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Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II UNIVERSITYOF RAJASTHAN JAIPUR SYLLABUS B.Sc. PART-II Examination-2020 Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Scheme of Examination B.Sc. (Pass Course) Part-II The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for a pass are shown in the scheme of examination against each subject separately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part as well as the practical part of a subject/paper. Wherever prescribed separately. Classification of successful candidates shall be as follows: First Division 60% } of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part first Second Division 48% Examination excluding those obtained in the compulsory subject (b) Part Second Examination (c) Part Third Examination taken together. All the rest will be declared to have passed the Examination. If they obtain a minimum pass marks in each subject viz 36% No division shall be awarded at the Part First and Part Second Examinations : by | te Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) University of Rajasthan 2 ‘sipur 2 Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II CONTENTS | | | [Optional Subjects :- __ [Page no 1._| Physics 7 4-4 2. [Chemistry - 10-7 3._| Zoology 16-27 4. | Botany 28-35 _| 3._| Geology - 36-37 6. | Mathematics THo-4y | [7._[Beonomies [4s 4e [- ‘8. | Geography [ya-s2 | [79.7 Statisties - [53-57 ~ 10. | Applied Statistics 58-62 U1. | Psychology 63:6 12. | Electronics (e8-7s 13. | Textile Craft [e-7F | 14, | Garment Production and Export Management Tye |__ 15. Geology and Mining [83-85 [*16.] Environmental Science ae 17. Biotechnology ant (18. | Computer Applications _ Last | ron | _—_— Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) University of Rajasthan Jaipur | | | 4 B.Sc. Pell : 1 pnystes ” Man, Marks: 100 Shes, davation Man. Marks: 33 Min, ass Paper Ht Shey: duration Mus, Marks: 33 Min, Pans Paper UE 3 hrs, duration Man. Marks: 34 Min, Pass marks 12 Practical S hrs, duration Max. Marka: 50 Min, Paxs marks 18 Paper-1 : Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Work Load: 2 hrs, Lecture ‘week Examination Duration: 3 Hira, Scheme of Examination: First question will be of nine marks comprising of six parts of short answer type with answer not exceeding half w page. Remaining four questions will be ‘set with ane from each of the unit and will be of six marks eweh. Second to fifth question will hhaye two parts namely (A) and (B) each carrying 3 marks, Part (A) of second to fifth question shall be compulsory and Part (B) of these questions will have internal choice, Unitel ‘Therma},iod adiabatic internetions: Thermal interaction; Zeroth law of thermodynamics. ‘System ii tt ‘contact i ‘8 heat reservoir (canonical distribution): Energy Nuctuations, Entropy of a nm heat bath: Helmholtz free energy: Adiabatic interaction and enthalpy. ‘General interaction and first law of thermodynamics: infinitesimal general interaction: Gibb's free ‘energy: Phase transitions. Clavsivs Clapeyron equation: Vapour pressure curve; Heat engine and efficiency of engine, Camot’s Cycle; Thermodynamic seale as an absoluic scale: Maxwell relations un their appheetions Unit-2 Production of law temperatures and applications: Joule Thomson expansion and J 1 coefficients for idea! as well as Vander Waal's gas, porous plug experiment. temperature inversion, Reuenerative cooting. Cooling by adiabatic expansion and demagnetization: | quid Helium, He Fan He 1 superfludity, Refrigeration through Helium dilution. Quest for absolute rer Nemst heat rheoreen Phe distrib probable an eri ion af molecular velocities: Distribution taw of molecular velocities, mos! yt rors velocities: Energy distribution function, effusion aul selec Bean Pxpenunemal ceritcation ot the Maxwell velocity distribution. the principle ot aut pvsrtituse eh energy Transport phemomena: Mean tree path, disibution of free paths, coefictents ot Viscosity thermal conductivity. difusion and their interaction United ‘Classieal, Statistics: Validity of Classical approximation: Phase space mics and macro states vera pix probability. relation between entropy and thermods nam prshabiliy Mowoatinbitdéad gis. thoomets equation Specitie heat capacity of slater. sa spits at hk ! ryt by. Regi 4 (Acadamic) ° niversity of Majasthan Qaarru | { Units tam Stobsties: Tack bees oxtabn and failure ob claysicai suatisties. Postilates of Joontase sbitisbes, uadstinpesiibolets save fmcton and exchange degeneracy, prions: prosalubiy. Hove Fmstens statistics amb ate distribution function; Planck distribution function and bition Sormuka, Lemme Dine statistics and ity distribution function, contact potential. therinorig enision: Specilie heat anomaly of metals, Nuclear spin statistics (pare and orthe- fryer 11; Mathematleal Physics and Special Theory of Relativity Pape Work Load: 2 hrs. Lecture /week Examination Duration: 3 Hrs, Scheme of Examination: First question will be of nine marks comprising of six parts of xhort answer type with answer not exceeding half a page. Remaining four questions will be net with one from cach of the unit and will be of six marks each. Second to fifth question will have two parts namely (A) and (B) each carrying 3 marks. Part (A) of second to fifth question shall be compulsory and Part (B) of these questions will have internal choice, UNIT-1 Corthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, scale factors, expression for gradient. divergence, curl tand their application to Cartesian, circular cylindrical and spherical potar coordinate Coordinate, transformation and Jacobian, transformation of covariant, contra-variant and mixed tensor: Addition, multiplication and contraction of tensors: Metric tensor and its use in Uransformation of tensors Dirac delta linetion and its properties UNIT-2 Lorenty transformation, Length Contraction, Time Dilation, Mass variation, rotation in space- ime like and space like vector, world line, macro-causality. Four vector formulation, energy momentum four veetor, relativistic equation of motion. Invariance of cest_ mass, orthogonality of four force and four velocity, Lorentz force as an enanple of four forse, transformation of four frequency vector, longitudinal. and transverse Dopplers etfeet Trausformarion hetween laboratory and center of mass system, four momentum conservation Kinemat cs decay products of unstable particles and reaction thresholds: Pair production toelasts fot to particles, Compton effet. UNIT-3 2) fransivination of elevane and magnets fields between two inertial frames Flecite Ancasuted inves ogg thames, Electr field of a pont charge moving with constant velo Ube The secon! kes Sine Aittorential equation with variable coefficient and singular points dts application to the Hermite’. Legendre’s and Laguerre's liMagenmiet cquarsons Past properties like emthogonality, recurrens repebpestatipo and 2 applications) cites solution method a relation graphical tune funetion of Hermite, Lagendre and [eynerse functions (simple | Pj [eas D: iste, ¥. Registrar ers uf Raja ian wapuR to faflossang boundary salu prol Line charge between two chic so) septation of gansabtes a a applic oy iplace expantons tr ec ahcsomal Carieston sturdnnte sy ctl patel plates iar Hebmslie equation 9 circular cylindrical Goondinites-ey lindrical wef eoudiy, Qi) Wave equation spherical polar coordinates the vibrations af a citeular tvembtane, b0) [Diftusion equation ih te a lusate system he conwlvction an a thin rectonpatar plate, Cv) Laplace equation in spherical coordinate systen celeetre potential around a spherical surfivee Paper Ill: Electronics and Solid State Devices Work Load: 2 hrs, Lecture week Examination Duration: 3 Hrs, Scheme of Examination: First question will be of ten marks comprising of five parts of short “answer (ype with answer not exceeding half a page. Remaining four questions will be set saith one from each of the unit and will be of six marks each. Second to fifth question will have two parts namely (A) and (B) each carrying 3 marks. Part (A) of second to fifth {question shall he compulsory and Part (B) of these questions will have internal choice. Unit 1: Cireuit analysis and PN junctions Cireuit i, Networks: some important definitions, loop and nodal equation based on D.C. and AC elite (Kirehhofts Laws) Four terminal network: Ampere volt conventions, open. Close and bybeid parameters of any four terminal network, Input, output and mutual impendence for an active four terminal network, Various circuit theorems: Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, reciprocity. compensation. maximum power transfer and Miller theorems. PN junction: Charge densities ia N and P materials; Conduction by drift and diffusion of charge carriers, PN ctode equation, capacitance effects. Unit 2: Reetifiers and transistors Rectifiers: Kaswe idea of Half-wave, full wave and bridge rectifier: calculation of ripple factor. efficiency and cogulation; Filters: series inductor, shunt capacitor, L section and x-seetion filters, Voltage revstion Voltage regulation and voltage stabilization by Zener diode, voltage inuitiphier Transistors So1stions and volteampere characteristics for bipolar Junctions transistar, Concent WS To ag pout Hybrid parameters, CB, CE, CC confi a) ott 11 Ty and metat oxide semiconductor filed effect transistor (MOSER Fy Cvewt Spinbe J coslbampete characte-isties, source follower operation of APT as ations Han rage esiv et Unit 3: Transistor biasing and amy ers Fransistor biasing: Need is! bias and stability of Q point, stability factors, aad various ypes of circuits for thermal bias stability: fined bias, collector to base feedback bias and four resistor Te Dy. Registrar (Academic ¢. University of Rajasth Pike aie a8 Mee ge mkon nk + bee agers ist ee clicks pst an weaatiog feedlaet voage Strand ga, elfget al EINE dtitortwan elles om in peat paavarctees aad aly gs) TRSTMEHRS AERC coupled ammpiicts. waphitier hah cnene fF ansitor sanphiiens eran hy Fe oneness ob egattee Ree Sub ee eat and sant reste fetane oF wont rouge APOHES (init 4: Oscillators and Logie Cireulls Or a dd meeilfation.cirvuit requirement for build: et and its anatysts, Coop's and arty Uncittlators: criteria for seb excited sree iad nmeatatiges, Haasig tatiistoroselator tr tection RC CSTs Fogie etreuitss bogs Handamentals, AND. OF NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR gates. Hoole igen De Mega tewrean, ponitive and BERENS Yogic, logic gates circuit realization US FS THY lots. simplification of Boolean expressions Reference Books | jour Fy Rider, Hleetromie Fundamentals and Application, Prentice Hall of india Pet fae New Delhi “ 1) wader Engineering Electronics, MeGraw #1 Book Company, New Dethy ses tainan and Christose Haikia, Integrated Electrons» Analog and | spital Cwrsets drut se wens MeGirays> Hill Lad (2972) 4 Aiert Paul Mats mn, Digital Computer Electronics, Tata MeGiraw. Hilt Pad Co Utd. Siow (deths (1983) Kernan & Gupte. ‘Hand book of Electronics, hb GikeiMithat, Hand Book of Electronics GK Mighal, Electronics Devices and Applications. RP Join, Digital Flectronics py [de ‘ Dy. Registrar i baw __tAgaitemic) University o* Dajasthan AIPUR Watversity of Rajasthan 7, GK. Mithal, Electronics Devices aod Applications, 8. RP. Jain, Digital Blectronics. PRACTICAL ‘Teaching : 4 hrs/week Practical One-Paper *5¢hes. aardtion Min Pass Marks : 18 Note + Total number of experiments to, be perfbtnied “bythe srudents-dusingsthe session should be 16 selecting ahy’8 fr ‘each |" section, Section-A, 1. Study of dependence/of velocity of wave propagition oon' line parameler.using torsional wave: apparatus. * tidy of varintion-of reflection coefficient of nature ‘of termina tion-using.torsional wave apparatus. 5, Using platinanmresistance thermometer find the melting pointof eagiven substance, ‘i, Using Newton's sings method fing. out the wave-length 9! & gnonochrommatic souree-and find the-refractive index’ OF liquid. ° 5. Using Michelosoa’s interferometer find-out the wavelength of * given monochromatic source (Sodium Light) : 5, To determine dispersive power of prism. 7 To determine-wave length of sodium light using grating 3. To determine.wave length of sodium light using Biprista?” 9. Determine the thermodynamic constant ¥ ~ & asing-Elem- cent's & Desorme’s method. 9. To determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by: Lee's method. |. Deterraination of ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer.” + 2, Study of variation of total thermal radiation with temperatore: Section-B |. Plot therino emf versus teanperature graph and! fine the Hectral termpernturo (Uso san bath), 2, Study of power wing two diodes/bridge rectifier with various filter elre Py [Sea Dr, Registrar 8 Academic Universiiy of Rajeathan, Jaipur Syllabus: BSc. Part-I ‘Study of half wave rectifier using single dice sind-application’ ¥ of L and x section-filters, To study characteristics of a’given: transistor PNP/NPN Qt" mon emitter, common-base. and common» cONestr configurtaines). — ms Determination-of band gap-usinguajunctiondiode: ag Determinations ofspowerfaetor:(cos:8) of S:given“eoit-usiiig GRO. Stidy of; single-stage. transistor-audio amplifier: (istiatioii"oF" gain with frequency). To determine-e/m:by-Thomson’sentethod. Detemnination-of-velocity ofssound -in air by ‘stahdiigtwave method. usingisptaker,:micrephone-and CRO. Measurement of:indociancesof a-ebil-by Atidersét’s bridge, Measurement of capacitanes.andbielectric-eonstanv of a hiyuid and-gang, condensos-by-de-Sauty.bridge. By |Te. Dr. Registrar Academic University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 2, CHEMISTRY Scheme May Marks: 150 Duration (hes.1 Max. Marks. Min Pass Marks nd 3 33 x Pragiiwat x 1S Note: jen [f/ questions are to be set tsking (wo (02) questions from each unit. Candidates have oo isverant § questions selecting at least One question from each unit CH-201 Paper-1: Inorganic Chemistry (2 hrs or 3 periods/week) Uait-l Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series: (Cococceane properties of d-block elements Properties of the elements of the Hirst transition nary compounds and conpleres illustrating relative stability of their oxidation oordination number and geometry Chemistry of Elements of Second and Third Transition Series Gcucral chabaeleristies, comparative eaiment with their 3d-analogues in respect of ionie radii. \ciahen Sites magnetic behaviour, spectral properties and stereochemistry Coit Coordination Compounds: iors Gaorsiitiation theory and ils expenn-cnial Senticaiton, effective atomic number concept. ure of coordination conipounds. isomerism in coordination compounds, nes bund cheory of tea ition metal compteres, A onit-tt Chemistry of Lanthanide and Actinide Elements: t nie cr crite osidation states. wre cal and kanthanide contraction, complex imation. oo -eaton of lanthanide © snp ‘ . Goristhy of separation) Xjo Po and Am trom! sloc 1 Figneation ‘ So Qente properties Gamer anon Rehasier compares oh la tes and week boat Oxsdation and Reduction: Poential lata analy sas 6 fo peas stabilits ser Por} atener ancl « awa filpy Wophcation ot rede | struction uf olor © Jo On. ‘eel © temic Qh 8sthan, jsipur Unity Acids and Bases: fice Vehenius, Bronsted-Lowry, Lus-Flood. Solvent system concept and Lewis concept ot Non-aqueoiis Solvents: Phy sicdl properties of a solvent, types of solvents and their general characteristics, reactions in non-aqueous solvents with reference to liquid NHs and liquid SO CH-202 Paper-tl: Organic Chemistry (2 Hrs. or 3 periodshweek) Unit-f Electromagnetic Spectrum: An Introduction Absorption Spectroscopy Uitraviolet (LY) speetrascapy - Absorption laws (Beer-Lambert Lass}, molar absorptivity, presentation cawisais al UV spectra. types of electronic transitions, effect of slovents on transitions. effect of Concept ot chromophore and auxochrome. Bathochromie, bypsochromic. hyperchromic and nie shitts. UV spectra of conjugated dienes and enones. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy » Molecular sibrations. Hook’s las, selection rules, intensity and position of IR bands, measurement of IR spectrum, fingerprint region, characteristics absorption of various: fapatonal groups and interpretation of IR spectra of simple organic compounds. : Unit Mcohols - Classification and domenelauure Monalsdric cigohols » Methods of tarmation by reduction of aldehydes, ketones. carboxylic acids and eaters. Hydrogen bonding. Acidic nature. Reactions of aleoho! with mechanism. Dhiydric alcohols - methods of formation. chemical reactions of sicinal glycols, oxidative: /PheO. Ae) and HILO, | and pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement sicchols » methods of formation. chemical reactions of glycerol Phenols Nomenctatnre ructure and bonding, Preparation of Phenols. Physical properties and acidic hurr Comparative acidie strength of alcohofs and phenols Reactions of phenols Jotroplobs somatic substitution. deviation and carboxslation Mechanisms of Tyic ‘ hon Chasen rearrangement, Gaticrman svathests, Hauben-Hoesch reacuon. Lederer timer Hremann reas ties 1 Bthers anil F povides Methed at facmation physical properties Chommcai reactions Cieasaats and autooxidattion nosci-mnethed ~ ‘ uti Aad ad boos Gal od amg opening ot aesndes. oticmtation of eposads d= " ~ Regis cademic “asco of Rajasthan, Jaipue oe : poor Grignard and organolithium res nts with eporiies Uniti Aldebs des und Ketones Strictue of she earhnsi eroup Syntheses « Weds, and ketone uaitg | J-dithiane carboxy ie acids. Physical properties, Mechanism ef aucleophilic additions to carbony! group with particular emphasis on benzoin, aldol. Perian and Knoeven condensations. Condensation with ammonia and its derivatives. Wittig reaction, Mannich reaction. Oxidation of aldehydes, Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of ketones. Canmezaro reaction, MPV (Meervein-Pondrot-Verley), Clemmensen, Wolff-Kishner, LiAlH: and NaBH. reductions. Halogenation of enolizable ketones. Use of acetals and 1,3-dithiane as protecting group. chlorides. synthesis of rom nitriles and trom hydes from ac stlieses of ketones Unit-¥V Carbowybe Acids Structure and bonding. physical properties, acidity of carboxylic acids, effects of substituents on acid sfengtt Preparation of carboxylic acids Reactions of carboxylic acids, Hell-Volhard- Zelinsky reaction. Reduction of carboxylic acids. mechanism of decarboxylation, Methods ot ‘omnation and chemical reactions of halo acids Hydroxy acids - malic. trtaric and euurte acid Dtearbess ix cid) methods of formation and etfeer whutaric ane adipic acids} heat and dehysirating agents ‘succinic Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Structure, naghenclature and synthesis of acid chlorides. esiers, amides and acid anhydrides. Relative stati ‘of acy! derivatives. Physical properties. interconversion of acid derivatives by nucleophilic at $Fs@bstitution, Preparotinn of carboxylic acid derivatives. chemical reactions, mechanisms of esterification and hydro sts cact He and basie) Unies Organic C orpounds of Nitrogen Pr show of nitrodkanes and nitroarenes. Chenneat rea ucleophill sc bsauuti 'S of nitroalkanes, Mechanisms of nin nitoarenes and their reductions in acidic, neutral and alkaline meu! Aine. Semeure nomenclature and preparation of atks|. and an amines (reduction of aitre compounds into reductive amination ef atdchsdie and etonic compounds. Phy sical properts ochemmstry of amines Separation of a mixture of primary. secondary and ternars mines Seesctur i! veatures effecting basicity Gf amines Vining salts as phase-transter catals sts Gab caction and Hoffmann bomiamide ron san sitit mechanise K cloctrophiiee aromatic substituien ai ast anines, reactions of am » ' nd tiechanisiy Seuthoie te mistormanons of aryl dvaconnan PG [ Tas" Dr. Registrar ~~ Academic pet Relathan, one (2 | | | (CH-203 Paper HI: Physical Chemistry (2 Hrs. or & periodyweck) UNIT-L Phermods namics 1 Definition of Thermouy aamic Termy: Syste. surroundings. ete, Types of spstems. intense and extensive propertics. State and path functions and thetr differentials. Thermodynamic process, concephof heat and work. First Law of Phermodynamics — Statement, definition of internal energy and enthalpy. heat capacity, heat capacities at constant volume and pressure and their relationship. Joule’s law Joule-Thomson coefficient and inversion temperature. Calculation of w, q, dU & dH for the expansion of [eal gases under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible process Thermochemistry Standard siate, standard enthalpy of formation, Hess’s law of heat summation and its applications, Heat of reaction at constant pressure and at constant volume Enthalpy of neutralization, Bond dissociation energy and its calculation from thermo-chemicil data, temperature dependence of enthalpy. KirchhofT's equation, UNIT-IT ‘Thermodynamics Il Second Lew of Thermodynamics ; Need for the law. different statements of the law Camot cycle and i's efficiency, Camot-Theorem Thermodynamic seale of temperature. Concept of Entropy Entropy asa state function, entropy as a function of V&T. entuns as 4 function of Pec. entrops change in physical change. Clausius inequality and entropy as of spontaneity and equilibrium, Entropy change in ideal vases and mixing of gases. Third Law of Thermodynamics © Nernst heat theorem, statement and concept of -esidutl entropy. evaluation of absolute entropy from heat capactty data Gibbs and Helmholtz functions Gibbs funetjen ((4) and flelmholiz function (A) as: thermods namic quantities. A & Gas critena for thermod¥namie equilibrium and spontaneity. their advantage over entropy change. Variation of Gand A with P Vand Chemical Equilibrium: Eguilityiuin coustant and free energy. Thermodynamic derivation of law of mass Chate ier’s principle Reaction Isotherm and reaction isochore Clapeyron equation a Clapesron equation, applications teria le us sustus UNEP Phase Equilibrium: Statement snd meaning of the terms phase, component and Gog. ot freedom, deri union of Gibbs phase rule, phase equilibrs af ane component system - nel StUlpburr sy sro Phase equilibrna of two ent onent system sofid-igunt cqurbbria simple eutectic fe 4 Ps cad Ae sy tens Soneation at Solid solutions hid formation wet Canetachs orica port ¢Me-/ny and ein FOES ster Preesing nnytures atone os ree Liquid. Liquid mistures [ucal hapa mastites Raoul sand Henry's law, Nom ie Pee Py |war . «. Registrar 13 * Academic - 1 pot Rajasthan, “sipae UNET-TV FP pochenmistiey 1 Heit tanpttvanduction i metab and in electrolyte solutons, specific conductance and onductance. variation of eauivalent and ieivotancs. measurement of equivaent specific conductanee with diluuion Migration of dows and Roblrausch lav. Arhenius theory of electrolyte dissociation and its Linitattons, sseak and strong electrolytes. Ostwald’s ditution law. its uses and limitations. Debye= ee equation for strong lectrolytes (elementary teatment only). Transport umber, ad n and determination by Hittorf 's method and moving boundary method. Applications of Conductivity measurements: Determination of degree of dissociation, determination of K, of acids, determination of solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt, conductometric titrations. UNIT-V Flectrochemistey =I Types of reversible electrodes » Gas-metal- ion, metal-metal ion, metal-insoluble salt anion and redox clectrdes. electrode reactions, Nemst equation, derivation of cell EMF und single clectzoke potential, standard hydrogen electrode, reference electrodes, standard electrode potential, sign conventions, electrochemical series and its significance Fecivals te and Galvanic cells - reversible and imeversible cells. conventional representation af electrochet EMF of a ce:d und 1s measurements. Computation of cells EMP. Calculation of thermody nani yousatities 1 cell reactions (4G, AH and K), polarization, over potential and hydrogen overvohage Concentration cell with and withou: transport. liquid junction potential, appheution ot concentiatian cells, Valeney of ions. solubihts product and activity coefficient, potentiometric trations. | Dofinitonig tt and pK. determination wi pl using hydrogen quinhydrone and glass & by potentionh tric methods. odes, Duggested Books 1 Pruciples of Physical Chemisty. f Pur, Sharma and M. S. Pathania * A Lest Book of Physical Chemisas VS Negi and S.C. Anand, ¥ \ fest Book of Physical Chemists Kundu and Jain. 4 Ihe coments of Physical Chemistrs PW \:kins. Oxford > Uavesues General Chemistry CNR Kiis, Mae Millan, (He 204 Chi Practical (Pays course), Labi G hrs or 6 perinds/ week) Inorgnnie Chemistry (0) Preparaion of Standard Solutions DU tran PM te 001 AL chan at ect Hi Pal TS . 14, De Registrar ‘ Academic tur Unie sity of Rajasthan wees eesti oh tenrouts and ferric by dichromate method Fi ser using thiosulphate iin Geayimennig Stray no Nias Ni rsfirsettay belyennme Organic Chemistry (i) Lal ory Techniques A {Payer Chromatography Determination of Ry values and identification of organic compounds [ay Separation of green leaf pigments (spinach leaves may be used) {hy Preparation and separation of 2 finitrophenythydrazones of acetone. 2-butanone rote sing toluene and light petroleum ( 40-60) solvent hexan-2-one and hexan- system (ey Separation of a misture of dyes using cyclohexane and ethyl acetate (8.5 © 1.5 1B. Paper Chromatography: Ascending and Circular Sjetermination of Ry Values and identification of organic compounds. gay Separation of mixture of phenylalanine and glycine Mlanine and aspartic acid ve and glutaric acid, Spray reagent - ninhydrin SRN aot cmisture of DL ~ alanine, glycine and T Leucine (Sing a-butanc! seotie whl water G2} 4). Spray reagenteninhydrin eo Sepaeanon ot monosaccharides a mustare of D+ galactose and DeFructose | sine seeal agetone water (425-1) Spray reagent by. Registrar (Academic!) 18. University of Rajasthan ‘Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-l Section - A HabiéMiabitat, Morphology,Structure, Organs and Systems ( Locomotion, Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Exeretory, Nervous Reproductive), Life Cycle,* Affinities and *Adaptations. Note :* indicates whenever required. arthropoda:Palaemon(Indian Fresh water Prawn), Scorpion, Periplaneta,Grasshopper,Apis. Onychophora :Peripatus. Section -B Habit, Habitat. Morphology. Structure, Organs and Systems ( Locomotion, Digestive, Cireulatory, Respiratory, Exeretory, Nervous &Reproductive), Life Cycle,*Affinities and * Adaptations. Note :* indicates whenever required. Mollusca: Pila, Unio, Sepia Echinodermata: Asterias,Echinus, Cucumaria. Hemichordata: Balanglossus and its phylogenetic significance Section - C Invertebrate Adaptations 1. Salient features of Hemichordata. 2. Evolution of canal system of sponges. 3. Parasitic adaptations in Helminthes. 4. Social organization in termites and honey bees. 5. Direct and indirect development in insects. 6. Water vascular system of starfish. 7. Crustacean larvae & mouth parts of insects. 8. Parasitism in Crustacea. PAPER - Il: Z-202 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY NOTE: 1. There will be two parts of this theory question paper with a total duration of 3 hours. Fist part of question paper will comprise of question No. 1 containing 9 very short nswer (Maximum 25 words) type questions, each of 1 mark. This partis compulsory to attempt. Questions should be evenly distributed covering entire syllabus. Second part of question paper will be of long answer type questions having three scctions, There will be total 9 questions (Q. No. 2 to 10) in this part, fe. three from ach unit section, out of which candidate will be required to attempt any 4 questions selecting at least one question from each unit/section. Each question will camry 6 marks. >. The candidate has to answer all questions in the main answer book only. Dy. Registrar (Academi 9 University of Rajasthan ‘ Jaipur syllabus B.Sc, Part-tl Section - A ‘Anixibil Physiology with special reference (0 mammals 1 2. 3. Physiology of digestion: Various types of digestive enzymes and their digestive action in the alimentary canal. Physiology of blood circulation: Composition and functions of blood; mechanism of blood clotting; heart beat; cardiac eycle; blood pressure; body temperature regulation. Physiology of respiration: Mechanism of breathing: exchange of gases: transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood; regulation of respiration. Physiology of excretion: Kinds of nitrogenous excretory end products (ammonotelic, venotelie and ureotelic); role of liver in the formation of these end products. Fecctional architecture of mammalian kidney tubule and formation of urine; hormonal regulation of water and electrolyte balance (Homeostasis). Section-B Regulatory aspects of Animal Physiology 1. Physiology of nerve impulse and reflex action: Functional architecture of a neuron, origin and propagation of nerve impulse, synaptic transmission, reflex arc. 2. Physiology of muscle contraction: Functional architecture of skeletal muscles; chemical and biophysical events during contraction ‘and relaxation of muscle fibers. 3, Types of endocrine glands, their secretions ‘and functions: Pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, testis and ovary. 4, Physiology of Reproduction: Hormonal control of male and female reproduction, implantation, parturition and lactation in mammals. 5. Preliminary idea of neurosecretion, hypothalamic control of pituitary function. Section-C Biochemistry 1. Carbohydrates: Structure, function and significance; oxidation of glucose through glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and oxidative phosphorylation; interconversion of glycogen and glucose in liver; role of insulin and glucagon. 2. Proteins ; Structure, function and significance, essential and non-essential amino acids, transformation of amino acids: deamination, transmination, decarboxylation. Synthesis of protein and urea, fate of ammonia (Ornithine cycle), fate of carbon skeleton. 