Exciting Gospel Magic

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Chapter one: "Good Plus Bad Equals Death"

(Page 1) (silk poke, skull and crossbones, empty box,
butterfly silk, can be done with change bag)

Chapter two: "Gospel Application For The Water Suspension"

(Page 5) (water suspension)

Chapter three: "Religion Or Salvation?"

(Page 9) (stiff rope)

Chapter four: "The Mark Of A Disciple"

(Page 12) (A lesson on love with a production from a folder
and a trick involving 12 cards)

Chapter five: "Egg To Silk"

(Page 19) (fake egg, silk, real egg)

Chapter six: "4 - 40 - 80 Who Goes To Heaven?"

(Page 24) (silkola, popcorn dye box)

Chapter seven: "Something - Nothing - Illusion"

(Page 28) (four big cards)

Chapter eight: "Spelling Bee Gospel Style"

(Page 31) (spelling bee trick)

Chapter nine: "Jesus Lives Paper Tear"

(Page 34) (a paper tear)

Chapter ten: "The Enchanted Hanger"

(page 36) (a trick with a gimmicked hanger, jokes)


Chapter eleven: "Genii Tube"
(Page 39) (outside looks good - inside dark and empty)

Chapter twelve: "Blooming Bouquet" ^

(Page 42) (you can't love or give too much) *

Chapter thirteen: "Too Late Toy Shop Trick" *

(Page 45) (A trick folder, sorry..too late ending)

Chapter fourteen: "Cylinder Of Plenty"
(Page 50) (Two lessons - one Romans 6:23, the other
on the unity of the Bible).

Chapter fifteen: "Should Every Trick Have A GospelMessage?"

(Page 54)




EFFECT: A white scarf representing good is placed into a tube

along with a black scarf representing evil. When the tube is
opened the individual scarves have vanished and in their place
is a larger scarf with a skull and crossbones on it.
The skull and crossbones scarf is wrapped in a red scarf
representing the saving blood of Jesus Christ. It then is placed
into a small box. When the box is opened and the red scarf
is unwrapped...inside of it is a beautiful butterfly scarf
representing salvation and new life.

SECRET: This effect involves several props. I use a "silk poke"

and an "empty" box.If you do not have those props there are
still a variety of ways you can accomplish the same effect.
You could do it all in a change bag. Or you could use a change
bag in place of the "silk poke" and a "silk wonder box" in place
of the "empty box". Other possibilities would be to use a
"popcorn dye box" and a "crystal silk cylinder". Basically
you need one method of changing two 12" silks into an 18" silk
and then one method of changing an 18" silk (which is wrapped
in a 12" red silk) into a 36" silk (which also is wrapped in
a red 12" silk).

PRESENTATION: (In this presentation I described the effect

when done with a "silk poke" and an "empty box").

Ahead of time load the 18" skull and crossbones silk into the
paper tube. The "silk poke" then is inserted at one end of the
tube. Also wrap a butterfly silk in a 12" red silk and load
the bundle behind the gimmick in the "empty box".

"Here is a common misconception. Many seem to have the idea


that salvation is a result of having more good in your life

than you have evil.
I remember talking to a man some years ago. I asked him if
he believed he would go to heaven after he died. He answered
by explaining to me that in his opinion it would depend on what
side of the chalkboard he had the most marks on. When I told
him I didn't understand he said he believed God was keeping
a record of his life like a chalkboard divided in half. Whenever
he did something right God put a mark on the good side of his
chalk board. Whenever he did something bad God put a mark on
the bad side of his chalkboard. At the end of his life God
would then add up the chalk marks. If he had more bad than good
he would go to hell. If he had more good than bad he would go
to heaven. So his belief was salvation depends on having more
good works than bad works in life.
That man was absolutely wrong. The Bible is clear that we
are not saved by our good works or by doing more right things
than wrong things. Here is an illustration of what the Bible
This white cloth will stand for good works. This dark cloth
will stand for evil deeds (show both silks as you comment..a
12" black silk and a 12" white silk).
This paper tube will help us think of life. Into every life
there is good and bad. Usually lots of good and lots of bad.
(Start poking the silks into the tube..actually you are putting
them into the silk poke. Use the silk poke to steal the two
silks away..so now all you have in the tube is the skull and
crossbones silks).
What happens when our good works and evil deeds are considered
together? (Open tube to show skull and crossbones).
That's right, the result is death! The Bible says, "The wages
of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). It also says, "by the deeds
of the flesh shall no man be justified" (Romans 3:20). In another
place Scripture tells us, "Not by works of righteousness that

we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us!" (Titus

3:5). Good deeds do not cancel out bad deeds in God's eyes.
The result of sin is spiritual death. No matter how many good
things we do it does not and can not change the fact that sin
is sin and must be judged.
Any sin and all sin means spiritual death.
If we are to be saved from our sin we must understand that
God's plan is salvation by His grace through Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:9-9 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith
and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works
lest any man should boast". Another wonderful verse on the
matter is Romans 4:5, "But to him that worketh not, but
believeth on Him that jusitifieth the ungodly, his faith is
counted for righteousness".
When Jesus Christ died on the cross our sin was being paid
SILK). The shedding of the blood of the perfect Son of God was
God's way of making atonement for our guilt. The word atonement
means, "covering". God was covering up our guilt through Christ,
but more than that He was making a way for us to become truly
forgiven and spiritually alive! (Place bundle of silk in "empty
box". Then remove panels of the box. Audience sees the bundle
with the butterfly silk inside and thinks it is the same bundle
you just put in).
What happens when we trust Christ instead of our works? We
find the blessed assurance that we are spiritually alive and
someday we will be enjoying eternity with God in heaven!
(Unwrap bundle and show the butterfly silk).

NOTE: If you do not have a skull and crossbones silk you can
use a permanent magic marker to write the word "DEATH" in black
ink on a white silk or thin cloth. It will serve the same


NOTE: Todo this routine with a change bag set the trick up
in thisway: A. Fold the 36" butterfly silk into a small bundle
B. Wrap the 12" red silk around that bundle
C. Wrap the 18" skull and cross bones around the
D. Put the bundle on one side of the change bag

Start by showing the 12" black silk and 12" white silk. Place
them in the empty side of the change bag. Switch the bag over
and produce the skull and crossbones. Do this by simply pulling
on the silk...it will slide off the bundle easily. After
displaying the skull and crossbones silk..produce the red silk
by pulling it off the bundle. (In this version you only use
one 12" red silk). After producing the red silk SWITCH THE BAG
Wrap the 12" red silk around the skull and crossbones silk
and drop the bundle into the change bag. (On the same side now
as the 12" black and white silks). SWITCH THE BAG AGAIN!
Now the side of the bag you are working with has only the
36" butterfly in it. Either you can produce the butterfly or
have a spectator reach in and take it out.

Using a change bag is simply another method of showing the

same effect.

NOTE: If you don't have a butterfly silk you can use a rainbow
silk or a sunburst pattern to represent new life. Personally
I prefer the symbolism of the butterfly, but there are other
ways to illustrate the same concept.


Note: Full credit belongs to Rev. William Baker of North

Brunswick, New Jersey for inspiring this routine. I love the
effect of the water suspension, but had never come up with a
good gospel application for it until seeing Bill do it several
years ago. He shared his presentation in context of a lecture
and welcomed those in attendence to use it. Out of that I
started doing the trick with a message similar to his. After
doing it many times the message evolved and changed to fit my
own style, but I still want it to be clear that Bill Baker is
the one who originated the idea. His connection of gospel truth
to a wonderful old trick was brilliant.
The following is my adaptation of his great routine.

EFFECT: A cylinder, open at

both ends is shown to the
audience. A empty glass is
passed through the tube to
emphasize the fact that it is
empty. Then water is poured
into the empty tube. The
water defies the law of gravity
by remaining in the tube.
A silk is pushed through the cylinder
while the water is still hanging inside it. The silk goes
completely through the cylinder!
Finally the empty glass is brought up through the cylinder
and comes out the top full of water. A tremendous effect.

