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SOSPhone: A mobile application for emergency calls

Article  in  Universal Access in the Information Society · August 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s10209-013-0318-z


15 935

5 authors, including:

Hugo Paredes Benjamim Fonseca

Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto (INESC Porto) Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto (INESC Porto)


Miriam Cabo Tania Pereira

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro


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Universal Access in the Information Society manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)

SOSPhone: a mobile application for emergency calls

Hugo Paredes · Benjamim Fonseca · Miriam Cabo · Tania Pereira ·
Filipe Fernandes

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract The general adoption of mobile devices and and architectural principles in order to proceed with
its wide network coverage made it possible to make the integration with each specific national emergency
emergency calls virtually everywhere, even in the ab- services platform.
sence of a valid contract. However there is still gen-
Keywords mobile accessibility · emergency call ·
erally the need for audio connection. This restriction
iconographic interface · short message service · deaf ·
is a problem for deaf people, but also for the elder
elderly · panic situations
and people without disabilities that face sudden situ-
ations where speech is hard to articulate. In this con-
text, this paper presents SOSPhone, a prototype of a 1 Introduction
mobile application that was developed to enable users
to make emergency calls using an iconographic touch The proliferation of mobile devices in the last two deca-
interface running in a touchscreen mobile device. The des broadened the possibilities for building mobile ap-
prototype implements the client-side of the application plications that support the users efficiently in several
and was demonstrated and evaluated by a large num- daily activities. A situation that benefited the over-
ber of users, including people without any disability, all population was the higher availability of emergency
emergency services professionals and deaf people. This calls, since it became available on any mobile phone.
paper describes the SOSPhone prototype and presents However, it is still hard for some people to make an
the results of the interface evaluation process, which is emergency call because of disabilities or trauma sit-
important to validate the main client-side interaction uations. One obvious case is the one of deaf people,
who are unable to communicate through a voice call.
Hugo Paredes
GECAD/University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta
Other examples are the ones of elderly people with some
de Prados, Vila Real, Portugal disease or sudden critical situation that makes it diffi-
Tel.: +351-259-350332 cult to articulate words (such as riots, hostages, smoke
Fax: +351-259-350356 inhalation or any vocal disease), or even the case of
shock/panic situations under violent occurrences.
Benjamim Fonseca According to the World Report on Disability 2011
GECAD/University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta
de Prados, Vila Real, Portugal
[27], the number of disabled people in the world is
presently estimated in one billion, corresponding ap-
Miriam Cabo
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados,
proximately to 15% of the current world’s population.
Vila Real, Portugal The preface of this report says that “[...] people with
Tania Pereira
disabilities experience barriers in accessing services that
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados, many of us have long taken for granted [...]”. The same
Vila Real, Portugal report indicates that 124.2 million people in the world
Filipe Fernandes have hearing loss, corresponding to about 2% of the
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados, world’s population, approximately half of them with
Vila Real, Portugal age above 60 years old.
2 Hugo Paredes et al.

In Portugal, according to the 2001 census, there Number Association (EENA2 ) was created in 1999 to
were more than 636,000 disabled people, with over 84,000 promote emergency services reached by the number 112
with hearing impairments1 . Furthermore, both in Por- throughout the European Union, acting as a discussion
tugal and in the World, there is a higher degree of illit- and interconnection forum of about 600 emergency ser-
eracy among people with hearing impairments. vices representatives from 42 European countries. In
This paper presents a mobile application that en- the United States, Federal Communications Commis-
ables making emergency calls without requiring audio sion (FCC) is responsible since 1999 for the official and
capabilities. This application offers to the user an icono- universal emergency call number for all telephone ser-
graphic touch interface that enables him to contact the vices: 9-1-13 .
emergency center by selecting the icons that represent In the last years emergency call numbers have dealt
the occurrence being reported, as well as clicking a few with several problems mainly due to the effectiveness
boxes to answer simple questions such as the number and reliability of the systems. The problems can be di-
of victims in the incident. The result of this selection vided in two major groups: (1) telecom access and (2)
process is a SMS message that is sent to the emergency emergency services. Regarding the telecom access, there
center containing the codes corresponding to the infor- was a need to ensure the access of users from different
mation selected, along with the user profile and coor- operators without any contract restrictions. Moreover,
dinates of the caller. The prototype described herein calls need to be routed to PSAP and include meta-
refers only to the client-side architectural and inter- information as the caller ID or the terminal ID and, if
face aspects, since the implementation of the server-side possible geo-location information. These challenges re-
is highly dependent on the specific information system quire the cooperation of telecoms, emergency response
used to manage the emergency service. organizations and PSAPs in order to ensure a coordi-
The remaining of this paper proceeds exploring some nated management of the infra-structure. At the emer-
background concepts of the field, and then presents the gency services level the major problems are related with
main considerations that lead to the implementation of false calls and its detection. Other problems are con-
the application, which is described in section 5. Section cerned with the aggregation of all emergency domains
6 presents some results produced by a set of user ex- in a single PSAP, requiring an operation model appro-
periments that were carried out to test the application priated for the management of the different services in
and section 7 concludes with some final remarks. the emergency chain.
In order to fulfill some of these requirements, emer-
gency services providers have introduced enhanced ver-
sions of the systems that provide dispatchers with ad-
2 Background
ditional information, such as the caller identification
number and the location of the mobile device. More-
Emergency can be defined as a sudden or unpredicted
over, the developments in mobile and IP communica-
situation with risk to health, life, property or environ-
tions have introduced new challenges in emergency ser-
ment that requires action to correct or to protect. In
vices. Nowadays, the new generation of emergency call
most countries there are services associated with each
numbers (NG9-1-1 and NG112) are being discussed as a
of the identified risks in order to respond to each kind
long-term solution, in order to ensure total communica-
of emergency, usually firefighters, police and medical
tion. FCC defines the Next Generation 9-1-1 Initiative
emergency. To trigger the necessary means to help in
as a “research and development project to help define
an emergency situation it is required that: (1) the emer-
the system architecture and develop a transition plan to
gency situation is reported to the authorities and (2)
establish a digital, Internet Protocol (IP)-based foun-
there is a service capable of receiving the request and
dation for the delivery of multimedia 9-1-1 calls”. The
ensuring the allocation of the necessary resources for as-
NG112 has similar aims, intending to make emergency
sistance. Concerning an effective response, and the ag-
services more interoperable using Next Generation Net-
gregation of services in a public-safety answering point
works by establishing requirements for accessing emer-
(PSAP), worldwide nations have created official emer-
gency services via a whole range of IP-communications.
gency numbers for improving emergency response in ac-
For both, the expectation is that NG emergency ser-
cordance to citizens requirements.
vices would enable the usage of a wide range of new
In Europe, the single European emergency call num-
technologies in common use today – such as laptops,
ber 112 has been introduced by the Council Decision of
IP phones, IP wireless devices, Short Message Service
29 July 1991 (91/396/EEC). The European Emergency
1 3
SOSPhone: a mobile application for emergency calls 3