3, Lipids: Structure, function and significance; Beta-oxidative pathway of fatty acids; brief account of biosynthesis of triglycerides. Cholesterol and its metabolism. p, Ls Dy. Registrar (Academic-l) University of Rajasthan 20 Piepur syllabus B.Sc. Partll Paper — Il: Z-203 Immunology, Microbiology & Biotechnology NOTE: 1. There will be two parts of this theory question Paper with a total duration of 3 hours. First part of question paper will comprise of question ‘No. 1 containing 10 very short ngwer (Maximum 25 words) type questions, each of | mark. This part is compulsory to attempt. Questions should be evenly distributed covering entire syllabus. Second part of question paper will be of long answer (ype questions having three sections. There will be total 9 questions (Q. No. 2 to 10) in this part, ie., three from ach unit /section, out of which candidate will be required to etiemP! Siy 4 questions selecting at least one question from each unit/seetion. Each question will carry 6 marks. 2. The candidate has to answer all questions in the main answer book only. Section - A Immunology 1 Immunology: Definition, types of immunity: innate and acquired; humoral and cell mediated, Organs of immune system. 2, Antigen and antibody: Antigenicity of molecules, haptens, antibody types. 3. Antigen-Antibody reactions: Precipitation reaction, agglutination reaction, neutralizing reaction, complement and lytic reactions and phagocytosis. 4, Immunity Regulating Cells: Macrophages, lymphocytes (B and T-Types) T-helper cells, T-Killer cells, plasma cells and memory cells. 5. Mechanism of humoral or antibody mediated immunity and cell mediated immunity. Section - B Microbiology 1 Brief introduction to the History of Microbiology: Work of Anatony ‘Van Leeuwenhoek, theory of spontaneous generation, germ theory of fermentation and disease: Works of Louis Pasteur, John Tyndall, Robert Koch and Edward Jenner. 2. ‘The Prokaryota (Bacteria) : Structural organization: (i) Size, shapes and patterns of arrangement, (i) Structural organization: Slime layer (Capsule), cell envelopes: cytoplasmic membrane (inner membrane). Cell wall (outer membrane) of Gram- negative and Gram-positive bacteria; mesosmes; cytoplasmic organization; cell projections: flagella and cilia. 3. Genetic material of Bacteria: Chromosome, replication of ‘bacterial DNA. 4. Reproduction in Bacteria: ‘Asexual reproduction, binary fission, budding, endospore formation, exospores and cyst formation; sexual reproduction, conjugation. bj [Se py. Registrar (Academic!) University of Rajasthan 2 ‘ anu Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Microbial Nutrition : Culture of bacteria a. Carbon and energy source b. Nitrogen and minerals c. Organic growth factors 4. Environmental factors : Temperature and pH Bacteria of Medical Importance: @ — Gram-Positive a. Cocei: Staphylococci, Streptococe! b. —_Bacilli: Diptheria, Tetanus. (ii) Gram-Negative a. Cocei: Gonnorhea, Meningitis b. _Bacilli: Diarrhoea (iii) Mycobacteria: Tuberculosis, Leprosy Section - C Biotechnology 1 Definition, history, scope and application of biotechnology, major areas of biotechnology (microbial, plant and animal biotechnology). Vectors for gene transfer. Basic concepts of animal cell, tissue, organ and embryo culture. Genetic engineering (outline idea only): Applications of genetic engineering, hazards and regulations. Protoplast fusion in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Recombinant DNA technology; hybridomas and their applications, PCR. DNA finger printing, DNA foot printing. RFLP, RAPD & AFLP, Human genome project. Monoclonal antibodies and their applications. Brief account of cloning: its advantages and disadvantages. Biotechnology in medicine (outline idea only), antibiotics, vaccines, enzymes, vitamins, artificial blood. Environmental Biotechnology (outline idea only): Metal and petroleum recovery, pest control, waste water treatment, Food, drink and dairy biotechnology (outline idea only): Fermented food production; dairy products, wine, beer, vinegar and food preservation, Py (dar Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) 22 University of Rajasthan ‘Oaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Practical - Zoology Min. Marks: 18 L Ih. Mm. Study of Museum Specimens: Onychophora Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Hemichordata Study of Microscopic Slides: Arthropoda Mollusca Echinodermata Anatomy: PrawniSquilla Pila 4 Hrs. / Week Max. Marks: 50 Peripatus Limulus, Spider, Scorpion, Centipede, Millipede, Lepas,Balanus, Squilla,Eupagurus, Crab, Mantis, Honey-bee, (queen, king, worker) Locust, Silkworm Moth, Beetle, White grub. Chiton, Aplysia, Cypraea, Mytilus, PearlOyster, Dentalium, Loligo, Nautilus. Pentaceros, Echinus, Cucumaria,Antendon. Ophiothrix, Balanoglossus. VS. of integument (cuticle): Pediculus, Bedbug, Termite and its castes, Cyclops, Daphnia, crustacean larvae (Nauplius, Metanauplius, Zoea, Mysis, Megalopa, Phyllosoma), statocyst of prawn. V.S. of shell, T.S. gill of Pila, T.S of gill of Unio, Glochidium larva. Larval forms External features, appendages, alimentary canal and nervous system; Hastate Plate External features,pallial and system; osphradium, radula. organs nervous Py [Te Dy. Registrar (Acader University of Rajasthan Phin i) 23 Iv. Vi vil. wa Gi) Syllabus B.Sc, Part-I! Study of the Following Through Permanent Slide Preparation: Study of different cell types -Blood smear (Wrights or Leishman stain). Ospharadium, gill lamella and radula of pila. (ii) Statocyst and Hastate plate of Prawn/Squilla 1. 4. . Microbiology Immunology and Biotechnology: Preparation and use of culture media for microbes. . Study of microbes in food materials like curd,ete (Gram +ve& Gram-ve bacteria, ‘Aspergillus, Mucor, Rhizopus, Penicillium, Alternaria and Fusarium ). . Educational tour to any Microbiology laboratory/ Dairy/ Food processing factory/ Distillery. Collection of material may also be encouraged wherever possible. Candidates are required to submit a detailed report of the visit. Antigen-antibody reactions-precipitation, agglutination. Animal Physiology: 1. 2. 6. Counting of red and white blood cells in the given blood sample. Estimation of hemoglobin in the given blood sample. . Estimation of haematocrit value (PCV) in the given blood sample. Demonstration of enzyme activity (catalase) in liver. . Study of salivary digestion of starch and the effect of heat and alcohol on salivary digestion of starch. Study of histological structure of major endocrine glands of mammals. Biochemistry: 1 2. 3. Detection of protein, carbohydrate and lipid in the animal tissue/food samples. Identification of different kinds of mono-, di- and poly-saccharides in the given food samples. Circular Paper chromatography of dyes/amino acids. Py [Vee Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) 24 University of Rajasthan ‘aipur Syllabus B.S. Part-II B.Sc. Part - IT Scheme of Practical Examination Distribution of Marks Time: 4 Hrs. Min, Pass Marks. ; 18 Max. Marks: 50 Regular Ex. N.C, Students 1. Anatomy (any system) 6 5 2. Permanent Preparation 4 6 3, Exercise in Microbiology/immunology/Biotechnology 4 6 4. Exercise in Animal Physiology 5 6 5. Exercise in Biochemistry 5 6 6. Identification and comments on Spots (1 to 8) 16 16 7. Viva Voce 5 5 8. Class Record 5 : 50 50 Notes: 1. Anatomy: Study of systems of the prescribed types with the help of dissection, 2. With reference tomicroscopic slides, in case of non-availability, the exercise should be substituted with diagrams/ photographs. 3. Candidates must keep a record of all work done in the practical class and submit the same for inspection at the time of the practical examination. 4. Mounting material for permanent preparations would be as per the syllabus or as available through collection and culture methods. 5. It should be ensured that animals used in the practical exercises are not covered under the wild life act 1972 and amendments made subsequently. Py [se Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) 25 University of Rajasthan Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Recommended Books: il. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Bares R. D: Invertebrate Zoology, W. B. Saunders, 1969. Barrington EJW: Invertebrate Structure and Function, 2" edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1978. Barrington EJW: The Biology of Hemichordata and Protochordata. Oliver & Boyd, London 1965. . Barrett KE, Barman SM, Boctano, $ and Brooks HL. Ganongs: Review of Medical Physiology. 24” edition McGraw Hill Education India Pvt. Ltd., 2012. Berril NJ: The Tunicates. The Roy Society, London. Brusca RG and Brusca GJ: Invertebrates. 2™ edition Sinauer/Panima Books, 2003. Cooper GM and Hausman RE: The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 6" edition ASM Press Washington, DC/ Sinauer/Panima Books, 2013. Conn EE, Stumpf PK, Bruening G, Doi, RH: Outline of Biochemistry. 5" edition. John Wiley & Sons, 1987. De Robertis EDP and De RobertisJr EMF: Cell and Molecular Biology. 8" edition Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, 2006. David R, Burggren Wand French K: Eckert Animal Physiology. 5” edition W H Freeman & Company, New York, 2001. Eckert R, Randall D. J. Burggen W, French K: Eckert Animal Physiology and Burggren WW & Co, Ltd., 1997. Fox SI: Human Physiology. 8” edition McGraw Hill Education 2003. Gardner EL, Simmons MJ and Snustad DP: Principles of Genetics 8" edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006. Giese A. C: Cell Physiology. 4'" Edition, Saunders, 1973. Glick BR., Paeternak JJ: Molecular Biotechnology, 4" edition ASM Press, 2010. Goldsby RA, Kindt TJ and Osborne BA: Kuby Immunology. WH Freeman and Co., New York, 2002. Grant: Biology of Developmental System Gupta PK, Genetics: Classical to Modern. Rastogi Publications,2007. Hall JE: Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 12" edition Saunders Publications, 2010. Hill RW, Wyse GA, Anderson M: Animal Physiology. 3" edition Sinauer Associates Inc.USA, 2012. Hyman LH: The Invertebrates, Vol. 6, McGraw Hill. Jordan EL and Verma PS: Invertebrate Zoology.S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2012. Karp G: Cell & Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments.7" editionJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013. Kotpal RL: Modern Text Book of Zoology:Invertebrates.Rastogi Publications, 2012. Lal SS: Practical Zoology Invertebrate.11® revised editionRastogi Publications, 2014. Lehninger AL: Biochemistry. 2” edition Kalyani Publishers, 1991. Pe | de Dy. Registrar (Academicel) University of Rajasthan 26 jaipur 21. 2. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43 44. Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Lal $8: Practical Zoology Invertebrate. 11" revised edition, Rastogi Publications, 2014. Lehninger AL: Biochemistry. Kalyani Publisher, 2008. Lodish I1, Berk A, Kaiser CA, Krieger M, Bertscher A, Ploegh H, Amon A, Scott M P. Molecular Cell Biology. 7" edition. Mac Millian High Education (International edition) England, 2013. Meyers R. A: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (A comprehensive Desk References John Wiley & Sons, 1995. Murphy K: Janeway’s Immunology. Garland Science; 8" edition, 2011. Nelson DL and Cox MM: .Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 5" edition W. H. Freeman, 2008. Nelson DL and Cox MM: Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. 6” edition W. H. Freeman, 2013. Owen J, Punt J, Stranford $: Kuby Immunology. 7" edition WH Freeman & Co. Ltd., 2013. Old RW and Primrose SB: Principles of Gene Manipulation: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering. University of California, 1980. Sastry KV: Animal Physiology and Biochemistry. 2” edition Rastogi Publications, 2014-15. Vander AJ, Sheerman J, Liciano D: Human Physiology: The Mechanics of Body Function. McGraw Hill Co., New York, 1998. Verma PS and Jordan EL: Invertebrate Zoology. $ Chand &Co, Ltd, New Delhi, 2001 Verma PS, Tyagi BS, Agarwal VK: Animal Physiology. 6" edition S. Chand& Co., 2004. Voet D and Voet JG: Biochemistry. 4" edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. Voet D and Voet JG: Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990. Verma PS: A Manual of Practical Zoology: Invertebrates. $.Chand &Co. Ltd.New Delhi, 1971. Voet D and Voet JG: Biochemistry. 4 edition, John Wiley & SonsInc., 2011. Wake MH: Hyman's Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. 3“edition University of Chicago Press Ltd., London, 1992. Dy. Registrar (Academic-1) University of Rajasthan 27 Jaipur duration bes. duration ¢ £ questions in each paper didate has to answer ail © 18 very shor: answer 28 May Maris 1 Max. Marks 33 Max. Marks 23 Max. Marks 34 Max, Marks 30 3 hours 4 hours a PAPER-D Moteculs) Siege and Biotechnology S seeks toed US 3 ed RAS UMRNATRS Genetic Vsserials Bioiegici physical nature of heredity material. Xwucture of Watson and Crick model of DNA, \ucteosome DN\ repiteation: Meselson Stahl experiment of semiconservative replication of NA: RNA Primers, Oka aki-fragments, polymerases. DN A-Protein interactions, Preiimeiry account of DNA damaye and repart Unit-2 Ceniral dogn@ ot lite, Transeription in eukaryotes: role of promoter. gene pre mRS.