SECRET: This trick is manufactured by MAK magic. It was

originally called the "Chen Lee Water Suspension". Fundamentally
it involves a clear plastic insert that can be moved from the

glass to the tube and back again by way of a small plastic hook.
It is an old yet very clever principle that mystifies the
audience. It is also easy to do

Have you ever heard the expression, "In one ear and out the
other?". Actually it is not a new expression. In the Old
Testament the prophet Jeremiah said something that sounds almost
the same and does mean the same. He said, "The people have ears
to hear..but they don't hear". (Jeremiah 5:21)
We will use this tube to illustrate that saying. (Show metal
tube..display both ends..say the two ends represent two ears).
Just like this tube has two ends so people have two ears.
Here is the problem. There is a tendency for people to hear
things, but not really listen. (Show glass..drop it through
the tube in such a way that the clip on the gimmick catches
the metal and stays in the tube). (As you drop the glass
through say..). As the saying goes..in one ear and out the
When Jeremiah made his saying he was referring to the fact
that although people may hear God's message they often ignore
it. They have ears to hear..but they really don't hear. One
thing that the people in the time of Jeremiah were not
hearing..that many in our generation also are not hearing..is
that man is a sinner.
(Pick up glass of water and start pouring it into
tube..actually into gimmick).
God says, "Yes there is sin in the heart of man". But man
chooses to ignore the fact that he is a sinner. Man behaves
as if sin is not there. (Water apparently has vanished into
the tube).
(Place handkerchief over tube. With a wand push the
handkerchief down through the tube. It goes beside the gimmick).

Even if man does recognize the existance of sin he often trys

to claim it is no big deal. Man does not hear what God says
about judgement and spiritual death. Instead he says, "Hey,
I go to church..on Sunday I get all dressed up and do my duty..so
even if I am a sinner it is no problem. See it doesn't make
any difference!" (Handkerchief is pulled down through tube).
Man can say what he wants..but what God says is still true.
Just because people let the message go in "one ear and out the
other" that doesn't change the facts. Man is a sinner. (Peer
down into the tube while you say this..as if you can see the
water). Sin is there! And it is a terrible problem!
That is why it is vital that instead of denying or ignoring
the truth relating to sin...we confess our sins and turn to
Jesus to forgive us.
(Take glass and bring it up through the tube..the glass slips
around the gimmick and brings it and the water back out).
It is much better to let Jesus come into our hearts and remove
the sin. He can take the sin away and make us clean and pure
in the eyes of God (Show tube).

NOTE: I usually pour the water from the glass into yet another
glass at the end of the trick to emphasize that it was real
water and the glass really did bring it back out of the tube.
When I pour the water into the other glass (I normally use a
large glass for this) I comment on how Jesus buries our sin
in the great sea of God's forgiveness where our failures and
wickedness will be remembered no more!

NOTE: It is a good idea to add red food coloring to the glass

to make the water more visible from a distance. One possibility
is to put a few drops of red food coloring in the plastic insert
ahead of time. Then clear water is poured into the tube and
red water comes out. You could comment on how it is through

the blood of Jesus that our sin can be taken away.

The other way to do it is to have the water red from the start
and quote Isaiah 1:18 about sin being "as scarlet and red like
crimson" which would especially emphasize the obvious nature
of man's sin...yet he pretends like it isn't there or that it
doesn't matter.

NOTE: In writing this it occurred to me that those of you who

do "chemical" magic could probably add some super effect to
this trick by having the water black when poured into the tube,
then have it come out red, then finally turn clear. I'm sure
such a thing can be done.
I also know that I find the trick a very valuable part of
my gospel magic program when just doing it the standard way.



(Gospel Application For The "Stiff Rope")

EFFECT: A rope is shown to hang limply from the hand. Then it

is stretched from hand to hand. When released from one hand
it falls limply again. Finally the rope is stretched out from
hand to hand and when one hand lets go...the rope remains
stretched out over space! Then the rope is held by one hand
in the middle...it remains stiff! Finally
from the hand.

SECRET: The rope is specially

gimmicked. The version I use is
relatively inexpensive (about $10.00)
and comes from India. Most magic
dealers can supply you with one.

(Begin by holding rope between your hands, hold it at the
tip of each end so when you release the grip of one hand the
rope falls naturally).
"Here is a definition of religion: Man's efforts to reach God.
Here is the truth about religion: All of man's efforts fall
short! (Release one end of the rope so it drops limply..then
pick it up again).
Religion for some people is a matter of works. By personal
efforts they hope to somehow to put themselves up on a level
where God will accept them. (Release the elevated end of the
rope and let it fall). The Bible is clear that God never has
accepted anyone on the basis of his or her works and God never
will. Simply because no one can be so good that he or she earns

the right to heaven.

(Lift the fallen end of the rope up and place in elevated
position again).
Other people think it is their church attendance and
involvement in formal ritual that will get them to a level where
God will accept them. That too is insufficient. (Let the rope
drop again). God who created the world and all of its magnificent
beauty is not impressed by the fact that someone faithfully
sits in a special building week after week. Besides that Acts
17:24 says, "God dwelleth not in temples made with hands". God
doesn't live in a building so you don't get to his level by
going to a building!
(Pick up end of rope again and elevate it).
Yet others think it is "keeping the Golden Rule" that will
get them to God. They assume that by treating people as they
would want the people to treat them God will be impressed enough
to welcome them in His heaven. (Drop end of rope again). That
too is something that will not work! The Bible is clear that
all of us are sinners and our righteousness is as filthy rags
(Isaiah 64:6). The things that we think are impressive to God..
..are not impressive to God!

Scripture tells us in Romans 3:23 that "all have sinned and

come short of the Glory God". The truth is man has no hope
of putting Himself up on a level where God will receive Him.
The best religious effort in the world falls far short of

Does this then mean we have no hope! No way! Instead it means

we must understand the Good News of the Bible which is this.
(Pick up end of rope again and elevate it. This time turn the
rope so it will remain stiff). SINCE MAN COULD NOT REACH UP
TO GOD...GOD REACHED DOWN TO MAN! This is what the Christmas
story is all about. "For God so loved the world that He gave

His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him

should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16).
God sent Jesus Christ down into this world to save us from
our sin. (Release lower end of rope..and show that it remains
stiff). That is right, God reached down to man in love and by
doing that He made a way for man to come to Him. Jesus said
in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me". By Jesus we do have access
to God. Jesus is the bridge between us and our maker!
When we take hold of Christ in faith..(Grab the lower end
of the rope and release the upper end. It remains stiff!).,
we are able to come to the Father. We have a heavenly hope in
And Jesus is the only way! (Now grasp rope in the middle.,
it still is stiff). In Matthew 7:14 Jesus said, "Straight is
the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life". There is
not a broad selection of methods or avenues for getting to
heaven. It is not true that many religions can take you there.
No religion will take you to heaven. The approach is very
narrow, (like this rope), there is one narrow avenue to heaven
and it is knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In Jesus
you find a firm foundation and a sure way of salvation. Without
Jesus there is no hope! (Let rope fall).

NOTE: You may want to introduce this routine with some comedy.
Before getting to the lesson joke about having a trained flea.
Pretend like he jumps on the rope (hold rope stiff and then
have it bend in the middle). Pretend like you are walking your
flea at the end of the rope (hold rope stiff down near the floor
and wiggle the end). There are many fun possibilities. Several
people I know have put together an invisible flea circus with
this rope. After having some fun with it comment, now by
means of this rope let me share an important lesson.


(A lesson on love that baffles the audience and teaches
a grand lesson at the same time)


Effect: A folder is shown on all sides. Each side of the folder

has a message on it relating to love.
Then twelve cards are used totalk about love. A spectator
helps the magician by holding six cards..the magician holds
the other six. The cards are mixed up by moving the top card
in the stack of six to the bottom of the stack when a word is
spelled. Five different words are spelled. Each time the
spectator chooses whether his stack of six cards or the
magician's stack of six will be used in the spelling. After
mixing up the order of the cards through this process the top
card on each stack (the one in the hands of the spectator and
the one in the hands of the magician) is turned over. If a
word about love comes up..the matching word will always be a
"yes". If a word about sinful attitudes comes up the matching
word will always be a "no".
After the matching of cards six different times, (which is
a very baffling effect to the audience), the magician shows
the folder once again. After displaying each of the sides of
the folder he reaches into it and makes a large production of
silk scarves, silk streamers, and spring flowers to illustrate
the true beauty of love.

Secret: You can make this trick yourself! Just take 12 pieces
of posterboard and right one word on each piece. The words are
kindness, forgive, patience, anger, revenge, pride, yes, no,
yes, no, yes, no.
First an explanation of the cards. A simple mathematical

principle is used based on the number twelve.

Arrange twelve cards in the following order. The six attitude
cards are placed in a pile. First a positive virtue then a
negative one. Like this: Kindness, Anger, Forgive, Pride,
Patience, Revenge. Then the "yes - no" cards are placed in
a pile. Alternate the "yes" and "no" starting with the yes.
So the order of the cards looks like the diagram below (only
the cards are in a pile).

