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Review Questions in Soil Fertility and Liming

Prepared by: Editha L. Agus

General Instruction: Mark X on the letter of the correct answer at the answer sheet provided. Do not write anything
on the questionnaire.

1. This micronutrient is needed in N fixation by leguminous plants and is usually deficient in acid upland soil
a. Zinc b. Molybdenum c. Iron d. Manganese
2. This macroelement is a component of protein and chlorophyll and is most limiting element in crop production
except for legumes
a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus c. Potassium d. Calcium
3. What is the inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in adequate amount and suitable proportion
a. Soil productivity c. Intensity factor
b. Nutrient availability d. Soil fertility
4. The ability of the soil to replenish the amount of nutrients in the soil solution
a. Intensity factor c. Buffering capacity
b. Capacity factor d. Availability
5. The relative ease by which a nutrient is supplied by the soil
a. Soil productivity c. Nutrient availability
b. Soil fertility d. Intensity factor
6. A method of soil fertility evaluation whereby concentration of nutrients are known before a crop is planted
a. Biological test c. Plant analysis
b. Soil analysis d. Nutrient deficiency symptoms
7. It is considered as one of the causes of soil acidity
a. Crop rotation b. Irrigation c. Liming d. Leaching of bases

8. The concentration of nutrients in the soil solution

a. Buffering capacity c. Intensity factor
b. Reserve acidity d. Capacity factor
9. This macroelement is a metal component of chlorophyll and is deficient in acid upland soil
a. Nitrogen b. Calcium c. Copper d. Magnesium
10. When nutrients are immobile, deficiency shows up first in
a. Stems b. Oldest leaves c. Youngest leaves d. Senescent leaves
11. A process of movement of individual ion bue to difference in concentration
a. Diffusion b. Absorption c. Mass flow d. Root elongation
12. A soil chemical property which largely controls nutrient availability and microbial activities
a. Buffering capacity c. Soil pH
b. Cation exchange capacity d. Electrical conductivity

