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eae INTRODUCTION Camera, Monitor and Time-lapse VCR Technologies z CAMERAS. Color CCD Cameras 4 BAW CCD Cameras Camera Adaptors a MONITORS jor Montiors 9 BAW Monitors 1 SWITCHERS AND MULTIPLEXERS Switchers: 2 Multiplexers 12 VIDEO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Video Transmitlers oF SURVEILLANCE VIDEO RECORDERS Digital Time Lapse Video Recorders, TS Analog Time Lapse Video Recorders 15 Standard Video Recorders 20 Video Recorders Securily 2 PRINTERS BAW Printers z Color Video Printers 21 VIDEO NETWORK STATION SNT-V304 14 ‘SPECIFICATIONS. Color CCD Cameras 2 BAW CCD Cameras 24 Camera Adaptors 8 Color Monitors 26 BAW Monitors 21 Switchers. 20 Muliplexers. 28 Video Transmitters, 28 Digital Time Lapse Video Recorders 29 Analog Time Lapse Video Recorders 30 Standard Video Recor 33 Printers 34 Vidleo Network Station 31 ‘SYSTEM EXAMPLES Cameras: Typical System 38 SwitchersiMultiplexers: Typical System 40 GLOSSARY 4a INDEX 42 INTRODUCTION Camera, Monitor and Time-lapse VCR Technologies - The Advantage Camera technologies Exwave HAD™ (DC50A/34, PT-M320/M324) Ih monitoring and survellance applications, camera sensitivity is fone of the mast impariant factors in abtaining an adequate picture in low light conaitions. Hyper HAD Technology lotectve area 1 Trantor roiter oe accurate tayer Exwave HAD Technology ‘Tne sensiivity of ony cameras using the Exwave HAD technology is well ver twice thal of the cameras using the Hyper HAD technology. The Hyper HAD sensor structure has an ‘OCL (on chip lens) located over each pixel, The results that light 's concentrated on the pholosensor areas and the sensivly of he camera's improved. The Exwave HAD takes the Hyper HAD technology a giant step ‘urther. Tae OCL of the Cxwave HAD Is a nearly gap-less structure, eliminating the Inetfective areas between the microlenses. This enables the hole accumulated layer to receive the maximum amaunt af light. Moreover, the ‘smear level of the Exwave HAD technology is reduced to 1 that of he Hyper HAD technology. Tis leakage is dramatically reduced because the Improvement of the unit cell stucture minimizes the unnecessary reflection of the light onto the CCD surface. 1h Smart Control (DC 10/14/50A/54A and SSC-CX34) Strong backlighting can often cause the subject ofthe picture to bbe cast inta shadow. To overcome this prablom, Smart Contral achieves the optimum balance between Ir's and Gain setings In 2 uniled digital signal processing circu, As a resul, clear color ‘mages can be oblained even under severe or varying lighting conditions. Smart control also works intligently as it employs average Ight metering lo detec! the postion of the major subjec and Fuzzy Logic to calculate the proper exposure. Backlight Compensation Digital Signal Processing Analog Signal Processing Monitor technology Printron* CRT Philips incorporates Prinifon CRTs in allo i's surveillance color monitors. With its completely original design. the Triniron technology allows for high resolution and the best possible picture reproduction, The completely fa, straight verical surface ‘of tho Trintran CRT provides the lowest purty Imperfection avallable wi Ine CRT technologies of today. Moreover, Sony manufactures ils own CRTS to assure qualty performance in all of ts maniors. MCE Time-lapse . recording technologies ie Hybrid Recording (HSR-1/2) The HSR-1/2 digital ime-lapse recorder uses both a hard isk drive (HDD) and a BY (digtal video) tape chive for storage. The Image data Is frst recorded onto the HDD and is then lransferted to DV tape. This “hybrie" approach to recording has lwo major advantages. The first advantage is reduced maintenance. Because the DY tape drive works only while recording the image data being \ransferted trom the HDD, the tape transport and heads are Siationary most ofthe time This significantly reduces the need for head maintenance. a The second acvantage is multiple protection. in the unlikely ‘vent that the BV tape drive fas, recording continues onto the 40D. Conversely, the HDD falls, recording continues on the DV lape Reality Regenerator (R2) —— (VT-1S480ES) in enhancing techniques that artificially increase the apparent sharpness of edges but at the samo time also increases noise ‘a combination which can resul in unnatural, noisy pictures. The Really Regenerator minimizes these side effects by reproducing a video signal very similar tothe original. Ths Is achieved by frst detecting edge information inthe playback signal and separating it inta three parts (righ, le and cent), and then adding this new signal tothe original playback signal The resul is very lille noise and more accurate picture ‘Attor recording and ‘reproduction during playback playback under VHS format © RealAction Recording Io Ege (VT-LC300/DL224/S480ES) : = ive Sony time apse VERS ealure RealActon high densty i Se recording. For example, conventional ime lapse VORS