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MERCULLO V RAMON (CANON 1) meanwhile ceased to be connected with

the agency. It was her duty to have so
The complaint for the disbarment of Atty. informed them. She further misled them
Marie Frances E. Ramon for violating about her ability to realize the
Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of redemption by falsely informing them
Professional Responsibility and the about having started the redemption
Lawyer's Oath for deceiving the process. She concealed from them the
complainants in order to obtain the real story that she had not even initiated
substantial amount of P350,000.00 on the redemption proceedings that she had
the pretext of having the foreclosed asset assured them she would do. Everything
of the latter's mother redeemed. she did was dishonest and deceitful in
order to have them part with the
NHMFC sent several demand letters to substantial sum of P350,000.00. She
Carmelite T. Vedaño regarding her took advantage of the complainants who
unpaid obligations secured by the had reposed their full trust and
mortgage covering her residential confidence in her ability to perform the
property in Novaliches, Caloocan City. To task by virtue of her being a lawyer.
avoid the foreclosure of the mortgage, Surely, the totality of her actuations
Carmelita authorized her inevitably eroded public trust in the Legal
children,complainants herein, to inquire Profession.
from the NHMFC about the status of the
obligations. Verlita and Raymond learned The respondent's conduct patently
that their mother's arrears had amounted breached Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code
to P350,000.00, and that the matter of of Professional Responsibility, which
the mortgage was under the charge of provides:
respondent Atty. Ramon, but who was
not around at that time. CANON 1 — A lawyer shall uphold the
constitution, obey the laws of the land
They later found out she wasn’t involved and promote respect for law and for legal
with the company any longer. processes.

IBP: violated Canon 1 Rule 1.01 A lawyer shall not engage in

unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful
HELD: conduct.
The Court declares the respondent guilty
of dishonesty and deceit. The respondent 5 years
certainly transgressed the Lawyer's Oath
by receiving money from the NULADA V PAULMA (CANON 1)
complainants after having made them
believe that she could assist them in Disbarment by reason of dishonesty and
ensuring the redemption in their conviction of a crime involving moral
mother's behalf. She was convincing turpitude filed by Complainant Alex
about her ability to work on the Nulada.
redemption because she had worked in
the NHFMC. She did not inform them Complainant alleged that on September
soon enough, however, that she had 30, 2005, respondent issued in his favor a
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check in the amount of P650,000.00 as conduct." By taking the lawyer's oath, a

payment for the latter's debt. Because of lawyer becomes a guardian of the law and
respondent's standing as a respected an indispensable instrument for the
member of the community and his being orderly administration of justice. As such,
a member of the Sangguniang Bayan of he can be disciplined for any conduct, in
the Municipality of Miagao, Province of his professional or private capacity, which
Iloilo, complainant accepted the check renders him unfit to continue to be an
without question. officer of the court.

Unfortunately, when he presented the In this case, respondent's conviction for

check for payment, it was dishonored due violation of BP 22, a crime involving
to insufficient fluids. Respondent failed to moral turpitude, had been indubitably
make good the amount of the check established. Such conviction has, in fact,
despite notice of dishonor and repeated already become final. Consequently,
demands, prompting complainant to file respondent violated the lawyer's oath, as
a criminal complaint for violation of well as Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the CPR, as
Batas Pambansa Bilang (BP) 22 aptly found by the IBP and, thus, must be
subjected to disciplinary action.

IBP: It found that the offense for which Suspended 2 years.

respondent was found guilty of, i.e.,
violation of BP 22, involved moral Hernandez v Padilla (CANON 5)
turpitude, and that he violated his
lawyer's oath and the CPR when he Emilia Hernandez (complainant) against
committed the said offense. Stressing the her lawyer, Atty. Venancio B. Padilla
importance of the lawyer's oath, the IBP (respondent) of Padilla Padilla Bautista
held that by his conviction of the said Law Offices, for his alleged negligence in
crime, respondent has shown that he is the handling of her case.
"unfit to protect the administration of The records disclose that complainant
justice or that he is no longer of good and her husband were the respondents in
moral character” which justifies either his an ejectment case filed against them with
suspension or disbarment. the Regional Trial Court of Manila (RTC).

