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Ni Putu Ari Wijayanti


Jurnal Kesehatan Global, Vol. 3, No. 1, Januari 2020 : 18-

URL Artikel :

Effect Of Audio Visual Media Awareness And Knowledge And

Attitude Towards Women Children Less Nutrition In The Health
Field Medan Sunggal
Ainun Mardhiah1(k), Rina Riyanti2, Marlina3
Departemen Promosi Kesehatan, Fakultas Farmasi dan Kesehatan, Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan
Departemen Kesehatan Reproduksi, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan
Email Penulis Korespondensi (K):

Having healthy, intelligent children with balanced nutrition is the desire of all parents.
Children under the age of five are included in one of the groups who are at high risk of experiencing
physical development disorders if there are nutritional disorders. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effectiveness of counseling and audio-visual media to increase knowledge and attitudes
of mothers of under-nutrition children under five in Medan Sunggal Health Center. The research
design used was an experimental study using quasi experimental design and the form of nonequivalent
control group design. The population and sample in this study are all mothers who have children under
five (age 0-60 months) malnutrition totaling 32 mothers using saturated sampling techniques. Analysis
of the data used is univariate and bivariate analysis with Wilcoxon test. Based on the Wilcoxon test
results, knowledge on counseling has a value = Z -2,965 and a value of p = 0.003 and knowledge on
audio-visual media has a value of Z = -3,213 and a value of p = 0,001. While attitudes to counseling
have a value = Z-2.754 and a value of p = 0.006 and attitudes to audio-visual media have a value of Z
= -3.068 and a value of p = 0.002. It was concluded that audio-visual media is more effective than
counseling in increasing knowledge and attitudes about balanced nutrition for children under five.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Education, audio-visual media

Publshed By : Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Institut Kesehatan
Having healthy, intelligent childern with balanced nutrition is the desire of all parents (1).
Nutritional disorders in infants can cause developmental disorders of chidren, such as stunting,
wasting and mental development disorders (2). Many factors leand to cases malnutrition.
According to UNICEF there are two factors that cause nutritional problems, the direct factor is:
lack nutrient intake from food, due to the occurrence of diseases that result in infections and
factors not directly namely: household level food availability, behavior and culture in
processing food and child care, poor environmental management and health services that are
not adequate (3).
Based on child mortality data according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it
was revealed causes of death are complications of birth, diarrhea and malaria. It is estimanted
that around 45% of all child deaths are related to malnutrition making children more
susceptible to disease (4). Among 33 provinces in Indonesia, 18 provinces have a prevalence of
malnutrition above the national prevalence rate ranging from 21.2% to with 33,1%. North
Sumatra is the 16th place among 18 provinces (5). While The proportion of malnutrition is
13.9% higher that in 2010 and 2007, that is 13,0%. While the proportion of malnutrition in
2013 increased by 5.7% compared to the previous year which was 4.0% in 2010 and in 2007 it
was 5.4% (6).
Based on the results of the Basic Health Researcg (Riskesdas) (7), it was found that the
percentage of nutritional toddlers malnutrition and malnutrition (BB/U) in North Sumatra
province fluctuated from 2007,2013 and 2018. Cases of malnutrition in the city of Medan in
2013 were 1,008 people experienced a decrease compared to 2012 which reached 1,200 people
(8). Whereas at the puskesmas Medan Sunggal in November 2016 there were 4 cases of
malnutrition and cases of malnutrition as many as 32 toddlers.
The emergence of problems of lack and excess nutrition is caused by a lack of diet good
(9). Malnutrition during this period is also associated with a risk of developing chronic diseases
adult age, namely obesity, heart and blood vessel disease, hypertension, stroke and diabetes
(10). The problem of nutrition is a syndrome of poverty that is closely related to problem of
resilience food at the household level also invoves aspects of knowledge (11). Knowledge or
behavior model behavior contained in audio visual media will stimulate people to imitate or
inhibit behavior that is incompatible with the existing behavior in audio visual media (12).
While attitudes or responses that are still closed from someone to an object are influenced by
several factors, one of which is mass media (13).
The role of mothers as caregiver and educators who play an important role in fulfilling
nutrition in children especially aged 1-5 years. Fulfillment of nutrition for toddlers is not
enough just to give PMT only, but also with increasing family nutrition knowledge (14).
Knowledge enhancement Nutrition has been carried out by the health department such as
nutrition counseling, nutrition conscious families, and giving additional food, but the impact
has not been able to reduce the incidence of malnutrition and nutrition bad in toddlers (15).
Parents are responsible for food problems at home, types what foods are available and when
they are served (16).
Health workers are axpected to be able to provide counseling and include parents, family
members, as well as child caregivers in health develoment activities concerning improvement
nutrition, environmental health improvement, and child development (17)
Based on the initial survey by conducting interviews with 5 mothers of undernourished
chlidren under five consumption patterns of children under five provided by mothers, on
average still lack of protein but excessive carbohydrates, mothers provide additional food at the
age of under 6 months which should only Breastmilk is only given, and the mother is also
wrong in managing everyday toddler food. As well as have been interviews have also been
conducted with nutrition workers that they have conducted counseling each Integrated
Healthcare Center. However, the lack of practicipation and interest of mothers to listen to the
contents of counseling and assume that counseling is not important for mothers. And has given
additional food to mother of children under five but the results do not show a decrease in
malnutrition. The research objectives this is to find out the effectiveness of counseling and
audio-visual media for improvement knowledge and attitude of malnourished toddlers in
Medan Sunggal Health Center.