That is all there is to it! Now put the attitude pile on

top of the "yes - no" pile and you are ready to go. You may
mix up the pile if you want by taking a top card and putting
in on the bottom of the stack. As long as you don't mess up
the actual order of the cards you can move them from top to
bottom as much as you want to and the trick will still work!

Now for the actual working. Invite a spectator up and give

him six cards. IMPORTANT! Give him his cards by taking the
top card from the complete stack and placing it into his hand.
Take the next card from the stack and place it on top of the
first card you gave him. Do this until you have given him six
cards. This means you have reversed the order of the top six
cards in the complete stack by counting them down into the
spectator's hand..one on top of another.

At this point the spectator has six cards, you have six cards.
Tell him you are going to spell a sentence. It is "TEACH LOVE
ONE TO ANOTHER". He will be in complete control of the spelling.

All he must do is decide which stack will be used to spell each

For example: He chooses your pile for the spelling of the
word "teach". So you take the top card from your stack and
put it on the bottom of your stack when you say "t". You do
the same thing again when you say "e" and so one. You do this
five times. Each time you say a letter of the word "teach" you
move one card from the top of your stack to the bottom.
(If the spectator had chosen his pile instead you would have
done the same thing with the stack in his hand..only you would
have had himdo the spelling and the moving of cards from the
top to the bottom of the pile).
After counting cards for the word teach turn over the top
card in your pile...have the spectator turn over the top hard
in his pile. One of you will have an attitude card, the other
will have a "yes" or "no" card. THE TRICK IS SELF-WORKING.
Comment on how the cards match..then spell the next word
"love". Just like the first time you move a top card to the
bottom of the stack for each letter in the word. The spectator
is allowed to choose which stack will be used in counting. (His
or yours). Again after spelling the word turn over the top
cards and again they will match!
Repeat this process for the word "one". Then the word "to".
Finally the word "another". Every time the "yes" or "no"
card will match the attitude card that comes up.
The crowd will be surprised and amazed at how every time the
cards match even though the spectator had complete control of
the spelling process.

Now for the second part of the trick..the folder.

The folder has a gimmick pocket attached to its spine that
can be moved back and forth with your thumb. (See diagram)

Load the pocket with silks, spring flowers, etc.

To start the trick show the front cover of the folder to the
audience. On the front are the words, "THE MARK OF A DISCIPLE".
Hold the gimmick pocket behind the back ofthe folder while
doing this. Then open up the folder to show the audience the
inside. The inside has a Bible verse: "BY THIS SHALL ALL MEN
(John 13:34-35).
While showing the inside of the folder move the gimmick pocket
from being behind the back of the folder over so it is now behind
the front of the folder. (It is behind the side with the words,
"THE MARK OF A DISCIPLE"). This allows you to close the folder
and show the back of it which has the words, "TEACH LOVE ONE
By moving the pocket back and forth you can show all sides
of the folder without the audience ever being aware of the
existence of the load, (practice in front of a mirror, you will
be happy with how effective this is!).
To make the production show the folder on all sides. Then
open it backwards. This makes it appear that you are looking
ANOTHER" at the same time. This also moves the secret pocket
to the inside of the folder so you can reach into the pocket
and produce the items you loaded without the audience knowing
where the items are coming from.
It is really very simple. You show the folder on all sides.
At the start the verse is on the inside of the folder. Then
you fold the folder backwards which puts the verse on the outside
of it and the load within. Then you make your production.

Presentation: (Begin by showing folder). Here is a lesson

on the "Mark of a disciple" (show front of folder). In the Bible,
John 13:34-35 tells us Jesus Christ said there is one thing


in particular that is to identify those who believe in Him.

There is a special thing that is to be the identifying "mark"
of a Christian. That special thing is love! (Open folder and
show verse).
Jesus said this is the way people will know we are His
disciples, because we have "love one to another".
This means one of the duties of those who are Christians is
to be careful to show and demonstrate love. That is why the
back of my folder says, "TEACH LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER" (show back
of folder). If we say we are Christians we must learn to show
love and teach other believers to do the same! (Do not do the
production at this time. Just set the folder aside after showing
it on all sides).

What exactly is involved in teaching and showing love? To

demonstrate that I need a helper from the audience. (Bring up
This person is going to teach us something about love. I
have here twelve cards. Some of them say loving things like,
"patience, forgive, and kindness". Some of them say unloving
things like, "anger, revenge, and pride". Then other cards
say either "yes" or "no".
My wonderful helper is now going to remind us of what is right
and what is wrong about love. Here is what we do. After mixing
up the cards a bit (take some from the top of the main pile
move them to the bottom one at a time) I give him six cards.
(Count down six into his hands). I keep the other six.
We are going to spell a sentence. It is the same sentence
I showed you on the back of that folder, "TEACH LOVE ON TO
ANOTHER". When we spell a word in the sentence we are going
to mix up the order of our piles by moving one card from the
top to the bottom for each letter in the word. My helper here
is going to be in complete control of what happens. He will
choose what pile we mix up each time.

Tell him it is time to spell the first word so he must choose

a pile. Once he decides on the pile go ahead and spell the
word with the selected pile. This means five cards are moved
from the top of that particular pile to the bottom one at a
time. Then show the top card of each pile. Comment on the
For example: If kindness comes up say, "kindness means doing
little things that make life easier for other people. It is
being considerate of the needs of others and trying to contribute
to their happiness. Is that part of love and part of being a
disciple? (Spectator has the "yes" card). It most certainly
If pride comes up say, "pride is thinking you are better
than others and doing things to belittle them so that your
superiority will be obvious. Is that part of love and part of
being a good disciple of Jesus? (Spectator has the "no" card).
No, it certainly is not! Pride is not part of love.

Continue with this through the spelling of all the words.

Comment on each attitude and how it is a "yes" or "no".
When this is done dismiss your helper by saying, "He deserves
a big round of applause for doing such a great job of teaching
us about love. He got the "yes" and "no" right every time!

Then pick up the folder and say, "Yes ladies and gentlemen,
it is the mark of a disciple to demonstrate love. (Open folder)
Jesus taught us plainly that by living in the way of love we
will show what it really means to follow Him. (Show back of
folder). We need to teach and show love "one to another".
(Fold the folder backwards now and prepare to make the
production). What happens when we live a life of love? Then
the beauty of Jesus becomes evident to the world. (Start pulling
out silks). The world is not going to be attracted to the
message of Christ if His followers are guilty of pride, foolish

displays of anger, and a seeking of revenge. But if instead

His followers show kindness, forgiveness, and patience, the
world will be attracted quickly to the gospel. It is a wonderful
and exciting thing to see when those who are disciples of Jesus
Christ live in a way that reveals the beauty of His love.

The production finishes the trick and brings to an end a good

lesson on the beauty and importance of Christian love.


COMMENT: This is one of the classic effects in magic. For many

years I wanted to do the routine, but felt like it was too
complicated to present and not worth the work. About a year
ago I was reading through the tarbell course and found a version
of this effect that seemed to be simple yet strong. I worked
with the version a while, made some modifications of my own,
and finally came up with something that is easy and effective.
It is so easy that when I first started doing it I wondered
if the audience would really be fooled. After many presentations
I have discovered this routine gets a great response every time.
The audience laughs at first and then literally gasps at the

EFFECT: Magician shows a 12" silk scarf and apparently turns

it into an egg. He then reveals that the egg actually is fake.
It is made of plastic and has a hole in the side into which
the silk is inserted. After supposedly revealing the method
the magician does the trick again..but this time he peals the
"hole" off of the side of the egg and then breaks the egg open
to reveal that it is really an egg! The silk has completely

SECRET: The secret to this effect is primarily in the routine.

The sequence of events makes it easy for the magician to do
his part without the audience having a clue to what has happened.
Needed: A plastic egg with a hole in the side, a 12" silk
scarf (I prefer to use green), a real egg, a round label that
matches the color of the silk (I buy Avery labels in an office
supply store..round green ones), and a glass to break the egg
into at the end of the trick.


Sequence of the routine:

A. Magician pokes silk into left fist, pretends to pick up
some "special dust" from his magic table and sprinkle it on
the fist..then opens the fist to show that the silk is still
there. Nothing has happened!

