Kumpulan Soal Try Out Bahasa Inggris 2020

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This text is for question 1-4

I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side.

At first, I thought a tyre had gone, but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks.

The rocks came tumbling across the road, and I had to abandon my car.

When I got back to town, well, as I said, there wasn’t much left.

1. I had to abandon the car.

The underlined word has the same meaning as....
a. Buy c. Leave e. Park
b. Sell d. Bargain
2. Where was the writer when there was an earthquake?
a. At home c. In the coast e. In the bus
b. In the school d. In the city
3. How many events can you find in the story?
a. One c. Three e. Five
b. Two d. Four
4. What kind of text is this?
a. Recount c. Spoof e. Procedure
b. Narrrative d. Anecdote
This text is for question 5-8
My Pet
I have a pet. It is a dog, and I call it Brownie.
Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft.
Brownie does not like bones. Every day, it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with
my cat. They get along welland never fight, maybe because Brownies does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house
gently, and it never eats shoes. Brownieis really a sweet and friendly animal.
5. What type of text is used by the writer?
a. Report c. Narrative e. Descriptive
b. Recount d. News item
6. “Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute.”
The underlined word means....
a. Thin c. Hard e. Awkward
b. Soft d. Thick
7. The communicative purpose of this text is....
a. To describe a particular animal.
b. To share an amusing incident with others.
c. To present two points of view about an issue.
d. To inform the readers about the beauty of Brownie.
e. To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
8. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a. Brownie, my pet dog, is a Chinese breed.
b. My Chinese breed dog only eats soft food.
c. A Chinese breed dog does not bark a lot.
d. Brownie, which is a Chinese breed, is a sweet and friendly animal.
e. Brownie can not get along with other animals because he seldom bark.
This text is for question 9-12
Adoption is the process by which people take a child who was not been to them and raised him or her as a member of
the family. By law, adopted children differ from foster children. An adopted child has all the legal rights of a member of the family
that raised him or her. A foster child does not.
Parents place their children up for adoptions for many reasons. Some parents feels they cannot adequently care for their
offsprings because of health or economic conditions. Some others, especially unwed parent, may not want to raise a child.
But there are couples who cannot have children of their own. Adoption give them opportunity to raise a family. They can
get one from an adoption agency if they have all the requirements asked.
State laws prohibit adoption agencies from revealing the identity of the natural parents to the adoptive parents. In some
states, the law permits adopted persons who are at least 18 years old to see their birth certificates including the natural perent’s
On the contrary, many adopted people worked to change the laws. They argue that people have a right to know their
identity. They said keeping secret their adoption records violate their right.
Some experts advise that a child should know of the adoptions by the age of 6 or 7. Surveys have shown that most
adopted children develop normally.

9. Which of the following is not the reason why parents place their child up for adoption?
a. He or she is from a poor family.
b. His or her parents do not love them.
c. His or her parents are not in good health.
d. His or her parents does not want to raise him or her.
e. His or her parents cannot afford to give good education.
10. An adoption child has no right....
a. To receive inheritance. d. To get adequate love and care
b. To know his/her adoption record. e. To live with his/her natural parents
c. To be well treated as member of a family.
11. The writer purpose in writing the text above is....
a. To tell reader how to adopt a child.
b. To describe people who adopt a child.
c. To explain the reders how an adopted child raised.
d. To persuade people to have a foster or to adopt a child.
e. To inform readers the reason and problem of adopting a child.
12. Which of the following is the most improbable reason why adopted children want to have/known their adoptive
a. They want to know their natural parents.
b. They want to know why they are adopted.
c. They want to know the status in adopted parents.
d. They want to pay back their adoptive parents expenditure.
e. They want to know why their parents place them up for adoption.
This text is for question 13-17
Human body is made up of countless million of cells. Food is needed to build up new cells and replacethe worn out.
However, the food we take must be changed into substances that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are
needed. This process is called digestion.
The first digestive process take place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into small pieces by the action of teeth,
mixed with saliva containing digestive juices which moisten the food, so that it can be swallowed easily.
From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus-the food passage-into the stomach. Here the food is mixed with
the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the
muscular wall of intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food onwards.
In a few hours, the food changes into acids. The acids are soon absorbed by the villi (microscopic branch projection from
the intestine walls) and passed into blood stream.
13. Which of the following is the most title for the text?
a. The Process of Saliva d. The Digestive System
b. The Food and its Process e. How the Food Changes into Acids
c. The Process of Building up New Cells
14. Where does the first digestive process take place?
a. In the mouth c. In the esophagus e. In the small intestine
b. In the stomach d. in the muscular wall
15. The food can be swallowed easily because....
a. It has been digested d. It will pass the esophagus
b. It is carried by the blood e. It is already in the stomach
c. It is moistened by the saliva
16. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe human body
b. To tell the work of intestine
c. To show the function of blood
d. d. to explain the process of digestive system
e. To inform the readers the necessity of food
17. All the time the muscular walls of intestine are squeezing .... (P. 3)
The underlined word means....
a. To hug c. To press firmly e. To obtain slowly
b. To push up d. To produce
This text is for question 18-20
Elephant is the largest and the strongest animal. It looks strange.
The trunk of the elephant is peculiar, but has many uses. The elephant draws up water with its trunk. The trunk serves as
a long arm and hand. The elephant also looks clumsy, but it can move quickly.
Elephant is very intelligent. The combinations of its intelligence and strength makes it a useful helper for man. Elephant
can be trained to carry heavy loads and other purposes.
18. What kind of text is it?
a. News item c. Explanation e. Discussion
b. Review d. Report
19. According to the text, elephant is....
a. Stupid c. Clever e. Easily angry
b. Careless d. wonderful
20. People usually hunt elephant to get....
a. Trunk c. Tail e. Tusks
b. Ears d. eyes
This text is for question 21-25
How to Use The Fan

