Autocad Commands

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‘Two types of package 1 Limited & Unlimited Features of Auto Cad: 1. Title Bar 2. Menu Bar 3. Standard Tool bar 4. By layer window 5. Short key 6. Screen area 7. Command line window 8. Aperture box 9. Cross hair ‘We can Increase and Decrease the size of cross hair & aperture box by use option window, op enter, window will open, use all the options of the window than left click on apply than close. UCS: - Unit ersal co-ordinate system UCS + Enter +M Enter & leave axis the required directions Center point of circle DCE + Enter than select circle or arc by left click. COMMANDS: Draw Ment 1. Line comsnand:_ Type L+ enter then specified the first point by lefi click and move the mouse (Single Line) than type the distance for next point than double Enter. 2... Poly line: Type (PL)+ Enter than same procedure as a line. 3. Explode:- Type (X) + Enter the select the object by left click and then right click [Converting Polyline to line] . 4, P-Edit: Type [PE] + Enter then select one line of object by left click then right click then type (J) + Enter then select all the line by left click then right click then press escape. {Converting line to Polyline] “ 5. Rectangle: Type (Rec] + Enter then left click on screen then move the mouse and then left click [Creating a Rectangle]. You can take the dimensions, Chamfer and Fillet also in ® the rectangle by ‘D’, ‘C’ and *F” enter then type the distance for chamfer and fillet or Jength’and width for the dimensions enter. 6. Circle: Type [c] + Enter then left click on screen and move the mouse and then type the radius then enter and type D enter after left click for the Diameter so you can take the circle by direct diameter also. a) 2Points: Take the command into the Draw Menu then left click on two points. b) 3Points: Same procedure as a 2Points but left click on 3Points. ©) TTR: Take the command into the Draw then Circle then one left click on horizontal line of any rectangle then another left click on vertical line of rectangle then type the radius. 4) TTT: Take the command Draw then Circle then three left clicks on three line of any angle, ‘Type [E}+ enter then same of procedure of Explode [To Erase an object by this command) 8. Eras Type [E] + Enter then type [All] + Enter+ Enter 9. Offset: Type [0] + Enter then type offset distance enter then select base line by left click then required left clicks in required directions. 10. Copy: Type [CO] + Enter then select the object by left click then right click then pick the object to the base point by left click then required left click in required directions. 11. Mover Type [M] + enter then same procedure as copy (To move any object) 12. Extend: Type {Ex] + enter enter the left click on line which need to be extend (increase any line to required direction) 13, TRIM: Type [TR] + Enter + Enter then left click on line which needs to trim, 14, FENCE: 15. Fence Type [TR]+ Enter + Enter then type [F] + enter then left click on any starting point then move the mouse and left click on any end point then right click then left click and Enter 16. Fence in Extend: Type [EX] + Enter + Enter then type [F] + Enter then same procedure of Fence in trim. 17. F8 key: It is used for Ortho off & ON (ON: Straight — verticai/Horizontal) (Off: i ed only) in DRAW MENU 18. Ray command: First make a circle on the screen then take Ray command into the draw menu then left click on center point of circle then required left click outside the circle. 19. Construction line: Type [XL] + Enter then type H(Horizontal) , v (vertical) , 0 (offset), a Angle + Enter then type off set distance or angle + enter then select base line by left click then left click in required directions. 20. Multiline: Type [ML] + Enter then type S + Enter then type the distance value then makes a line by left click. 3D Polyline: Same as polyline: Ww Polygon: Type [POL] + Enter then type no of side enter then left click on center point of circle then type I or C + Enter then move the mouse then left click on circumference on the circle. ‘I’ for inscribed circumference and ‘C’ for circumscribed circumference. H ‘ake the command in draw menu then left click & move the mouse then left click & again move the mouse in backward direction then left click then right click then left click + Enter. Are: Type [A] + Enter then three times left click on three points. Donut:_ [DO] + Enter then type inside dia + Enter then type cutside dia + Enter then required ieit click on screen Spline: Take the command from draw menu then make spline by left click as a line then triple enters to close the command. Ellipse: Type [EL] + Enter then left click on any starting point then left click on any end point, & move mouse in Vertical or Horizontal then left click. Block: First select the object by left click then type [B] + Enter. A window will be open then type block name then left click on OK. Block Editor: Take the command from Too! menu or double left click on any block then left click on ok. Another window win be open, do the change as per your requirement then left click on “close block editor” they left click on save change yes. Insert Block: Type [I] + Enter a window, will be open select you Block into the path. Then left click on insertion point, then, left click on ok then left click on screen. Mirrors: Type MI + Enter select object by lefi click then right click then select two reference point by le click + Enter for the copy and left click on yes for single mirror. Left click + File . Left click + on Drawing utilities Leff click + Purge Left click + purge all Left click + yes to all Left click + Close @) Tables: Take the command in to draw menu a window will open, use all the option of window then left click on ok then left click on screen then M-text window will open use it. Point with Point Style: open, choose your symbol, by left click then left click on ok than make a