ISSUE: The issue advanced for the The RTC ordered that the Deed of Sale
Court's resolution is whether or not executed in favor of complainant be
respondent should be administratively cancelled; and that the latter pay the
disciplined for having been found guilty complainant therein, Elisa Duigan
of a crime involving moral turpitude. (Duigan), attorney’s fees and moral
HELD: damages.

Canon 1 of the CPR mandates all Complainant and her husband filed their
members of the bar "to obey the laws of Notice of Appeal with the RTC.
the land and promote respect for law x x Thereafter, the Court of Appeals (CA)
x." Rule 1.01 thereof specifically provides ordered them to file their Appellants’
that "[a] lawyer shall not engage in Brief. They chose respondent to represent
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful them in the case. On their behalf, he
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filed a Memorandum on Appeal disseminating information regarding the

instead of an Appellants’ Brief. No law and jurisprudence.
Motion for Reconsideration (MR) of the
Resolution dismissing the appeal was
filed by the couple. Complainant claims SUSPENDED from the practice of law for
that because respondent ignored the SIX (6) MONTHS and STERNLY
Resolution, he acted with "deceit, WARNED that a repetition of the same or
unfaithfulness amounting to malpractice a similar offense will be dealt with more
of law."3 Complainant and her husband severely.
failed to file an appeal, because
respondent never informed them of the BENGCO V BERNARDO (CANON 2
adverse decision. Respondent explained & 3)
that he was not the lawyer of
complainant. He averred that prior to the Facts:
mandatory conference set by the IBP on     Fidela Bengco and Teresita Bengco
13 December 2005, he had never met filed a complaint for disbarment against
complainant, because it was her husband Atty. Pablo S. Bernardo for deceit,
who had personally transacted with him. malpractice, conduct unbecoming a
member of the Bar, and violation of
IBP Investigating Commissioner Leland duties and oath as a lawyer. From 15 April
R. Villadolid, Jr. found that respondent 1997 to 22 July 1997, the respondent –
violated Canons 5, 17, and 18 of the Code with the connivance of Andres Magat –
of Professional Responsibility (the Code). willfully and illegally committed
He recommended that respondent be fraudulent act with intent to defraud
suspended from practicing law from 3 to against the complainants by using false
6 months. pretenses and deceitful words to the
effect that he would expedite the titling of
HELD: land belonging to the Miranda Family of
Tagaytay City, who are the acquaintance
When the RTC ruled against complainant of the complainants.
and her husband, they filed a Notice of
Appeal. Consequently, what should apply     It started when the respondent
is the rule on ordinary appealed cases or convinced the complainants to finance
Rule 44 of the Rules on Civil Procedure. and deliver to him PhP 495,000.00 as
Rule 44 requires that the appellant’s brief advanced money to expedite the titling of
be filed after the records of the case have the subject land. He further committed
been elevated to the CA. Respondent, as a misrepresentation by presenting himself
litigator, was expected to know this as the lawyer of William Gatchalian, the
procedure. Canon 5 of the Code reads: prospective buyer of the land. He also led
complaints to believe that he has
CANON 5 — A lawyer shall keep abreast contracts at NAMRIA, DENR, CENRO
of legal developments, participate in and the Register of Deeds which
continuing legal education programs, representation he well knew were false,
support efforts to achieve high standards fraudulent and were only made to induce
in law schools as well as in the practical the complainants to give and deliver the
training of law students and assist in said amount. Upon receipt of the money,
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he did not comply with his obligation to 3.01. – A lawyer shall not use or permit
expedite the titling of the land but instead the use of any false, fraudulent,
use the money for personal use. The misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-
complainants demanded the return of the laudatory or unfair statement or claim
money to no avail. regarding his qualifications or legal
    Whether or not the respondent violated SPS RAFOLS V BARRIOS
the provisions of the Code of Professional (LAWYER’S OATH)
Responsibility (CPR)?
Facts:  Dismissed Judge Dizon Jr.
Held: extorted money from the complainant for
    The Supreme Court held that the the favorable outcome of their case under
respondent committed the acts the Judge’s sala. The said Judge was
complained of. He, himself, admitted in introduced to the complainant by their
his answer that his legal services were lawyer respondent. In a resolution the
hired by the complainants through Magat Court approved the recommendations,
regarding the purported titling of land and directed the Office of the Bar
supposedly purchase. He used his Confidant to investigate the actuations of
position as a lawyer in order to deceive the respondent, and to render its report
the complainants into believing that he and recommendation thereon. in the
can expedite the titling of the subject proceedings of the OBC, only the
properties. He never denied that he did respondent appeared. Denying the
not benefit from the money given by the charges against him, he sought the
complainants in the amount of PhP dismissal of the complaint and re-
495,000.00. affirmed the contents of his comment.
Despite notice, the complainants did not
    The Supreme Court find the appear before the OBC. However, the
respondent in violation of the Rule 2.03, complainants and the respondent had
Canon 2 and Rule 3.01, Canon 3 of the testified during the administrative
CPR. The respondent was suspended hearing involving Judge Dizon, Jr. before
from practice of law for one year and Court of Appeals Associate Justice Jose
return the amount of PhP 200,000.00 to Sabio Jr. In its Report and
Fidela Bengco and Teresita Bengco with Recommendation of the OBC opined that
10 days upon receipt of decision. The the administrative case against the
respondent is required to submit to the respondent could not be dismissed on the
Supreme Court proof of compliance. ground of failure to prosecute due to the
complainants’ failure to appear in the
Rules 2.03 and 3.01 of the Code of scheduled hearing despite due notice.
Professional Responsibility read: Based on the facts already established
and identified, as rendered in the
Rule 2.03. – A lawyer shall not do or decision against the dismissed Judge
permit to be done any act designed Teodoro A. Dizon, the OBC rejected the
primarily to solicit legal business. respondent’s denial of any knowledge of
