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Title page
Table of Content
1.1 Background to The Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose of Study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Scope and Limitation Of Study
1.6 Definition of Term
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
2.1 Biblical Hermeneutics in History
2.2 Features in Biblical interpretation
2.3 Importance of Hermeneutics to Biblical Interpretation
2.4 Global Distortion of Biblical Interpretation: an Examination
3.1 The Biblical Authorships
3.2 Principles of Christocentric hermeneutics
3.3 The Christocentric Nature of Old Testament
3.4 The Christocentric Nature of the New Testament
3.5 The Christocentric Nature of the Apocrypha
4.1 Historical Review of Lukan Gospel
4.2 The Greek Text of Luke 24:25-27
4.3 Historical and the Literary context of the Text
4.4 The Form and the Structure of the Text
4.5 The Grammatical and Lexical data of the Text
4.6 Biblical Context
4.7 The Theology and Application of the Text
5.1 The Biblical Inter-Connection; The Part and a Whole
5.2 A Caution To Contemporary Interpretation
5.2.1 Christocentric in Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture
5.2.2 Christocentric in Typological Interpretation of Scripture
5.2.3 Christocentric in Historical Critical Interpretation of Scripture
5.2.4 Christocentric in Historical Grammatical Interpretation of Scripture
5.3 The Significance of Christocentrism in Biblical Interpretation in Nigeria
6.1 Summary
6.2 Contribution to Knowledge
6.3 Recommendations
6.4 Conclusion
Over the years, the Bible has witnessed an overabundance of interpretation from the hands of
scholars. Their approach ranged from an allegorical method, to a grammatical-historical method,
to Historical-critical to typology, to subjective approach, whereas the Christocentric approach of
seeing the Bible was often attacked, most especially in the look of the Old Testament. Some
scholar will accept a Biblical interpretation in the light of Christotelic while rejecting out rightly
the principle of Christocentric Biblical Hermeneutic. Therefore this has generated a serious
argument on the wholeness/unity of the scripture. By Christocentric Principle is meant a
hermeneutical approach that seeks to interpret the entire Bible, both OT and NT, in light of the
life, death and resurrection of Christ (Lk 24:27, 44-46; Jn 5:39-40). This is often called Christ-
centered hermeneutic1 Christ is therefore said to be the compass by which the scriptures should
be navigated. Christ is seeing in this type of hermeneutics as the heart of Biblical organism.
This research is therefore looking at the Christocentric interpretation of the Bible as the panacea
to the contemporary Hermeneutic in Nigeria, especially in this era of Pentecostalism and
revisionism; where everything in the Bible is subject to serious criticism. It also uses Luke
Gospel in Chapter 24 and verses 24 to 27 as its exegesis. Affirming the divine authorship of the
entire scripture. In doing this, one need to carefully investigate if this approach really muted the
language of the Old Testament
Hence, this research has six chapters; the intention of this work is, to examine the different
understandings of the word ‘Christocentric’, and then to provide a definition of what is called the
‘Christocentric principle’ and to interact with various scholarly understandings of similar
hermeneutical. Therefore, Chapter one is an Introduction to the research and the Literature
Review, Chapter two is the exegesis to the Gospel of St Luke 24: 24-27, Chapter Three is an
Overview of The Hermeneutics in the world today commenting on the Nigeria interpretation and
the distortion in the world biblical interpretation. Chapter four is dealing with the Biblical
Christocentrism starting from the Old Testament to the apocryphal explaining that the major
discussion of all the text of Bible is the salvific plan of God for humanity which appear all
through the Old Testament, New Testament and the Apocryphal. Chapter five systematically
look at the different method of interpretation and peep into them in the view of Christ at their
center while chapter six the concluding chapter.