B. Magician pokes silk into left fist again. He then pretends

again to go to his table for some magic dust. He shows his right
hand empty as he does this. After picking up the "special dust"
he supposedly sprinkles it on the left fist. When he opens that
fist there is an egg! The silk has apparently turned into an

C. Magician then shows that the silk didn't really turn into
an egg. He reveals the hole on the side of the egg and pulls
the silk back out of it as he explains what he did.

D. Magician then offers a full explanation of how the trick

works. He takes the fake egg in his left hand and pokes the
silk into it. He pretends to get some special dust from his
table. He pretends to sprinkle that dust on his left hand.
The left hand is opened to show the egg. Magician explains
that care must be used not to let the audience see the hole
in the egg. What happens if the audience does notice the hole?
He snaps his fingers then pulls the hole off the egg. His comment
is if the audience sees the egg there then is the need to
transform the plastic egg into the real thing!

NOTE: Complete handling will be explained under "presentation".

NOTE: This routine is a great tool for explaining to the audience
that our "magic" is just "illusion". We don't play with Ouiji
Boards and we aren't involved in any occult activity. Our tricks
are just that...tricks. Puzzles for the eyes done through sleight
of hand and other methods.

PRESENTATION: Magician begins with this explanation...

"It is very important to me that you as an audience know that
every thing I do is just an illusion. As a Christian I recognize
the dangers of the occult world and have nothing to do with
it. I don't play with Ouiji Boards and I don't even know my
horoscope. What I do is use natural things from this world God
has created to stimulate our thinking. I use puzzles for the
eyes, optical illusions, and other methods to make fun things
For example, have you ever heard the saying that the hand
is quicker than the eye? Here is a demonstration of that."
(Show green silk and start to poke it down into your left fist).
"Have you ever seen the trick where the magician pokes a scarf
into his fist..then reaches over into his table and gets some
special dust..sprinkles the dust on his fist..and then the scarf
disappears? Have you seen that trick?" (The audience most likely
will say yes). "Good..because I am not going to do that trick!"

(NOTE: You poke the silk into your left first and leave it there.
When reaching into your table to get some "special dust" you
pick up the plastic egg with a hole in it and bring it out palmed
in your right hand).

"Instead I thought I would try this trick." (With right hand

pull green silk out of left hand. The silk covers the fact that
you have a plastic egg palmed in your right hand. Apparently
start to do the trick again. Place the fake egg into your left
hand at the same time you start poking the green silk down into
your hand. Practice a time or two in front of a mirror. It is
easy to do).
"I push the green scarf into my fist..(actually push it inside
the plastic egg).."then get some special dust from my table.."
(show them your right hand is empty as you go to your table.
In the table grab the real egg and palm it. Bring your right


hand back out and pretend to sprinkle special dust on the left
fist) •• "after sprinkling special dust on my left hand the scarf
turns into an egg and the audience is amazed!" (Show the
audience the plastic egg •• you act like this is a big deal).
"Then again maybe the audience isn't amazed. Maybe people
know how this is done. They may be aware of the fact that one
can take a plastic egg and cut a hole in it. Then instead of
turning a scarf into an egg all that really happened was the
scarf went inside the egg." (Show them the hole in the egg as
you say this. NOTE: Follow these instructions carefully ••
Your right hand still has the real egg palmed in it. Use the
left hand to place the plastic egg in your right hand. It will
be held by the thumb and forefinger up above the palmed egg.
With the left hand turn the plastic egg around to show the
hole. Then pull the silk out of the hole and place it beside
the plastic egg in your right hand. The silk hangs down over
the real egg in your hand. Now transfer the real egg and silk
to your left hand while talking. Finally place the plastic
egg in your left hand above the silk and real egg. Pull the
silk out the hand and start poking it down inside the plastic
egg which is above the real egg in your left hand.
This sounds complicated to do, but it isn't. Writing a
description of what to do is much harder than doing the trick).

"Obviously all one must do to make this trick work is hide

a plastic egg in the hand and then push a scarf down inside
of it". (You apparently are doing the trick for them again.
This time when the scarf is inside the plastic egg stick your
finger in the hole and lever the egg with the silk inside it
back into your right palm). "After pushing the scarf in the
egg you pretend to get some special dust from your table".
(Reach into your table •• dropping off the plastic egg •• now you
are clean!). "Of course there is no such thing as special dust,
but I pretend like there is. After pretending to sprinkle the

special dust on my hand I open up my fist and the audience is

amazed to see the scarf turned into an egg". (Do an exaggerated
bow). "Of course there is a problem with this trick. Many
times people are aware of the existence of plastic eggs with
holes in them. So great care must be used not to hold the egg
this way"..(Turn the real egg around. On one side of the egg
you have stuck the green label. This looks like a hole with
a silk inside to the audience. They believe it is still the
plastic egg you showed them a moment ago). "If people notice
the hole they are not particularly impressed by the trick.
Now you may be wondering..what does one do if people do notice
the hole? Answer..just snap your fingers! Then reach over
and peel off the hole"..(Do so). "You see, if people know about
the plastic egg you have to do a real illusion and make it
turn into a real egg." (Pick up glass from table and break egg
into it). "When a scarf turns into a real egg that really is
Now remember the question, 'is the hand quicker than the eye'?
I haven't told you if it is or is not, but I have just
demonstrated a real illusion!"

NOTE: Please take time to play with this routine. You will
discover it is much easier to do than it is to read about. You
also will find that it is a powerful effect. People are
astonished by the real egg at the end of the trick and usually
laugh out of surprise when it is revealed.
This is one of the classic effects in magic. There is good
reason why classics are classics!




EFFECT: A glass bottle is shown empty. A lid is placed on it

and then the bottle is covered with a silver tube. Three
individual silk scarves are shown. When placed into a paper
box the three scraves vanish. The silver tube is lifted from
the glass bottle and the three scarves are discovered inside
the bottle..the lid is still on the bottle!

NOTE: This is a great lesson

on the matter of salvation
being by grace. Whether a
person becomes a Christian
at age 4, 40, or 80 the
person will still go to heaven!

SECRET: This uses a standard dealer prop known as Silkola. It

also uses an item called a Popcorn Dye Box. The Dye Box has
a secret pocket in it that is used for the silk vanish. Duplicate
silks are loaded in the Silkola ahead of time.
Silkola is a very clear prop. By way of a plunger system and
a fake lid it loads silks into a bottle that can be previously

PRESENTATION: Magician begins by displaying the bottle.

"It is time to talk about going to heaven. Heaven is a
marvelous place of eternal happiness that has been prepared
for a certain type of people. An extremely important question
is..what type of people go to heaven?
To illustrate heaven here is a glass bottle. It will represent
that wonderful eternal place. A lid is placed on the bottle
and then it is covered with a tube. We do that for two reasons:

First of all heaven is a place we cannot presently see. Secondly

heaven is another world. It is an eternal situation. It is not
something we can get to or obtain by any normal human means.
So we have a clear glass bottle with a lid on it. The bottle
is placed a silver tube to help us think of heaven.
Now it is time to talk about people. Each of thesescarves
will help us think of a particular person." (Show green scarf).
"This first scarf will represent me. I became a Christian
when I was four years old. My parents led me to Christ and raised
me in the ways of the Christian faith. I surrendered to serve
the Lord in full time ministry when I was 16 years old. I have
been preaching ever since I was 18 years old. I served as pastor
for two different churches for a total of 16 years and now I
am in full time evangelism. The green scarf stands for me. I
came to Christ in my youth.
The red scarf will represent a friend of mine who did not
become a Christian until he was about 40 years old. For many
years he did not know the Lord. He would tell you how he lived
in sin. He has been married several times, he has been in trouble
with the law, he has had a very rough life. But now he has
accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.
This yellow scarf will represent a man who does not become
a Christian until he is 80 years old. This man lives in
wickedness and defiance of God almost his entire life. He has
never gone to church, he has never read the Bible. However
on his eightieth birthday he finally gives his heart to Jesus
Christ. After 80 years of spiritual failure he receives the
Lord as savior. Then on the next day he dies.

So here are three scarves to help us think of three people.

One became a Christian at age 4, one became a Christian at age
40, one became a Christian at age 80 and died the next day.
Someday my friend who is 40 will also die. For that matter..
someday I will die. The Bible is clear that "it is appointed

unto man once to die" (Hebrews 9:27).

