The Last Man On The Floating Island

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Dedicated to…
Those, who failed in their voyages in deep Oceans ….!


‘The Last Man on the Floating Island’ is not belonged to a ‘Novel’ Category but it is
not at all a ‘Short Story’. This is a story of a Sailor-a Smuggler and his fighting for
survival. There are facts and fictions in this book, which point out the real meanings
of life and its risks.

Arul Chand, is a Sailor but it is not his Profession. He is a victim of a War. He lost
everything in the war and he was forced to leave his motherland. Arul’s Story is his
entire voyage. He had travelled through many Oceans, met many different types of
men, ate unusual food and realised the fact of loneliness. He was becoming a
scapegoat in a way, but he enjoyed it.

The Story peripherally says a voyage and the survival of a sailor but indirectly it
points out the manmade calamities, various rituals, believes, concepts and its
enforcement to believe by others too; and more…

The Story itself is a fantasy and no connection with any person, any land, any group
or anything. If any similarity or resemblance found, it is quite coincidence.

Anoop Thozhookkara, from Kerala –India, is the author of this Book. He has written
Two Other Books in Malayalam Language; also script and lyrics for few Tele-Films,
Albums, Documentaries, Dramas and a Malayalam Movie. This is his First book and
E-Book in English Language.

A & A Publishers wish to include this Book in their ‘E-Books Series’ and to publish
in the Middle East region first, to get introduced themselves in the market with
prompt messages of business as well as literature.

We believe the unpretentious way of writing in simple language will help

booklovers an enjoyable reading.
A & A E-Books Division


Title : The Last Man On The Floating Island

Category : E-Book
Author : Anoop Thozhookkara
Illustration : Sahish Prabhakar
Editor : AA Krishna
Cover : Vinod, Google Gallery (NR)
Format : PDF File
Type of Distribution : For Free Circulation Only
Published by : A & A Publishers, Middle East
Copy Rights : Reserved at A&A E-Books
E-Contact :



Still it is not sure whether that land belongs to Bulgaria, Turkey or Greece. The
Istanbul; old Constantinople has made a culture of living for the Tourists on that
land or island; which sometime floats and touches the continental lands of Europe
–Africa and Asia. It floats rarely through Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Aegean
Sea and keeps harmony with coastal people, living in Harem, Besiktas and Kadokoy,
once in a blue moon.

There are lots of such known and unknown small islands in Atlantic Ocean. The
luxurious persons who wish their lives to live freak, do spend more time on such
islands with or without legal documents. They reach there in some private boats
who conduct illegal voyages in the tropical and tranquil banks of Aegean Sea.
The majority have already left, knowing the restructuring works on some islands by
a renowned NGO and the rehabilitation in this regard; whilst a minority still stay
hesitating the global rules. The World Environmental Development Counsel called
them “Moving against people” because on every land there will be a group of
people who move against the movements while others move towards.


The last Ship was waiting for the last man. Second horn was short but louder than
First one. The homosexual couple Rex and Jerry who wished to live there till the
end of their life, wept bitterly. Robert Luther an Atheist started sleeping so early in
his seat. Charles and Michele begged for a bottle of beer before the ship starts, the
stewards convinced them to keep quiet.
It is not a ship in actual means, but a big boat with three stories. An old wrecked
ship would have been modified to use for this rehabilitation purposes. The NGO is
doing so many similar activities in association with World Health and Rehabilitation
Organization (WHRO) and World Environmental Development Council (WEDC) in
remote and isolated areas. Despite it has an old Engine, still mats are being used to
control the wind.

The last Ship was waiting for the last man


The Captain counted the number of Travellers and it was 23 altogether, the same
as that he had received from NGO. Last time there was a mortar attack while he
was indulged in rescue of the victims from Manila bay but the Ship was escaped
with little cracks. He is happy here with no threats of anything from anywhere.
Captain rang the last horn louder and longer…the stewards-cum-chef-cum-
maintenance technicians Mohammed Muthalib , Fernadous and Martine removed
the ties and gave the final signal by a bell. The engine sound was increased; the ship
was ready to move. When Muthalib looked back to that dreamy land, the floating
island, he saw a muddy coloured man waving his hand. Muthalib gave the red alert
and Captain suddenly decelerated the engine, the engine turned to off position and
the ship was to rest. Some tides pulled the passengers forward due to inertia,
Robert Luther who was sleeping, suddenly woke up and exclaimed!
“What the bloody hell happened...??!!”
When all others turned back, that muddy man was running towards the ship.
Fernadous and Martine jumped down and fixed the ties with a nearby pole. They
asked the man to run fast…
The man was weeping, tears fell down from his eyes and there was a bad smell
from him. Mohammed Muthalib gave him a jug full of water. The muddy man drank
completely as if he is too thirsty.
The voyage was just started, the birds nearby the land flew around the ship and left
back swift, as saying ‘goodbye’ to them. The land behind them is now just like a
dot. Rex and Jerry kissed each other with tears while the island was completely
disappeared. The sea was becoming calm, the ship moved forward by fluttering in
the breeze.
“Can I have a bottle of Beer…?”
It was a screaming by Charles. Michele supported him
“No men, this is not a tour package, we are not permitted to give you anything.
Also, we don’t have.
Said Fernadous.
“This is too painful”


Michele became upset...

