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J Clin Periodontol 2017; 44: 51–57 doi: 10.1111/jcpe.


Prognostic value of a simplified Leonardo Trombelli1,2,

Luigi Minenna1, Luca Toselli1,
Antonio Zaetta1, Luigi Checchi3,

method for periodontal risk Vittorio Checchi4, Michele Nieri5 and

Roberto Farina1,2
Research Centre for the Study of

assessment during supportive Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases,

University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy;
Operative Unit of Dentistry, University-

periodontal therapy Hospital of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy;

Department of Periodontology and
Implantology, Alma Mater Studiorum,
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy;
Department of Medical, Surgical and Health
Trombelli L, Minenna L, Toselli L, Zaetta A, Checchi L, Checchi V, Nieri M, Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy;
Department of Surgery and Translational
Farina R. Prognostic value of a simplified method for periodontal risk assessment
Medicine, University of Firenze, Firenze, Italy
during supportive periodontal therapy. J Clin Periodontol 2017; 44: 51–57. doi:

Aim: To evaluate the association between risk scores generated with a simplified
method for periodontal risk assessment (Perio Risk), and tooth loss as well as
bone loss during supportive periodontal therapy (SPT).
Materials & Methods: Data related to 109 patients (42 males; mean age:
42.2  10.2 years, range 22–62) enrolled in a SPT programme for a mean period
of 5.6 years were retrospectively obtained at two specialist periodontal clinics.
Patients were stratified according to Perio Risk score (on a scale from 1 – low risk
to 5 – high risk) as calculated at the end of active periodontal therapy. Risk
groups were compared for tooth loss as well as the changes in radiographic bone
levels occurred during SPT.
Results: The mean number of teeth lost per patient during SPT varied from 0 to
1.8  2.5 for patients with a risk score of 1 and 5 respectively (p = 0.041). Mean
Key words: alveolar bone loss; periodontal
radiographic bone loss during SPT was ≤0.5 mm in all risk groups, without sig- pocket; periodontitis; prognosis; risk
nificant inter-group differences. assessment; tooth loss
Conclusions: Periodontal risk assessment according to Perio Risk may help to
identify patients at risk for tooth loss during SPT. Accepted for publication 27 October 2016

In periodontology, the evaluation of the early identification of high-risk Based on data from longitudinal
risk determinants is fundamental for subjects and the formulation of per- studies, a recent systematic review
sonalized preventive and therapeutic supported the possibility to predict
strategies to allow for the targeted periodontitis progression and tooth
Conflict of interest and source of
control of risk factors (Heitz-May- loss using some of the proposed
funding statement
field 2005). During the last two dec- tools (Lang et al. 2015). In particu-
The authors have no conflict of inter-
est to declare related to this study.
ades, different patient-based lar, risk scores were demonstrated to
The present study was supported by periodontal risk assessment tools be associated with tooth loss and
GABA International, Therwil, Switzer- have been proposed to allow for uni- periodontal deterioration on the long
land, and by the Research Centre for form and accurate information cap- term either in almost complete
the Study of Periodontal and Peri- able to optimize the clinical decision absence of periodontal treatment
implant Diseases, University of Fer- making, improve oral health status (Page et al. 2002, 2003) or under
rara, Italy. of the patients and reduce health supportive periodontal therapy
care costs (Tonetti et al. 2015). (SPT) (Persson et al. 2003, Jansson
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 51
52 Trombelli et al.

& Norderyd 2008, Matuliene et al.