(SMS), and IP and Video Relay Services (VRS) –, iden- to obtain and maintain a situational overview, both on
tify the location of a call and recognize the technology superior and specific levels”. Given the specific nature of
generating it in order to route the call to the appropri- the emergency services accessibility, and the efforts that
ate responder in a timely manner. have been carried, several aspects must be taken into
Despite the challenges of new technologies for emer- account when implementing a solution[31]: speed; reli-
gency services, there still exists a common problem in ability; mobility; availability; cost; relay services; and
emergency services: access for all. The Universal Decla- level of provision for necessary functional requirements
ration of Human Rights[26] and further legislation de- at PSAPs.
fine that “we all want to live in communities where we A key aspect to be considered is the communication
can participate fully and equally”. However, in practice, channels to be used by emergency services, alternatively
people with special needs find access barriers to assert to traditional voice channels. The accessibility of com-
their rights in their everyday life. Universal access for munications have been the subject of debate and reflec-
emergency services is a right of all citizens. Authorities tion for several times, by national and international or-
are aware of that, and currently, as emergency services ganizations [9, 8], according to international guidelines
are not accessible to the majority of disabled people, (Directive 2002/22/EC of 7th March 2002 on Universal
they are developing efforts to find a short-term solution Service and Users Rights relating to Electronic Com-
for this problem. US authorities established the Emer- munications Networks and Services). These discussions
gency Access Advisory Committee (EAAC) with the to define the steps towards making telecommunications
mission of making “recommendations to the FCC re- accessible for all have lead to some recommendations for
garding policies and practices for the purpose of achiev- telecoms and emergency services regarding: phone ser-
ing equal access to emergency services by individuals vices, features of fixed line phones and mobile phones;
with disabilities”.4 broadband internet services; and billing services[9].
The European Commission also realized that the In a 2012 study [31] EENA compares some tech-
emergency call number 112 is currently not accessible nological solutions to non-verbal communication with
to the majority of disabled people and only 7 coun- emergency services, namely: fax, location based solu-
tries were reported to have implemented an accessible tions (LBS), chat service, SMS to 112 and relay ser-
112 for people with disabilities in order to accomplish vices. The study focus on speed, reliability, mobility,
the Universal Service Directive of 2009. Moreover, the spreadability and cost of the solutions. The conclusions
EENA established a committee to make recommenda- revealed that the fax is the slowest and worst solution;
tions on 112 Accessibility for People with Disabilities. LBS and chat have benefits considering the speed and
The first results were announced in reports and recom- reliability; and SMS is less effective due to speed is-
mendations released in January 2012[7, 31]. sues and limited as some users have restrictions to ex-
From a technological perspective, creating an uni- press through written language, although it is relatively
versal access emergency system is a challenge for the widely used and the most balanced solution.
research community.Therefore, the emergency services’ The usage of emergency systems by deaf citizens has
accessibility has been subject of a myriad of studies and been explored in other perspectives and using different
projects. In the next section the current and future so- types of technologies. Zafrulla et al. [33] propose the
lutions for the accessibility of emergency services are usage of a TTY phone for access to emergency services
explored from different perspectives. by deaf people. In addition, other studies suggest the
use of SMS and TTY as preferential mechanisms by
deaf users to communicate. Concerning the preferences
3 Related Work of deaf people in the United Kingdom, Pilling and Bar-
rett [29] concluded in their study that participants used
Universal Access is a need for emergency services, as
several forms of text communication, including SMS,
is evident from the efforts undertaken in recent years.
TTY, voice/TTY relay services, fax, and e-mail, select-
It is also a challenge to which the scientific community
ing them for particular purposes. Moreover, Mueller [24]
participates on several levels.
concluded that the participants in his study preferred
In a broad perspective, Kyng et al. [20] identify the
text-only message or the video assembled from modular
challenges in designing interactive systems for emer-
segments, depicting a continuous sign language video.
gency response, arguing that “the dynamic changes in
Despite this, other projects focus on interpreter ser-
the situation [...] makes it extremely difficult for anyone
vices, for mediating the communication in emergencies,
4 as in [6]. Furthermore, in a recent study Flynn et al.
advisory-committee-eaac [12] evaluated the emergency communication effective-
4 Hugo Paredes et al.