“See Gentlemen, we have been permitted to issue you limited food three times
maximum a day, we have to survive at least 7 days to reach the destination”
Martine explained the situation…
Charles and Michele murmured something and went to the deck …
The muddy man was sleeping, Robert Luther took a book from his bag and started
reading about ‘Evolution and it’s after effects on Earth’!
Some others enjoyed the beauty of sea through the broken windows…they could
see sea only all around, nothing else!
Mohammed sat near the muddy man looking at his eyes. He was old, tired, weak
and forlorn, his hair was fallen to forehead. He was sleeping calm like a baby in the
The next day was extremely different, the tides started throwing the ship. Captain
tried his level best to balance the metacentric height to get the ship steady.
Passengers were panic expecting a wreck. All except muddy man and Robert were
murmuring and started praying.
It took hardly more than half an hour to stabilize the float against wind. When the
ship was steady all became happy. They said thanks to Captain. The Captain was a
former US Naval Commandant, who had voluntarily retired to join the Rescue team
as part of charitable service; seemed to be cool as always he was.
Mohammed just completed his ‘Luhar’ Prayer…
Fernadous and Martine started serving food…
4 pieces of bread, a single pinch of cheese, a table spoon pineapple jam and one
glass water; this was the meal for the noon. As per the instruction from NGO &
WEDC they have to treat 23 migrants, One Captain, Three Stewards for at least 7
days, hence the food was rationed. Now they need to treat one more extra, the last
man, the muddy man.
The life is like that. The lavish people who wished a crazy, freak life enjoy their day
nights in luxurious Hotels of well-known Cities. Sometime they fly to deserts
wishing a safari and tent nights. Even if they had not compromised their food. They


preferred to eat what do they like more. Sometimes they travelled to extremely
cold lands, drank hot liquids, cocktails, enjoyed campfire. In rare cases they would
have stuck with scarcity of food and shelter but only for few hours or maximum a
day. Here the case was different. All the 23 have come from different parts of
world, they never planned to visit that island, even they didn’t know about it. Only
Jerry and Rex wished to continue there, inspiring the beauty of loneliness, since
they wish to stay somewhere on a piece of earth peacefully.
The Flood was due to Tsunami waves. The waves raised up to the top of many
buildings, the tornado also misled the waves to some seashores. The Black sea and
Mediterranean Sea were mostly affected the calamities of Tsunami that day.
“I was travelling along with a group of Atheists. Actually we 5 were from Germany
on a vacation and a research on ‘Old Constantinople’, we were somewhere ‘Avrasia
Tuneli’ in our yacht, suddenly we could see a type of speedy wind formed nearby;
within short time the waves were raised, we were thrown out like a push. I don’t
remember anything else. When I was conscious, I was in that floating island”
Robert Luther said.
All others listened him.
“I think others would have died”
Robert added!
“Inna ilahi ilahillai rajiun”
Mohammed Mutalib whispered!!
Robert the atheist stared at him.
“How long did you stay there”?
Martine enquired…
“2 to 3 days …., I am not sure the unconscious days”
“Your food”
Fernadous sat near to him.
“Some types of fruits, leaves, tiny seeds on grass, which I have never seen before”


Robert’s face was pale red in the memories of those cold blooded day nights….
“I got this bag with few books, but lost all else”
All looked each other, the story was similar for almost all of them.
The ship was gently dancing in the wind; the sunset was utmost beautiful. Red and
orange colour, decorated the faces more adorable.
“Remember…how did you reach there?”
Fernadous, Martine and Mohammed Muthalib, the three stewards compelled the
muddy man to express something.
He was silent throughout the trip. No, not silent, he didn’t say a single word till time
from the commencement of voyage.
“Common man”
Robert also joined others.
“The…the…. aam aaa”
It was like a stutter or stammer. The muddy man tried to say something but he
couldn’t. His eyes were filled with tears. The more he tries to open his mouth to say
something, the more the tears generate. He covered his face with both palms as if
wanted to hide himself from the whole world.
The facilities to take a bath and for toilets were very limited in the ship. All, except
the muddy man requested frequently to the stewards, sometimes argued with
them. The supper was also not satisfactory. Some unknown leaves, Arabian
khubboos, curd and some pickle. This was not good for all except muddy man. He
only ate as hungry, as usual with no commends.
The third day of the voyage, they got an unexpected rain. All were pleased to enjoy
it. Despite there were mats and sheets on the roof, the water peeped through the
scratches and holes. Some wanted to enjoy direct rain on the deck. The old tin
sheets were making music with the rain drops. The stewards took the muddy man
to the deck of the ship. ‘It was raining cats and dogs’. The muddy man hesitated
first, kept quiet for some time, then gradually started enjoying the rain. The rain
drops flew on his face, the spherical bubbles flowed down through his cheeks and
beard. The stewards supported him to remove mud and dust from his jeans and