Plug the power cord into a wall outlet ( ac 220 volt 60 Hz).
To make the fan move sideways, push the pin on top of the motor.
To move the fan up or down, first pull up the oscillating pin, then press the tilt adjustment knob.
To change the speed of the fan, press one of the switches at the bottom.

21. How do we connect the power to the fan?

a. By adjusting the knob d. by pressing the switches
b. By pulling up the oscillating pin e. By pushing the oscillating pin
c. By plugging the power cord into a wall outlet
22. We can change the speed of the fan by....
a. Pushing the oscillating pin d. pressing one of the switches
b. Pulling the oscillating pin e. Plugging the switches
c. Pressing tilt adjusment knob
23. To make the fan move sideways, push the pin on top of the motor.
The word “push” means....
a. Press c. Switch e. Down
b. fix e. Turn
24. what is the goal of the text?
a. How to make the fan d. How to press the button
b. How to move the fan e. How to plugged the cable
e. How to use the fan
25. What do we have to do to make the fan move up or down?
a. Pressing the switches d. Pressing the tilt adjusment knob
b. Pulling the oscillating pin e. Pushing the pin on top of the motor
c. Pulling the oscillating pin and then pressing the tilt adjusment knob

This text is for question 26-27

A supporter of the national education bill displays a sign reading “Endorse the national education bill right now? To
every motorist passing the back gate of the House of Representatives compound in Senayan, Central Jakarta. Thousands, of
members from Islamic groups gathered outside the compound on Tuesday demanding that the bill be endorsed.
26. Topic of the passage is about....
a. Education bill d. A public demand
b. National education e. A supporter’s idea
c. Supporters of the bill
27. “....that the bill be endorsed”.
The word ‘endorsed’ is closest in meaning to....
a. Talked c. Approved e. Resumed
b. Discussed d. Decided
This text is for question 28-32
The Tyrant Who Became a Just Ruler
In the olden times there was a king who was so cruel and unjust toward his subjects that he was always called The
Tyrant. So heartless was he that his people used to pray night and day that they might have a new king.
One day, much to their surprise, he called his people together and said to them,”My dear subjects, the days of my
tyranny are over. Henceforth, you shall live in peace and happiness, for I have decided to try my rule henceforth justly and well.”
The king kept his words so well that soon he was known troughout the land as The Just King. One of his favorites came
to him said, “Your Majesty, I beg you to tell me how it was that you had this change of heart toward your people.”
TheKing replied, ”As I was galloping through my forests one afternoon, I caught sight of a hound chasing a fox. The fox
escaped into his hole, but no until he had bitten by the dog so badly that he would be lame for life. The hound, returning home,
met a man who threw a stone at him, which broke his leg. And the hound, starting to run, fell into a hole and broke his leg. Here I
came to my senses, and resolved to change my rule. “For surely”, I said to myself, “he who does evil will sooner or later be
overtaken by evil.”
28. Which of the statement is TRUE ?
a. The king was chased by a fox
b. The king’s behavior never changed
c. The man was thrown with a stone by a hound
d. The king’s subjects hated him when he was a tyrant
e. In the olden times the King was loved by his subjects
29. Paragraph 2 tells us that the King....
a. Never ended the day of his tyranny d. Warned his subjects to obey his rules
b. Showed his surprise to his subjects e. Decided to rule his subjects unjustly
c. Changed his behavior and became a just ruler
30. The communicative purpose of this text is....
a. To criticize the work of art
b. To describe a particular person
c. To describe how something is accomplished
d. To entertain and deal with actual or vicarious experience
e. To share an account of unusual or amusing incidents with others
31. The organization of the text above is....
a. Goal, material, steps
b. Identification, description
c. Orientation, crisis, reaction, coda, reflection
d. Newsworthy event, background event, sources
e. Orientation, evaluation, complication, resolution, reorientation
32. To show the real words of the speakers, the writer uses....
a. Passive voice c. Reported speech e. Simple present tense
b. Direct speech d. Simple past tense
This text is for question 33-36
Contaminated Town
Moscow-A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors
and contaminated an entire town.