ness for deaf in several countries. In this study they Especially driven for help requests, the Red Panic
realize that the most common form of communication Button application6 , available for Android and iOS, en-
was SMS messages, with exception of Spain and Greece sures its users with a mechanism for sending emergency
that use a prototype of the REACH112 system. Com- alerts using SMS, email or social networks. The Android
plementary, and focussing only on the United States, application allows the integration with system acces-
Mitchell et al. [23] presents the development of a proto- sibility services (TalkBack, KickBack and SoundBack)
type for mobile phone-based emergency based on regu- and provides the ability to establish a communication
latory parameters for existing and new alert systems. channel after the emergency request is performed. How-
The use of SMS is also a widely explored mecha- ever, the application does not allow the description of
nism for dissemination of information to deaf people. the emergency situation and does not have any mecha-
The dissemination of information has a particular inter- nism that enables the detection of false requests. More-
est in the context of emergency and disaster situations, over, the application can be used without any kind of
where a unified communication channel is created, to registration or restriction. Within this scope the ubilert
which users are adapted and acquainted with its use. project (Ubiquous Alert7 ), which exploits mobile tech-
The usage of this mechanism is explored in [18, 22, 32, nologies to allow a simple and effective way of asking for
11]. help in an emergency (health, civil, criminal) should be
However there are many operational problems con- highlighted. Although, this solution has the same prob-
cerning the usage of SMS communication technology, lems as the previously presented, Red Panic Button.
as claimed by Song et al. [30]. The authors propose The research on the universal access to emergency
a solution for the integration of SMS and IM in the services using mobile applications has also been a hot
next generation of emergency services, an IP/SIP-based topic. Buttussi et al. [3] proposes a mobile system to
emergency communications system. The major contri- deal with the communication barrier between emer-
butions of this work rely on the communication infras- gency medical responders and deaf people, enhancing
tructure, in particular in the reliability of SMS messag- the communication by the transaction of a collection of
ing, message fragmentation and location conveyance. emergency-related sentences to sign language [3]. The
Other key requirements of universal access emer- usage of sign language is also explored in the solution
gency systems are mobility, location and availability. proposed by Nakazono et al. [25]. The authors devel-
Mobile phones are key components of the emergency oped the VUTE 2009 prototype, which can be used to
chain and their accessibility should also be taken into call an ambulance and/or fire engine in an emergency
consideration in order to provide an universal access using motion pictograms that incorporate the expres-
service. Regarding the most challenging group in emer- sive manner of sign language.
gency accessibility, deaf citizens, and concerning the us- Regarding the interaction with mobile devices, some
age of mobile phones, Liu et al. [21] argues that “deaf authors point that the usage of alternate input meth-
individuals experience difficulties using existing func- ods, based on pictograms and/or icons can enhance the
tions on mobile phones”. The authors propose a mul- usability of the applications by users with special needs.
tifunctional approach for the development of mobile Bhattacharya and Basu [1] have developed a novel user-
phone interfaces as an assistive platform to improve computer interaction model to facilitate interaction by
the living quality of deaf individuals, which was imple- a suitably designed interface. The system is based on
mented in a conceptual prototype: the PeacePHONE the selection of icons from the interface in order to con-
[21]. On a different approach, Castro et al. [4] evaluate struct a sequence of root words that is converted to a
the problem from a geriatric perspective, using a mobile grammatically correct sentence by the system. The au-
application for in-home elderly care in order to assist thors claim that “The system has been found to be very
nurses in attending emergency calls from elders. useful, and the responses have been very encouraging”.
The usage of mobile applications for generic acces- Further experiments using icon/pictogram based inter-
sible communication is being used in Spain by Telesor5 . faces have been used in emergency situation as [17, 16],
The company developed an application for “accessible where the authors explore the usage of an electronic
communication for all”, which is available in Android pad device version of the SOS card to assist commu-
Market and Apple AppStore, that enables real time nications between rescue staffs and hearing impaired
communication through a mediation service for deaf patients, by pointing pictures with texts on the cards
and hard of hearing people. The service is aimed for using a finger.
use by public institutions and businesses to ensure cus-
tomer support for people with special needs. 6
5 7
SOSPhone: a mobile application for emergency calls 5