coat. It was an old wrinkled jeans and a coat with pullover. In spite of they asked
many times, the muddy man couldn’t say from where he had got that dress. At last
they believed that it would have presented him by somebody, many months or
even a year ago. When the dust and mud were gone, his dress became more
colourful. His face became more dazzling while the dust on beard flown with water.
Mohammed Mutalib, Martine and Fernadous helped him to cut his hair and beard.
They gave him a spare dress, an old gown with inners and helped him to wear it.
“Now he is not muddy man, He is our ‘Sindbad’”
Jerry just commended upon his new look
Rex showed his discomfort with a gesture using his mouth, while Jerry sat near him
Immediately Jerry shifted to Rex, patting on his right hand, showing his extremity
of love to him!!
Rex became happy with a slender smile!
There were 3 Japanese in the team, they are a team of research fellows from a
renowned IT Factory in Liverpool –UK, having superstitious ideas on Robotics and
Artificial Intelligence. They had a trip to Western Venezuela as part of a paper
presentation. They spent few days in France and Spain. They wished to cross North
Atlantic Ocean from Portugal and to reach Venezuela just for a thrilling journey
apart from their Research. They were not sure about the trip, but curious about
‘The Bermuda Triangle’, while crossing the North Atlantic Ocean. Nothing was
happened since one of them changed the plan to Mediterranean Sea through
Balearic sea which is just opposite to their previous plan. They thought to have an
approach at University of Malta for similar presentation, then to go to Venezuela.
They didn’t reveal more details to Fernadous and Martine, but said they lost their
all documents and research papers in the Tsunami. The three Japanese look like
hopeless and spend their time mostly on the deck of the ship with discussions.
Sometimes they seemed to have brainstorming on serous topics, while others were
simply sitting and sleeping.
The nights were so calm. The Captain stops the ship whenever he is tired. He was
not just a captain of the ship but the captain of the entire mission of rescue. He had
to send and receive many official messages other than Admiralty List of Radio
Signals (ALRS). He kept a distance from the Passengers deliberately as part of his


mission. His friends and former colleagues still call him Boat Driver just for a joke
because most of them are having a First Class Marine life, but he was never
bothered about it. The shining stars reflected on his eyes which show a new hope
for his journey and it’s destiny.
The muddy man easily adopted with his new situation. Very rarely the ship
anchored somewhere on the tiny islands with no inhabitants. Now on the Fourth
day of the voyage, the muddy man; no the last man who doesn’t have mud on his
dress now, joined others slowly in the recreations.
Mohammed was so happy, he asked so many questions about him. All of them
speak English in different ways in different slang but their mind spoke a common
language. Some of them began to indulge in some types of plays using small stones.
Robert Luther tried to teach some of them about ‘creation without God’. The last
night supper was bread butter jam and fried fish, which was caught by some
travellers using an old fishermen net. Jerry and Rex chose a corner place on the
Third story which was a single room used by an old watchman. Charles and Michele
were okay to adjust without alcohol. When they were cool, the Captain gave them
two beer cans which he had reserved for his personal use. They were happy in that
night, understanding the fact that even a single 500 ml beer bottle can make them
happy instead of a Five Star Luxurious menu, which they were used to, during their
previous tours.
“Man proposes, God disposes”
Michele exclaimed…!!
“Indeed !!”
Charles replied with a yawn as if he is ready for a deep sleep….

The next day was again rush especially in the morning.

The Toilet facilities were very limited….
It was not a Ship but an old vessel purchased for rehabilitation and rescue purposes,
hence the facilities were restricted. Moreover, it was too old to use.


