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Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113

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Smallholder Farmers and the Dynamics of Degradation of Peatland

Ecosystems in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Medrilzam Medrilzam a, Carl Smith b, Ammar Abdul Aziz b,⁎, John Herbohn c, Paul Dargusch a
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland, Australia
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia
Forest Industries Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:
Received 1 October 2016
Received in revised form 23 January 2017
Accepted 1 February 2017
Available online 21 February 2017

© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction al., 2005), on the deterioration of peatland ecosystems. The MRP was a
centralised Indonesian Government project aimed at increasing nation-
Over the last three decades, the tropical peatland ecosystems in In- al rice production and simultaneously supporting the goal of rice self-
donesia have been under intense pressure from anthropogenic activi- sufficiency by dividing and converting 1.2 million ha of peat swamp for-
ties. Clearing of the peat swamp forests for agricultural activities, est into five large blocks of rice fields.
logging and drainage, local roads and mining activities have been wide- Recognising that peatland conversion has contributed to more than
spread throughout Indonesia (mostly in Sumatra and Kalimantan half of Indonesia's terrestrial greenhouse gas emissions (MoE, 2009),
Islands) causing ecological disasters in the form of biodiversity loss, de- and the ambitious target of Indonesia's President to reduce carbon
forestation, forest and peat fires, peatland degradation and resulting in emissions by 26% by 2020, the Indonesian Government has released a
massive carbon emissions (Murdiyarso et al., 2010; Miettinen et al., 2-year Moratorium Policy on Primary Forest and Peatland Conversion
2012a; Miettinen et al., 2016; Osaki et al., 2016). The destruction of (Presidential Instruction No. 10/2011). Besides banning any new
tropical peatlands has also caused socio-economic problems for the licenses to private companies to exploit peatland areas and primary
country, particularly for the communities living around and within the forests for any purpose (including for palm oil plantations, pulp
peatland areas, because their livelihoods depend upon the natural re- wood and logging concessions), the moratorium policy also aims
sources provided by this ecosystem (Anshari and Armiyarsih, 2005; to allow time for the Government to improve its forestry manage-
Silvius et al., 2008; Laterra et al., 2012; Law et al., 2015). ment and land-use planning practices and improve its data on
Various actors, ranging from private companies, different levels of forests and peatlands (Austin et al., 2012). However, the moratorium
government and communities, play a role in peatland conversion with does not preclude the clearing of peatlands and primary forests by
each having different objectives and levels of impact. The adverse im- other actors such as communities practicing traditional agriculture
pacts of private company operations (such as palm oil plantations and practices.
logging concessions) on peatland areas have been widely discussed in In the peatland ecosystems of Kalimantan, the communities com-
the literature (e.g. Carlson et al., 2012; Miettinen et al., 2012b). Mean- monly grow their crops (i.e. rice paddies using shifting cultivation and
while, many studies (e.g. Page et al., 2002; Fuller et al., 2004; Hooijer rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) agroforestry on mineral and shallow peat
et al., 2009) have examined the impacts of government initiatives, soil on a small scale (Page et al., 2009a). The communities use fire as
such as the Mega Rice Project (MRP) in Central Kalimantan (Noor et the main mechanism for land clearing activities. In the past, this method
has been relatively safe because the peatland was always wet through-
out the year, preventing fires from spreading into peatland areas. How-
⁎ Corresponding author at: School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of
ever, recent land cover change on many peatland areas has made them
Queensland, Gatton Campus, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia. susceptible to fire. The construction of canals to drain the peatland has
E-mail address: (A.A. Aziz). caused extreme changes to the hydrological system (Hooijer et al.,
0921-8009/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
102 M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113

