The Benefits of Studying Locally

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The Benefits Of Studying Locally

Most students are at crossroads after completing their secondary school education. As
the options of tertiary schools abound, they are spoilt for choices. Yet, the question that
always lingers on one's mind is where to pursue a tertiary education, locally or abroad. In
my opinion, studying locally is better than studying abroad as there are many benefits of
studying locally.
Firstly, most Malaysian students are from close knit families. Thus, they spend most of
their lives at home with their families. Hence, when they are abroad, they tend to be
homesick and depressed as they miss their families immensely. No doubt, it is difficult to
overcome their depression and thus they may not be able to concentrate on their studies.
Furthermore, in time of emergencies and festivity, they may not be able to come back
home. Therefore, the emotional ties are severed. Thus, I strongly advocate that one should
study locally so as to maintain the sanctity of the family unit.
Secondly, cultural difference can have devastating effects on the students. As we all
know, Malaysian students abound with eastern values and thus they are reserved and do
not indulge in provocative ideas of the West. Hence, they may not be able to adapt easily to
the conflicting western culture. What's worse, some may even adopt the Western values as
part of parcel of their lives, leading to the moral decay and indecency. Thus, students should
study locally so that they appreciate and respect the eastern values instead of being
immersed in the western culture.
Finally, our local tertiary education is at par with foreign universities. We are proud to
have knowledgeable lectures and good facilities in our local colleges and universities. Have
lectures with the government's insistence for knowledge excellence, today most universities
have lectures with doctorate degrees. They are able to have a good rapport with their
students and are able to impart the knowledge effectively in a conducive environment.
Besides, most universities are well-equipped with international standard libraries that are
linked with other higher learning institutions, locally and abroad. Therefore, I do not
understand why our students have to spend so much money studying abroad when they can
get the same education here for mere fraction of the cost of studying abroad.
In conclusion, I would like to stress that studying locally has many advantages than
studying abroad.

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