the transaction between his clients and
the judge.
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Issue: Whether the OBC erred in finding civil case being heard before the judge,
the Respondent violating his oath and the the respondent could not but know that
Code of Professional Responsibility? for the judge to borrow money from his
clients was highly irregular and outrightly
Held: No, the court find  the unethical. If he was innocent of
recommendation of the OBC to be fully wrongdoing, as he claimed, he should
and competently supported by the have desisted from having any part in the
evidence adduced by the complainants transaction. Yet, he did not, which
and their witnesses, but we impose the rendered his explanation unbelievable.
supreme penalty of disbarment, which we Compounding the unworthiness of his
believe is the proper penalty. To begin explanation was his admission of having
with, the respondent’s denial of retained ₱30,000.00 of the “borrowed”
knowledge of the transaction between the money upon the judge’s instruction.
complainants and Judge Dizon, Jr. was
not only implausible, but also And, lastly, the OBC has pointed out that
unsubstantiated. It was the respondent the respondent’s act of requesting the
himself who had introduced the NBI Regional Office in Davao City to
complainants to the judge. His act of investigate was an afterthought on his
introducing the complainants to the judge part. We agree with the OBC, for the
strongly implied that the respondent was respondent obviously acted in order to
aware of the illegal purpose of the judge anticipate the complainants’ moves
in wanting to talk with the respondent’s against him and the judge. To be sure, the
clients. respondent sensed that the complainants
Secondly, the respondent’s insistence that would not simply forgive and forget the
he did not see the complainants’ act of mulcting they had suffered at the hands
handing the money to the judge is of the judge and their own attorney from
unbelievable. In his comment, the the time that the complainants assured
respondent even admitted having himself him that they were no longer interested to
received the ₱80,000.00 from the get back their money despite their being
complainants, and having kept very angry at the judge’s greed.
₱30,000.00 of that amount pursuant to
the instruction of the judge as a token of Overall, the respondent’ denials were
the friendship between him and the worthless and unavailing in the face of
judge. The admission proved that the the uncontradicted evidence showing that
respondent had known all along of the he had not only personally arranged the
illegal transaction between the judge and meeting between Manuel and Judge
the complainants, and belied his feigned Dizon, Jr., but had also communicated to
lack of knowledge of the delivery of the the complainants the judge’s illegal
money to the judge. reason for the meeting. It is axiomatic
Thirdly, his attempt to explain that the that any denial, to be accepted as a viable
complainants had given the money to the defense in any proceeding, must be
judge as a loan, far from softening our substantiated by clear and convincing
strong impression of the respondent’s evidence. This need derives from the
liability, confirmed his awareness of the nature of a denial as evidence of a
gross impropriety of the transaction. negative and self-serving character,
Being the complainants’ attorney in the weightless in law and insufficient to
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overcome the testimony of credible held from March 26 to 28, 1977, wherein
witnesses on affirmative matters. the Lucio Tan group submitted the
winning bid. Subsequently, former
The conclusion that the respondent and Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza
the disgraced Judge Dizon, Jr. were filed a petition with the then Court of
conspirators against the former’s own First Instance praying for the assistance
clients, whom he was sworn to protect and supervision of the court in
and to serve with utmost fidelity and GENBANK's liquidation as mandated by
morality, is inevitable for the Court to Section 29 of Republic Act No. 265.
make in this administrative case. And,
being conspirators, they both deserve the In February 1986, the EDSA I revolution
highest penalty. The disbarment of the toppled the Marcos government. One of
respondent is in order, because such the first acts of President Corazon C.
sanction is on par with the dismissal of Aquino was to establish the Presidential
Judge Dizon, Jr. Commission on Good Government
(PCGG) to recover the alleged ill-gotten
PCGG vs Sandiganbayan, et al. wealth of former President Ferdinand
G.R. Nos. 151809-12. April 12, 2005. Marcos, his family and his cronies.
(CANON 6) Pursuant to this mandate, the PCGG, on
July 17, 1987, filed with the
Facts: Sandiganbayan a complaint for
In 1976, General Bank and Trust "reversion, reconveyance, restitution,
Company (GENBANK) encountered accounting and damages" against
financial difficulties. GENBANK had respondents Lucio Tan, Carmen Khao
extended considerable financial support Tan, Florencio T. Santos, Natividad P.
to Filcapital Development Corporation Santos, Domingo Chua, Tan Hui Nee,
causing it to incur daily overdrawings on Mariano Tan Eng Lian, Estate of Benito
its current account with the Central Bank. Tan Kee Hiong, Florencio N. Santos, Jr.,
It was later found by the Central Bank Harry C. Tan, Tan Eng Chan, Chung Poe
that GENBANK had approved various Kee, Mariano Khoo, Manuel Khoo,
loans to directors, officers, stockholders Miguel Khoo, Jaime Khoo, Elizabeth
and related interests totaling P172.3 Khoo, Celso Ranola, William T. Wong,
million, of which 59% was classified as Ernesto B. Lim, Benjamin T. Albacita,
doubtful and P0.505 million as Willy Co, Allied Banking Corporation
uncollectible. As a bailout, the Central (Allied Bank), Allied Leasing and Finance
Bank extended emergency loans to Corporation, Asia Brewery, Inc., Basic
GENBANK which reached a total of P310 Holdings Corp., Foremost Farms, Inc.,
million. Despite the mega loans, Fortune Tobacco Corporation, Grandspan
GENBANK failed to recover from its Development Corp., Himmel Industries,
financial woes. On March 25, 1977, the Iris Holdings and Development Corp.,
Central Bank issued a resolution Jewel Holdings, Inc., Manufacturing
declaring GENBANK insolvent and Services and Trade Corp., Maranaw
unable to resume business with safety to Hotels and Resort Corp., Northern
its depositors, creditors and the general Tobacco Redrying Plant, Progressive
public, and ordering its liquidation. A Farms, Inc., Shareholdings, Inc., Sipalay
public bidding of GENBANK's assets was Trading Corp., Virgo Holdings &
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Development Corp., (collectively referred General, he advised the Central Bank's