Yelena Vazrshavvskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at
the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostok.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl Disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and
nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-
class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to
remove more than 600 tonnes of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.
A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.
33. How many people died in this accident?
a. 8 c. 13 e. 600
b. 10 d. 22
34. This text is....
a. Explanation c. Descriptive e. Spoof
b. News item d. Narrative
35. The communicative purpose of this text is....
a. To tell c. To explain e. To inform
b. To entertain d. To describe
36. The organization of the text is...
a. Source, newsworthy event, back-ground
b. Source, background, newsworthy, event
c. Newsworthy event, background, source
d. Newsworthy event, source, back-ground
e. Back-ground, newsworthy event, source
37. Jack : How was the concert? Was it good?
Ben : It was outstanding. Everyone enjoyed it very much.
Ben thinks the concert was....
a. Disappointing c. Annoying e. Touching
b. Satisfying d. Terrifying
38. Harry : “Do you think John can solve the difficult math problem?”
Brian : “I ................. he can do it. He is an intelligent student.”
a. Am in doubt c. Don’t think e. Guess
b. Believe d. am not sure
39. Husband : Our cars always troubles me.
Wife : .......................... you sell it and buy a new one?
Husband : Well. I don’t have any objection to your ideas as long as we can afford it.
a. Why don’t c. So e. Why
b. How e. Then
40. Secretary : Here is the report on the implementationof the parenthood program.
Chief : I am happy with your work. Well done.
The underlined phrase express....
a. Satisfaction c. Opinion e. Disatisfaction
b. Suggestion d. Pleasure
41. Susan : Do you think the manager will come soon?
Clerk : ......................... He is always punctual.
a. I doubt it c. Certainly not e. I’m absolutely sure
b. It depends, you know. d. I don’t think he will
42. ‘I get bored with all the things I do in my office after 5 years working as secretary of the Dean.’
a. Should you leave your job d. What do you want
b. Why are you bored e. Which job do you like best
c. What would you like to do for a change
43. You are going to a tourist resort. You want to know about the object in detail. Ask the guide everything you want to know.
One of your question is: ......................... the founder of this building?
a. Could you tell me c. Are you telling me e. Do you want to tell me
b. Why don’t you tell me d. What do you tell me
44. Agnes : What do you think about the movie?
Raisa : The best we have seen this year, surely.
The underline utterance express....
a. Satisfaction c. Disatisfaction e. Suggestion
b. Advice e. Information
45. Mr. Jo : Science and technology has developed very fast.
Do you think we are ready for that?
Mr. Irwan : I am sure we are ready.
The underline utterance express....
a. Asking for suggestion c. Asking for opinion e. Giving siggestion
b. Giving opinion e. Response
46. Najwa : How do you like our new uniform, Sya?
Syasya : Great! ...................
a. I don’t like it c. I really like it e. I hate it
b. I am disappointed d. I am sorry about it
47. Quinsa : Did you enjoy the meal?
Faeyza : It’s wonderful. .............................
Did you cook the food yourself?
Quinsa : Yes, I cook it by myself.
Which expression is not suitable?
a. I like it very much d. I feel annoyed
b. I am really contented e. The food makes me satisfied
c. It’s such good food that I can’t forget
48. Look at that Borobudur Temple. It is unbelievable.
The underlined word shows....
a. Anxiety c. Anger e. Surprise
b. Satisfaction d. Gratitude
49. Mother : Fariz, I think the street here is too crowded, and allvehicles run very fast.
Fariz : You are right mom. I will....
a. Mind your step d. Be carefull when crossing the street
b. The crime is bad e. I don’t agree with you
c. Beware of pickpocket
50. Customer : I want to return this dress. It has a hole in its sleeve
Salesgirl : When did you buy it?
Customer : This afternoon. I realized it has a hole when I showed it to my friend. Can I get a new one?
Salesgirl : Sure. Let me get your size.
The customer is showing....
a. Gratitude c. Dissatisfaction e. Disagreement
b. Agreement d. Pleasure
1. Jack : How was the concert? Was it good?
Rio : It was outstanding. Everyone enjoyed it very much.
Jill thinks the concert was....
a. Disappointing c. Annoying e. Touching
b. Satisfying d. terrifying