2006) and peat surface subsidence (Wösten et al., 2008), which has in- Page et al., 2009b; Moore et al., 2013). The recurrent fires have been
creased their susceptibility to fire in dry seasons (Page et al., 2002). caused by the peatland clearing activities of private companies and
Communities have also changed their livelihood practices in re- local communities. While private companies use fire to clear peatland
sponse to limited and degraded agricultural land, such as reducing the primarily for financial benefit realized through the plantation crops de-
fallow length of shifting cultivation (Setyawan, 2010; Akbar, 2011), veloped on the land, local communities, on the other hand, uses fire to
opening new cropping areas on mineral soils exposed along peatland clear peatland mainly because this method is the only affordable option
drainage canal banks, converting more non-irrigated rice paddy fields for them to create areas suitable for subsistence activities. The local
(ladang) to permanent rubber agroforestry, and intensifying land community, almost an annual basis, use uncontrolled fire to burn vege-
claiming around built infrastructure (such as roads) in order to claim tation to allow boats to locate and access fish habitats during the wet
compensation from others wanting to use the land. Most of these activ- season, to create pools of water that provide refuge for fish and to pro-
ities use fire as the preferred method to clear land. Unless strict burning vide flushes of nutrients to stimulate algal growth and maintain high
controls are applied by the communities, the fires may spread and cause levels of fish populations (Chokkalingam et al., 2005).
severe forest and peat fires that further degrade the peatland. Understanding the dynamics of the trade-offs between conservation
The MRP in Central Kalimantan is a clear example of how an initial and livelihood goals in the tropical peatland ecosystems in Central Kali-
disturbance to peatland, through clearing and draining, has changed mantan is crucial to the efforts of promoting sustainable livelihoods, de-
the way communities conduct traditional agriculture and other liveli- veloping benefit sharing mechanisms and reducing emissions (Luttrell
hood activities, and the magnitude of their impact on the peatland. et al., 2014; Jewitt et al., 2014; Suwarno et al., 2016). In this study we in-
The implementation of the MRP began in 1996 based on the Presidential vestigate the dynamics of peatland change in two blocks previously
Decree No. 82/1995. Dephut (2007) recorded that, within the first assigned for the MRP as a result of local community livelihood activities.
2 years (1996–97) of the MRP, 187 km of primary drainage canals We focus on what has occurred subsequent to the MRP, that is, from
(Saluran Primer Induk/SPI) were built. These connected the Kahayan, 2000 to 2009. Therefore, our study does not cover the peatland degrada-
Kapuas and Barito Rivers. In addition, about 958 km of sub-primary ca- tion directly caused by the MRP (which has already been covered in pre-
nals (Saluran Primer Utama/SPU) were built on Block A, B, C and D of vious studies), but the peatland degradation indirectly caused by the
the MRP. In Block A, an area strongly affected by the MRP and where MRP post-abandonment. Our study targets the drivers influencing com-
the whole canal network was completely built, only 30,000 ha of rice munity livelihood activities such as shifting cultivation, rubber planting,
paddy fields were eventually developed out of a total block area of land claiming and the shift to permanent agroforestry, and highlights
315,894 ha (Dephut, 2007; Suyanto et al., 2009). the associated changes to land cover and above-ground carbon stocks.
Instead of producing land suitable for agriculture, the MRP had a We do not measure the impact of community livelihood activities on
range of disastrous impacts on the peatland ecosystems and community total carbon stocks (above plus below ground carbon) because there is
livelihoods. The construction of drainage canal networks destroyed peat limited data on below ground carbon stocks (such as peat) within the
swamp forests that were previously used by the local communities for study area. Therefore, the impact of community livelihood activities
collecting latex from the jelutung tree (Dyera sp.), collecting bark from on carbon stocks presented here only represents a partial impact on