2010, Costa et al. 2012).
• follow-up visit: performed ≥3.5 extracted from the clinical record
years from baseline.
In 2007, a simplified method
• number of teeth present;
for periodontal risk assessment
(Perio Risk) was proposed. The • probing depth (PD): distance (in
Study population mm) between the gingival margin
method is based on five parameters and the bottom of the pocket as
which are derived from the patient Patient selection was based on inclu- assessed using a manual peri-
medical history and clinical record- sion and exclusion criteria as odontal probe (PCP 11 or CP12;
ings. In a large cohort of ran- reported in Appendix S1. Briefly, Hu-Friedy, Chicago, Illinois,
domly selected patients, a adult patients undergoing active USA) at six aspects (mesio-buc-
substantial level of agreement was periodontal therapy (consisting of cal, buccal, disto-buccal, mesio-
observed between Perio Risk and non-surgical instrumentation eventu- lingual, lingual, disto-lingual) for
the more complex DEP-PA, thus ally followed by one or more ses- each tooth including fully
suggesting that Perio Risk may sions of periodontal surgery) and erupted third molars;
simplify the generation of risk
scores while maintaining the neces-
enrolled in a SPT programme for
≥3.5 years were included for analy-
• bleeding on probing (BoP): re-
corded as positive (BoP+) when
sary accuracy of the system sis. gingival bleeding had been detected
(Trombelli et al. 2009). To date, at the site level after PD assessment.
however, no data from longitudi- Study parameters
nal studies are currently available
on the association between risk Demographic, smoking status and dia- Radiographic parameters
scores generated with Perio Risk betic status
On full-mouth sets of periapical
and the progression of periodonti- The following data were derived radiographs taken at each observation
tis. from each clinical record chart: interval, two examiners performed all
The goal of the present study was radiographic measurements. The
to evaluate the association between • age (years);
examiners were kept blinded as to the
risk scores as assessed according to • gender;
patient-related data and observation
Perio Risk, and tooth loss as well as • race (Caucasian, non-Caucasian);
interval of the radiographs. Radio-
bone loss in a large cohort of • smoking status (current smoker,
graphic assessments were preceded
patients enrolled in a SPT pro- former smoker, never smoked);
by a calibration phase, performed on
gramme. • number of cigarettes per day;
radiographs of patients not included
• diabetic status (diabetic, non-dia-
in the study. The evaluation of intra-
and inter-examiner agreement
Materials and Methods • metabolic control of diabetes
revealed good consistency of radio-
(plasma level of HbA1c).
graphic measurements (intra-class
Experimental design correlation coefficient ≥ 0.70). At the
While age was referred to the ini-
The study was a retrospective analy- mesial and distal aspect of each
tial visit, data regarding smoking
sis of de-identified data derived tooth, the distance (in mm) between
status and diabetic status were
from the record charts of patients the cementum–enamel junction (CEJ)
recorded for each observation inter-
seeking care at two centres special- and the bone crest (BC) was mea-
ized in the diagnosis and treatment sured (CEJ-BC) with a digital cali-
of periodontal diseases (Research Periodontal therapy per. At sites where the CEJ could
Centre for the Study of Periodontal not be identified due to the presence
The following data related to the
and Peri-implant Diseases, Univer- of restorations, the distance between
history of periodontal therapy were
sity of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; and a the apical margin of the restoration
extracted from the clinical record
private periodontal practice, and the bone crest was measured.
chart of each patient:
Bologna, Italy). Measurements were rounded to the
Patient selection was based on • number of attended sessions of nearest 0.1 mm. All sites where the
non-surgical periodontal instru- CEJ, the restoration margin and/or
selection criteria (see “Study popula-
mentation during active therapy; the bone crest profile could not be
tion”) and the availability of specific
data (see “Study parameters”) • number of sessions of periodon- identified were excluded from the
tal surgery during active therapy; analysis.
related to the following observation
intervals: • number of attended sessions of
supra- and sub-gingival mechani- Periodontal risk assessment
• initial visit: performed ≤2 months cal plaque removal during SPT
before active periodontal therapy (i.e. between baseline and follow- At baseline, the patient risk profile
(consisting of non-surgical with/ up visits). was evaluated according to the Perio
without surgical treatment and Risk, as proposed by Trombelli et al.
extraction of hopeless teeth); (2009). Risk assessment according to
• baseline visit: performed ≤12 Clinical parameters Perio Risk method is based on five
months following the completion For each observation interval, the parameters which are derived from
of active periodontal therapy; following clinical parameters were the patient medical history and