The research design used was interventional / experimental research usig quasi
experimental desig in the from of nonequivalent control group design. Research it analyzes the
effectiveness of counseling and audio-visual media on mothers of children under five in the
health center Medan Sunggal. The population and sample in this study were all mothers who
have children under five (aged 0-60 months) malnutrition in Medan Sunggal Health Center in
2017 with a total of 32 people with using the saturation sampling technique (18). The tools for
data collection are questionnaires, and for in-depth interviews required interview quidelines
while data collection techniques namely data primary, secondary and tertiary. Data analysis
was performed with univariate analysis and bivariate analysis by using the Wilcoxon test.
Univariate Analysis
Based on the results of yhe study showed that the majorty of the counseling group
respondents aged 20-35 years amounted to 9 people (28.1%) while in the audio media group
visual majority of respondents aged 20-35 years amounted to 7 people (28.1%). Based on the
the results research shows that in the counseling group the majority of respondents work
numbered 9 people (28.1%) while in the audio-visual media group the majority of respondents
did not work 11 people (34.4%). Based on the results of the study showed that in groups the
counseling of the majority of Junior High School education respondents amounted to 8 people
(25%) while in the group audio-visual media the majority of SMOP education respondents
numbered 8 people (25%).

Table 1.
Distribution of Characteristics of Malnourished
Children Under Five
Counseling Audio-Visual Media
f % f %
<20 years 3 9,4 3 9,4
20-35 years 9 28,1 7 21,8
>35 years 4 12,5 6 18,8
Work 9 28,1 5 15,6
Doesn’t Work 7 21,9 11 34,4
SD 5 15,6 4 12,5
SMP 8 25 8 25
SMA 2 6,3 3 9,4
PT 1 3,1 1 3,1

The results showed that the respondents’ knowledge before being given counseling that
is, 12 people (75%) have knowledge in the poor category well. While the knowledge of
respondents after being provided with counseling amounted to 8 people (50%) had less
knowlege in the category enought and 1 person (6.2%) has knowledge in both categories. The
results showed that the attitude of the respondents before being given counseling which
amounted to 10 people (62.5%) have attitudes in the negative category, and 6 people (37.5%)
have attitudes in the positive category. While the attitude of the respondents after being
couseled, amounting to 8 people (50%) have an attitude in negative category and 8 people
(50%) have an attitude in the positive category.

Table 2.
Distribution Of Knowledge And Attitudes Of Mothers Toddler Malnutrition In Counseling

Dependent Variabel Before After
f % f %
Good 1 6,2 1 6,2
Enough 3 18,8 7 43,8
Less 12 75 8 50

Positive 6 37,6 8 50
Negative 10 62,4 8 50
Total 16 100 16 100

The results showed that the respondents knowledge before being given audio media visual that
is amounted to 8 people (50%) have enough knowledge in the category, 6 people (37.5%) had less
knowledge in the category and 2 people (12.5%) had deep knowledge goog category. While the
knowledge of respondents after being given audio visual media is amounted 8 people (50%) have
enough knowledge in the sufficient category and 3 people (18.8%) had knowledge in the good category.
Research result shows that the respondents attituade before being given an audio visual media is 11
people (68.8%) had an attitude in the negative category, and 5 people (31.2%) had an attitude in the
category, and 5 people (31.2%) had an attitude in the category positive. While the attitude of the
respondents after being given counseling which amounted to 11 people (68.8%) had an attituade in
positive category and 5 people (31.2%) had ana attitude in the negative category.
Table 3.
Distribution Of Knowledge And Attitudes Of Mothers Toddler Malnutrition In Audio Visual