the gemor tree (Alseodaphne spp.), collecting commercial rattan species, the total carbon stock.
fishing in traditional ponds known as beje, and hunting wild animal
(Galudra et al., 2011). The MRP also eliminated the traditional commu- 2. Case Study Area: Block A-NW and Block E of the Mega-Rice Project
nity canal system known as Handel and Tatah, which had been used by Region in Central Kalimantan
the community as a drainage system and to gain access to their liveli-
hood areas. The MRP drainage canals also created unstable peatland hy- We selected Block A-NW (North West) and Block E (Eastern part) of
drology that produced extreme changes in the water table between dry the MRP as our study area because both of these blocks have been free
and wet seasons. In 1997, a dry El-Nino year, the drainage canals from small or large scale private company or government activities
allowed the peat to dry and a massive forest and peat fire occurred with- post MRP termination in 1999 (Fig. 1). Hence, any peatland degradation
in the MRP. The fires in the MRP area was estimated to have emitted be- that has occurred within both blocks post MRP termination has been
tween 0.12 and 0.15 Gt of carbon to the atmosphere and resulted in the caused by local community livelihood activities. Block A-NW represents
dense smog that affected much of Southeast Asia during that time (Page a peatland area that was heavily deforested and was drained by the MRP
et al., 2002; Page et al., 2009b). between 1996 and 1998, while Block E represents an area that was only
Following the rapid political transformation in Indonesia, the MRP slightly disturbed by the MRP. Although there was only one drainage
was terminated by the new Indonesian Government in 1999 and most canal that extends into Block E, it but it worth noting that there are
of the MRP land were abandoned. From the time the MRP was terminat- smaller canals (tatas) that was constructed to facilitate timber extrac-
ed to 2009 (before the commencement of the Kalimantan Forest Carbon tion activities. These blocks are the same as those used by the Kaliman-
Partnership), the Indonesian central government's focus within the tan Forest Carbon Partnership (KFCP), which is a Reducing Emissions
MRP area was peatland rehabilitation planning (Presidential Instruction from Deforestation and forest Degradation + (REDD+) demonstration
No 2/2007). However, conflict arose between the centrally controlled project of the Governments of Indonesia and Australia. The KFCP began
Ministry of Forestry, the provincial government and a number of local in the case study area in 2007 and it had no direct impact on the results
governments over land tenure due to the ambiguity of new forestry presented in this paper.
and decentralisation laws and regulations (McCarthy, 2004; Galudra Block A-NW and Block E are separated by the MRP's primary twin
et al., 2011). As a result, the local governments within the MRP area con- drainage canals (Fig. 2). Administratively, the whole of Block A-NW
tinued to improperly issue licenses to palm-oil and small scale mining and about three-quarters of Block E are located within the Mantangai
companies without approval from the Ministry of Forestry, which claimed sub-district, and the remaining quarter of Block E is located within the
that the MRP land was still under its jurisdiction. According to the MRP Timpah sub-district of the Central Kalimantan Province. The Kapuas
Rehabilitation Secretariat in Bappenas (2011, personal communication), River is the boundary of both blocks on the western side and the
most of the central government agencies are reluctant to implement the Mantangai River runs along the southern and eastern boundary of
peatland rehabilitation plan until land tenure disputes are resolved. Block A-NW and along the eastern boundary of Block E. The total
With stalled peatland restoration activities as a result of land tenure study area covers about 120,000 ha: 44,000 ha in Block A-NW and
disputes, peatland within the MRP continued to degrade. Recurrent fires 76,000 ha in Block E.
and the existence of drainage canals have caused the peat to subside and In 2009, there were 14 settlements found in the study area, compris-
release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere (Harrison et al., 2009; ing seven villages and seven hamlets, with a total population of about
M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113 103