to herein as respondents Tan, et al.), then officials on the procedure to bring about
President Ferdinand E. Marcos, Imelda GENBANK's liquidation and appeared as
R. Marcos, Panfilo O. Domingo, Cesar counsel for the Central Bank in
Zalamea, Don Ferry and Gregorio connection with its petition for assistance
Licaros. The case was docketed as Civil in the liquidation of GENBANK which he
Case No. 0005 of the Second Division of filed with the Court of First Instance (now
the Sandiganbayan. In connection Regional Trial Court) of Manila and was
therewith, the PCGG issued several writs docketed as Special Proceeding No.
of sequestration on properties allegedly 107812. The motions to disqualify
acquired by the above-named persons by invoked Rule 6.03 of the Code of
taking advantage of their close Professional Responsibility. Rule 6.03
relationship and influence with former prohibits former government lawyers
President Marcos. from accepting "engagement or
employment in connection with any
Respondents Tan, et al. repaired to this matter in which he had intervened while
Court and filed petitions for certiorari, in said service."
prohibition and injunction to nullify,
among others, the writs of sequestration On April 22, 1991, the Second Division of
issued by the PCGG. After the filing of the the Sandiganbayan issued a resolution
parties' comments, this Court referred the denying PCGG's motion to disqualify
cases to the Sandiganbayan for proper respondent Mendoza in Civil Case No.
disposition. These cases were docketed as 0005. It found that the PCGG failed to
Civil Case Nos. 0096-0099. In all these prove the existence of an inconsistency
cases, respondents Tan, et al. were between respondent Mendoza's former
represented by their counsel, former function as Solicitor General and his
Solicitor General Estelito P. Mendoza, present employment as counsel of the
who has then resumed his private Lucio Tan group. It noted that
practice of law. respondent Mendoza did not take a
position adverse to that taken on behalf
On February 5, 1991, the PCGG filed of the Central Bank during his term as
motions to disqualify respondent Solicitor General. It further ruled that
Mendoza as counsel for respondents Tan, respondent Mendoza's appearance as
et al. with the Second Division of the counsel for respondents Tan, et al. was
Sandiganbayan in Civil Case Nos. 0005 beyond the one-year prohibited period
and 0096-0099. The motions alleged that under Section 7(b) of Republic Act No.
respondent Mendoza, as then Solicitor 6713 since he ceased to be Solicitor
General and counsel to Central Bank, General in the year 1986. The said section
"actively intervened" in the liquidation of prohibits a former public official or
GENBANK, which was subsequently employee from practicing his profession
acquired by respondents Tan, et al. and in connection with any matter before the
became Allied Banking Corporation. office he used to be with within one year
Respondent Mendoza allegedly from his resignation, retirement or
"intervened" in the acquisition of separation from public office. The PCGG
GENBANK by respondents Tan, et al. did not seek any reconsideration of the
when, in his capacity as then Solicitor ruling.
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stocks owned by respondents Tan, et al.,