From a broader perspective, many research projects emergency services. In the next sections an alternative
have focused on the accessibility of emergency services. approach is proposed, based on a mobile application.
In 2003, the Wireless Information Services for Deaf Peo-
ple on the Move (WISDOM) project [15] aimed the
creation of a solution to the needs of deaf people for 4 Analysis
interaction and for visual information.
More recently, many European countries have led Currently existing accessible solutions to place emer-
pilot experiments in emergency services accessibility, gency calls, as previously presented, are based on text
specifically targeted at deaf and hard of hearing citi- communication, both synchronous and asynchronous;
zens. This is considered a major challenge since cur- video communication; and/or mobile applications.
rent systems, on PSAP level, are predominantly voice- The usage of text based communication solution has
centric. Thus, these people need alternative communi- as main drawback the fact that the mother tongue of
cation channels to the emergency services as their dis- many deaf citizens is sign language, and consequently
ability limits their communication options. Among the some of them are illiterate. Moreover, most of asyn-
ongoing experiments the cases of England and Iceland chronous text based communication proposes fall back
stand out, which rely on the use of SMS to communi- on SMS messages which make the use of emergency
cate emergency situations, as well as France whose pilot systems slow, since they are held through several ex-
uses the concept of deaf 112 operator [31]. Meanwhile, changes of messages to explain the situation to PSAP.
from those short-term proposals presented in the report Technologically synchronous text based communication
EAAC[7], the highlighted options rely on: Central All- solutions are usually based on TTY or instant mes-
Text Router/Relay for Emergency Mobile Text Calls saging, which represent a better alternative than SMS
(CAT); SMS; and SMS to TTY Calls. messages. However they still require a high volume of
Regarding NG emergency services, universal access messages exchange to describe the emergency situation
is a major issue. EENA is participating in three Euro- and may require data network access.
pean projects to evolve the European emergency sys- The disadvantage of video communication solutions
tem: CHORIST8 aiming to find solutions to increase using sign language for emergency calls is that it re-
rapidity and effectiveness of interventions[19]; HeERO9 quires a permanent sign language interpreter in the
that addresses the pan-European in-vehicle emergency PSAP or the usage of mediation services. Furthermore,
call service; and REACH11210 with the goal of imple- it needs the availability of network bandwidth for video
menting “an accessible alternative to traditional voice transmission. The previously presented studies [24] also
telephony suitable for all”. Moreover, other projects also point out that users prefer text-only messages or the
aim to contribute with proposals for universal access to video assembled from modular segments as communi-
emergency services in the long-term. The ACCESSI- cation technologies, to the detriment of the usage of
BLE project aims “to provide an integrated simulation continuous sign language video.
assessment environment for supporting the production Most of the existing solutions employ the develop-
of accessible software applications mobile or not”[5]. ment of specific mobile applications for calling emer-
The ubiquitous IP centric Government & Enterprise gency services. In some cases they include a pre-defined
Next Generation Networks Vision 2010 (U-2010) is an- triage mechanism to enhance the response to the emer-
other European project with the aim of providing the gency request. Although, most of them have text in-
most capable means of communication and the most terfaces, that, for the above reasons, restrict the use of
effective access to information for anybody required to the application. Moreover, current applications flaw on
act in case of accident, incident, catastrophe or cri- the description of the emergency situation and the es-
sis, while using existing or future telecommunication tablishment of a post-request bidirectional channel of
infrastructures [13]. The PEACE project intends to use communication.
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in order to provide a
Given the previously presented, one possible solu-
general emergency management framework for extreme
tion to ensure universal access to emergency services
emergency situations [2].
undergoes an application for mobile devices, which can
In spite of the presented solutions and the in-devel- be tailored to other devices with communication abili-
opment projects, there is still a lack of an effective and ties, geared to the requirements outlined. The applica-
reliable way for people with special needs to contact tion should combine some of the solutions put forward
8 in the way to reach out users’ needs and preferences, as
9 well as the operational reality of the PSAPs. Since the
10 current solutions are flawed at these levels and the need
6 Hugo Paredes et al.

for a system that answers in short-term to the accessi- needs and the adequacy of the solution to their every-
bility requirements of emergency services, the main goal day life. The last phase was bearing in mind operational
of this work is the development of a mobile application requirements, having been initiated contacts with the
that allows effective communication with the PSAPs: authorities and carrying out interviews with the leading
the SOSPhone. The research methodology followed the authorities related to emergency services: firefighters
design science perspective [28], a common method for (through Portuguese National Authority for Civil Pro-
software engineering research, combined with specific tection - ANPC), police (responsible for serving 112 in
HCI usability evaluation methodologies adapted to each Portugal) and medical emergency (Portuguese National
interactive phase [10, 14]. Institute for Medical Emergency - INEM). The oper-
The development process is summarized in Figure ational evaluation phase concerns the definition and
1. Three iterative evaluation phases were defined: evaluation of the mobile application that gathers the
emergency situation information to the PSAP. The in-
– Generic users evaluation phase; tegration of the application with existing PSAP systems
– Users with special need evaluation phase; requires specific requirements analysis, since in Europe,
– Operational evaluation phase. each PSAP uses a particular operational model, as de-
scribed in [31]. The entire process was backed by deaf
users who ensured the adequacy of the data collected
by the specific needs of this group.
The first phase of the process started with the anal-
ysis of existing solutions for gathering the current state
of the art in the domain and recording the requirements
for an accessible mobile application for emergency calls.
In this phase the following generic requirements were
– Iconographic interface (R1-1) - The user interface
Fig. 1 Development process should avoid the usage of text in order to allow all
users to access emergency service calls. The situ-
ations should be described by large and accessible
The definition of the phases took into account the icons with high contrast. Icons should be selected
objectives of evaluation in line with the specified re- from reference symbology11 .
quirements and the methodology. The different itera- – Touch screen input (R1-2) - The input of informa-
tions have specific objectives, a in a top-down approach, tion should be easy for people with mobility prob-
starting with the generic requirements and specializing lems.
them according to the needs of each identified group. – Embedded emergency flow protocol (R1-3) - The
A concrete accessible problem was selected: deaf citi- application should allow the user to describe the
zens. Choosing a concrete problem allowed to gather the situation with the highest detail possible, following
main requirements for the application and perform re- the usual emergency protocols used by emergency
finements and generalizations that could guide to a uni- control centers in order to facilitate the integration
versal and accessible solution. These refinements were with existing systems.
made according to the needs and possibilities of ap- – Low bandwidth communication with the emergency
plication usage by other citizens, such as, people with control center (R1-4) - The usage of the network
restricted movement, the elderly and people without bandwidth should be reduced to allow faster com-
special needs, but in momentary panic. Moreover, usual munication of the emergency situation.
problems associated with emergency calls systems, such – Automatic location of the incident (implicit or ex-
as false calls and emergency location, were taken into plicit) (R1-5).
consideration for the system requirements. – User call identification (R1-6).
The strategy was then to begin by generic users, – Required user registration (R1-7) - Registration of
conducting a questionnaire for evaluation of the solu- users will complement the identification of the caller
tion. To supplement this approach interviews with spe- and provide further information to prevent false calls.
cific users were also carried out, in particular health
Concerning the development of the prototype, the
professionals (doctors and nurses). The second phase
application was required to be created in the shortest
of the process refined the generic evaluation by inter-
viewing a group of deaf users in order to gauge their
SOSPhone: a mobile application for emergency calls 7

