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Spring Sem
Score: 2.5/3
Student A: 83%
In, From When I was Puerto Rican, the setting effects Papi by him being in a small truck
tells me that he didn’t have a lot of money. In the text it also says, “the truck was expensive
to maintain, bandits tried to mug him a few times.” His actions tell me that he is a kind and
a generous person because in the text it says, “He didn’t have the heart to say no to the
men who brought him credit and never paid him back.” His actions also tell me he strugles
to communicate because it says, “the business didn’t last very long.” This tells me that he
quit and his business failed because he didn’t have the money because the men wouldn’t
pay him back

Explanation: Student A received a 2/3 or a 83% because they accurately identify that
Papi did not have a lot of money but was still a generous person. These claims are
substantiated by multiple pieces of evidence from the text. For example, Student A
supports their claim that Papi is generous using the following evidence, “he didn’t
have a heart to say no to the men who brought him credit and never paid him back”.
This demonstrates dramatic academic growth from the student’s performance on Exit
Ticket #2 for which they received a grade of 40%. There, Student A could barely cite a
piece of evidence, let alone make a coherent claim. In just a matter of months, this
student is now able to make claims, support these claims with multiple pieces of
relevant evidence, and cite these pieces of evidence using quotation marks. This
student lost points because there was not evidence from the text to substantiate their
claim that his “business failed because he didn’t have money because the men
wouldn’t pay him back”. Student A overanalyzes here. But overall, their performance
on this formative assessment demonstrates dramatic academic growth that will only
continue to improve throughout the academic school year.
Score: 2/3
Student B: 66.7%

Geoffrey’s actions show that he is a generous caring man. In the text it says “He didn’t
have the heart to say no to the men who brought credit and never paid him back.” This
evidence supports my claim because it shows papi can’t help but give to those who are

Explanation: After months of implementing relevant accommodations and

instructional strategies ranging from preferential seating to graphic organizers,
Student B demonstrates dramatic academic growth by increasing their assessment
score from 20% to 66.7%. This learner received a ⅔ or 66.7% on their written
formative assessment because they successfully make a claim supported by relevant
evidence substantiating the notion that Papi is a generous person. They lost points
because they address through his actions but do not identify how the setting of the
food truck helps to reveal this aspect of his character. Even so, in Exit Ticket #2, this
student did not make an attempt to include evidence to support their claim inferring
that Geoffrey from the Canterbury Tales was well liked. Their performance on this
formative assessments reflects success in my instructional strategies but also
demonstrates an increase in student effort that developed from the Fall to the Spring
of the academic school year.
Score: 3/3
Student C: 100%

Papi’s character s revealed through the setting and his actions. Papi shows that he is a
generous person by not saying no to the men who brought credit. I know this because in
the poem it states, “And he didn’t have the heart to say no to the men who brought credit
then never paid him back.” This shows that he was generous because he did not have the
heart to say no. This is also shown in the text by “his rich baitone could be heard a mile
away reciting poems about the food on the back of his food truck.” This is evidence that he
is generous by not saying no and reciting the poem in the food truck.

Explanation: Student C received a 3/3 or 100% on the written portion of their

formative assessment. They successfully identify that Papi’s character is generous,
that this is revealed through the setting of the food truck and they also support these
claims with two pieces of relevant evidence. Additionally, they explain why their
evidence supports their claims. In the beginning of the year, this student
demonstrated that they understood course concepts but their writing was choppy and
disorganized. Here, they appropriately organize their statement into a claim
supported by evidence which is then supported by further analysis. Though this
student only grows 20 percentage points on their assessment performance, many
students start the year high and feel they do not need to improve any further. This
student demonstrates that my instruction is effective in pushing students who are
already academically strong to their fullest potential and, that they can put in the
effort to make this happen. This is evident of academic growth that possesses the
potential to open doors for this student in their future academic endeavors.

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