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APSACS Online Support Program

Class 1
Week 2 Assignment

Army Public Schools & Colleges System Secretariat

APSACS Online Support Program
Class: I Week 2

Guidelines for Parents:

1. Please read and understand the comprehensive guidelines/ instructions
given in the Concept Paper for the Online Support Program.

2. The weekly work assigned will be split over the week days according to
the timetable set by parents.

3. Parents will monitor and supervise their ward’s work.

4. Any videos/ research work suggested in the assignments will be strictly

monitored by parents.

5. Written work to be done on loose sheets with clear mention of Student’s

name, class/section, subject/topic and date.

Subject: English Language/Literature

Textbook Cambridge Global English 1
Unit 1 Welcome to school
The alphabet • Write what comes before and after e.g.
Aa ___ , Ff ____ , Tt ____ , Jj _____ , Qq ____ , Xx _____
Sly Fox and Red ___ Cc , ____ Ff, ____ Hh, ____ Nn, _____ Vv, ____ Zz
Hen • Tell your child some of the reading rules in general:
• Model reading by the parents first, Child reads, use phonics
sound or syllables for correct pronunciation, use
bookmarks, avoid writing anything on the book.
• Write the rules on a paper and keep it in child’s room.
• Look at the title pg & Picture words on pg 4, 5.
• Read pgs 4-7 of the story for your child. Child will repeat
after you.

Revision (Learner’s Book pgs 8, 9)

Colours • Help your child revise & memorize colours with spellings.
• Practice singing nursery rhymes that your child has learnt
so far.
• Use the colour to write colour names except white.
• Take dictation afterwards to check their learning.

Revision (Learner’s Book 8, 9)

Numbers 1-10 • Read & write numbers.
• Count pictures. Revise spellings (one-ten)
• Take dictation
Creative writing • Talk to your child about the topic myself & my family.
My Family • Write 5-6 sentences about ‘Myself’ leaving blanks to be
filled by your child.
• In my family there are ____ people. Their names are
APSACS Curriculum Planning & Development Department Page 1 of 4
‫‪APSACS Online Support Program‬‬
‫‪Class: I‬‬ ‫‪Week 2‬‬

‫‪______. My favourite colour is ____. My favourite food is‬‬

‫‪_____. My favourite toy is ______. I love to play _____.‬‬
‫‪Unit 1‬‬ ‫)‪(Learner’s Book pg 10‬‬
‫‪Welcome to‬‬ ‫•‬ ‫‪Look at the picture of a classroom & write as many things‬‬
‫‪school‬‬ ‫‪as they can find in the picture. For example, 4 yellow‬‬
‫‪What do we do at‬‬ ‫‪chairs, two girls, a green ruler, people & children etc.‬‬
‫?‪school‬‬ ‫•‬ ‫‪Assist the child in spellings of new words.‬‬

‫دہاایترباےئوادل ن‬
‫• رباےئرہمابینن‪Online Support Program‬نےکابرےںیمن ‪Concept Paper‬ںیمدییئگیلیصفتدہاایتوکوغبرڑپںیھ ن۔‬
‫• دےیےئگہتفہواراکموکوادلیاےنپایتررکدہاٹمئلبیٹےکاطمقبےتفہےکدونںرپمیسقترکںی ن۔‬
‫• وادلیاکمےکدورانوچبںیکرامنہیئرک ن‬
‫ںی ن۔‬
‫• وادلیوڈیویزاوریقیقحتاکموکا ن‬
‫نپرگناینںیمرکواںیئ ن۔‬
‫• امتمرحترییاکماگلاحفصترپایکاجےئاوررہےحفصرپاطبلملعاکانم‪،‬امجتع‪/‬نشکیس‪،‬ومضمن‪/‬ونعاناوراترخییھبرحتری ن‬
‫اجےئ ن۔‬