2. Syasya : Do you like gown?

Keysya : Yes, I like it. It has ruffleson it, several cute bows on its neckline and it’s pink. It’s just perfect.
Syasya : I knew you would like it.
The underlined sentence shows....
a. Disagreement c. Invitation e. Surprise
b. Satisfaction d. refusal

This text is for question 3-7

In ...(3)... cities like Bandung, Semarang, Jakarta, extreme poverty can ...(4)... in urban slums where some poor people do
not have the opportunity to learn skills to help them to ...(5)... a living. This kind of people usually have ...(6)... income, and the can
not afford their children to ...(7)... in schools.

3. a. Small c. Big e. Thick

b. long d. tiny

4. a. Occur c. Occuring e. Occurent

b. occurence d. occurent

5. a. found c. Join e. Earn

b. look for d. write

6. a. Sufficient c. adequate e. Big

b. insufficient d. ample

7. a. Play c. Sing e. Drive

b. draw d. study

8. Reporter : What do you think about economy crisis in this country?

Economist : ....... the goverment has to handle and control as soon as possible.
a. I like c. I think e. I think so
b. I agree d. I love

9. Bella : I got a good mark in math

Mother : Wow! I am satisfied with your mark.
Mother express her....
a. Agreement c. Satisfaction e. Like
b. Embarrasment d. dissatisfaction

10. Reporter : Mr. Sumitro, we would like to ask your opinion about our forest. What do you think about the flood and
landslide along Baharok river a couple of weeks age?
Mr. Sumitro : I think, this is the worst disaster in this year. Hundreds of people died and many more lost their names.

The underline sentence expresses....

a. Asking for opinion c. Agreement e. Giving suggestion
b. Giving for opinion d. Possibility

11.Customer : I want to return this dress. It has a hole in its sleeve.

Salesgirl : when did you buy it?
Customer : This afternoon. I relized it has a hole when I showed it to my friend . Can I get a new one?
Salesgirl : Sure .Let me get your size.
The customer is showing....
a.gratitude c. dissatisfaction e. pleasure
b.agreement d.disagreement

12. Sierra : I did my presentation two days ago,but I haven’t got the result
Wendy : Dont worry. Peter said Ms Morris was satisfied with it
Sierra : Awasome!
What was Ms Morris’ feeling about the presentation?
a. Displeased c. Horrible e. Weird
b. Dislike d. satisfied

13. Maya : Do you like this gown?

Chika : Yes,I like it.It has ruffles on it.
The underlined sentence shows.....
a.disagreement c.invitation e. Surprise
b satisfaction d.refusal

14. A : What do you think about the way Mr. X teaches us?
B : Well, not so bad.
The underlined sentece expresses ....
a. Asking someone’s opinion d. Expressing prejudice
b. Asking someone’s comment e. Expressing certainty
c. Expressing doubts

15. I believe...
I feel...
It seems to me...
I think....
The words show express...
a. Asking for opinion c. Satisfied e. Sadness
b. Giving opinion d. Love
Text 1.For questions 1 to 2


A. 3-bedroom family home, double garage. New condition. Large garden. Short walk to city and school.
B. Modern 2-storey, 6-bedroom, large living room, separate dining room, 3 bathrooms, basement, garage.
Beautiful big garden and swimming pool. Excellent condition. $150,000.
C. Luxury 2-bedroom apartment, near ocean. Quiet location. 45 minutes from city. $55,000.
D. Attractive 3-bedroom family home, separate dining room, 2 bathrooms. Opposite bus-stop, 5 minutes from
town. Easy to look after (brick,with small garden). $80,000.
E. Available immediately. Large 1-bedroom city apartment, fully furnished with quality furnishing. Large living
area, dishwasher, refrigerators. $35,000.
F. Attractive 1-bedroom apartment in new building. Only 30 minutes from city centre and 10 minutes from
airport. Unfurnished. $29,000.

1. The topic of the text is about….

A. Greenwood D. Prices of the apartments
B. types of homes. E. Location of the residences
C. Residences for sale.

2. A home which has a swimming pool is princed at…..

A. $29.000 C. $74.000 E. $150.000
B. $55.000 D. $80.000
This text is for question 3-7

In ...(3)... cities like Bandung, Semarang, Jakarta, extreme poverty can ...(4)... in urban slums where some
poor people do not have the opportunity to learn skills to help them to ...(5)... a living. This kind of people usually
have ...(6)... income, and the can not afford their children to ...(7)... in schools.