period of time, in order to allow the validation of the These requirements were included in the design and
user interaction model and a deep analysis of the solu- implementation of the last phase of the prototype that
tion in the following phases. A first version of the SOS- should be the basis for the production application that
Phone prototype was created with these requirements. could be integrated in the short-term in the Portuguese
The prototype was tested with groups of users as de- emergency services. Moreover, this phase also revealed
scribed in Section 6. The following phase, the special challenges in the infrastructure in order to support the
needs users’ evaluation phase, started with the analysis integration with the SOSPhone prototype, which will
of the results of the generic user’s evaluation. The main not be covered in this paper. Among them, are worth
requirements collected were related with: mentioning: (1) the inclusion of location information by
telecoms in the header of the SMS message; (2) the re-
– Emergency flow (R2-1): the adaptation of the emer- liability of SMS as it relies on store-and-forward mech-
gency flow should be supported in order to fulfill anisms; and (3) the ensurance of an automatic reply to
the evolution requirements of the emergency ser- the emergency request. Furthermore, the information
vices and enable the introduction of new flows; gathered from the mobile application must be compli-
– Mobile platform (R2-2): the solution should be ori- ant with the emergency protocol used by the PSAP in
ented to major mobile operating systems (respec- order to be integrated with current information systems
tively, SymbianOS, iOS and Android)12 . used by the operators. Thus, the information sent in the
– Interface and icon design (R2-3): the interface should SMS message should be processed and supplied to the
be more attractive and follow each mobile operat- PSAP information systems, allowing total integration
ing system mechanisms. Moreover, the icons should in order to ensure a unified interface for the operators,
have an accurate representation of each situation apart for the channel of communication used to send
and include a textual label. the emergency request (SMS, voice, etc).
The design and implementation of the second pro- In the following section the details of the implemen-
totype of the SOSPhone had major changes in order tation of the prototypes are presented and discussed.
to include the requirements gathered from the users’
evaluation. The evaluation of this prototype was per-
formed by conducting interviews with deaf users in the
International Day of the Deaf 2011. This evaluation is 5 Application Prototypes
further detailed in Section 6.
As the results of the evaluation reveal a satisfac- The development of prototypes of the application served
tion of the users with the application and did not re- to make successive refinements of a solution for uni-
quire many adaptations, the same prototype was used versal access to emergency services, and support for
in order to evaluate the possible integration in the Por- the several evaluations carried out. Following a spi-
tuguese emergency service. ral methodology, previously presented, three versions
As mentioned earlier several meetings and inter- of the prototype were developed. The development pro-
views were carried out with the responsible for emer- cess was associated with an analysis and the resulting
gency services in Portugal, namely ANPC, police/ evolution of application requirements.
and INEM. This evaluation phase, originally planned Briefly, the implemented solution seeks to explore an
for phase 3, was included in phase 2. The analysis of interface that draws on icons for describing an emer-
the interviews and meetings allowed to include the fol- gency situation. The application flow is ruled by the
lowing requirements: protocol defined by the emergency services for emer-
gency occurrence data collection. The communication
– Activation of the application: despite the registra- between the caller and the PSAP is performed using
tion of the user, the application should be activated one SMS message which is encoded throughout the de-
in order to be used (R3-1); scription of the occurrence and includes location infor-
– Bi-directional communication channel establishment mation provided by the device. Figure 2 shows some
between the user and the PSAP after the report of screenshots of the application in the various phases of
the emergency situation (R3-2); the prototype.
– Definition of extra mechanisms to detect false call,
The implementation of each version of the prototype
based on automatic analysis of the description upon
had special features associated with the objectives of
standard workflows (R3-3).
subsequent evaluations, so in the following subsections
12 os-ww-monthly- some of the details of implementation and architectural
201202-201202-bar design of the solution are presented and discussed.
8 Hugo Paredes et al.

Fig. 2 Mobile application prototypes: phase 1 (left), phase 2 (center), phase 3 (right).