13. A term that indicates excessive level of nutrient in the plant or soil
a. Sufficiency b. Toxicity c. Deficiency d. Poverty adjustment
14. The most appropriate soil management which increases availability of adsorbed P in acid upland soil
a. Fertilizer application c. Organic matter application
b. Prolonged anaerobic conditions d. Liming
15. Nutrient deficiency symptoms is referred to as a language of the crop. What is the term given to describe general
yellowing of leaves as a result of the deficiency of some nutrient elements?
a. Necrosis b. Chlorosis c. Plasmolysis d. Defective
16. A term that indicates low level of nutrient elements in the plant or soil
a. Sufficiency b. Toxicity c. Deficiency d. Poverty adjustment
17. The nutrient elements in organic matter and minerals are considered unavailable. The most available form of
nutrients are in
a. Fixed b. Occluded c. Exchangeable d. Soil solution
18. The macroelement which functions as a constituent of energy transfer metabollites
a. Phosphorus b. Potassium c. Sulfur d. Calcium
19. Which of the following element is not essential to plants?
a. Sulfur b. Vanadium c. Boron d. Molybdenum
20. These elements are micronutrients and are required by plants in small amounts
a. N, P and K b. Cu, Mn and S c Cu, Mg and S d. Zn, Co and Mn
21. Essential elements derived from air and water
a. C, S and H b. N, S and C c C, O and H d. N, C and S
22. When nutrients dissolved in water are transported to the root surface, the mechanism is
a. Mass flow b. Diffusion c Contact exchange d. Root interception
23. When nutrients are mobile, deficiency symptoms will be observed first in
a. Youngest leaves b. Oldest leaves c. Stems d. Senescent leaves
24. Which of these elements is available to plants in anionic form?
a. Ca b. Mg c. P d. Fe
25. The micronutrient involved in the translocation of sugar in plant
a. Copper b. Calcium c Boron d. Potassium
26. The process that renders P available to plants
a. Fixation b. Nitrification c Solubilization d. Ammonification
27. A physical effect of lime
a. Increase water holding capacity of soil c. Enhance decomposition of organic matter
b. Increase the cation exchange capacity d. Increase P availability
28. A term for the initial application of fertilizer for crops
a. Top dressing b. Side dressing c Band application d. Basal application
29. An example of a liming material
a. CaSO4 b. MgCl2 c Ca(OH)2 d. MgSO4
30. It is the amount of lime to be applied to the soil in order to increase its soil pH
a. Fertilizer recommendation c. Analysis grade
b. Lime requirement d. Relative neutralizing power
31. It is a mixture of animal excreta and soiled beddings that accumulates in stables or barns
a. Farm manure b. Compost c Green manure d. Poultry manure
32. A method determining lime requirement of soils that involves addition of increasing amounts of 0.04N Ca(OH) 2
solution to the soil samples
a. Exchangeable Al index c. Veitch method
b. Aluminum saturation method d. Calcium carbonate incubation
33. A method of fertilizer application whereby fertilizer materials are spread evenly on the soil surface
a. Band method b. Broadcast c Ring method d. Foliar application
34. It is a measure of the effectiveness of the lime to neutralize soil acidity
a. Form of lime c. Particle size of lime
b. Relative replacing power d. Relative neutralizing power
35. A method of fertilizer application whereby nutrients in their dissolved form are sprayed to the plants
a. Ring method b. Band method c Foliar application d. Broadcast
36. The soil’s inherent susceptibility to erosion which is influenced by infiltration capacity and structural stability
a. Rainfall erosivity c. Rainfall intensity
b. Soil erodibility d. Rainfall duration
37. Which of these elements is available to plants in cationic form?
a. Sulfur b. Chlorine c. Molybdenum d. Potassium
38. The most active agent of the soil erosion process in Philippines and other areas in the humid tropics
a. wind b. ice c. water d. glaciers
39. Which of these elements is a phloem-mobile?
a. Phosphorus b. Calcium c. Sulfur d. Iron
40. The molecular weight of dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2 is
a. 56 g b. 84 g c. 100 g d. 184 g
41. Which of these materials has a molecular weight of 74g?
a. CaO b. Ca(OH)2 c. MgCO3 d. CaCO3
42. Which of these elements is a phloem-immobile?
a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus c. Calcium d. Magnesium
43. Which of these liming materials is the most soluble?
a. CaO b. CaMg(CO3)2 c. CaCO3 d. Ca(OH)2
44. The wise use of land, especially with respect to soil erosion control
a. Sustainable agriculture c. Soil conservation
b. Soil capability d. Soil management
45. The process by which soil nutrients are washed down by water from the root zone of the plants
a. Crop removal b. Leaching c. volatilization d. Denitrification
46. Growing of several crop species on a piece of land in spatial arrangement
a. Monocropping b. Intercropping c. Alley cropping d. Multiple cropping
47. Biological control of soil erosion
a. Contouring b. Rockwalling c. Strip cropping d. Terracing
48. Mechanical method of controlling soil erosion
a. Terracing b. Mulching c. Strip cropping d. Alley cropping
49. Soils of the arid regions
a. Oxisol b. Aridisol c. Vertisol d. Alfisol
50. Uniform removal of thin layer from a given area of land
a. Rill erosion b. Stream erosion c. Gully erosion d. Sheet erosion