Issue: in Allied Bank on the alleged ground that
            Whether or not the present they are ill-gotten. The case does not
engagement of Atty. Mendoza as counsel involve the liquidation of GENBANK. Nor
for respondents Tan, et al. in Civil Cases does it involve the sale of GENBANK to
Nos. 0096-0099 violates the interdiction Allied Bank. Whether the shares of stock
embodied in Rule 6.03 of the Code of of the reorganized Allied Bank are ill-
Professional Responsibility gotten is far removed from the issue of
the dissolution and liquidation of
Held: GENBANK. GENBANK was liquidated by
            No. The Supreme Court ruled that the Central Bank due, among others, to
Atty. Mendoza can be a counsel if Tan, et the alleged banking malpractices of its
al. in Civil Cases Nos. 0096-0099 without owners and officers. In other words, the
violating Rule 6.03 of the Code of legality of the liquidation of GENBANK is
Professional Responsibility. The act of not an issue in the sequestration cases.
respondent Mendoza as Solicitor General Indeed, the jurisdiction of the PCGG does
involved in the case at bar is "advising the not include the dissolution and
Central Bank, on how to proceed with the liquidation of banks. It goes without
said bank's liquidation and even filing the saying that Code 6.03 of the Code of
petition for its liquidation with the CFI of Professional Responsibility cannot apply
Manila." In fine, the Court should resolve to respondent Mendoza because his
whether his act of advising the Central alleged intervention while a Solicitor
Bank on the legal procedure to liquidate General in Sp. Proc. No. 107812 is an
GENBANK is included within the concept intervention on a matter different from
of "matter" under Rule 6.03. the Supreme the matter involved in Civil Case No.
Court held that this advice given by 0096.
respondent Mendoza on the procedure to
liquidate GENBANK is not the "matter" ALI V BUBONG (CANON 6,
contemplated by Rule 6.03 of the Code of DISBARRED)
Professional Responsibility. It is given
that respondent Mendoza had nothing to This is a verified petition for
do with the decision of the Central Bank disbarment filed against Atty.
to liquidate GENBANK. It is also given Mosib Ali Bubong for having been
that he did not participate in the sale of found guilty of grave misconduct
GENBANK to Allied Bank. The "matter" while holding the position of
where he got himself involved was in Register of Deeds of Marawi City.
informing Central Bank on the procedure
provided by law to liquidate GENBANK Off-shoot of the administrative case
thru the courts and in filing the necessary earlier filed by complainant against
petition in Sp. Proc. No. 107812 in the respondent. In said case, which was
then Court of First Instance. The subject initially investigated by the Land
"matter" of Sp. Proc. No. 107812, Registration Authority (LRA),
therefore, is not the same nor is related to complainant charged respondent with
but is different from the subject “matter” illegal exaction; indiscriminate issuance
in Civil Case No. 0096. Civil Case No. of Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT).
0096 involves the sequestration of the
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cast doubt on the integrity of the legal