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Risk assessment with Perio Risk 53

clinical recordings (i.e. smoking sta- (medium–high risk) and 5 (high risk) Results
tus, diabetic status, number of sites (Table 2).
with PD ≥ 5 mm, BoP score and Study population
extent of bone loss/age). Risk calcu-
lation according to Perio Risk is Statistical analysis One hundred and nine patients (42
described in details in Appendix S2. The patient was considered as the males and 67 females; mean age:
Briefly, each parameter received dif- statistical unit for analysis. Data 42.2  10.2 years, range 22–62) were
ferent scores (“parameter score”), as were expressed as mean  standard included for analysis. Patient charac-
shown in Table 1a–e. The algebraic deviation (SD). teristics at initial visit are described
sum of the parameter scores was cal- For each patient, the following in Appendix S3 and Table 3.
culated and then referred to 5 “risk parameters related to the SPT were
profiles”: profile 1 (low risk), 2 (low– calculated: Active and supportive periodontal therapy
medium risk), 3 (medium risk), 4
• number of teeth lost; Active periodontal therapy consisted
• extent of bone loss (%losing), cal- of 5.4  2.9 sessions of non-surgical
Table 1. Perio Risk method: generation of culated as the % prevalence of instrumentation, followed by
the score related to (a) smoking status, (b) sites showing an increase in CEJ- 2.9  1.7 (range: 0–7) sessions of
diabetic status, (c) the number of pockets BC ≥ 2 mm; periodontal surgery. One hundred
with probing depth ≥5 mm, (d) the Bleeding • extent of bone loss per year and twenty-two teeth were extracted
on Probing Score and (e) the extent of bone (%losing*year), calculated as the between initial visit and baseline, with
loss/age ratio between %losing and the a mean of 1.1  1.5 (range: 0–7).
(a) Smoking status Parameter duration (in years) of SPT; At baseline, one smoker changed
score • severity of bone loss (CEJ- his smoking exposure from 10–19 to
BCloss), calculated as the mean ≥20 cigarettes/day, whereas all other
Never smoked 0 change (mm) in CEJ-BC. patients did not change their smoking
Former smoker 1
status or exposure. Diabetic status
1–9 Cigarettes per day 2 Statistical comparisons between
10–19 Cigarettes per day 3 remained unaltered when compared to
groups with different risk profiles at initial visit. At baseline, patients had
≥20 Cigarettes per day 4
baseline were performed with analy- 7.6  8.8 sites (range: 0–63) with
(b) Diabetic status Parameter sis of variance (ANOVA). In case of a
PD ≥ 5 mm and a mean PD of
statistically significant result, a sensi- 2.71  0.38 mm (range: 1.66–3.91).
Non-diabetic 0 tivity analysis was performed using BoP score was 7.1  10.4% (range: 0–
Controlled diabetic 2 the non-parametric k-sample Savage 55). The distribution of patients
(sieric HbA1c <7.0%) score test. Post hoc comparisons according to the number of sites with
Poorly controlled 4 were performed with Tukey–Kramer PD ≥ 5 mm and BoP score at baseline
diabetic test. The level of statistical signifi- is reported in Table 3. Mean CEJ-BC
(sieric HbA1c ≥7.0%) cance was set at 5%. was 3.19  1.33 mm (range: 1.20–
(c) Number of pockets Parameter A stepwise backward regression 7.56), and patients had a mean num-
with probing depth ≥5 mm score analysis was conducted as a sec- ber of teeth with CEJ-BC ≥ 4 mm of
ondary analysis using %losing*year as 11.2  7.6 (range: 0–28).
0–1 0
response variable and the following The mean duration of SPT was
2–4 1
5–7 2 parameters (related to baseline) as 5.6  2.2 years (range: 3.7–15.6).
8–10 3 predictive variables: age, gender, SPT consisted of 13.8  6.3 sessions
>10 4 smoking status and number of cigar- of supra- and sub-gingival mechani-
(d) Bleeding on probing Parameter
ettes/day, number of teeth present, cal plaque removal, with one session
score (%) score number of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm, every 3.4  1.1 months. The distri-
mean PD (mm), BoP score, number bution of patients according to the
0–5 0 of teeth with CEJ-BC ≥ 4 mm, mean frequency of attended SPT visits is
6–16 1 CEJ-BC (mm). Based on the results reported in Table 4. During SPT, 45
17–24 2 of the stepwise regression, a simpli- (41%) patients lost a total of 93
25–36 3 fied version of the Perio Risk (which
>36 4 teeth (13 of which were third
was named Smart Risk) was created, molars), with a mean of 0.9  1.5
(e) Age (years) Bone loss (n° of teeth with and its R2 in the prediction of teeth (range: 0–8) lost per patient.
CEJ-BC ≥ 4 mm) %losing*year and number of teeth lost The tooth loss rate per year of SPT
during SPT was evaluated. was 0.15  0.26 teeth/year. CEJ-
0 1–3 4–6 7–10 >10