Someday the body of each of the three Christians will be placed
into a casket and buried. (To illustrate death take each of
the three colored scarves and wrap them one at a time in a white
scarf. This means you have three bundles. Each composed of a
colored scarf inside a white one. Then take the three bundles
and push them into the secret pocket of the Popcorn Dye Box.
In the main part of the Dye box have three matching white silks.
This means when the box is opened up it will appear that the
three colored scarves have vanished but the scarves representing
the caskets will be left behind).
When the Christians leave this physical world what happens
to them? Like a used popcorn box left on the ground after a
ball game are they discarded souls that go to an eternal garbage
heap? Of course not! (Open up box and show the three white
scarves. The colored scarves have vanished!)

And how about this question..if these souls do go to heaven

do they all go to the same place? After all, one became a
Christian at four years of age and gave his life to ministry,
another didn't become a Christian until 40, the other didn't
become a Christian until 80 years old and then lived for Christ
less than one day! Is it possible that each one could enter
into the same eternal life?
The answer is yes. (Remove silver tube and show the three
silks in the bottle). Romans 10:13 says, "Whosoever shall call
upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". It doesn't say
"whosoever shall call upon the Lord and then serve him a certain
number of years". Nor does it say "whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord and live the Christian life for at least
so many days".
Scripture is clear that all of us are saved by grace. No one
deserves to go to heaven on his or her own. Even though some
have known the Lord longer and maybe appear to have lived a

more faithful life the truth of the matter is salvation is only

based on who Jesus is and our willingness to receive Him by
faith. The quality of our life has nothing to do with going
to heaven. The grace of God through Jesus Christ given to all
who believe has everything to do with eternal life.

NOTE: I think this is a very important lesson. People need to

understand that everyone..no matter how good their lives appear
to be..needs salvation through Jesus Christ.

NOTE: It may be good to follow up this lesson with one on rewards

in heaven to help people understand that although we are saved
by grace alone it does matter how we live.

NOTE ON HANDLING: The trick requires duplicate silks. Three

different colors that are vanished in the Popcorn Dye Box and
then three more to match those. The three that match the
originals are used with the Silkola.
So the props required are: One Silkola
One Popcorn Dye Box
Two green silks
Two red silks
Two yellow silks
Six white silks

Of course you could do this same lesson with different props.

All you need to do is create the effect that three silks vanish
from one place and reappear in another.



NOTE: Rather than being a trick this is a visual aid to use

at the beginning of a program to set the mind of the audience
at ease about the meaning of "magic". I am a firm believer
that every gospel magic program needs some kind of disclaimer
that makes it clear that we are not involved with any sort of
sorcery or dark arts. I also believe that a real trick should
not be exposed to accomplish this. Instead we need some sort
of object or object lesson that makes it clear that while our
presentation is mysterious and baffling it is still just
illusion. God works real miracles. Gospel Magicians only do
special effects and make puzzles for the eyes.

EFFECT: Various cards with words on them are shown. The audience
laughs because the words are used in a rather ridiculous way.
The final card shown has on it the word, "Illusion". That word
is used as an opportunity to explain what "magic" is.

COMMENT: Steve Bender of Ickle Pickle Products was the first

one I know of to put out the "This" and "That" cards. He says
he got the idea from a comedian. Apparently no one knows for
sure who first came up with using the words the way this routine
does, but I do think Steve Bender gets the credit for putting
the words on cardboard and developing a routine that magicians
can use.
I use the words in a slightly different manner than he does.
Also the addition of the word, "Illusion", is my own idea that
was developed out of a need for something to explain "magic".

SECRET: There is no secret to this. It is simply a matter of

preparing some pieces of cardboard. You need four pieces.
One the first one write "THIS" on the front and "SOMETHING"

on the back. On the second one write "THAT" on the front and
"NOTHING" on the back. On the third use smaller letters to
write "LITTLE SOMETHING" on the front and "ANYTHING" on the
back. On the forth card write the word "ILLUSION".

PRESENTATION: (Start with pieces of cardboard face down on

a table or hidden behind something).
"Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for me to show you this.
Yes, this is something you need to see. Are you ready to see
this? (Bring up the cardboard with the word "THIS" on it and
show it to them).
"Oh, I see you aren't much impressed. Well I hope you realize
I could have shown you that. What is that? I will show you
right now! (Bring up the cardboard with the word "THAT" on it.
You have "THAT" in one hand and "THIS" in the other).
So you aren't excited about that either! You should be
because this is "SOMETHING" (turn around this card to shown
them "SOMETHING") whereas that is "NOTHING" (turn around that
card and show them "NOTHING").
Now aren't you glad I showed you this which is something
rather than that which is nothing! (Flip cards around in time
with the words).
Since you are being good sports about this I will now show
you a little something (Bring out "LITTLE SOMETHING" card).
Yes, I admit it...it really isn't much of anything (turn around
and show word "ANYTHING").
I really should show you something important. Forget about
this that something and nothing and take a look at this word:
(Show them "ILLUSION"). I have something serious to say about
this word. In tonight's program you are going to see some of
this and some of that. I hope you understand that everything
you see is just ILLUSION. I have no secret powers and in no
way am I involved with any dark arts. Everything I do is just
some sort of puzzle or special effect. I believe in miracles,

but I do not do miracles. God does miracles. My job is to use

tricks and mysterious object lessons to illustrate the real
things that He does.






COMMENT: Spelling Bee is a trick marketed by Irv Cook of Daytona

Magic Company. The routine I'm about to share that makes use
of the "Spelling Bee" trick is not something I originated. I
asked Irv if he knew were the idea came from and he said someone
shared the routine with him and said it came from a back issue
of the "Christian Conjurer".
Others have told me the idea has been around for many years.
They say it is a trick with letters that was known long before
the "Christian Conjurer" was born. I have been unable to trace
back to the original source. If it was possible to know who
first thought of it I would gladly give credit where it is due.
The reason I share the idea now is I think it is too good not
to be known by the general field of Gospel Magicians. Also I
suspect that whoever did first come up with the concept would
want it to be published for others to use. It is a wonderful
tool for witnessing that certainly should not be kept hidden.

EFFECT: A display stand is shown with the word VARIOUS in it.

The letters of the word VARIOUS are removed and given to a
spectator to mix up. The spectator then hands the letters back
one at a time (face down) and the magician puts them in the
display stand wherever the spectator chooses. (The display stand
is held so the audience and the spectator cannot see the new
word that is being spelled). Once the spectator has given all
the letters back and the magician has placed them where the
spectator has chosen..the display stand is turned around to
reveal the word SAVIOUR. It seems that purely by chance the
spectator rearranged the word VARIOUS into SAVIOUR.

SECRET: I cannot reveal the working of the "Spelling Bee" trick,

but I will say that it is easy to do and fool proof. When
properly presented it is very strong.

NOTE: I am sharing a Gospel Presentation with the "Spelling

Bee" trick. Actually the trick can be used with many different
words. During my school shows this year I used it to turn the

NOTE: If you own a "Spelling Bee" trick I think this hint will
be appreciated. When the spectator hands you a letter and
directs it to a particular slot, if it actually is the right
letter for that slot turn it around and show it to the audience
before you slip it into the slot. Comment on how you cannot
show all the letters because you want the end result to be a
surprise, but you will show them this one so they understand
what is happening..the spectator hands you letters and you put
them where he or she chooses.

PRESENTATION: "I need a volunteer from the audience. Someone

who can spell without looking or thinking! Is there anyone here
with that unique ability? (Usually the children will volunteer.
Have some fun with this and pick a person you think will enjoy
trying to do it).
(Once he or she is on stage address the volunteer...)
"Here is your job. I have in this display stand the word VARIOUS.
In a moment I will give you the letters from that word and you
will mix them up. Then without looking at the letters you will
put them back into the display stand and try to spell a special
word. You will not look at the letters and you will not think
about what you are trying to spell, but you will try to spell
a special word. Do you think you can do this?
Let's make sure everyone knows what the word is that we start
with. Audience let's spell it out loud! V-A-R-I-O-U-S. What
does that spell? VARIOUS! Very good everyone.
By the way, did you know there are some people who say there


are various ways to heaven? That's right. They say just believe
anything you want and you will be saved. They try to claim that
just like all the spokes lead to the center of a wheel so all
religions and all good ideas lead to God. That is not true.
Along with trying to spell a word without looking or thinking
my helper here is also going to try to give us a message about
this idea that there are various ways to heaven.
Now here are the letters to the word. (Remove them from the
stand and hand them face down to the spectator. Ask him or her
to mix them up without looking at them. Turn the display stand
around as you remove the letters. This means the numbers on
the back now face the spectator and the audience).
O.K. now it is time to go into action. Hand me the letters
one at a time. Don't look at them, don't let anyone see them.
Just tell me the number where you want me to place the letter."
(Do this until all the letters are in the display stand. As
mentioned earlier..if the spectator actually directs a letter
into the correct slot show that letter to the audience before
putting it into the slot. It is best to show the audience a
letter only once..even if by chance the spectator gets more
than one right).
Now, all the letters have been used. You have tried to spell
something without looking at the letters or thinking about them
Let's see how well you have done. We started with the letters
V-A-R-I-O-U-S which spelled Various. What do we have now?
Turn the display rack around to show the letters are now in
this order: S-A-V-I-O-U-R. What does this spell? SAVIOUR.
Amazing isn't it. Without looking or thinking our helper has
come up with this wonderful word. Actually it is the old time
spelling of the word SAVIOR and it gives us a wonderful message
There are not many ways to heaven. It is not true that you can
believe anything you want to and still be saved. There is only
one true way of salvation and that is receiving the Lord Jesus
Christ as your personal Saviour!