5.1 Phase 1 Prototype ure 2), allowing an enhanced usage by people with low
The main goal of the generic users’ evaluation phase
Regarding the implementation of the embedded emer-
was to evaluate the receptivity of groups of users to the
gency flow protocol (R1-3), a simple example of a pro-
proposed solution. The presented requirements for this
tocol was implemented, in order to allow the interaction
phase were evaluated in order to implement only the
with the application in a selected set of emergency situ-
features related with the user interface. This approach
ations. The implementation of the emergency protocol
allowed a fast development of the prototype focusing
flow resorts to conditional switch-case structures.
on the evaluation process. Therefore the developed ap-
plication prototype included the implementation of all In order to ensure the low bandwidth communi-
requirements, and a partial implementation of R1-3 – cation with the emergency control center (R1-4) the
Embedded emergency flow protocol. The restrictions prototype sends an SMS message. The message is lim-
added to the implementation of R1-3 were in order to ited to 160 characters and has 3 fields: emergency oc-
simplify the emergency protocol and to embed it in the currence code; user data; and geographic information
source code of the application without the perception (Figure 3). The emergency occurrence code is gener-
of the user to this decision. ated through the interaction process with the user de-
The technological option for the implementation was scribing the emergency situation. It is based on letters
the Windows Phone 7 (WP7) platform, as it provides a and digits that represent each selection of options (each
basic set of hardware requirements that include assisted interaction screen is limited to 10 options in order to
GPS, compass and capacitive, 4-point multi-touch screen. allow multiple selection). The user registration data is
These requirements allow a direct implementation of included in the user data field, respectively name, age
requirements R1-2 and R1-4. Moreover, the choice of and social security number. When available through the
WP7 platform for the development of the first proto- embedded GPS, location information (R1-5) is also in-
type was concerned with the skills of the development cluded in the SMS message, in the geographic informa-
team for rapid prototyping and the availability of mo- tion field, which is optional. The encoded message is
bile devices for the user experiments. sent to the PSAP SMS center that decodes its contents
According to the requirements for the application, and processes the data in order to supply it to the oper-
the iconographic interface (R1-1) was implemented us- ator through the PSAP information system as an usual
ing icons from reference symbology and taking into con- new occurrence screen.
sideration the mobile web application best practices13
and the essentials for cross-disability accessible cell pho-
nes14 . The icons were grouped in several emergency sit-
uations according to occurrence severeness, so the dis-
play is not overloaded with too much information (Fig-

essentials/index.php Fig. 3 Structure of SOSPhone SMS message
SOSPhone: a mobile application for emergency calls 9

Finally, the user registration (R1-6, R1-7) is per- be a user interface, defined by an associated file, or an
formed when the application is executed for the first action described by a class, method and parameters.
time and is mandatory. Usually a mobile phone is per- Transitions are a tuple (to, from) where the origin is an
sonal, so the registration data will be only gathered icon of the user interface and the destination is a state
once. However, the registration data can be changed in (interface or action). Moreover, transitions also include
the last step of the emergency call, before sending the a transition code that is used for the encoding of the
SMS message. occurrence description.
In this phase of development there was the need to
redesign the interface and adapt the icons (R2-3) in
5.2 Phase 2 Prototype order to ensure a more reliable representation of the
situations that they meant to describe. The design evo-
Based on the methodology defined and on the require- lution at the user interface level is discernible in Figure
ments specified for the implementation of the proto- 2. Moreover, the flows were also suited to the needs re-
type, two substantive decisions were taken at the be- ported by users in the experiments and three types of
ginning of this phase: (1) change of the prototype de- emergency were introduced: panic - request immediate
velopment platform; (2) redesign of the architecture of help; personal emergency - a situation that involves the
the solution reflecting all requirements and including person himself; and emergency with others - in which
the embedded emergency flow protocol (R1-3). Chang- the individuals involved are people other than the user.
ing the development platform was due to two factors, Each of these situations has been associated with a spe-
one of which was a deciding factor: the accessibility cific flow, reflecting the data collecting need for each
of the WP7 platform15 . The other factor is the mar- occurrence.
ket share of WP7, that currently is insignificant, when
compared with Symbian, Android and iOS. This was
reported by several users and reflected by the require- 5.3 Phase 3 Prototype
ment R2-2. Thus, and taking into account the discon-
tinuity in the development of the Symbian by Nokia16 , The last prototype was based on the version developed
the option should be on the Android or iOS platform. in the previous phase, including the amendments that
The choice rested on the Android platform given its result from the experiments reported through R3-X re-
potential growth, and the flexibility of integration with quirements.
system solutions in the face of iOS counterpart. In what The requirements identified required changes at the
concerns the redesign of the architecture, the genesis of application startup level in order to support the ap-
the decision was the need to reimplement the proto- plication activation by registered users (R3-1). Reg-
type for the Android platform and the requirement for istration is a process that should be associated with
including support for dynamic adaptation of emergency the emergency services infrastructure, maintaining a
flows protocols (R1-3 and R2-1). The defined architec- database with information of which users can use the
ture has then as objectives the support requirements application and their device ID/phone number. The ac-
implemented in phase 1, and the inclusion of mecha- tivation solution is similar to that used in mobile bank-
nisms that allow the definition of flows declaratively ing applications that require sending an SMS within
and dynamic, without changing the application source the application for registration and an authorization
code. It is also a requirement that the architecture is ticket is sent, which is then used in all communications
flexible enough to allow the adaptation of flows us- between the application and the system. Thus, it was
ing dynamic in application updates via data networks included an initial interface, allowing users in the first
(3G/Wi-Fi). To ensure those requirements, the applica- use of the application to require its activation.
tion data is internally represented by the lingua franca At the end of the interactive description of the oc-
for exchanging information - XML - allowing the on- currence, in the ’send SOS’ user interface, support to
application update of protocols using data networks. the creation of a bi-directional channel of communi-
The emergency flow protocol is defined according to cation between the user and the PSAP was included,
the XML Schema shown in Figure 4. Generally a pro- which is activated after transmission of the descrip-
tocol is a set of states and transitions. The states may tion of the situation (R3-2). This feature, known as live
chat is similar to an instant messaging service (in asyn-
15 chronous mode), and its backend communication is pro-
16 vided by the exchange of SMS messages. The messages
Blogs/blog/nokia-developer-news/2011/03/25/open-letter- are limited to 160 characters in order to avoid frag-
to-developer-community mentation and therefore implementation of extra part
10 Hugo Paredes et al.