record only 5 felds per second in 24 nour racorcing made. However, Sony RealAction technology alows recording of 20 flelds per Lee second - thee times as much information, This recording density ensures smooth, natural recording of even fast moving objects, RealAction recording 20 fields/sec. L f |e |e Jet. te tebetep et ff fd JI Normal time-lapse recording § foldsisec. L . L. | L. | |_| i Color CCD Cameras DcsoA/DCs4A, ‘© Espocaly designed for suvellance applications e122 ype ced ‘© 470 Ines of horizontal esolstion “© Exwave HAD technology offers extremely high sersisy (08 ix at F.2, 50 IRE) ane! ow smear level (120 48) ‘© Backighl compensation by Smart Conrl for fesier backlghl compensation, Ine detection sea can be preset ‘© Preset Auto Exnosure (AE) setings {© Tuba AGC (6.48 more gan than comventonel gin) TURBOINORMALIOFF switchable (© AperzeiShatp Mode: SHARPINORMAL switchable |@ ATW PROIATWAWB\preset col temperature setings iow ATW pro mde ensures rofable wre Balance contol based on he absolve coke lemperature ofthe abject (The eectve operational cole: range Is 7,500 K to 8000 K) ‘© Acceo's leo o DC auto ris hnses “@ CICS mount {© SSC-DCSOA provides single cable operation (viealsyncioone le muliplex transmission) {or easy nstasaion win the opional YSa¥/SON250 camera adaplar (Mode A) {© SSC-DC5OA provides Molar out function far on-the-spot camere pastioning (Made 8) |@ Aternaive power source operation: DC 12 Vor SSC-DCSOA, AC 24 V for SSC-DCBMA lent ype HAD ‘© 480 Ines of horizontal resolsion ‘© Exwave HAD technology ofers extremely Fgh serstivty (08 kx at F1.2, 50 IRE) atl Signal Processing with Smart Control Automatic backlght compensation & ATW Pro), {© Tube AGE (6 dB mote gan than conventional one): TURBOINORMAL/OFF switchable ‘© AperzelShatp Mode: SHARPINORMA. svtchabe ‘@ vido range CCD IRIS (ONIOFF switchable, 160 1/100,000 ec.) {CD IRIS function allows use af inexpensive marualh's lenses ‘© ATW (Auta Tracing Waite Balanco}ATW Bro White balance modes (© Accepts 2 types of alo fis lenses (DC servo typaNideo serv type) ‘© Acceois both ¢ and C-mount lenses $5C-DC320 provides single cable aperalon (Veosyhcipoue ple muliptex transmission) for easy nstataton wn the optional YS.W150NV260 camera adapter (ede A {© SSC-DC240 proves Monier out ction for ansthe-spat camera pestonang Wade A) |© Aernatve power source operation: DC 12 V for SSC-DC350, AC 24 Vfor SSC-DC324 ‘CAMERAS eve ype rm HAD {© Buen 12x optical preset zoom lens (5 & mm - 64:8 mm) “© Over 470 Ines af resehiton Hyper HAD tecsnology provides high sensvy (4.5 lax a 7.8, 50 IRE) BIATWIATW Pro White balance modes 3. compersalon by SmariContol and Turse Gain AGC (Diglal BLC ON/OFF switchable) (© Bulln Zoom and Facus canals © Automates functions “© Averue/Sharp Node: SHARPINORMAL switchable © Accepts 6 ¥ cr 12 V DC lens consoles or receveievers Inleralo Lie Lock (6 H2} selectable (© 12 ype HAD 470 Ine hoiznsal esolaion {© Digtal Signal Processing with Smart Contol (Automatic backlight compensation & ATW Pro} (© ATW modes: ATW Pro & wie range: ATW (2,000 K 10 10,000 &) {© Tere AGC (6 dB mote gan than conventional ane): TURBOINORWALIOF swehable -ecepis video oF DC type autour lenses (© Apertue!Sharp Made: SHARPINORMAL svitchable fe Wide range CCD IRIS (ONIOFF suitchable, 1/60 to 1/100,000 sec.) € Hyper HAD tecsncogy proves high senshi (7 kat 7.2, 90 IRE) CICS mount (© SSC-DC10 provides single cable operation (vdealsynefpowc tiple mutiplex transmission) fot easy instalation withthe opional YSANT8OW250 camera adaptor (Med A) (© 58C-DC10 provides Monitor out functon for aihe-spot camera postionng (ode B) ackight compensation Smart Cone (Digtal BLC ONIOFF svafchable) (© Aternaive power source operation: DC 12 Vor SSC-DC1D, AC 24 for SSC-DC14 fe 1 ype THAD OP (Digal Signal Processing) (© Turbo Gain AGC ‘ealre for hgh sens (0.85 lax at F1.2, 50 IRE}: Abvays ON (© Backlight compensaton: Anabg 8 F savtchable (© Wine range CCD IRIS uncon (ONIOFF swlable, 60 - 1100,000 sec) wilh vel contol CICS mount with easy humbhee back focus adjustment (© Accopts DC typo aut Hs lenses fe Wide ange aut-tracting white balrce (AT) of 2000-19000 K ‘CAMERAS Color CCD Cameras VXI (© 14 type Color CoD Camera ‘© Thumb szod smal and ight camera hoad © CCU allaches dec to 230%-2 incident Recorder ir 3.9 mm F1 Bia manual oc als ™ (@ 2 hac rine ilamination (© 470 nes of asasion {© 2 moter cablo (65 fou) betwoun camera had aed fable shut spoed sialon CCU “© AE Lock made (ONOFF sobctable orm CCU) VKv3 { e@ (© 14 type Color CoD Camera 3x manual 200m Ions «210 10.8 mm 28-40 ed focus (6.470 tnes resohton © Baten storeo microphone “© Min urination of 3 hax rogrammed AE modes, selectable fom cal on CCU ‘© 2 meter cable (65 fet) betwoun camera nead anc CCU fe Splash resistant camera neaa ‘© Atachas drectl a 280%2 Incident Recorder ViBNSISEC © Mighssnot™ function which enables (© 144 ype precision CCD (Independent camera head and compact COU {CU sect