The case was then forwarded to the profession. The ill-conceived use of his
Department of Justice for review and in a knowledge of the intricacies of the law
report dated 08 September 1992, then calls for nothing less than the withdrawal
Secretary of Justice Franklin Drilon of his privilege to practice law.
exonerated respondent of the charges of
illegal exaction and infidelity in the ABELLA V BARRIOS (CANON 6)
custody of documents. He, however,
found respondent guilty of grave FACTS:
misconduct for his imprudent issuance of
TCT No. T-2821 and manipulating the Complainant obtained a favorable
criminal case for violation of the Anti- judgment from the Court of Appeals
Squatting Law instituted against Hadji involving a Labor Case. Complainant then
Serad Bauduli Datu and the latter's co- filed a Motion for Issuance of a Writ of
accused. As a result of this finding, Execution before the Regional Arbitration
Secretary Drilon recommended Branch which the respondent was the
respondent's dismissal from service. Labor Arbiter. After the lapse of five (5)
months, complainant’s motion remained
HELD: unacted, prompting him to file a Second
Motion for Execution. However, still,
In the case at bar, respondent's grave there was no action until the complainant
misconduct, as established by the Office agreed to give respondent a portion of the
of the President and subsequently monetary award thereof after the latter
affirmed by this Court, deals with his asked from the former how much would
qualification as a lawyer. By taking be his share. Thereafter, respondent
advantage of his office as the Register of issued a writ of execution but the
Deeds of Marawi City and employing his employer of the complainant moved to
knowledge of the rules governing land quash the said writ. Eventually, issued a
registration for the benefit of his new writ of execution wherein
relatives, respondent had clearly complainant’s monetary awards were
demonstrated his unfitness not only to reduced to the effect that it modifies the
perform the functions of a civil servant DECISION of the CA. Complainant now
but also to retain his membership in the filed the instant disbarment complaint
bar. Rule 6.02 of the Code of Professional before the Integrated Bar of the
Responsibility is explicit on this matter. It Philippines (IBP), averring that
reads: respondent violated the Code of
Professional Responsibility for (a)
Rule 6.02 – A lawyer in the government soliciting money from complainant in
service shall not use his public position to exchange for a favorable resolution; and
promote or advance his private interests, (b) issuing a wrong decision to give
nor allow the latter to interfere with his benefit and advantage to PT&T,
public duties. complainant’s employer.