COMMENT: This effect is marketed by Edwin's Magical Arts

of England. Laflin's Magic And Silks has exclusive rights for
the sale of the trick in the U.S.A. Edwin's Magical Arts does
include a gospel routine with the effect which is very good,
but I have come up with an alternate presentation that I prefer
It is an easy effect to do yet the impact on the audience is

EFFECT: A sheet of newspaper is shown and then torn into pieces

When only a few pieces are left they are spread out between
the magicians arms and somewhat like paper dolls they come
together to form the statement: JESUS LIVES!

SECRET: The setup is very simple. A half size sheet of newspape

is used that has a pocket in it. The JESUS LIVES banner is
made out of newspaper and glued to a special linen backing so
it won't wear out. The JESUS LIVES banner is folded up and
slipped into the pocket in the newspaper.
After the newspaper is displayed it is folded into a packet
about the size of the secret pocket. Then piece by piece the
newspaper is torn away until only the banner is left in the
magician's hands. All that is left to do is display the banner.
This is a very clever idea developed by Edwin Hooper and Eric
Margaret Hawkesworth

PRESENTATION: (Display the sheet of newspaper and then begin

to fold it into a packet while talking).
"Ladies and Gentlemen we hear a great deal of discouraging
news nowdays. We hear of war in Bosnia and starvation in Somali
(Tear away some of the paper).
We hear of crime in our streets. People are being raped,

robbed and murdered continually. (Tear away more paper).

We hear of businesses failing and people going bankrupt.
(Tear away more paper).
We learn of children being abused and families falling apart.
(Tear away yet more paper).
We see abortion movement gaining strength and homosexuals
growing in power and influence. (Tear away more paper).
We see those who believe in the truth of Jesus Christ being
mocked and at times persecuted. (Tear away more paper).
Yes we know many awful things are happening. But does this
mean we should have a negative attitude? (Tear away more paper).
Does this mean we should be discouraged and pessimistic?
Absolutely not.
Actually we have great reason to be happy and excited about
the future in spite of all the bad news we hear. What is our
reason for such a positive outlook? (Display banner) JESUS LIVES!
That's right. Our Lord Jesus Christ was greater than death
itself. He is greater than every adversary. He resisted the
greatest temptations Satan could bring against Him. Eventually
the kingdoms of this world will be the Kingdoms of our God and
Jesus shall reign forever and ever. We who are His shall reign
with Him! We have much to rejoice about because there is always
victory in Jesus.


exciting and effective ticks to out out in recent years. The

effect is simple yet powerful. Four silk scarves are shown
suspended from a simple coat hanger. The magician holds the
hanger lightly. Four spectators are selected to each choose
a scarf. When they name the scarf of their choice...it
mysteriously unties itself from the hanger and falls to the

NOTE: In my book "Positive Magic" I have written the routine

I use for this effect when working in secular situations. In
this book I am sharing how the trick is used in a Gospel Magic

SECRET: This is an item you must purchase from a magic dealer.

It is simple to do and well worth the investment. It is self-
contained. There are no threads or attachments to the body.
(Whether or not you own the trick or think you might purchase
it...please read the following routine. The routine may be
adaptable to other things you do.

PRESENTATION: Magician holds the hanger out in front of his


body. He says, "Ladies and gentlemen it is time to consider

some of the great questions of life. Yes, let us contemplate
some of life's great mysteries.
#1. What hair color do they put on the driver's license of
a bald man?
#2. If a man writes a book called, "How to be a total failure"
and no one buys the book...is it a success?
#3. If you filled a swimming pool full of dry ice and then
melted it down and dived in...would you get wet?
#4. If you see a turtle without a shell...is it naked or
#5. Do penguins have knees?
#6. They say every fifth child born in this world is Chinese.
My wife and I have four children...if we had had a fifth child
what language would he speak?

Maybe those are not the great mysteries of life. How about
this question: Is there such a thing as mind over matter? With
this hanger and these scarves here is an experiment to answer
that question.
Sir will you please select one of the colors of scarves on
this hanger. Red. Now concentrate on the red. Think to yourself
fall...fall...fall. (Let the red scarf fall).
Amazing! Ladies and gentlemen, how about a round of applause
for this man!
Madam, will you please select a color. Yellow. It is your
turn to concentrate. Think about the yellow scarf and in your
mind say, fall...fall...fall. (Let the yellow scarf fall).
Wow! She can do it too. Let's have a round of applause for
Sir, please select one of the two colors left hanging here.
Green. Do as the others did. Think about the green and in your
mind command it to fall. (Let the green fall). Unbelievable!
Madam, there is one color left. Which color will you choose?

Obviously the only color left. Blue. Now everybody think about
the blue and command...fall...fall...fall. (Let the blue one
Ladies and gentlemen you all deserve a round of applause for
your participation in this experiment of mind over matter.

Now listen carefully. I don't really believe in mind over

matter. What just took place is only an illusion. I think it
is a very good illusion, but still it is just an illusion.
And the questions I asked don't really matter. I only asked
them for fun.
But now I have a some questions that really do matter. I am
as serious as I possibly can be when I ask you:
#1. Is it possible to be absolutely sure that if you die you
will go to heaven?
#2. Is it possible to know for sure that every sin you have
ever committed has been forgiven?
#3. Is it possible for a human being to become a child of God

In our program tonight we are going to have some fun with

illusions, but we also are going to discuss the real and true
answers to the most significant questions in life!


NOTE: Some years ago I wrote about using the "Genii Tube" in
my book "Powerful Gospel Magic". I am still using the "Genii
Tube" in my programs now, but the routine and message is
different. Here is the new presentation.

EFFECT: A tube is shown to

be empty by actually opening
it in half and letting the
audience inside. Still a
tremendous production is made
from the tube. 150 feet of
silk streamers are pulled
from it!

SECRET: This is another standard

dealer effect. The optical illusion it presents is absolutely
amazing. To the audience the tube appears to be simply a rounded
piece of metal hinged so it can be opened up. When open the
audience sees both the inside and outside of the tube and is
convinced that there is no room in the tube to hide anything

PRESENTATION: Magician holds up tube and starts showing it

while he speaks.
"Ladies and gentlemen please notice this tube. Notice in
particular that the OUTSIDE LOOKS PRETTY GOOD. I say that again,
OUTSIDE LOOKS PRETTY GOOD. The tube is a nice red color, it
seems to be well made, as far as metal tubes go the OUTSIDE
However the inside does not look so good (open up tube and
show the inside) for the inside is DARK AND EMPTY. This tube

is absolutely full of nothing!

So what do we have? We have an OUTSIDE THAT LOOKS PRETTY
GOOD and an inside that is DARK AND EMPTY.
Actually this tube is a good example of many human beings
on our country today. THE OUTSIDE LOOKS PRETTY GOOD, but the
INSIDE IS DARK AND EMPTY. As far as people go most folks appear
to be doing fine. They were fine clothes, they live in a fine
house, they have a fine job, they even have a fine personality.
As far as society is concerned they look pretty good. When it
comes to the external aspects of life they seem to have
everything they need. On the basis of outward appearance we
might even say they are successful.
But the inside of those same people is often a very different
story. There is spiritual darkness and emptiness. From a human
perspective these people look great. From God's perspective
there is almost nothing to see but evil. God sees sinful
thoughts, sinful attitudes, and a life that is apart from Him.
God sees persons who do not have eternity inside them.
The truth of the matter is many people recognize that something
is missing on the inside of their lives. They sense a spiritual
need, but don't know how to fill it. That is why suicide rates
are so high, that is why many people turn to alcohol and drugs,
that is why people run from one relationship to another, that
is why counselors and psychiatrists are so busy. People are
looking for something to satisfy thesoul. They are discovering
that money, clothes,a nice car, and even an important job is
not enough to bring fulfillment to the inner person.
These people need to learn that Jesus Christ is the answer.
In John 10:10 Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life
and that they might have it more abundantly". Jesus Christ
is God's solution to man's spiritual problems and He is the
one and only way to bring true fulfillment to the soul.
What people need is a relationship with God through Jesus
Christ that brings His Holy Spirit into their lives. That will

fill them with peace, joy, love, and victory forever!

