Anita Febrianti (180210201077) Unit 2

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Nama : Anita Febrianti

Nim : 180210201077

Kelas : B

Progam Studi : Pendidikan Masyarakat

(Extenal influences) There are numerous factors which motivate adult learning and lead them
to make that decision. If you have been out of education for a long time, you will have
thought long and hard before reaching the decision to go back to learning as it can seem quite
a frightening prospect, especially if there are any financial implications and additional
commitments you need to take into consideration. However, if you decide to go ahead, it is
likely that your reasons for doing so will include one or more of the following factors.

(personal advancment) Individual development is the most common reason given for adults
who want to learn. It can, for example, encompass the opportunity to gain promotion in your
current workplace and, therefore, to increase your income. It can facilitate a career change or
you may be motivated by keeping ahead of competitors by taking a particular course. And, if
you are out of work, it can often provide the stepping stone to getting back on the job ladder.

(cognitive interest) Sometimes you will find adults who would not otherwise necessarily
choose to return to learn but are doing so as it’s expected of them by others. By this, it means
that it could be your employer who requires you to go on a course or, in some cases, if you
have been unemployed for quite some time, it may be that you are asked to choose a specific
course of learning in order to remain eligible to continue to receive state benefits

(cognitive interest) Many adults choose to return to learn simply because they have an
enquiring mind and a mental ‘thirst’ to absorb more knowledge about a particular subject
because they are interested in it. This would also include people who wish to pursue a
particular hobby but need to understand more about it first and also those who may have
undergone lifestyle changes. A good example here would be retirees who are looking for
something to fill their time in order to make their lives more meaningful.

Answer the questions below by choosing the option a, b, c, or d.

1. The passage indicates that adult’s learning motivation …

a. Will lead to a number of factors

b. Is driven by several aspects

c. Depends on their personal decision

d. Is more related to their jobs

2. It is stated that financial consequences and commitments …

a. May create more worries before starting education

b. Are the main consideration before one starts an education

c. Come from the decision to go back to school

d. Motivate one to go back to learning

3. What is true about personal advancement?

a. It is the least important reason in starting


b. It only relates to factor related to career

c. It is the most influential determinant for


d. It is important to initiate a career change

4. The passage indicates that unemployment …

a. Occurs due to the lack of competition to


b. Can be solved by personal advancement

through study

c. Results from the absence of facilitation to


d. Happens due to the incorrect career change

5. Which of the following is true about external


a. It does not necessarily cause one to return

to learn

b. It may distract the motivation to learn

c. It can make one misunderstand the aim of


d. It creates stronger impact than personal


6. It is stated that the eligibility to receiving state

benefits …

a. Is given to anyone that is out of work

b. Applies to various general courses

c. Is provided for quite some time

d. Requires certain educational level

7. According to the passage, mental thirst …

a. May differ from one to another

b. Requires the willingness to learn

c. Results in different personal interest

d. Is mostly related to hobby

8. Which of the following is true about cognitive


a. It leads to the tendency to doing certain


b. It motivates someone to make lifestyle


c. It occurs because one has lots of interest in

a hobby

d. It creates the desire for better


Complete the following sentences by choosing

the option a, b, c, or d.

1. Adults learn by connecting experience with


a. Reflect

b. Reflective

c. Reflection
d. reflectively
2. This review of adult learning theory

provides the foundation to explore the

role of ….. policies, services and the

classroom environment.

a. Institutionally

b. Institution

c. Institute

d. Institutionalize

3. We know now that ….. is not educed

through the aging process.

a. Intelligent

b. Intelligently

c. Intelligence

d. Intelligential

4. Some ….. changes, such as loss of hearing

and sight or disease, can seriously affect the

learning process.

a. Biology

b. Biologist

c. Biologically

d. Biological
5. The concepts of self-directed learning and

andragogy have been ….. important to the

development of adult learning theory.

a. Critic

b. Critically

c. Critical

d. Criticize

6. ….. oriented learners are those who

participate in learning for another reason

unrelated to knowledge acquisition.

a. Active

b. Activate

c. Actively

d. Activity

7. The researchers ….. the need for a new

nontraditional student model.

a. Theory

b. Theorize

c. Theoretical

d. Theorization

8. Adult undergraduates typically do not have

time to ….. on campus.

a. Social

b. Socialize
c. Society

d. Socialization

9. Personal advancement is the most common

reason for adults who will ….. their


a. Wide

b. Width

c. Widely

d. Widen

10. Many adults choose to return to learn as it

will ….. their social network.

a. Breadth

b. Broad

c. Broadly

d. Broaden

Write three strongest motivations which drive you to learn at university.

1. to expand opportunities for employment

2. to add insight and knowledge

3. to reach the ideals

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