Londex Londex2017 Final Final Web PDF

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Henri SELMER Paris
designer and maker
of wind instruments,
mouthpieces and reeds
since 1885

available for
Soprano, Alto and Tenor saxophones
in strengths 2 to 4

O L D -W O R L D C H A R M .

R E I N V E N T I N G C R A F T S M A N S H I P F O R T H E 2 1 S T C E N T U R Y.
Message from the President
of Mahidol University
Mahidol University and the College of Music are proud to be able to
host the 5th International Jean-Marie LONDEIX Saxophone Competi-
tion and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our distinguished
judges and competitions participants. It is the goal of Mahidol University
and the College of Music to support professional events that bring world
class performs and performances to our university and community.
Mahidol University is honored to have so many respected saxophone
professionals and aspiring young artist with us. My best wishes to all
participants in this important musical friendship-making endeavor. I
hope that this activity will continue well into the future and wish eve-
ryone the best of luck.

Clin. Prof. Udom Kachintorn, M.D.

President of Mahidol University

Message for the 5th International
Jean-Marie LONDEIX Saxophone
On behalf of the College of Music, Mahidol University, It is a great
pleasure and an honor to extend to you a warm welcome to attend the
5th International Jean-Marie LONDEIX Saxophone Competition, to be
held on July 9 - 21, 2017. The competition is renowned as one of the
world’s most outstanding competition for saxophone. It’s an exciting
time for the College of Music as we continue to witness the growth
of talented saxophonists from all over the globe in the competition.
As an Educational Institute, we are committed to promote the high-
est quality in music education to serve not only Thailand, but also the
International society.
The competition is a great addition to support our mission.
I am confident that the 5th International Jean-Marie LONDEIX
Saxophone Competition will be an excellent opportunity to exchange
views and raise awareness of the art of saxophone playing and repertoire.
We hope you have a marvelous time at the competition, and take a lit-
tle extra time to enjoy the spectacular and unique beauty of Thailand.

Dr. Narong Prangcharoen

Associate Dean of the College of Music, Mahidol University



“The iconic 2017 Fifth Edition of the International “Emblématique est la 5ème édition de l’International
Jean-Marie Londeix Saxophone Competition, Jean-Marie Londeix Saxophone Competition, ce
the conference held in Thailand, where the concours montre en Thaïlande où le saxophone est
instrument has long been cherished by His Majesty d’ores et déjà couronné par S.M. le Roi Bhumibol
King Bhumibol Adulyade, underlines the universality Adulyade, l’universalité de l’instrument, sa pérennité
of the instrument and its ongoing and increasing en tant qu’instrument de concert, l’attrait qu’il a sur
use as a concert instrument, a fact evidenced in the la jeunesse la plus valeureuse.
attraction it has for the valiant young players amassed Il est significatif aussi que cet événement de très
here for this event. haut niveau se tienne à Mahidol, prestigieuse université
It is also very significant that this musical competition de Bangkok où vont se réunir et vont se faire face des
with such a high international level is taking dizaines de jeunes artistes venus des cinq continents
place on the campus of the prestigious Mahidol : Amérique du Nord et du Sud, du Canada, d’Europe
University in Bangkok, where we welcome scores of et de Scandinavie, d’Israël, d’Australie, de l’Asie
youthful artists coming from five continents: North bien sûr, Chine, Thaïlande, Taïwan, Japon, Corée,
and South America, Canada, Australia, Asia and Hong-Kong…
Europe. Some of the specific countries represented Soit, un moment marquant dans l’histoire du saxo-
from Asia are China, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Korea phone et un temps fort de la vie musicale Thaïlandaise.
and Hong Kong...... Qu’il me soit permis de remercier le Dr. Sugree
This underlines an important moment in the history Charoensook pour son implication remarquable son
of the saxophone, as well as an important stage in dévouement inconditionnel, sans qui cette manifestation
Thailand’s developing musical life scene. n’existerait pas. Merci à ses vaillants collaborateurs,
I want to sincerely thank Dr. Sugree Charoensook, à ses généreux partenaires, aux brillants jurés venus
Dean of the College of Music of Mahidol University, eux aussi du monde entier, à tous les artisans de cette
for his outstanding involvement and unconditional manifestation unique et exceptionnelle.”
devotion to this project, without whom this event
would not exist. Thanks as well go to his capable and Jean-Marie Londeix
diligent colleagues and staff, his generous patrons, to Président du jury
the members of the international and distinguished
jury, brought here from points around the world, and
to the highly skilled musical artisans connected to this
unique and exceptional event.”


Concert saxophonist, professor and concert pro- His influence has been strongly felt throughout the
ducer, born into a family of musicians, 20 September international saxophone community” (Gérald DONO-
1932, in Arveyres, France in the region of Gironde. VITCH), “One of the greatest musicians of our time”
He was imbued very early in the pedagogical herit- (Edison DENISOV), “Dean of French saxophonists
age of the piano and violin. At the age of fourteen who has made Bordeaux the world’s leading center of
he obtained a First Prize in saxophone from the saxophone studies” (Washington Post), “A model for
Bordeaux Conservatory. His father formed, with his classical saxophone” (Ramon RICKER), “Perhaps,
five children, an ensemble that performed regularly after Adolphe SAX and his teacher Marcel MULE,
in and around Libourne. In 1948 he began studying the most important ‘inventor’ of the classical saxo-
with Marcel MULE. In order to have a trade before phone” (Francesco SALIME), “Master of the modern
exclusively devoting his life to music, he entered a saxophone” (James UMBLE), “There is no one like
school for watch-making, while still taking classes you in France, or anywhere for that matter, in terms
at the Bordeaux Conservatory, followed by brilliant of your contributions to traditional and contempo-
musical studies at the Paris Conservatory where he rary saxophone literature and pedagogy” (Frederick
obtained the highest marks and awards. HEMKE), “The master of the masters” (Theodore
As a concert soloist, recitalist; or conductor he KERKEZOS), “Jean-Marie LONDEIX deserves the
performed more than 600 concerts with an excess of deepest admiration for the quality of his work, but
250 works dedicated to him. even more importantly for his very ‘modern’ posi-
As a teacher, 135 foreign students from 15 differ- tion concerning all that touches the saxophone, both
ent countries have studied with him at the Bordeaux near and far” (Walter BOUDREAU), “His extensive
Conservatory (notably 48 Americans, 22 Canadians, 13 output is known far and wide; not only for the quality
Spanish, 10 Japanese, 11 Germans and 9 Italians). He of his amazing musical performances, but also for
has presented master-classes in Europe, North America, his teaching and his profound insight and thought”
Scandinavia, Japan, etc. Jean-Marie LONDEIX has (François ROSSÉ).
authored a number of teaching methods making him
an expert authority in the pedagogy of the saxophone.
He was an initiator and founder of several professional
organizations, ensembles and associations.
“An example of courage, hope and passion” (Keiji
Munesada). His peers consider him “without question
one of the world’s greatest saxophonists and teachers.


Dr. William Street

The Jean Marie Londeix International Saxophone The winner of many awards including the “Cer-
Competition will be a life-changing event for each of tificat d’Aptitude de Saxophone”, France’s highest
the musical contestants who have entered. You will recognition of excellence in music performance and
meet and get to know participants from many other pedagogy, William Street has earned worldwide respect
countries, speaking different languages, but all with a as one of North America’s finest instrumentalists.
common interest in an international level of technical, He holds degrees from Northwestern University, the
musical and artistic understanding of music for the Conservatoire National de Bordeaux, France and the
21st century saxophone. You will create friendships Catholic University of America. His teachers have
and professional contacts that you will have for the included George Etheridge, Frederick L. Hemke,
rest of your lives. The internationally selected jury of Jean-Marie Londeix, Frederick Ockwell and John
saxophonists and composers and the administration P. Paynter.
of The College of Music here at Mahidol University Dr. Street, a member of the Bro-Street Duo and
are proud of the musical standard that has been set the Ensemble International de Saxophones de Bor-
for this event, held every three years, and we are all deaux, was also a member of the Chicago Saxophone
delighted to meet and share our love of the saxophone Quartet, Washington, D.C. Saxophone Quartet and
and its ever expanding repertoire with contestants Frederick Hemke Saxophone Quartet prior to join-
from around the globe. This musical competition ing the University of Alberta Department of Music
began in France in 1996. It is now in its fifth edition in 1988, where he teaches as saxophone instructor,
and is one of the few events in the world that focuses chamber music coach and Director of the University
on not only traditional music for classical saxophone Concert Band.
but also contemporary classical music of the today’s William Street has appeared as recitalist, conduc-
best composers. We are excited to hear the artistry of tor and soloist with orchestras and bands throughout
each performer and we welcome each of you to The Europe, Central and North America and Asia. He
College of Music here at Mahidol University, where can be heard on compact disc recordings Sunthesis:
musical friends meet and become professional, global “Les Septs Iles” (QM6901, Paris), “L’Ensemble In-
colleagues. Welcome! ternational de Saxophones” (ACD0086, Tokyo), “At
Your Service - Légende by Florent Schmitt” (Arktos
William H Street 94005) with pianist Sylvia Taylor and the Centaur
Professor and Chair recording of Evolution V for five saxophonists by
Department of Music, Faculty of Arts Marilyn Shrude, recorded with the Chicago Saxo-
University of Alberta phone Quartet. His recent compact disc recording


of Tre Vie, Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra recently translated into English the Méthode d’Etude
by Malcolm Forsyth with Grzegorz Nowak and the de Saxophone, by Jean-Marie Londeix published by
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra was nominated for Éditions Henry Lemoine in Paris.
a 1999 Juno award. He has also recorded “héliosaxo” Dr. Street is a Selmer clinician, He has a strong
(Arktos - SRI- CD97018), a compact disc recording interest in music education and appears frequently
of twentieth century music for saxophone and piano as recitalist, adjudicator and conductor throughout
with pianist Roger Admiral, featuring the music of North America and Europe.
composers Harbison, Karlins, Lauba, d’Indy, Rolin,
Houkom. His recitals and concerts are frequently
broadcast on programs of the CBC radio stations.
He served as President of the North American
Saxophone Alliance (NASA) from 1992-1994 and has
represented Canada at music conferences in France,
Japan, Italy, Spain and the United States. He is the
former Secretary of the World Saxophone Congress
International Committee, and was instrumental in
preparation for the XI World Congress held in Spain
in October 1997. He has written articles and reviews
published in the NASA Journal as well as the Bul-
letin de l’Association des Saxophonistes de France
His published work includes the English translation
of Hello! Mr. Sax, ou les Parametres du Saxophone
(Leduc) by Jean-Marie Londeix, “Elise Boyer Hall,”
and “The Life of Elise Boyer Hall” in Les États Gé-
néraux Mondiaux du Saxophone. He and Anna Street


Dr. Susan Fancher

“It is my great honor and privilege to serve on Susan Fancher is an internationally-recognized

the judging panel for the 5th International Jean-Marie concert saxophonist known for her deep and poetic
Londeix Saxophone Competition. I was one of many musical interpretations. A much sought after performer
Americans who benefitted immensely from Monsieur of new music, she has inspired and premiered over
Londeix’s brilliant, exacting, uncompromising teach- 100 new works for saxophone. Her two newest CD
ing. He set an example of work ethic, courage, and releases are “The Saxophone Music of Stuart Saun-
commitment to the art form that continues to inspire ders Smith” released in September 2015 on Chen Li
me to this day. His hard work and vision have con- Music, and “Red Clay Live!” the Red Clay Saxophone
tributed greatly to the extremely high level of both Quartet’s 10th Anniversary CD, released in Spring
saxophone playing and the quality of the repertoire 2016. In recent years, Susan Fancher has championed
that we enjoy today. The competition repertoire list a new repertoire of concertos for soprano saxophone,
requires the competitors to navigate many musical including the wind ensemble version of Michael Torke’s
challenges, from traditional notation to the most recent Concerto, a concerto based on Celtic themes by David
uses of techniques unique to the saxophone. While the Kirkland Garner, and Mark Engebretson’s Concerto
saxophone is the singing instrument par excellence, for soprano saxophone and orchestra, premiered in
much of the repertoire is a result of the search for Sala São Paulo under the baton of Ligia Amadio.
music that is truly of the saxophone, or as Monsieur The May 2013 CD release “Of Erthe and Air: Susan
Londeix would say, “musique du saxophone.” This Fancher and friends play music of Hilary Tann”
event is a fitting tribute to the unmatchable artistry (Arizona University Records CD 5014) features a live
and tireless dedication to our beautiful instrument performance of Tann’s soprano saxophone concerto
shown throughout his career. It is my sincere hope that Shakkei with the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra.
every participant will leave this place with renewed Susan Fancher plays exclusively on Selmer Paris
energy, inspired to continue a lifelong pursuit of great saxophones and Vandoren mouthpieces, reeds and
music. Welcome and good luck to all the outstanding ligatures. She in on the faculty of Duke University.
saxophonists competing this year!”