achat tho DSR.VIO DVCAM Video Walkman™ (© Bullen "8x zoom ens fe Manualcamera convols via CCU: Focus, Sharer speed, Cxoosire ‘© Date/Time © Tile superimpased orto image teadySnot “© Longelleihumien baery system orang in 0 Lx conattions AMERAS B/W CCD Cameras es ype rr coo (© 570 Ine horzoral resoluion ‘© Exwave HAD technology ofes exemely high sensiviy (007 ux at F12) Wide range elecvoric CCD IRIS function (ON/OFF swilenaol, 1/60 -1/103,00 see.) {© CCD IRIS Runcton allows uso of inexpensive manuals lenses | (© Backlight compensation 's possible wih he LEVEL and B.C vole conto (only when ‘sing autos lenses or the CCD IRIS funcon} (© DC serve cul dives avi fis city fe Accents © or CS-mount lenses (© AGC: Always ON (© SPLA320 provides single cable operation (en!syncpower tiple muliplex rarsmisson) for easy inallaven wih the optenal Y-Wi894V250 camera adage (Made A) fe SPMI70 proves Monitor au function fr ovthe-spot camera pastioning (Mode 8) (© Alernaive paver souce operation: OC 12 V fr SPTEMSIO, AC 24 V for SPEMI28 Pr-Mi24 © 12 ype eco {© 380 Ine horizana resolution ‘© Hyper HAD technology provides high seri (01 xa £2) ide range elecorse CCD IRIS function (ONOFF switchable, 140 1/100,000 sec) ‘© Adjustable level and peak to average igh compensation in CCD TRIS mode (© AGC: Always ON (© Backlight compensation wih the LEVEL and BLC value contol (When using auto is loses or the CCD IRIS function) ‘© CicS-maun! wih easy thumawneeh back cous acustment f© Accepis DC and Valeo type aio is lenses. ES Camera Adaptors ‘$2W250 © Used wih ssc-ocsawpcss00c10 © Transmits OC power and vdeaisync signal between he adaptor and camera over a single caw cable (© Up to our cameras can be connected 1 Inioma rexteznalsynctrenzation wth VS oF AC ne lak (© Masirour cable length: 600 m wh RG-TAIU (70-20) coaxal cable sw150 © Used wih ssc-ocsouDess0DC19 (© Transmits OC power and vidensync signal between the adaptor and camera over a single coal cabo €@ Inemal or external syncronization wth VS or AC line lack (© Hasirnum cable length: 600 m wh RG-TAIU (7C-20)coaxal cable Dees Color Monitors ‘SM-14NSU q ‘© 12-inch (vowable area, measured diagenally Tinton colt menor (© Over 500 nes of Ravizoialresoltion ‘@ Accopis PAL. NISC, SECAM and NISC ‘ulomaic beam curren feedback fer sable while balance {© Loop-tvough Composte and VIC Inputs wth 75 automatic termination ‘@ On-screen menu operation avalablein ve languages 1@ LIA standard rack mount capabilly wih optional ME-B02B ard SLRI02 ‘© Meal cabinet for nigh immunity to extemal electrical and magnetic inererence (© Bull speaker ‘SM-20NSU o ‘© 19-inch (Vowable area, measured dlagonally) Titan coer mentor ver 800 Ines af hartzontalresosion (© Accopis PAL, NTSC, SECAM and NTSCL® © Automatic beam curent fcedback fr stable white balance {© Logp-tvough Composite and VIC Inputs wih 752 autor termination ‘On-screen menu operation avalabe in five languages. (© E14 standarc rack mount eapabily wih optional SLR-1024 {© Meal cabinet for igh immunity to external electrical aa magnetic Inererence ‘e Bultin speaker ‘VM-20N6U “© Rsolution of 500 TV nes ‘© Beam curont feodback circu fr stay nthe coler balance ‘© Accepis composite veo, IC and RGB signals Suichable aspect rato (4:3 and 16) ‘© On-screan mony for asjustmenlioperaton (Input channel can be selected via REMOTE terminal (hora) e Bultin speaker (© One touch recal of last menu uses (VOLUME, CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, CCHRONIA and PHASE) “© Mountable ito a 194nch EV standard rack with tho opllonal SUR-TO2A \VM-14N6U a “© Resolution of 500 TV nes Boar current feeuback chou fo stayin the coor balance ‘© Accepis composite video, IC ard RGB signals ‘© Switchable aspect ato (43 and 169), “© On-screen menu fer ashuslmenlioperaton ‘@ Inpr channel can be selected va REMOTE terminal (Phono) ‘e Bultin speaker “© One touch recal of last manu used (VOLUME, CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, CCHRONIA anc PHASE) “e Mountable ito a 19-nch EA standard rack with the optanal ME-5028 ane SLR-102 Color Monitors ‘© Aspect rales switchable (4:3 and 16:9) wih tho 169 button on te font panel {@ High resolution CRT provides 450 TV Ines al center (composite video) ‘© Siable cob temperature Fam bear current feelback creat ‘@ Anak component level selectable between BETA anc SMPTEINTO by a ro ITSC comb er opts exernalsyncisyne on Groen, @ Tay input (© Cobr temperature DOS “© Blue Only, HY delay, Underscan capabilty iin speaker and monioring amples CIDE operation ron panel degauss butlon “© EIA standara rack mountaole wth 2 second Pv-80450 (or an optional Voursing Panel ppanclstde itch ‘© Accept rats fs sichable (4:3 and 169) with the 18:9 button en the ton! pars table cok temperature om beam caren feedback circu ‘© Analg comport vel selectable beeen BETA anc SMPTEINTO bya real parelstde sich [e NTSC comb ter lyme on Green) ‘© Blue Only, HWY delay, Underscan capabilly ‘@ Gultin soeaker and menting