Fig. 4 Emergency flow protocol XML Schema

mechanisms in the infrastructure of emergency services. Those experiments with groups G1 and G2 (see Fig-
The service interface is shown in Figure 2. ure 5), that fit in Phase 1 of the evaluation process,
Finally, and according to information of emergency yielded a total of 198 records of simulated emergency
services, the type of emergency ’panic’ was removed situations that allowed 100 distinct users to try the
from the options. In addition, validation mechanisms SOSPhone application. These records contain informa-
for emergency requests were studied (R3-3). Therefore, tion about the time necessary to complete the emer-
the description of an occurrence could include contra- gency request, as well as the successfulness of the ex-
dictory information, and based on this information, the periment (correct identification of the emergency situ-
infrastructure of the emergency services, through pre- ation). The overall statistics indicate a 37.4% of unsuc-
processing of the message, could establish a communi- cessful experiments, which were mainly due to difficul-
cation channel, in the cases were doubts concerning the ties in identifying the situation through the icons, as
veracity of the occurrence exist. can be seen in the more detailed results that will be
presented further in this section. Moreover, the average
time necessary to complete the call was 51 seconds, with
a minimum of 10 seconds and a maximum of 3 minutes.
6 User Experiments These values are just indicative because the real flow of
questions to be presented to the user in a production
In order to assess the users’ receptivity to the appli-
environment is slightly different from the one used in
cation, and following the research methodology men-
the prototype and can even have differences depending
tioned before, we carried out a set of users’ experiments
on the country in which the application is to be used.
in different situations with potentially different types of
Nevertheless, these values envision a short time for in-
users. For this purpose we selected 4 groups:
teracting successfully with the emergency authorities,
– G1 – academic users (students and staff): this was which will allow a fast response.
the first group of 30 users, that served as beta testers; Experiments with group G3 were carried out during
– G2 – shopping mall passersby: this was a more het- a stage of one week in a hospital, as a supplemental for
erogeneous group of 70 users, which gave us the op- Phase 1 of the evaluation process, in order to gather
portunity to test the application with more people some information from the people that deal with med-
and with several conditions - without any disability, ical emergency situations on a daily basis. During this
disabled or elder people; stage, it was possible to present the SOSPhone to doc-
– G3 – health services professionals: the users were tors and nurses of the Emergency Room (ER), who gave
an undefined number of hospital doctors and nurses qualitative information about using the application and
and an emergency team; some advice on how to improve it. No quantitative in-
– G4 – deaf association: the users were deaf people formation was recorded due to the busy context of the
and thus potential recipients of the application. ER that required a more informal and unstructured ap-
SOSPhone: a mobile application for emergency calls 11

lected with groups G1, G2 and G3. At the time this

paper is being written, the authors are planning fur-
ther experiments with a group of deaf people, this time
in a controlled environment that allows the structured
collection of quantitative and qualitative data.

Fig. 5 G2 experiments

proach to the collection of information, and subject to

Fig. 6 G4 experiments. Frame taken from video available in
the rare moments of calm these professionals have. Nev- SOSPhone Facebook -
ertheless, it was possible to collect important impres-
sions from them, among which the most significant are:
– Include consciousness status in every situation
– Indicate the victims’ breathing status 6.1 Academic users (G1)
– In case of wounds and fractures, indicate if victim
has fever The users’ experiments with group G1 consisted of us-
– In case of strokes, indicate if the victim is able to ing the application in four hypothetical scenarios (de-
speak scribed textually) that tried to incorporate different
– In case of fall, indicate its cause emergency situations and the associated selections that
– For mild cases, include indication for going to an must be done in the application, resulting in a message
ER instead of requesting an ambulance being sent to a simulated emergency center:
– Include an icon symbolizing shortness of breath – S1: one boy and one girl presenting serious distur-
– Allow defining a meeting point or describing a refer- bances resulting from excess of alcohol;
ence point, when location information is not present – S2: one person with sudden shortness of breath,
or is not enough detailed chest pain and rapid heartbeat;
The experiments with group G4 (Figure 6), consti- – S3: a mid-aged person with sudden faint;
tuting a preliminary Phase 2 evaluation, were carried – S1R: repetition of S1, because in the first time the
out during the celebration of the International Day of users were still adapting to the interface and thus
the Deaf 2011, organized by the Portuguese Federation this repetition would assess the same scenario in a
of Deaf Associations and that had about 500 partici- situation where the user was already more used with
pants. The celebration nature of this event, which oc- the application.
curred mainly as a march followed by a lunch in a city During the tests the users answered a small ques-
park, the high number of participants and the nonverbal tionnaire asking simple questions about how easy they
communication required, made it hard to collect struc- found the application to use, scoring its overall per-
tured data, which could be easily erroneous. However, ception of the quality of the application and option-
the impressions collected with the deaf users, with the ally giving suggestions for improvement. The person in
aid of a sign language interpreter, were very enthusias- charge of conducting the tests also annotated the time
tic, with the application being unanimously considered required to complete every scenario and the correctness
as extremely useful and with the deaf showing interest in completing the task. The G1 test was conducted with
in acquiring it immediately, even if they had to buy a 30 users with ages ranging from 18 to 62 years old, in
new cellphone for this purpose. Indeed, this shows how which they completed 117 emergency requests (one user
much this solution is valuable for the deaf, even when it completed only S1), and the results are summarized in
is a prototype still requiring some improvements. Nev- Table 1.
ertheless, the prototype was a new version, with new The analysis of the results reveals that in scenar-
icons and some changes reflecting the information col- ios S1 and S1R (repetition of S1) it was hard for the
12 Hugo Paredes et al.

