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Profile for Counselor

Class of 2011
Student Name: Kevin Summers

E-Mail Address:

Cell Phone Number: 703-864-5954

Student ID Number: 1221061
This profile must be submitted to your counselor at least 30
days prior to your first college application due date.
You must type the information into this document.
The amount of effort that you put into this document will reflect the
amount of effort that your counselor can put into your letter of

Your Profile Must Include:

_______ Student Information & Self-Assessment, including
Student/Parent Signatures (pgs 2 & 3)

_______ Activity Resume/List (you may include your own, or use the two samples
on pgs. 4 & 5)

_______ Parent Response (pg. 6)

A counselor letter of recommendation will summarize you as a

whole student, while any teacher recommendations should
provide specific details about you as a learner in the
classroom. A sample teacher recommendation request memo
is available in the Document Library in Family Connection.
(Translation: It is not appropriate to give this profile to your

Please list the colleges to which you will apply. It is your
responsibility to keep your counselor up-to-date regarding
your college application plans.
College Name Deadline Date Are you applying
Early Action or Early
ODU March 15 No
VCU January 15 No
Radford February 1 No

Your counselor will automatically send a letter of

recommendation to the colleges you list on your transcript

Student Services does not send any letters of recommendation

or transcripts to colleges electronically. Fairfax County Public
Schools has yet to adopt a secure means of sending this
information electronically. If you are applying to a college that
asks for you to input a counselor e-mail address so that he/she
can submit your transcripts or recommendations online, be
aware that we will not be able to do so.

I have read and understand all of the information included in

this packet. I waive my right to access my counselor letter of
recommendation and/or my secondary school report at
anytime (including after my graduation).

Student Signature: ________________________________________ Date:


Parent Signature: _________________________________________ Date:


If you have any concerns about this waiver, please contact your school
counselor directly.

**Be sure to explain your answers. By providing specific details, you assist
your counselor in conveying the most accurate story of who you really are
1. Are you the first in your family to attend college?
to the College Admissions Committee**
2. Which teacher(s) will you ask to write letters of recommendation on your
1. Ms. Conanan (now Mrs. Shields)
2. Mr. Airaghi
3. Besides a future career, how will college benefit your academic curiosity? What
else are you looking for in your college experience?
I think college will expose me to a broader range of courses which will allow my
intelligence to have more variation. More specifically than a career I am looking for
college to point me in a certain direction in the field of psychology and I am also
looking to make lifelong friends.
4. What three words best describe you, and why do you think they are good
descriptors? (Provide detailed examples, anecdotes, etc.)
Self-aware because I know my academic limits and I’m not scared to push them a
little bit.
Reliable because I have never let a partner down on any sort of paired assignment.
I think that’s because it’s one thing to let yourself down, but it’s a completely
different game to let someone else down.
Honest because I make it my mission to make sure that I am always telling the
truth like when I occasionally forget my hw I don’t make up some excuse, I take
full responsibility for it.
5. What are your personal strengths? Give examples that document them!
One of my personal strengths is my ability to work under pressure, and my
dedication to finishing assignments. Now I realize that some of the pressure comes
from the fact that I tend to procrastinate, but even when I procrastinate I will do
everything in my power to make sure I have the assignment completed on the
class that it is due
6. What are your academic strengths? These should be different from #2!
I believe that math is my strong point. I have always had a knack for math classes
and even enjoy them unlike many other students. I find math to be much more
straightforward than other classes and I suppose that’s why I tend to be pretty
good at them.
7. What has been the most satisfying course you have taken? Why?
I can easily say that AP Psychology has been the most satisfying course that I have
taken. I say this because it made me realize how interested I was in the field of
psychology. On top of that in this course I found out how often in the field of
psychology that there is interaction with people, and the thought that I might be
able to help someone else is really nice.
8. Life’s obstacles allow us to grow. Describe an obstacle that has affected you.
There was a time in high school when my parents seemed to be having serious
marital problems which believe it or not helped me focus on school. But it made
me realize that everything isn’t guaranteed and you have to put work into

anything you do if you want it to be successful (I drew that conclusion after they
began working at the relationship and things got better).
9. What three things would you want a college admissions committee to know
about you? Give examples or relate a specific anecdote to explain.
I would want them to know that although I haven’t been in high school, I fully plan
to become involved in whatever school I get into because I deeply regret not being
more involved during high school.
10. Describe any cultural experiences and their impact on you.

11. Which single activity has been most important to you and why? (You may
choose a school-affiliated program or an independent one.)

12. What if anything, would you do differently if you had to experience high
school again? If nothing, how have you made the most of your Chantilly
I would definitely be more involved in school related activities and clubs. I feel like
I missed out on a whole aspect of high school just because I didn’t think there was
anything for me, which I realized too late, was wrong.
13. Describe any work or volunteer experiences you have had? How did the
experience impact you?
I worked at the snack bar at the community pool and it was fairly straight forward
work. Taking peoples orders, making the food, and cleaning up the work area. I
think the experience taught me the true value of money so I’m a little bit smarter
when it comes to my money.
14. Describe an incident in which you demonstrated strong character (loyalty,
integrity, self-discipline, kindness, commitment to high ideals, caring for others,
etc.) Think outside the box, not cheating is not the only answer!
I think the incident that best shows my character would be back in sophomore year
when one of my friends asked to copy my English paper. Instead of giving my
essay to him I told him that I would help him in writing the essay. He got an A on
the paper and because I helped him instead of just giving him the paper, he better
understood the material we were writing about (which just so happened to be To
Kill A Mockingbird) and he got a B+ on the test the next class that covered the
material we wrote about in the essay.
15. If you had a motto to live by, what would it be and why?

16. What are your potential personal statement/essay topics?

(Your recommendation(s) should complement your essays, but not duplicate your efforts!)
For the personal statements I thought I would write about my interest in the field I
want to go into (psychology) how it begun and why I want to be in that field. For
essays I like writing about how a bad incident has helped improve me.

You may include your own Resume/Activity List
OR use the next two pages as your template.



CYA Basketball CYA Basketball (Winter and


Kevin Summers
13221 Pressmont Lane ~ Fairfax, 22033
703-222-7710 ~

Chantilly High School 2006-2011
• CYA winter basketball (2007 & 2008)
• CYA spring basketball (2009)



• AutoCAD Certification



• I’m really good at working under pressure
• Interest in psychology
• Interest in helping people

• Greenbriar pool

**Be sure to explain your answers. By providing specific details, you assist
your student’s counselor in conveying the most accurate story of who your
child really is to the College Admissions Committee**

Student Name: ___________________________ Parent E-Mail:


1. Please share with me the colleges you think would be a good match for your
student. Why, specifically, do you feel these are a good match for your

2. Are there any financial and/or personal limitations that could impact where your
student applies?

3. List three adjectives that you feel best describe your student. Please provide
detailed examples.

4. Describe one or two major events that you see as turning points in your
son/daughter’s development. Explain the significance of these to his/her

5. Describe any cultural experiences and their impact on your student.

6. His/her greatest strength is:

7. His/her greatest weakness is:

8. Please relate anecdotes that describe your student's strengths,

accomplishments, preferences, character, work habits, goals, personality, etc.

9. Is there anything you wish to add which would help me in writing a letter of
recommendation for your student?

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