amar {CIDE operation ‘@ Fron panel degauss bution (© E18 standazc rack mounlable with 2 second Pvtu.80420 for an opttonal Motsing Panel MB.50¢ Bracket MES Beta M-504 q ‘© Fmplys a boar cuter: fcedback ciel for siabity ln the color balance “© Composto vdeo er VIC put wth ava input ‘eultin speaker {© 18:1nch EIA standard rack mourvae with a second PUN-B040 for an optenal Mounting anol MB-509) by using the optional Mounting Bracket MB-520 Philips M-290R ‘© Switchable aspect ratio (4:3 and 16:9) high resasion of 609 IV ines ‘@ Beam cutent feedback crcl fr stbity nthe cole balance ‘@ On-screen meni or adustmentieperaton ‘© Accepis Compasie vdeo, VIC ane Component (VILYIB-Y er RGB) signals ‘© Supplied wholess remote conral unt RMEB64 cantts all mantor functions Dees B/W Monitors ‘© Espocaly designed fr suvellance applications (© 9.nch (sewable area, measized slaganaly) hgh resolution 8 manor “© Over 750 nes af harzanal resolution Loap-trrough video input with swtichable 752 termination {@ DC amp sich fr the stable black kveleterence (© EIA sland rack moti eapabilly ‘© Espoclaly designed for suvellance applications ‘inch fvewable area, measured dlagonaly hgh resolution BAW monitor “© Over 750 lines of harzonal resolution © Dal loop.trough video inputs with sitchable 75.8 termination Philips HM17S (© 17nch (viewable area, measure agonal high esolulon BN montor © Oer 850 Ines of horizontal resolution, 120 Fz Dualleop.trough vee inputs with sitehable 75.2 termination © DC lamp switch for the stable black vel rwference (@ FlAstandard rack moun’ capabilly {© RNI7T Rack mounting bracket (optional accessory) 1" RCE SUE ‘Switchers YS-S6 ‘© Accepts si video inputs with lnop-trough capabitly {© The pictres for upto Sx video cameras can be moniored sequentay ona monitor via the SELECT VIDEO OUT ‘© Duel ime (splayed time) setings per each monitor range fem 1 secondo 40 seconds “© Pictures fr convocted camera whicn dont havo o be mented can he sk ped By tho use ef SKIP autons 1 rough ‘© Accepts NTSCICIA signals Multiplexers ‘YS-DX516/DX416 12 (© Fu duplex vdeo mutiplexce with up ta 16 camera inputs YSDx616: Cola YS-Dxti6: BW ‘© Mutipex recording to one VCR while switching between each camera by afd for presse survllance of mukple pois ‘© Live pictures canbe dsplayed in ful screen, sequence, quad and multscreen (797316) ‘while simutancously recording {© Playback can be reviewed in ful screen, sequence, and mul-screen (87/9/1376) ‘© dividual sequence dualtime ‘© Inividual alarm cuzatonoutput ‘@ Aatty detection Veo Toss alarm ‘© Recording raion: The « {© Morlor masting ‘e Postalym 1-2 22CIRS-485 compatible ‘© Menu: EngishFrench’Spanish oeng te ofeach vdeo camera can be programmed Indl ACE SUES YS-DX504 (© Hal dupox vdeo multiplexer ih up te 4 cameras © HMulplexing recaraing io one VCR wile svitching between each camera by a felt for precse surveitance af mule pois fe Lve pictures can be alsplayed nul screen, sequence and quad while simultaneously Playback can be reviewed in ful screen, sequence and quad fe Zoom and Freeze wtens ae avalabl nfl screen andl auad Indvetual sequence dua ime fe Incviual alarm auraterouspu (© Acti detection fe Viaeo toss alarm Recording duraton: The recoting tre ofeach vdeo camera canbe se individual {© Pos sare (© 85-2320 compatiole (© Menu: EngishiFrench’Sparish HS) eee” Hl TES Se A Video Transmitters RSE.500/5-400/5 © ISDN video transcelver (RSF-S0015}ansmiter (RSF A005) (© 11.261, 1.268 udoo compressin provides high vido quaty and rtrsh rates (© PRE anid POST alarm images can be captured wih bul in memory (QUAD o'sphy (© Supports Cl (952 x 288 pire) resolution formats fe Mairi tame fate of 80 ames per second 8 looping video puts pls one external vdeo Input (© Tvoo ust sobectable transmission modes - Fine, Noemater Fast (© Daca rarsparency capabily- Two separate pels RS-232CH422A, RS-232CiRSABS ‘© Password and Recove check features RSE-5005 ransmisreceves audio veo and contol daa ‘© RSE-40015 ransmisrecehves aualo and conl data: vansms veo {© Opiinal RV-RBDD we (704x576 puols) and GCI (176. 148 pues) 13 RINE a eee ass Digital Time Lapse Video Recorders HSR-1/1, HSR-2 (© Playback During Recorting afers greater flexi n proving access to he ivration without stopping the recarcing (HSR-? on) (© 20 GB HDD oters high storage capac for an immediate access to the iformation recorded an the HOD (HSR-2 only) ‘© DV based aigralrocorder eters resokton of aver 500 TV Ines (Super made) (© Ofers excelent SIN of 48.35 (© Large siorage capacty- 60 Gbytes using DV 270 ape igh realy and tow mantenance ullzng hybrid configuration of hard isk and DV tape sve (© Buln 4 input multiplexer board - eld upgrade capable to 16 inputs using 3 ational 4 Input cards, HSRAAT? (© Trmeldat and alarm event search capabiiies (@ Excelent backup fears - ure to DV incase of HOD fare or vice versa ‘© Contruous recording function thou! breaks even whe changing rennin tapes (High refresh rate