2030 Trend The Panorama of Humanity

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Mistrust is fueled by misunderstanding. Instinct and information must support Andrew McDougall, Global
one another to provide the full story. Beauty & Personal Care

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Table of Contents
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO ABOUT IT NOW .......................................................................................... 6

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO ABOUT IT NEXT.......................................................................................... 9

2030 trends methodology................................................................................................................ 15

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What’s it all about?

What is the trend?
Explore the push-pull with nature and technology as consumers look to 'hack' the future with lab-
grown ingredients and new approaches to ageing. Clean beauty evolves with growing skepticism
around brand transparency.

What you should do about it

Convert mistrust to trust by creating products that facilitate evolving approaches to future-proofing.
Integrate self-instinct with smart technology to give consumers measurable ways of guaranteeing
product success.

Be the brand that...

Supports consumers' instinct and doesn't just overload them with information. Expand consumers'
understanding of biotechnology and its uses in creating safe, functional products. Facilitate the
shifting conversation around ageing.

Capitalise on today's trends

You may not have benefitted from first-mover advantage on these trends, but there are still opportunities to
win the market.

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Embrace science and nature to help consumers cope

Consumers begin to rely more on their instincts
as well as their own knowledge. Trust comes
under fire and transparency becomes critical.

Consumers will look to leverage technology in

order to hack humanity and biological
processes, with science changing the ageing

Sustainability initiatives must embrace science as

lab-grown ingredients are the only true path
Playing Mother Nature forward.

Consumers' relationship with technology grows

Advances in software, hardware, apps and
augmented reality significantly changes the way
consumers choose, purchase and interact with

The ability to measure, monitor and integrate

data allows consumers to take an active approach
in choosing and using products.

Internet Of Things – smart homes, connected

clothing and VR/AR will respond and enhance
Augmented Human consumer experience and product interaction.

Doing it for yourself becomes common practice

A growing influx of natural and organic ingredients
causes consumers to become more inquisitive.
They scrutinise ingredients lists and question how
products are created and promoted.

Along with brand transparency, it has driven the

clean beauty trend, and will see it evolve.
Sustainable focus sees waste streams enter the
product development pipeline.

The conversation around packaging functionality

Gastronomia is being reinvented, enhancing the sensory
experience of product usage.

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Stress levels are high and energy levels are low

Consumers recognise they need to make changes
to address low energy levels using products that
put these claims front and centre.

Power Play looked at how energy is sourced and

used. From a sustainability perspective, energy
becomes an important selling point for brands.

Consumers adopt a total wellness platform, with

topical and internal products working
synergistically. Packaging takes on a new role to
Power Play enhance experience with new sensory and
application techniques.

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Here's where and how to start now till 2025.

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Facilitate consumers' waste-free routine

Brands that facilitate
consumers' waste-free
routines can cement
themselves in a strong and
trusting relationship with
consumers looking to brands
for guidance and assistance.

UpCircle Beauty uses

leftover natural ingredients to
formulate skincare products. UpCircle Beauty Ethique

Ethique creates plant-based

solid bar formulations for skin
and hair with no plastic

Embrace lab-grown as the new 'organic'

As lab-grown products
continue to enter the market,
consumer comfort with
biotechnology is increasing –
whether they realise it or

Beauty brands need to

leverage "engineered natural
ingredients" to satisfy
Aderans protein-based Impossible Burger at Burger consumer desire for safety.
artificial hair King
Costly supply chain issues
related to sustainability of
natural materials can also be

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Provide hyper-personalisation using biometric data

Biometrics offer a unique way for companies to
interact more personally with consumers – giving
them a reason to visit physical spaces.

Consumers are open to the collection and usage

of biometric data; particularly when it comes to
providing a personalised approach.

Beauty brands can capitalise on this providing they

offer valuable benefits and customisation to the
IOPE Lab offers skin genetic testing

Partner with tech companies

Responsive technology
allows the consumer to
constantly monitor their state
of wellbeing.

Beauty brands that partner

with tech will stay ahead of
the race and ensure that their
products remain front and
centre – recommending the
Under Armour Athlete Neviano swimsuits with right products at the right
Recovery range integrated UV sensors time.

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The future 5-year plan from 2025-2030.

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Clean beauty will evolve as the language and focus changes

In the future, the "clean beauty industry" will just
be the "beauty industry".

"Clean" will evolve to be about transparency and

an eco-ethical mission rather than fear-marketing.

There will be more of a focus on the power of

plants. Brands will be more considered and do
things because they are healthy for the skin.

