane layer that protects the brain
reference head skull used as a prototype
saucer-size size of a small tea cup
sensory processing process that organizes sensory inputs
sine qua non something that is absolutely necessary
small-bore bullet metak iz malog revolvera
social judgement evaluation of ideas
spatial orientation ability to oriantate
synaptic connections transmission of impulses between two nerves
take a turn into the future become significant for the future
tubular cavity cavity shaped like a tube
up to a point to some extent but not completely
visual cortex part of the brain in charge for vision


bring into being create something
bustle about so something busily
carry out perform a task
die off cease to exist
fold back bend
give rise to cause something
lean over tilt forward in order to take a better look
map out plan in detail
move about move in aimless manner
pick out choose
push out protrude outward
put together (into) organize
reach out make a contact
reach up to extend in order to take or touch something
reflect off make a reflection
rein in limit, control
roll back remove
scoop out remove something that is inside something else with a spoon
screw into tighten, secure
slide around move around while maintaining smooth contact with the ground
soak up take in, absorb
swing into enter something by swinging
swirl about move in a twisting or spiralling pattern
take away remove
train on guide, educate
wipe off clean

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