0–25 0 8 8 8 8 Table 2. Perio Risk method: determination of the risk score. The parameter scores obtained
26–40 0 6 6 8 8 from Tables 1a–e are added and the sum (in parenthesis) is referred to a risk score ranging
41–50 0 4 4 6 8 from 1 to 5
51–65 0 2 4 6 8 Risk score: 1 Risk score: 2 Risk score: 3 Risk score: 4 Risk score: 5
>65 0 0 2 4 6 Low risk Low–medium risk Medium risk Medium–high risk High risk
CEJ-BC, cementum–enamel junction bone
(0–2) (3–5) (6–8) (9–14) (15–24)

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
54 Trombelli et al.

Table 3. Distribution of patients (number and percentage, in parentheses) according to Prognostic value of the parameters of the
number of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm and BoP score at each observation interval Perio Risk method

Initial visit Baseline Follow-up The stepwise backward regression

(end of active therapy) (last SPT visit) secondary analysis identified the
number of cigarettes/day and the
Number of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm
0–1 3 (3) 22 (20) 19 (17)
number of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm at
2–4 3 (3) 26 (24) 19 (17) baseline as the parameters of Perio
5–7 3 (3) 26 (24) 14 (13) Risk that significantly contributed to
8–10 3 (3) 9 (8) 7 (6) predict %losing*year (p = 0.012 and
>10 97 (89) 26 (24) 50 (46) p = 0.006 respectively). R2 of the
BoP score (%) model was 0.13.
0–5 1 (1) 70 (64) 62 (57) A simplified version of the Perio
6–16 8 (7) 19 (17) 19 (17) Risk (which was named as Smart
17–24 11 (10) 12 (11) 12 (11) Risk) was also evaluated. Risk pro-
25–36 25 (23) 4 (4) 8 (7)
files of the Smart Risk were gener-
>36 64 (59) 4 (4) 8 (7)
ated by adding the number of
BoP, bleeding on probing; PD, probing depth; SPT, supportive periodontal therapy. cigarettes per day and the number of
sites with PD ≥ 5 mm at baseline.
The Smart Risk showed a signifi-
Table 4. Distribution of patients (number differences in either the duration of cantly greater prognostic value for
and percentage, in parentheses) according SPT or the number of attended SPT %losing*year compared to the Perio
to the mean frequency of attended visits per sessions were observed between Risk proposed by Trombelli et al.
year of SPT groups with different risk profiles at (2009) (p < 0.0001, R2 = 0.13). In
Mean frequency n (%) baseline (Table 5). particular, when applied dichoto-
of attended visits mously (sum ≤10: low risk;
per year of SPT
Association between Perio Risk profile
sum > 10: high risk), the Smart Risk
and severity and extent of bone loss maintained a significant prognostic
No SPT 1 (0.9)
during SPT value for %losing*year (p = 0.0014,
<1 7 (6.4)
≥1, <2 20 (18.3) R2 = 0.09) and showed a significant
Tooth loss as well as the extent (as prognostic value also for the number
≥2, <3 38 (34.9)
expressed by %losing and %losing*year) of teeth lost during SPT (p = 0.0001;
≥3 43 (39.5)
and severity (as expressed by CEJ- R2 = 0.13).
SPT, supportive periodontal therapy. BCloss) of bone loss occurred during
SPT in patients with different Perio
BCloss was 0.14  0.64 mm (range: Risk profile at baseline are reported
1.31 to 4.14) and %losing was in Table 6. The present study was performed to
12.7  13.8% (range: 0–89.3). The mean number of teeth lost evaluate the association between risk
At follow-up visit, six patients had during SPT varied from 0 to scores generated with a simplified
quit smoking. Diabetic status remained 1.8  2.5 teeth for patients with a method for periodontal risk assess-
unaltered compared to baseline. At fol- risk score of 1 and 5, respectively, ment (Perio Risk, Trombelli et al.
low-up visit, patients had 14.8  16.7 with a statistically significant differ- 2009), tooth loss and the deteriora-
sites (range: 0–86) with PD ≥ 5 mm ence between score 3 and score 5 tion of periodontal conditions under
and a mean PD of 3.01  0.51 mm (p = 0.041). A sensitivity non-para- SPT. De-identified data related to
(range: 1.88–4.52). BoP score was metric analysis also yielded a statisti- 109 patients enrolled in a SPT pro-
10.9  16.6% (range: 0–78). The distri- cally significant result (p = 0.044). gramme for a mean period of
bution of patients according to the The tooth loss rate per year of SPT 5.6  2.2 years were retrospectively
number of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm and varied from 0 to 0.32  0.51 teeth/ obtained. A Perio Risk score (on a
BoP score at follow-up visit is reported year for patients with a risk score of scale from 1 – low risk to 5 – high
in Table 3. Mean CEJ-BC was 1 and 5, respectively, with a border- risk) was calculated for each patient
3.33  1.37 mm (range: 1.14–10.86), line significant difference between using data at re-evaluation visit fol-
and patients had a mean number of risk groups (p = 0.053). Third lowing active periodontal therapy.
teeth with CEJ-BC ≥ 4 mm of molars lost during SPT belonged to Patients with different risk scores
11.6  7.0 (range: 0–25). patients with risk score of 4 (8 third were grouped and compared for
molars lost in five patients) or 5 (5 tooth loss as well as changes in
third molars lost in four patients). radiographic bone levels occurred
Distribution according to Perio Risk The severity of bone loss was lim- during SPT.
profile at baseline and SPT characteristics ited (<0.5 mm) in all risk groups, The Perio Risk, as elaborated
in each risk group
without significant inter-group differ- by Trombelli et al. (2009), was
The distribution of patients according ences. The extent of bone loss was proposed as a simplified method
to the Perio Risk profile at baseline is comprised between 10.8% and for periodontal risk assessment.
reported in Table 5. At baseline, the 15.9% for risk groups 1 and 5, The method shares some parame-
majority (78%) of patients still respectively, without significant ters, including the number of sites
showed a risk of 3 or 4. No significant inter-group differences. with PD ≥ 5 mm, BoP score, and
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Risk assessment with Perio Risk 55