51. The soil order of organic soils

a. Andisols b. Entisols c. Histosols d. Mollisols
52. A practice that could contribute to soil erosion
a. Logging c. Fertilizer application
b. Organic matter addition d. Liming
53. The practice of spreading plant residues (leaves, stalks, stovers, straws and roots) on the ground to cover the
surface of the soil during rainy days
a. Green manuring b. Mulching c. Fallowing d. Cover cropping
54. Used to predict the severity of erosion from farm fields
a. Universal soil loss equation (USLE) c. Soil loss measurement equation
b. Growth rate d. Water loss equation
55. An off-site ill of soil erosion
a. Loss of soil c. Loss of applied fertilizer
b. Siltation of irrigation canal d. Decrease in soil depth
56. Soil materials can not be moved or transported by water unless they are
a. Dispersed and detached c. Dispersed and covered with mulch
b. Dispersed and cultivated d. Dispersed and harrowed
57. On-site ills of soil erosion
a. Siltation of paddy fields c. Loss of organic matter
b. Siltation of irrigation dams d. Destruction of infrastructure
58. Soils exhibiting moderate development
a. Entisol b. Alfisol c. Inceptisol d. Ultisol
59. The parent material corresponds to this horizon
a. AB b. C c. D d. ABCD
60. A diagnostic horizon formed directly under the plow layer
a. Native b. Agric c. Spodic d. Cambic
61. Soils in this category have the same color, texture, consistency, thickness and reaction and have the same
number and arrangement of horizons and similar chemical and mineralogical properties
a. Soil order b. Great group c. Family d. Soil series
62. A category whose differentiating characteristics are properties important for plant growth
a. Great group b. Family c. Order d. Sub-group
63. The highest category in the soil taxonomy
a. Series b. Family c. Great group d. Order
64. The smallest volume that can be called soil
a. Profile b. Horizon c. Pedon d. Aggregate
65. Collection of pedons sufficiently alike to be classed in the same soil
a. Pedon b. Family c. Category d. Polypedon
66. Highly weathered soils with B horizon consisting primarily of sesquioxides
a. Oxisol b. Alfisol c. Vertisol d. Aridisol
67. Order of montmorillonitic soils that form cracks during drying
a. Spodosols b. Vertisols c. Histosols d. Oxisols
68. A transitional layer between B and C or R
a. A3 b. B1 c. B3 d. C
69. To what category of soil classification Adtuyon clay belongs?
a. Family b. Series c. Great group d. Order
70. A diagnostic horizon with an accumulation of free iron oxides and organic matter
a. spodic b. cambic c. oxic d. natric
For items 71-75; refer to: A farmer wishes to prepare a 500-kg fertilizer mixture with a grade of 12-24-12 using urea
(45-0-0), TSP (0-45-0) and KCl (0-0-60).
71. The weight of nitrogen needed in the mixture is
a. 60 kg b. 90 kg c. 120 kg d. 150 kg
72. The weight of phosphorus needed in the mixture is
a. 60 kg b. 120 kg c. 180 kg d. 240 kg
73. The weight of K needed in the mixture is
a. 60 kg b. 90 kg c. 120 kg d. 150 kg
74. How much urea will be needed to prepare the above mixture?
a. 533.33 kg b. 266.67 kg c. 133.33 kg d. 66.67 kg
75. How much TSP will be needed to prepare the above mixture?
a. 133.33 kg b. 266.67 kg c. 400 kg d. 533.33 kg
76. How much KCl will be needed in the mixture?
a. 50 kg b. 75 kg c. 100 kg d. 200 kg
For items 77-83; refer to: Using the Veitch method of lime requirement determination, a 25-g soil was neutralized
with 60 ml of 0.025N Ca(OH)2 solution.
77. The number of m.e. Ca(OH)2 that could neutralize the soil acidity is
a. 1.5 m.e./100g b. 3 m.e./100g c. 4.5 m.e./100g d. 6 m.e./100g
78. The acidity of the soil can be neutralized with
a. 2,220 kg Ca(OH)2/ha c. 3,330 kg Ca(OH)2/ha
b. 4,440 kg Ca(OH)2/ha d. 6, 660 kg Ca(OH)2/ha
79. The lime requirement of the soil is
a. 1.11 tons Ca(OH)2/ha c. 3.33 tons Ca(OH)2/ha
b. 2.22 tons Ca(OH)2/ha d. 4.44 tons Ca(OH)2/ha
80. The amount of CaCO3 that can be used to neutralize the acidity of the above soil is
a. 2,000 kg CaCO3/ha c. 6,000 kg CaCO3/ha
b. 4,000 kg CaCO3/ha d. 8,000 kg CaCO3/ha