\ SEEMENS pr MIRNA processing: « splicing and polyadenylation Translation (eden) Fi sot elongation and termination Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: * attesuatic ov Reveng | nseriptase and its application Le ane positive contre Unit-3 Biotechnology: Functions detain Basic aspects of Plant tissue vulture. basal medium svedia preparation “Ihilioysaptic colture technique Concept of cellular totipotence: (3 Ditterentiation ad morphsscsens Mieropropagation: Tissue culture and its application: concept of Prevoplast eu ‘wither culture, Embryo culture and their applications. Unie Recombinant PNA teehnulees J techniques used in FN 4 technology ~ enrsmes. : stustor Bactertophage. plasmids. cosmids und Shromawame INV Kos wns, cere ain litigation Polymerioe cham resetion, Applicat, PCR techn INV esycepentiy, sg ats uses Appheatwn of Bintechnology and Tra sc. plants 1 wrevhoot tip, veda m plan act 2 ested Bul + + Gilded ty Meerut” Col and Molecular Biology Resogi Publicatios, 2 Gamsore Ot and Philips (<1 095) Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ uitue ip 3 Onysrsagar, VR. (1986). Cy:oiogy and Genetics, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Cu. Lic. New Delhi 4 Verma. PS and Agarwal, VK (20121, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology Evolution and Evology. S. Chand and Co Ltd. New Delhi Bray, DJ Raft. M_ Roberts, K_and Wasson, LD. (2001). Moievuta: WOH Gurlind Pubashing © be New York Sinlog 6 Muaios DA freyer GA are to Na (2803), DNA Science a first wwurse Second Fay. Col Spring Harbor Lanoratary Press. NY. USA, 7 Racal MK (1993) An Intretucssor co Plant Tissue Culture. Oxford & IBH Publishine Co Pvt Etd) New Delhi 8. Mascarenhas. AF. (1088). Nundionk ot sant tissue culture, Publication & faformetion Div. ICAR. New Dethi 9 Purohit SS. and Mothar, SK Agro Botanical Publishers, Hikanes %e) Suotechnology fundamentals and applications AO.Rana SVS 120124 iBatechnigues 1 weer & practice (Vhid Lidl) Rastogi Publicatios Meerut Py (eS. Ory 30 * Repianer . Catversuy of Rajasthan, Saigur & Paper-I] MLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHE MIS i RY (2 hrs Week) Unie Wee y Ds ploperticy, importance 1 phan a 6 Fangpie Ascent of sap amspiiiion Cettation al Nipoting Essential naro and macre nutrients: their uptake hydroponies-and nutrient feasirtinent felliciency and toxicus symptoms. of organic substinees S of nutrients +) oncept of water potential vanspiration. Gu:tation, stomatal movement, Mechanisms of phloem iranvnort, factors regulating the Unit2 is Bigunents, Photosynthetic apparatus “ene phowophosphorylation, C fight veaction. photo system | (Calvin eyele). C. cycle, and factors affecting the ind anaetobie respiration: REO Respirators Que sudatve phospious lation and Pictars affeets ee Aerubie vient), Krebs cycle, Process Fermentation ietron bmn . Mhponance, nomenclatire. fasstficanon os # sncture & fiunetion of ine. aud vly coprotern, sicettochemir properties. peptide 2 ot procenns, phystetl and chemin re, ctucture and classi Fonds. chemical bonds and cel properties Suinadeonomenchature & classification at co nam AF keHOR Bu cuesme. Charactenstics of “enayme stem, regulation of enzyme activity, of Katty acids (saturated nee and unsaturated) \inha and Beta oxidation (Hoo sd appheation of secundary metabelites font Sool dormanes ant eummeatien, plant movement on sven concept of florigen and BAL HA Aer . by (tas De e . Univeristy et a Jay pve gig ot Rajan, arper \ oN and Bhatio KoONo Plant physics Teueman Book oe KK Fundament. sant physiology. S. Cron. & fompans Lig ~ KR and Vern \ textbook of plant pro srs 2 hemisiry . vlogs 8 Chane Lau 2000 Ser \ featbook at prise pia siology. ANF Books indie ind Seesat Ko Textbook of phase pry Kalyani Ehergiges: {Le Getermine the osmone potential ol vacuolar Sap by plasmalytic method. | 2 ba study the permeability et plasma membrane using diflerent concentrations of pi solvents 3 rudy the effect of temperature of permeability of plasms membrane, \ seputrate chloroplast pigments by solvent method © separate chloroplast pigments using paper chromatography j 6 Fe separate amino acids ine mixture by paper ehromarogiapliy sare the standard curve of protein venyonstrate the tests for proteins in the vrknown amples voothaly the enzyme activity - Catalase Sscase snd aims ase. tests for different types ot Carbon grates oi pads hows sus of ¥FOWTH hormone (UNE. e\tok: gibbere) sea tabion of phenomenow of osmosis MY use Uf peraty osmometer bo demonstrate root pressure { Ja dy demonstrate rate of transpiration by use of polcneters 1S. ickosunthesis bv inverted funnel method, Moil’s © © so demonstrate-anaerobic and aerobic respiration by Ganong’s respirometer ssurenent of growth using auxane ter 32 Br. gs 2 . = Paper HII Pleridoplistes, Gymnosperms & Palaeubotany (2 hrs. week) Umet Plo piytes C dicate iG MES De vhutien and wemiation ot Sonar spscen ov Piesedaph csporangiate end veptesnorangiate developmen: ot . apui Frene phptes Lnite phoRB A Sapatoney and seproduction oun Selagineida Pawivetum and Marsilea. sceriaties of Gymnosperns. distribution and classification «.R.Sporne). nits Moose ie). anatomy, reproduction ana lite cycle of Crews. Pinus and Ephedra keonamic 2 parties of Gymnasperms, wsscls. Ueologival time scale Sar, Resed Plerndephs reconstructed plants-Lepidedendron and Lisninosperns HPiscarssen Suggested Laboratory F yercises Stuct sf external orphology. aaatomy of vegetatn ¢ and reproductive parts of Psilotum ‘a. Equiyetum and Marsitea Studs of external morpheiogs sntoms of vegetal cand reproductive parts uf Cvcas Pos al Apher rossils and stides ol Lossily Prepanaboa of chart ALGenlogical tine scale Suagested Keadings 4 ve spel nS ah Plant and Fung: 1% : Bj [V& a oy, Registre’ Keene - a Bz. codemic) ; ig t —e s boos Petes 2000, Tod: siortiny Pubheations » 1 Ro gad Saxena, R-C.1890 ee of Botany, Rastogi Publications, Meerus Spore KR 2002 The dels lorphology of Gy nnosperiny, BU. Pub. Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai. Kolkata, Sacto Pioradophytes $5 hand & Co.New Delhi Wi SS oe Rothe ull GW, 1906 F Gacohotany and Evolution of Plants, 2% Ed versity Press, bo Suigh © Pages PAA fain D.K.2015 4 bent book of Botany (1V’ Ed). Rastogi Publications, ) (TS i" pete A Universtiy 26 Rajsatba, Jaipur 34 | BOTANY PRACTICAL EXAMINATION B. Sc PART-II SKELETON PAPER MLM. 50 TIME: 4 Hours SNe. — Practical Regular Ey Nc (31 “C. sment on the Tissue culture or Biotech 3 se based on molecular biology Peron the given physiolog Pe. procedure, results based on cbye- olved jemical test soso” uing reasons. Ss u Wuable preparation of material \ eclul)s reproductive part), Draw labe'led sketc entity giving reasons, write the 7 ~ etions and sidopnytey < « sunteble preparation o* materis! “B"| Ghmnosperm) 7 (vexetative/reproductive part). Draw a labell d skeich, Identils ving | fea ! py 85 Dr. Registrar Academic. . 35 University gf Rajasthan, Jaipur 5. GEOLOGY + 36 3 hs. duration Shs. duration 3 hts, duration 3S: (Ts Strar i Dr. Re, Aczdem, Univers 36 Max. Maris ; 100 150 Max. Marks. : 59 Max. Marks : 50 Min. Pass Parks : 1g Universlty of Rajesthon “Note : The.paper will contain nine questions having three'qués- | tion in each section. Candidates are required to-attempt five'quéstion in all taking atleast one question from each section. ue Paper-I : Palaeontology and Structural Geology Section-A Definition, Scope, sub-division, and relationship of pildetitology with other branches. . ~ Fossils-condition necessary for preservation, moxitSf préserva- tion, uses, Blementaryrideas aboutorigin of life, evolutidn aitd fossil records, ‘Skeletal morphokign-and: geological distribution of folleWwitig groups Foramanifers, Brazhiopods: Mollusca (Lamelibranches, ‘Gastro- pods and Cephalopods-Nautiloids, Ammnoids, Dibtanchia), ‘Fritebités. Echinoids, Graptoloids and Corals. Section-B Gondwana Flore-morphological cheracters of the’flora : Vortebraria, Glossopteris, Gangamopteris, Ptilophyllam. . Unconformity-its kinds, recognition in the field arid- geological significance. Overlap and Offlap. Inliery and Outliners. Basic. Concept of cleavages. Lineation, Joints, Salt Domes. Seetion-C Attitude of planes (Bledding Planes) and lines, Dip-(true and apparent, Strike, Pitch and Plunge. Uses.of Clindtiteter/Bed : appar- tent and vertical thickness. Criteria to determine top anid Bottom se quence, Morphology of folds and faults, their geometric and’génetié- classification and recognition in the field. Elementary ideas of the mechanics of folding and faulting, Practical - Palaeontology : Identification, description and drawing of differ- cnt views of the following fossils: Mummutites, Calymene, Paradoside, Trinucleus, Phacops, Olenus, Olenellus, Terebrotuala, Products, Spirifer, Rynchonelta, Ateypa, athyris, Lingula, Strophoniéna, Arca, Pecten, trigonia, Cardium, Hippurite, Venus, Lima, Ingcergmus, Lopha, Gryphaea, Exogyra, Spondlylus, Trochus, Conig; Natica, Tirritella, Physa, Murex, Cyprea, Bellerophone, Maiiltus, Ganiatites, Ceratites, 3} Syliebus :B.Se. Part-IT ' Perisphinctes, Belemoite, Cidaris, Hemiaster, Glessopteris, Gangainopteris, Vectebrari2, Piillopbyhum, oe Structural Geology : Study of physiographics features in- ‘opographical maps andhuse of elinometer compassedrawing-ptofles + and. goological-sectioncalong given direction, Scag Simple dip-andstrike-problems-connected-withriewesaihapper. nt sy tru andavertioal thickness and-widtivoBithesontoropsby>~ calculation andsgeometrical-methods, rn Completions of-outerops : Determination ofsthie fibeds; identification oftstractural-featres: in. hand-spébimengadawing. of: profiles and sectionsshowing.the following features-. implesbeds, folds,-favlts, unconformities, overlaps, offlapscandeintrusion, Books recommenifed. Woods, H. : Ralacontology invertebrate. Lehmann, U.,-Hillmer, g. 1983; Fossil Invertebrates: Gambcidgo University Press. Niele, 6.W. and Tucer V.C.T, 1985; Palecontology-An Introdue- tion, Pergamon Press Paper-lI : Petrology {rote = The paper will contain nine question-imeach section Candidates are required to.attempt five questions: im all selecting-at least one question from:each section, Section-A Nature and composition of magmas, plutonic, hypnbysal and ‘lean cocks, inttusiva-andhextrusive forms, streture and texto stificationtoB igncous rosks, Crystallization of basdltic magma, Bowen's Reaction Principle, differentiation and assimilation, Crysulisaton of unicomponeat and bicomponent silicate melis, Piboside-bite-Anorthite baslt system and variation of| ignedus rocks, Shidy of common igneous rocks-Granite, thyolite, gabbro, basalt, Pegmatite, dolerite, syenite, dorite and peridotite SeptionB [rovess of formation of sedimentary rocks-Weathering, decom position. disintegration, teaaspartation nd deposition. Concept of hification and diageneaf, di cks-Struatute, texturs, residual, mechanically (anspe (eo chemioal and organte deposits, Blementary idea of sels : - nrenory environments and provinanee Ps [Tost Le Dr. Registrar 5a ai Acsdemic Riversity of Rajasthan, Jalpoe a ‘ee University of Rajasthan Study of common sedimentary rocks-sandstone limestone; shale conglomerate and greywacke. Section-C Metamerphiso»stagents:and-types; Concept of gratle:"inid ticles: of metamorphism, Fexture, structure-and-classification-oPinetamor- ° phic rocks. ‘Types of metamorphism anditheinproducts, Cataclfistics tema cand. regional metamorphism «BynamothermalemetaniorphigmPsfi's so» asgillaccousrand-caleareousitocks. ~Retrogradesmetamampbismandemetasomatism anatexia* Study" cofsimportant-metamorphiosrockyslate, schist Snel pralite vmarble. Practical Potrology »Neatycrawing. of-ditterent-forms assumed by. intrus siverigneous rocks ¢Shidy-and recording of the:typicalstextures of plutonic, hypabyassaland-voleanie.tocks, Megascopic.stedy.ofsthe following jgncous rocks": Granite, ‘pogmatte, apie, syenite, nepetine-syenite, diostexigabbro, norte ‘edunite, peridot ichyte. Microscopiostudy of the following reeks; Grani > basalts,-obsidian,« lamprophyre}Metamarphiorsckt =Studyeor typicat-textures vol sedimentary-and.metamarphitosksSystematiormepascopie and Inierescopie ‘study efthesfollowingrencks types ':-Conglorerate, breccia, sandstone, kasergreywrecks shal; limestone; slatyppyllite, Schist, gneiss, marble quartaite,-migialite auc charmookite Book Recommended 1. Tyrrel, GW. :.The-principles of Petrology, Metheum & Co, London. 2. Harker, A. : Petrology, McGraw Hill Book Co. Ine. New York, 3. William, Turner & Gilbert, Petrogaphy CBS Jackson, J. Text Book of Lithology. 5. Hatch & Wales, Beteplogy, s HQ, : Minerals & Migroseg, Publisher, Dethi ralogy, CBS Publisher, Dethi Academte Unives: Ssof Rajasthan, Jaipur Teaching : 3 Hours per Week per Theory Paper. Syllabus B.Sc. Part-I! 6. MATHEMATICS B.Sc. Part-II 2020 2 Hours per Week per Batch for Practical Examination Scheme: Min.Pass Marks Max. Marks Science ~ 54 150 Arts —72 200 Duration Max. Marks Paper-I Real Analysis Shrs. 40 (Science) 53 (Arts) Paper-11 Differential Equations 3 hrs. 40 (Science) 53 (Arts) Paper— II Numerical Analysis 3hrs. 40 (Science) 54 (Arts) Practical 2 hrs. 30 (Science) 40 (Arts) Note: 1. Common paper will be set for both the Faculties of Social Science and Science. However, the marks obtained by the candidate in the case of Faculty of Social Science will be converted according to the ratio of the maximum marks of the papers in the two Faculties. Each candidate is required to appear in the Practical examination to be conducted by internal and external examiners. External examiner will be appointed by the University and intemal examiner will be appointed by the Principal in consultation with Local Head/Head, Department of Mathematics in the college. An InternaV/extemnal examiner can conduct Practical Examination of not more than 100 (Hundred) Candidates. Each candidate has to pass in Theory and Practical examinations separately. Pj (0 Dy. Registrar (Academic!) 4o University of Rajasthad Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc, Part-II Paper — I: Real Analysis Teaching : 3 Hours per Week Duration of Examination : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 40 (Science) 53 (Arts) Note: This paper is divided into FIVE Units. TWO questions will be set from each Unit. Candidates are required to attempt FIVE questions in all taking ONE question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. Unit 1: Real numbers as complete ordered field, Limit point, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, closed and Open sets. Concept of compactness and connectedness. Heine-Borel theorem. Holder inequality & Minkowski inequality, Metric space — Definition and examples, Open and Closed sets, Interior and Closure of a set, Limit point of a set in metric space. Unit 2: Real sequences- Limit and Convergence of a sequence, Monotonic sequences, Cauchy’s sequences, Subsequences, Cauchy’s general principle of convergence. Properties of continuous functions on closed intervals. Unit 3: Properties of derivable functions, Darboux’s and Rolle’s theorem, Notion of limit, continuity and differentiability for functions of several variables. The directional derivative, the total derivative, expression of total derivative in terms of partial derivatives, Unit 4: Riemann integration - Lower and Upper Riemann integrals, Riemann integrability, Mean value theorem of integral calculus, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus. Functions of bounded variations. Introduction, properties of functions of bounded variations, total variation. Unit 5: Sequence and series of functions — Pointwise and Uniform convergence, Cauchy's criterion, Weierstrass M-test, Abel’s test, Dirichlet’s test for uniform convergence of series of functions, Uniform convergence and Continuity of series of functions, Term by term differentiation and integration. Reference Books : 1, K.A. Ross, Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer (SIE), Indian reprint, 2004, - R.G. Bartle D.R. Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis (3rd edition), John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd.., Singapore, 2002. . Charles G. Denlinger, Elements of Real Analysis, Jones and Bartlett (Student Edition),2011. 4. S. Kumaresan, Topology of Metric Spaces, Narosa Publishing House, Second Edition 2011. 