Fig. 1. Location of study area in Central Kalimantan.

10,000 people (about 2600 families). All settlements are spread across legal and illegal logging gradually changed the community livelihoods
the western side of both Block A-NW and E, along the bank of the in both blocks (Suyanto et al., 2009). Traditional shifting cultivation de-
Kapuas River. The Mantangai village in the southern part of Block A- clined and new values introduced by outsiders slowly influenced the so-
NW and the Petak Puti village in the northern part of Block E are the cial capital of local communities.
‘entry gates’ to the study area by road. People usually travel among After the MRP was terminated in 1999, the Indonesian Government
the villages or hamlets within the study area using small motor boats intensified law enforcement activities to curb illegal logging within the
known as klotok or small motorised canoes called ces. The klotoks and MRP area. This had caused the larger community in Block A-NW to shift
ces are also used by the communities to travel to and from sites where their focus back to shifting cultivation, latex collection and fishing for a
they conduct livelihood activities such as cropping and fishing. Nine- source of income. Instead of using traditional long fallow shifting culti-
ty-five per cent of the population is local Dayak Ngaju who have already vation, communities established short fallow cultivation to grow non-
been exposed to ‘modern living’, such as the use of mobile phones and irrigated subsistence rice along the banks of the MRP drainage canals
television. (known locally as ‘lading’). Most communities also increased the area
As with the other Dayak people in Kalimantan described by Hudson of rubber plantation on poor mineral and shallow peat soils, and sold
et al. (1967), traditional shifting cultivation practices have naturally di- non-timber forest products, such as rattan and gemor tree bark, and
minished in both blocks. Before the late 1960s, traditional shifting culti- fish to mid-traders for cash income. This was more profitable compared
vation, with its long fallow periods, was the common agriculture to traditional shifting cultivation (Suyanto et al., 2009).
practice of Dayak Ngaju communities (Miles, 1970; Page et al., 2009a). In Block E, an existing logging road, which was unofficially upgraded
In addition, fishing, hunting, rubber cultivation (known as the ‘jungle to a mining road after the MRP era, provided better access for commu-
rubber’ agroforestry), and gathering forest products, such as rattan nities to sell fish and non-timber forest products to Northern villages.
and gemor tree bark for mosquito repellent, were major sources of Because the rubber trees that were passed down by their ancestors
food and income for the communities. However, during the timber con- were getting old and unproductive, the communities also started to
cessions era from 1969 to 1996, and the MRP era from 1996 to 1998, change from jungle rubber agroforestry to rubber monoculture. By
104 M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113

Fig. 2. Study area in Central Kalimantan.

2009, only a few families in Block E were practicing traditional shifting above-ground carbon stocks between 2000 and 2009; and 3) fire loca-
cultivation (Suyanto et al., 2009). tions and the probability of fire occurrence within both blocks. In the
following sub-sections we describe the methods used to analyse these
3. Methods three factors.

To investigate the dynamics of peatland change attributed to local 3.1. Assessment of Community Socio-Economy Condition
community livelihood activities in the study area, we assessed three
key factors: 1) The socio-economic condition of the community; 2) We conducted group interviews in three villages (Mantangai Hulu
the trajectory of land cover change and its associated impact on and Kalumpang villages in Block A-NW and Petak Puti village in Block
M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113 105