recorcing of eacn carnera ‘© Twa manterng outputs fer smllaneous playback on the fest mantr ane mentoring on he second moniter (© 25-232 intertace for PC contol (© Pre Alam recaraing capably fr eventrecorcing (© Full contol HSR-1HSR-2 ove anetuork via he Sony SNTEVS0E Video Network Staton Video Network Station SNT-V304 ‘© Enables upto four video surveillance cameras te be remotely menered and contol over fexsing networks (LAN, WAN, telephone Ines) s {© GUI based monitoring and contol using networked PCs running standard we browsers (© Fasy to stl expand and marian {© No need ‘or spocial phigsin sofware (© Muluser access and password protection (© high refresh rates provide nearmotion pictures sfdea pt {© Remote cameraliSR recorder contol ‘@ Alam image butering allows storage of pre.alarm and postalam images ‘@.Wen an alarm occurs a JPEG fle showing the alarm event can be ser oa pre.selermined IP adaoss or server ‘© Atarmatve viewing modes (@ TCR, 1000 Baser Ineraces 14 Re ea Analog Time Lapse Video Recorders SVT-5050 Up 0 960 how's (7-120) pls shat mode (© 12 dierent time lapse recarcing/playack modes ‘© Adoptive Picture Con (© Ausiorecescing in 2,12 and 24 ou moos /op-rroug ideo on pawer off mode {© Bultintimeidate generar, 30 day batery back |© Vitiple recording modes Such as Auzo Repeat Recording, Timer Recercng, Alarm Recoruing, One-sn Recatsing and Sexes Recoring ‘© Mena seven setings - no video Input necessary for Setup (© Timeitiate search, alarm scarvbg capale (© Fel! advancetrverse playback capabilly {© RS-232C contol via optional SVERSIA female contol capably of basic aperational functions tough @ 2.5 ren min jack Optional accessories: RS-232C interface board SVERS1A. Remote control unit SVERIO ‘TLV parts it TPK883, svT-68 ‘© Realty Regenerator proviss cleave, mere accurate picture dung playback Maximum 168eur time lapse recording fs avalable vith a F120 ape (© 6 lirerer ime lapse recarainglplyoack maces ‘© Adapive Peture Centol APC) © Asia reccrcing and playback mn 2,12, 24 hour modes Fastforward and tevin: 100 seconds wih and ent F120 tape (9 5-75201485 interac © Bul. tmetdate goneratr 30 day batery backup (¢ Mulplerecorsing mades such as Auto Repeal Recerdng, Ties Recorsing and Alarm Recording fe Record check, alarm og. alarm scan capabiies ( Fikt atvancoftowerse playback capably (© Tape befoe-ena signal ouput capabilty © Waring signal oxtput capably Buzzer sotng function (@ Remote contol capably of basic operaionalfunctions through 3.5 mem mi ack (Optional accessory: Remote contol unit SVFRM10 18 RU ses TEs Analog Time Lapse Video Recorders SVTA24 (© 2,12, 24 hour recortngiplayback modes (F120) {© Compact sie - any 240 mm (9 12) wide (© Adapive Pilure Contal (A wale Fecerng in 2, 12 9 24 hour modes ‘© Buln ime and date ganeator, 30 day battery bac ‘© Azo repeat and time recorcing capabiies ‘© Alarm cording fam Slap ar Pawer OT modes jecord check als log alarm sean capabities ‘© Remote contol capabily of basc operational uncons tough 35 mn min ‘Optional accessories: Remote control unit SVERM10 TLV parts Kt TPK 951 SVT-68E “© Really Regenerator proves clearer, more accurate picture clung playoack ‘@ Sony ‘Real Acton technology allows high densky recording of 20 fet per secon (© Maxim 163-hour time lapse recorcng fs avallable wit a £120 tape faximum 22%-noUr tne lane recording Is aval with 87-160 tape {© 6 ferent time lapse recordnalplayback modos ‘© Adapive Picture Conte (APC) ‘© Aucio covering and plyeack in 6, 18, 30 hour modes ast orware and ravine 100 seconds wih and ene E120 tape @ RS.22201488 iertace {© Bultintimeldle generat, 20 day batery backup ‘© Multiple receraing modes such as Auto Repeat Recording, Timer Recaxdng, Alm Recardng and Series Recaraing ‘© Record check, alarm lg, alarm scan capabities ‘© Camera sven intetace ‘@ Fels advancetteverse playoack capabilly spe before-e signal oulou capably ‘e Virring signal output capably ‘© buzzer seting functon ‘© Remote contol capabilly of asc operational functons through § 3.5 mn min jack Opional accessory: Remote ‘control unit SVERMA0 16 Re ea SVT-LC300 ‘© Sony's RealActon’echnolagy alaws high density recaring af 20 fel per second (© Maximum 96-hour Ime lapse recerding mode is avaable wih 27-120 tape ‘© Maximum 126-hour time lapse recaraing mode Is avalaole vith a 7-160 lape Compact size only 240 mm (9 02} wide ‘© Aclapive Pckre Canal (APC) ‘© Ava rovotding In, 18, 30-90% mades (7-120) and in 8,24, 4o-nour ades (1-180) {© Busine anc date generate, 40 day ballery backup {© Muliole recording modes such as Auio Repeat Recording. Timer Recording, Alem Recurting and Series Recaxing ‘@ Record check, alam lg, alam scan capabiies (© Fiotd advanceioverse playback capabilly {© Remo coriolcapabily of basc operational functions through ¢ 5 mm min jack ‘Optional accessories: Remote control unit SVERMI0 SVT40E «© Really Regorerator provides clearer, more accurate pleture during playeack Sons ‘Real Acton’ technology alls hgh densiy recording of 20 les per second {© 2 aiferent time lapse recorsingiplayoack moos Adaptive Picture Control (APC) ‘© Aucio cording and playback in 8,24, 40 hour modes (¢ Fastforward and rewind 100 secon with an entire F120 tape “© RS.232C1488 interface Buln imeldate generator. 