‫ارد نو‬ ‫ومضمنن ن‬

‫دریساتکبیلہپامجتعےک ن‬ ‫ئن‬
‫ذرا ن‬
‫احفص ن‬
‫دریساتکباحفصت ن‬ ‫ونعانقبس(ہصحا ّول ن)‬
‫‪ 10‬ن‬
‫آدیھااکشل(انن–ف) دریساتکباحفصتن ‪9‬نن– ن‬ ‫•‬ ‫ل او نر‬
‫ڑپاھیئ ن‪،‬ابتدۂلایخ ن‬
‫ن‬ ‫رحترییاک نم ن‬
‫یکڑپاھیئاور اناافلظںیمآدیھااکشلیکاشندن ن‬
‫یھکل ن‬
‫رپوخطخش ن‬
‫٭دریساتکبہحفص‪10‬رپدےیےئگاافلظوکاگلاحفصت ن‬
‫آدیھااکشل(کنن–ے)دریساتکباحفصتن ‪11‬نن– ن‬
‫‪12‬‬ ‫•‬
‫یکڑپاھیئاورناناافلظںیمآدیھااکشلیکاشندن ن‬
‫٭اافلظ ن‬
‫٭دریساتکباحفصتن ‪11‬ن‪-‬ن ‪12‬نن’ےیھکلن‘ےکتحتدےیےئگاافلظوکاگلاحفصترپوخطخش ن‬
‫‪ 16‬ن‬
‫‪–13‬ن ن‬
‫تن ن‬
‫ی دریساتکبن احفص ن‬
‫اافلظاسز ن‬ ‫•‬
‫٭رحوفاورآدیھااکشلےساافلظانب ن‬
‫٭رہےحفصےساکیاکیہلمجوکاگلاحفصترپوخطخشیھکل اوراپچناافلظیکاالمیھکل ن۔ ن‬
‫وصترییاہکین(زابین) دریساتکبہحفصربمنن ‪ 17‬ن‬ ‫•‬
‫‪APSACS Curriculum Planning & Development Department‬‬ ‫‪Page 2 of 4‬‬
APSACS Online Support Program
Class: I Week 2

‫ںیئ ن‬
‫٭اصتورییکرتبیتوکدمرظنرےتھکوہےئاہکینانب ن‬
‫یکین)اوردےیےئگوساالترپابتدۂلایخلنرکںی ن۔‬
‫٭اہکینےکاالخیققبس ن(یکیناکدبہل ن‬

‫رع ن‬+‫االسایمت‬ ‫ومضمنن ن‬
‫مج ن‬
‫وعتّذعمرت ن‬ ‫زابیناک نم ن‬
‫مہفرع ن‬/)‫ون ِراالسم(یلہپرکن‬
‫ن ن‬۳۱:‫ہحفصربمن ن‬،‫ن‬۱-‫بن‬ ‫ئن‬
‫ذرا ن‬

Subject Mathematics

Resources New Syllabus Primary Mathematics 1 (Textbook pgs 7-12)

Primary Mathematics Practice Workbook 1 (Workbook pgs 6-12)
Chapter 1 Numbers to 10

Guidelines Lesson 2: Comparing and Ordering Numbers

for Parents
1. Show the following videos to your child to help understand the concept
of comparing & ordering numbers to 10:

2. Go over Textbook pgs 7-8 with your child and explain the concept of
comparing & ordering numbers. You may use
cubes/buttons/beans/sweets to help explain ‘more than’, ‘less than’
and ‘same as’ concept. Do Textbook pg 9 Practice orally with your
3. Written Work: Do not ask your child to write on the workbook. All work
is to be done on loose sheets (large squares). Children must not draw
the pictures they should only write the answer
• Workbook pgs 6-8: let the child count the objects and write the
more/fewer number on the loose sheet
• Workbook pgs 9-11 Qs1-5: let the child write the greater/smaller
number on the loose sheet
• Workbook pgs 11&12 Qs 6-8: child writes the numbers in order on
the loose sheet

APSACS Curriculum Planning & Development Department Page 3 of 4

APSACS Online Support Program
Class: I Week 2

Vocabulary Comparing, ordering, more, less, fewer, same as, greater than, less than,
(read & then write the words on loose sheets)

Subject Integrated Studies for Science, Social Studies,

Computer Science
Textbook Stepping Stones 1

Chapter 1 Myself
(Pages 11-12) My Friends
Video- What makes a good friend ?
Textbook 1. Read: Textbook page 11

Discuss with your parents, elder sibling / tutor

2. ‘Discussion’ box. (How to be a good friend -Textbook pg 11).
(Ref: Textbook pg 12 Q 2)
Discuss about friend ship and the qualities of a good friend. Think and
share how you would be a good friend and what more qualities are to be
developed as a friend.
• Writing Write answers of the following questions.
1. Write the names of your friends. (any three)
2. Write three qualities of a good friend

• Vocabulary Learn and write spellings of the words given below (over the week)
friend, person, like, kind, best, helpful

Chapter 7 I use my computer

(Page 98) Task 1: My Computer
Activity on Page 98
Discuss with your parents and put a tick mark on the correct device you
need to perform specific tasks.

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