Dr. Susan Fancher

Duke University, Durham, North Carolina,


Jean-Michel Goury

Jean-Michel Goury is recognized like one of the in a international saxophone studio and conductes a
world foremost performers of contemporary music big ensemble of saxophones. In more,he has presented
for saxophone.His performances and recordings have many pedagogical workshops and masterclasses on
received high praise from critics worldwide. contemporary music performances throughout the
He was born in 1961 at Tonneins (in the southwest world and has been invited to perform and give lectures
of France) and was nurtured in music by his at several prestigious festivals and universities. JM
father,secretary of the French National Association Goury has appeared at guest soloist in concerts with
of Bands.He began studying piano and singing in the Orchestre Symphonique National des Jeunes de
church at a very young age. Bavière (Germany), Ensemble Orchestral of Italy,the
He studied at the Conservatoire National de Radio-France philharmonic orchestra,the Opera de
Musique de Bordeaux and received the Médaille Paris, National Chamber Orchestras of Toulouse
d’Or (given unanimously by the jury) in saxophone and Auvergne.As a recital and chamber musician,he
while studying with Jean-Marie Londeix.He also has premiered promoted about 400 new works by
completed distinguished musical studies in musical many international composers,with the Xasax and
analysis (François Rossé),wind ensemble conducting Apollinaire quartets,duos Zéphyr ,Goury-Josset and
(J Pernoo) and chamber music (Francis Valonne).He the following international contemporary music en-
also completed studies in Paris for conducting (P sembles : Polyfolia , Itinéraire , 2E2M , Contrechamp
Cao) and at the IRCAM research institute :analysis ,Klangforum , XXI century .
(R Piencikovski),saxophone (D Kientzy). He has won He participated at the World Saxophone Con-
first prize in a number of national and international gresses in Nürenberg,Washington,Kawasaki,Pesar
music competitions, including Radio-France and Aix- o,St Andrews,Bangkok and worked in the national
le-Bains where he received congratulatory remarks committe for Saxopen Strasbourg 2015.
from the president of the jury, legendary saxophonist Since 1979,JM Goury has recorded 40 cds (Alba
Marcel Mule. musica,Erol records,MFA,Kayros, Wergo,Hat hut) and
Since receiving (1982) the Certificat d’Aptitude obtained critical praise in 2004 (works by Sciarrino)
(France’s highest teaching certification), JM Goury has « Diapason d’or » and in 2008 (works by Aperghis)
been a prominent teacher in the French conservatory « Choc de la Musique » with the Xasax quartet.
system (first at the Conservatoire National de Musique
de Landes and La Creuse) and now at one of France’s
most modern and prestigious schools:the Pôle Supérieur
de Paris-Boulogne-Billancourt (PSPBB) where he teachs


Masataka Hirano

Masataka Hirano is a talented saxophonist who instruments. He has many appearances in the music
can play wide range of music from contemporary, festivals in France, Germany, and Spain. These concerts
classical, improvisation, and even jazz. While he was are well-received and a lot of fans are always looking
studying in the Tokyo University of the Arts, he won forward to his performances every time. He and his
the 1st place in the 7th Japan Wind and Percussion music have been featured in Nihon TV’s “Shinya No
Competition. After graduating from the Tokyo University Ongakukai (Concert in the Midnigt)”, TV Asahi’s
of the Arts in 1992, he entered the Conservatoire “Daimei no nai Ongakukai” (Concert without Theme),
National Superieur de Musique in Paris in 1995. He NHK Classic Club, NHK’s Meikyoku Album (Album
won Unanimous Premier Prix in the saxophone course of Masterpieces), TV commercial footage of Daiwa
(1997), in the chamber music course (1998), and in Group, DVD “Eishi Kiko”, and many others.
the improvisation course (1999) at the graduation. Hirano has received high acclaim and positive
In 1990 Hirano won the 1st prize at Japan Wind feedbacks as a composer when his first orchestra piece
and Percussion Competition. In 1996 he won the 1st “Seven Tableaux – dedicated to Toshio Arimoto”
prize at Jean=Marie Londex International Competition was featured in Nihon TV’s “Shinya No Ongakukai
in France. He is the first Japanese saxophonist who (Concert in the Midnight)”. It was used as the opening
won the 1st prize at international competitions. He theme tune of the program.
played with Orchestra National Bordeaux Aquitaine He regularly serves as a jury in competitions of
and has received fabulous reviews during his debut instrumentalists such as Japan Wind and Percussion
tour in France. Competition, Osaka International Chamber Music
In 2000, Hirano released his debut album “Mil- Competition, and All Japan Band Competition.
lennium” which is focused on improvisation and Hirano teaches at Tokyo University of the Arts,
contemporary music. He has performed with differ- the Elizabeth University of Music, Senzoku College
ent orchestras such as Yomiuri Nippon Symphony of Music, Toho College of Music and Habanera
Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Osaka Academy in France.
Philharmonic Orchestra, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra,
and Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra.
In addition, he also co-stared with renowned jazz
pianists such as Yosuke Yamashita, Satoru Shionoya,
Akiko Grace, and many other artists of different



“As a new music composer for symphonic, Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing (’83 and
chamber, choral and wind ensemble works, who has ‘86), and DMA degree from Columbia University
written for the saxophones in the past two decades, in the City of New York (’93), studying composi-
it’s my great honor to be invited by the College of tion with Wu Zuqiang, Chou Wen-chung and Mario
Music, Mahidol University in Thailand, to serve on Davidovsky. She has been Distinguished Professor
the jury of the 5th International Jean-Marie Londeix in Music at the University of Missouri-Kansas City
Saxophone Competition in 2017. I really appreciate Conservatory of Music and Dance since 1998, and
the vision and afford of the JMLISC, which has made elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sci-
unmistakable contribution to the development of ences in 2005.
repertoire and saxophone performance significantly. Published by Theodore Presser Company, Dr. Chen’s
Looking forward to a successful JMLISC V in 2017!” music has been commissioned and performed world
wide by such ensembles as the Cleveland Orchestra,
Dr. CHEN Yi the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Orchestra of
Lorena Searcy Cravens/Millsap/Missouri Dis- St. Luke’s, the BBC Symphony and the BBC/Royal
tinguished Professor in Music philharmonics, the Seattle, Pacific, SF, National,
University of Missouri-Kansas City Conserva- Toronto, Singapore, New Zealand, China National
tory of Music and Dance symphonies, the Brooklyn, the NY, the LA philharmon-
ics, the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra and Sachsische
As a prolific composer and the recipient of the Staatskapelle Dresden, The Women’s Philharmonic
Charles Ives Living Award from the American Academy and Chanticleer (supported by Meet The Composer
of Arts and Letters (2001-2004), Dr. CHEN Yi* blends New Residences), Music From China, Racher/Prism
Chinese and Western traditions, transcending cultural Saxophone Quartet, Shanghai/Ying String Quartet,
and musical boundaries. Her music has reached wide by soloists as Yo-Yo Ma, Yehudi Menuhin, Evelyn
range of audiences and inspired peoples with different Glennie, Michala Petri, Cho-Liang Lin, Emanuel Ax,
cultural background throughout the world. She holds and conductors JoAnn Falletta, Dennis Russell Davies,
BA and MA degrees in music composition from the Lan Shui, Leonard Slatkin, Franz Welser-Möst, Gerard


Schwartz, among others. Her music has been recorded She has given two more whole evening concerts of
on Bis, New Albion, Teldec (w/ Grammy Award for her orchestral and choral works in Beijing, presented
Colors of Love in 1999), New World (w/ NPR Top by the China National Symphony Orchestra and
10 Classical Music Album Award for Sound of the Chorus in 2001 and 2008. She is also the first woman
Five in 2009), Albany, Bridge, Naxos (w/ Grammy to give an evening multimedia orchestral concert in
Award Nomination for Symphony Humen 1839 in the US as the culmination of her 3-year residency
2015), China Record Co., and many more. Dr. Chen in San Francisco with The Women’s Philharmonic
Yi was the first woman to receive a master’s degree and Chanticleer in May 1996, supported by Meet
in composition in China when she gave an evening The Composer.
concert of her orchestral works in Beijing, performed
by the Central Philharmonic of China in June 1986.


Chien-Kwan Lin

It is an honor for me to be part of the Jean-Marie “who has the passion and restraint and beautiful sense
Londeix International Competition! As I look forward of line to take melody where it wants to go, fully and
to hearing so many talented saxophonists gather at generously,” while the Boston Globe has lauded him
this prestigious event, I have no doubt we will all be for “displaying chops,” and has described his playing
inspired many times throughout our stay in Bangkok. as “polished,” “charismatic,” and “appealing.”
We will be making new friends through music, through Recent appearances by Mr. Lin have included
our eagerness to learn and to share our experiences, the World Saxophone Congress, North American
and our positive contribution to one another’s joy Saxophone Alliance, Selmer Showroom (Paris),
and success in the art of saxophone will be on full Steinway Hall (NYC), New England Saxophone
display. I thank all of you for the work you have put Symposium, Texas Tech University International
into preparing for this wonderful opportunity, and trust Saxophone Artists Series, U.S. Navy Band International
you will have an experience of a lifetime! Saxophone Symposium, Saxorama Festival (Canada),
Fromm Players of Harvard University, and the
Chien-Kwan Lin Formosa Chamber Music Society of New York. He
has presented master classes across the U.S. and
Chien-Kwan Lin (b. 1972, Singapore) has appeared internationally, including the Paris Conservatory
as soloist and guest artist with the United States Navy (CNSMDP), Manuel Castillo Conservatory of
Band, the Eastman Wind Ensemble, the Boston Modern Seville (Spain), Vienna Conservatory, National
Orchestra Project, the Tanglewood Festival Orchestra, Taipei University for the Arts, Mahidol University
the New World Symphony, the Beijing Symphony, as (Thailand), as well as the Shenyang, Sichuan and
well as the philharmonic and chamber orchestras of Central (Beijing) Conservatories in China.
Boston, Rochester, Sichuan and Thailand. Mr. Lin’s recording of Lei Liang’s Memories
Mr. Lin’s performances have garnered excellent of Xiaoxiang for Alto Saxophone & Tape (Mode
reviews by critics in New York and Boston. His criti- Records) was selected among “Amazon.com: Best
cally-acclaimed Carnegie Hall recital prompted New 20th/21st Century Classical of 2009,” and his record-
York Concert Review to portray him as a performer ing of David Liptak’s Serenade for Alto Saxophone &


String Orchestra, which John Pitcher of the Rochester and the Hannover (NH) Chamber Orchestra.
Democrat and Chronicle called “brilliantly recorded,” Mr. Lin is currently Associate Professor of
is available on Bridge Records. His recording of Li- Saxophone at the Eastman School of Music. He is
ang’s Xiaoxiang Concerto with the Boston Modern the founder and director of the Eastman Saxophone
Orchestra Project was also named a Pulitzer Prize Project (ESP), as well as the recipient of the 2012-
Finalist in 2015. Since winning top prizes in Singa- 2013 Eisenhart Award for Excellence in Teaching.
pore’s National Music Competition four consecutive Mr. Lin is an artist and clinician for Selmer and Van-
times (violin category), Mr. Lin has enjoyed a multi- doren companies, and performs exclusively on these
faceted career. He won a Best Conductor Award at products. He holds degrees from the New England
Singapore’s National Band Leaders Festival, and also Conservatory (BM, MM) and Eastman (Performer’s
worked for several years as a jazz violinist. In addition, Certificate, DMA). His teachers have included Ken
he has appeared as orchestral violinist with the New Radnofsky and Ramon Ricker.
Hampshire Symphony, the Indian Hill Symphony,

Artist Director

Shyen Lee

The year 2017 marks the ninth year to host new road into a territory as yet unexplored. Please
the Jean-Marie Londeix International Saxophone remember, you are the developers and nurturers of
Competition since we started in 2008 in Thailand. our new traditions!
This is fifth edition of the world renown saxophone
competition, the first one was in Bordeaux and the Shyen Lee
following four in Bangkok. Artistic Director, JMLISC V
We hope the philosophy Maestro Londeix asserts
toward the modern saxophone playing can be real- Shyen LEE is the saxophonist from Taiwan. He
ized in the competition. Through the selection of the dedicates himself in pioneering toward developing
premium competition repertoire and jury consist of pedagogy, traditional and modern repertoire and various
the leading saxophone masters and composer, the forms for saxophone performance. He currently serves
participants will have the advantage to get recogni- as the instructor of saxophone in Mahidol University,
tion for their talent, effort and the commitment to Thailand. Also he was appointed tobe the Organizer
practicing the arts. and Artistic Director of the International Jean-Marie
It is a great opportunity for every competitor to Londeix International Saxophone Competition and
meet and share their experience and music vision with World Saxophone Congress XV. In 2006, he acted as
the like-minded saxophonists from all over the world. the organizer and the composition presenter of Thailand
Hope this competition will bring every participant International Composition for Saxophone. He was
into a network and life-long friendship. elected as World Saxophone Congress International
Let me express my admiration for the enormous Saxophone Committee in the term of 2009-2012.He
amount of time and energy you have dedicated in both was the artistic director ofthe 2016 Asian Saxophone
the physical and mental preparation of the challenging Congress. Shyen Lee appeared as solo recitalist
musical work before you. You are forging the saxophonist’s in various concert halls including Lincoln Center,

Artist Director

Paine Hall in Harvard University as well in Montreal, commissioned pieces byleading Chinese composers
Minneapolis, Paris, Bordeaux, Fermo (Italy), Vienna, including Lei Liang, Yiu-Kwong Chung, ChihChun
Ljubljana, Kiev, Odessa (Ukraine), Columbia (SC, Chih-sun Lee, Tzyy-Sheng, Che-Yi Lee and Shih-
USA), Bangkok, Singapore, St. Andrew (UK), Hui Chen. Several Thai emerging composers have
Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei and other cities all over often written new works for him, including Narong
China and Taiwan. Twice with Thailand Philharmonic Prangcharoen, Jiradej Setabundhu, Boomrat Sirirat-
Orchestra, he was the concerto soloist with maestro tanapan. Shyen Lee studied with Kenneth Radnofsky
Jeannine Wagar and Tze-Law Chan. After being a jury in New England Conservatory (BM, 96) and Dr. John
member in Odessa Golden Saxophone International Sampen in Bowling Green State University (MM, 98).
Competition, he performed as the concerto soloist
in Philharmonic Society Theatre in the gala concert.
Shyen Lee commissioned and premiered pieces by
John Harbison, Frank Ticheli, Larry Bell, Gunther
Schuller, and Bernard Rands. In addition to performing
saxophone repertoire by western composers, he also

Pianist and

Roger Admiral

Canadian pianist Roger Admiral performs solo and Recent performances include Gyorgy Ligeti’s
chamber music repertoire spanning the 18th through Piano Concerto with the Victoria Symphony Orches-
the 21st century. He works regularly with New Music tra, the complete piano works of Iannis Xenakis for
Edmonton and Aventa Ensemble (Victoria), and performs Vancouver New Music, and recitals for Curto-Circuito
as part of Kovalis Duo with Montreal percussionist de Música Contemporânea Brasil. Roger graduated
Philip Hornsey. Roger also coaches contemporary from the University of Western Ontario, and the
chamber music at the University of Alberta. University of Alberta.