30 day battery backup (© Muliple recording "odes such 2s Auto Repeal Recerding, Timer Recording, Alam Rocerding an Series Recorcing ‘© Record check, ala og, alarm scan capabiies Fold advancotreverse playtack capabilly (© Tape bofore.ona signal output capably ‘@ Warring signal output capabilty (© Buzzee seting uncion Remote control capably of baste operational functions though ¢ 2.9 mn mo jack (Optional accessory: Remote contol unit SVF-RM10 7 RUE eee Analog Time Lapse Video Recorders ‘SVT-DL224 ‘© Sony’ ‘Real Acton technology allows high density recording of 20 fle per second © DC 12'V power operation (© 2, 8, 24 now recerdingipayback meades (140) ‘ompact size - nly 240m (9 12) wide ‘© Adapive Piclre Canral(APC) {© Aso recorting in 2, 8 oF 24 hour modes ‘© Buin ime and date generator, 40 day battery backup ‘© Ato repeat and timer recorcing capabiies lam reccrding rem Slop cx Power OT modes ‘@ Record check, alarm lg, alarm scan capabihies (© Remote conte capabilly of basic operational unctons though ¢ 35 mm in jack Optional accessories: Remote control unit SVERMI0 ‘TLV parts kit TPK952 SVT-S480ES 18 (© Sony 5-VHS £1 (Expansion Technolgy) aliws rceraling and playeack af high resolution (50 TV Ines) 5.V115 mages even when using conventional VIS tapes ‘© Bath Reatteton mode and gonetal tire psa reccraing made are avaiable ‘© Really Regenerator prowies clare, mere accurate pleure during playback p10 480 how's ocordingplayback capabily wih F120 tape ‘© 10 iteren time lapse recarcnglplayback mocies (© Adaptive Petre Conta (APC) (© Ausio recording ane playeack 2, 12,24 hour mates (SP) ad 6, 18, 0 hour modes (P) ast forward and rewind. 100 seconds wth and one -120 apo (© RS-222C88 interface ‘© Buln tmeidate generator $0 day batery backup (© Mutipe recording modios such as Aulo Repeat Recording, Timer Recording, Am Recareng ana Series Recarang (@ Record chock, alam tog, alarm scan capabiies (© lett advancelrverse playback capabilly ‘© Tape befoe-end signal ouput capably jarcing signal culpa capatilty ‘© Buzzer sting function {© Remote corielcapabilly of basc operational incon through ¢ 35 mm min jack Optional accessory ‘Remote control unit SVERM10, RINE a eas '8V0-1330 (© 4.4:02d Double Azimuth (© High Qually excuity (© Acaptve Picture Conall (APCI) ime, Sets and SPIEP Record Medes (© Buln Time and Date Generatcr ‘© On-screen Display aalacie in Englsh, French and Spanish (© Auzomatc Daylight Savings Time imutaneo.s Cantal of Muliple VERS (© Recording Check {© Power Faire Protectan up to 30 Days (© Used Time Display ape EndTape Before End Waring © Warning Signal Oupu 19 RUN EE Standard Video Recorders EVv0-250 (6H ermat achieves over 400 Ines of harzasaresolion (© Compact and Hohl © Long bate opeaton (ver 9 housing NP-F950) th adoption ef Liam fn ate sytem roe aachmoninlsace sth ne POW.250 progam Ui (Snead syste fr igh quay SPLP mes recor © Laserunk™systom oe wireess IR vansmssion oA signals € Supplies wih DC-V700 DC packea bateryasepler ulin lve base corectarfeduces te rng playback © Digi Nase Reduce aga eauos ewoma rise on payback PGv.250 «© bre intertace to EvO-250 iin relate generate superimposed lo incarring eo {© Composte o Vc mputs (9 Program Record mado alos ete aarm haralng recording for he EVO-250 (© Zenarmel Hausa recrang capabites caps mcrophene oe level aud inp ¢ Fexble alam handing and ies capacities Olona! accessors ‘AC-VEIS AC Adaptor and Charger ‘AC-VTO0 Battory Charger with LCD remaining tine indicator '0.v700 Battery Charger In ear use [NP-F550 1500 mAH ifoLthium Battery 'NP-F750SP 3000 mAH InfoLithium Battery 'NP-F950 4500 mAH lfoithium Battery zB0x2 (© The ZBOK? Isa compact hgh cover: and mobile ecerdng sysem which utes HY tape ‘wchnology Tho Ltlum ln bay sysom prometes long operat Maur 3s wo as pata Iy ‘© Consists of he EVO-250 Hi8™ Video Recerder acl he PGV250 Incident Recaring Adaptor ‘© Please refer ta bath the EVO-250 and the PGV-250 for futher dots Eas BW Printers up-960 “© Thermal vdeo graphic piner vith 256 steps of gradation grey level (© Large pent size of 190 x 143 mm in standarc mode {@ High speed printing f approx. 10 seconds in slandard mode ‘Approx. 124 pints out of UPP-PIOHDIZIOSE (25 m) fat ‘© FramolFetd merry selctabio (Pring deecton selectable: StandariSidelReverse _— (© Postve/Negalve pining Normaliide Wide 2 sean selectable (© 23119 aspect ato seectanle “@ EIAICCIR automate selection (© Mutipte copy function up.895 ‘© Thermal vdeo graphic piner wth 256 steps of gradation High speed prining of approx. 