Art March 6

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Lesson Title Watercolor wheel Date March 6th

Subject/ Grade 3/4 Time 10:15-11:20

Level Art Duration
Teacher Mr. Peterson
General Learning Component 10 (iii) – Media and Techniques
Outcomes (Students will use media and techniques, with an
emphasis on mixing media and perfecting
techniques in drawing, painting, print making,
sculpture, fabric arts, photography and
technographic arts).

Specific Learning B. Painting

 Continue working with tempera paint or tempera
paint with additives, and be introduced to water
 Mix paints to show intensity of colour.

Main Inquiry How do we make different colors?
 By the end of the lesson students will be able to mix primary colors to create secondary
colors, with watercolor
Materials Paint brush
Watercolour kits
Water containers
Introduction Time
Attention Watercolor and shaving cream 8 min
Grabber Conduct a demonstrate were I ask how to I make certain
colours. I will select a student to come up to the front of the
class and they will put food colouring in a bag and mix it
together. To see if they can make the color I am asking for.
Expectations of 1. We are not getting paint on other students, no hitting or
Behaviour waving of the paint brush
2. We are respectful of other peoples works and we are
not damaging their work
3. This is an activity that requires us not to be throwing
any objects in the classroom.
4. If you can not follow the expectations for painting, you
will not be able to use the water colours.
Learning Watercolour review 5 min
Activity #1 Go over the slide show and introduce the three primary
colours, and explain how by mixing them together we will get
a new colour.

Have students watch a short video on how to mix watercolour.

After watching the video explain to the students how to use a
paintbrush. 0:39

go over paint brush etiquette, remind the students that if they

are being disrespectful with their paint brush, they will have
their paint brush taken away
Learning Draw the figure 8 min
Activity #2 Have students follow the process up on the board and draw out
the figure that is holding the umbrella
Have the students take out a pencil, and a ruler
1. First put your name on the back
2. Draw a cross
3. Draw a x over the cross
4. Connect the lines by making mini “c’s”
5. Draw the three lines making the rain jacket
6. Draw the buttons, and bottom line of the jack
7. Draw two lines for legs, then one line in the middle to
separate the legs
8. Draw the cut off for the boats
9. Draw the behind foot followed by the foot in front
10. Lastly draw the rain puddle

Have students finish drawing the picture, and tell them that
they need to start by adding the three primary colours first.
Then once they add the three primary colors, they can
experiment by mixing two primary colors to get around the

Learning Paint the figure 10 min

Activity #3 Once finished drawing the outline tell the students need to
start the umbrella by adding the three primary colours first.
Then once they add the three primary colors, they can
experiment by mixing two primary colors to get around the

Once their painting is dry, they can outline it in markers. In the

meantime, they can grab a sheet of paper to color.

End of Lesson With 5 minutes left to class, have the students stop what they 5 min
are doing, and they need to wash off their paint brushes, swish,
wipe, and blot. Then they need to put their paper on the drying
shelf. Followed by cleaning up their tables by putting away the
paints in the bins and putting the paintbrushes in the bucket.
They can walk the water to bathrooms to empty it out.

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