5. G. F, Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, Mcgraw-Hill, Edition 2004. n Re (wes q |e Dy. Registrar (Academic-1) 4 University of Rajasthan ! Bip Syllabus B.Sc. Part-tt Paper — II: Differential Equations Teaching : 3 Hours per Week Duration of Examination : 3 Hours ‘Max. Marks: 40 (Science) 53 (Arts) Note: This paper is divided into FIVE Units. TWO questions will be set from each Unit. Candidates are required to attempt FIVE questions in all taking ONE question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks, Unit 1: Degree and order of a differential equation. Equations of first order and first degree. Equations in which the variables are separable. Homogeneous equations and equations reducible to homogeneous form. Linear equations and equations reducible to linear form. Exact differential equations and equations which can be made exact, Unit 2: First order but higher degree differential equations solvable for x,y and p. Clairaut’s form and singular solutions with Extraneous Loci. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Complimentary function and Particular integral, Unit 3: Homogeneous linear differential equations, Simultaneous differential equations. Exact linear differential equations of nth order. Existence and uniqueness theorem. Unit 4: Linear differential equations of second order. Linear independence of solutions. Solution by transformation of the equation by changing the dependent variable/the independent variable, Factorization of operators, Method of variation of parameters, Method of undetermined coefficients. Unit 5: Partial differential equations of the first order. Lagrange’s linear equation. Charpit’s general method of solution. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Equations reducible to equations with constant coefficients. Reference Books : 1. RS. Senger, Ordinary Differential Equations with Integration, Prayal Publ. 2000, 2. D.A. Murray, Introductory Course in Differential Equations, Orient Longman (India), 1967. 3. E.A. Codington, An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, Prentice Hall of India, 1961 py [Te Dy. Registrar (Academicz\) do University of Rajasthart Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-ll Paper — III: Numerical Analysis and Vector Calculus Teaching : 3 Hours per Week Duration of Examination : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 40 (Science) 54 (Arts) Note: (i) This paper is divided into FIVE. Units. TWO questions will be set from each Unit. Candidates are required to attempt FIVE questions in all taking ONE question ftom each Unit. All questions carry equal marks. (ii) Non-Programmable Scientific Calculators are allowed. Unit 1: Differences. Relation between differences and derivatives. Differences of a polynomial. Newton's formulae for forward and backward interpolation. Divided differences, Newton's divided difference, Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Unit 2: Central differences.Gauss’s, Stirling’s and Bessel’s interpolation formulae. ‘Numerical Differentiation. Derivatives from interpolation formulae, Numerical integration, Derivations of general quadrature formulas, Trapazoidal rule. Simpson's one-third, Simpson’s three-eighth and Gauss’s quadrature formulae. Unit 3: Relation between the roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one variable, transformation of equations, Descarte’s rule of signs, solution of cubic equations by Cardon’s method, biquadratic equations by Ferari’s method. Numerical solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations, Bisection method, Secant method, Regula-Falsi method, Iteration method, Newton- Raphson Method (derivation of formulae and rate of convergence only). Unit 4: Gauss elimination and Iterative methods (Jacobi and Gauss Seidal) for solving system of linear algebraic equations. Partial Pivoting method, ill conditioned systems, Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations of first order with initial condition using Picard’s, Euler and modified Euler’s method. Unit 5: Scalar and Vector point functions. Differentiation and integration of vector point functions, Directional derivative. Differential operators. Gradient, Divergence and Curl. Theorems of Gauss, Green, Stokes (without proof) and problems based on these theorems. Reference Books |. B. Bradie, A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education, India, 2007. 2. C. F. Gerald and P. O. Wheatley, Appsied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education, India,7th edition, 2008. 3. C.F. Gerald, P.O. Wheatley, Applied Numerical Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 1998, Py (see Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) 43 University of Rajasthan’ Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Practical Teaching: 2 hours per week per batch not more than 20 students. Examination Scheme: Duration: 2 Hours Science Arts Max. Marks 30 40 Min,Pass Marks ul 15 Distribution of Marks: Two Practicals one from each group 10 Marks each = 20 Marks (13 Marks each) 26 Practical Record = = 05 Marks o7 Viva-voce = 05 Marks 07 Total Marks = 30 Marks 40 The paper will contain TWO practical. The candidates are required to attempt both practical. Practicals with Computer Programming in C Language. Programming languages and problem solving on computers, Algorithm, Flow chart, Programming in C- Constants, Variables, Arithmetic and logical expressions, Input-Output, Conditional statements, Implementing loops in Programs, Defining and manipulation arrays and functions. Group A: 1. Printing n terms of Fibonacci sequence. 2. 3, sous . Printing Pascal . Finding ged and lem of two numbers by Euclid’s algorithm. Finding nl, Sn, ¥n? etc. Defining a function and finding sum of n terms of a series/sequence whose general 2.43, eo s triangle. term is given (e.g. dy = Checking prime/composite number. . Finding number of primes less than n, n © Z. 8. Finding mean, standard deviation and "P,, "C, for different n and r. Group B: 1. Numerical integration using Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3, 3/8 and Waddle rules, Note: L 2. Each Candidate (Regular/non-Collegiate) has to prepare his/her practical record. Each Candidate has to pass in Practical and Theory examinations separately py [Se Dy. Registrar (Academic, Ay 4 Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II 7. Economics B.Se. Part-II 2020 Scheme: Min. Pass Marks Max. Marks Arts 72 200 Science 54 150 Each paper shall be of three hour duration and of 100 marks for Arts students and of 75 marks for Science students. Paper—I Introductory Macro Economics Paper — Il (a) Elements of Statistics and Mathematics (b) History of Economic Thought Note: There will be two papers of Economics. Each paper shall consist of three parts. Part A shall contain question No I consisting of very short type X (Ten) questions. The candidate is required to answer each question in 20 words. Part B shall contain question No 2 consisting of V (five) question. The candidate is required to answer each question in 100 words. Part C shall contain three essay type questions (one from each section) with internal choice. A candidate will be required to attempt five questions in all. All questions of Part A and Part B are compulsory while rest 3 questions are to be attempted from parts C selecting one question from each section. All questions carry equal marks. Each question will carry 20 marks for Arts students and 15 marks for Science students. Paper-I Introductory Macro Econo: Section- A Macroeconomics, Meaning, Subject matter and Importance. Basic tenets of Classical, Keynesian, New-Classical and New ~Keynesian economics, Macrocosmic variables, Circular flow of Income, National Income: Basic concepts, Measurement, Sectoral Accounts, Nominal and Real Aggregates. Money function. Demand and Supply Quantity Theory of Money Transaction Approach. Cash Balance Approach. Keynes reformulation of the Quantity Theory of Money inflation Meaning and Impact. Theories of Inflation- Demand Pull (Keynesian and modern), Demand Push. Structural Theories of Inflation. ' au) Py [Ie Dy. Registrar (Acader i) Univessy of Rajastlae 45 Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-ll Section-B Income and Employment Determination : Classical Modal and Keynesian Model, Consumption Function: Psychological Law of Consumption, Determinants of Consumption, Paradox of, Thrift, Investment Function: Determinants of investment, Marginal Efficiency of Capital and Marginal Efficiency of Investment, Concept of Multiplier and Accelerator. Section-C Central Bank: Organizational set-up and functions of Central Bank (with special reference to RBI). Commercial Bank: Functions, Modern trends of Commercial Banking. Quantitative and Qualitative Credit control by RBI. Money Supply: Meaning & Definition, four measures (M; Mz M; and Mg) Monetary Policy: Objectives, Targets and Indicators, Transmission Mechanism. Recommended Books : 1. GS. Gupta Macro Economics, Theory and Application, 4° Ed, McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2. Dombusch, Fisher and Startz: Macroeconomics, XI Edition, Indian Reprint, Tata McGraw-Hill, Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi. 3. N. Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics, Worth Publishers (Latest Edition). 4. HL. Ahuja. (Hindi and English edition) Macro Economics, Theory and Policy; S. Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi. 5. Suraj B. Gupta: Monetary Economics, $. Chand and Co. Ltd. 6. L.N. Nathuranmka, Prarambhik Samashti Arthshastra, Ramesh Book Publishing House, Jaipur . Rana and Verma: Macroeconomic Analysis, Vishal Publications, Richard T. Froyen, Macroeconomics, Theories and policies, (X Edition), Adapted by Pearson Education, ex Paper —II (a): Elements of statistics and Mathematics Duration: 3 hrs Max Marks: 100 Section- A Surds, Indices, Quadratic Equation, Logarithms, Permutation and Combination, Binomial Theorem, Arithmetic progression, Geometric Progression and Harmonic Progression, Analytical Geometry: Straight Line, Parabola and Hyperbola, Matrices and Determinants, solution of Simultaneous equations by Cramer's rule and Matrix. Inverse. Simple cifferentiation, Partial differentiation (involving two independent variables). Maxima, minima point of inflexion. Simple Integration involving one independent variable, Application in Economies (Elasticity, Average, Marginal Concepts) Py |Je Dy. Registrar (Academic-l) University of Rajasthan 4, Oaipur Syllabus B.Sc, Part-II Section - B Statistics-definition, nature and importance, Uses and relevance of statistical methods, Census and Sample survey, Methods of data collection and tabulation, Diagrammatic and Graphical representation of data; Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Mode, Median, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean. Concept and Measures of Dispersion and Skewness. Section -C Simple Correlation: karl Pearson’s and Rank Correlation, Regression analysis, Fitting of Linear Regression lines using Least Square Method, Analysis of Time Series, Determination of trend by straight line trend equation, Index numbers, Interpolation (Binomial Expansion and Newton’s method), Association of Attributes. (Note: Use of non-programmable calculator is permitted) Books Recommended : 1 B.C, Mahta and G.M.K Madanani Elementary Mathematics for use in Economics Laxmi Narain Agarwal, Agra 2 S.C. Gupta. Statistical Methods. Sultan Chand and Sons. New Delhi 3. Murray R. Spiegel Theory and Problems of Statistics McGraw Hill Book London S.C. Gupta and V.K. kapoor Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. S Chand and New Delhi Salvatore. D Mathematics and Statistics. Schaum's Series. Tata McGraw Hill G.S. Monga Mathematics and Statistics for Economics, Vikas Publishing House. New Delhi 7 @t sh deo ya oh wr} Heart octamer ¥ uefa after aster amare aT 8 derrerre wiktaet d yaa Arran Aes | s aw Paper- II (b) History of Economic Thought Section -A Mercantilism Views on Trade Money, Prices. Wages and Employment Physiocracy:Natutal Order. Primacy of Agriculture. Net Product and Circulation of Wealth. Theory of taxation and role of government. Classical School : Adam Smith, Views on Division of Labour. Theory of Value, Capital accumulation Distribution, International trade, Economie Development Critiques of Adam Smith TR. Malthus .Theory of Population .Theory of gluts. David Ricardo. Theory of Valve and Distribution, Foreign Trade, Economic Development and Theory of Rent Py [Te Dy. Registrar (Academic-|) x rsity of Rajasthan 4 input Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Section-B Critities of the Classical School — Sismondi. Robert Owen, Friedrich List. 1.8, Mill theory of value. Views on Production and Distribution Karl Marx: Efforts at Scientific Socialism Theory of Money Labor Theory of Value, Theory of Capital Accumulation and crisis Distribution. German Historical School and the Development of Marginalism. Neo-classical School: Marshall-Price Determination and Elasticity. Consumer Surplus costs: Economics Rent and Profit Section C Economic of Kautilya, Economic thought of Dadabhai Naroji, Mahatma Gandhi, G.K. Mehta, Deendayal Upadhayaya. Books Recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4, Louise Haney, History of Economic Thought, Sujit Publication, New Delhi Enc Roll: History of Economic Thought, Faber and Faber (Rupa) Gide and Rist: History of Economic Doctrine MLR. blaug, Economic Theory in Retrospect: History of Economic Thought from ‘Adam Smith to J.M. Keynes. (5" Edition), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. T.N. Hajela. History of Economic thought, Ane’s Student Edition, Daryaganj, New Delhi, B.N. Ganguli, Indian Economic Thought: A 19" Century Perspective, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. JA, Schumpeter, History of Economic Thought. Oxford University Press. Dy. Registrar (Academic: University of Rajasthan: 48. ‘Jaipur | e. Gegwphy Scheme cf Examination Facuity ‘Mm. Pass Marks Max. Marks Arts/Social Science R 200 Science 54 a, ¥ Resources Geography Paijet Science $0 Paper I . Human Geography Arts 75 Science 50 Practical 18 Arts 50 Science 50 Notes Students are permitted to use the stencils, simple calculator and tog tables wherever needed in both theory and practical examinations, ‘There will be a common paper for Arts and Science, QQ] well he compulsory and will cover the entire course of the paper So | of 20% marks of the maximum marks be set in two parts 4) will have ten items for locating on a map ito be supplied by +vaminaicn centce) carrying 10% marks of the maximum marks and candidates shail attempt any five items (b) Part (1 will have 10 short answer quettions carrying 10. marks of the asiinan smavks and candidates shall attempt any five items. Remaining 9 each section of the syllabus. uestions carying equal marks will Se set with ¢ Candidate will attempt 5 questions in all including question No. ? selecting at least one question from each section, Practical examination will be conducted by the board of examiners ‘The candidate will have to pass in theory and practical separately. The nen-collegiate candidates will have to attend a practica! training camp of 48 hours at a college affiliated to the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur notified oy the University trom time to time in which Geography subject is teught on payment of f28 fixed by the University, The candidates appearing at examination from examinaiion centre located wn Jaipuc City will attend the practical amp at vc by thet Tew Post Graduate Dopytiment on pa: satWidats ll prouuse Leritaate of suecesstul completion of practical ueining cen fom the « ollege/Denortment of Geography and produve the same st the nine practical excminations, by. Registrar (academic) ty of Rajast!22 49 Uo Seekpur 7 py [SS + Paper L: Resources Gedgraphy Section A Nature, scope ead significance of resources geography, definition and classiticauon of resources: renewable and non renewable resources, resource classification of Zimmerman, Natural, Resources: Distribution, exploitation, uses and conservation of forest, water, svils, fisheries Yaineral resourees, energy resources (coal, petroleum, natural gas and non- conventional energy resources). SectionB . Human resources: Population growth, distibution and density, causes of inequalities, population-resources relationship and problems, Agricultaral resources: fisheries and cereal erops: rice, wheat. maize and barley: beverages: tea. coffee and tobacco. comm pone paired»t-test-and.