The Three Japanese IT experts and some others started calculating the remaining
hours to reach the destination. Some of them said ‘hardly it could be 36 hours’…
And quiet flows the Ocean ….!!!
“When and where? Do you remember?”
Mohammed Mutalib asked to the last man…
“I ...I am…not remembering exactly, I... I had been there for many months”
The last man drank a ‘full mouth’ water from a mug.
“What is your name”
Fernadous asked…
“I am Arul Chand from Sri Lanka”
All others sharpened their ears, sitting on a mat around him…
“Sri Lanka was in trouble because of the battle between Sinhalese and Tamil about
His face became pale…words were not that much clear…
“We were also migrants but not from India, when the battle was turned to a big
civil war, my family had no other way but to fight or flight; my mother was a
hunchback and father an Asthma patient. I was the only son and I am a fisherman.
One night we decided to leave the country using an old boat, but fate was bit
different. Before I came back home from the fish market, my hut was burnt by
somebody and I lost my parents. I became alone orphan…I never blamed
anybody, never said it would have done by Sinhalese or LTTE, but blamed myself
and my fate.”
He wiped his tears using a shall…
Others stopped their activities to listen him, because it was the first time that man
started speaking... He was unable to speak well even if he tried, because of long
years of silence. They all thought that he would have become mute.
Arul Chand leaned to a pillar of the ship…he tried to recall his life…


my hut was burnt by somebody and I lost my parents

“The marijuana has good demand in some countries but it is illegal. If you could sail
with this and sale, you can become a millionaire”
It was a photographer who reached his land for ‘civil war photography’ but he was
an agent of an international drug mafia.
“I don’t want to become a millionaire, I lost everything…. not only my parents, my
land, even my country too...”
Arul replied...


“Understood, however you are disappointed, depressed; me too…. there is no

history of wars who earned; or if earned, would have lost in another way”
The photographer was a philosopher too…
“what do you suggest”
Arul asked…
“I suggest you to be a career, means career of marijuana”
He gave a small pinch of marijuana to taste….
Arul Chand refused…
Then he gave a cigarette to him
“Try this, we call ‘Joint’…”
Arul Chand swallowed a good smoulder…, the smoke went through his throat and
peeked through nasal cavities…the second smoke started leading him to a dream
land which he never experienced before…it was a long journey with the third
smoke…. he saw the sky falling to him swift but broken into small pieces once
touched on his head…it repeated again and again as long as he wished…he flew like
a bird in the sky…He was enjoying the beauty of world!!!
The next day when Arul woke up, the Photographer was capturing the beauty of
flying birds at ‘Kankesanturai’ seashore. When he saw Arul, he turned back and
“Hi, how was the night? “
“Oh, strange, really strange...”
Arul replied…
“Would you like to have one more?”
“Not now”
The next day the photographer left that shore, Arul Chand was also with him. It was
a fishermen boat travelling from Jafna towards Indonesia. That was the first sail of
Arul Chand. The photographer introduced himself as ‘Nicolas’. On the way near
Jakarta they had to change their boat. They entered to a new vessel, the


photographer said he is ‘Sheikh Abdulla’, while anchored on an unknown island, he

was ‘Charan Singh’. Arul understood that he has entered to a big group. Everything
happening around is unusual, mischievous and illegal, what photographer telling
each time is different and lie but one this was right “the Stuff has loaded”.
They never stayed or landed anywhere, the food and water were loaded from
unknown stations near the ports. Photographer sometimes seemed to be so busy,
sometimes so lazy. Many people from different nationalities were there in the
vessel. They speak different languages, giving something to somebody and
collecting money from them. Everything was strange for Arul.
The smoke of the marijuana was becoming very much passionate to Arul. He never
knew that he is becoming an addict and an international drug career. About him he
doesn’t bother anything…he decided to live the rest of his life like this and flew like
bird in the sky….

The smoke of the marijuana was becoming very much passionate to Arul


The days are passed like fallen leaves of tree. The months are never counted…The
vessel would have crossed miles…crossed many famous oceans…. have approached
many continents…but not touched any of the well-known ports instead of small
atolls for food and water.
One morning when Arul Chand woke up, he realized that the Photographer was
missing. He was not be seen anywhere…Arul was confused since yesterday night
he was more intoxicated than his usual drug. He had urine and stool in his pants
with a dirty smell. He just washed his pants and changed with a new one, pored
some water on his head and started searching for the photographer. When he
looked around he understood another fact. Almost all members in the Vessel are
new faces. Something was happened in the last night but he was not informed by
anybody. That day he found and surprised himself by seeing tears on his eyes, just
after the demise of his parents. Two spherical water balls fell down on his T-Shirt
on behalf a person who was/is still unknown for him.
The usual puff was not provided to him by anybody…. He asked a person whom was
standing near the store room. He laughed and refused…Arul went to another man
“Somebody please give me a puff……….”
It was a screaming….
None listened him….
Arul felt a shivering from foot to top…
He found clouds in the sky laughing at him…. a feeling like worms licking his
wounds…. pain on all points of body…. Felt like muscles shrinkage …. he cried
When tantrum symptoms shown, two Negro people came and tied him to a sofa-
set…. he felt dehydration…!!
Immediately a bell was rung, all the faces seemed to be frightened. The Vessel
suddenly tried to shift its direction and shaken to the core in the ocean!
The Vessel was surrounded by Copes and Coast Guards; Customs Officers were also
there. They conquered the vessel under point blank. Some jumped into the ocean,
swam but requested for life jacket once tired…The Copes entered to the Vessel.