Perhaps no other issue facing the church today carries with it pitfalls and trajectories for error
and for damage to the Bride of Christ than that of faulty biblical interpretation. 2 The
Christocentric principle is an attempt to interpret the Bible primarily through the lens of Jesus’s
life and teaching. In this way, Jesus is placed as the author, dominant subject, and principle
interpreter of scripture3. While some of the hermeneutics tend to see Jesus Christ as the object of
scripture, but not necessarily as its interpreter. In other words, they see the Bible as a revelation
of Jesus Christ, but not Jesus as the ‘revealer’ of what the Bible teaches.
Therefore it is in the task of this research to look at the expedient method of Biblical
interpretation in the lens of Christ as the messiah whose mission began from the Old Testament
during creation and as Pascal lamb, his salvific mission began immediately after the fall which
spurred round the Bible until the coming of the messiah in the New Testament.
Abner Chou 2016; A Hermeneutical Evaluation of the Christocentric Hermeneutic
Aldrich WM 1954. The Interpretation of Luke 24: Bibliotheca Sacra 111(). 317-323.
Alexander JA 1963. A Commentary on the Gospel of St Luke. The Banner of Truth Trust.
Carson, D. A., and Moo DJ 2005. An Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd Edition. Apollos.
Cooper KR 2011. The Tabernacle of David in Biblical Prophecy. Bibliotheca Sacra 168(672).
Couch M (Gen. Ed.) 1999. A Bible Handbook to the Acts of the Apostles. Kregel
DeSilva DA 2004. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods, and Ministry
Formation. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic.
Dockery DS 1983. Martin Luther’s Christological Hermeneutics. Grace Theological Journal
4(2). 189-203.
Duvall JS and Hays JD 2012. Grasping God’s Word: A Hands on Approach to Reading,
Interpreting, and Applying the Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
Elowsky JC 2006. With a View to the End: Christ in the Ancient Church’s Understanding of
Scripture. Concordia Theological Quarterly 70. 63-83.
Elwell WA and Yarbrough RW 2013. Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and
Theological Survey, 3rd Edition. Baker Academic.
Fee GD and Stuart D 1993. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding
the Bible. 2nd Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
Frank W.H, 2004 The Christocentric Orientation of Daniel and of Scripture Generally
Friberg B, Friberg T and Miller NF 2000. Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament. Bake
Books. Electronic Edition, BibleWorks 9.
Gaventa BR 2003. The Acts of the Apostles. Abingdon New Testament Commentary. Nashville:
Abingdon Press.
Green JB 1997. The Gospel of Luke. NICNT. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Greidanus S 1988. The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching
Biblical Literature. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Greidanus S 1999. Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Contemporary Hermeneutical
Method. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Gundry SN 1969. Typology as a Means of Interpretation: Past and Present. Journal of the
Evangelical Theological Society 12(4). 233-240.
Gunn G n.d. The Christocentric Principle of Hermeneutics and Luke 24:27. Not Published.
Guthrie D 1990. New Testament Introduction. Leicester, England: Apollos.
Kaiser jr. WC 2007. Does the New Testament Accurately Use the Old Testament? In WC Kaiser
jr. and Moisés Silva, Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning. Grand
Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. 95-106.
MacArthur 2014. Luke 18-24. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary. Chicago: Moody
Marshall IH 1978. The Gospel of Luke: A Commentary on the Greek Text. NIGTC. Grand
Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Mounce WD 2009. Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar. 3rd Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Masongeni J M, 2016 Biblical Interpretation and the Christocentric Principle: the interpretation
of acts 15:1-35 a mini-thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of master of theology
in biblical Greek at the South African theological seminary
Muller RA 2006. A Note on “Christocentrism” and the Imprudent Use of such Terminology.
Westminster Theological Journal 68(2). 253-260.
Nolland J 1993. Luke 18:35-24:53. Volume 35c. WBC. Nelson Reference and Electronic.
Peppler C 2012. The Christocentric Principle: A Jesus-Centred Hermeneutic. Conspectus 13.
Peppler C 2013. Truth is the Word: Restoring a Lost Focus, (rev. ed.). Johannesburg, South
Africa: South African Theological Seminary Press.