-sample correlation c6@fficient. P- Bisttihution ~Definition; RerivationyConstants, Application —Testing of-equatity oftwowrsiances. “Ralationship- between t,"F and “chi- square Distsibutions. 18 hows Units ‘Theory-of-Estmation: PoinkBstimationGoncept and: Probie for Point Estimation; Gritesion. of 3 good-estimaio# -(Unbiaseditess, ‘Methods of Maximum likélibood, Consistency, Efficiency, Sufffeieney). ; MVUE, Method of moments, interval Estimation-Coricept, Confidence | Interval, Confidence Cocffiaient, Construction of Confidence Interval for Population Mean, Variance, Difference of Population Means & Ratio of Variances for Normal Distributions. 18 hours Unit-IV ‘Testing of Hypothesis: Simple, Composite, Null and Alternative Hypothesis, Types of ervor, Critical region. BCR, Neyman-Person’s Lemma for BCR, BCR In case of Binomial, Poisson, and Normaf and Exponential Population, 18 hours 4 Py Dr. Registrar 54 ee at: Universeyat Rajasthan! a Syllabus : BSc Part Unit-V Largesampletests-Testing of single mean, proportion. Testing“ > * of difference: of means:and:proportions, Non-PafaitiettioRests="~°2 > « Definition, Merits:&:kimitations: Sign-test for-dnéssample"aid © sawo sample.caces;Run Pest, Median test: = 48 hotirs 3 “REFERENCES 1. Goon AM. .Gupta M-K.,-Das Gupta B: (0991) : PuntlamentalscopStatistios#wol.. 1, World PresssGalcutta- 2, Hodges Leantbkehmat B.LS0964) ¢ BatictGoncepts.of Probabilit parthStalidticsEwhtesDay. 3, SMood A-M. 8Graybal-F:A.zand Bees D.C: € 1974) IntroductiontabthéPheory-6PStaiistics, McGraw Hill 4, Freund FBR (B00) :Mathematieal Statistics, Prentice Hall OF India. 5, .Gupta.S.C:&Kapoor VK. :Hundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan@hand-antSons, New Delhi. ‘MEDERIONALROBBRENGES (jp) Bhatt BR Srivenketramana ‘T and Rao: Madhava’ eS. 1 |p| 2997) 2AStatiaties «-AMBaginner's Text, Vol. UL, New Age ~Internatinnal (Py létd. 2. wRohatgiV.K: (1962) *Amintfeduction to Probability Theory sanchiMathe maticabStatistics, ohn Wiley & Sons, - <-.. += 3. Snedecor’ GWerand Gochran+W.G. (1967) :-Statistical sMethods,-lowaState University Press. 4. Dudewiez 1, tabfisca:S.N. ; Modern Mathematical Statistics, John*Wiley-and. Sons. Paper I STATISFICAL ABPLICKRIONS IN SOCIETY AND: INDUSTRY Unit-l Demographic Methods : Sources of demographic data- census, register, adhoo survey, hospital records, demographic profiles of Indian census, Measurement of mortality-Crude-death rates, Infant mortality rates, Death rato by cause, Standardized death rate. Complete lifo table-Construction and its main features, Mortality rate and probabliity of dying. Relation between different columns of life table, uses of life table and its limitations. Measurement of fertility * AB\S he bs j ( Academic University of Rajasthan Crude, birth rate, General fertility rate, Specific fertility’rdte, Total" ~ * {fertility rate, Gross Reproduction Rate, Net Reproduction"Rate:. =~ > -« i 18, hours Unie . Economic:Statistics: hidex numbers-Defination; ApplicationSoF* index numbers, Pricexrolatives, Quantity: & Value‘ietatives} Binkand= Chain Relatives. Problems involved inccomputationtof Inder iuttibel Use of averages; Simplosaggtepativecant Weighted average nithads: skaspeyre's, -Puasthe'swand™ Bisher’sintdex- numbersasts ss@ademerits sore Bhours Uniely EducationahStatistinss®Methods.ofistandasdizationsof sealés‘and “~" -alests,. Z-scores, scores, Glandarcbsscomes, Percettile- score;shitell?: sgance. Quotientan chitssmeasurementatndhuses: ValidityoFtestscores > ‘etiability of Scors.andytheindetermination. “ “Rahoarg +7 ible AUnit-V SUDEE | hitatistical Quality Gontrolsi@oaceproFSQC, Prades cémtrolée * + aledttbet: controls census. Measuremeat.of cortlty-Craderdeathyratie:afatreortlity es, Death rate by. cause, Standardized-death vats. Cotiote lie table. main features, Mortality ratoond probability of dying, Relation between different columas of hfs table, udesioFtife table and it limitations, Measurement of fectility : Crido bittivrate, General fertility rato, Speclfle fertility rate, Total fertility rate; Gross Reproduction Rato, Net Reproduction Rate Whours Unit-It Economic Statisties ; Index numbers-Definition, Applications adex nunibers, Prieg relatives, Quantity & tives, Link Chain Relatives. Probleras invaclved in computation of index ber. Uso of averages, Simplo aggregative an! Weighted average py [Jes Go Dr, Registrar Univers ‘hoademic Untrersity of Rajasthan methods. Laspeyre’s Paasche's and Fisher’s index’ number, Tests for . index numbers. Consumer price index. 1S:hours: * Unit ‘Time Series Analysis: Definitioncand its differentrcomponents,- “ilpstrations, additive aad:muliplicativemodels: Different Methode'tr. mc aptermination of trend seasonab fctitaion-alihwiththsiemesites 4 anaes ~Srdemserits. Ae 818 hours Unity EducationdlStatisticss Methods'vfistandatiization of soalesind: Be tests, ‘Srscores;-tscoresyoStandardvseores,Pereeiiilorseoresy-Intelli- “genes QuotientanditssmeasurementamebusesWalititeoStesvecores, “Rolly. oftTest Scoresrandtheistdcterntimition: > <-AShoury.. Unity Statistical Quality Gontrot: ConeeptsG2&SQC, Provesercontrob és « contol. Gauses:oFwvasiationsingquality Generabthtory of Controbcharts, controblittita,sub-groupingsSummanyofout-ofeonto} criteria. Control chasts:forsvatinbless.Gonstmctiomof Mean andRange charts, Concept of Defeetsrand Defoctives.: Centro} ‘bars for ate tributes: Constmiction-ofenprehart, -péchart, eehartsand theimmerits ~ ‘and Semerits 48 hours REKERENCES: Croxton FE. Cowden D.J. (1969):cAepplied General Statistics, Prentice Hall of India, 2. Dunean A.J. (1974): Quality-Centroeand. Industriat Statist Taraporewake and Sons, 5 Goon A.M. Gupta M.K. Das. Gupta (1986): Fundamentals of Statistics, VoLIT, World PresiyG@alenna Grant BL, (1964): Stotisticah Quality’ Controls Mo.Graw. HHL, Guilford 1. & Fruchter B: FuidamentatStatistice inPsychology and Education (1980). Me ‘Graw "Hill, {Guilford J.P (198A): Psychonaettic Method. Me Graw: Hil 7. Srtivatava O.S. (1983): A Textbook of Demography, Vikas Pub- lishing S Gupte S.C. & Kapoor ¥.K.1 Fundamentals of Applied Statisties, Sultan Chand and Sons,, New Delhi ADDITIONAL REFERENCES: {+ [ceman Frank 8, (1962): Psyctiologien Testing, Oxford & 18H Publishing seme Syllabus : B.Sc. Part-I 2. Gupta and Mukhopadhyay PP : Applied Statistics; CentralBook —* Agency. | 3+ Presoat RGI978): Statistical Demography, Methuen and Co. Leh "nee PAPER TH Practical Paper te (Gourse contents-aro samevas that of subject ‘statatiee)™ |. Tests of significance -bisedonst, Chi-square, ‘Fe Tottdtgt ssignificance.ofssample-correlationcoefficient motions r= 2 Largosainpleitests:fopmeanseatit:proportions, ‘Testsobgoouriesse s -of contingency tables-« 5. «Non-parasietricstests:-SignsRuniMedian ¢for largo: sanmptes) *. Computation-ofmortalityandefetility rates. Constructionsofulife. table, onstruction oftIndex Numbers-by Laspeyre's, Paasche'y:Fich- crs's, ChaimBase-Indices. Consumer price Tests fordndex-numbers, + Determination-of trend in a.timesseries and constmetiom of sen- sonal indi 8. Drawingof X; R, np, p and C-Charts, index, 62 By Us Dr. Registrar Academic saja thse, jatpuae or Unicon Syllabus B.Sc. Part-tt 11. PSYCHOLOGY B.A. /B.Sc. Pass Course Part-II ‘SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: Faculty : Max. Marks Min. Passing Marks 7 Ars 200] 72(ThS4 Pris) | Science 150] 54 (Th.36 Pr.18) Paper ‘Nomenclature (Duration ‘Max. Marks Arts] Sefence T ‘Abnormal Psychology 3s. 5 50 i Psychological Statisties 3 His, | 5 30 Practical 3H. 30 30 1. There will be three papers in Psychology. Each paper will be of 3 hours, There will be a common paper for Arts and Science. In I and II Papers there will be 3 Sections A, B and C and will cover the entire course content of the paper. Section-A Will contain 10 questions of 20 words each. Each question will be of 1.5 marks for Arts students and 1 mark for Science students Thus, Part-A will be of 15 marks for Arts students and of 10 marks for Science students, Section-B Will contain 7 questions of SO words each, out of which students are required to attempt 5 questions. Each question will be of 3 marks for Arts students and of 2 marks for Science students. Thus, Part-B will be of 15 marks for Arts student and of 10 marks for Science students. Section-C Will contain 3 long questions each with internal choice. Each question will be of 15 marks for Arts students and 10 marks for Science students. Thus, Part-C will be of 45 marks for Arts students and 30 marks for Science students. aoe Py (Wee Dy. Registrar (Academica) University of Rajasthan oe: 3 lpur Syllabus B.Sc, Part-it For clarification the distribution of marks is tabulated as below:- ARTS Section No. of Questions Marks || Total A ~ 10 ~ i 15 B 3 Out oF7) a BT] c ~~ 3 (with intemal choice 15 BT [Total Marks|| 75 SCIENCE ~ Section No. of Questions Marks | Total a 10 ou 10 B ~~ 5 (Out of 7 02 10 c 3 (with internal choivey 10 30 ~ fotal Marks| 50 Use of simple calculator will be allowed for statistical portions of all papers. Paper I - Abnormal Psychology Section: A Mental Disorder: Definition, Tndicators of Abnormaliiy, DS M-5 and TCD 710 Classification Systems, Mental Health Professionals a ‘Causal Factors and View points : Risk Factors and Causes; Necessary, Sufficiont and Contributory causes; Diathesis- Stress Models, Biological, Psychological and Social perspectives . Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis : Basic elements in Assessment, Physical and Psychosocial Assessment . | — pa | Te Dy. Registrar (Acedemigy) eh University of Rajastharr Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-ti Section: B + Anxiety, Obsession Compulsion and Trauma and Stress or Related Disorders» Types, Clinical Picture and Causal Factors. ‘Mood Disorders and Suicide : Types, Clinical Picture and Causal Fact ors . - Somatic Symptoms and Dissociative Disorders : Types, Clinical Picture and Causal Factors Section: C Feeding and Eating Disorders : Types, Clinical Picture and Causal Factors Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic | Disorders: Types, Clinical picture and] Causal Factors. Psychological Treatment/ Therapies: Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive an Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy, Humanistic - Existential Therapies Psychodyi mic Therapies, Books Recommended: * Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J.M, & Mineka, 8. (2017). Abnormal Psychology. Noida : Peatson India Education. * Oltmanns, T . F, & Emery, RE . (2017) . Abnormal Psychology . Noida : Pearson India Education. * David, B. H. & Durand V. M. (2007). Abnormal Psychology : An Integrated Approach. New Delhi; Thomson. + Ray, W. J. (2015). Abnormal Psychology. New Delhi : Sage. Dy. Registrar (Academics) os University of Rajasthan Jaipur Syllabus B.Se. Part-tt Paper II - Psychological Statistics Section-A 1, Introduction: Nature and Scope of Statistics and Psychological Data; Application of Statistics in Psychology; Nature and Levels of Measurement - Categorical and Continuous Variables, 2. Frequency Distribution: Drawing of Frequency Distribution. Bivariate Frequency Distribution, Graphical Representation of Grouped Data-Histogram, Polygon, 3. Measurement of Central Tendency: Purpose and Types; Characteristics and Computation of Mean, Median and Mode. Section-B 4. Measures of Variability: Concept and Uses; Characteristics and Computation of Range, Quartile Deviation, Average Deviation and Standard Deviation. 5. Correlation: Concept and Types- Pearson's Product Moment Correlation (for ‘Ungrouped Data by Assumed Mean and Actual Mean); Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation. 6. Hypothesis Testing and Inferences Making: Population and Sample, Types of Sampling, Standard error of Mean, ‘t’ test (Independent group), Interpretation of ‘t? values, levels of Significance, Section-C 7. Non Parametric Tests: Nature and Assumptions of Distribution-tree Statistics; Chi- Square; Equal Probability, 2 x 2 Contingency Table; Median Tests, 8. ANOVA: Purpose and Assumptions of ANOVA. One way ANOVA 9. Computer Analysis: Preparation of Data, Uses of SPSS. Books Recommended: * Broota K.D. (1992): Experimental design in behavioural research. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern. * Garrett, H. (1981). Statistics in psychology and education. Mumbai: Vakil Feber and Simons. * Mininum, E.W., King, B.M. & Bear, G. (1993), Statistical Reasoning in Psychology and Education. New York: John Wiley. Siegel. S. (1994). Non-parametric Statistics. New York: McGraw Hill. fy [Tee Dy. Registrar (Academic) University of Rajasthary Jaipur Ge. Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Practical 1. Assessment of Mental Health . Assessment of State and Trait Anxiety . Measurement of Depression Bown . Measurement of Coping ~ Styles . Assessment of Family Pathology Word — Association Test . Eight-State Questionnaire . Neuropsychological Assessment Ce naan . Stress: Measurement and Analysis of Group Data (Mean and Median) 10, Stress: Measurement and Analysis of Group Data (‘t’ test) Py [Se Dy. Registrar (Academics Ge University of Raj i Iniversit sjasthar. ODipur 3 'hrs.duration 3 hrs.duration 3 hrs.duration § 5 brs. duration Papert: Amplifier Cireuits Nps gs ’ 4 6a. - Wadus: Be Parsee : 4 os tempt alt the five questions: 40%. Weigh sgoraifh HO intosauet abs ome |, Problems and numericals, PN di sett. Barib © Oat so beratStbilisoF Q-pofnseSnous Trantostashiibc 9 Unit-2 Heacy xesponse of lincarsamlifiers: ‘arte -noiserdistor. "tion, current and:voltage, series. an dsparalielsfeechvback: Exam. - ples-of, Positive-andsnegativ.fedbdck:tBaiestallowen: Dine, (crentiabamplifierswith balanced. oe unbalancedssiiiglesinputiand« Pia ey Aaeaiaa tia i | doublesinput (DC-and-AG-2oabysie)ycommontmawerrejetiony sox REIS opiate ae re | antio. < i oh Units Operational amplifiers, Difierential amplifies, ‘perational. amplifiers an integratos diffétentintor inverting? amplifier ee. “adder ond subtragtor amplities, . Voltage. compdratomandtoga=. rithmic amplifier, Ideal end Practical Operationalsarnplitier for * offsets, input-offset current and voltage, power “Supply-using, 741 operational amplifier, uses of operational amplifier asses. “ itlator . * Boge ates 1 69 by Basie Waberety of Rasa Si ~ QMAIPUR Tee i University of Rajasthan Unit-4 Class:Ay Band C ors, conditions max matching: inpoweramyplifiensshuntteed powebeaniphiiGRatiier a9, Beek tds: ~selencyy Distoitions:powertdissipationand: Poweneaniphinneationg: oy ateava ie. ° Be Feige Otrhe tanita: clas ADMD Mm seen ses 4 ~uphlbvampliferusiigstransistors, “Det ronmecatatinare — - uRins avert { “oDtoblemssimamplifier ‘citeuiteolements.atshighatrequessy, se B EE 3 i Equivalent -ciretit,.wide. band. amplifiers, Hightanlourenrt.. ~“queney/compensation, ptilse response and testingroR-aneenap hie “fier. Puned amplifiers (single andicouble wind aiiterheiessaeds: ~vastkFcamplificationsin-tadio andeTV teceiversitNioemathy “eabdenwvations, only qualitative description) =~ Paper-H- Rectifiers. and Oscillators veliree Markee “Fimo Soaps Svehestionsareto:be-se-takingsone:froineathwiminifeach question will-have intemal choice)-Studentsyilstttemp palit: five.questions, 40% weightage ‘willsbe. giventtorprobtimssantt-s numericals. i: Units Halt wave, Fulh wave: and ‘bridge rectifiers, Biefinittontof s+. cipple factor. Efficiency, voltage régutation, . {-seetion and re» seitlon iter ack Weir caseadling, Piter ef. Hcteney, Metal rectiflers, common Power supply, voltaperrebur- lation and VAR. tebeg, [ss . ‘Registrar . 7e OY Sec Universes 1 Rajasthan, Feige oe SMabns : BSe. Pertett Unit-2 Zener dod blectroncally regulated power sifgg veUGyRe MEN vay esa, oo. "multiples, freubletinlowsandhighevollagetpteeapplpn tein io teh! gg beg Barkhatiser@ Stein’ for maintained: oscilanionty geertgj Se casingyatid Entei eins “ts stilt EMI asinton np) sya SU REGED 83. *atatorsy RC (phageBhRRrotillatorseDexigs daahonesn WHarteles -y aie Biidgo-ostillators, Units “Bisinble wtnitlFibrator, -Monostable ~“mabltivibrator (@6iicetoxcoupled), improvement “fosponse, synchronization Triggering -in-felaxatiotyrdsetitinaiss ac. Unit4 Response-o sinusoidal, ‘Triangular and Rectaifgtiters *o-CRoand bReireuits. ‘hein useovas integrating ang tinting ciscuits, ee Non linear.wave:shapping circuits, Clipping art ils, slicer, limiter-eigeults, Limiting and etipisigy NBURR CET Ai « det . peaping circuits, Sats oe Unies co Terminology used to dasetbe sweep genetator Bit AS en gre e tal sweep voltage gonetator, Tranststor Sn ct fey oem generator. coe oF * ; oo (See FL ov, Registrar scadormthan. js 8 University of Rajasthan References | 1. Blectrom tube'ciretits J.-Seetey F. Bitte ods nbeemisy 2 gore, | 2. "Engineering Btectronies~ Ryder 2 Beige Sse Teacteptes ng 3... Hand: book. of Electronics-Gupta & Kumar es" SIE Beers chases, owe 4. ppliediBleetronics - GK“ Mitial SPSS Shae basen 1 #S:HBlectronies VP. Arora Werctrenler cd ih ples) Paper-Ill~Digital. Computersand:Progeanihisiige PRG Guesaeuee oF oe “Mo M4 “Tite SGI, 'Bive-questions eares tobe. Sethtaking ‘one. (cach question .will have ‘am intertalrchoice) ASAHHBEMAIF templall the five. questions, 40% fet *ptoblems and numericals, sears a Uoit-1 Variable cesister network, Binacypladder, DYARCOREHE Ee, A/D.converter, simullaneous Conversion,. A/Dreoinvtter:coun- Serb ‘eermethod, electromeshanical- A/D convetsiatt ii OD : Unit-2 scademic : P Rajasthan, Jarpur | Fe. DY Registrar. 4 al Syllabus : BSe. Part-Ht sire Units Alogrithm-Definition and properties of alowtithiientgwlain < «: emcee charts symbols of flow chat converting-alow:chartintorahighi=° den yer wear . | language. Examples of simplacalogiithins:bowsleveldfiswiny-an » opie Hegre guage viz. machine language,-assetnblyslangiage,*Kighatevékis eer wah Suave we slanguageslike BASIC,“ Res Units inatic: operators; expressionssandefihetion$s\shatie sires: ter string-constrants-and-vetiablessstvingeopetaton-expiessions- = — aith-Fanetions. ‘Terminals featucespesystemcoititnitdsoantvedites ingy PRINT, REMSINPUOUR Betatementts °° Elementary. BASIC Programarestfor-numeriowanthsteinge a processing. a Unit-5 Flow of contol; uncondiionabanderonditiona branching; seenc to: ctes | ‘elational logic soperators, two waywamdanntiway-selaetioneses t Statements, nesting: repetition statements, 6.00 oy on oe Definite and indefinite lcops,-subsogipted variables: Veg» 5 * tors and arrays, simple programme-exetaisesx-Function defini tion and invocation. Subroutine, modular Programmes; entering and exiting subroutine, Files, random-anc:sequetitial fites, ‘Sime 4 romming exercises. Repos 7 | : : Experiments for Practicabwvork pO WER Oe ay. | Note: A candidate has-to. perform atleast sixteen experiments in all taking eight experiments ftom -each Section 'A"and BL os, University of Rajasthan In:practical. examination the candidate perform two experiments: one: fiom. section AME HE I einen sn ma “follows SFimedifétion*- 9.00"Hr. ee ee * siduks is sVivaVoce ~ 10-iarks we / »Baaitieat record = 10 inarks : : iby ib : Total- 50. marks : { Seetion-A oe ! L. “Toxstudy.high pass frequencsisfitter. re Be | °2. “Tosstudy lowpass frequeneye filter. WR Ru ! 3. “Lo study RC differentiating. cireuit, fF ewase S * 4. -Foustudy RC integrating ciseuit. ra 1, “Wousmady. bridge rectifier with, Ede eafitter; essere Be } : © ~Tovsturly transistor biosig, circuits, ee at | | 4. Study of counters and shift registors: ise “To study bistable-multivibrator-(éollector ‘Coupheid}s® To study Exclusive OR (KOR). gate andl verity psitnstiemes oe table, * F1OLiSolution of simple equations using-analog-coniptite:- Sectlon-B ‘o study analog to digital convertor circuit; + ~ “G study digital to analog-convertor cireult: #4. Acadomic Rajasthso. £1 Yenayw Sillpbus Se. Porth » To study negative feed back amplifies Wo study sriode value cheracterities and rameters. ‘ ‘To study OP Amp as summing amolificr, To study OP Amp as an inverter ate-its pa. To study OP Amp as a nominvertor: To study push-pull. amplifier using wpa Risto, =o To study emitter Follower and its frequency sesponse. \ De Regist pasressng "Rajasthan, Jaiptt Ts. Syllabus B.Sc, Part-II 13. Textile Craft B.Sc. Part-II 2020 SCHEME : B.A/B.Com/B.Sc. PART-II Duration Max mark Min mark 1. Theory: Paper-I 3Hrs 30 2 Paper-II 3 Hrs 30 2. Practical: — Paper-I 3Hrs 35 25 Paper-IT 3 Hrs 35 3. Submission Paper-I 35 25 Paper-II 35 Paper-I: Weaving Theory-1 UNIT-L ‘Yam numbering system —Indirect (cotton, metric, woollen and worsted count) and Direct (Tex and Denier) ‘Yarn Twist and their types, Balance of fabric Methods of fabric construction: Braiding &Lacing, knitting, felting and weaving UNIT-IL Types of loom- Shuttle & Shuttle less; introduction to shuttleless looms- airjet, waterjet, projectile and rapier loom Preparation of Warp and Weft for weaving Draft, Peg plan, Weave, Repeat, Design UNIT-IIL Derivatives of Plain weave- Rib and Basket Derivative of twill weave- Regular, Irregular, Left hand, Right hand, Pointed and curved twill Fabric defects, Selvedge, Types of Selvedge’s Paper-II: Dyeing Theory -I UNIT-L Difference between dyeing and printing Mechanical finishes- basic process of beating, singeing, napping, calendaring and embossing, f By | ee Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) 16 University of Rajasthan . ‘aipur Syllabus B.Sc. Partell UNIT-IL Siages of Dyeing (fibre, yarn & fabric) Wool dyeing and silk dyeing Dyeing machines- Jigger and Winch dyeing machine UNIT-IIL Steps of printing- preparation of cloth & colour Methods of Direct printing- Block & Roller printing Thickeners and types of thickeners Practical (Paper-I) 1. Thread count and Balance of the cloth 2. Weave samples of derivatives of plain and twill weave Practical (Paper-II) 1, Introduction to motif, repeat and layout 2. Block printing- samples preparation 3. Batik-spot, crack, scratch and painting (samples) Submission (Paper-I) 1. Assessment of samples 2. Preparation of weave samples Submission (Paper-II) 1. Any one article using block 2. Any one article using batik Examination Scheme: One Major Problem: 20 Marks One Minor Problem: 15 Marks Reference books : Sahnai, V.A. (1989) Theory of Dyeing, Sevak publications, Mumbai Trotman, E.R. (1985) Technology of Dyeing, John wiley & sons Inc London, London Pryag, R.S. (1994) Technology of Printing, India publisher. Pryag, R.S. (1995) Technology of Finishing, India publisher. Bucker, (1998) Textiles, Abhishek spublications. Kulkarni, M.M., Weaving technology, Virindra publication, Jalgon Dy. Registrar (Aeademic-) I. University of Rajasthan “alpur “ (Tex Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II 14. Garment Production & Export Management B.Sc. Part-II 2020 B.A/B.Com.— Maxmium Marks 40 Hrs.3 B.Sc. Maxmium Marks 50 THEORY PAPER -1 Fashion and Apparel Design OBJECTIVES : - ‘To Develop Sensitivity & Understanding towards Historical World Costumes. To Focus on Design Elements & Principles and their Deiails on Garments. To Create Awareness About the Techniques of Pattern Making & Principle of Fittings. SECTION -A TRADITIONAL COSTUMES . Study of traditional costumes of various regions of India. 2. History of costumes of Indian civilization. 3. Brief knowledge of world costumes ; French , German, Greek, European SECTION -B TECHNIQUES IN PATTERN MAKING |. Eight head theory — principles and advantages. . Pattern making techniques- drafting, draping, flat pattern . Colour and colour schemes, psychological effects of colour on clothes. . Fitting — principles of fitting, factors to be considerd while fitting, common fitting problems, remedying fitting defects of bodice, sleeves, and skirts. Nawe SECTION -C DESIGN 8. Classification of design — structural and decorative 9. Elements and principles of design. 10. Layout of design of fabric in cutting - floral , checks, plaids, lines. ) [Ta Dy. Regsirar(ACademies) 78 University of Rajasthan ‘Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II References : 1. Erwin, M. D., Kinchen, L.A. & Peters, A. (1979). Clothing for modems. Macmillan publishing new York. . Jo, K. M. (1985), Clothing construction I&II. Prentice Hall. Mathews, M. (1974). Practical clothing construction part I & II. Chennai,Cosmic press, 4. Doogaji, & Deshpandey, R. (1988). Basic process and clothing construction, Raaj Prakashan, THEORY PAPER - 11 ELEMENTS OF MARKETING AND FINANCE v B.A/B.Com.-Maxmium Marks 40 Hrs. -3 B.Se.- Maxmium Marks 50 OBJECTIVE! 1. To create awareness about the procedures to select, proceed & start the Small Scale Industry. 2. To guide the process of product development according to the market needs, 3. To become familiar with the methods of payment in foreign trades & about types or bills. SECTION A - Market structure- Types of market, market survey, elements of cost. History of readymade garment industry, Problem and prospects in global market . Branded versus non -branded market. Rene . Types of garments exported. SECTION B . Elementary knowledge of working capital factors affecting working capital, operating cycle. w 2 . Sources of finance. . Letter of credit . Methods of payment in foreign trade . Various typed of bills. 0. Insurance =e wen Py (se Dy. Registrar (Academic-1) . Ir Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II SECTION C Brief study of ; 11, ECGC (export credit and guarantee corporation) 12.EIC (export inspection council) 13.IIP (Indian institute of packaging) 14.ICA (Indian of arbitration) References : . Srivastav, & Aggarwal. (). Vipdan prabandh. 2. Mamoria, C.B., Joshi, R. L. & Mulla, N.L. (2003). Principles & practice of marketing in india. Kitab Mahal distributers. 3. Satya narayan; Sales management. 4. Daver R.S. (2009). Salesmanship and Publicity. Vikas publishing house Pvt Limited. PRACTICAL- 1 APPAREL DESIGNING B.A/B.Com.—Maxmium Marks 60 Hrs.- 4 B.Sc. — Maxmium Marks 25 OBJECTIVES : To familiarize with basics of color To develop expertise in drawing croquis and draping dresses on them. Contents: 1. Colour wheel and colour scheme. 2, Introduction to eight head theory and stick figure 9.5”, 10.5”. 3. Developing an adult croquis from block figure. 4 |. Draping of garments on croquis (at least 8 sheets) using different colours schemes and occasions. 5. Preparation of a portfolio. Pj (a es Dy. Registrar (Academic-1) Bo. University of Rajasthan Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-I Examination Scheme : B.A.\B.COM:-Max Marks:-60 B.SC:-Max Marks:-25 1. Major Problems-30 1. Major Problem:-10 2. Minor Problem: 0 2. Minor Problems:-10 0 Internal:-5 PRACTICAL - II CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION Internal: B.A/B.Com.—Maxmium Marks 60 Hrs- 4 B.Sc. - Maxmium Marks - 25 OBJECTIVES : 1. To be able to make basic drafts of bodice, sleeve and collar, 2. To leam the knowhow of stitching and all basic processes and omamentation techniques. Contents : 1, Pattern making. w 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . Stitching of each sleeve, collar and yokes on bodice block. . Fashion designing (5 each) on sheet baby frocks, a line frocks » Tompers. sun suits Child basic block and sleeve block. Sleeve variations; slash and spread method-puff, bell, legomutton, bishops sleeves. Sleeve bodice combination; Magyar, raglan, dolman sleeves, Different types of collars. Different types of yokes. skirts and tops, bush -shirts with shorts. - Redesigning of old garment using the idea such as; to consider factors such as money, creativity, individuality, skills, needs, @_ Patchwork (i) Omamental fabric. (ili) Decorative embroideries (iv) Trims (v) Paints and dyes (vi) Introduction of fashion designing in fashion shows . Introduction fashion designing in fashion shows. py |S Dy. Registrar (Academic-1) BL. University of Rajasthan Jaipur Syllabus B.Se. Part-II References : 1. Jo, K.M. & Beazley. ( 1985).The sewing book ofa complete guide. Prentice Hall. 2, Ireland, P. J. (1982). Fashion designing drawing and presentation. Batsford Ltd. 4th Revised edition. 3. Chase, R.W. (1997). CAD for fashion design. Prentice Hall; Pap/DSKT edition. Examination Scheme : B.A.\B.Com.-Max Marks:-60 BSc:-Max Marks:-25 1. Major Problems-30 1, Major Problem:-10 2. Minor Problems:-20 2. Minor Problems:-10 Internal:-10 Internal:~ pg = Dy. Registrar (Academic) 82 Univesity of Rajasthan Jaipur 45. Geology and Mining A Scheme: Theory Max-Marks 100 Minimum Pass marks: 36 a 3 brsedearation Max Marks 50 eae Pope rintbes of stoeraphy and mages sun aap 150... gana | Gedlogy of! incl: Paper !: Petrology Riebbaeise a ates : “Prasticah(one) preathingatiration ‘Max Marks 50 Von! oe oes - . 1 .