3. a. Small c. Big e. Thick

b. long d. tiny

4. a. Occur c. Occuring e. Occurent

b. occurence d. occurent

7. a. found c. Join e. Earn

b. look for d. write

8. a. Sufficient c. adequate e. Big

b. insufficient d. ample

7. a. Play c. Sing e. Drive

b. draw d. study

This text 3.For questions 8 to 12

Why are Diazinon and Dursband should be Banned

Diazinon and dursban are chemicals used on lawns, gardens, agriculture crops and livestock as an insecticide
(for worms). They are banned for several good reasons.

Firstly, they cause nausea, dizziness, burning sensation, headaches, blurred visions, stomach and muscle
cramp, twitching, diarrhea, aching joints, disorientation and an inability to concentrate.

Secondly, these chemicals cause human and animal birth defects In many areas of the human body including
the brain, nervous system, teeth, eyes, ears, nipples and genitals. They can also cause profound growth and
mental retardation when pregnant mothers are exposed. This may affect on lower birth weights of infants if
mothers are exposed before and during pregnancy, and this is associated with lower IQs.

Finally, residues, of course, are on some foods-up to 14 days on lettuce, for example-and the chemical also
seeps into the nearby water.

Therefore, the government must be urged to keep the safety factor of pesticides paramount in their thinking.
Children are so much more sensitive than adults to the toxic effects of chemicals.

8. What does the text discuss ?

A. Why farmers should use diazinon and dursband.
B. Why worms are resistant to diazinon and dursband
C. Why pest can be removed fast and effectively by using diazinon and dursband.
D. Why farmers choose diazinon and dursband instead of other pesticides.
E. Why diazinon and dursband are banned.

9. Diazinon and dursban are banned because…...

A. They are very expensive.
B. The government can no longer subsidize farmers with diazinon and dursban.
C. They can remove pests fast and effectively.
D. They are dangerous to human health and other animals.
E. They may benefit the farmers a lot.

10. What would happen if a pregnant mother is exposed to diazinon or dursband ?

A. It may effect on their nervous system.
B. It may cause lower birth weight and lower IQs of the baby.
C. It may cause a terrible headache.
D. It may effect on its eyes, ears, and teeth.
E. This may increase its weight and IQs.

11. What does the writer suggest that the government should do ?
A. Allow farmers to use diazinon and dursband.
B. Help the victims of diazinon and dursban.
C. Ban the use of diazinon and dursban.
D. Immunize children regularly.
E. Subsidize farmers with safe pesticides.

12. “children are so much more sensitive than adults to the toxic effects of chemicals.” What does the statement
A. We should protect our children from dangerous chemicals.
B. Children are resistant to several chemicals.
C. Parents should not be worried about their children’s health.
D. The government should pay more attention to adults than to children.
E. Children have greater immunity than adults.

This text For questions 13 to 16

Technique of Teaching

The silent way is one of the effective language teaching techniques. It is a pedagogical approach language
teaching based on the premise that a teacher should be as silent as possible in a classroom (about 90% of the
time). The learners, then, are encouraged to produce as much language as possible. They have much time
both to be exposed to the language and to perform practice.

The learning hypothesis behind the silent way is that learning is facilitated if the learners discover or create
rather that remember and repeat what is to be learned. Also, students learn more effectively through problem
solving involving the target language. It views language learning as a creative, problem-solving and
discovering activity in which the learner is a principal actor rather that a bench-bound listener.

Basically, in learning teachers prepare their students to have a problem-solving skill. And the silent way can be
described as a problem-solving approach to language learning, and is summed up nicely in Benjamin franklin’s
words: “tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

I conclude that the silent way is an appropriate language teaching technique.

13. Which approach is supporting the silent way in language teaching?

A. Exposing the subjects. D. Giving students problems to solve.
B. Creating the subjects. E. Asking students to be good listeners.
C. Asking students to act as actors.

14. The purpose the text is to . . . . to the readers what ‘silent way’ is.

A. Improve C. Introduce E. Contribute

B. Declare D. Remind
C. Introduce

15. The silent way’ is an approach for teaching language hoping that students will . . . .

A. Become principal actors D. Remember what has been taught

B. Repeat what Is to be learned E. Produce as much language as possible
C. Be able to solve their problems

16. “it is a pedagogical approach . . . . as silent as possible in a classroom.” (paragraph 1) the synonym of the
underline word is . . . .

