Biological Science-2

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First Semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020
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I.ASSOCIATION TYPE. 12. It involves the vegetative parts to reproduce.

SHADE A IF A IS CORRECT A. Sexual B. Asexual
SHADE B IF B IS CORRECT 13. It is made possible through the assimilation
SHADE C IF BOTH A AND B ARE CORRECT of new materials from the food absorbed by
SHADE D IF BOTH A AND B ARE INCORRECT the cells of the body.
A. Intussusception B. Growth
1. It includes investigations that are not 14. It derive their nutrition from dead organisms
directed at immediate or practical A. Parasites B. Saprophytes
applications. 15. It derive their nutrition from living organisms.
A. Applied Research B. Pure Research A. Parasites B. Saprophytes
2. It is directed toward the solution of the 16. They are capable of moving from place to
problem or for practical uses. place in the case of animals.
A. Applied Research B. Pure Research A. Plants B. Living things
3. It is an aquatic fern and has an ability to fix 17. It exhibit movement through growth and
nitrogen to make it available for plant use. development.
A. Trichoderma B. Azolla A. Plants B. Living things
4. It is a soil fungus and an activator that 18. It is the basic structural unit of all living
converts organic waste from dead organisms organisms
into organic fertilizers. A. Biology B. Cell
A. Trichoderma B. Azolla 19. It is the science of life.
5. The smallest unit of structure of all living A. Biology B. Cell
things. 20. He saw the tiny compartments in corkwood
A. Tissues B. Cell which were dead.
6. A group of several cells highly organized to A. Robert Hooke B. Robert Brown
perform a particular functions. 21. The outer covering of the plant cell.
A. Tissues B. Cell A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall
7. A group of interacting organs that cooperate 22. The semi-permeable membrane that
as a functional complex in the life of an encloses the animal cells.
organism. A. Cell membrane B. Cell wall
A. Organs B. System 23. The membrane may also form tiny or
8. The several tissues grouped together into temporary canal leading into cytoplasm and
structural and functional units but not which fluids may flow from the cell’s
necessarily similar cells. surrounding. (D-PINOCYTOSIS)
A. Organs B. System A. Phagocytosis B. Cell engulfing
9. It is a build-up process wherein inorganic 24. The membrane of some cells are capable of
matter can be converted to organic form as surrounding and ingesting particles from the
in photosynthesis environment. (D- PAGHOCYTOSIS)
A. Anabolic B. Catabolic A. Pinocytosis B. Cell drinking
10. It is the breakdown process wherein the 25. It is an abnormality due to overproduction of
organic materials produced in the body can purines leading to uric acid production in the
be converted to carbon dioxide, water and blood.
energy as in respiration. A. Gout B. Cortisone
A. Anabolic B. Catabolic
11. This requires two reproductive cells, the egg
cell and sperm cell
A. Sexual B. Asexual
26. It is the drug that relieves the inflammation
by establishing the lysosomal membranes in II: Multiple choice. Shade the letter of the
the joint area to prevent the release of correct answer.
enzymes. CHOICES FOR NUMBER 41-50
A. Gout B. Cortisone A. Divine creation theory
27. It is highly reactive and must be disposed B. Interplanetary Theory
promptly. C. Abiogenesis theory
A. Hydrogen peroxide B. Zellweger syndrome D. Marine theory
28. It is a disease associated with progressive E. Physico-chemical Theory
degeneration of the liver, kidney and the 41. This theory states that life was created by a
brain. supernatural being. A
A. Hydrogen peroxide B. Zellweger syndrome 42. This theory states that the first form of life
29. It is the movement of substances that does was formed under the sea. D
not require any source of energy. 43. This theory states is also known as
A. Active B. Passive Cozmozoic Theory B
30. It is the movement of substances regardless 44. This theory states that life came from NON
of the concentration gradient. living things. C
A. Active B. Passive 45. This theory states that living things could
31. It is the simple cell division that starts from directly evolve from non-living matter. C
one another cell and ends up with two 46. This theory states that life was formed by the
daughter cells each having the same number combination of elements. E
of chromosomes. 47. This theory is also known as Spontaneous
A. Mitosis B. Meiosis generation theory. C
32. It is the reduction division wherein one 48. This theory is also known as Naturalistic
mother cell divides into four cells each one Theory E
having half the number of chromosomes of 49. This theory presents that protoplasm in the
the original parent cell. form of resistant spore of lower living forms
A. Mitosis B. Meiosis might have accidentally reached the earth
33. This is one-layer tissue that becomes thicker from other source in the universe. B