Respondent's conduct manifestly I: violation of Rules 1.01 and 1.03, Canon

undermined the people's confidence in 1, and Rule 6.02, Canon 6 of the Code.
the public office he used to occupy and
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Held: of gross immoral conduct or gross

misconduct, hemay be suspended or
YES. The above-cited rules, which are disbarred.However, the Court takes
contained under Chapter 1 of the Code, judicial notice of the fact that he had
delineate the lawyer’s responsibility to already been disbarred in a previous
society: Rule 1.01 engraves the overriding administrative case, entitled Sps. Rafols,
prohibition against lawyers from Jr. v. Ricardo G. Barrios, Jr., which
engaging in any unlawful, dishonest, therefore precludes theCourt from
immoral and deceitful conduct; Rule 1.03 duplicitously decreeing the same. In view
proscribes lawyers from encouraging any of the foregoing, the Courtdeems it
suit or proceeding or delaying any man’s proper to, instead, impose a fine in the
cause for any corrupt motive or interest; amount of P40,000.00 in order to
meanwhile, Rule 6.02 is particularly penalize respondent’s transgressions as
directed to lawyers in government discussed herein and to equally deter the
service, enjoining them from using one’s commission of the same or similar acts in
public position to: (1) promote private the future.
interests; (2) advance private interests; or
(3) allow private interests to interfere VILLATUYA V TABALINGCOS
with public duties. It is well to note that a (RULE 9 and 2)
lawyer who holds a government office
may be disciplined as a member of the In this Complaint for disbarment filed on
Bar only when his misconduct also 06 December 2004 with the Office or the
constitutes a violation of his oath as a Bar Confidant, complainant Manuel G.
lawyer. The infractions of the respondent Villatuya (complainant) charges Atty.
constitute gross misconduct. Tabalingcos (resrondent) with unlawful
Jurisprudence illumines that immoral solicitation of cases, violation of the Code
conduct involves acts that are willful, or Professional Responsibility for
flagrant, or shameless, and that show a nonpayment of fees to complainant, and
moral indifference to the opinion of the gross immorality for marrying two other
upright and respectable members of the women while respondent’s first marriage
community. It treads the line of grossness was subsisting.
when it is so corrupt as to constitute a
criminal act, or so unprincipled as to be In his defense, respondent denied the
reprehensible to a high degree, or when charges against him. He asserted that
committed under such scandalous or complainant was not an employee of his
revolting circumstances as to shock the law firm – Tabalingcos and Associates
community’s sense of decency. On the Law Office14 – but of Jesi and Jane
other hand, gross misconduct constitutes Management, Inc., where the former is a
"improper or wrong conduct, the major stockholder.15 Respondent alleged
transgression of some established and that complainant was unprofessional and
definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a incompetent in performing his job as a
dereliction of duty, willful in character, financial consultant, resulting in the
and implies a wrongful intent and not latter’s dismissal of many rehabilitation
mere error of judgment." In this relation, plans they presented in their court cases.
Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court 16 Respondent also alleged that there was