Pianist and

I-An Chen

Pianist I-An Chen has won numerous awards in- In 2008, she was invited to be the appointed collaborative
cluding the First Prize of National Music Competition pianist for The 2nd International Jean-Marie Londeix
in her native country Taiwan and the Ann arbor Saxophone Competition. In July, 2009, she worked as
Young Artist Competition. She has given diverse the official pianist in resident that collaborated with
performances as a soloist and chamber musician, and many prestige saxophonists in the XV World Saxophone
has been seen on stage at various venues in Taiwan, Congress. At the same year, as a cofounder of En-
China, Southeastern Asia and the United States. semble Unity, she and the ensemble members made
Ms. Chen holds a Master of Piano Performance a concert tour in the United States, giving numbers
degree from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, of performances in Los Angeles, Chicago and New
under the instruction of Dr. Logan Skelton; and Jersey. In 2011 and 2014, she is again invited to col-
another Master degree of Piano Ac-companying and laborate in The 3rd& 4th International Jean-Marie
Chamber Music in UM, where she studied with world Londeix Saxophone Competition. Since the year of
renowned collaborative pianist Martin Katz. During 2011, she has been the official pianist in Singapore
her residency in Ann Arbor, she was appointed staff Saxophone Symposium until now. She is invited
pianist for studios and master classes. The auspicious to serve as the collaborative faculty in Asia Pacific
experiences led to a successful career as a collaborative Saxophone Academy, 2015. In 2016, she was the
artist. lecturer and collaborative pianist in the 2nd Taiwan
She has received critical acclaim for her expertise International Saxophone Symposium, and performed
in the performance of String, Woodwind and Voice in the First Asian Saxophone Congress, 2016.
Literature. Ms. Chen represented Taiwan to perform Ms. Chen enjoys a distinguished career as a
in Thailand International Saxophone Conference in performer and educator. She is currently on the artist
Bangkok, 2004. She has been in invited as concert faculty as Assistant Professor of the Music Department
pianist and instructor of Taiwan Saxophone Sum- of Fu-Jen Catholic Universi-ty, Taipei, Taiwan.
mer Festival since 2002. She has served as a faculty
member of in the international saxophone summer
festival in Beijing, China, Thailand International
Soloist Saxophone Summer Camp and Elite Project,
from 2006 until now.

Pianist and

Mark Engebretson

Mark Engebretson (b. 1964) is Professor of Composition Dr. Engebretson taught composition at the University
and Electronic Music at the University of North Carolina of Florida, music theory at the SUNY Fredonia and
at Greensboro. He is the recipient of a Barlow 20th-century music history at the Eastman School
Commission (for Bent Frequency), North Carolina of Music. He studied at the University of Minnesota
Artist Fellowship in Composition (for the Concerto (graduating Summa cum Laude), the Conservatoire de
for Soprano Saxophone and Orchestra), a Fulbright Bordeaux (as a Fulbright Scholar), and Northwestern
Fellowship for studies in France, and has received University, where he received the Doctor of Music
major commissions from Harvard University’s Fromm degree. At Northwestern he studied composition
Music Foundation (Acrylic Waves), the University of with M. William Karlins, Pauline Oliveros, Marta
Wisconsin-Madison (They Said: sinister resonance), Ptaszynska, Michael Pisaro, Stephen Syverud and
the Thomas S. Kenan Center for the Arts (Deliriade) Jay Alan Yim and saxophone with Frederick Hemke.
and the Barlow Foundation He is the founder of the His teachers in France were Michel Fuste-Lambezat
UNCG New Music Festival. and Jean-Marie Londeix.
Engebretson’s creative work is driven by melody,
timbre, virtuosity, clear and balanced formal structure,
the integration of new media, multiple levels of as-
sociations, and a desire for fresh, engaging musical
expression. Recent work has included strong over-
tones of pop music and creative intersections with
written texts.

The Thailand
Orchestra (TPO)


The Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra (TPO) gave New Zealand in 2012, Vientiane, Laos in 2013 and
its inaugural performance at the Royal Thailand Navy Myanmar in 2016.
Auditorium on 23rd June 2005, in a gala concert for On September 29, 2010, TPO had the distinct
the International Trumpet Guild Conference. Over its honor to give a command performance for HM King
first 11 seasons the TPO has consistently impressed Bhumibol Adulyadej and HRH Princess Maha Chakri
and inspired audiences with its excellent performances. Sirindhorn at the Royal Medical College Auditorium,
Many highly regarded conductors have led the TPO Siriraj Hospital. In the concert the TPO paid tribute
including Gudni Emilsson, Claude Villaret, Alfonso to His Majesty’s considerable musical talent. The
Scarano, Jamie Phillips, Dariusz Mikulski, Delta David concert served to honor the occasion of the 37th
Gier, Stefan Willich, Jose Luis-Novo, Ligia Amadio, Anniversary of a special concert that His Majesty
Zhang Guoyong, Alkis Baltas, Prateep Suphanrojn, played for students at the Royal Medical College’s
Jeffery Meyer and many more. auditorium on September 29, 1973.
Soloists from around the world regularly join the The current 2016-2017 season is Gudni Emilsson’s
TPO for performances and have praised the orchestra twelfth season as Chief Conductor of the TPO. He
for its growth and development in such a short period continues the work of attracting a loyal and apprecia-
of time. Those guests have included Jens Lindemann, tive following in Thailand, while helping the TPO to
Eri Nakagawa, Lambis Vassiliadis, Boris Brovtsyn, build a reputation for performing excellence. Its annual
Martin Kasik, Tomas Strasil, Reinhold Friedrich, season schedule of more than 70 performances draws
Cristina Bojin, Karina Di Virgilio, Mischa Maisky, from over three centuries of orchestral repertoire as
Yoon Jin Kim, Kwanchanok Pongpairoj, Christopher well as chamber, contemporary and specially com-
Espenschied, Dimitri Ashkenazy, Paul Cesarczyk, missioned new music.
Serouj Kradjian, Robyn Schulkowsky, Lucia Aliberti, The TPO is proud to have the patronage of the
Wolfram Schmitt-Leonardy, Peter Bruns, Tapalin Royal Thai Government and Mahidol University
Charoensook, Ekachai Jearakul, Shyen Lee, Aiman and enjoys a burgeoning multicultural tradition. The
Musakhodzhaeva, Henri Bok, and Christoph Hartmann 95-member symphony orchestra is made up of musi-
among others. cians from more than 15 nations. The TPO has been
The first International appearance by TPO occurred active in recording both traditional Thai songs and
in October 2009 when the Japanese Association of new works from internationally recognized composers,
Orchestras extended the invitation to perform at the and has produced 10 CDs of those works.
Asian Orchestras Festival in the Tokyo Opera City 2016-2017 marks the twelfth season for the TPO,
Concert Hall. In the same year the Royal Thai Govern- and will be highlighted by a performance of over 80
ment invited TPO to play at the gala concert for the concerts per year including season and special concerts,
15th ASEAN Summit held in Cha-Am in front of 10 as well as a performance tour of ASEAN countries.
Prime Ministers from the 10 ASEAN countries and Last but not the least, TPO would like to express
six from China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia our most sincere gratitude for the support of all our
and New Zealand. TPO has continued its international generous patrons and loyal fans.
touring with concerts in Tokyo, Japan and Auckland,
Delta David Gier

Delta David Gier has been called a dynamic voice and has included residencies with composers Jen-
on the American music scene, recognized widely nifer Higdon, Steven Stucky, Zhou Long, and Paul
for his penetrating interpretations of the standard Moravec. Under his direction, the SDSO has expanded
symphonic repertoire, passionate commitment to its offerings with a cycle of Mahler symphonies and
new music, and significant community engagement. an annual semi-staged opera.
Orchestras Mr. Gier has conducted include the The Lakota Music Project was developed under
New York Philharmonic, the Philadelphia Orchestra, Gier’s direction to address racial tensions between
the Cleveland Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony, the Native Americans and whites in the region the SDSO
St. Louis Symphony, and the Minnesota Orchestra. serves. Now in its sixth year, the LMP is a side-by-side
Last season he conducted the American Composers program with the SDSO and Lakota musicians which
Orchestra in the inaugural concert of the China-U.S explores the role music plays in their respective cul-
Composers Project; this season will include engagements tures, seeking to engender understanding and heal-
with several Chinese orchestras and master classes ing between estranged peoples. Other engagement
at the Shanghai Conservatory. projects with the SDSO have included Arab (with
In Europe, his engagements include the Bergen Simon Shaheen), Chinese (with composers Chen Yi
Philharmonic (Norway), the Polish National Radio and Zhou Long) and Sudanese/Somali refugees (with
Symphony (with which he has several recordings), the Bernard Woma Ensemble).
and the Bucharest Philharmonic, along with many For 15 seasons, Delta David Gier served as an
other orchestras in Italy, Hungary, Poland, Romania, assistant conductor of the New York Philharmonic.
Slovakia and Turkey. In the Americas, he has had He studied at the University of Michigan under the
a long relationship with the National Symphony renowned conducting teacher Gustav Meier, along
Orchestra of Costa Rica and has conducted several with studies at the Tanglewood Music Center and
orchestras in Mexico, including the Orquesta de Aspen Music Festival. He was a Fulbright scholar in
Camera de Bellas Artes. In Asia, Mr. Gier’s engage- eastern Europe from 1988-90. Also in demand as an
ments have included the Singapore Symphony and educator, Mr. Gier has served as guest faculty at the
the Thailand Philharmonic, where he will return three Curtis Institute, Yale School of Music, San Francisco
times this season. Conservatory, and SUNY Stony Brook. He has chaired
Since 2004, Mr. Gier has been music director of the music jury of the Pulitzer Prize and is a frequent
the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra. During that panelist for the League of American Orchestras.
period the orchestra has been lauded for its programming
(including seven ASCAP awards). His series based
on the Pulitzer Prize was called “an unprecedented
programming innovation” by the Wall Street Journal

• Article 1. – Partyta (soprano saxophone) by Christian

LAUBA (Resolute Music Publications); or
The 5th International Jean-Marie LONDEIX
– Oxyton (baritone saxophone) by Christophe
Saxophone Competition will be held in Bangkok,
HAVEL (Éditions P.J. Tonger-Germany); or
Thailand, from July 9 to 22, 2017. Professor Dr Su-
– Strata (tenor saxophone) by Colin LABADIE
gree CHORENSOOK, Dean of the College of Music,
(pub. AMP http://www.colinlabadie.com/strata.html); or
Mahidol University is the principal organizer of the
– Discoïdal (tenor saxophone) Thierry ALLA
competition. V International Jean-Marie LONDEIX
(Resolute Music Publications); or
Saxophone Competition College of Music, Mahidol
– Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
University 25/25 Phuttamonthon Sai 4 Salaya, Na-
Fuminori TANADA (Edit. Lemoine); or
konpathom, Thailand 73170
– The Angel of despair by Hiroyuki ITOH for alto
saxophone (Resolute Music Publication (for sale or
• Article 2. download on site: http://www.resolutemusicpublica-
The jury is composed of internationally renowned tions.com)
musicians and chaired by Jean-Marie LONDEIX.
There will be six voting members of the jury: five
saxophonists of international reputation, one renowned
The Second elimination round:
One piece with piano accompaniment (either
composer, and possibly two observers without vot-
personal pianist or staff pianist of competition), and
ing rights.
one piece with electroacoustic accompaniment. A staff
technology specialist will be available for consultation,
• Article 3. as needed. Each competitor will choose one piece
This competition is open to advanced saxophonists from list A and one piece from list B, two pieces in
of all nationalities, born after July 9, 1985. total, maximum time: 35 minutes.

• Article 4. List A.
Program – Légende (version for alto saxophone and piano)
by André CAPLET (Resolute Music Publications); or
The First elimination round: – Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent
- Solo saxophone, maximum time: 20 minutes. SCHMITT (Édition Durand); or
Each competitor will present three works, two from – Sonate (alto saxophone, with Finale by Jean
list 1 and one from list 2. Marie LONDEIX), by Paul HINDEMITH (Édition
Schott); or
List 1. - Sonate (alto saxophone) by Pierre-Phillipe
BAUZIN (Édition Leduc); or
- Two of the 25 Capricen op. 153a (1929) by
- Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Sigfrid KARG-ELERT (1877-1933). Choice of
(Édition Leduc);or
saxophones at the discretion of the candidate based
- Chant Premier (tenor saxophone) by Marcel
upon the character of the Caprices chosen (Editions
MIHALOVICI (Édition Heugel); or
Zimmerman (www.zimmermann-frankfurt.de) ou
- Music for tenor saxophone by William KAR-
Southern Music.
LINS (Southern).