Audio Visual Media

Dependent Variabel Sebelum Setelah
f % f %
Positive 5 31,2 11 68,8
Negative 11 68,8 5 31,2
Total 16 100 16 100
Good 2 12,5 5 31,2
Enough 8 50 8 50
Less 6 37,5 3 18,8
Bivariate Analysis
Based on the results of the study showed that in the counseling group there were
differences in the average value of knowledge of under-nutrition mothers under nutrition before
and after the implementation of counseling namely from 0.1 to 6.0. Wilcoxon test results
obtained p value = 0.002 <0.05, concluded that the implementation of counseling affects the
increase in knowledge about balanced nutrition material for toddlers. Whereas in the audio visual
media group, there was a difference in the average value of knowledge of under five nutrition
mothers before and after the implementation of audio visual media, which was 0.1 to 7.0.
Wilcoxon test results obtained p value = 0.001 <0.05, concluded that the implementation of
audio-visual media influence the increase in knowledge about balanced nutrition material for
toddlers. In counseling has a z value of 2.965 while in audio-visual media has a z value of 3.213.
It can be concluded that audio-visual media is more effective than counseling in increasing
knowledge about balanced nutrition for toddlers.
Based on the results of the study showed that in the counseling group there were
differences in the average value of the attitudes of malnourished children under five before and
after the implementation of counseling that is from 0.1 to 5.0. Wilcoxon test results obtained p
value = 0.006 <0.05, concluded that the implementation of counseling affects the increase in
attitudes about balanced nutrition material for toddlers. Whereas in the audio visual media group,
there was a difference in the average value of knowledge of under five nutrition mothers before
and after the implementation of audio visual media, which was 0.1 to 6.5. Wilcoxon test results
obtained p value = 0.002 <0.05, it was concluded that the implementation of audio-visual media
influence the increase in attitudes about balanced nutrition material for toddlers. In counseling
has a z value of 2.754 while in audio-visual media has a z value of 3.068. It can be concluded
that audio-visual media is more effective than counseling in improving attitudes about balanced
nutrition for toddlers.
Tabel 4.
The Effectiveness of Counseling and Audio Visual Media on Knowledge and Attitude
Improvement Mothers Toddler Malnutrition

Variable Counseling Audio Media

Average value ValueZ P Average value ValueZ P
Before 0,1 -2,965a 0,003 0,1 -3,213a 0,001
After 6,0 7,0
Before 0,1 -2,754a 0,006 0,1 -3,068a 0,002
After 5,0 6,5

Effect of Before and After Counseling and Audio Visual Media on Increasing Knowledge of
Underweight Mothers of Toddler Nutrition
Knowledge is the result of human sensing, or the result of knowing someone about objects
through their senses (eyes, nose, ears, and so on). By itself at the time of sensing so as to produce
knowledge is strongly influenced by the intensity of attention and perception of the object (13).
According to the researchers' assumptions, increasing the knowledge of under five nutritionally-
poor mothers about balanced nutrition material for toddlers requires a learning method that is
applied in providing that information with the objectives to be achieved. The learning method is
carried out by counseling by applying the lecture and question and answer method which is the
simplest method and is widely used in the delivery of information especially information about
balanced nutrition for toddlers.
In the opinion of Bandura and Walter, quoted by Rinik, knowledge or behavior of the
models contained in audio-visual media will stimulate people to imitate or inhibit behavior that is
not in accordance with the behavior that exists in audio-visual media (12). According to the
researchers' assumptions, the delivery of information about balanced nutrition for toddlers using
audio-visual media is conveyed through live images that are displayed with the help of a
projector with a certain speed of absorption through hearing and sight. The process of hearing
and this view can foster the interest of mothers of malnourished children, thus accelerating the
process of understanding and strengthening memory. Thus the knowledge of nutritional toddler
mothers will lack balanced nutrition information for infants has increased from before and after
given the audio visual media.