& . SPER I: Pétratagy > PT = vs | Section-A -Igneous Rocks Composition of magmas; intrusive: vanchextausiverforms; Steuetureandstoxtures.. Classification Crystallization of basaltic magma; Soweniiesetion Principle; .ifecestiatians . Stullyot stIMON igneous racks: ‘Graniteoahyoliteeabbeo,dacalt.siagmatite, » sdolerite, syenite-and péridatite AEN at, Eee Sia aia vette Section-B- Sedimetary.Rocks Process of formation of sedimentary roeks;ilithifivatiomand. diagenesis- Struc! nd texture of rocks; ementanyic @. of sedimentacy depusits, sedimentary environments and ie. - Stedy of common sedim sntary cocks: SaAdstone, limestone, shale,. and breccia . . -congtomeratery.-, 8s. wi, (Ee Y Registrar 4» Univer Sa Raiasthar, Section-C ~Metamorphic Rocks genzs and types of metamorphism; conceptof grade.a ane Tacies;,Structypeian rae : : ; Study:of cémnion metamorphic rocks: Marbles schistsancissxquactzite, slate: Aomptth, Rosco vo Papert Pinot statement rnin. a ~__Sectton-A_ Principles of'steatigraphy; Standard stestigaaphic sealesspaiveiples-ofeorrelatiomineicen Aalaeageogeaphyvof tadia in Permo- Corbariferouspedod, Poysiographi, stata ys subdivisions. of India . Stratigraphic divisions in ladiaand theineguivalents Section-B, © EB ik: “ch intro eg ona cease: ‘ Viedhyaes Semargroup of rocks stage on. Distrinution, suceassion, climate, cheats canteotand mineral resoaneeses, ins Of the Gondwana Supergroup: Hs . Section-C deus. ~ Uthology, succession, distribution ani? Fossikggntent of i Kachchh, "értiary period, Siwalik Supergcquip' - Drigin, conpositie , distribution and age of Deccan Traps: Fectoni India Ws 84, Ky (Tse— DY. Re: . endemic Universiy of Rajasiaar —acuar Practical Study of typical textures of rocks; Megascopicstud ‘sedimentary and metamorphit rocks; Microsconiosy H ~aatinaniatee: ‘limestone,sandsto e BD IBN GOS ofa ina icin A Ebi “at oo ose van. . ' CREE * ae. | i Bo (Te oN 85. Dy Registrar : Uriveny oF haan, Jigar. Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II 16. ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE 20 Scheme: Theory Max Marks: 100 Min. Marks:36 Paper | 3 hours duration Max Marks:50 Paper 2 3 hours duration Max Marks:50 Practical 4 hours duration Min. Marks:18 Max Marks:50 Note: 1, ‘Two types of Question papers for each theory paper will be applicable. Total duration of 3 hours for each paper. One question paper will comprise of the objective questions and the other will be of descriptive type question. 2. Descriptive type question paper (to be given during 1" 2 hours of examination) will have 9 questions from each section out of which a student is supposed to attempt 4 questions selection at least 1 from each section. This portion of the paper will carry maximum 30 marks. Each descriptive question will be of 7.5 marks. - The objective question paper will be given after 2 hours of commencement of descriptive type paper and will have 35 questions of the objective type. This portion of the paper will carry 20 marks. The objective type questions will be of the following types: a, Multiple choice type questions:20 questions of %4 marks each, b. Fill in the blanks/one word/Arue or false type questions:10 questions of ¥s mark each. ¢. Very short answer type questions:5 questions of 1 mark each B {Sie Dy. Registrar (Academic!) 66. University of Rajasthan. Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Paper I: Environmental Pollution Section-A 1. Sources and Classification of Air pollutants; aerosols, gases, vapors. 2. Meteorological Aspects; Factors affecting Air Pollution, wind roses, plume behavior, estimation of plume rise. 3. Air Pollution modeling; Dispersion models, Pasquill model, ASME model, Gaussian plume model, assumption, limitation applications. 4. Effects of Air Pollution; effects on economics, effects on environment and effects on human beings. 5. Global effects of Air Pollution, Greenhouse effect, Global warming, climate change, Acid rains, Ozone depletion. 6. Air Pollution due to automobile; Vehicular emissions, Motor fuel combustion, automobile emission mechanism from various vehicles. Section-B . Classification of water pollutants, . Different types of sources of water pollution. . Types of wastewater and its quantum, Effects of water pollution on Environment(Soil, organisms, vegetation, crop plants) Effects of water pollution on human beings. . Pollution of water by Industries and power plants. . Marine pollution; quantum, types of pollutants, effects on water quality, organisms and ultimate effects on human beings. Section-C Various sources of Noise Pollution. Methods of measurements of Noise Pollution. . Temporary effects of Noise Pollution on human beings. Permanent effects of Noise Pollution on human beings. Land pollution due to Municipal solid waste, Pollution due to agricultural chemicals on land and crop plants. NAwRYKE ay aene Suggested Readings: ++ Banerjee, B.N. 1987, Environmental Pollution and Bhopal Killings, Gian Publishing House, New Delhi. + Environmental Radiation and Thermal Pollution and their control, Acol Publication, New Delhi. Py [Tes Dy. Registrar (Academic-i) 87. University of Rajasthan Jaipur Syllabus 8.Se. Part! * Katyal, T. and Satake, M. 2001. Environmental Pollution, Anmole Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. * Liu, D.HF. and Liptak, B.G, 2000. Air Pollution. Washington. D.C. % Nath, P. and Nath, $. 1990. Environmental Pollution conservation and Planning, Chng Publication, Allahabad, * S.A. 1991, Environmental Impacts on Water Resources Project, Discovery Publishing Home, New Delhi. % Santara, S.C. 2001. Environmental science. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd, Calcutta. ‘* Sharma, P.D. 2005. Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, Meerut, * Sinha, U.K, 1986, Ganga Pollution and Health Hazards, Aika Enterprises, New Delhi, ‘> Tebbntt, T-H.Y.1983, Principles of water quality control, Pragmon Press, Oxford, Paper II: Computer Techniques, Environmental Biotechnology and Environmental Microbiology Section A + Biotechnology and its possible role in Environmental conservation. - Oil Slicks, oil spills, pesticide, tannery food industries and applications of biotechnology. . Bioremediation: Bioremediation of polluted soil. - Hazardous wastes in environment and use of Biotechnology. . Air Pollution abatement and Biotechnology (Bio scrubbers, Bio beds, Bio trickling filters). . Biotechnology and Wastewater treatment. Section B - Microbiology and its possible role in solution of Environmental Challenges. . Air borne diseases and causal organisms. Water borne diseases and causal organisms. Role of microbes in metal recovery. - Role of microbes in pest control. . Degradation of pesticides in environment and soil. . Vermitechnology and waste treatment. Section C + Software MS Word and its possible role in environmental challenges. . Software XP and environmental Challenges. . Role of Websites and internet in environmental conservation. - Wind rose formation and its application in environmental monitoring. ps [Se Dy. Registrar (Academic-|) University of Rajasthan, Jaipur pe PAYEONE Quaw eye se Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II Suggested readings: ‘© Allen, M.J. and Geldreich, E.P. 1975.Bacteriological criteria for groundwater. Groundwater .13: 45-52. * Alvares, Claude, ed.1996. The Organic Farming Source book, Goa.The other India Press % Annan, Kaffi, A. 2002. Towards a sustainable Future. 44(7): 10-15 % Bonde, G.J.1977. Bacterial indicator of Water Pollution. Adv.Aqua, Microbial, 1: 273- 364. % Border, R. and Winter, J. 1978. Microbial methods for monitoring the environment — water and waste, USEPA, Cincinnati, USA. Brown, CM., old Camp bell, Priest, F.G, 1987 Introduction to Biotechnology, Blackwell Scientific Publishers, London. Cabelli, V.J. 1982. Microbial indicator systems for assessing water quality, Anton Von Leeuwenhock. 48: 613-618. Carson, Rachel.1962.Silent Spring, Indian Edition. Goa : Other Indian Press. Cass, A.E.G.1990. Biosensors: A practical approach, Oxford University Press, New York. % Chakraverty, A.1989. Biotechnology and other Alternative Technologies, Oxford and IBH Publishing CO.Pvt. Ltd.New Delhi % Chatterjee, A-K. and Alam, B .1998, Aquatic plants in heavy metal pollution abatement and monitoring .pp 191-205. In: Sood, P.P and Prakash .R. (eds). Heavy ‘metal pollution, Toxication and Chelation. M.D-Publications, New Delhi. Chatterjee, D-K., Kellog, S.T., Furukawa, K., Kilbanes, JJ. and Chakraborty, A.M.1991. Genetic approach to the problems of toxic chemical pollution. PP: 199- 212. Walton, A.G. (ed.). Recombination DNA. Elsevier.Amsterdam, Davis, B.D., Dulbecco, R., Einsen, H.N. and Ginnsberg, H.S, 1990. Microbiology. Harper and Row Publication. Singapore. FikSel, J. and Covello, V.T.1986. Biotechnology, Risk assessment, Pergamon Press, New York. % Forsteb, C.F.1985. 1986. Biotechnology and Wastewater treatment, Cambridge University Press, London. Forster, C.F. and Warse, D.A.J.1987. Environmental Biotechnology. Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK. * Gandey, A.E. and Gandy, E.T.1981. Microbiology for Environmental Scientists and Engineers. MeGraw — Hill, New York. + * + * * Py \vz Dy. Registrar ke University of Rajasthan 84 ‘Jaipur * + * + + Syllabus B.Sc, Part-I! James, A. and Evison, L. 1979. Biological indicators of Water quality. John Wiley and sons. Lowries, P. and Wells, S. 1991. Microorganisms, Biotechnology and Disease, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Me Carthy, J.F, and Roch, M, 1983. Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination.CRC Press, Boca Raton, California. Mitchell, R. 1974. Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology. Prentice ~ Hall, London Prentis, $, 1984. Biotechnology. A new Industrial Revolution. Orbis Publishing, London, Primose, S.B. 1987. Modern Biotechnology. Blackwell Oxford. Rana, S.V.S.1986. Recent trends in Biotechnology and Biosciences. Pragati Press. Muzzafarnagar. Rehm, HJ. and Redd, G. 1986, Biotechnology, Vol I to B VCH Nemheim, FRG Sanunders, V.A. and sanders, J.R. 1987. Microbial Genetics applied to Biotechnology, Cromm, Helm, and London. Stoner, D. 1994. Biotechnology for the treatment of Hazardous wastes. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, California. Walker, J.M. and Ginford, E.B. 1985. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Dorset Press, Dorset. Yoken, E. and Dimartino, V. 1989. Biotechnology in future Society Grower Publishing Co. USA. Suggested Field and Laboratory Exercises 1 Paneer ee u. Estimation of SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) from heavy traffic and busy areas. . Estimation of CO>, . Estimation of SO, }. Estimation of NO, Preparation of pollution roses. . Estimation of Noise Levels from busy areas. . Estimation of Noise Levels from Silence zone (Hospital area, sanctuaries, National Parks) . Estimation of pH of water. ). Estimation of EC of water. ). Estimation of TDS of water. Estimation of Chlorides. Ly (Te Dy. Registrar (Academic-!) University of Rajasthan 90 Jaipur Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II 12, Visit to various water harvesting structures (traditional water harvesting structures), ponds, bawries, kunds, kacchatanka, puccatanka, 13. Collection of water from surface water sources, tankas etc 14, Estimation of pH, EC, TDS, Chlorides, Oxygen, alkalinity etc. from surface water sources of different locations. 15. Estimation of pH, EC, TDS, Chlorides, Oxygen and fluoride determination of ground water collected from different sources, 16. Visit to sewerage treatment plants. Collection and analysis of water from sewerage plants. 17. E-coil count and other microbe identification. fy (ve Dy. Registrar (Academicr!) Us cof Rajasthary 91 Spur Be IF, IFBIO-TECANOLOGY Scheme : 2 ‘Min, Pass Marks, 36 Sener reap ve eas vewentsinsphotosytititésis, “ a -pasiments.- cuenta Generationsan olntra-and: itonletitendonntologes ee ‘tiahandcharge:compttBiliessdetermi byestdetempinantofsiethiaeadfiong: > “hysical methodseppliedto'fincout moleenlan: rey | Lo psiystallography.adebaan, PAP ea ty " he eee f ana spec tines ean AR, Raman;: tra. *lijsieal methodol ture : Ultrasound, -opticnBEilters MMAR imaging, Molecular basis cts Sratowa, DNActe| prokaryotes and eukatyotes. DNA cukegyot, Inseation elements and transpons, Structure of retary “genes, Prokaryotic transerl Prokaryotle Translation, Prokaryotio gene expresston ae, hs ap, catabolic représsiog) Structure of. see seas. Bukaryotic Bakaryeis Tessin, Ri ote ek Uaivscsy a Raaathn faione oe Bukaryotic gene expression transeription factors%eter’ 20%), ees 4 Rawiachia Maen % Gene expression in yeast. ae Gene expression in protozoan Brsciee teen. parasite auger Gone organtzation- widsexprsifon trates vale atieecaa bo iy gee “Shlereplat. _ Seen . *Fhesimmune systernand-inmunity along Witlo-Nistorieat erspective. en84 sce “ontigen-antibodyrenditheinstnceture rye “Phocorgans-and thesells OF the immone system section me >Antigen-antibedysinteraétion, “hoorabendcelhmedite: immunity sytlabus: Py (Vo ay DY. Registrar a | Academic Universirgss Rajasthan, 'Sipur -VuO 01 vononponuy ‘sideouos Babtbape Seger 30 WWaudojsreq -spurunn “UT voneinduey, Beg “ob enStid 7 uote ES Weal asp oy Aum -untsds UoHHTRUEA Sosherewa 1 . “suisisks swaq 30 UonRordd pue jeoryoreranpy CHOMEN “SUSIE KS SWH:30 Wa3skg yuaatIeseaByA aseg ‘epee: tse “SMOY € 2q [1M suoded aso jOWSheanp aE | (syaem 5) Sururer QOf-aqy-uG, 0 os Moweioqey Su) wutex8o1g Soiydein saindwos pue $$ os BujwuresB01g Painjonys 59 0S = wayskgy Wwadeuey oség weg suy;wop aoustog ~ > : S OSE Boy gy oO) NOEEVOT Idd UILAGWOT « * P euoneiay* y Aqtamoag Sudo} Suisn asv at Joptituonesijdde-ue °° ASVEO “asvEg on ‘wonorposay o8ensuey 10QU0D eg pur oder BE SISA ae. eonoeiy If s9de, “p todigac - Syllabus BA. Pare . ‘yystem management, User management Security considerations Practical Design of a database for a business application. Design of data entry forms and report layouts: for this database: Creation of pro- grams to access and manipulate database. Development of a business application in RDBMS Paper-II : Structured Programming and Computer Graphics iY introduction, Need of structured programming, Methods of documentation. Methods of analyzing a program requirements, Data flow diagrams. Entity relationship. Flow charts. Various categories of programming language GGL, 4GL, etc.), introduction to.C and COBOL. Program development in C using structured programming concepts. -Why Graphics. ‘various types of graphics programs. Drafting yackages. DTP packages. Microsoft Windows. Various documenta- ion ctim DTP packages e.g. Wordperfect, Microsoft Word ete: _Introduction-to a Pagemaker/Ventura or a similar package. Prepa- ation of documents: using DTP package. Formatting. Various fonts nd-characters set. Various type-Of printers uged'in. DTP. Introduction » commercial DTP system available in market. Indian language fonts. reation of Indian: language fonts. racticas i . Development ‘vf a business application using C. Preparation of a‘document’and publishing-it using a DTP Sys- n,. Greation of fonts, \ st . Managing a Microsoft: Window. session. Creating* groups and. »gram.items under Window. Turning Windows fora computer S>e- : . & ! . Dy. Registr (Academic) y oF Raja q6

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