They arrested all of them…Arul Chand who was in a drowsiness couldn’t realize
whether it is a fantasy or reality…!!!


The imprisonment would have been hectic for normal people but nothing
differentiated for Arul. It looks like his normal lazy days with normal routines,
limited meals and plenty of time to sleep. He had shown strong withdrawal
symptoms due to the unavailability of his favourite marijuana or cocaine but later
he could adjust it with. He realized the open minds, fresh mornings, sound of birds,
and beauty of nature not only because of ‘no to drugs’ but also it was his living on
a land continuously many weeks, after the commencement of his trip from
‘Kankesanturai’ seashore.

The imprisonment would have been hectic for normal people…

“Arul, how do you feel now”

The Jail Doctor, an English, was so kind to all of them asked…


“I am good”
He replied...
When the Doctor left, the breakfast was ready. Whilst he was called for the
breakfast, another tall man gave him a ‘shake-hand’ and guided him to a corner of
his Cell. Arul remembered his face as he was there in that Vessel, before they were
“Hi ...I am Tika, how are you”
He introduced himself…
“I am good”
“Okay, man, I had seen you in our Ship before we were caught by these rascals.
Would you wish to escape”?
His face was red in anger…
“Why…and where...?”
Arul was, as usual hopeless. The tall man Tika never expected this reply.
“Do you want to use that stuff once more”
Arul Chand’s mind was confused…Again he saw the clouds looking at him
“Yes, I am”
He replied…
“Then Come-on…get ready, I will help you …we are a team ...You just follow my
instructions, once we escaped, we will give you the stuff. Nothing else we need
from you but to sail and sale…”
Arul Chand looked at the sky…he saw the clouds falling towards him and scattering
around his head. The Clouds are laughing at him…he enjoyed that day...
The next night, Tika gave him a signal and he moved to the Cell door, it was not
locked. He walked like a cat with no sound. As Tika instructed, he walked through


the corridor. when he crossed the second gate, there was a man in the darkness.
Arul understood that he is a watchman. He was walking in the courtyard.
Arul moved forward hiding himself from the watchman…
He assured that he is safe, but he was stumbled upon hearing a voice
“Hello Gentleman...,”
The watchman’s sound was like a lady…
“Go straight, there is the main gate, a small gate adjacent to it, is for security guards
and it is open for you…go fast…and don’t forget to bring the promised stuff for me”
Arul Chand was surprised hearing that voice, he had never expected it….
“Run…. Idiot... don’t make my life struggle”
The watchman pointed to the main gate….
Arul Chand rushed there……

“Oh! it’s seaweed”


Tika seemed to be upset in the boat. It was a small ‘speed boat’; maximum 4
persons can sit, including him the total was five. When Arul entered and just
adjusted, Tika raised the boat towards the moon direction. He was still not knowing
which land was that and belongs to which continent. ‘All oceans look alike, just
name differences only’…he simply thought so…
“Where is the ship”
One of the five asked…
“You must wait”
Tika replied
“Ok, but where?”
The man was curious…
“Shut your bloody mouth”
Tika raised his voice…
It was silence almost, except the noise of boat…
After a long voiceless minutes, Tika said calmly…
“We are moving to Greece direction and not sure exactly where we are now. The
messenger had told that a ship would be here somewhere at least 100 nautical
miles from the start point, but heaven sake we couldn’t find anything”
“How dare you could say so; you should know the direction well and you should
have a proper plan too”
The first man was so loud...
“We are not coming from a resort, but from a Jail”
Tika too, was upset…
“Oh! this could be the last of us; it was better to stay there in that ‘F**€₴₮ ing’ jail”
Some other murmured…
Arul was silent throughout the journey…


He could see water all around the boat, no signs of land or ship anywhere…
“Why the hell you didn’t ask atlest which this bloody ocean is ???”
The first man was screaming…
“I know; this is Aegean Sea !!”
Tika replied.
A few more distance they moved calm…
Suddenly a tide upraised and the boat was filled with a little water
“Oh! it’s seaweed”
Tika has become hopeless ….
“We need to reduce the weight of the boat”
He shouted loudly….
“We are sinking”
All of them were frightened …
One of them started praying…. It was also strange since others have never seen him
praying before…
The second wave filled more water into the boat and the balance was losing….
After a few moments of silence, Tika stood up and touched the shoulders of Arul
and said very tolerantly…
“Sorry man…I am helpless; I have no way other than this….”
Before Arul could say something, Tika had picked him up and threw to the water.
Suddenly he turned the boat to another direction…all others became stunned and
mute. The First man who was arguing with Tika started shivering because of fear.
The boat disappeared from there quickly, swinging in the tides…