in dry places for protection against water 50. This theory estimated that the earth was
loss. formed from a rpidly rotating ball off gas. E
A. Periderm B. Epidermis
34. This is present in the stem and constitutes CHOICES FOR NUMBER 51-55
the corky outer layer or bark of old trees, A. TAXONOMY
A. Periderm B. Epidermis B. MORPHOLOGY
35. These are elongated cells with tapered ends. C. ANATOMY
A. Fibers B. Scleroids D. PHYSIOLOGY
36. These are irregularly shaped cells nad can E. GENETICS
be found in stone cells of coconut shells, 51. A systematized grouping and naming of
gritty structures of pears and chico fruits. living things. A
A. Fibers B. Scleroids 52. It focused on the functions and chemical
activities that made possible the existence of
37. These connective tissues have irregularly homeostatic organisms though how simple
arranged fibers and an extensive amount of they may be. D
tissue fluids. 53. The study of the transmission of traits ad
A. Loose B. Dense characters. E
38. These connective tissues have compact 54. The study of forms and structures of
arrangement of man fibers with limited organisms into lower forms and higher
ground substance and small number of cells. forms. B
A. Loose B. Dense 55. The study of the internal parts of living
39. These tissues occur in roots, stems and organisms. A
A. Parenchyma B. Collenchyma CHOICES FOR NUMBER 56-60
40. These are simple tissues whose cells remain A. CHEMISTRY
alive during their functional existence B. PHYSICS
A. Parenchyma B. Collenchyma C. GEOLOGY
56. It is the science of matter and energy. B
57. It is the science which deals with the study of
atoms, elements and compounds. A
58. It is the science of rocks and rock formation.
59. It is a language in biology, without which
genetics can never be understood. E III. Modified True or False.
60. It is the science of celestial bodies. D Shade A if the first statement is True and
the second statement is False.
CHOICES FOR NUMBER 61-65 Shade B if the first statement is False and
the second statement is True.
C. REPRODUCTION Shade C if both statements are True.
D. RESPONSIVENESS Shade D if both statements are False.
E. GROWTH 81. C All living things have the ability to
61. Intussusception E reproduce.
62. Sexual/Asexual C Reproduction is a process of by which an
63. Anabolic/Catabolic B organism may produce offspring and
64. Cell/Tissues A perpetuate its species.
65. Organism’s behavior D 82. B All nonliving things exhibit growth and
CHOICES FOR NUMBER 66-70 Growth is an increase in size and volume.
A. INTERPHASE 83. D All nonliving things are made up of cells.
B. PROPHASE Cell is the basic structural and functional unit
C. METAPHASE of matter.
D. ANAPHASE 84. B Life science is a field of science that deals
E. TELOPHASE with the study of nonliving things such as
66. The individual chromatid goes to the animals and plants.
opposite poles. D Botany is the field of science that deals with
67. The nucleus occupies the major portion of the study of plants.
the cell volume A 85. C Physico-Chemical theory states that life
68. The chromosomes are aligned at the was formed by the combination of elements.
equator. C When hydrogen atom combines with oxygen
69. Accopmpanied by appearance of the nuclear atom, it will form water.
membrane and the nucleolus and the 86. A Biogenesis theory states that life came
formation of the cell plate. E from living things.
70. The nuclear membrane starts to disappear. Biogenesis Theory states that living things
B could directly evolved from non-living matter.
CHOICES FOR NUMBER 71-75 87. C Divine creation theory states that life was
A. PERMANENT TISSUE created by a supernatural being.
B. FUNDAMENTAL TISSUE This theory is based on the bible from “The
C. VASCULAR TISSUE book of Genesis”.
D. MERISTEMATIC TISSUES 88. C Marine theory states that the first form of
E. NONE OF THE ABOVE life was formed under the sea.
71. Periderm A The blue-green algae or a cyanobacterium
72. Parenchyma B was the first organism to colonize the earth.
73. Cambium Layer D 89. A All living things have form and structure.
74. Casparian strip E All nonliving things exhibit metabolism.
75. Xylem C 90. B All nonliving things are able to respond to
CHOCES FOR NUMBER 76-80 Stimuli are external factors that may affect
A. EPITHELIAL TISSUE living things such as light, temperature,
B. CONNECTIVE TISSUE water, pressure, chemical substances and
C. MUSCLE TISSUE source of food.
D. NERVE TISSUE 91. D Tissue is a collection of organs
E. VASCULAR TISSUE performing a specific function.
76. Metastasis E Organ system is a group of tissues that has
77. Dendrites fibers D the same function.
78. Cardiac C 92. C Organ is a group of tissue that performs a
79. Fat tissue B definite function.
80. Sweat gland A Organism refers to an individual living thing
either plant or animal
93. A Cosmozoic theory states that life was in
the form of resistant spore originated from
some source in the universe.
Cosmozoic theory is also known as The impulse passes through the cell body
interpersonal theory. into gray matter of the spinal cord.