A. Weak C. Quiet E. Pleasant

B. Patient D. Helpful
C. Quiet

The text 6.For questions 17 to 20


Adoption is the process by which people take a child who was not born to them and raise him or her as
a member of their family. By law, adopted children differ from foster children. An adoption child, has all the
legal rights of a member of the family that raises him or her. A foster child does not.

Parents place their children up for adoptions for many reasons. Some parents feel they cannot
adequately care for their off springs because of health or economic conditions. Some others, especially unwed
parent, may not want to raise a child.

But there are couples who cannot have children of their own. Adoption gives them opportunity to raise
a family. They can get one from an adoption agency if they have all the requirements asked.
State laws prohibit adoption agencies from revealing the identity of the natural parents to the
adoptive parents. These laws also forbid agencies from disclosing the identity of the adoptive parents to the
natural parents. In some states, the law permits adopted persons who are at least 18 years old to see their
birth certificates including the natural parents’ names.

On the contrary, many adopted people worked to change the laws. They argue that people have a
right to know their identity. They said that keeping secret their adoptions records violates their right.

On the other hand, many people feel adoption records should be kept secret. If not, natural parents
might change their minds years later and take the child away from the parents who raised him or her.

Some experts advise that a child should know of the adoptions by the age of 6 or 7. Surveys have
shown that most adopted children develop normally.

17 . Which of the is following is NOT the reason why parents place their child up for adoption?

A. He or she is from a poor family.

B. His or her parents do not love them.
C. His or her parents are not in good health.
D. His or her parents do not want to raise him/her.
E. His or her parents cannot afford to give good education.

18. An adoptive child has no right….

A. To receive inheritance D. To live with his/her natural parents

B. To get adequate love and care E. To know his/her adoption record
C. To be well treated as a member of a family

19 .The writer’s purpose in writing the text is....

A. To tell the readers how to adopt a child.

B. To describe people who adopt a child.
C. To explain the reads how an adopted child is raised.
D. To persuade people to have a foster child or to adopt a child.
E. To infrom the readers the reasons and problems of adopting a child.

20. Which of the following is the most improbable reasons why adopted children want to have/know their adoptive

A. They want to know their Natural parents.

B. They want to know why they are adopted.
C. They want to know their status in adoptive parents.
D. They want to pay back their adoptive parents’ expenditure.
E. They want to know why their parents place them up for adoption.

Text For question 21 to 30

It was Sunday, December 26, 2004, a horrific tragedy occurred simultaneously in Aceh, North
Sumatra, Thailand, India, Maladeva, Ceylon and some of the East African coastal areas. A devastating
earthquake wreaked havoc with massive tsunamis that swept towns, villages and resort areas. The quake and
tsunamis caused death, chaos and devastasion. In Indonesia alone, the latest figures on the death tool is
estimated at about 105,000 and more than tens of thousands or probably hundreds of thousands of people are
still missing.

The quake that hit Aceh and North Sumatra at 7:58 a.m. was centered some 20 kilometers below the
seabed and around 149 kilometers south of Meulaboh or near Simeuleu island. The quakes triggered massive
tidal waves that slammed into coastlines across Asia. The quake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale is
Indonesia’s worst natural disaster after the 1883 eruption of Mt. Krakatau, which killed 36,000 people.

Thousands of houses, school buildings, offices, hospitals and other buildings had been swept away by
force of about five-to-ten-meter tidal waves across Aceh and North Sumatra. Because of the disaster there is
no more telecommunication lines, and land transportation. Many roads were covered with mud and debris, and
bridges were destroyed. Tens of thousands of human corpses lay sprawled everywhere. The destroyed cities
are Banda Aceh, Meulaboh, Teunom, Lho’nga, Calang, Bireuen, Lhokseumawe, and Pidie and the damaged
islands are Nias and Simeuleu.

The Indonesian army, navy, air force, police and thousands of volunteers were sent to location to
evacuate the victims, bury the dead, clean the location from mud and debris, and provide food, fresh water and
medicines. Millions of Indonesian people including businessmen donated their money to help the needs of the
victims. And there are 32 European, 6 Asian Pacific, 2 American, 5 middle East and 4 African countries, and 4
International banks become donators. Most of them also provide other from of help, service and support. It
needs trillions of rupiahs to renovate and rebuild the devastated places. And it needs a very long time, patience
and hard work to overcome the trauma of the victims from the calamity.

21. The horrific tragedy occurred. . . .

A. In the morning C. In the evening E. At dusk

B. In the afternoon D. At dawn

22. The figure of the death toll and the missing people are…..

A. Fixed C. Estimated E. Arranged

B. Underestimated D. Agreed

23. Tha quake and tsunamis caused death, chaos,and devastation. Chaos means the state of complete and
thorough disorder and….