%losing*year (SD)
Table 5. Distribution of patients according to the Perio Risk score at the completion of

Table 6. Tooth loss and deterioration of periodontal conditions (as expressed by CEJ-BCloss, %losing, and %losing*year) occurred during SPT in patients with different Perio Risk score at
active therapy (baseline) and SPT characteristics in each risk group

2.5 (5.4)
2.3 (1.3)
2.5 (2.8)
2.3 (2.4)
2.8 (2.6)
Perio Risk score No. of % of patients SPT duration (years) No. of SPT sessions


1 5 4 6.2 (2.7) 15.2 (12.3)

2 6 6 6.2 (1.6) 15.3 (3.4)

%losing (SD)

10.8 (22.0)

11.1 (11.8)
12.7 (14.4)
15.9 (13.2)
3 20 18 4.7 (1.2) 11.9 (4.7)

13.6 (8.6)
4 65 60 5.7 (2.4) 13.7 (6.2)
5 13 12 6.1 (1.8) 15.8 (7.5)

p value (ANOVA) 0.281 0.472

SPT, supportive periodontal therapy.

CEJ-BCloss (SD)

0.37 (0.64)
0.40 (0.48)
0.14 (0.44)
0.09 (0.75)
0.17 (0.30)
bone loss/age, with the PRA proposed At the completion of active peri-
by Lang & Tonetti (2003). While the odontal therapy, 58% and 26% of
risk calculation according to the PRA patients showed ≥5 sites or ≥10 sites,

may be partly based on the results of respectively, with PD ≥ 5 mm, and
laboratory tests (e.g. genetic test) at 19% of patients showed a BoP
the operator’s discretion, the Perio score ≥ 17%. Moreover, 22% of

year of SPT (SD)

Risk is based entirely on parameters patients still smoked ≥ 10 cigarettes/

0.17 (0.27)
0.07 (0.12)
0.14 (0.21)
0.32 (0.51)
loss rate per
Mean tooth
derived from the patient medical his- day at baseline. Smoker patients