Effect of Before and After Counseling and Audio Visual Media on Increasing Attitudes of
Mothers of Malnourished Malnutrition
Thomas and Znaniecki asserted that attitude is a predisposition to do or not do a certain
behavior, so that the attitude is not only a pure psychological internal condition of the individual,
but the attitude is more an individualized process of awareness (13). According to the
researchers' assumptions, that the provision of information about balanced nutrition for infants
by counseling not only can increase knowledge but also can improve the attitudes of mothers of
malnourished children under five. Increasing the attitude of under-nutrition mothers under the
positive direction can be done by creating feelings of pleasure towards the things being learned.
So as to support the change of attitude towards a positive direction the implementation of
counseling is made as attractive as possible by carrying out activities that are not monotonous
during counseling.
Newcomb said that attitude is readiness or willingness to act, and is not an
implementation of certain motives. So, attitude is not an action or activity, but it is a
predisposition to an action behavior. Attitude is a closed reaction, not an open reaction or open
behavior from someone to a stimulus or object (19). According to researchers, an increase in a
positive attitude can be done by causing feelings of pleasure towards the things to be learned.
Thus, counseling material can easily be understood by mothers of malnourished children under
five. In addition, the increase in the quality of attitude towards a positive direction is also due to
extension workers have succeeded in communicating and conveying information to mothers of
undernourished infants by using tools such as making an animation in a video and making words
that are easier to understand by mothers of undernourished children.
The Effectiveness of Counseling and Audio Visual Media on Increasing Knowledge and
Attitudes of Mothers of Malnourished Malnutrition Children
Counseling is defined as a reciprocal relationship between two individuals (counselor and
client) to achieve an understanding of oneself in relation to problems faced in the future (20).
Counseling is also a process of changing knowledge and attitudes that require adequate
preparation and knowledge for extension workers and their targets. Audio Visual is a viewing
and hearing aid to stimulate the senses of the eyes and hearing during the process of delivering
teaching material. Audio visual media used can stimulate the two senses, namely the eyes and
ears simultaneously so that the respondent is more focused on the material provided. According
to the researchers' assumptions, delivery through words alone is very ineffective or lowest
intensity. The use of audio-visual media is an experience of one of the principles of the education
process. Audio visual media is very helpful in delivering information about balanced nutrition
for infants to mothers so that the information can be conveyed more clearly and the target can
receive information clearly and precisely as well. Audio visual media can also explain an object
that can be given for example through the video for example examples of differences in food
consumed by toddlers between foods containing carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and so forth.
Thus, it can be concluded that audio-visual media is more effective than counseling in increasing
the knowledge and attitudes of malnourished children under five in Puskesmas Medan Sunggal.
The results of this study concluded that audio-visual media was more effective than
counseling in increasing knowledge and attitudes of malnourished children under five in
Puskesmas Medan Sunggal.

The researcher would like to thank the enumerator who provided a lot of help and
support as well as thanks to the head of the Medan Sunggal Health Center who has given
permission as a place for conducting research.