So there is an answer to this problem of having an outside
that LOOKS PRETTY GOOD but an inside that is DARK AND EMPTY.
The answer is Jesus Christ..and what a difference He makes!
(Start making production).
From the inside out life becomes a beautiful experience when
one knows the Lord. In John 7:38 Jesus said, "he that believeth
on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow
rivers of living water". In saying that He was referring to
the great blessings that come from knowing God is inside of
you. It happens when you believe in Jesus Christ. Like a mighty
internal river you have a spiritual resource that will never
run dry (continue with production while you are explaining these
Ladies and gentlemen it is wonderful and worth it to be a
Christian. There really is such a thing as the abundant life.
It is not a quality of life that can be purchased with money
or created through the possession of things. It is a quality
of life that comes as a gift from God through giving your heart.,
your inner person..to Jesus Christ.




COMMENT: My wife and I share this routine with you hoping it

will be a source of inspiration and encouragement. We have used
it in our illusion show this year and found it to be very strong
in message and spiritual impact.
It does involve a prop that is very expensive. We use a
"Blooming Bouquet" from Abbott's Magic. I do think the same
routine could be done with an economy version of the "Blooming
Bouquet" (some cheap versions sell for about $25.00). I also
think it would be possible to take the concept of this routine
and apply it to other effects. It is a wonderful concept that
is worth working on until a good means of presentation is found.

EFFECT: A bush of flowers is shown. One by one the flowers are

plucked from the bush leaving it just a green shrub. Then a
large scarf is held in front of the bush for a moment. When
the scarf is removed there are new beautiful flowers back on
the bush!

SECRET: The working of this effect is mechanical. It is simple

to do and entirely self-contained.

PRESENTATION: (Have soft music playing in the background while

you speak and perform this. I have my wife, Mary, hold the
bouquet and actually do the trick. I simply pluck the flowers
from it while I speak).

"Ladies and gentlemen, one of the challenges of being a

Christian is to live a life of love. Love is a wonderful thing.
It also it not necessarily and easy thing to display. In fact
sometimes love hurts. Sometimes love costs us something!

(Start plucking flowers one at a time from the bush while you
For example the Bible tells us love is patient. It isn't always
easy to be patient. To give people time and grace to learn things
is hard and sometimes frustrating.
We are also told that love is forgiving. Forgiveness isn't
an easy thing to show. Frankly sometimes it seems like revenge
would be a much better idea! So when we forgive we actually
give up an opportunity to selfishly try to make ourselves feel
We are told that love is kind. That means we must take time
to do little things for people that will bring joy into their
lives. Some of the little things we do may not even be noticed.
Then too love is not proud. That means if we love we don't
toot our own horn and brag about our own accomplishments. Some
times we will miss getting special attention because other people
are proud and they will draw attention away from us and unto
Anyway you look at it love involves giving. Giving and giving
and giving.
Sometimes we are tempted to conclude that love just isn't
worth the work. In fact we may say to ourselves, "What if I
love too much? What if I give and give and give until there
is nothing left for me? Could it be that my life is like this
bush of flowers and if I am not careful all the beauty of my
life will be taken away by selfish people?
It is true that love hurts and often costs us something. Here
is something else that is true..(now all the flowers are off
the bush. Hold a large silk in front of the bush while your
assistant makes the flowers grow back)...it always has been
true and it always will be true that no one can out give God
and no one can out love God. (Show new flowers). If we are
living for God, giving for God, and loving for God, He will
make sure that we always have more to give. He will give us

a continuing outpour of love that will be our resource to keep

on sharing with others. It is a beautiful thing to serve the
Lord and the person who ends up being blessed the most is the
person who is most diligent to give blessing to others.



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NOTE: This is a trick I picked up while in England. It is sold

by Edwin's Magical Arts and is intended to be used in kid shows.
I wasn't much impressed with the trick as a kid show routine,
but I was very impressed with the Gospel possibilities. It brings
out the need for making a decision in such a strong way that
I have used it to close programs and lead into an invitation.

EFFECT: Five cards with pictures of toys are shown. They are
then placed in a folder marked "Toy Shoppe" (English Spelling).
One of the toys disappears from the folder. After some comedy
byplay a card is shown that says, "Sorry", on it. Crowd assumes
that the missing toy is on the back of that card. When the card
is turned around the back side says, "Too Late".

SECRET: This is not done like A-B-C Stung and other effects
that involve a pocket on the back of a card. Instead the toy
shop folder is gimmicked with a pocket. The pocket is very
cleverly disguised and in light of the routine the audience
has no idea where the missing toy goes. It is a well made effect
with bright colors and beautiful silk screened designs.

PRESENTATION: Here is a story about a little boy who could

not make up his mind. One day his grandmother took him to a

toy shop and told him he could have any one toy in the store.
All he had to do was make up his mind about what he wanted and
his grandmother would buy the item for him. (Show the toy shop
folder empty as the instructions explain).
Well the young man just couldn't decide which toy he liked
best. (Show the cards as you talk about them). First he thought
"Maybe I should get the toy soldier..I really like toy soldiers"
Then he thought, "No, I like the golden Teddy Bear. That is
what I will get". Then he thought, "No, actually I like the
Panda Bear best, that is what I will get". Then again he
thought, "I know, I want the drums. That would be great! I need
to learn how to play drums!". Yet then again he thought, "No,
I should get the great big ball. Then my friends and I could
play games with it in the back yard".
He kept looking at one toy and then another. He liked'them
all and couldn't pick just one.
After a while his grandmother said, "Have you made up your
mind yet?". He said, "No, I just can't decide!". She said,
"Well, we have to go now. I guess you can think about it tonight
and come back tomorrow to pick out the one you want".
So the boy and his grandmother went home. He spent all night
wondering.."which toy should I get? The ball? The Golden Bear?
The Panda Bear? The drums? Or the toy soldier?". (Put the toys
into the folder after showing them again. Stick the one that
you want to vanish..in this case we will say the toy soldier.,
into the secret pocket).
Finally the boy made up his mind. In the middle of the night
he said, "I know what I want. I definitely want the toy soldier.
First thing tomorrow we will go back to the toy store and that
is what we will get!"
The next morning came and his grandmother took him back to
the toy store. When they arrived the boy walked straight to
the proprietor and said, "I have come to by the toy soldier!"
The proprietor said, "Oh, I sold all the toy soldiers late

yesterday afternoon. How about a Panda Bear instead?" (Remove

Panda Bear from folder). The boy said, "No, I want the soldier!
The man said, "How about a drum? Are you sure you don't want
the drum?" The boy said, "No, I have made up my mind. I
definitely want the toy soldier!". The man said, "What about
the golden bear? Wouldn't you like that?" Again the boy said,
"No, I want the soldier!". The man said, "Well the soldiers
are all gone. All I have left is the two bears, the drum, and
this ball. Do you want the ball?" The boy said, "No, I want
the soldier".
At that point the proprietor said, "You are welcome to look
in the store, but you will see that the toy soldiers are
completely gone!" (Open up the folder and do the sucker by
play by apparently exposing the card. Finally take the card
out and show that it isn't a toy..it just says sorry).
The proprietor said, "I am very sorry, but there are no
soldiers left in this store". (Now do the turn around routine
with the sorry card and finally reveal the "too late" message
on the back of it).
The proprietor really was sorry. The boy really was toolate.
Since he hadn't made up his mind when he had the opportunity,
now it was too late for him to get what he wanted.

Now that is sort of a sad story isn't it. It is too badthe

boy didn't make a decision when he could have and should have.
But that of course is just a story so it isn't anything serious.

(Hold the sorry - too late card in your hands for this part
of the message).