0 (0)
tory and clinical recordings. Also, with high percentage of bleeding
patient risk as assessed by the Perio pockets were particularly clustered in

Risk is segmented into five profiles, Group 5, and significantly less repre-
which should allow clinicians for a sented in Groups 1–3 (data not
detailed categorization of patient shown). These data seem to reinforce

0.041 (R3 6¼ R5)

prognosis and estimation of the the concepts that a pre-requisite for

Mean no. of teeth

impact of periodontal treatment on a successful SPT is the substantial

lost (SD)
patient prognosis. In addition, the reduction of BoP+ sites associated

0.8 (1.2)
0.3 (0.6)
0.9 (1.4)
1.8 (2.5)
0 (0)
Perio Risk scores are generated by an with PD > 4 mm during the active
algebraic sum of five parameter scores, phase of therapy (Matuliene et al.
thus simplifying the risk calculation 2008) along with an effective smok-
baseline. Data are expressed as mean (SD). A positive value of CEJ-BCloss indicates bone loss
procedure. In this respect, the Perio ing cessation programme (Costa
Risk has been externally validated et al. 2014), and that SPT should be
losing ≥1 teeth (% of subjects
within the same risk group)
against more complex methods sup- tailored on clinical conditions which

CEJ-BC, cementum–enamel junction bone crest; SPT, supportive periodontal therapy.

ported by longitudinal data (Page inform the patient risk assessment at

0.102 (v2 test)

et al. 2002, Page & Martin 2007), thus the end of active therapy (Tonetti
No. of subjects

suggesting that Perio Risk may sim- et al. 2015, Trombelli et al. 2015). 3 (50)
6 (30)
29 (45)
7 (54)
0 (0)

plify the generation of risk scores Over a mean period of 5.6 years
while maintaining the necessary accu- of SPT, patients lost on average 0.15
racy of the system (Trombelli et al. teeth per year of SPT. This finding is
2009). consistent with the results of a recent
Due to the retrospective nature of systematic review (Trombelli et al.
our study, it was not possible to 2015), which reported a weighted
retrieve information on the causes mean tooth loss rate of 0.15 teeth/
Mean no. of teeth
at baseline (SD)

for tooth loss or extraction. In year as derived from prospective

25.2 (1.5)
25.2 (1.4)
24.2 (0.8)
25.6 (0.4)
25.4 (3.3)

absence of this information, it is studies with a 5-year follow-up


uncertain whether tooth loss may (Lindhe & Nyman 1975, Isidor &
represent here a true indicator of Karring 1986, Ramfjord et al. 1987,
periodontitis progression. Periodon- Costa et al. 2014). Our results there-
tal disease, however, was often fore reinforce the importance of SPT
reported as the main reason for for the secondary prevention of peri-
No. of


tooth loss in several prospective odontitis (Sanz et al. 2015), but also
(Lindhe & Nyman 1975, Isidor & showed that the number of teeth lost
Karring 1986, Ramfjord et al. 1987, during SPT was significantly associ-
(ANOVA, Tukey–Kramer)

Costa et al. 2014) and retrospective ated with Perio Risk profile assigned
(Hirschfeld & Wasserman 1978, at the beginning of SPT. In particu-
McFall 1982, Goldman et al. 1986, lar, the mean number of teeth lost
Perio Risk score

Wood et al. 1989, McLeod et al. varied from 0 to 1.8 teeth and the
1997, Checchi et al. 2002) studies on mean tooth loss rate per year of SPT
at baseline

the efficacy of periodontal mainte- varied from 0 to 0.32 teeth/year for

p value

nance programmes in patients trea- patients with a risk score of 1 (low

ted for periodontitis. risk) and 5 (high risk) respectively.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
56 Trombelli et al.