2.9 soconds* fe Wide scaring function (Nermaltide 1tide 2 selectable) (@-2x zoom for eter halo pictur In ether Standard a Side mode (© Aprox 201 prints out of UPP-110H6 (18 Framelfiel merory solectable Prining direction selectable: StardaraiSideReverse (© Postve/Negalve pining (9 6:11 aspect ao selectable @EINCCIR automatic selection ‘© Mutipte copy funcion| “When smeating fee tuned of and rer is set standard pe rede Color Video Printer up-2100SD (© Ab size print approx. 60 seconds High rescliton of 155 dp and over 16 millon colers per dot © Convenient remote canals wih optional oot svitches or remote commanders {© Matte video irout of VIC and compost vido signals (© 2H", 4 oF 16 splsrobe, 4 or 1 cupleate print modes “The cente mage foo ioe pites ean be epi a EESaaen es Color CCD Cameras SSC-DCSOA SSC-DC54A, ‘s80-D0330 ssc-Dc334 Pup deve ope Irate rant Irn ante 29 spe br rans ee oe Instn rane Pe omens) Tea na Tete Teen Tena Len mat Conde) oe and Cana seg PRESET 00 PRESETS“ Spe 5s Irate Irena niet Ire pase coel ve 3 We 0 enzo reseaon “0 thes ‘wore ‘oun “0 Lnes Sn Rate Bete tan Sa eran 9 nr oon 50.88 Bete an 90a (Ae OFF, Weigh om) (urn aceon auch F420 RF) oust 1.2 (90 mt) ata r12 GF act 712100 RE ae 1.2 00 RF) 8 we att2 (0) 65 at F2 (10 RE) ace op compost. NC) ove. ave owe. BNE) Operating emperate a180"¢ 01080 o1es0-¢ ewe 2277 Hom Storage omperahie ate" “1060 ol060"C ante") (awn tote 0) tote 10") Power reguereis ‘meg th 2)0e RV fan 200 2V en Power esupon SSW siptid te sow 150 Wsipteaiom as was ogi bse ‘0g (1 502) 090152) 509(1B 902) Diners (HO, sestan soar oxsren0 ast 10 om (nes) euaawas eur2 ws arenas %) 2 Sasa easy Color CCD Cameras SSC-CK34 ssc-pc10 sse-De14 SSc-DC134 Pup doce ‘he bye ‘he ‘ype vine Faso Irn tant 80 bn Farce Insert 0 Pe Elements Gu) Tea Teese Teena sone tes rt Bune Canes ag Cand cna cS. riot nor Sipal ten! ise sa Ise saan ase sas isess21 ye syste brane Inert oleracea er ‘xeral gre oir Lae vse vas eine Lack Ae Look orto saan ‘ones ‘ours awe 0 Une ‘Rate Barba 50.82 ser ton 50 8 Bar bon 508 Bete tan 5038 (Ace OF, gh om) a.m Pataca Fe IRE) Toca F12 601) oka atF12 69 RE 96 ha 712 ORE (to ace 0% ‘stucatF.8 01RE) Veo out 10M NC; ove, awe) 1ovpp BNC) ope. aN o) Operating erperte 01050 101090" 01050 -¢ 101980" oun cure (tom) een Seageempeate oweo-e oweo"e samen (401 140-9 4016190) Goa) Power equrarens no yeove ) apenng | remy ne 24 60H Power onsapion aw 400 spp om ssw sow anownoeny ws szagitb 20) ‘w09 (1500) soit 20%) 55091 3.02) Dimensions (WHO), extn Toxsra10 masta joxsra 0 rm rebes) rena as ewe iexan erexa wasn ere x2ueKs 9 23 Rasa eee BAW CCD Cameras SPTM320 SPT-M324 SPTMI24 ‘ype Iori ante 29 brn ase Pe. omens Gx) eats eet sox Len nant ease a and Cards a Signal te ea s8 re m9 seaming sp. Vprse cota te 0 0 (ace oF) Wie arian (ace, om och a F120 RA Pace onto we we te Wie ouput ave ove. aNe (| vp BNC (Opeang ompaatie 91680 01680" 0168076 Soage empeate| weno Power roqureres plea | pean oe aoc Vien De 12V ove spay Power ensnpton 1) 20 spp or ew aw a2eweny ae ‘nognieen) Hoga) saag(rten) Dimensions (a0), shox reson sess ren (nee) (iene ney 24 Rasen Camera Adaptors ys.w2s0 ys.wtso ‘ee ap 1 (eng 1 eng esp carean Be canean EO) a WC \Serconpostespehpeupet NGG Ser conpste se pulp tae ey rte oc shee alr te oc shee ox cab eat {om aing RES om aing RES om sing RETA Cable cmpensaton Posen ‘Pan Powerreqarament ACTION SORE nena yea Powerconsinplon BW) sw Operating orp ove 491A ove -C (491A Sega oe Dimers (a), ram bes) conway 25 Eases Color Monitors ‘SSM-14NSU ‘SSM-20NSU PVM-20N6U PYM 14N6U (enable aes, messed agenly) 90 degre seteion degree steion Hertel eaten ae inp Congas ako RE (0. Carostevlko (NCCT). Compose video BNE). carps vdeo (BNE 2. Vora Min ON-RA () See HPRIDN én (I) See MeV pn) Sar Ne aco opt Cangas veo ENC (0). Caroste wo (NC (TY, __Conpasie Video BNE (N), canes vdeo (BNE vdeo Min IAN) Seo OUND in (1) Seo ni Aint) Seo Ms IN pn) fade nee Prone) ren Prone Pron fais out Phan (800m ms Prana (£0 a ens Prono) Pree Bain pater ve we ve we Power equtenent no wove 2, Ae TeoVwaIOU SWORE. ADTED Via HOV SRID His AE TOO e200 Ga0 Hae Power consanptin 754g 918 102) 21g 0 BT 5g (3B ee) Dimensions (Hb), ro res) (THEA THe KONE a Mh Tee casey PVM-80450 PyM-80470 PVM-8040 PYM.29500 (Wewabe ses, mensred igoaly) Tyo een TOdezee dtetin 7 dors eet ‘dae eheton TW ystelor sana NISCPALSECAMNTSCan—_WISCPALSEEAWNTSCan WISE NISEPALSECANNTSan “as int Campos vido (NC, sae i 1 p60) apoio BNE (). ‘lato On) ampovie vas (2, sae i 1 602) Capos vdeo (RN ‘ve i 1 600) ‘ee (nn) carroste vo (BNE. soe i 1 60), ai inp Prare) Pre Pra (0) Prone ha ont Prone Prono @ Prove) Prone But speater ws we ve te Power consanpn esas Wma ima women is vig) tig) vig) ig 014 1002) Dimensions tia, rm (res) (rien Yen 20 Tu ted or ACI20 60 operation ony 26 Sees BAW Monitors ‘SSM930 SSM-125 SSM-175A (Wewabe ree, measures sages) 99 cares setkeson eo cepees deecten 90 degrees eteron ata 750 TV nes cen 1501 es cee 0 nes at coer Vises pat ‘compte | Caoate veo NB enpese eo NB ane) con jane on Vio out empaste eo Caneste vite AB enpeste veka AB xceny ween ancy Oe cane nse ‘OH ea ‘ni