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Ocean Acidification


The Oceans and Carbon dioxide

Based on the National Geographic Society (2019), the ocean is considered to be a huge
body of saltwater having 71% of the Earth’s surface. Due to its massive area, the ocean enables
global biogeological cycles. They have a major contribution to the planet’s biodiversity and
major processes as it provides livelihood to millions of people and hosts thousands of species. In
addition, 97% of the world's water is commonly obtained from the ocean. It impacts different
phenomena such as temperature, weather, and food supply for humans.

Like any other body of water, the ocean is composed of different substances. The
pollution of water is a common problem due to the water’s composition and ability to mix easily
with toxic substances. As stated by Coyne (n.d.), the water is composed of 55% Chloride, 31%
Sodium, and other substances shown in the figure below.

Figure 1. Composition of Ocean Water

The Earth Science Services (n.d.) also stated that most of the salt within the ocean is from
the mineral deposits brought about by the water cycle. The ocean water is composed of 3.5%
mass of salt. In different locations, salinity varies. When the ocean meets with fresh water such
as rivers and lakes, the salinity is lower while ocean mixing with bodies of water having large
amounts of evaporation and water circulation produces higher salinity.
Acidification basically means to become more acidic or to add/convert acid. The
acidification of soils and surface waters resulting from elevated deposition of sulfur (S) and
nitrogen (N) has been widely reported from several locations in Europe and North America, and
more recently in Southeast Asia and parts of southern Africa (Cardoso, 2009). There have been
signs of acidification problems in many countries, and these can be expected to intensify unless
pollution reduction steps are introduced. This is due to the rapidly growing economies in areas of
southern and eastern Asia having massively increased the emissions of Sulfur and Nitrogen for
the past 20 years.

Ocean Acidification
As stated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (2020), Ocean
acidification refers to a decrease in ocean pH over a prolonged period of time, induced mainly by
the atmospheric absorption of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide absorbed from human activities
results in chemical changes that allow water to become acidic. These changes in ocean chemistry
can also influence the behavior of species undergoing calcification.

Ocean acidification presents a possible challenge to aquatic environments by its impact

on several aquatic organisms- biology and ecology (Kroeker et al., 2013). Ocean acidification
impacts oceans all over the world, including marine estuaries and waterways. Most economies
depend on fish and shellfish and people worldwide rely on ocean-based food as their primary
protein source. There is serious concern that the increasing acidity will have major impacts on
the marine ecosystem as atmospheric concentrations of CO2 continue to rise. The carbon dioxide
content in the atmosphere has risen due to the burning of fossil fuels and a transition in land use.
Because of this, the ocean absorbs about 30 percent of the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, and
as atmospheric CO2 levels increase, so do the ocean levels.

● To understand basic concepts involving Ocean Acidification.
● To determine the composition of chemicals in the ocean due to Acidification.
● To interpret the role of humans in Ocean Acidification.
● To identify the cause and effects of Ocean Acidification
● To provide solutions for problems involving the Ocean Acidification.

Humans have contributed about 400 billion tons of carbon to the atmosphere since the
Industrial Revolution started in the middle of the 18th century. This is a by-product of the large
quantities of fossil fuels that were burned for oil, the trees that were cut down, the cement that
we created and more. Carbon dioxide resides in the atmosphere, where it traps heat and
continues to warm the earth. Yet, the ocean eats up about 25 percent of all the extra CO2 emitted
per year (Borunda, 2019).

Figure 2. Causes of Ocean Acidification

One of the causes of Ocean Acidification is the rising oxide content of carbon IV in the
ocean and atmosphere. When the level of carbon dioxide gas gets higher in the ocean, it
obviously affects the whole water. As aquatic animals die on the seabeds, their bodies build up
and create carbon-forming corals. Such bacteria frequently emit calcium into the body. And in
the atmosphere, the harm caused by the environment will spread to the oceans. That is as carbon
dioxide is emitted by numerous human actions into the environment. It in effect contaminates the
environment leading to the oxidation of the chemical gasses in the marine waters, which
decreases the water's pH and leads to acidification (Conserve Energy Future, n.d.).

Based on the Natural History Museum (n.d.), the main cause of Ocean Acidification is
carbon dioxide. In addition, the website also stated common factors that contribute to the
increasing number of CO2 in the atmosphere. Some of these factors include burning fossil fuels,
and deforestation. It is also stated that ocean acidification may occur naturally to certain areas
such as hydrothermal vent sites or underwater “hot springs.”

Because the ocean is made up of water there will be a chemical reaction going on.
Through the processes of hydrogen ion where the CO2 is blending with the water turning it
acidic. Because of this process, the most affected marine species are the ones with shells like a
clam, mollusks, sea urchins, and pteropods. If these animals disappear It will be really bad for
our ecosystem.