Table 1 Summary of results for G1 group The passersby that agreed to make the test were
asked to identify the problem that they were watching
Scenario S1 S2 S3 S1R in the video display and request emergency assistance
Number of calls 7 25 24 12 accordingly. The users were also asked to answer simple
completed (35%) (86,2%) (82,8%) (41,4%)
questions about how easy they found the application
Average time to 1:33 0:45 0:40 0:45 to use, scoring its overall perception of the quality of
complete the call the application and optionally giving suggestions for
(min:sec) improvement. The time required to complete the task
and the correctness in completing it were also recorded.
There were a total of 70 users that tested 81 situations,
users to identify the intoxication icon with an alcoholic because a few users wanted to try more than once. The
problem. This is an important result that will enable us results are summarized in Table 2.
to modify the iconographic language to make it more Once again, scenario S1 obtained a poor perfor-
intuitive. For scenarios S2 and S3 the results were very mance in terms of correctness. Scenario S3 also has
similar, with the majority of the users being able to shown a high percentage of incorrect identifications,
complete the call successfully. The average time spent which did not occur with group G1. This difference can
to complete the call was higher in the first scenario, be explained by the fact that in G1 the scenario was
which is due to the impact of first use, but then it de- concisely described, while in G2 the acting introduced
creased to about half that time in subsequent scenarios, contextual elements that might have confused the users
even in the repetition one (S1R). Not surprisingly, the – because the faint occurred in a bar it was sometimes
maximum time required to complete the task was 3 confused with alcohol intoxication. The other four sce-
minutes in scenario S1, and the minimum was just 15 narios achieved better results.
seconds in S1R. The video that was passing in the display included
Regarding the qualitative assessment of the appli- also short demonstrations of the usage of the applica-
cations by the users, they were asked to classify it as tion. The purpose of these short demonstrations was to
“Very Bad”, “Bad”, “Reasonable”, “Good” or “Very provide the users with a sight on how to use the ap-
Good”. From the 30 respondents of the questionnaire,17 plication, since it was not possible to have preliminary
considered it as “Very Good”, 12 as “Good” and 1 as training sessions and the prototype still did not embed
“Reasonable”. This is a promising result that can be any tutorial. This option seems to have influenced the
improved with the corrections that can be made with results in terms of the time required to complete the
the collected feedback. We also asked the users to give requests, because the average time is similar in all sce-
us suggestions on how to improve the application and narios and improved comparatively to group G1. This
3 arise to be important: change the intoxication icon to average time is less than a minute in all scenarios, which
include clearly the situation of excess of alcohol; iden- is also a promising result. The minimum time was just
tify if the victim is the phone owner; and identify if 10 seconds (curiously in the S3 scenario) and the max-
there’s bleeding. imum was 2 minutes and 5 seconds.

7 Conclusions and Future Work

6.2 Passersby in a shopping mall (G2)
This paper presented a prototype of a mobile appli-
For the group G2 we adopted a total of 6 scenarios, cation, named SOSPhone, that enables making emer-
without the repeated S1R, because we did not want gency calls without audio communication, by selecting
to request passersby’s attention for a long time and so icons in a touchscreen mobile device. This application
decided to present a random situation to each person. has potential to be particularly important for deaf and
The scenarios were small movies performed by actresses elder people, as well as in situations of panic or some
that were being exhibited in loop in a video display. The other sudden incident that makes it difficult to articu-
3 scenarios from G1 were the same and the others were: late speech.
The development process, following a design science
– S4: two people suffer a running over accident; approach, included 3 phases of evaluation that gath-
– S5: a person with cramps, shortness of breath and ered information on the usage of the application by
nausea shortly after a meal; more than 100 users. These evaluation phases included
– S6: in a cafe, an extremely hot pot of water fell on quantitative tests with over 100 beta testers that en-
the skin. abled collecting preliminary information that was im-
SOSPhone: a mobile application for emergency calls 13

Table 2 Summary of results for G2 group

Scenario S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Number of calls completed correctly 5 5 6 13 15 12
(31.3%) (71.4%) (50%) (100%) (75%) (92.3%)
Average time to complete the call (min:sec) 0:47 0:51 0:43 0:38 0:50 0:41

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