A. Conclusion C. Admission E. Confusion

B. Decision D. Illusion

24. The victims cannot communicate with the orter people outside the devastated place. This infor mation can be
found in paragraph….
A. 1 C. 3 E. Nowhere
B. 2 D. 4

25. Although the text does not give more explanation about the place, we know that all of them are in the….
A. Inland C. Highland E. Sea
B. Coastal area D. Mountain

26. Read the last paragraph, we can conclude that compared with the other victim countries,Indonesia ….
A. Unfortunate C. Bad E. Worse
B. Unlucky D. The worst

27. It is …the Indonesian needs a long time, patience and hard work to overcome the trauma of the victims from
the effects of the calamity….
A. Bad C. Pity E. Wise
B. Good D. True

28. the tragedy is exfected to be the best moment for the Indonesian people to be the best moment for the
Indonesian people to be…..
A. Compromised C. Devided E. Governed
B. United D. Controlled

This text is for question 29

JAKARTA,A man robbed a house on jl.Pintu Air in Pasar Baru,Central Jakarta,by pretending to be a relative
of the owner
“The robber told the domestic helper,Sarwati,that he was a relative of the owner’s wife,”Jakarta police
spokesman Sr.Comr.boy Rafli Amar said Monday.
sThe house owner,Arif Tamin,reforted the crime,which took place on Sunday at 11.30 a.m,to Sawah Besar
Police and said that the robber got away Rp 70 million (US$7,770)in money,gold rings and a laptop
“He distracted the maid by asking her to watch his car that was parked in the house,”Boy said.

29. What did the man do to rob the house?

A. He threatened the owner.
B. He destroyed the door of the house.
C . He pretended to be a businessman.
D. He pretended to be the owner’s relative.
E. He waited until there was no one in the house.

This text for question number 30 to 34

Cigarettes, smokers, and smoking

Smoking is bad habit that is very hard to break. Smokers are everywhere. Many people smoke just to socialize,
but many others are too addicted to quit.
A cigarette is like toxin hypermarket. You can find many kinds of toxin in it :acetone, carbon monoxide, tar,
arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and toluene. The tar itself contains more than 43 substances cause cancer.
Scientists say that when we are smoking, we put more than 4,000 kinds o toxic material into our body.
However, many smokers believe that a cigarette with low tar is less dangerous. And so is a filtered cigarette.
But the problem is one cigarette is never enough for addicted smokers.
Another myth about smoking is that it cannot only make them awake but also raise their inspiration. This
contrary to the findings of a research in California which show that smokers ability to think is lower than that of non-
Smoking is indeed a serious social problem in our country. The government keeps reminding that smoking is
dangerous., not only for smokers themselves, but also for other people in surrounding (passive smokers). But the
warnings do not seem to get any responses.

30. One myth about smoking is …

a. Cigarette consists of toxic d. Inspiration comes after smoking cigarette
b. It decrease the thinking ability e. Smoking disturbs blood circulation to brain
c. Smoking makes people stronger

31. The text discusses about …

a. Addicted smokers d. The danger of smoking
b. The kind of cigarettes e. The benefit of cigarette
c. The chemical substances in a cigarette

32. “ ….. but many others are too addicted to quit.” ( paragraph 1 ).
The word addicted means ….
a. Lazy to do something c. Unable to stop something e. Willing to stop something
b. Worried to do something d. Reluctant to do something

33. The text suggest that …..

a. A cigarette with low tar is healthier
b. Smoking is dangerous for people’s health
c. There is not only nicotine in low tar cigarettes
d. Low tar cigarettes are free from carbon monoxide
e. Smoking many cigarettes with low tar is economical

34. What is the type of the text ?

a. Narrative c. Explanation e. Discussion
b. Descriptive d. Analytical Exposition

This text for question number 35 to 39

There was a lot of discussion about whether boxing should be banned

The people who agree with this idea, such as Sarah, claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear
something to protect their heads. They also argue that people who do boxing could have brain damage and get
seriously hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that have died have families.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point o view. Another group of people believe that
boxing should not be banned. They say that boxing is a good sport, people enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they
ban boxing it will ruin people’s careers.
After looking at the different points of view and the evidence for them I think boxing should be banned
because five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884.