List 2. List B.
– One of 9 Études for solo saxophone by Christian
- Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxo-
LAUBA (Alphonse Leduc Music Publications); or
phone and electronics. Éditions Jobert (info@jobert.


fr), 27 Bvd Beaumarchais F-75004 Paris France; The

work Mixtion by Jodlowsky is 15 minutes in duration.
• Article 7.
The choice of program selected by the candidate
It is also acceptable to play from the beginning until
upon registration is final. No changes or modifications
letter D for a duration of 9-10 minutes.
are permitted.
Concours 2017 que « Mixtion », l’œuvre de
JODLOWSKY qui, entière dure 15 minutes, peut-
être seulement jouée du début à la lettre D pour une
durée de 9-10 mn. or
• Article 8.
For the second elimination round, the organ-
- Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
izing committee of the competition will assign each
saxophone and electronics. Éditions BABEL SCORE,
candidate a staff pianist (if needed). As well, a staff
39 quai de l’Horloge –F75001 Paris, France http://
technology specialist will be available for consulta-
www.babelscores.com contact@babelscores.com); or
tion and performance. The organizing committee will
- L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto
provide without charge one scheduled rehearsal for
saxophone and electronics. Éditions Billaudot (info@
each piece. Candidates are permitted to bring their
billaudot.com) http://www.billaudot.com; or
own accompanist, but do so at their own expense.
- Chymisch by Hector PARRA, for baritone
Before the final round, each candidate will have one
saxophone and electronics. Éditions Trito Musicals,
rehearsal and one dress rehearsal with orchestra.
Enamorats, 35, 37 balxos E-08013 BARCELONA –
Spain- http://www.trito.es).
• Article 9.
Final round –with orchestra: Prizes
- Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone 1st Grand Prizes: 5,000 Euros, one saxophone
(alto + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by Fran- and recorded concert performance with the Thailand
çois ROSSÉ Éditions Hody: CAP SUD 2 Bt.D 15 Philharmonic Orchestra (Bangkok)
rue Henri Lemarié F-35400 SAINT MALO France. 2nd Prizes: 3,500 Euros, one saxophone
(emmanuelhody@gmail.com) 3rd Prizes: 2,000 Euros, one saxophone
Special prizes may also be awarded.
• Article 5.
The first elimination round will be performed • Article 10.
anonymously behind a screen; each candidate will During the elimination rounds, the jury maintains
be identified by number only. Other rounds are not the right to stop any performance exceeding the time
screened from the jury. limit. The jury will submit their written vote at the
end of each performance. Deliberation of the jury
• Article 6. will take place after the final round. In the event of
a tied vote, the president’s vote will be the deciding
The contestants will perform in an order fixed by
vote. The decisions of the jury are final. The jury
drawing lots, which will take place on July 9, 2017
members’ written comments may be given to elimi-
(candidates will be notified of the exact time and
nated competitors after the announced results of each
place). Candidates must be present to receive their
round; comments will be given to the finalists after
performance time during the drawing of lots. The
the competition has concluded.
organizing committee reserves the right to refuse the
participation of any candidate absent from the drawing.


• Article 11. • Article 13.

The jury reserves the right not to award all prizes. Registration fee: The registration fee of 5,100
The 1st Prize cannot be divided. For other awards, in THB (Thai Baht) should be paid by International
the event of a tie, the prizes will be shared. wire transfer. The receipt should be uploaded with
the application.
• Article 12. Account Name: College of Music
Name of Bank: The Siam Commercial Bank PCL.
Registration Conditions: All communication will
Saving Account No: 333-2-10822-1
be sent via email. All completed registration docu-
Branch: Mahidol University
ments must be completed no later than April 30, 2017
Bank Address: 999 Phuttamonthon Sai 4, Salaya,
Nakhonpathom Thailand 73170
Swift Code: SICOTHBK
Registration includes the Please identify the purpose of transfer as: INTER-
COMPETITION The Registration fee will only be
1. Registration form (www.music.mahidol.ac.th/
refunded if the organizing committee refuses the
jmlisc) fully completed implies accepting the rules
participation of an applicant.
of the competition
2. A photocopy of passport or official Identity card,
3. A curriculum vitae written in French or English • Article 14.
(maximum two typed pages) mentioning the music Travel and accommodation arrangements. Accom-
institutions attended, names of principal teachers, modation and travel expenses are the responsibility
awards obtained, and professional positions held, of the participant. The organizing committee of the
4. Two original recommendation letters (from competition will provide a list of hotels and university
recognized musicians) written specifically for entry residences. Semi finalists will be reimbursed 4,000
to this competition, THB (Thai Baht) to help defray their expenses. This
5. A recent passport or identity photograph, up- prize can only be claimed on the day of the final round
loaded to the website with the registration form. The of the competition.
resolution of the image file must be print quality and
formatted in .JPEG or .GIF. The file is limited to less
than 2 megabyte.
• Article 15.
Candidates forfeit all rights to remuneration through
6. A list of chosen works for the program in
broadcast by radio, television or other media formats.
performance order for each part or movement, with
exact duration noted.
7. Proof of payment or a document attesting • Article 16.
the payment of the registration fee according to the The above regulations are mandatory for all
means indicated in Article 13 (see below). Incomplete competitors. Participation in the competition implies
registrations will not be considered. acceptance of all rules. In case of dispute, all written
The organizing committee of the competition is communication must be in English.
authorized to admit candidates to the competition only
upon receipt of complete applications. Candidates will
be informed of their acceptance into the competition
beginning on May 20, 2017. Candidates who do not
receive confirmation before May 21, 2017 are advised
to contact the organizer through e-mail to the Artistic
Director, Shyen Lee: shyel@gmail.com

The 5 Jean Marie Londeix International Saxophone Competition Time Table July 9 22, 2017
9 Jul 17 10 Jul 17 11 Jul 17 12 Jul 17 13 Jul 17 14 Jul 17 15 Jul 17 16 Jul 17 17 Jul 17
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thr. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon.

8:00 Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration

9:00 9:00
9:00 18 37 56

9:30 19 38 57
9:45 9:45
Rehearsal Rehearsal B L
10:00 1. 20 39 58
I An:A; I An:K;
Roger:B Roger:L 10:30 10:30
10:30 2. 21 40 59
Electro: C,D Electro: I,J C M

11:00 3. 22 41 60 Break
11:15 11:15
Rehearsal Rehearsal D N
11:30 4. 23 42 61
I An:C; I An:M;
Roger:D Roger:N
12:00 5. 24 43 62
Electro: A,B Electro: O,P

12:30 Break
Break Break

Rehearsal Rehearsal 1:30 1:30

1:30 6. 25 44 63
I An:E; I An:O; E O
Roger:F Roger:P
2:00 7. 26 45 64
Electro: G,H Electro: M,N 2:15 2:15
2:30 8. 27 46 65 Break

Rehearsal Rehearsal 3:00 3:00

3:00 9. 28 47 66
I An:G; I An:Q; G Q
Roger:H Roger:R
3:30 Open 10. 29 48 67
Electro: E,F Electro: S,T 3:45 3:45
4:00 General 11. 30 49 68 Break
Drawing Rehearsal Rehearsal 4:30 4:30
4:30 12. 31 50 69
I An:I; I An:S; I S
Roger:J Roger:T
5:00 13. 32 51
Electro: K,L Electro: Q,R 5:15 5:15
6:00 Break
Jury Meeting

7:00 14. 33 52

7:30 15. 34 53 Announce the finalist
the semi
8:00 16. 35 54 finalist and
8:30 17. 36 55 meeting


18 Jul 17 19 Jul 17 20 Jul 17 21 Jul 17 22 Jul 17
Tue. Wed. Thr. Fri. Sat.







0500 0930pm TPO 0500 0930pm TPO 0500 0930pm TPO 0500 0930pm TPO
5:00 Final Round
rehearsal with finalists rehearsal with finalists rehearsal with finalists rehearsal with finalists



TAEWOOK AHN Shunsuke Akaki

Nationality: South Korean Nationality: Japanese
Date of Birth: 5/27/1989 Date of Birth: 6/15/1987
Country Resident: Austria Country Resident: Japan
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Soai University Conservatoire a rayonnement régional Sizuoka University SHOBI College of music
de Lyon Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles Musik und Names of Principle Teachers:
Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien Universität für Keiji Munesada Atuyasu KItayama Hiroshi Hara
Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien Awards:
Names of Principle Teachers: the 1st Tibori Junior Saxophone Competition 1st
Masahiro Maeda Jean-Denis Michat Alain Crepin place the 6th Yokohama International Music Com-
Simon Diricq Lars Mlekusch petition 3rd place
Awards: Profession Positions:
Saxophone quartet Poc-Miqs Lemon balm saxophone
Profession Positions: ensemble
The First Round List 1:
The First Round List 1: I. Preambolo
IV. Corrente VI. Rag
XVI. Piccola danza elegiaca The First Round List 2:
The First Round List 2: The Angel of despair by Hiroyuki ITOH for alto
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by saxophone
Fuminori TANADA The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 1: Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT (Édition Durand);
(Édition Durand); The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 2: L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot The Final Round:
The Final Round: Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Piyaphon Asawakarnjanakit Caleb Burkhardt

Nationality: Thai Nationality: American;US citizen
Date of Birth: 11/14/1992 Date of Birth: 2/23/1994
Country Resident: Thailand Country Resident: United States
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Bowling Green State University College-Conservatory of Music Bowling Green State
Names of Principle Teachers: University
John Sampen, Shyen Lee, Wisuwat Pruksavanich Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Dr. John Sampen Dr. James Bunte Dr. Nathan Nabb
Semi-finalist of the 4th Jean-Marie Londeix Interna- Dr. Fred Hemke
tional Saxophone Competition; Second Prize in Osaka Awards:
International Music Competition, small ensemble 1st place MTNA Ohio State Competition Promusica
group. Third Prize, Thailand International Wind Grant Recipient Elsa Sule Grant Recipient
Ensemble Competition, chamber group. Profession Positions:
Profession Positions: Graduate Assistant - Bowling Green State University
Master Degree Student The First Round List 1:
The First Round List 1: XVIII. Iberienne
XVIII. Iberienne XXII. Leggenda
XX. In modo dorico The First Round List 2:
The First Round List 2: Jungle
Oxyton (baritone saxophone) by Christophe HAVEL The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 1: Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 2: Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone saxophone and electronics
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot The Final Round:
The Final Round: Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Michellina Chan The First Round List 2:

Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Fuminori TANADA
Nationality: Singaporean
The Second Round List 1:
Date of Birth: 1/26/1992
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
Country Resident: Singapore
(Édition Durand);
Music institution(s) attended:
The Second Round List 2:
Conservatoire de Bordeaux Jacques Thibaud; Uni-
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
versity of Melbourne, Faculty of the Victorian Col-
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
lege of the Arts and Melbourne Conservatorium of
The Final Round:
Music, Australia
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Names of Principle Teachers:
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Marie-Bernadette Charrier, Ian Godfrey, Tarko Sibbel
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
and Shannon Ebeling
1st Prize of the Hugo Stockigt Award (Open Divi-
sion) at the CLASAX Performance Competition 2015,
Melbourne, Australia; 1st Prize of the University of
Melbourne Chamber Music Competition 2014; Final-
ist in the University of Melbourne Chamber Music
Competition 2015; National Arts Council Capabil-
ity Development Grant 2016 recipient; Finalist in
3MBS’s The Talent (Fine Music 3MBS 103.5FM,
Melbourne); Finalist in the University of Melbourne
Concerto-Aria Competition 2015; Semi-finalist at the
Singapore Woodwind Festival Competition 2014;
Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy 2016 Scholarship,
Thailand, Bangkok
Profession Positions:
Co-founder/Soprano Saxophonist - Xin Saxophone
Quartet (Singapore); Co-founder/Saxophonist - Super
3-o Piano Trio (Melbourne); Co-founder/Soprano
Saxophonist - 2.0 Saxophone Quartet (Melbourne)
The First Round List 1:
IV. Corrente
XVIII. Iberienne


Chun-Hao Chao Alberto Chaves Zamora

Nationality: Taiwanese Nationality: Spaniard
Date of Birth: 8/14/1994 Date of Birth: 4/21/1991
Country Resident: Not-Specified Country Resident: France
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
College of Music,Tunghai University Conservatorio Superior de Música de Castilla y León,
Names of Principle Teachers: Pôle d’Enseignement Superior Musique et Dance Bordeaux-Aquitaine
Yu-Wen Wang Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Andrés Gomis Mora, Marie-Bernadette Charrier
2015 National student competition of Music in Taiwan, Awards:
University Group - The first prize
Profession Positions: Profession Positions:
Student Student
The First Round List 1: The First Round List 1:
VII. Toccata XXV. Metamorfosi
XIX. Tarantelle e sizilienne XVIII. Iberienne
The First Round List 2: The First Round List 2:
Balafon Oxyton (baritone saxophone) by Christophe HAVEL
The Second Round List 1: The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
(Édition Durand); (Édition Durand);
The Second Round List 2: The Second Round List 2:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone Chymisch by Hector PARRA, for baritone saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot and electronics.
The Final Round: The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Chi Chun Chen Po-Hsuan Chen

Nationality: Taiwanese Nationality: Taiwanese
Date of Birth: 3/18/1998 Date of Birth: 10/14/1989
Country Resident: Taiwan Country Resident: Taiwan
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
THE ARTS] Names of Principle Teachers:
Names of Principle Teachers: Eric Nestler
First prizewinner of National Taiwan saxophone com- Profession Positions:
petition in 2011, 2013; First prizewinner saxophone Master of Music
competition in youth group of the Asia Saxophone The First Round List 1:
Congress in 2016. Vii. Toccata
Profession Positions: X. Cubana
STUDENT The First Round List 2:
The First Round List 1: Balafon
XII. Ciaccona The Second Round List 1:
XIII. In modo misolidio Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
The First Round List 2: (Édition Durand);
Balafon The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1: Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Pierre-Phillipe BAUZIN saxophone and electronics
The Second Round List 2: The Final Round:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
The Final Round: ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Chi Him Chik Chung Him Chu

Nationality: Hong Kong Chinese
Nationality: Hong Kong Chinese Date of Birth: 6/19/1995
Date of Birth: 4/1/1994 Country Resident: Australia
Country Resident: China (Hong Kong S.A.R.) Music institution(s) attended:
Music institution(s) attended: Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of
Bowling Green State University Sydney, Australia
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Dr. John Sampen Dr. Michael Duke; Mr. Joshua Hyde
Awards: Awards:
Semi-finalist, 4th Jean-Marie Londeix International
Saxophone Competition 2014; Prize Winner, 48th Profession Positions:
Annual Bowling Green State University Competition Student
in Music Performance; 1st Prize Winner, 55th Annual The First Round List 1:
Lima Symphony Orchestra Young Artists Competition I. Preambolo
Profession Positions: II. Valse languide
Student The First Round List 2:
The First Round List 1: Jungle
XIX. Tarantelle e sizilienne The Second Round List 1:
XXV. Metamorfosi Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
The First Round List 2: (Édition Durand);
Jungle The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1: L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Second Round List 2: The Final Round:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
The Final Round: ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Evan Clark The First Round List 1:

II. Valse languide
Nationality: American;US citizen XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
Date of Birth: 6/9/1992 The First Round List 2:
Country Resident: United States Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Music institution(s) attended: Fuminori TANADA
University of South Carolina - (Columbia, SC) - BM, The Second Round List 1:
2014 University of Illinois - (Urbana-Champaign, Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
IL) - MM, 2016 University of Illinois - (Urbana- The Second Round List 2:
Champaign, IL) - DMA, in progress L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Names of Principle Teachers: and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Clifford Leaman; Debra Richtmeyer The Final Round:
Awards: Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
3rd Prize, International Saxophone Symposium and + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Competition (ISSAC) | Columbus, GA (2014) 3rd ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Prize, Vandoren Emerging Artist Competition | New
York City, NY (2014) Semi-Finalist, William C. Byrd
Concerto Competition | Flint, MI (2017) Semi-Finalist,
North American Saxophone Alliance Competition |
Lubbock, TX (2016) Honorable Mention, MTNA
Young Artist Competition | Chicago, IL (2015) National
Finalist, Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
Young Artist Competition | Chicago, IL (2014) 1st
Prize, University of South Carolina Concerto/Aria
Competition | Columbia, SC (2014) National Finalist,
Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Young
Artist Competition | Anaheim, CA (2013) 2nd Prize,
Max Kaplan Award, LaGrange Symphony Young
Artist Competition | LaGrange, GA (2013) 2nd Prize,
Vandoren Emerging Artist Competition | New York
City, NY (2013) 2nd Prize, Music Teachers National
Association (MTNA) Senior Woodwind Competition
| Milwaukee, WI (2011) National Finalist, National
YoungArts Foundation, Level I | Miami, FL (2011)
Profession Positions:
Saxophone Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois
(2015 - present)


Colin Crake Bob Eason

Nationality: American;US citizen Nationality: American;US citizen
Date of Birth: 3/2/1997 Date of Birth: 8/11/1988
Country Resident: United States Country Resident: United States
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Eastman School of Music Indiana University 2012-2017, University of Houston
Names of Principle Teachers: 2006-2011
Chien-Kwan Lin Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Otis Murphy, Dan Gelok, Karen Wylie, Valerie Vidal
Winner of 2017 Vandoren Emerging Artist Competi- Awards:
tion Winner of 2016 198th Army Band Collegiate Solo Winner, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Competition Honorable Mention at 2016 NYMTNA Concerto Competition, 2017 1st Prize, M-Prize
Empire State Solo Competition Chamber Music Competition (Kenari Quartet), 2016
Profession Positions: 2nd Prize, Fischoff Chamber Music Competition
(Kenari Quartet), 2015 Semifinalist, 4th Jean-Marie
The First Round List 1: Londeix International Competition, 2014 2nd Prize,
II. Valse languide Chesapeake International Chamber Music Competition
VII. Toccata (Kenari Quartet), 2014 1st Prize, Coleman Chamber
The First Round List 2: Music Competition (Kenari Quartet), 2014 1st Prize,
Jungle J.C. Arriaga Chamber Music Competition (Kenari
The Second Round List 1: Quartet), 2013 1st Prize, Plowman Chamber Music
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV Festival (Kenari Quartet), 2013 2nd Prize, Fischoff
The Second Round List 2: Chamber Music Competition (Kenari Quartet), 2013
Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone 1st Prize, Young Texas Artist Competition, 2013 3rd
and electronics Prize, North American Saxophone Alliance Soloist
The Final Round: Competition, 2012 1st Prize, Indiana MTNA Chamber
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto Music Competition (Kenari Quartet), 2012 2nd Prize,
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François Fischoff Chamber Music Competition (Blue Static
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody Quartet), 2011 1st Prize, Texas MTNA Chamber Music
Competition (Blue Static Quartet), 2010
Profession Positions:
Associate Instructor of Saxophone, Indiana University
The First Round List 1:
VII. Toccata
XX. In modo dorico
The First Round List 2:

Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by

Fuminori TANADA
Sergio Eslava
The Second Round List 1:
Nationality: Spaniard
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Date of Birth: 5/13/1995
The Second Round List 2:
Country Resident: Spain
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Music institution(s) attended:
saxophone and electronics
- Conservatorio Profesional de Música “Pablo
The Final Round:
Sarasate”(Spain)(2007-2012) - Conservatorio Su-
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
perior de Música de Navarra (Spain)(2012-2016)
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
- Pole d’Enseignement Supérieur Musique et Danse
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Bordeaux(France)(2016- presently)
Names of Principle Teachers:
- María García Arcos - Daniel Durán Lumbreras -
Marie-Bernadette Charrier
- 2nd prize in the 9th “Certamen de jóvenes intérpretes
Joaquin Maya” (2006) - 3rd prize “César Uceda” in
the competition “Leioa Jóvenes intérpretes” (2008) -
1st prize in the 11th “Certamen de jóvenes intérpretes
Joaquin Maya” (2008) - 2nd classified in the phase
regional of the 10th “Certamen nacional de interpre-
tación Intercentros Melómano” (2011) - 2nd prize in
the 12th competition of chamber music “Fernando
Remacha” (2014) - Extraordinary Honor Prize at the
end of his studies in the “Conservatorio Superior de
Música de Navarra” (2016)
Profession Positions:
- Substitute saxophone teacher in the school of music
“Julián Romano” (Navarra, 2014) - Saxophone teacher
in the schools of music “Luis Amigo” and “Santísimo
Sacramento” (Navarra, 2015-2016)
The First Round List 1:
IV. Corrente
IX. Arlecchino
The First Round List 2:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Fuminori TANADA

The Second Round List 1:

Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Pablo González
The Second Round List 2:
Nationality: Spaniard
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Date of Birth: 10/5/1991
saxophone and electronics
Country Resident: Spain
The Final Round:
Music institution(s) attended:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Hochschule für Musik der Basel Stadt (Switzerland)
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Names of Principle Teachers:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Sixto Manuel, Herrero Rodes, Marié Bernardette
Charrier, Marcus Weiss
2.017 2nd prize in Kiefer Hablitzel (Switzerland)
2.016 Winner of Schlusskonzert mit Orchester in
Basel 1st prize in “Villa de Cox” National Young
Musicians’ Contest 2.014 1st prize in Category A, in
the 16th “Ciutat de Xàtiva” National Young Musi-
cians’ Contest 2.013 Extraordinary End of Degree
Prize for the Saxophone Distinction in Saxophone,
chamber music and jazz repertory 2.011 Finalist in
Category B, in the 14th “Ciutat de Xàtiva” National
Young Musicians’ Contest 2.009 Honourable mention
in the Professional Music Qualification Prize Finalist
in Category B in the 13th “Ciutat de Xàtiva” National
Young Musicians’ Contest 2.008 2nd prize in Category
C, in the “Ciutat de Xàtiva” National Young Musi-
cians’ Contest 2.007 Finalist in the 19th “Ruperto
Chapí” Young Musicians’ Contest, Villena (Alicante)
Finalist in Category C in the 10th “Ciutat de Xàtiva”
National Young Musicians’ Contest 2.006 Runner-up
in Category C in the 10th “Ciutat de Xàtiva” National
Young Musicians’ Contest 2.005 “Young Talent”
Prize, Category A, in the 5th Allegro Course-contest,
Valld’Uixò (Castellón) 2.004 1st prize in Category
B in the 4th Allegro Course-contest, Valld’Uixò
(Castellón) 2.003 2nd prize in Category B in the 3rd
Allegro Course-contest, Valld’Uixò (Castellón)


Profession Positions:
Saxophone teacher in Burjassot school (Valencia,
Yan Tong Gouk
Spain) Replacements in Bordeaux (France) Private
Nationality: Malaysian
teacher in Basel (Switzerland)
Date of Birth: 5/30/1994
The First Round List 1:
Country Resident: Malaysia
XIII. In modo misolidio
Music institution(s) attended:
XVIII. Iberienne
College of Music, Mahidol University
The First Round List 2:
Names of Principle Teachers:
Shyen Lee, Wisuwat Pruksavanich
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
(Édition Durand);
Profession Positions:
The Second Round List 2:
Student BM
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
The First Round List 1:
saxophone and electronics
IV. Corrente
The Final Round:
XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
The First Round List 2:
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
The Second Round List 1:
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
The Second Round List 2:
Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone
and electronics
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Vincent Haïssaguerre The Final Round:

Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Nationality: Frenchman; Frenchwoman
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Date of Birth: 9/16/1987
Country Resident: Germany
Music institution(s) attended:
2011-2014-Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
2009-2011 -Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional
de Versailles 2007-2009 -Conservatoire à Rayonne-
ment Régional de Lyon 2005-2007-Conservatoire à
Rayonnement Régional de Bordeaux
Names of Principle Teachers:
2011-2014-Prof. Daniel Gauthier 2009-2011-Vincent
David 2007-2009-Jean-Denis Michat 2005-2007-Jac
2015 -International saxophone competition of Brasi-
lia, second prize 2014 -International Mozart chamber
music competition of Hagen, first prize and special
prize 2013-Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy chamber
music competition of Berlin, third prize -Yehudi
Menuhin Live Music Now foundation, scholarship
Profession Positions:
since 2014: Teacher at the Tübinger Musikschule
2012-2014: Teacher at the music school of Kreuzau
2009: Replacement teacher at the Conservatoire à
Rayonnement Régional de Lyon
The First Round List 1:
I. Preambolo
IV. Corrente
The First Round List 2:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Fuminori TANADA
The Second Round List 1:
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Pierre-Phillipe BAUZIN
The Second Round List 2:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot

Supat Hanpatanachai Li Heng

Nationality: Thai Nationality: Chinese
Date of Birth: 9/2/1987 Date of Birth: 9/7/1992
Country Resident: Thailand Country Resident: Thailand
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Mahidol University; Université de Montréal College Of Music, Mahidol University.
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Shyen Lee, Jean-François Guay Shyen Lee, Wisuwat Pruksavanich
Awards: Awards:

Profession Positions: Profession Positions:

Saxophone instructor in Mahidol University, Silapa- Student
korn University The First Round List 1:
The First Round List 1: XVI. Piccola danza elegiaca
II. Valse Languide XXIV. Papillon
XVIII. Iberienne The First Round List 2:
The First Round List 2: Balafon
Tadj The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 1: Sonate (alto saxophone) by Pierre-Phillipe BAUZIN
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT The Second Round List 2:
(Édition Durand); Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone
The Second Round List 2: and electronics
Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone The Final Round:
and electronics Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
The Final Round: + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Hayato Ikegaya Ayami Inokawa

Nationality: Japanese Nationality: Japanese
Date of Birth: 7/26/1985 Date of Birth: 10/27/1992
Country Resident: Japan Country Resident: France
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Shizuoka University Osaka college of music,Conservatoire à rayonnement
Names of Principle Teachers: régional de Lyon
Atsuyasu Kitayama Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Jean-Denis MICHAT, Jun NISHIMOTO
3rd Prize of the wind instruments category at the Awards:
2nd Romanian International Music Competition in
2006. the Jury’s special award at the 1st Burkhardt Profession Positions:
International Music Competition in 2006.
Profession Positions: The First Round List 1:
Instructor, freelance musician. XVIII. Iberienne
The First Round List 1: XX In modo dorico
XVI. Piccola danza elegiaca The First Round List 2:
XVIII. Iberienne Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
The First Round List 2: Fuminori TANADA (Edit. Lemoine);
Jungle The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 1: Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 2: L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot The Final Round:
The Final Round: Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Jakub Jarosz The First Round List 2:

The Second Round List 1:
Nationality: Pole
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV (Edi-
Date of Birth: 12/17/1991
tion Leduc);
Country Resident: Poland
The Second Round List 2:
Music institution(s) attended:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Koninklijk Conservatiorium Brussel, Postgraduate
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Studies in saxophone performance (2017). Karol
The Final Round:
Lipinski Music Academy in Wroclaw, Poland Ph.D
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
studies in saxophone performance(2015-2017). Royal
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Consevatory in Brussels, Master and Bachelor with
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
honors in saxophone performance(2012-2015). Music
Academy in Cracov, Poland, pedagogy studies for
music education(2015). Fryderyk Chopin University
of Music in Varsaw, Poland, Bachelor(2010-2012).
Names of Principle Teachers:
Alain Crepin, Simon Diricq
II prize - PushkinSax Saxophone Competition in
Moscow, Russia, March 2017. II prize - II Golden
Saxophone International Comptetition for Young Per-
formers, Odessa, Ukraine, November 2015. Semi finalist
- IIIrd International Saxophone Competetion SaxFest
Lodz 2015, Poland, April 2015. III prize - category
Ensemble Niveau Excellence 8e Concours pour Jeunes
Saxophonistes de Dinant, Belgium , May 2013. I prize
- New York Wind Band Festiwal in Carnegie Hall,
New York, March 2011
Profession Positions:
Karol Lipinski Academy of Music, Wroclaw,
saxophone lecturer. Jan Kiepura Music High School,
Sosnowiec,Poland, saxophone teacher. Mieczyslaw
Karlowicz Music High School, Katowice, Poland,
saxophone teacher.
The First Round List 1:
II. Valse languide
XII. Ciaccona


Luo Jie Hung-Fu Kao

Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Taiwanese
Date of Birth: 7/17/1988 Date of Birth: 11/12/1997
Country Resident: China Country Resident: Taiwan
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Conservatoire de Perpignan France Conservatoire Fu-Jen Catholic University
de Versailles France Names of Principle Teachers:
Names of Principle Teachers: Po-Yuan Ku
Radek KNOP Vincent DAVID Awards:
Awards: 2013 National music compitition First Prize
2012--Diplôme Étude Musicale de conservatoire de Profession Positions:
Perpignan France, 2014--demi-finale of Jean Marie Student
Londeix internationale saxophone compétition, 2015-- The First Round List 1:
1ere prix of national saxophone competition of France. XIX. Tarantelle e sizilienne
Profession Positions: XXV. Metamorfosi
concertmaster of Beijing wind orchestre, first soliste The First Round List 2:
of saxophone of Beijing wind orchestre Balafon
The First Round List 1: The Second Round List 1:
1.XXV.Metamorfosi Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
2.VII.Toccata The Second Round List 2:
The First Round List 2: Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone
Partyta and electronics
The Second Round List 1: The Final Round:
Sonate (alto saxophone, with Finale by Jean Marie Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
LONDEIX), by Paul HINDEMITH + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
The Second Round List 2: ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Jin Ho KEEM The Second Round List 2:

L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Nationality: South Korean and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Date of Birth: 9/21/1987 The Final Round:
Country Resident: France Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Music institution(s) attended: + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Conservatoire de Rayonnement Regional de Auber- ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
villiers-La Courneuve Conservatoire de Rayonnement
Regional de Paris Conservatoire de Rayonnement
Regional de Saint-Maur-des-Fosses YONSEI University
Names of Principle Teachers:
Julien PETIT Nicolas PROST Philippe PORTEJOIE
Antonino MOLLICA KwangJeep KEEM
1er prix Concours d’association de la musique
en Corée 2ème prix de Concours International de
Leopold Bellan en France Prix d’Or de Concours de
Saxophone en Corée 2ème prix Concours de ‘Journal
de Kookmin et Youngsan Art Hall’ Musique de Cham-
bre en Corée 3ème prix Concours d’association pour
envoi à l’étranger en Corée 1er Accessit Concours
International de Saxophone 8ème édition
Profession Positions:
Lecturer in Ecole de ProClam’art Lecturer in Ecole
de ProSax
The First Round List 1:
IV. Corrente
XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
The First Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
(Édition Durand);


Jacob Kopcienski The First Round List 2:

The Second Round List 1:
Nationality: American;US citizen
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Date of Birth: 6/29/1991
The Second Round List 2:
Country Resident: United States
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Music institution(s) attended:
saxophone and electronics
West Virginia University- Master Music Performance
The Final Round:
and Master Musicology- 2015-Present Conservatoire
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Rayonnement Regional de boulogne-billancourt-
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Diplome d’etudes musicales- 2013-2015 Bowling
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Green State University- Bachelor of Music Educatio
Names of Principle Teachers:
Dr. Michael Ibrahim (2015-Present); Jean Michel
Goury (2013-2015); Dr. John Sampen (2009-2013)
Competition Prizes: October 2016 Alternate MTNA
West Virginia Chamber Music Competition Decem-
ber 2013 3rd place, 13th Concorso Internazionale di
Musica Marco Fiorindo Chamber Competition De-
cember 2011 Undergraduate Winner BGSU Concerto
Competition October 2011 Honorable Mention Ohio
MTNA Young Artists Competition Woodwind Divi-
sion Spring 2011 2nd place VSA Arts Ohio Soloist
competition- 2nd Place October 2010 Honorable
Mention MNTA Ohio Chamber Music Competition
February 2010 1st place BGSU Chamber Music
Competition Scholarships WVU College of Creative
Arts Travel Grant- Fall 2016 Graduate Performance
Scholarship West Virginia University- 2015-2016
Harriet Hale Woolley Scholarship- 2014-2015 BGSU
Presser Scholarship- May 2012 BGSU Music Talent
Scholarship- August 2009- May 2012
Profession Positions:

The First Round List 1:

I. Preambolo
XXII. Leggenda

Wu Kuan-Jung Julia Kuhlman

Nationality: Taiwanese Nationality: American; US citizen
Date of Birth: 6/30/1994 Date of Birth: 12/22/1993
Country Resident: Taiwan Country Resident: United States
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
National Tsing Hua University Department of Music Bowling Green State University (2016) West Virginia
Master Program University (2018)
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Po-Fang Chang John Sampen Michael Ibrahim
Awards: Awards:
First prize in Taiwan Cultural Cup Music Competition Douglas Wayland Chamber Music Competition 1st
(2008 and 2009); first prize in Asia-Pacific International Prize; Douglas Wayland Chamber Music Competi-
Youth Music Instruments Contest in Shenzhen, China tion 2nd Prize
(2010), first prize in National Student Competition Profession Positions:
of Music (2011). Private Instructor, Music Plus Program at BGSU
Profession Positions: (2014-2015) Aural Skills Tutor (2014-2016) Private
National Tsing Hua University Department of Music Instructor, Distance Learning at WVU (2017)
Master student The First Round List 1:
The First Round List 1: VIII. Ondina
XIV. In modo frigico XV. Alla Burla
XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne The First Round List 2:
The First Round List 2: Strata (tenor saxophone) by Colin LABADIE
Balafon The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 1: Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 2: Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone saxophone and electronics
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot The Final Round:
The Final Round: Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Wonki Lee Linhan Li

Nationality: South Korean Nationality: Chinese
Date of Birth: 8/6/1989 Date of Birth: 3/9/1993
Country Resident: United States Country Resident: Thailand
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Manhattan School of Music College of Music Mahidol University .
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Paul Cohen Nobuya Sugawa Shiro Hatae Akemi Endo Shyen LEE, Wisuwat PRUKSAVINICH
Awards: Awards:
1st Prize Vandoren Emerging Artist Competition 1st
Prize MTNA New York Young Artist Competition Profession Positions:
3rd Prize LISMA International Music Competition Completing Master degree at College of Music
Profession Positions: Mahidol University
Principal Alto Saxophone at New York Wind Or- The First Round List 1:
chestra Principal Soprano Saxophone at Megalopolis XXV. Metamorfosi
Saxophone Orchestra Soprano Saxophonist in Con- XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
vectus Saxophone Quartet Adjunct Faculty at Nyack The First Round List 2:
College of Music Teaching Assistant at Manhattan Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
School of Music. Fuminori TANADA
The First Round List 1: The Second Round List 1:
XII. Ciaccona Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
XXV. Metamorfosi The Second Round List 2:
The First Round List 2: Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Balafon saxophone and electronics
The Second Round List 1: The Final Round:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
(Édition Durand); + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
The Second Round List 2: ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Ming-Chi Lu The Second Round List 2:

L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Nationality: Taiwanese
The Final Round:
Date of Birth: 9/16/1998
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Country Resident: Taiwan
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Music institution(s) attended:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Hsin Tien Senior High School
Names of Principle Teachers:
Ealun Chen
2011 Taoyuan Music Competition Saxophone solo
Group A Bonege 2012 Taoyuan Music Competition
Saxophone solo Group A won the third price 2013
Taoyuan Music Competition Saxophone Solo Group
A won the first price 2014 New Taipei City Music
Competition Saxophone solo Group A won the first
price 2015 National Student Music Competition
Saxophone Solo A Group Bonege 2017 New Taipei
City Music Competition Saxophone solo Group A
won the third price 2017 The National University of
Joint Saxophone group got the top grade.
Profession Positions:
The First Round List 1:
II Valse languide
XIX Tarantelle esizilienne
The First Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
(Édition Durand);


Yi Lu Pisol Manatchinapisit
Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Thai
Date of Birth: 3/7/1989 Date of Birth: 5/7/1997
Country Resident: France Country Resident: Thailand
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Conservatoire de Versailles College of Music, Mahidol University Zhdk, Zucher
Names of Principle Teachers: Hochschule der Kunste
Vincent David Alexandre Doisy Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Promwut Sudtakoo; Wisuwat Pruksavanich, Shyen
Lee, Lars Mlekusch
Profession Positions: Awards:
3th Prize The First Asian Saxophone Competition
The First Round List 1: Profession Positions:
VI. Rag
VII. Toccata The First Round List 1:
The First Round List 2: XX. In modo dorico
Jungle XXIV. Papillon
The Second Round List 1: The First Round List 2:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT Jungle
(Édition Durand); The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 2: Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone (Édition Durand);
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot The Second Round List 2:
The Final Round: L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François The Final Round:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Marco Mancini with Masters J.M.Londeix, E.Rousseau, M.Marzi,

J.Y.Formeau, A.Bornkamp, C.Delangle e O. Murphy.
Currently he is enrolled in the Master’s degree at the
Nationality: Italian
Conservatory “Niccolò Piccinni” in Bari.
Date of Birth: 1/21/1998
Profession Positions:
Country Resident: Italy
Music institution(s) attended:
The First Round List 1:
Conservatorio “Umberto Giordano” di Foggia, Con-
XXV. Metamorfosi
servatorio “Niccolo Piccinni” di Bari.
XVI. Piccola danza elegiaca
Names of Principle Teachers:
The First Round List 2:
Berlantini Rita Lorendana, Vagnini Roberto, Nico-
demi Valter
The Second Round List 1:
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Marco Mancini, in 2012 he won the 1st prize of Cat.
The Second Round List 2:
FIATI to the “Torneo Internazionale di Musica”
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
(TIM) in Paris. It also won prizes in the followings
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
National and International Competitions: : “Luigi
The Final Round:
Nono” in Venaria Reale (TO), “Curci” in Barletta,
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
“Concorso Nazionale di Esecuzione Musicale“ in
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Riccione (RN), Special Mention to the “Società
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Umanitaria”(2012-2014) in Milano, “Premio Niccolò
Piccinni” in Bari, “V. Martina” in Massafra (TA),
“D.Sarro” in Trani, “A.Zinetti” in Sanguinetto (VR),
“Giulio Rospigliosi” in Lamporecchio (PT), ”A.M.A.
Calabria” in Lamezia Terme (CZ), “Mirabello in Mu-
sica” in Mirabello Sannitico (CB), “Rovere d’Oro”
in San Bartolomeo al Mare (IM). He has performed
in concert at the Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari, Teatro
Van Westerhout in Mola di Bari, Istituto Pontificio
di Musica Sacra in Roma, “Amici della Musica” in
Foggia and in Lucera, “Società Umanitaria” in Milano,
Accademia Filarmonica in Roma, Istituto Francese
in Napoli, “Tempietto” in Roma. In December of the
2012 he performed in RAI (Duo Mancini-Sentuti) to
the review for young talents of the Italian Conserva-
tories. He has performed as soloist with Orchestra
of the Conservatory “Umberto Giordano” perform-
ing the Concertino da camera of J.Ibert. He perfects

Ricardo Martinez Fuminori TANADA

The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
Nationality: American;US citizen
(Édition Durand);
Date of Birth: 8/19/1985
The Second Round List 2:
Country Resident: United States
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Music institution(s) attended:
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music - Doctor
The Final Round:
of Music in Saxophone Performance -- 2016-Present;
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music - Master
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
of Music in Saxophone Performance -- 2012-2015;
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Conservatoire a Rayonnement Regional de Cergy-
Names of Principle Teachers:
Otis Murphy, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Philippe Braquart-
Sanzem, Eugene Rousseau, David Henderson
1st Prize, Indiana MTNA Chamber Music Competi-
tion -- 2017 Soloist with the University of the Pacific
Conservatory Orchestra -- 2016 1st Prize, East Cen-
tral Division MTNA Chamber Music Competition
-- 2015 Finalist, Latin American Music Recording
Competition -- 2015 Winner, Indiana University
Saxophone Concerto Competition -- 2014 Soloist
with the Conservatoire a Rayonnement Regional de
Cergy-Pontoise Wind Ensemble -- 2012
Profession Positions:
Associate Instructor of Saxophone - Indiana Univer-
sity Jacobs School of Music -- 2016-Present Guest
Lecturer in Saxophone - Stanford University -- 2016
Guest Lecturer in Saxophone -University of the Pacific
Conservatory of Music -- 2016 After School Band
Instructor - Fremont Unified School District.
The First Round List 1:
XX. In modo dorico
XII. Ciaccona
The First Round List 2:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by

Valentine Michaud Profession Positions:

saxophone teacher in Conservatoire Populaire de
Musique of Geneva.
Nationality: French
The First Round List 1:
Date of Birth: 11/22/1993
IV. Corrente
Country Resident: Switzerland
XII. Ciaccona
Music institution(s) attended:
The First Round List 2:
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zürich, Switzerland,
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Master of Specialized Performance Soloist Haute
Fuminori TANADA
Ecole de Musique de Lausanne, Switzerland, Bachelor
The Second Round List 1:
and Master of Instrumental Pedagogy Saxophone
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Conservatoire National de Région, Nantes, France,
The Second Round List 2:
Names of Principle Teachers:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Lars Mlekusch, ZHdK Zurich Pierre-Stéphane
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Meugé, HEMU Lausanne Joël Hérissé, CRR
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Young Soloist Credit Suisse and Lucerne Festival
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Award, December 2016, Luzern Switzerland Prize
of the Migros Kultur Prozent, December 2016, Bern
Switzerland 1st Prize of IV Jurjans Andreas Interna-
tional Woodwind Competition, October 2016, Riga
Latvia 1st Prize of Orpheus Swiss Chamber Music
Competition with duo AKMI (saxophone and piano),
November 2016, Bern Switzerland 3rd Prize of the
Rising Stars Grand Prix Competition with duo AKMI,
April 2016 Berlin Germany 2nd Prize at the ZHdK
Competition for Contemporary chamber music in
Zürich, with Markus Hallikainen (cello) Winner of the
Leenaards Foundation’s Cultural Scholarship, 2015
Finalist of the International Competition « Voice of
the Saxophone » in Moscow, November 2015, Russia
Finalist of the 2nd International Saxophone Competi-
tion « Golden Saxophone » in Odessa, October 2015,
Ukraine Finalist of the International Competition «
Music of the last Century » in Boulogne – Billancourt,
2013, France


Michael Morimoto Chris Murphy

Nationality: Canadian Nationality: American;US citizen
Date of Birth: 1/27/1988 Date of Birth: 1/24/1992
Country Resident: Canada Country Resident: United States
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
University of Alberta University of South Carolina Bowling Green State
Names of Principle Teachers: University
William Street, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Julia Nolan Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Dr. John Sampen, Dr. Cliff Leaman
Winner, University of Alberta Concerto Competi- Awards:
tion and Concerto Competition at the University of
British Columbia Profession Positions:
Profession Positions: Adjunct Professor of Saxophone at Terra State Com-
munity College
The First Round List 1: The First Round List 1:
II. Valse languide I. Preambolo
I. Preambolo XVIII. Iberienne
The First Round List 2: The First Round List 2:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by Tadj
Fuminori TANADA The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 1: Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Pierre-Phillipe BAUZIN The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 2: Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano saxophone and electronics
saxophone and electronics The Final Round:
The Final Round: Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Ryo Nakajima The Second Round List 2:

Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
saxophone and electronics
Nationality: Japanese
The Final Round:
Date of Birth: 3/25/1992
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Country Resident: France
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Music institution(s) attended:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
CRR de Versailles
Names of Principle Teachers:
Vincent David
He won the 1st prize at the Japan Wind and Percussion
Competition(Tokyo, 2014), the Yokohama International
Music Competition 2014, Yokohama), the K
International Music Competition(2015, Roppongi).
the Asian Saxophone Congress International
Competition(2016,Taiwan). He was a Semi finalist of
the 5th Adolph Sax international Competition(Dinant,
2010), the international Saxophone Competition ‘JOSIP
NOCHTA(Zagreb, 2014), the Jean-Marie Londeix
International Saxophone Competition Bangkok.
2014) The finalist of the Sax Fest dz 3rd International
Saxophone Competition (Łódź, 2015).
Profession Positions:
The First Round List 1:
I. Preambolo
XIII. In modo misolidio
The First Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
(Édition Durand);


Evgeny Novikov The Second Round List 2:

Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone
and electronics
Nationality: Russian
The Final Round:
Date of Birth: 1/14/1988
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Country Resident: France
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Music institution(s) attended:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Conservatoire National de region de Saint-Maur
Conservatoire a Rayonnement Regional de Versailles
Conservatorium van Amsterdam Conservatoire Na-
tional Superieur de Musique et de Dance de Paris
Names of Principle Teachers:
Andrey Turygin, Nicolas Prost, Vincent David, Arno
Adolphe Sax International Saxophone Competition
- VI Prize (2010) Dreux International Saxophone
Competition - I Prize (2012) SaxOpen International
Saxophone Quartet Competition (with Keuris Quartet)
I Prize (2015) Russian National Music Competition
- I Prize (2016)
Profession Positions:
Keuris Quartet - Soprano solo, founding member
Insomnio Ensemble (Utrecht, NL) Conservatoire
National Superieur de Musique et de Dance de Paris
- Diplome d’Artiste interprete (repertoire contempo-
rain et creation)
The First Round List 1:
III. Consolation
IV. Corrente
The First Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1:
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV


Carlos Ordoñez Mary Osborn

Nationality: Spaniard Nationality: Australian
Date of Birth: 9/5/1996 Date of Birth: 6/9/1994
Country Resident: France Country Resident: France
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
PESMD Bordeaux Aquitaine Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of
Names of Principle Teachers: Sydney Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional
Marie-Bernardette Charrier de Versailles
Awards: Names of Principle Teachers:
“Premio extraordinario de Música de Madrid” Vincent David, Christina Leonard, Michael Duke
“Concurso Ramón Guzman” sección profesional A Awards:
Profession Positions: 4th Place - Andorra Sax Fest Saxophone Soloist
Student Competition, Andorra (2017), Finalist - Concorso
The First Round List 1: Internazionale Adolphe Sax, Castelbuono, Italy (2017),
II.Valse Languide 3rd place - Gisborne International Music Competition
XVIII. Iberienne (2015), 2nd Place - Sydney Conservatorium of Music
The First Round List 2: Concerto Competition (2015), 1st place - Sydney
Tadj Eisteddfod Musica Viva Chamber Music Competition
The Second Round List 1: (2014), 3rd place - Singapore Woodwind Festival’s
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT Saxophone Competition (2014), 1st place - Sydney
(Édition Durand); Eisteddfod McDonalds Saxophone Competition
The Second Round List 2: (2013),1st place - Saxophone Academy Sydney
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano Summer School Competition (2012, 2013 & 2014)
saxophone and electronics Profession Positions:
The Final Round: Saxophone Tutor at Newtown High School of The
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto Performing Arts, Roseville College and Northbridge
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François Public School 2016
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody The First Round List 1:
XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
XXV. Metamorfosi
The First Round List 2:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Fuminori TANADA
The Second Round List 1:
Sonate (alto saxophone, with Finale by Jean Marie

The Second Round List 2:

L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Joonsung Park
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Nationality: South Korean
The Final Round:
Date of Birth: 4/30/1985
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Country Resident: France
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Music institution(s) attended:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Yonsei University (KOREA) Conservatoire de
Aubervilliers Conservatoire de Paris Conservatoire
de Versailles
Names of Principle Teachers:
Vincent DAVID
Republic of Korea Navy cruise training 2006 (per-
formed at 9 Country Resident 12 harbor) Graduate
with top honors, unanimity (mention Très Bien a
l’unamimite) Conservatoire a Rayonnement Regional,
d’Aubervilliers-La Courneuve, France The Kukmin
Daily-Youngsan Art Hall Chamber Music Concourse
First prize Pocheon Art Valley Saxophone Competi-
tion medaille d’or (First prize) Yonsei University
National Concourse Third Prize Ulsan University
National Concourse Second prize
Profession Positions:
The First Round List 1:
XIII. In modo misolidio
XVIII. Iberienne
The First Round List 2:
Strata (tenor saxophone) by Colin LABADIE
The Second Round List 1:
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
The Second Round List 2:
Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone
and electronics
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody

Methawut Pimphapatang Gabriel Pique

Nationality: Thai Nationality: American;US citizen
Date of Birth: 11/2/1994 Date of Birth: 10/20/1992
Country Resident: Thailand Country Resident: United States
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
College of music Mahidol University Eastman School of Music 2015-2017 University of
Names of Principle Teachers: Georgia 2011-2015
Shyen Lee Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Chien-Kwan Lin 2015-2017 Connie Frigo 2011-2015
Second prize Osaka International Music Competition Awards:
2013 , First prize in the best of Acoustic & Acappella -1st Prize North American Saxophone Alliance Solo
in 2013. Silver medal in the Settrade Young Musicians Competition 2016 -1st Prize Plowman Chamber Mu-
Thailand Contest sic Competition 2017 -3rd Prize Vandoren Emerging
Profession Positions: Artist Competition 2016 -Finalist for International
Student Saxophone Symposium and Competition 2014 -Final-
The First Round List 1: ist for Music Teacher’s National Association Young
XVI. Piccola Danza Elegiaca Artist Competition 2015 -Finalist for “President’s
XVIII. Iberienne Own” Marine Band Audition 2013 -Winner of
The First Round List 2: University of Georgia Concerto Competition 2013
Jungle -Eastman School of Music Performer’s Certificate
The Second Round List 1: 2017 -Presser Scholar 2015
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT Profession Positions:
(Édition Durand); Current: -Graduate Teaching Assistant - Eastman
The Second Round List 2: School of Music -Intern - ROCmusic Collaborative
Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone Former: -Private Lessons Instructor (Athens, Georgia)
and electronics -Intern, WGMC Jazz 90.1
The Final Round: The First Round List 1:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto X. Cubana (in modo frigico)
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody The First Round List 2:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Fuminori TANADA


The Second Round List 1:

Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Thitipol Piseskul
The Second Round List 2:
Nationality: Thai
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Date of Birth: 3/16/1997
saxophone and electronics
Country Resident: Thailand
The Final Round:
Music institution(s) attended:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
College of music, Mahidol university Conservatory
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
of Amsterdam
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Names of Principle Teachers:
Arno Bornkamp, Willem van Merwijk, Shyen Lee,
Wisuwat Pruksavanich
- 2nd prize (the highest prize, Fire-Yen saxophone
quartet) in 15th Osaka International music competi-
tion and also Takatsuki Mayer Award in the Grand
final, Japan. (2014) - 2nd prize in the 17th SET youth
music competition, Thailand. (2014) - 1st prize (en-
semble category, Lagom saxophone quartet) in WMC
Kerkrade music competition, the Netherlands. (2016)
- 1st prize (ensemble category, Lagom saxophone
quartet) in Princess Christina compeitition (Local) ,
the Netherlands. (2017)
Profession Positions:
2nd year of Bachelor at Conservatory of Amsterdam
The First Round List 1:
XIII. In modo misolidio
XXV. Metamorfosi
The First Round List 2:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Fuminori TANADA
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
(Édition Durand);


The Second Round List 2:

L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Nitchan Pitayathorn
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Nationality: Thai
The Final Round:
Date of Birth: 8/28/1999
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Country Resident: Thailand
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Music institution(s) attended:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
College of Music, Mahidol University
Names of Principle Teachers:
Shyen Lee, Wisuwat Pruksavanich
1st prize of the 18th SET Youth Musician Competition
(National) 2016 Finalis of the 17th Osaka International
Music Competition (both in Section 1, 2) 2016 Semi-
finalist of the 1st Asian Saxophone Competition 2016
1st prize of the YAMP Concerto Competition 2017
Profession Positions:
The First Round List 1:
XXV. Metamorfosi
X. Cubana
The First Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by André CAPLET
(Resolute Music Publications);
The Second Round List 2:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Wilson Poffenberger The Second Round List 1:

Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
The Second Round List 2:
Nationality: American;US citizen
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Date of Birth: 10/8/1991
saxophone and electronics
Country Resident: United States
The Final Round:
Music institution(s) attended:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
CRR Boulogne-Billancourt, COP 2015-2017 Youngs-
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
town State University, MM Saxophone Performance
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
2013-2015 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, BS
Music Education 2009-2013
Names of Principle Teachers:
Keith Young, James, Umble, Jean-Michel Goury
1st Prize 2014 Dana Young Artist Competition,
Semi-finalist 2014 North American Saxophone Al-
liance Young Artist Competition, Semi-finalist 2014
International Saxophone Symposium and Competition,
2013 Finalist, Butler Symphony Orchestra Young
Artist Competition
Profession Positions:
2017-2020 Graduate Teaching Assistant in Classical
and Jazz Saxophone - University of Illinois Urbana-
Champaign, 2013- 2015 Graduate Teaching Assistant
in Saxophone - Youngstown State University Dana
School of Music
The First Round List 1:
XX. In Modo Dorico
VII. Toccata
The First Round List 2:


Santiago Puime Caride Walter Puyear

Nationality: Spaniard Nationality: American;US citizen
Date of Birth: 9/4/1991 Date of Birth: 4/26/1997
Country Resident: United Kingdom Country Resident: United States
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Royal Con servatory Music of Madrid, Conservatori University of Missouri Kansas City Conservatory
Superior Illes Balears of Music and Dance
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Manuel Mijan, Rodrigo Vila, David Brutti Zach Shemon
Awards: Awards:
First Place, University of Missouri Kansas City,
Profession Positions: Chancellor’s Concerto Competition, November 12,
2016 First Place, Music Teachers National Association
The First Round List 1: Solo Competition, State Round, Senior Woodwind
XIII In modo misolidio Division, November 6, 2015 Second Place, North
XVIII Iberienne American Saxophone Alliance National Quartet
The First Round List 2: Competition, March 10, 2016 Finalist, Music Teachers
Balafon National Association Chamber Music Competition,
The Second Round List 1: National Round, April 6, 2016
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV Profession Positions:
The Second Round List 2:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone The First Round List 1:
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot IV. Corrente
The Final Round: VII. Toccata
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto The First Round List 2:
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François Balafon
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody The Second Round List 1:
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
The Second Round List 2:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody



Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Frenchman; Frenchwoman
Date of Birth: 7/23/1995 Date of Birth: 10/15/1985
Country Resident: China Country Resident: France
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Central Conservatory of Music Haute École de Musique de Lausanne en Suisse. Pole
Names of Principle Teachers: supérieur de Paris-Boulogne Billancourt. Conserva-
Tong Yang toires d’Amiens et Bourg La Reine.
Awards: Names of Principle Teachers:
Pierre Stéphane Meugé Jean-Michel Goury Serge
Profession Positions: Bertocchi Erwan Fagant
student Awards:
The First Round List 1: Master d’interprétation concert - saxophone
XIV. in modo frigico Profession Positions:
XVIII. Iberienne Professeur de saxophone en conservatoire
The First Round List 2: The First Round List 1:
Balafon II. Valse languide
The Second Round List 1: XIX. Tarentelle e Sizilienne
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT The First Round List 2:
(Édition Durand); Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
The Second Round List 2: Fuminori TANADA
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone The Second Round List 1:
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot Sonate (alto saxophone) by Pierre-Phillipe BAUZIN
The Final Round: The Second Round List 2:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Nicki Roman The First Round List 1:

XVI. Piccola danza elegiaca
VII. Toccata
Nationality: American;US citizen
The First Round List 2:
Date of Birth: 4/18/1991
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Country Resident: United States
Fuminori TANADA
Music institution(s) attended:
The Second Round List 1:
Eastman School of Music University of Illinois at
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Urbana-Champaign University of North Florida
The Second Round List 2:
Names of Principle Teachers:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Chien-Kwan Lin Debra Richtmeyer Michael Bovenzi
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Final Round:
2nd Prize, Music Teacher’s National Association
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
(MTNA) National Solo Competition, 2015 2nd Prize,
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) National
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Solo Competition, 2014 1st Place, MTNA Young
Artist Solo Competition, East Central Division 2015
1st Place, MTNA Young Artist Solo Competition,
Illinois, 2014, 2013 1st Place, MTNA Young Artist
Solo Competition, Florida, 2011 2nd Place, MTNA
Young Artist Solo Competition, Southern Division,
2012 Winner, Eastman School of Music Concerto
Competition, 2017 Finalist, William C. Byrd Con-
certo Competition, 2017 Finalist, Pershing’s Own
National Collegiate Solo Competition, 2016 First Prize,
Northwest Florida Symphony Concerto Competition,
2012 First Prize, UNF Concerto Competition, 2012
Semi-Finalist, International Saxophone Symposium
and Competition, 2014 Accepted, 1 of 8 saxophon-
ists, BMC Summer Festival, 2011, 2012 Outstanding
Musician of the Year, UNF, 2010-2013
Profession Positions:
Assistant Director, Eastman Saxophone Project,
Saxophone Teaching Assistant, Eastman School of
Music, Teaching Faculty, Eastman Community Music
School, Ensemble Director, New Horizons Saxophone.