E) and a household survey (n = 50) in four villages (Kalumpang and Sei class, as described by Hergoualc'h and Verchot (2011) (Table 1), to esti-
Ahas villages in Block A-NW, and Kanjarau hamlet and Petak Puti village mate the change in above ground carbon stocks associated with the
in Block E). The questions used in the group interviews and the house- change in land cover class stocks between 2000 and 2009 (Eq. (1)).
hold survey were designed to collect basic information on community
welfare (income, expenditure and savings), land ownership, the main dC it ¼ dAit  AGBi ð1Þ
livelihood activities undertaken (such as rubber agroforestry, rice culti-
vation, fishing and fuel wood collection) and the causes of forest and where,dCit: Change in carbon stock for land cover class i over time t
peat fires. We also obtained population statistics for seven villages (tons C).dAit: Change of area for land cover class i over time t
from census data (PODES) collected during 2003, 2005 and 2008, and (hectare).AGBi: Average above ground carbon for land cover class i
from CARE International data collected during 2009 (unpublished (tons C/ha).i: Land cover class.t: Time of simulation.
3.3. Assessment of Fire Occurrence Probability
3.2. Assessment of Land Cover Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Land cover for years 2000, 2005 and 2009 (see Section 3.2), fire
We used land cover data and maps covering 2000, 2005 and 2009 hotspots for years 2001, 2005, and 2009 (mapped from Moderate Reso-
from Siegert et al. (unpublished report) and the KFCP GIS database to lution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data), peat depth, and the
measure the impact of community livelihood activities on land cover location of roads, rivers and drainage canals were obtained from KFCP
change. The KFCP land cover data were based on Landsat images (39 (Fatkhurohman, personal communication). In addition, rainfall data
Landsat ETM+, 10 Landsat TM5). To simplify the assessment, the nine was obtained from the Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Man-
land cover classes used by the KFCP were reclassified into six classes: agement/CCROM (Boer, Personal Communication). Before the analysis,
primary peat forest, secondary peat forest, swamp shrubs, shrub– the land cover was classified into six classes (see Section 3.2) and peat
mixed dryland farms, settlement and water (Table 1). From these six depth into three classes (mineral soils and shallow peat 0.0–1.0 m, me-
land use classes, we developed a land cover transformation matrix for dium depth peat 1.0–3.0 m, and deep peat N3.0 m). To estimate fire oc-
both blocks between 2000 and 2005, and between 2005 and 2009 by currence probability, we used Maximum Entropy (Maxent) version 3.3
assessing the net land cover change for each land cover class between (Phillips et al., 2006; Elith et al., 2011), which was originally developed
these two observation periods. Then, we determined the average rate to estimate species distribution probability using species presence data
of change (ha/year) from one land cover class to another over the period and the spatial distribution environmental variables. We applied
2000 to 2009. The overall rates of land cover change between forest, Maxent to estimate fire occurrence probability as a function of land
shrub and farmland for both blocks are shown in Fig. 3 (changes in cover (six classes), rainfall (continuous in mm/year), peat depth
the area of settlement and water were small so are not shown). (three classes), distance from rivers (continuous in meters), and dis-
Based on the average rates of change between land cover classes, we tance from drainage canals (continuous in meters) using fire hotspot
constructed two land cover change simulation models (one for Block A- presence data. The modelling was conducted at a spatial resolution of
NW and one for Block E), in the form of stock and flow models, using 0.01km2 (100 × 100 m grid cells).
iThink version 9.1.4 system modelling software. The area of each land We performed five Maxent model runs: (1) one for 2000 (using
cover class in the year 2000 was used as the initial value of each land 2000 land cover, 2001 rainfall and 2001 fire hotspot data), (2) one for
cover class stock and the average rates of change between land cover 2005 (using 2005 land cover, 2005 rainfall and 2005 fire hotspot
classes where used as flows between the land cover class stocks. We data), (3) one for 2009 (using 2009 land cover, 2009 rainfall and 2009
then used the average above ground carbon values for each land cover fire hotspot data), (4) all combined (using 2000, 2005 and 2009 land

Table 1
Change of land-cover, hotspots and above-ground biomass.

No Land-covera Block Area (in ha) Hotspots Above-ground biomass

(Tons C/hectare)h
2000 2005 2009 2001–2004 2005–2009

1 Primary peat forestb A-NW 5343.40 4960.28 4312.26 22 74 181.9i

E 40,171.49 38,410.33 37,767.84 31 89
2 Secondary peat forestc A-NW 4008.58 3793.07 2012.70 26 48 85.1j
E 29,901.09 30,013.00 30,901.18 51 73
3 Swamp Shrubsd A-NW 26,747.1 23,401.48 22,335.27 739 837 4.8k
E 3412.07 2557.59 2484.2 55 52
4 Shrubs-mixed farmlande A-NW 8213.17 12,149.55 15,639.10 882 837 12.4l
E 1594.24 4076.08 3960.10 80 83
5 Settlementf A-NW 1.78 1.78 1.78 0 1
E 16.50 16.50 16.50 0 0
6 Waterg A-NW 111.24 119.10 124.17 0 4
E 216.59 218.97 198.66 1 1