35. What tenses is use in the text ?

a. Past tense c. Future tense e. Past Perfect tense
b. Present tense d. Present continous tense

36. The genre of text above is …..

a. Report c. Narrative e. Explanation
b. Recount d. Discussion

37. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To present about the dilemma of boxing
b. To persuade the reader to be a boxer
c. To retell about boxing
d. To explain about boxing
e. To explain about sport for men

38. Why do people argue if boxing be banned? Because …..

a. Most of the people that have died have families
b. They say that boxing is a good sport people enjoy it
c. Boxing could have brain damage and get seriously hurt
d. Woman dislike boxing
e. It is very dangerous sport

39. What is the conclusion of the text above ?

a. There was a lot o discussion about whether boxing should be banned
b. If they do carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their heads
c. After looking at the different points of view and the evidence for them I think boxing should be banned
because five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884
d. However, there also strong arguments against this point of view. Another group of people believe that boxing
should not be banned
e. They say that boxing is a good sport, people enjoy it

The following text is for question number 40 to 41

34 Sutherland Mews
North, London SWIR
27 th March, 2011
Dear Mr. Frank Sinatra
The fun world , Co would like to welcome you as a new customer to our firm. We know that you will be
extremely satisfied with our line of products and the service we provide to our customer.
You are invited to purchase our merchandise on our regular open account terms,. From April 1 until June 30 th,
2011. Our credit manager, Andi Nico, will be happy to discuss any aspect of our credit policy with you at your
I roll enclosing our catalog and price list for your review. I believe that you will find our prices competitive and in
keeping with industry trends. Throughout the year we offer our valued customers frequent discount as an incentive
and as showing o our appreciation.
I do hope you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in tile near future.

Yours faithfully

40. The letter is about ….

a. A new customer welcome

b. Discount offered to a new customer
c. A description about services provided
d. Information on prices of new products
e. An appeal to a new customer to buy the company’s products

41. Beside sending the letter, the company also attached …. To its customers.
a. Product and prices list d. Catalog and price list
b. Incentives and products e. Merchandise and price list
c. Merchandise and catalog

Text 8. For questions 42 to 45.

Pirate ringleader admits to murder

JAMBI: A pirate leader admitted, Wednesday, that his gang had been involved in six robberies
and killed two police officers.

Itham Guntur,27, told police investigators that the gang consisted of six, all former members
of ship crews.”Because we are all ex-crew members, we know that major shipping lanes, such as
Sunda Strait and the East Jambi coasts very well,” he said.

Itham identified the murdered officers as Brigadier General Mulyadi from the South Sumatra
Police and Brigadier General Kennedy from the Jakarta Police.

The pirates targeted cargo ships, fishing boats and oil tankers. -Antara
42. According to text 4, wich statment is true?
a. The pirate ringleaders had been accused of murders

b. The members of pirate were murders

c. The murders happened in Jambi last Wetnesday

d. Two police officiers had been invloved in six robberies

e. Itham Guntur was one of two police officiers who was invloved in the robbery

43. The pronoun “he” in the second paragraph refers to.....

a.police officer d.ex-crew member

b.Itham Guntur e.Brigader General Mulyadi

c.one of the ship crews

44. The communicative purpose of text 4 is.....

a. to tell the readers what really happened

b. to explain sequences of events

c. to amuse the readers with problematic events

d. to inform the readers about newsworthy events

e. to describe the murders in South Sumatra

45. A person who robs the cargo ships, fishing boats or oil tankers is called a.....
a. robber d. pirate

b. police officer e. ringleaders

c. ship crew

Text For questions 46 to 47.

Dear Ms. Liu
I’ ve sent the file of design for your latest product to your email. Please check it. Hope to
hear your comments shortly.

46.Who is the recipient of the message ?

a. unihome d. Ms. Liu

b. smart edu e. design department

c. Ariel

47.In the message above, Ariel asks Ms. Liu to ......

a. give the design for the product d. Send the design of her latest product

b. check her email e. sent an email to ariel

c. give comments about the email

Read the following text to answer the questions no 48 to 50.

Now, when you purchase Awizard Foreign Language Program,

We'll send you A Free Gift !

Order a full Wizard Language Program and we'll se nd you a portable stereo cassette player absolutely free.

A great way to learn a new language and a fully portable way to take your lessons wherever you go.

What a great way to enjoy your new language! So, order now. (Retail value $29.95) Call 1-800-555-4980
48. The purpose of the text is to ............ about Wizard Foreign Language Program.

a. announce c. explain e. persuade

b. describe d. entertain

49. What is being offered at no charge ?

a. A foreign Language textbook. C. a cassette player e. trial material

b. Language tapes d. taking foreign language program

50. How can you get the promotion item?

a. Pay $29.95 c. Take a class e. Buy language program

b. Send in a card d. Enjoy the new language

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