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The Peacock and The Crane

Once, there was a beautiful peacock in the woods. “wow, peacock! your feathers are so
beautiful!” colorful and shiny. Aren’t the georgeous?” “yes, the are. I wish I could have
colorful feather just I rice you. Only I, the peacock, can gave these beautiful feathers. Don’t
even dream about it. What a show off.

The peacock went to the riverside for some water “who is that? a long neck and cool legs.
Looks quite elegant, but I don’t like the feathers though”. Hi, who are you? I’ve never seen
you around”. I’m a crane”. A crane, huh? I’m a peacock. I have feathers that are walked
along the river. ‘she easn’t even surpside!” “look at all these colors of the rainbow on my
feathers. What’s wrong with yours? They look gray and dusty!”. “yes, you are very beautiful.
But I don’t envy at all.” “what? Don’t lie! How could uou not envy these beautiful feathers?”
“I can fly up into the sky with my wings I travel around the world and go wherever I want”.
“oh, I see.” What can you do with these feathers? Grooming and showing off, what else can
you do? it seems you look good on the outside but not inside.” The peacock felt so ashamed,
fe folded his feathers. “oh, gee”.

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