Peter Liliback, 2016. Seing Christ in All the Scripture, (ed.), Philadelphia, West minister
seminary Press
Polhill JB 1992. Acts. The New American Commentary, Volume 26. Nashville, Tennessee:
Broadman and Holman Publishers.
Poythress VS 1991. The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R
Stoll JH 1962. Contemporary Theology and the Bible. Grace Journal 3(1). 27-32.
Stott JRW 1994. The Message of Acts: The Spirit, the Church, and the World. The Bible Speaks
Today. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP.
Zuck RB 1991. Basic Bible Interpretation: A Practical Guide to Discovering Biblical Truth.
David C. Cook.
Abner Chou 2016; A Hermeneutical Evaluation of the Christocentric Hermeneutic
Aldrich WM 1954. The Interpretation of Luke 24: Bibliotheca Sacra 111(). 317-323.
Alexander JA 1963. A Commentary on the Gospel of St Luke. The Banner of Truth Trust.
Carson DA and Moo DJ 2005. An Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd Edition. Apollos.
Cooper KR 2011. The Tabernacle of David in Biblical Prophecy. Bibliotheca Sacra 168(672).
Couch M (Gen. Ed.) 1999. A Bible Handbook to the Acts of the Apostles. Kregel
DeSilva DA 2004. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods, and Ministry
Formation. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic.
Dockery DS 1983. Martin Luther’s Christological Hermeneutics. Grace Theological Journal
4(2). 189-203.
Duvall JS and Hays JD 2012. Grasping God’s Word: A Hands on Approach to Reading,
Interpreting, and Applying the Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
Elowsky JC 2006. With a View to the End: Christ in the Ancient Church’s Understanding of
Scripture. Concordia Theological Quarterly 70. 63-83.
Elwell WA and Yarbrough RW 2013. Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and
Theological Survey, 3rd Edition. Baker Academic.
Fee GD and Stuart D 1993. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: A Guide to Understanding
the Bible. 2nd Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
Frank W.H, 2004 The Christocentric Orientation of Daniel and of Scripture Generally
Friberg B, Friberg T and Miller NF 2000. Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament. Bake
Books. Electronic Edition, BibleWorks 9.
Gaventa BR 2003. The Acts of the Apostles. Abingdon New Testament Commentary. Nashville:
Abingdon Press.
Green JB 1997. The Gospel of Luke. NICNT. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Greidanus S 1988. The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching
Biblical Literature. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Greidanus S 1999. Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Contemporary Hermeneutical
Method. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Gundry SN 1969. Typology as a Means of Interpretation: Past and Present. Journal of the
Evangelical Theological Society 12(4). 233-240.
Gunn G n.d. The Christocentric Principle of Hermeneutics and Luke 24:27. Not Published.
Guthrie D 1990. New Testament Introduction. Leicester, England: Apollos.
Kaiser jr. WC 2007. Does the New Testament Accurately Use the Old Testament? In WC Kaiser
jr. and Moisés Silva, Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning. Grand
Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. 95-106.
MacArthur 2014. Luke 18-24. The MacArthur New Testament Commentary. Chicago: Moody
Marshall IH 1978. The Gospel of Luke: A Commentary on the Greek Text. NIGTC. Grand
Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.
Mounce WD 2009. Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar. 3rd Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Masongeni J M, 2016 Biblical Interpretation and the Christocentric Principle: the interpretation
of acts 15:1-35 a mini-thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of master of theology
in biblical Greek at the South African theological seminary
Muller RA 2006. A Note on “Christocentrism” and the Imprudent Use of such Terminology.
Westminster Theological Journal 68(2). 253-260.
Nolland J 1993. Luke 18:35-24:53. Volume 35c. WBC. Nelson Reference and Electronic.
Peppler C 2012. The Christocentric Principle: A Jesus-Centred Hermeneutic. Conspectus 13.