states that when a lawyer is found guilty no verbal agreement between them
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regarding the payment of fees and the A review of the records reveals that
sharing of professional fees paid by his respondent indeed used the business
clients. He proffered documents showing entities mentioned in the report to solicit
that the salary of complainant had been clients and to advertise his legal services,
paid. purporting to be specialized in corporate
rehabilitation cases. Based on the facts of
First Charge: the case, he violated Rule 2.0347 of the
Dishonesty for nonpayment of share in Code, which prohibits lawyers from
the fees soliciting cases for the purpose of
The first charge of complainant against
respondent for the nonpayment of the Third Charge:
former’s share in the fees, if proven to be Bigamy
true is based on an agreement that is
violative of Rule 9.0245 of the Code of The third charge that respondent
Professional Responsibility. A lawyer is committed bigamy twice is a serious
proscribed by the Code to divide or agree accusation. To substantiate this
to divide the fees for legal services allegation, complainant submitted NSO-
rendered with a person not licensed to certified copies of the Marriage Contracts
practice law. Based on the allegations, entered into by respondent with three (3)
respondent had agreed to share with different women. The latter objected to
complainant the legal fees paid by clients the introduction of these documents,
that complainant solicited for the claiming that they were submitted after
respondent. Complainant, however, failed the administrative case had been
to proffer convincing evidence to prove submitted for resolution, thus giving him
the existence of that agreement. no opportunity to controvert them.52 We
are not persuaded by his argument.
Second Charge:
Unlawful solicitation of clients We find him guilty of gross immorality
under the Code. DISBARRED
Complainant charged respondent with
unlawfully soliciting clients and CLARISSA V ADVINCULA
advertising legal services through various (babaero; CANON 7, Rule 1)
business entities. Complainant submitted
documentary evidence to prove that Jesi This administrative case stemmed from
& Jane Management Inc. and Christmel the complaint for disbarment dated June
Business Link, Inc. were owned and used 16, 2006 brought to the Integrated Bar of
as fronts by respondent to advertise the the Philippines (IBP) against Atty.
latter’s legal services and to solicit clients. Leonardo C. Advincula (Atty. Advincula)
In its Report, the IBP established the by no less than his wife, Dr. Ma. Cecilia
truth of these allegations and ruled that Clarissa C. Advincula (Dr. Advincula).
respondent had violated the rule on the
solicitation of clients, but it failed to point Dr. Advincula has averred that Atty.
out the specific provision that was Advincula committed unlawful and
breached. immoral acts; that while Atty. Advincula
was still married to her, he had extra-
12 of 12

marital sexual relations with Ma. Judith fitness to practice law, nor should he,
Ortiz Gonzaga (Ms. Gonzaga); that the whether in public or private life, behave
extra-marital relations bore a child in the in a scandalous manner to the discredit of
name of Ma. Alexandria Gonzaga the legal profession.
Advincula (Alexandria); that Atty.
Advincula failed to give financial support WHEREFORE, the Court FINDS AND
to their own children; that he admitted in DECLARES ATTY. LEONARDO C.
the affidavit of late registration of birth of ADVINCULA GUILTY of immorality; and
Alexandria that he had contracted SUSPENDS him from the practice of law
another marriage with Ms. Gonzaga. for a period of THREE MONTHS
IBP: In the light of the foregoing with a STERN WARNING
disquisition, having, in effect,
Respondent's own admission of having
committed an extra-marital affair and
fathering a child, it is respectfully
recommended that he be suspended from
the practice of law for at least one month
with the additional admonition that
should he repeat the same, a more severe
penalty would be imposed.

The good moral conduct or character
must be possessed by lawyers at the time
of their application for admission to the
Bar, and must be maintained until
retirement from the practice of law. In
this regard, the Code of Professional
Responsibility states:

Rule 1.01 — A lawyer shall not engage in

unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful


CANON 7 — A lawyer shall at all times

uphold the integrity and dignity of the
legal profession, and support the
activities of the Integrated Bar.


Rule 7.03 — A lawyer shall not engage in

conduct that adversely reflects on his

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