Jae-Hyun Ryoo Alexis Seah

Nationality: American;US citizen Nationality: Singaporean
Date of Birth: 11/29/1994 Date of Birth: 1/16/1994
Country Resident: United States Country Resident: Singapore
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
The University of Texas at Austin Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Dr. Stephen Page Leslie Wong Kah Ho
Awards: Awards:
Bachelors of Music with Honours
Profession Positions: Profession Positions:
Marching Technician and Private lesson teacher at
Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders The First Round List 1:
The First Round List 1: I. Preambolo
IV - Corrente X. Cubana
VII - Toccata The First Round List 2:
The First Round List 2: Balafon
Balafon The Second Round List 1:
The Second Round List 1: Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT (Édition Durand)
(Édition Durand); The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 2: L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot The Final Round:
The Final Round: Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Jeff Siegfried Chaofu Tian

Nationality: American;US citizen Nationality: Chinese
Date of Birth: 6/8/1987 Date of Birth: 11/6/1988
Country Resident: United States Country Resident: China
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
University of Michigan
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Timothy McAllister
Awards: Awards:
Luminarts Fellow in Classical Music
Profession Positions: Profession Positions:

The First Round List 1: The First Round List 1:

XII. Ciaccona The First Round List 2:
XXII. Leggenda The Second Round List 1:
The First Round List 2: Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Strata (tenor saxophone) by Colin LABADIE The Second Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1: Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV saxophone and electronics
The Second Round List 2: The Final Round:
Mixtion by Pierre JODLOWSKI for tenor saxophone Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
and electronics + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
The Final Round: ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Beatriz Tirado The Second Round List 1:

Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
The Second Round List 2:
Nationality: Spaniard
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Date of Birth: 3/14/1986
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Country Resident: Spain
The Final Round:
Music institution(s) attended:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Beatriz studied at the Superior Conservatory of the
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Balearic Islands where she graduated as a Bachelor.
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
From 2014 to 2016 she studied at the Sibelius Acad-
emy where she graduated as a Master.
Names of Principle Teachers:
Rodrigo Vila, Joonatan Rautiola, Marie-Bernadette
Charrier, David Brutti.
n 2012, Beatriz won First Prize at the IV Nantes
International Saxophone Competition. In 2013 at the
Intercentros Melómano Competition in Madrid she
received First Prize as well as the title of the Best
Interpreter of Contemporary Music. In March 2016
she has been laureated of the International Chamber
Music Competition, FNAPEC Competition in Paris
with a third prize and two special prizes.
Profession Positions:
She is working as a teacher at the Superior Conserva-
tory of the Balearic Islands. Saxophonist of the Span-
ish National Orchestra. Beatriz is part of Placa[base
Collective, an association focusing on producing
activities related to new technologies.
The First Round List 1:
IV. Corrente
XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
The First Round List 2:
The Angel of despair by Hiroyuki ITOH for alto


Shuen-An Tzuo Yu-Shiang Wang

Nationality: Taiwanese Nationality: Taiwanese
Date of Birth: 12/29/1997 Date of Birth: 9/26/1996
Country Resident: Taiwan Country Resident: Taiwan
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Tainan University of Technology
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Otis Murphy Ku, Chun-Hao Po-yuan Ku, Chih-huan Wu
Awards: Awards:
1st (first round) and 5th prize (final round) in senior National Music Competition High School Group
high section B saxophone National Student Competi- 1st Prize
tion of Music (Taiwan), 1st and 2nd prize in Cultural Profession Positions:
Cup Music Competition (Taipei, Taiwan) student
Profession Positions: The First Round List 1:
Currently a student in Indiana University Jacobs IV. Corrente
School of Music and studying with Otis Murphy. XXV. Metamorfosi
The First Round List 1: The First Round List 2:
II. Valse languide Strata (tenor saxophone) by Colin LABADIE
XII. Ciaccona The Second Round List 1:
The First Round List 2: Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by The Second Round List 2:
Fuminori TANADA Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
The Second Round List 1: saxophone and electronics
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT The Final Round:
(Édition Durand); Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
The Second Round List 2: + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Shiho Watanabe Calvin Wong

Nationality: Japanese Nationality: Hong Kong Chinese
Date of Birth: 2/26/1987 Date of Birth: 4/10/1992
Country Resident: Japan Country Resident: China (Hong Kong S.A.R.)
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Education Nagoya University of arts,Nagoya,Japan The University of Texas at Austin Butler School of
2005 Apr-2010 Mar Music Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Names of Principle Teachers: University of Iowa
Takashi Mikazuki,Shinji Komori Names of Principle Teachers:
Awards: Stephen Page, Otis Murphy, Kenneth Tse
The 16th Kobe International music competition,en Awards:
coura gement award. The 8th Osaka International Yamaha Young Performing Artist Competition 2013
music competition,a prize. The 2nd K Saxphone (Honorable Mention)
conpetition,3rd prize. Profession Positions:
Profession Positions:
Work experience Shimamura music school ,Japan The First Round List 1:
2009 Nov-2017 Play Bijou sax qurtett,Trio plus+,Unita XX. In modo dorico
Della Sax etc... VII. Toccata (in tre parti)
The First Round List 1: The First Round List 2:
II. Valse Languide Partyta
XXV. Metamorfosi The Second Round List 1:
The First Round List 2: Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
Jungle (Édition Durand);
The Second Round List 1: The Second Round List 2:
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
The Second Round List 2: and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone The Final Round:
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
The Final Round: + soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody


Alastair Wright Profession Positions:

Instructor of Saxophone, University of Central Missouri
Graduate Teaching Assistant (saxophone) University
Nationality: Briton
of Missouri Kansas City Graduate Teaching Assistant
Date of Birth: 4/6/1991
(saxophone) University of North Carolina School
Country Resident: United States
of the Arts
Music institution(s) attended:
The First Round List 1:
University of Missouri-Kansas City University of
XV. Alla burla
North Carolina School of the Arts Birmingham
XIX. Tarantelle e Sizilienne
Conservatoire of Music
The First Round List 2:
Names of Principle Teachers:
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Zachary Shemon Taimur Sullivan Naomi Sullivan
Fuminori TANADA
The Second Round List 1:
Performer, Silkroad Ensemble’s Global Musician
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Workshop, May 30-June 5, 2017 Resident Chamber
The Second Round List 2:
Ensemble, Avaloch Farm Music Institute, June 1-13,
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
2016 With Trio Dionysus Finalist, Coltman Chamber
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Music Competition, April 2, 2016 With Trio Dionysus
The Final Round:
Second Place, Rosen-Schaffel Concerto Competition,
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
July 19, 2015 Finalist, Coleman National Chamber
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Music Competition, April 18, 2015 With Trio Dio-
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
nysus Graduate Best All-Around Student University
of North Carolina School of the Arts, School of
Music, 2014-2015 First and Second Prize, Enkor
International Chamber Music Competition 2014 With
Dasch Quartet and Trio Dionysus respectively First
Place, University of North Carolina School of the Arts
Fall Concerto Competition. October 26, 2014 Grant
Recipient, Semans Art Fund, UNCSA, for Dasch
Quartet’s debut CD recording, March 31, 2014 First
Place, North American Saxophone Alliance National
Quartet Competition, March 10, 2014 With Dasch
Quartet 4th Prize, Virtuosité Prize, 11th International
Music Festival, Padova, Italy, June 26, 2013


Jen-Hong Wu The Second Round List 2:

L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Nationality: Taiwanese
The Final Round:
Date of Birth: 8/6/2000
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Country Resident: Taiwan
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Music institution(s) attended:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Jen Hong Wu Born in Ilin,Taiwan in 2000.He started
studying saxphone at age 9 with Ms.Wen Jun Zhang
during her symphonic band. he had won the first prize
of the Taiwan Music Competition in 2014 , the fifth
prize of the National Competition in 2015
Names of Principle Teachers:
the first prize of the Taiwan Music Competition in
2014 , the fifth prize of the National Competition in
2015 ,the second prize of the National Competition
in 2016,the first prize of the Tenth NewArt Star Show
Competition in 2016 and joined the 2016 Chiayi
City international Band Festival & Asian Saxophone
Congress to achievement as qualified semi-finalists
and won the third prize
Profession Positions:
New Taipei Municipal New Taipei Senior High
School of Regular class
The First Round List 1:
The First Round List 2:
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent


Aiwen Zhang The Second Round List 1:

Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
The Second Round List 2:
Nationality: Chinese
L›Air d›ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Date of Birth: 1/22/1993
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Country: United States
The Final Round:
Music institution(s) attended:
Wend›kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
Eastman School of Music
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Names of Principle Teachers:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Dr. Chien-Kwan Lin; Dr. John Sampen; Prof. Xiaolu
2016- First Prize of the Vandoren Emerging Artist
Competition; Final Round of the North American
Saxophone Alliance National Competitions; Semi-Final
of the First Asian Saxophone Congress International
2015- First Prize of the Annual New York based
Empire State Music competition; Farrago 4 Quartet,
First prize of the National WDAV Young Chamber
Musicians Competition
2014- Sidu Quartet, Second Place of Douglas Wayland
Chamber Music Competition
2013- Winner of the 47th Annual BGSU Concerto
Competition in Music Performance; Second Place
of The Lima Symphony Young Artist competition
Profession Positions:
Graduate Assistant at Eastman School of Music
The First Round List 1:
IV. Corrente
XIX. Tarantelle e sizilienne
The First Round List 2:


Ding Zhang Jiaqi Zhao

Nationality: Chinese Nationality: Chinese
Date of Birth: 4/27/1992 Date of Birth: 6/3/1992
Country Resident: Switzerland Country Resident: China
Music institution(s) attended: Music institution(s) attended:
Conservatoire de Bordeaux, PESMD Bordeaux Eastman School of Music University of Illinois at
Aquitaine, Hochschule Fur Musik Basel Urbana Champaign
Names of Principle Teachers: Names of Principle Teachers:
Marie-Bernadette Charrier, Marcus Weiss Chien-Kwan Lin Debra Richtmeyer
Awards: Awards:
3rd Prize in the International Woodwind Competition in
Profession Positions: 2009, 1st Prize in the LISMA Woodwind Competition
in 2013. 1st Prize in the 198th Army Band Ensemble
The First Round List 1: Competition in 2013, an the 1st Prize Winners of the
I. Preambolo National of the Music Teachers National Association
VII. Toccata Chamber Music Competition,Rhapsody of Andre
The First Round List 2: Waineign concerto competition at Eastman School
Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by of Music, 2nd prize in Vandoren Emerging Artist
Fuminori TANADA Competition, and became one of the six finalists in
The Second Round List 1: North American Saxophone Alliance solo competi-
Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV tion in 2016
The Second Round List 2: Profession Positions:
Dissidence Ib by Christophe HAVEL, for soprano
saxophone and electronics The First Round List 1:
The Final Round: II Valse languide
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto XIX Tarantelle e Sizilienne
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François The First Round List 2:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody Mysterious Morning for soprano saxophone by
Fuminori TANADA


The Second Round List 1:

Sonate (alto saxophone) by Edison DENISOV
Huimin Zheng
The Second Round List 2:
Nationality: Chinese
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
Date of Birth: 3/5/1987
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
Country Resident: Germany
The Final Round:
Music institution(s) attended:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
Names of Principle Teachers:
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody
Nikola Lutz

Profession Positions:

The First Round List 1:

III. Consolation
XIX. Tarantelle e sizilienne
The First Round List 2:
Oxyton (baritone saxophone) by Christophe HAVEL
The Second Round List 1:
Légende op. 66 (alto saxophone) by Florent SCHMITT
(Édition Durand);
The Second Round List 2:
L’Air d’ailleurs by Fabien LEVY, for alto saxophone
and electronics. Éditions Billaudot
The Final Round:
Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto
+ soprano saxophone) and orchestra by François
ROSSÉ Éditions Hody

The 5thJean-Marie Londeix International
Saxophone Competition Organising Committee
Executive Director/Dean: Dr. Sugree Charoensook
Associate Dean: Dr. Narong Prangcharoen
Marketing Communication Director: Piyapong Ekrangsi
Coordinator: Dr. William Street
Artistic Director: Shyen Lee
Assistant Director: Wisuwat Pruksavanich
Project Manager: Chanathep Peungpakdee
Graphic Designer: Noraseth Ranghom
Stage Manager: Jittiya Naovapen
Assistant Stage Manager: Wanlapa Salawasri
Administrator: Taninrat Soponpimonsiri, Khitika Chanchotphatthana
Webmaster: Pornthip Saipantong
Photographer: Khanuengnit Thongbaion
Online Broadcasting: Daniel Duran, Alvaro Muñoz García (Saxophone - Adolphesax.com)

Massive thanks to Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra Team

General Manager: Noppadol Tirataradol
International Artist Relationship Administrator: Yi-Wen Chen
Coordinator: Xiaoyi He
Music Instrument Staff: Veerapong Grasin
Librarian: Pakorn Buathong
Administration Staff : Sittinon Ponngam

Composer: François ROSSÉ, Wend’kreis -Cercle des vents- for saxophone (alto + soprano
saxophone) and orchestra

Student Staff:
Leslie Wong
Thanaphoom Chinsangthip
Kritsana Srithong
Rikang Zhao
Sikarin Leelap
Thravith Korsincharoen
Supakrit Muna
Kitsada Chairattanasak
Jirut Kattiyakul
Chokwattana Puayuan
Kampol Rueang-aram
Norraphat Thanavisuth
Yotvaris Sukeebot
Kodchapan Thanapornchokchai
Sakdina Sirisarnsophon
Pattranant Pliensakul
Jatupol Pinthip
Suwapitch Faikrathok
Nadia Rompo
Nonthapat Chaiviratnukul

A huge thank you to all the staff at College of Music, Mahidol University

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