The Ship was moving along with gentle breeze…it was not so cold or hot…. weather
was extremely calm...
Jerry stood up from the lap of Rex, as he was eagerly watching Mr. Arul Chand, the
last man. Jerry looked like a guy, a she-male when he was laying on the lap of Rex.
Martine served tea to all…. Fernadous and Mohammed also joined him to serve
and clean the dishes; whilst Arul had given a short break to have a cup of tea.
“I exactly don’t know what happened that night…. I was in the middle of an ocean,
thinking of the last moment of death which is so near…., when I looked around
surprisingly I could find a floating plank. It was not just a piece of wood but a peace
of next hope.”
All the 23 passengers looked at him eagerly…
The Captain had given a map of that location, where they had been assigned to do
the rescue. Muhammed said it is near somewhere Constantinople in sea of
marmas. Fernadous looked at the map and said “no it could be near Rumelifeneri
in black sea”. The Captain was cool as usual and never tried to correct or clarify
“It was mid night and I was floating with the plank in the mid of an unknown ocean.
The tides had become steady, sooner than Tika and team left. I touched the water.
It was half hot half cold. I realized one-thing, this plank and me are alike, both have
neither direction nor destination”
Jerry again slanted to Rex ….
Arul Chand continued …
“I reached a small island and jumped to it…said ‘good bye’ to that plank, thinking
that it can save someone else, if anybody in any seas.”
“Was that the floating island, where we all first met”
Robert asked interestedly…
“Could be…………, not ‘could be’; yes…because it is the only land which I had lived
until I saw this rescue ship”


The last man- the muddy man -Arul Chand drank another mug of water… the water
passed through his throat resembled the sound of water falling in the crab holes in
paddy fields….
“I was not knowing that island itself was floating, unless it reached another steady
island, it was towards west from the point where I got into”
“How could you understand it was towards west, especially in the midnight”
One of the IT experts asked.
“I am a smuggler but a sailor too”
Arul replied calmly!
“If it is towards west, it could be somewhere near ‘Besiktas’”
Martine said, looking at the map.
None responded.
“When I touched my leg on that land, I heard a howling sound, it was really a noise”
It was a strange looking man wearing leaves. He looked like a watchman. When the
howling sound was repeated by him, I heard a sound like horses riding. I saw
thousands of sparks all around. Hundreds of lamps were lightened here and there.
The sound was of stone strikes to make fire. I understood that they are not known
about match boxes or cigar lamps”.
When they lightened all lamps, asked me to light a lamp and pray to it, sitting on
Before my confusion getting clear, a fat man who stood at the right side of me,
beneath a tree, ran towards me and slapped on my cheek…It was an unexpected
move. I fell down …
While I wake up, he was saying something like a murmur…. all others were
supporting him with a particular howling noise ….
A slim lady who also had covered her breast and thighs with leaves, came to me
and gave me two stones and asked me to make fire….
I tried, each time whenever I fail, she blasted me with a rope….


“Huwu la he jiraaba …Huwu la he jiraaba”

The noise was astonishing me, however I understood one-thing “Lights are our
Gods” this is their moto.
Despite I tried several times, I couldn’t make a fire by striking stones…
All others started laughing!
Again the watchman howled three times…
Hearing this, all others turned back and ran to a stone, where all the lamps were
lightened together. They stood on knees and started howling
“Huwu la he jiraaba …Huwu la he jiraaba”
I looked back to the floating island, it was increasing its distance with that ‘light
island’. Understanding that it is moving; I jumped into it and laid maximum to the
earth as if hiding myself!!!”
Robert Luther sighed and exclaimed…!!
“It could be their bloody religion, to worship a pinch of fire and force all others to
do the same foolishness!!”
Arul Chand looked at him with his fatigued face as his opinion is right.
Others kept silent…
“The next day morning, I was very tired and starving… I searched something to eat.
I was alone in that island…some bushes, very rarely visiting birds and small seeds
of grass were my friends. I ate a seed not thinking whether it is poisonous or not.
The basic need of human being is hunger and thirst, nothing else. I am able to
survive a complete day and night without a drop of water but more than that I
can’t. I needed water. My tongue was getting dry, throat too…, again I saw my
death dancing in front of me”
The Captain made a big horn….
All the passengers were amazed…
It was an unexpected horn. All were keenly hearing the story of Arul.
Captain said


“Gentlemen, If God allows, we have just a night more to reach our destination. We
are getting signals from nearest ships with no interruptions. We may reach our
secured land in short period. I have given the message to the terminal. Enjoy your
last night with this ship”