line on screen then type DIV + Enter, then select the line with left click. Then type no. 07 segment 5 + Enter. You can also take other options of single point & multipoint in to the draw menu into point. First take the point style command into format menu a window will Hatch: Type H + Enter, a window will open, left click on pattem, another window will open select your symbol by left click then left click on ok, then left click on (add pick point) then left click in the object the right click then left click on Enter. Same Procedure as Hat Boundary: [Convert line to Polyline] Take the command into the draw menu a window will open then left click on pick point then left click in the object then right click. Region: Type REG + Enter then select object then right click then type All + Enter + Enter select all object then by left click & right click one region created. U mn: Type UNI + Enter then same Procedure. ofRegion incl plop wet Rakted all elec} bey Lt Leg Ue, Regt ebote Subs tract: Type Su + Enter then select on object by L.C. the R.C. then select another object by L.C.& RC. Wipe out: Take the command into draw menu them select your points by left click than right click. Revision Cloud: Take the command into draw menu them make revision to cloud by L.C. Text: Multiline text: Type [T] for Text & type [MT] for Multiline + Enter than make a type of small rectangle by L.C. on screen, a window with open use all the options of window then 08 Single Point Text: Type DT + Enter then left click on screen for the start point then type the required height double enter then type anything else on screen then Double enter to close. Dimension: Quick Dimension: Take the command in to Dimension menu then select the object left click & right click than move the mouse left click. (QDIM) is the short key. (4) LINEAR: Take the command, then left click on starting point Then L.C. on end point then move the mouse then left click. Aligned: Same Procedure as a linear but for the inclined line. ARC Length: Take the command on Dimension menu, then select arc by left click then move the mouse then left click. Radius: Same procedure as a arc length Diameter: Same procedure as a are Radius Sogges: Take the command, then seiect circie by Left Click and move the mouse, then Left Click in any direction then left click in another direction then right click. Angular: Take the command, then Left click on one line then left click on another line, then move the mouse, then left click. Base Line: First take the dimension by the linear then take the Base line command in to the Dimension Menu than select linear dimension bye left click then left click on required end points. Continue: Same procedure as base line. Dimension space: Take the command into the dimension menu, then select two dimensions by left click the right click then type the value then + Enter Dimension Break: Take the command into the dimension menu then select any dimension by left click the type M + Enter then left click before the dimension text then left click after the dimension text. . Multi Leader: Type LE + Enter, then make Multileader as line by left click then 2 time right click M-text window will open then use it. Tolerance: Take the command into dimension menu, a window will open, select symbol then type anything in the blank box, then left click on ok, then left click on screen. Centre work: Type DCE + Enter then select circle by Left click. . &) Jogged linear: Take the command into the dimension menu then select dimension by left click then right click. ISOMETRIC: Type DS + Enter, a window will open, then left click on snap & grid, then left click on isometric snap, then ok. Oblique: Take the command into the dimension menu then select any dimension by left click then right click then type angle of 30degree & -30degree + Enter. Text Style: Take the command into format menu a window will open, left click on new, and make 2 new standards of 3Udegree & -3Udegree select angle then left click on apply then ok. Align Téxt: Take the command into dimension menu chooses the option left click on dimension. Dimension Style: Type D + Enter then Left Click on modify, then use all option of the window and select By-layer in place of By-block & select precision“0” then left click on ok then left click “set current” then Left click on close. Override: Take the command into the dimension menu, then type variable name + enter then type variable value + enter + enter then select dimension by left + click then right click. Update: Take the command into the dimension menu then select dimension by left click then right click. imension: Take the command into the dimension then select dimension by left click then right click, then left click on starting point of dimensign then left click on end point of dimension. Modify Menu Properties: Select any dimension or object by left click then type CH, PR, MO + ENTER A window will open use all the option of window by fill up the boxes as per your requirements then close the window. @) Match Properties: Type MA + Enter then select any dimension byrleft click & take the property of it then select another dimension by left click & give the property to it. Array: Type AR + Enter, a window will open, then left click on rectangular array, use all the option of array, in rectangular or polar, then left click on select object option, then select the object by left click then right click window will again open then left click on ok. Rotate: Type RO + Enter then select object by left click & then right click then left click on any base point & move mouse on type angle + Enter. Arrow Creation: So + Enter then & left click according the arrow which u want to create. Scale: Type SC+ Enter, then select paper size by left click then left click on any base point, then move the mouse then type the scale value then + Enter. Stretch: Type S + Enter then half select the object by Left click & Right Click