Here is something that is very serious. Did you know that

one day some people will have God say to them, "Sorry", "Too
Late". The Bible says in II Corinthians 6:2 that "now is the
accepted time and today is the day of salvation". In other place

(Hebrews 9:27) the Bible says, "It is appointed unto man once
to die and after that the judgment".
The time for people to make a decision to trust Jesus Christ
as Lord and saviour is now. The time to become a Christian is
I'm sorry to say that some people put off the decision to
become a Christian. They think spiritual things aren't important,
or else they want to selfishly spend time in sinful pleasure
first, or they have other reasons. So they wait. They ignore
the need for giving their heart to Christ.
Some people will wait too long. They never will make a
decision for Christ. Or they may just say they will wait until
tomorrow..and then tomorrow for them may never come. They could
be involved in an accident. All kinds of things can happen that
would end their life.
Then after they have left this world they will face God..and
we can be certain that at that time they will want Jesus to
be their saviour. When facing God in judgment they will be
concerned about their spiritual life. But then will be too
After we die there is no second chance to get right with God.
God has ordained that we must make our decision for him
now..while we are still alive. If we die without Jesus Christ
God will say to us "SORRY" "TOO LATE".
It was sad for a boy to miss getting a toy soldier, but not
really all that big of a deal. It is an eternal loss for a
person to die without Christ.
Let's learn a lesson from this story about a boy who couldn't
make up his mind. We need to make up our minds. We face
a decision that's consequences are so great we must not wait.
The time for us to receive Jesus Christ is now! What a terrible
thing to be told "SORRY" "TOO LATE" by God!.







NOTE: There is a new product on the market called a "Cylinder

of Plenty" that is very much like the old "Coffee Vase". One
of my favorite routines over the years is done with a "Coffee
Vase". I thought it would be good to share that routine again,
this time done with the "Cylinder of Plenty", and also give
another idea for using this prop.
Please remember..even if you don't own a particular prop you
can benefit from reading routines about it because the basic
effect may apply to something else you can use.

EFFECT: A silver can is shown empty. A piece of tissue paper

is dropped into it and then lit on fire. A lid is shown empty
and placed over the can. When the lid is removed the fire is
out and in its place is a silk streamer 75 feet long.

SECRET: The "Cylinder of Plenty" is very cleverly constructed.

The lid which is empty is able to lift a lining out of the
original can. By lifting the lining out it removes the burnt
tissue paper (snuffing out the fire at the same time) and it
opens a load chamber area in the bottom of the can.

PRESENTATION: I have some bad news for you. The Bible tells
us that people receive wages for sinning. Someone may say,
"Wait a minute, that is good news. If I get paid for sinning
I will get rich quick because I am good at sinning!"
It is bad news. The wages people receive for sin is death.
That is what Scripture says in Romans 6:23 "The wages of sin
is death". If a person sins they must eternally pay for the
sin by experiencing eternal spiritual death.
Now what is sin? How many of us have sinned and thereby
incurred spiritual death? The answer is all of us have sinned

(Show tissue paper. I use a strip of toilet paper about 3 feet

long. On it with a black magic marker I have written the words,
Here is what I mean. The Bible says it is a sin to kill.
Therefore if we have ever murdered someone we are sinners. I
suppose we breathe a sigh of relief about that and say, "Well
we've never killed anyone so I guess we aren't sinners!"
Another thing the Bible says is we are not supposed to steal.
Theft is a sin. So if we have ever stolen anything we are
sinners. Again someone may breath a sign of relief and say,
"I've never stolen anything either. I guess I'm nota sinner!"
Yet another thing the Bible says is we are not to lie. It
is a sin to say something that isn't true. If someone where
to try to tell me he or she had never told a lie I would suspect
those very words to be a lie for all of us have been dishonest.
Since we've been dishonest we are sinners.
But suppose someone did think they had never even told a lie.
How about this? The Bible says, "Children obey your parents".
It is one of the ten commandments! If we have ever failed to
obey our parents we have sinned and are sinners.
There is no question about it. All of us have sinned and
therefore are in spiritual death.
(Place tissue in can and light it on fire). Spiritual death
is a terrible thing. The book of Revelation says, "And death
and hell were cast into the lake of fire which is the second
death". It is an awful thing to spend eternity without God.
That is the bad news of the Bible. We are sinners and must pay
for it by being eternally in a place of condemnation.
Now for the good news. Romans 5:8 tells us that while we
were yet sinners Christ died for us. John 3:16 makes it clear
that God loves everyone in the world. In spite of our sin God
loves us and He has made a way for us to be forgiven.
In other words, God wants to put out the fires of judgment!
(Put lid on can after showing lid empty).

If we are willing to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and savior

we are forgiven of our sins and do not have to pay for them
because Jesus paid our spiritual debt in full when He died on
the cross. The last half of Romans 6:23 says, "The gift
of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord". The entire
verse reads this way, "The wages of sin is death but the gift
of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord".
(Remove lid and start producing streamer). When we put our
faith in Jesus Christ we move from judgment to salvation. We
go from spiritual death to spiritual life. Rather than eternal
loss we have a future that will be filled with unending peace,
joy, victory and love.
Don't make the mistake of having to pay for your own sin.
Accept the truth of the love of God in sending His Son, Jesus
Christ, to die for you. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and
thou shalt be saved!"

NOTE: That above presentation is my favorite way to use the

"Coffee Vase" or the "Cylinder Of Plenty". Now here is another
idea. I won't write out the complete patter, but I will give
you the basic idea.
Fill the base of the "Cylinder of Plenty" with a long string
of beads. Put the insert in to hide the beads. When doing
the effect drop some loose string and loose beads into the
insert. This means when the insert is removed apparently the
loose string and beads will have become strung.
As you drop in individual beads talk about the nature of the
Bible. It is a book of 66 books written by 40 different authors
over a span of 1600 years. It contains prophecy, poetry,
history, and even scientific insight. Discuss how those who
were involved in writing the Bible came from diverse backgrounds.
Emphasize the many parts of the Bible.

Then put the lid on the can and shake it. Remove the lid and
produce the string of beads. Comment on how amazing and wonderful
it is that in spite of the many things involved in it the Bible
is a unified book with a consistent message. The fact that
the beads all became strung is an illusion. The fact that the
Bible makes sense from beginning to end and is correct in
everything it says is because it is God's book. Inspired by
the Holy Spirit! The Word of God shall stand forever!


In my travels with conferences for the "Fellowship Of

Christian Magicians" over the past years I have found quite
of few people wondering about the need for having a message
with every effect. Some have said, "I have a trick that I would
love to do, but I don't have a gospel application for it so
I can't use it!".
My opinion is that it isn't necessary to have an application
or lesson for everything. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH DOING
SOME THINGS JUST FOR FUN! I love doing the "Hippity Hop
Rabbits". I love doing the "Die Box". Although I know some
people who have great messages with such tricks, when I do them
it is just for laughs and bringing a bit of variety to the
program. I have several favorite tricks that have no particular
Remember this, part of being an effective commicator is WINNING
THE RIGHT TO BE HEARD. If you make people feel good they are
likely to conclude that what you are saying is good. Good
speakers understand this truth and therefore often use jokes
or funny stories in the process of their public speaking.
Normally someone who is a good teacher is also quite
entertaining. If you can touch someone's heart and make them
happy you almost always find they also give you an open door
for bringing truth to their mind.
So...there is nothing wrong with doing some tricks just for
the fun it. In fact you may find the Gospel impact of your
program becomes much stronger when you start it out with things
that cause surprise, smiles, and amazement in an entertaining
manner. There is nothing wrong with having a good time in
How about this concept: Isn't part of our message as Christians
the sharing of the "joy" and "abundance" of the Christian life?

If we represent Jesus Christ we have an obligation to communicate

in an enthusiastic and glad manner. We need to help people sense
the blessings God offers them. One of the ways we can do this
is by giving them a good time while at the same time we are
sharing with them God's message of eternal life.
Make sure your magic has a very strong and clear message.
Realize that letting them laugh and doing things simply for
the fun of it actually adds to the impact of the message. Work
on good lessons and application. Don't feel a need to directly
teach or preach with every trick!


1. Practical Gospel Magic

2. Powerful Gospel Magic
3. Beautiful Gospel Magic
4. Effective Gospel Magic
5. Dynamic Gospel Magic
6. Strong Gospel Magic
7. Amazing Gospel Magic
8. Making The Point With Gospel Magic
9. Comedy Collection For Introducing Gospel Themes
10. A Practical Routine For The Linking Rings
11. Practical Magic For Kid Show And School Show Entertainers
12. The Gospel Magicians Assistant
13. Strong Magic With Silk
14. Positive Magic

If you would like information about the other books or about

products mentioned in this book contact:

Laflin's Magic And Silks

Box 228
Sterling, Co. 80751

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