81. The number of tons of CaCO3 that can be used to neutralize the acidity of the soil above is
a. 8 tons CaCO3/ha c. 4 tons CaCO3/ha
b. 6 tons CaCO3/ha d. 2 tons CaCO3/ha
82. The amount of MgO, 80% pure that can be used to neutralize soil acidity
a. 2,000 kg MgO/ha b. 2,500 kg MgO/ha c. 3,000 kg MgO/ha d. 3,500 kg MgO/ha
83. The amount of MgO, 80% pure that can be used to neutralize acidity of the above soil
a. 0.5 ton MgO/ha b. 1 ton MgO/ha c. 2 tons MgO/ha d. 3 tons MgO/ha
For items 84-86, refer to: Using Ammonium sulfate (20-0-0), Solophos (0-20-0) and KCl (0-0-60) to satisfy a fertilizer
recommendation of 80-70-30 calculate the following:
84. The amount of ammonium sulfate (20-0-0) needed to satisfy the above recommendation is
a. 300 kg/ha b. 350 kg/ha c. 400 kg/ha d. 450 kg/ha
85. The amount of solophos needed to satisfy the above recommendation is
a. 300 kg/ha b. 350 kg/ha c. 400 kg/ha d. 450 kg/ha
86. The amount of KCl needed to satisfy the above recommendation
a. 50 kg/ha b. 75 kg/ha c. 100 kg/ha d. 150 kg/ha
For items 87-94, refer to: Using complete (12-24-12), MAP (16-20-0) and ammonium sulfate (20-0-0) to satisfy a
fertilizer recommendation of 80-70-20
87. The amount of complete fertilizer needed to supply the needed potassium
a. 666.67 kg/ha b. 583.33 kg/ha c. 333.33 kg/ha d. 166.67 kg/ha
88. The weight of N present in the amount of complete fertilizer in no. 97
a. 15 kg N b. 20 kg N c. 30 kg N d. 40 kg N
89. The weight of P present in the amount of complete fertilizer in no. 97
a. 15 kg P b. 20 kg P c. 30 kg P d. 40 kg P
90. The weight of K present in the amount of complete fertilizer in no. 97
a. 15 kg K b. 20 kg K c. 30 kg K d. 40 kg K
91. The amount of MAP (16-20-0) needed to satisfy the remaining P requirement
a. 150 kg MAP/ha b. 200 kg MAP/ha c. 350 kg MAP/ha d. 500 kg MAP/ha
92. The weight of N present in the amount of MAP in no.101
a. 8 kg N b. 16 kg N c. 24 Kg N d. 32 kg N
93. The weight of P present in the amount of MAP in no. 101
a. 30 kg P b. 35 kg P c. 40 kg P d. 45 kg P
94. The amount of ammonium sulfate needed to supplement the remaining N requirement
a. 60 kg/ha b. 120 kg/ha c. 180 kg/ha d. 240 kg/ha
For items 95-102, refer to: A farmer had applied 8 bags of 15-15-15, 6 bags of 16-20-0 and 4 bags of 20-0-0 to his
two-hectare farm.
95. The weight of N, P and K from 8 bags of 15-15-15
a. 30 kg b. 60 kg c. 90 kg d. 120 kg
96. The weight of N from 6 bags of 16-20-0
a. 32 kg b. 40 kg c. 48 kg d. 60 kg
97. The weight of P from 6 bags of 16-20-0
a. 32 kg b. 40 kg c. 48 kg d. 60 kg
98. The weight of N from 4 bags of 20-0-0
a. 20 kg b. 40 kg c. 50 kg d. 60 kg
99. The total weight of N from the three fertilizer materials is
a. 72 kg b. 102 kg c. 124 kg d. 148 kg
100. The total weight of P from the 3 fertilizer materials is
a. 60 kg b. 90 kg c. 120 kg d. 150 kg
101. The total weight of K from the 3 fertilizer materials
a. 30 kg b. 60 kg c. 90 kg d. 120 kg
102. The fertilizer recommendation followed by the farmer above
a. 74-60-30 b. 148-120-60 c. 180-120-60 d. 296-240-120
103. The amount of MgO, 90% pure to be used when the lime recommendation is 5 tons Ca(OH)2/ha
a. 2.7 tons MgO/ha b. 3.0 tons MgO/ha c. 3.5 tons MgO/ha d. 4.0 tons MgO/ha
104. Amount of N supplied by the application of 6 bags of urea (45-0-0)
a. 45 kg b. 90 kg c. 135 kg d. 180 kg
105. The amount of ammonium sulfate (20-0-0) needed to supply the amount of N in # 114
a. 525 kg/ha b. 575 kg/ha c. 625 kg/ha d. 675 kg/ha
Soil Fertility and Liming

Name _________________________________ Class Schedule _____________ Score _________

1. A B C D 41. A B C D 81. A B C D
2. A B C D 42. A B C D 82. A B C D
3. A B C D 43. A B C D 83. A B C D
4. A B C D 44. A B C D 84. A B C D
5. A B C D 45. A B C D 85. A B C D
6. A B C D 46. A B C D 86. A B C D
7. A B C D 47. A B C D 87. A B C D
8. A B C D 48. A B C D 88. A B C D
9. A B C D 49. A B C D 89. A B C D
10. A B C D 50. A B C D 90. A B C D
11. A B C D 51. A B C D 91. A B C D
12. A B C D 52. A B C D 92. A B C D
13. A B C D 53. A B C D 93. A B C D
14. A B C D 54. A B C D 94. A B C D
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