then move the mouse by 2 times then left click. Lengthen: Take command into the modify menu, then type T or P enter then + Enter then type the value + Enter then select object by left click then right click Break: Type BR + Enter then left click on one point & left click on second point. . Join: Take command in modify menu then same procedure as break but right click at last. ) Chamfer:_ Type (cha) enter, then type D+ Enter then type the distance value double enter then select vertical line then select horizontal line of object. Fillet: Type "F” + enter then R + Enter then type distance enter then Left click on vertical line then left click on horizontal line of object. Tool Menu Command line: To escape command line window take the command in the tool by left click then left click on yes. Dea o! # order: Take the command into the tol by left ciick and select the option ring to front” and “Send to back” then select object by left clicks & right clicks Raster image: Take the command into the insert menu a window will be open select thé your “JPEG” image into the path then left click on open then left click on OK then make a type of Rectangle on the screen by left click then save the drawing. External Reference: Take the command into the Insert Menu a window will be open then left click on “Attach Dwg” then attach any drawing from the path then left click on OK then left click on Screen. Format Menu Format Menu Layer: Type La + Enter a window will be open left click on a new layer select layer name, color, line type liner wt. then left click & ok. Linetype: Type LT+ Enter a window will be open then left click on Load another window will open then select one linetype then select CTRL+A then left click on double OK. Line weight: Type LW + Enter a window will be open then select any line weight then left click on Display Lineweight then left click on OK. Audit: Type Audit + Enter then type Y + Enter. Plot or PDF: Type plot enter a window will be open then select printer name or drawing to pdf, Paper size, center the plot, fit to paper, monochrome, landscape @) or portrait, window then left click on starting print of the title block then left click on last point of the title block, window will again open then left click on preview then right click then left click on plot and save the path at last for the PDF. 3D Direction: Left click on View then Left click on 3d Views. We have four ‘types of 3d Views. 1 S—-W isometric 2S-E isometric 3N-—E Isometric 4 N- W isometric . 1. Extrude command: Take the command into draw menu modeling or you can type ext + enter, then select object by left click then right click, then move the mouse, then left click, or type the path (height) + Enter. 2, To see any view left click on view then left click on 3d Views, then select any option by left click top Bottom, Left, Right, Front, back) 3. Shade: In the new version, type “Shade” + Enter in the old version, we had four type of shade. «Flat shaded © Gourard shaded © Flat shaded edges on * Gourard shaded edges on 4, Orbit: Take the command in the view select any option, then use orbit by left click. We have three type of orbit into the CAD. 5. View port: Take the command in view then left click on named viewport a window will open then left click on new view pornt, then select any option then left click on ok. 6. Visual style: In the visual style, we have multiple commands so take visual style, command in the view, then choose any option then by left click. (4) 7. 3-D Rothte: Take the command into modify in 3-D operation then select the object by Left click then Right click then select 3”pt of object on axis or type the angle 8. 3-D Mirro ame procedure as 3-D rotates. 9. 3D Align: Same procedure as 3-D rotates. 10. 3-D Move: Same procedure as 2-D Move. 1. Slice: Take the command in modify then 3-D operations; then select object by left click then R.C. then choose 3 point of a same face then R.C. then move the mouse & then move the object by move command (M + Enter). 12 Interference checking: First cut the slice of any object then match the cut it part by the move command then take the command into the modify, then 3-D operation, then select 1 match, part by left click and Right click, then select 2" match part by Left click & then Right Click. 13 Extract edges: Take the command is modify then 3-D operation, then select the object by Left click then Right click then move the object by move command, 14 3-D Array: Take the command into modify then 3-D operation, then select the object by left click then Right click then type R (rectangle) or P (polar) + Enter then type number of row, no of column, no of level + Enter then type distance b/w row, distanee b/w column, distance b/w levels + Enter. Draw in Modeling: 15 Box: Take the command in to the Draw thaa Modeling then left click on screen then type ‘C’ or ‘L’ enter if ‘C’ then type only length enter if “L’ then type length, width and height enter. 16 Polyslide: Take the command in Draw then Modeling then left click on screen than make Rolyslide by left click and you can take the height by type ‘H’ enter and width by type ’w’ enter. (10) 17 Cone: Take command into the Draw then Modeling than type Base radius then move the mouse then type required Height enter. 18 Wedge: Same Procedure as a Box. 19 Sphere: Take the command into the Draw then Modeling then type required radius enter or First type ‘D’ enter then type required dia enter. 20 Cylinder: Same Procedure as a Cone. 21 Torus: Take the command into the Draw then Modeling then type inside fer enter then type outsid! er. 22 Pyramid: same as cylinder 23 Planar surface: Take the command into the Draw than Modeling then choose any point of a surface on a object then move the mouse and make the Planar surface. 24 Go back 3D -> 2D: Type “Plan + Enter then type W + Enter” then choose 2D. wireframe into view into visual styles. 2) .

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