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Global Ethics Limited:

An Anarchist corporation, he main business lies on the base of philanthropy and sustainable growth to
bring prosperity to the aspiring poor.

How the Global Ethics Limited started: Dunan Goose, the founder and CEO of Global Ethics Limited, The
One Brand and The One Foundation.

The One Foundation is a UK registered charity, which donates profits from the One brand to fund clean
water projects in some of the harshest regions of Africa. Duncan launched One after being caught in
Hurricane Mitch in Honduras in 1998 - a natural disaster responsible for killing 20,000 people, and
experiencing life without access to drinking water.

Some facts

1. Over a billion of people don’t have access to the clean drinking water
2. 2 Million people die every year by drinking the contaminated water
3. 40 billion hours a year are spent walking to collect water
4. 50% of the world’s population are malnourished and 1% of them are literally starving to death

These some facts gave rise to the One foundation, The Idea is to change the billion lives but to biggin
which change one’s life is also worth attempting.

The corporate level strategy is to solve not only the water problems but also sanitation, hygiene,
nutrition, HIV, microfinance and technology problems by raising the funds and providing sustainable

The one foundation:

One Water was launched back in 2005 with a simple vision: to sell bottled water in the UK to fund water
projects across the world. The name One represents the idea that you can’t change a billion people’s
lives, but if you can change just One that’s a definition of success.

One is a Life – Changing brand

So far One raised the fund over 20 million euros and changed over 3.6 million people lives in water
scarcity counties of Africa.

The vision is to create a clean water sustainable source.


1. Still Water
2. Sparkling water
3. Flavored water

SWOT analysis

Streanth Weakness
1. Brand with the ethical value to fund the sustainable water 1. Creating self sustainable water projects are time
projects consuming.
2. All the products and packages are recyclable 2. Supply chain management and the vendor
3. Water for water creates brand trauma in the buyers mind. management with out profit is challenging

Opportunity Threat
1. Solve the water problem of the world 1. There are lot of financial problems may arise
2. Create awareness on the natural & organic products down the line because the profit of the
organization goes to funding the water projects.

Strategy Deployed:

Global Strategy:

In 2015, members of the United Nations adopted a plan of action called "The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development." This plan was created to help us all move toward a better world. At the
center of this plan are 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are urgent needs that countries and
organizations around the world should address.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 is to "ensure availability and sustainable management of water
and sanitation for all." In other words, water and sanitation for Everyone Forever. Water For People has
a strategy to make this goal a reality for all.

Enterprise level and corporation level strategy:

Business level strategy

Functional level strategy

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