Enjoy your last night with this ship………

All except Arul, applauded their hands in great happiness…

“Have you ever seen a mermaid?”
Arul asked to Robert Luther.
Luther replied.
“Do you believe mermaids? Is it a fact or fiction?”
“Absolutely fiction, just another stupidity like ‘Religion’…”
Arul curved his lips, it was a slender smile….
“What is your opinion about pearls, whales, sharks and others”
“Yes, all alive but not like mermaid”
“Do you know, Ocean is another wonder-world with lots of facts and fictions.
People like you, cannot imagine. I am not anyone like you. You all people would
have reached that island as part of Tsunami or something like that, but I am not….
I travelled across the globe through oceans, never wished to stay long
anywhere…but had to halt in many tiny islands having with or without inhabitants.


Even that floating island would be a miracle in the records of universal Geography
and oceanography.”
That night was really enjoyable for all of them. Stewards baked some special bread
with the available Flour as if tomorrow they will be reaching ‘Mauritius, the
destination. They had caught enough fish, some of them were boiled in oil, another
portion was cooked directly in oven. They wanted to facilitate the passengers with
a great feast using available resources.
Robert asked to Arul…
“You mean to say, mermaid is a realty…?”
Arul replied….
“I had seen…three times in my entire voyage…, when I was very near to the death
I found a mermaid swimming near my floating plank. I was not sure what exactly it
Sometimes I felt, it is leading me to somewhere…sometime hiding itself….
However, at last I could find that floating island……”
Robert Luther didn’t argue with him….
“Once more I saw a mermaid or something like that just after my escape from the
‘light island’…….
It was flowing in front of the floating island…
I was so thirsty and searching for water, the whole night…….
Unexpectedly I reached another tiny land of bushes….
The floating island stopped there while hitting on that bush land…
I searched the mermaid, but it was not be seen anywhere……
There were also some strange humans …
As I was too tired to speak out; they gave me some water…still I don’t know from
where they would have collected it.


One of them started saying something about them…

The language was strange for me…
I was able to speak, at least understand ‘Sinhala, Tamil, English, French, Hindi and
Arabic’ throughout my experience in sailing and smuggling, but this was too
I tried to explain them about me, my voyage and about the floating island but they
didn’t understand.
Then they began to teach me how to pray to God in their way. They repeatedly told
me a word which I understood ‘ONE’. I guessed, they wanted to teach me the
importance and existence of ‘One and Only One God’
When I shook my head as if agreeing them, they became happy…
They had given me a food which I had ever seen before, but there was a semi
cooked fish piece too ...
Then they started teaching me how to pray to God in their way…
They raised their both hands up and made some sounds loudly…. Then they laid on
the ground and lifted their both legs up, looking at sky ….
Once I refused to do a posture, they hit me with a sharp-edged stick. I understood
that, it is their weapon.
My eyes were on the floating island…it was still there near the bush island without
moving... ‘if it is not moving, I shall be with this strange people’ my mind reminded
That night, when others started sleeping in the small huts made of grass and
bamboo, I found my island is floating…. I jumped into the sea, swum and quickly
reached in it…. I saw that bush island is disappearing somewhere behind me…. I
sighed then...!!!”
“Strange…really Strange, utter foolishness…. who will believe all these …”?
Robert had lost his patience ….
“I don’t care. I have not said anyone to believe …but facts are facts and it is my


Arul Chand the last man drank another mug of water….

“Arul, cool…. Robert is an Atheist. He doesn’t believe in God. He thinks the world
was created by a ‘Big bang’. ‘Evolution’ is the only scientific answer of birth and
death. ‘Mutation Theory’ is his tool but we are not like that. We believe God. We
have different believes, we pray in different ways but basically we trust God and
his creation. So, we trust you and the miracles you had faced”
Somebody in the group convinced him…it was dark that side, so, Arul couldn’t see
his face.
“I do believe in God…. but I have my own thoughts. I don’t say the believes of you
are wrong. It’s good. Up to a certain extent, we can take the good portions of it….
but my belief starts at where yours end”
Arul sighed!
“What do you mean?”
That man moved forward to the light of the ship. Now his face is visible. He was
silent almost all time, spending his time on the deck of the ship, catching fish.
“Yes, there is a creator, there should be a creator but he or it might not be as you
described or believed….
There should be some reasons behind all births, deaths and accidents which our
brain can’t understand…
What we believe so far may be extremely different in God’s vision….
That reason may be convincing for us, even after our death….
I have my own ‘Holy Book’ which consists only 10 points: -
1. There is a Creator; can be visible or invisible, but has a supernatural power
2. All the things happening around have some reasons or connections, which
won’t be fate, sins, punishment of past lives.
3. ‘Dreams and Birthmarks’ have not yet been described well anywhere.
4. ‘Birth –Life –Death’ is a cyclic process but not as interpreted by various
humans lived with various conceptions
5. The reasons of the rhythm of life can’t be predicted, which only creator