These data on tooth loss are consis- sites with the deepest PD values, by (2010), patients attended the SPT pro-
tent with those reported for low to the prognostic value of PD (Claffey gramme either at University of Berne
moderate and high-risk groups identi- et al. 1990). In general, these results or they were referred back to private
fied with other risk assessment meth- support the need for future studies practitioners for SPT, while in the
ods (Leininger et al. 2010). Also, the based on sufficiently homogeneous study by Costa et al. (2012), the site
magnitude and rate of tooth loss patient sample to investigate the con- for SPT was not explicitly reported.
observed in our high-risk group is tribution of all Perio Risk parameters Third, no information is available on
consistent with that reported for (including diabetes) to the prognostic patient compliance with the suggested
patients exposed to risk factors value of the method. On the other SPT protocol. In this respect, a recent
affecting SPT outcomes, such as hand, our data suggest that the systematic review evaluated the effect
smoking (Baumer et al. 2011), or method could be even further simpli- of patient compliance on the clinical
erratic compliance to the mainte- fied. In this respect, when risk profiles effectiveness of SPT on the basis of the
nance regimen (Costa et al. 2014). were generated by adding the number results from eight studies with at least
Overall, these findings indicate that of cigarettes per day and the number a 5-year follow-up. Regularly comply-
periodontal risk assessment according of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm at baseline ing patients showed significantly lower
to the Perio Risk method may con- (thus avoiding the use of parameter risk of tooth loss than erratic compli-
tribute the identification of patients scores), this simplified version of the ers (pooled risk ratio: 0.56) (Lee et al.
at risk for tooth loss during SPT. method (which was named as Smart 2015). The impact of patient adher-
Since high risk groups experienced Risk) showed a significantly greater ence to the SPT programme on tooth
greater tooth loss during SPT com- prognostic value compared to the loss was also demonstrated over a 10-
pared to the other risk groups, it is original version of the Perio Risk. year follow-up interval (Pretzl et al.
reasonable to hypothesize that their The accuracy and reliability of the 2008). Differently from our study, pre-
greater disease severity at the begin- Smart Risk, however, need to be vious authors dedicated part of their
ning of SPT, including the amount of explored and consolidated in future analyses to evaluate the impact patient
bone loss, may have favoured tooth longitudinal trials. compliance on tooth loss and peri-
loss for periodontal reasons. Differ- The present findings on the Perio odontitis progression during SPT,
ences in tooth loss among cohorts Risk must be considered within some considering compliance as an indepen-
with varying risk profile, but receiv- limitations, which are partly shared dent variable separate from the risk
ing a similar frequency of recall ses- with previous studies on different profile (Costa et al. 2012) or as a
sion, also seems to reinforce the need assessment tools during SPT. First, covariate (Matuliene et al. 2010).
for tailoring the secondary prevention patients have been retrospectively Interestingly, compliance to SPT had
programme (recall frequency, type of selected at two centres specialized in no significant impact on tooth loss in
intervention, etc.) according to the the diagnosis and treatment of peri- patients with moderate or high risk
estimated prognosis following APT. odontal diseases. This selection bias profile after active therapy, the lack of
The results of the regression anal- has determined an unbalanced distri- significance being attributed by the
ysis indicated that smoking and the bution of patients according to risk authors to the small number of cases
number of sites with PD ≥ 5 mm scores, thus limiting the power of our in these risk subgroups (Matuliene
(both referred to baseline visit) signif- analysis and the possibility to detect et al. 2010).
icantly contributed to predict the significant differences (if any) in SPT In conclusion, the results of the
subject prevalence of sites showing outcomes between lowest (scores 1–2) present study indicate that periodon-
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thus suggesting that these factors, Similarly, previous studies evaluating Perio Risk method (Trombelli et al.
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score, bone loss/age), may account ing SPT at a specialist clinic reported a tion of patients at risk for tooth loss
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© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
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score: long-term predictive value of treatment odontal preventive measures – consensus report

Clinical Relevance Principal findings: Risk scores gener- Practical implications: The use of
Scientific rationale for the study: Dur- ated according to the Perio Risk tool the Perio Risk tool for periodontal
ing the last two decades, different (Trombelli et al. 2009) were associ- risk assessment may help clinicians
patient-based periodontal risk assess- ated with the mean number of teeth to identify of patients at risk for
ment tools have been proposed. lost during a mean period of tooth loss during maintenance and
Among the latter, however, few have 5.6 years of supportive periodontal to personalize strategies to deliver
been validated in longitudinal studies. therapy (SPT). effective supportive therapy.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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