109. A Metastasis is the process wherein toxins

94. C All living things have form and structure. produced by cancerous cells are carried
All living things have a chemical component from one part of the another.
in their body. Metastasis is the process wherein toxins not
95. C All living things acquire and utilize energy. produced by canerous cells are carried from
All living things can adapt or adjust to their one part of the another.
environment. 110. C Red blood cell is responsible for carrying
96. D Atom is the basic unit of life. oxygen and other digeted food to all parts of
Atom is composed of three particles: the body,
protons, electrons and neurons. White blood cell are the proactive elements
97. A Population is a group of similar organisms in the immune system that protect the
living in the place at the same time. system from infection,
Ecosystem pertains to the layer of the earth 111. C Lymph is the liquid that develops from an
in which life exist. inflamed body,
98. B Ecosystem is a group of populations that Blood platelets are responsible fo blood
live together in a defined area. coagulation.
Ecosystem is composed of biotic and abiotic 112. C Tendon which connect bones with
factors. muscles.
99. D Robert Brown describes his investigations Lgaments which connect bones with bones.
on the texture of cork by means of 113. C Xylem is for water transort.
magnifying lenses in 1655. Phloem is for transport of carbohydrates.
Robert Brown observed a minute partitions 114. C System is a group of organs that
or room like structures and he called it cell. cooperate as a functional complex in the life
100. D Robert Hooke discovered the nucleus and of an organism.
the description of the cell content as Organs are composed of various tissue.
protoplasm. 115. C Tissues are composed of several cells
Nucleus is a large, dark structure that similar in structure and function.
contains genetic material encoded in the Tissues are bound together by intercellular
DNA of chromosome. materials.
101. C Matthias Schleiden discovered the animal 116. C Permanent tissue are composed of more
cell in 1838. matured differentiaed cells like surface tissue
Theodore Schwann discovered the plant cell which form the protective outer layer.
in 1839. Fundamental tissues composed of a single
102. A Rudolf Virchow formulated the Cell type of cell.
Theory in1831. 117. C Mitosis having the same number of
Matthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann chromosomes.
are also cofounders of Cell Theory. Meiosis having half the number of
103. B Although all living things are made of chromososmes.
cells, organisms may be unicellular or 118. C Phagocytosis is the ingestion of large
multicellular. particles.
Unicellular organisms are composed of Pinocytosis meand cell rinking.
many cells. 119.C Passive transport s the movement of
104. A Multicellular organisms are composed of substance that does not require any source
one cell only. of energy.
Example of multicellular organisms are Active transport is the movement f substance
animals and plants. regardless of the concentration gradients.
105.A Cells are classified into two types, the 120.C Colloids are the substance suspended in
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. the cytoplasm
Eukaryotic cell is the first type of cell on Enzymes are catalyst of biological origin
earth. which hasten chemical reaction.
106. C Cell membrane composed of lipid bilayer
and associated proteins.
Cell membrane is also known as
107. C The receptor is excited by the stimulus
The Impulse crosses a synapse or the center
of cerreation or continuity.
108. C The receptor induces an impulse in the
dendrite fiber.

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