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Research methodology and ipr, notes:

1. Research means search of knowledge. It is also a scientific and systematic search

for pertinent information on a specific topic. It is also an art of scientific investigation.
Redman and Mory define research as a systemized effort to gain new knowledge.

2. Objectives of research: (FDDH).

 Formulative.
 Descriptive.
 Diagnostic.
 Hypothesis testing.

3. Motivation in research: (DCISR).

 Degree.
 Challenge.
 Intellectual.
 Service.
 Respect.

4. Types of research:

 Descriptive vs analytical.
 Applied vs fundamental.
 Quantitative vs qualitative.
 Conceptual vs empirical.
 Some other types of research.

5. Significance of research: “All progress is born of enquiry. Doubt is often better

than over-confidence, for it leads to enquiry and enquiry leads to invention.” - Hudson

6. Research methods vs methodologies: The types of research are:

 Library.
 Field.
 Laboratory.

7. Qualities of good research: (SLER).

 Systematic.
 Logical.
 Empirical.
 Replicable.

8. Problems faced by researchers in India:

 Lack of scientific training.

 Insufficient interaction.
 Misuse.
 Duplication.
 No code of conduct.
 No secretarial assistance.
 Insufficient library.
 No library updation.
 No timely availability of published data.
 Problem of conceptualization.

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