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Journal Analysis

1. Title : Effect Of Audio Visual Media Awareness And Knowledge And Attitude Towards
Women Children Less Nutrition In The Health Field Medan Sunggal.
2. Journal Identity :
a. Writer’s name : Ainun Mardhiah, Rina Riayanti, Marlina
b. Year : 2016
c. Title of article : Effect Of Audio Visual Media Awareness And Knowledge And
Attitude Towards Women Children Less Nutrition In The Health Field Medan
d. Journal name : Jurnal Kesehatan Global
e. City Published Journal : Medan
3. The purpose of the journal writer : To compare the knowledge and attitudes of
malnourished children under five with the effectiveness of counseling and visual audition
4. Journal Unique Facts :
a. Old research results : Cases of malnutrition in the city of Medan in 2013 were 1,008
people experienced a decrease compared to 2012 which reached 1,200 people
b. New research results : Whereas at the puskesmas Medan Sunggal in November
2016 there were 4 cases of malnutrition and cases of malnutrition as many as 32
5. Journal Discussion :
a. Preliminary
Having healthy, intelligent childern with balanced nutrition is the desire of all
parents (1). Nutritional disorders in infants can cause developmental disorders of
chidren, such as stunting, wasting and mental development disorders (2). Many factors
leand to cases malnutrition. According to UNICEF there are two factors that cause
nutritional problems, the direct factor is: lack nutrient intake from food, due to the
occurrence of diseases that result in infections and factors not directly namely:
household level food availability, behavior and culture in processing food and child
care, poor environmental management and health services that are not adequate (3).
Based on child mortality data according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it
was revealed causes of death are complications of birth, diarrhea and malaria. It is
estimanted that around 45% of all child deaths are related to malnutrition making
children more susceptible to disease (4). Among 33 provinces in Indonesia, 18
provinces have a prevalence of malnutrition above the national prevalence rate ranging
from 21.2% to with 33,1%. North Sumatra is the 16th place among 18 provinces (5).
While The proportion of malnutrition is 13.9% higher that in 2010 and 2007, that is
13,0%. While the proportion of malnutrition in 2013 increased by 5.7% compared to the
previous year which was 4.0% in 2010 and in 2007 it was 5.4% (6).
Based on the results of the Basic Health Researcg (Riskesdas) (7), it was found that
the percentage of nutritional toddlers malnutrition and malnutrition (BB/U) in North
Sumatra province fluctuated from 2007,2013 and 2018. Cases of malnutrition in the city
of Medan in 2013 were 1,008 people experienced a decrease compared to 2012 which
reached 1,200 people (8). Whereas at the puskesmas Medan Sunggal in November 2016
there were 4 cases of malnutrition and cases of malnutrition as many as 32 toddlers.
The emergence of problems of lack and excess nutrition is caused by a lack of
diet good (9). Malnutrition during this period is also associated with a risk of
developing chronic diseases adult age, namely obesity, heart and blood vessel disease,
hypertension, stroke and diabetes (10). The problem of nutrition is a syndrome of
poverty that is closely related to problem of resilience food at the household level also
invoves aspects of knowledge (11). Knowledge or behavior model behavior contained
in audio visual media will stimulate people to imitate or inhibit behavior that is
incompatible with the existing behavior in audio visual media (12). While attitudes or
responses that are still closed from someone to an object are influenced by several
factors, one of which is mass media (13).
The role of mothers as caregiver and educators who play an important role in
fulfilling nutrition in children especially aged 1-5 years. Fulfillment of nutrition for
toddlers is not enough just to give PMT only, but also with increasing family nutrition
knowledge (14). Knowledge enhancement Nutrition has been carried out by the health
department such as nutrition counseling, nutrition conscious families, and giving
additional food, but the impact has not been able to reduce the incidence of malnutrition
and nutrition bad in toddlers (15). Parents are responsible for food problems at home,
types what foods are available and when they are served (16).
Health workers are axpected to be able to provide counseling and include parents,
family members, as well as child caregivers in health develoment activities concerning
improvement nutrition, environmental health improvement, and child development (17)
Based on the initial survey by conducting interviews with 5 mothers of undernourished
chlidren under five consumption patterns of children under five provided by mothers,
on average still lack of protein but excessive carbohydrates, mothers provide additional
food at the age of under 6 months which should only Breastmilk is only given, and the
mother is also wrong in managing everyday toddler food. As well as have been
interviews have also been conducted with nutrition workers that they have conducted
counseling each Integrated Healthcare Center. However, the lack of practicipation and
interest of mothers to listen to the contents of counseling and assume that counseling is
not important for mothers. And has given additional food to mother of children under
five but the results do not show a decrease in malnutrition. The research objectives this
is to find out the effectiveness of counseling and audio-visual media for improvement
knowledge and attitude of malnourished toddlers in Medan Sunggal Health Center.
b. Formulation of the problem :
What method is more effective to know the knowledge and attitudes of
malnourished toddlers?
c. Research methods :
1. Sampling : sampling techniques, sampling techniques , or sampling technicques
are part of the statistical methodology that deals with systematic procedures in
taking some members of the population for testimation purposes.
2. Experimentation is a set of actions and observations, which are carried out to
check or blame a hypothesis or recognize a causal relationship between
d. The emphasis
Knowledge and attitudes of mothers of toddlers towards malnutrition.
e. Weakness and advantages
1. Weaknes : from the results of research counseling techniques are not effective
in providing knowledge and attitudes of malnourished under-five mothers.
2. Advantages : the results od research on audio-visual media techicques are more
effective in providing knowledge and attitudes of malnourished toddlers.
f. Writer suggestion : it is expected that afterthe toddler mother gets audio visual, can
implement steps or ways to improve nutrition in toddlers so that the number of
malnutrition in toddler decreases.
6. Conclusion
The results of this study concluded that audio-visual media was more effective than
counseling in increasing knowledge and attitudes of malnourished children under five in
Puskesmas Medan Sunggal.
7. The question that arises
In addition to counseling and audio-visual media, are there other ways to improve the
knowledge and attitudes of malnourished children under five?
8. Reflection
For further research please add or multiply the sample

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