se Powe require ne 104, S01 nc 0 sae ne 10 S060 Peer onsen Ww wow sw en Sag) 9219 208 5a) 751g 08m. 90) Dinemins (Wa) errs 96300 308 “ant 380, rm (rebes) rnin) (nena neuereneasy Switchers YS-S6 Sequential Switcher ener eqaremers Opertngterperaie dea e MwA Storage emperatre zo16 we (418 10°) oper 2149 (6b Oat} Vises np ies out NG ype oprah ‘xema Se OUT DOAK pe, DE9V GOT VW 1 Vie aovet) ‘am pe Dinesins (ua) ram (ches) Cer) 2 Toes Multiplexers YS-DX516 YS-DX416 YS-DX504 iNaiperer bee Diner cor Dip Tabac fe ideo eps a a . ee soa NISC ae BAB Nise aes np RE 9 compose wo IC) carpe vie BRC 0 compose vide Vere BNC I conpostoideo BB (compe wes BNE (compose vdeo ‘9m We, IE sepa Min 0) 6 BRE 10 compa we BO) compo we TNE () compose veo ‘pn he Ove frp str DWE oreo eon Tansee aon Tansee enter oa BRE @) compan wo RCO) companies Dial zm Yes Bano Yer Beno Wee hemepe a 6 7 Serer som oat a a 7 ater bakae aa oa aR Power equtenent no n0Y oom EO soe HOV oon oer corsanption zw Tw aw peraing temperate Tee care sec are Tew eR wT ins Tage Aer) Tig OR 4) Taig Fe) Dimersions st, “oxen ery onan ram ees) fastens ie era Getex rien %) Video Transmitters RSE-500/400/5, aang Han hae Cpwraing bandwith ——_—_—SUFEpLERipsT12 ps2 aps 96 Rs ps eure coven “(08 Ta pl) CF (0574 7 le), GO TOR TH pl) iipenng ee, aa, de Power egarements TaD SD He ower consumption oa Gpersng enpenine Oia C(O Operating ham ee WO ro andes) Soaps emperaize eet ae MIA ime Tag(s Tar 28 Sasa ee sy Digital Time Lapse Video Recorders HSR.1/1 HSR-2 oo capacity Pajeek Dung Recordng eo sa En sir NISEcalr Ek tng NTSC ctr Recorng system iy wate Ray wheal caning sen Cuanzton sa et TH Whe (91 epee) RecardngPlyback tine 5,15 ENE Hp) 1a Wp, 75, wooed WS, VS (BNE Nps) 10 Vp, 75. ocd ideo opt VBS ENE pe) 10, uated ‘SEO (OW pa) 6-03 Up 15.0 stoust ed XS (NE ype) 10 Vp, 752, roared ‘SOLO (Np) 6-03 pa, 15.0, tbust ed ‘Sputscren aiplay peters peters ‘ay made ‘Sipe gh Mio and Lew reste) Sie, Hah Made ow ase kl) orzo eon ‘ere hn 00 T es er na Super ese) 260 TVtss (ih mace ‘Mere han $00 TV sper na Supe mae) OTs igh ay aig 2b ta) Dimersions (Wb, ram Gree) Ponce eqaements EDV i020, S80 He Ae DV OV, S80 He Power omangton "5 (thot epond 78 Ah pn) 54. hotel), 78 (nh fl options) Operating empernre Paral npwvodpl connect 2 reiab rp, ‘terials (pa tbe ely asses 2 emia rs, ‘teri (sp tbe ely assignee 28 Eases Analog Time Lapse Video Recorders SVT-5050 Svr-168 svi SVT-LC300 Tape format ws we We we Tape 008 as me aS mie an nme Th we (cour ie (eeu ree) ota (6oe thar mod epok. 100 scons Pores, 10 sean (on F120 ps) epos,25 ites Goin 272090) iy Dan He tea Scanning Syste scaring sem 09 Stern Rory Chea aes Searing Systm BNE Tapa, 8 oes RG: TOV 58, balanced aso ape BRC: 10 Vp 75 wbancee BNO vp, 75 roared cs (vp 15, nbc C10 Vp 75 ntact Record nel prox) 160 0802 Sie ‘W609 022 See 1s 028 Se cpa 25mm Mpeg OOO 4S me sek HH SOO gS mm Mino, 8. 60D 43S rem Mrisek 40,600 air 2.12.24 Fou Woae 2.2 Bou eae 22,2 Hose (6.16 20,90 Hour Mage co wo 148, 4 (a 6 AT pan 18d ATA (phe jk) 7.88, 4 (oho ja) hase oct 18, 6000 (hon od) 5, 0. Gren ac) 1, 4002 oe 3.8 8, 600. Ghee je) hao Sa we ae a oe Heron etter 250 ines (00 res (ks) 50 res (PN, 00 Une (Ct) 950 Ure NN, 280 Une Cols) _360 Une (RM, 00 Les Cl) Computer were ¢5 nme ek 235 aman he we Optenal R202 rice RS-2RZOIRSAS nace (0-3 sn) Baltn nee abe ‘aye Tain yi er ee ery Comte ee Lovie maura NSTI ow avd SVS a lena) TSU ST KR lon at) 5574 (ewacbe) ur RES. speed 212s. ar Na change 2.12241, arNachange (0,18 (20 Hs, Ne eng 2.12, orNaehange Namen we vee ve we Operating emperaze Floss © Ante 1807 Few cin weh Few caiw ioe F Fea0 ono 17 Poca equmen pa wore no 1204, 601 ie 761204, 601 Power omsnpin ™ Ww 7) iW ae sie (12h 200) 13g 602) sag @ box) Sag Gb 600) Dinero A), om ees) 30 Rasa aes Analog Time Lapse Video Recorders SVT-168E SVT-40E SVT-DL224 Tepe tamat ws cc we Tape speed| Tae mee The ese Ti ems (Ger tour) (Gor hae mate (Gorse nace Fast onnrrenng ire Teen 10) sears Teron 00 wrens Topon tmiee {vita 120 ge) (ot eTe20 ps. 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Triple multiplexing ‘Wo syne ara paver Wansiied ova Shia caanTcaBIe Turbo AGC Fae aerate gan con anclen Reanes Sige aR ODT te conentonl AE resutng m fet sestvy Video servo auto iris lens '5600K mode a“ Tas Features Specifications 6 = 3 2 Pave2so, 20. 23 PvM-1aNeu 9 2 PYNe20Ne 2 2 Puye29500 70 26 PVM-8040) 10 26 Puna 70 26 PVM-B0#50 10 26 RSE i 28 SNEVS0E 1 36 Sprig 7 24 Zh 5 2 5 2 5 zB 4 2. SeSONDCEAA 4 2, SSNC125 i 2 SSMCTANOU 9 26 SSMCI7EA it 2 SSV-20NEU 7 2 55M930 i 2 5v0-1330 7 2 Svri2a 16 30 Svrie8 5 30 Sura 16 x SVEAOE W 2 5vr5050 a 30 SvEDL228 1 3 SvrLC200 7 20 SVESaB0ES 8 22 up-210080_ 20 a UP-8%5 2 5 up-960 2 3 YS-Dx604 ia 28 YS-DXSTOIDKATS 12 2 2 2 8 25 2 2 20 = 42 Toss Tos APEX CCTV 74S. Greenville Suite 190 Allen, TX 75002 s-corveysrems SRL ee aR ee ae et sre se cn ne in cogs wt Pe pe change wea Pm, Prion USA 70100

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