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Research Proposal

Sheraz Anwar, Jamie Bock, Tucker Hickey

Suman Sahil, Aaron Wiggins
1​) T-Mobile
Why: ​We chose TMo due to their turnaround story and strategic innovation in the
Related Chapters and Topics: ​Chapters 2 and 3 discuss Internal and External
environments and TMo has many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
TMo has built a strong distribution network that is reliable but fails with financial
planning. TMo can easily be on top if they utilize their free cash flow to invest in new
technology and other product segments.
Primary Business Activities:​Telecommunications provider (domestic), Connecting
individuals, international partnerships with foreign service providers, Wireless solutions
provider for small to large businesses
2) Coca-Cola
Why:​We chose Coca-Cola due to their cash flow, brand recognition, emerging markets,
and their innovation with their freestyle machines within companies. We also chose
Coca-Cola because they promote indulgence and have long term goals (orientation)
while also promoting individualism and environmental sustainability. Coca-Cola also has
a global impact with both their products and their mission.
Related Chapters and Topics: ​Chapter 2 discusses the Five Forces model and one of
the forces is the threat of substitute products. There are many other beverage
companies that compete with Coca Cola. Its largest competitor would be Pepsi. There
have been multiple blind taste tests done where people can sometimes not tell the
difference between the two. Pepsi is also one of its rivalries and uses different tactics to
attract a younger generation by using celebrities in their advertisements. Could they end
up on top in the future with this tactic?
Primary Business Activities: ​Manufacturers and sells soft drinks, purified water,
energy drinks, sport drinks, juice, organic tea, coffee, dairy and plant-based drinks,
beverage concentrates and syrups. Coca Cola sells syrups, concentrates, and bases to
bottling operations who then manufacture and distribute to consumers.

3) Starbucks
Why: ​Starbucks has dominated the coffee industry for the past few decades. You can
find a Starbucks within miles from another Starbucks. What is interesting about
Starbucks is that it has had some failures as well. They did not do well in the Australian
market and had to shut down many stores. It is interesting to see where Starbucks will
be in the future with the threat of McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts offering cheaper coffee
with the same quality.
Related Chapters and Topics: ​Chapter 4 discusses different business strategies and
the one that Starbucks relates to is differentiation. They have created a customer base
that is very loyal to them and are less sensitive to price increases. When somebody
thinks Starbucks, they think of great quality and variety. They not only sell coffee, but
also sell food items, dessert snacks, and merchandise.
Primary Business Activities: ​Starbucks offers coffees, premium teas, breakfast items,
and fine pastries. They also sell merchandise such as mugs, tea brewing equipment,
small accessories and gifts. You can find Starbucks products at local grocery stores
with ready to drink coffee beverages, coffee beans, pods, and teas.
Key Dates:

Group Research Proposal Due Date:​2/25/20

Group Research Presentation:​4/27/20 at 10 AM

Group Research Paper:​5/12/20 at 10 AM (20-25 pages)

Bi-weekly in class meeting and will add other dates if necessary for additional work
Assignments for Presentation:​Due early April
·​ S
​ equence: A desirable flow of a presentation is as follows:
○ 1) Brief introduction of the firm (e.g., history and primary business
activities of the
firm) (2-3 slides) - ​Tucker
○ 2) Analysis of external business environment of the firm(4-6slides)-
Sheraz Anwar
○ 3) Analysis of resources and capabilities of the firm (3-4slides)- ​Suman
○ 4) The Firm's Strategies(3-4slides) -​Jamie Bock
○ 5) Evaluation of The Firm's Focal Strategic Move (3-4slides)- ​Aaron
○ 6) Lessons And/or recommendations(2-3slides) - ​Everyone
● Time: total 20-25 minutes.

Forms of Communication: Google Document and Email


Each group should choose 2-3 target phenomena/firms that are interesting and
related to strategic management (e.g., a recent, local, or large-scale strategic
action (an M&A, bankruptcy, big investment, and international entry, etc.)). It will
be ideal if students can gain direct access to the companies to collect data and
conduct interviews with key-decision makers, since this can lead to a uniquely
rich and insightful analysis.

In this proposal, a group is asked to explain for each phenomenon/firm:

1. Why each selected phenomenon/firm is interesting

2. What chapters and topics of this course are related to the
3. The focal firms’ primary business activities (explain them)
4. Develop your research plan, including internal milestones (dates &
tasks to be completed), primary tasks of each member, collaboration
methods among group members (e.g., Google doc), communication
tools, etc.

The format guideline of this proposal is as follows: Microsoft Sans Serif 12-point
font, 1.5 line space, page numbers in the upper right corner, and one inch top and
side margins. For other style issues, follow the APA style.

Submit your ​two-page​ proposal (addressing above 1)-4) items) at the ​group
research proposal section (Canvas)​. A group member should submit it on behalf
of the group.

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