Effects of Ocean Acidification

A. Effects on Atmosphere
Ocean Acidification can detrimentally impact the anti-predator behaviors of fish. If the
CO2 rates increase in the atmosphere, the seas slowly get more acidic. CO2 also has unique
effects on aquatic organisms that preclude or at least restrict the usage of the ocean as a response
to increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. This effect is compounded when coupled
with high weather, possible oxygen shortage issues resulting from global warming,
eutrophication, or alternative solutions for CO2 removal through iron fertilization (Pörtner et al.

B. Effects on Coral Reefs

Since ocean life is often food for something else, any increase or decrease in a species '
abundance can have a ripple effect on other species. That's because of the nature of ocean food
webs. One well-known ecosystem would be coral reefs. Coral reefs provide shelter and food for
a wide variety of marine life, including various sponges, oysters, clams, crabs, starfish, sea
urchins and several fish species. Coral reefs are among the most important and biodiverse
habitats on Earth. An approximate 25% of all marine life, including more than 4,000 fish species,
depends at some stage in their life cycle on coral reefs. If ocean and coastal acidification
interferes with species and food chains, we should expect the ripple effects to cause significant
ecological changes. In the previous example, the corals build their hard stony skeletons from
calcium carbonate. Corals can not form calcium carbonate under increased acidity, and the coral
skeleton may dissolve under extreme acidity. Thus, the impact of increased ocean acidity on one
form of organism, like humans, may have significant implications for a whole ecosystem.

C. Effects of Ocean Acidification to Chemical Speciation and Biogeochemical Cycles

The increasing amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) released in the atmosphere causes a
decrease in the pH level of the water in the ocean. This causes an alteration in seawater chemical
speciation and biogeochemical cycles of many elements and compounds.

One of the many effects of ocean acidification is the decrease in calcium carbonate
saturation states. This phenomenon has a great impact on the capability of some marine
organisms to form shells.
Figure 3. Dissolving mollusk due to acidic conditions © David Liittschwager/National Geographic Creative.

Many of these calcifying species demonstrate reduced calcification and growth rates
when exposed to high CO2 concentrations. These organisms range from plankton to benthic
mollusks, echinoderms, and corals. A reduction and possibly regional cessation of calcification
by organisms in the oceans would strongly affect ecosystem regulation and the flow of organic
material to the seafloor.

Figure 4. Summary of the effects of Ocean Acidification to basic Taxonomic Groups

Source: Adapted from Kroeker et al. 2013.

Another effect of ocean acidification is the increase in carbon fixation rates in some
photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthetic coral reefs require calcified structures to survive.
These systems are liable to significantly decline as a result of surface ocean acidification.
D. Effects on environment and coastal areas
Ocean acidification also applies to the current risks to the environment and coastal areas
of each nation.
According to Thompson (2019), the Southern Ocean plays an important role in the
conservation of both heat and energy. However, due to carbon emissions and other human
activities, Recent reports have shown that the Southern Ocean is already changing: it is warming
and it is becoming less cold, as well as the volume of carbon dioxide deposited in the Southern
Ocean is increasing which also results in acidifying the oceans. In addition, more pollution like
human waste/garbage is collecting in the Southern Ocean. Any one of these three changes tells
us something about how the environment operates and also serves as an indication about what
we may expect to happen in the future. One of the consequences of warming on the Southern
Ocean and ocean acidification is that it appears to raise the pace at which the ice that falls from
Antarctica reaches the sea and melts. The warmer the ocean, the faster the ice around the edge of
Antarctica melts and the more it affects polar species residing in the region.

E. Effects on Fisheries and the Economy

The impact that it has on ocean life is that the pH of the ocean fluctuates within limits as a
consequence of natural cycles, and ocean species are well-adapted to withstand the shifts they
usually undergo. Any aquatic animals will be able to respond to more drastic changes but others
may suffer, and extinctions are likely to occur. Although there is no assurance that, during the
last big acidification outbreak 55 million years ago mass extinction resulted in some animals,
including deep-sea invertebrates. A more acidic atmosphere does not kill aquatic species in the
oceans, but the rise in seawater acidity of 30% that the oceans have now observed is also
impacting certain atmosphere creatures.

Ocean acidification may pose a major threat to commercial fisheries, especially those for
calcifying shellfish species. Studies were undertaken to estimate the potential economic costs
resulting from ocean acidification on UK wild capture and aquaculture shellfish production by
applying the net present value (NPV) and partial equilibrium (PE) models. The estimate covers
both direct and economy-wide economic losses of shellfish production by year 2100.
Estimation shows that the direct potential losses due to reduced shellfish production range
from 14% to 28% of fishery NPV which is equivalent to annual economic losses of between
3- 6 billion of the UK’s GDP in 2013, for medium and high emission scenarios. Results using
the PE model showed the total loss to the UK economy from shellfish production and
consumption ranges from 23 - 88 million. The results from both the direct valuation and
predicted estimate for the economic losses on shellfish harvest indicate that there are
regional variations due to different patterns of shellfish wild-capture and aquaculture, and
the exploitation of species with differing sensitivities to ocean acidification. Findings show
that economic losses due to ocean acidification could be substantial.
Impact of Humans Actions on Ocean Acidification

People are also contributing to why Ocean Acidification is happening. An example is

the improper disposal of wastes by humans because most of the industrial waste and domestic
waste are dumped into the sea which in turn pollutes the water. This affects the ph level of the
water making it acidic (Natural Energy Hub, n.d.).