Peppler C 2013. Truth is the Word: Restoring a Lost Focus, (rev. ed.). Johannesburg, South
Africa: South African Theological Seminary Press.
Peter Liliback, 2016. Seing Christ in All the Scripture, (ed.), Philadelphia, West minister
seminary Press
Polhill JB 1992. Acts. The New American Commentary, Volume 26. Nashville, Tennessee:
Broadman and Holman Publishers.
Poythress VS 1991. The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R
Stoll JH 1962. Contemporary Theology and the Bible. Grace Journal 3(1). 27-32.
Stott JRW 1994. The Message of Acts: The Spirit, the Church, and the World. The Bible Speaks
Today. Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP.
Zuck RB 1991. Basic Bible Interpretation: A Practical Guide to Discovering Biblical Truth.
David C. Cook.
Over the year, the Bible has witnessed an overabundance of interpretation from the hands of
scholars. Their approach ranged from an allegorical method, to a grammatical-historical method,
to Historical-critical to typology, to subjective approach, whereas the Christocentric approach of
seeing the Bible was often attacked, most especially in the look of the Old Testament. Some
scholar will accept a Biblical interpretation in the light of Christotelic while rejecting out rightly
the principle of Christocentric Biblical Hermeneutic. Therefore this has generated a serious
argument on the wholeness/unity of the scripture. By Christocentric Principle is meant a
hermeneutical approach that seeks to interpret the entire Bible, both OT and NT, in light of the
life, death and resurrection of Christ (Lk 24:27, 44-46; Jn 5:39-40). This is often called Christ-
centered hermeneutic1 Christ is therefore said to be the compass by which the scriptures should
be navigated. Christ is seeing in this type of hermeneutics as the heart of Biblical organism.
This research is therefore looking at the Christocentric interpretation of the Bible as the panacea
to the contemporary Hermeneutic in Nigeria, especially in this era of Pentecostalism and
revisionism; where everything in the Bible is subject to serious criticism. It also uses Luke
Gospel in Chapter 24 and verses 24 to 27 as its exegesis. Affirming the divine authorship of the
entire scripture. In doing this, one need to carefully investigate if this approach really muted the
language of the Old Testament
Hence, this research has six chapters; the intention of this work is, to examine the different
understandings of the word ‘Christocentric’, and then to provide a definition of what is called the
‘Christocentric principle’ and to interact with various scholarly understandings of similar
hermeneutical. Therefore, Chapter one is an Introduction to the research and the Literature
Review, Chapter two is the exegesis to the Gospel of St Luke 24: 24-27, Chapter Three is an
Overview of The Hermeneutics in the world today commenting on the Nigeria interpretation and
the distortion in the world biblical interpretation. Chapter four is dealing with the Biblical
Christocentrism starting from the Old Testament to the apocryphal explaining that the major
discussion of all the text of Bible is the salvific plan of God for humanity which appear all
through the Old Testament, New Testament and the Apocryphal. Chapter five systematically
look at the different method of interpretation and peep into them in the view of Christ at their
center while chapter six the concluding chapter.
Perhaps no other issue facing the church today carries with it pitfalls and trajectories for error
and for damage to the Bride of Christ than that of faulty biblical interpretation. 2 The
Christocentric principle is an attempt to interpret the Bible primarily through the lens of Jesus’s
life and teaching. In this way, Jesus is placed as the author, dominant subject, and principle
interpreter of scripture3. While some of the hermeneutics tend to see Jesus Christ as the object of
scripture, but not necessarily as its interpreter. In other words, they see the Bible as a revelation
of Jesus Christ, but not Jesus as the ‘revealer’ of what the Bible teaches.
Therefore it is in the task of this research to look at the expedient method of Biblical
interpretation in the lens of Christ as the messiah whose mission began from the Old Testament
during creation and as Pascal lamb, his salvific mission began immediately after the fall which
spurred round the Bible until the coming of the messiah in the New Testament.

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