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Weekly Clinical Reflection and Update Form

For the week of -

(Click on ‘date’ and a drop down calendar will appear.)

Student Name: Tanya Champion_____________

Clinical Hours and Patient Encounters: Hours 11__ Encounters 15___
Clinical Highlights
Choose one or more of the following to guide your self-reflection of your experience this week. Do not report
on an extended SOAP note patient.
 Discuss an encounter that was particularly interesting and what you learned from it?

 Discuss a difficult or challenging encounter and how you handled it?

 Discuss an example of how you were able to independently contribute to this week’s encounters?

 Were there any patient management plans developed by your preceptor that surprised you?

 Were you able to “teach” your preceptor anything this week?

 Identify a personal learning need you discovered while assessing or managing a specific diagnosis.
What steps will you take to improve your understanding or skills?
 What insights did you gain during your experience this week that will prove most helpful for future

 What personal success do you want to celebrate?

 If I could have a do over, I would have done this instead……

Discussio Type your response here -


Looking Ahead
 What clinical goal would you like to tackle next week?

Discussio Type your response here -


I am going to email/message you to further discuss … (Optional)

 Reviewing a challenging patient encounter.
 Challenges/concerns with my preceptor and/or my clinical site.
 The absence of the application of EBP/CPGs in the clinical setting.
 Challenges with gaining access to enough patients in the required age range.
 Challenges with gaining access to a wide variety of diagnoses for the course population.
 Incorrect action(s) taken by me at the clinical site.
 Locating resources to assist with my clinical experience.
 Anything else . . .

Topic to If any, type your response here -


Extended SOAP Note Log

Over the course of the semester, chose 10 patient encounters to document an extended SOAP note within Typhon. It is
expected that you vary the primary focus of each note to ensure you are receiving quality feedback in a number of
disorders to include acute, chronic and wellness encounters. If unavoidable, you may repeat a topic twice. Update this
table weekly. It will serve as a running account of your progress.

SOAP Encounter Typhon Encounter Primary and Secondary Diagnoses

Note Date Number
1 05/20/201 2165-20190520-001 hypertension, hyperlipidemia- primary and mole,
and sebaceous cyst-secondary
2 5/31/19 2165-20190531-005 dysuria-primary and secondary IgA nephropathy
3 6/6/2018 2165-20190606-005

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