When water (H2O) and CO2 are mixed together, they form carbonic acid (H2CO3).
Carbonic acid is weak compared to some of the well-known acids that break down solids, such
as hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid. The weaker carbonic acid may not act as quickly, but it
works in the same way as all acids: it releases hydrogen ions (H+) which bind to other molecules
in the area.

This process binds up carbonate ions and makes them less abundant—ions that corals,
oysters, mussels, and many other shelled organisms need to build shells and skeletons. A number
of chemical changes break down the CO2 molecules and recombine them with others.

FIgure 5. Carbonic Acid Process Source: Adapted from J. Cook,

Seawater that has more hydrogen ions is more acidic by definition, and it also has a
lower pH. Acidity explains how many H+ ions there are in a solution; acid is a product that
activates H+ ions, and pH is the meter used to calculate the number of H+ ions.

The changes that could be observed during the process is that the average pH of ocean
surface waters has fallen by about 0.1 units, from 8.2 to 8.1.This corresponds to a 26 %
increase in ocean acidity, a rate of change roughly 10 times faster than any time in the last 55
million years. Ocean acidification reduces the amount of carbonate, a key building block in
seawater. This makes it more difficult for marine organisms, such as coral and some plankton, to
form their shells and skeletons, and existing shells may begin to dissolve.

Addressing to each community that Ocean Acidification, including climate change,
requires a collective initiative to minimize carbon pollution. The community can help the
government through reforestation. People may also reduce the use of plastic bottles for
portable water bottles. As much as possible they can opt to buy a water container that can be
used in daily living and not a single-use plastic bottled water. To produce plastic bottles,
manufacturers use fuels to operate machines to create the plastic bottle, which in effect,
contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide. Additionally, the
community can also contribute in reducing the effects of Ocean Acidification by reducing the
emission of CO2 through minimizing the production of livestock farming because it can
release greenhouse gases than all of the forms of transportation, as well as promoting the use of
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Refuse! as it helps conserve energy and lessens the growth of
plastic wastes from disposals that can produce a large number of greenhouse gases. Humans are
heavily engaged in the usage of fossil fuel. We also use fossil energy for travel, manufacturing,
and houses. Now is time to switch to clean energy (or renewable energy). The community can
also substitute the utilization of vehicles that emits mass amounts of carbon dioxide by
making use of eco-friendly transportation such as riding a bike or even walking.

Ongoing use of fossil fuels which is a major factor of CO2 emission contributes to ocean
acidification. Political will and significant large-scale investment in clean-energy technologies
are essential if we are to avoid the most damaging effects of human-induced climate change,
including ocean acidification. (J.M Guinotte & V.J Fabry et al.2008)

Human behavior is better regulated by terrestrial laws. The first move in addressing
ocean acidification will be taken by ratifying regulations that will ensure that the
management of waste is regulated, among other pollution-risk practices.

In general, ocean acidification refers to change in seawater composition due to carbon
dioxide absorption. The changes in the chemical properties and processes in the oceans caused
by the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration will include a decline in pH, an increase in
dissolved CO2, a decrease in carbonate ion concentration and an increase in bicarbonate ions.
The big amount of CO2 absorbed by the ocean from burning fossil fuels and cement
production resulted in a change in ocean chemistry. The surface seawater is reduced to about 0.1
units which correspond to an increase of approximately 30% of hydrogen ion concentration.
Humanity has the biggest role in ocean acidification, these activities include the burning
of fossil fuels, deforestation and vehicle emissions, most of the industrial waste and domestic
waste are being thrown into the sea which in turn pollutes the water. Humans typically eat
around 270.7 pounds per person a year, and this should rise to the demand of livestock, and
because of this livestock have been a contributor to greenhouse emissions.

When carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, it sinks to the ocean and dissolves into
carbonic acid that results in the decrease of pH levels in the ocean making it more acidic. This
scenario is caused by human activity, such activities include: burning of fossil fuel, deforestation,
and livestock production. Ocean Acidification affects the marine ecosystem, and it is said that if
the rate of acidification of the oceans increases, the damage it will create on the food web will be
irreversible as mass extinctions are possible.

To solve this problem we need to start with the communities instead of using plastic
drinking water every one needs to use a reusable drinking water bottle to lessen the and teach
them to recycle. By doing this we can lessen our carbon footprint. The reason is that just making
the plastic the manufacturer uses fossil fuel to make this water bottle. Not only that we also need
to travel less or use vehicles that use fossil fuel and eat less meat because the livestock has a part
is global greenhouse emission. To save the earth we need to change our old ways and take a
more greener and healthy way of life.

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