6. All the Negatives including accidents, tragedies, illness etc and Positives
including pleasure, wealth, luck etc shall be convinced by human brain just
after his/her death only. What we feel bad now, may be good later.
7. There is no ‘Leader’ in my religion. If any leader emerges, he/she should not
collect any money-crop-gold or any materialistic offerings from his/her
followers but at the same time he/she should lead them, feed them and
resolve their problems too. Leader will not have any priority than others.
8. Equality is the main goal of the society. No one is greater than other.
Keeping harmony is the value of person in a society. No discrimination
among Men or Women. No need to convince the Society but need to convince
9. Be honest and trustful without expecting any gift from God for the services,
even now or after death.
10. Break the manmade barriers and live like other creatures in the world.
These are my points of view about my own religion. Anybody can join me, can add
or delete the thoughts, but at least should keep some qualities which animals still
have and mankind forgot !!”
Arul Chand Stopped his long talk…Nobody replied him or tried to ask more

The Captain was continuously speaking to the Destination Naval Department of
‘Mauritius’ and Some Coast Guard Ships. One of the Coast Guard boats reached
near them. The Ship had been temporarily anchored for some time. The Guards
admired the Captain and the rescue team for their risk for such an adventurous
journey. They informed that a big welcome has been arranged by the NGO and
Ministry of concerned, at the seaport. They gave sweets to all of them. The Coast
Guard’s boat left, wishing them by waving their hands.
“Gentleman, you all except Mr. Arul Chand stayed that land just only a day, hardly
10 hours…, It was a Tsunami. I know you all are from different places with different
missions. That Tsunami had taken many life, but made a reason to join all of us.
Thank God, we are safe now and just a night more maximum. We will be reaching
Mauritius Seaport tomorrow morning; after the Government procedures you will


be deployed at various rescue centres. From there, after the formalities, you can
go back your home country or to the job. Thank you for your all supports”
The Japanese IT team seemed to be happy.
Robert didn’t say anything.
Rex and Jerry, as usual were cool whatever it is and wherever they are….
Stewards started serving food…
Michele and Charles had planned to visit the next immediate ‘BAR’ once they safely
Arul Chand seemed to be calm….
The Captain also sat with them for the meal…
It was delicious rather than previous days…
Somebody silently sang a lullaby ….
“It was the command from my NGO to locate that island to rescue you people. We
were near Istanbul Port just after another mission. When the alert proclamation
received we just started, as per the given information 23 numbers were in the list.
Even if we were not knowing it was a floating island, because as per the Naval
records nowhere it is mentioned.”
The Captain concluded….
Mohammed Muthalib asked….
“Will they receive Arul Chand also, or ….?”
“Why not, he is also a human being”
Fernadous replied…
“No way, because I am not just a sailor but a smuggler too. Moreover, Smugglers
or deep sea inhabitants will not create ‘Artificial Tsunami’, they never cheat each
other, won’t kill anyone except for food, because they have no huge life plans
except survival of the fittest.”
Arul Chand whispered …...!!!


The Captain heard something but didn’t respond ….

All went to sleep …
Captain started the Engine of the ship….
The next day, along with the sun rise they could see a beautiful land with so many
coloured lamps. The light from the lighthouse passed through their faces…
It was a welcome to the tourists, the travellers, the research fellow and all others
by the dignitaries of World Health & Rehabilitation Organization (WHRO), World
Environmental Development Council (WEDC) and the Team NGO at the Seaport.
The Ship was reaching to the port….
Those who already woke up, started calling each other to see the new shore of
good hope!!
All hugged each other….
Jerry gave a lip-lock kiss to Rex…
Robert Luther whispered something….
When the stewards looked at Arul’s place, it was empty….!!!!!
They searched for him at all the three stories of the Ship, but couldn’t find …...!!
The Captain rang a bell as if they have reached the safe destination ….
Behind the ship, when they all looked back, they couldn’t find anything except the
waves of sea…
……and quiet flows the Indian Ocean ……...!!!!!


‘The Last Man on the Floating

Island’ is not belonged to a
‘Novel’ Category but it is not at
all a ‘Short Story’. This is a story
of a Sailor-a Smuggler and his
fighting for survival. There are
facts and fictions in this Book,
which point out the real
meaning of life and it’s risks. In
short; it is the story of a voyage,
but in deep it can be something

A&A E-Books


This Book is included in the First ‘E-Book’ Series Published by

‘A & A Publishers’- Middle East
Not for Sale - For Free Circulation Only (Trial Market Survey)

All Copy Rights are Reserved at A&A E-Books Division DQR

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