Big data will impact agriculture with bio-engineered seeds

Vegan and plant-derived beauty products have
mainstreamed with more consumers adopting
vegan lifestyles for both health and eco-ethical

Regenerative agriculture will gain momentum as

veganism reaches a plateau.

Equinom, the seed-breeding company, leverages

its genomic database to create non-GMO plant
varieties with a controlled nutritional profile.

By using similar bio-engineering techniques,

beauty brands and suppliers can dial-in efficacy
from naturally-grown ingredients to ensure
functionality as well as safety.

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The future of trust is a mix of smart tech, real experts and self-
Brain-reading technology can detect changes in
emotional states in people to capture non-
conscious aspects of a person's decision making.

Emotion-driven tech will give brands new ways to

measure the potential success of a product before
it even hits the market – brands can feel confident
of the marketability and success of new

Shiseido discovered that functional near infrared

spectroscopy (fNIRS) can record willingness-to-
pay (WTP)-related brain activation during a single,
real use of cosmetic products.

11 © 2020 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.


Hack humanity for social survival

As consumers look to both nature and technology
to "hack" their biology, approaches to age
Experience is now being valued and people are management must evolve.
less willing to erase the lines that speak of that. No The ageing global population will create new
one's coming in saying, 'Make me look younger', standards of what it means to age.
they're saying, 'Make me look better'.
The conversation will switch from ageing to
— Miles Berry, Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon longevity, moving beyond appearance to
emotional and mental ageing.

” The growth of the beauty industry will be

accelerated by the lengthened life expectancy of
humankind. Cosmetics become one of the
essential items for social survival.

Boardroom checklist – your key takeaways

Support the importance of instinct

Bombarding consumers with an overload of information won't work.

Consumers will rely on instinct and place more trust in their subconscious responses.

Give people exactly what they want/need

Data can be used to provide hyper-personalised solutions that react to the individual user.

Beauty will be more targeted based on lifestyle and behaviour, and stores become go-to beauty

'Hack' the future

Scientific advances and sustainability demands are advancing the realms of possibility, and are also
becoming necessary.

Safe, sustainable and effective solutions will prosper.

Take a new approach to transparency

It is time to (re)build trust with consumers and this means changing the ways and language used to

12 © 2020 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.


An authentic eco-ethical mission needs to emerge rather than negative messages.

Part of our Global Beauty & Personal Care Trends 2030

The next decade will be monumental for beauty as the world becomes more polarised: beauty brands must
find their foothold to thrive and stay ahead. We worked with our global team of Mintel Analysts, as well as
with experts from other sectors such as digital, retail and health to create our vision of the world in 2030,
and the impact this will have on Beauty & Personal Care.

Why significant shifts in consumer behaviour are so important...

To understand the shifting relationship
The Fourth Industrial revolution mainstreams. Consumers are in the driver's seat – dictating what they
want to see from brands and retailers and how they want to receive it.

A 10-year perspective is critical

A focus on key consumer drivers allows us to hone in on the key aspects of cultural shifts that most
impact consumer behaviour. The result is a more easily navigable landscape of future trends.

There is a spectrum of behaviour

Consumers fluctuate across a spectrum of behaviour driven by information & emotion. Each brand/
retailer/consumer isn't going to fall within the same point on the spectrum.

The Trend Spectrums

13 © 2020 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.


The Panorama of Humanity

Identity Traders

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2030 trends methodology

Mintel's analysts worked with an external panel of global experts from across all
industries – including beauty category experts – to help navigate the current
cultural landscape, and what this means for the future.

We also examined Mintel's prior trend predictions and created a roadmap of trends
that is still in play today to chart how we build future scenarios.

By focusing on current key consumer drivers, we honed in on the cultural shifts

that will have the biggest impact on consumer behaviour. The result is an easily
navigable landscape of future trends.


Sarah Jindal

Sharon Kwek

15 © 2020 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.


Andrew McDougall

Meet the expert

Andrew McDougall

Global Beauty & Personal Care Analyst

Andrew is an award-winning beauty & personal care analyst with over ten
years' experience of researching and writing about the cosmetics
industry. Previously Editor of the Cosmetics Design brand he has
travelled the world to cover key markets, interviewed top industry figures
and presented at key industry conferences.

Read more by this expert | Get in touch

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This is marketing intelligence published by Mintel.
The consumer research exclusively commissioned
by Mintel was conducted by a Chinese licensed
market survey agent (see Research Methodology
China for more information).

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