Source: Recalculated from KFCP database in 2012 (Fatkhurohman, personal communication); Hergoualc'h and Verchot (2011).
Characteristic of each land-cover is explained in the footnotes.
Dense, large diameter trees (more than 30 cm diameter), rich biodiversity, difficult to access, some areas experienced logging activities prior to MRP.
Dense, but small diameter of tree (less than 30 cm diameter), some areas experienced logging activities prior to MRP.
Dominated by high ferns, swamp and combined with early pioneer trees.
Combination of shrubs, jungle rubber, dry land paddy field.
Dominated by housing and building areas.
MRP canals, community canals, Kapuas river branches
Only cover above-ground biomass, does not include necromass, below ground, and peat soil biomass soil.
Mean value of virgin peat swamp forest carbon biomass.
Mean value of logged forest carbon biomass.
Mean value of rice carbon biomass. Rice paddies were mostly located around the swamp shrubs in both blocks. For consistency, we used rice biomass for the swamp shrubs from the
same study.
Mean value of mixed cropland and shrubland carbon biomass.
106 M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113

Fig. 3. The flows of land use transfer from 2000 to 2009 (in Hectare/year).

cover; 2001, 2005 and 2009 rainfall data and 2001, 2005 and 2009 fire to fire occurrence was also recorded for each model run (Evangelista
hotspot data) and finally (5) all combined but excluding those land et al., 2009).
cover years that were significantly correlated (using Pearson's correla-
tion p N 0.01) with the land cover year that had the highest percentage 4. Results
contribution to fire occurrence in the fourth (all combined) model run.
Peat depth, distance from roads, distance from rivers and distance from 4.1. Community Livelihood Activities in the Study Area
drainage canals were also included in all model runs but remained con-
stant. Each model run was evaluated using AUC (area under the Receiv- The results of the household survey (Table 2) found that the average
er Operating Characteristic curve), sensitivity (true positive rate), income of households living within both blocks was approximately Rp.
specificity (true negative rate) and the True Skilled Statistics (TSS) (sen- 1.9 to 2.1 million per month and the average basic household expendi-
sitivity + specificity – 1). The percentage contribution of each variable ture was approximately Rp. 1.5 to 1.6 million per month. In Block A-NW,
M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113 107

Table 2
Socio-economic survey results.

Block A-NW Block E Notes

- Total number of household (hh) 30 20
- Average income (Rp/hh/month) 1,897,667 2,059,000
- Average expenditure (Rp/hh/month) 1,649,333 1,463,000 Only for food and school
- Main sources of income (%) Rubber (68.7%) Rubber (80.0%)

Rubber tapping
- Number of households 27 18
- Average rubber area per household (ha/hh) 2.8 2.9
- Rubber tree density (number of trees/ha) 319 412
- Method of land clearing Fire (100%) Fire (100%)
- Latex sold to middle men (kg/transaction/hh) 17.8 4.8 Two to three transactions in a week
- Average prices (Rp/kg) 9521.0 8441.0 Depends on the quality and world price

Rice cultivation
- Number of households 17 –
- Number of households implement shifting cultivation 12 –
- Methods of land clearing Fire (100%) –
- Paddy field area (ha/hh) 2.4 –
- Paddy area planted (%) 38.50% –
- Average fallow period (years) 1.9 –
- Productivity (tons/ha/year) 1.3 –
- Number of harvests per year 1 –

- Number of households 1 9
- Days of fishing (days/week) 3 4
- Production (kg/day) 3.5 14.7
- Self-consumed (%) 70% 12%
- Average raw fish price (Rp/kg) 15,000 12,500
- Average dried fish price (Rp/kg) 27,000 26,111

rubber latex collection (68.7% of income) and rice cultivation are the and gemor bark drying fires were far less than that of the fire used for
main sources of livelihood. In Block E, the community collected fish as land clearing.
the other main livelihood activity in addition to rubber cultivation
(80% of income). In general, the community produced low quality rub- 4.2. Land Cover Change and above Ground Carbon Emissions
ber latex, with the price being controlled by middle men. Almost 57% of
households in Block A-NW produced rice for self-consumption but none Deforestation (loss of primary forest) and forest degradation (con-
of the households in Block E produced rice. version of primary forest to secondary forest) had occurred in both
Among the farmers in Block A-NW, 70.5% used shifting cultivation blocks between 2000 and 2009 (Fig. 4a and b). The rate of primary forest
practices with an average fallow period of 1.9 years. Most shifting culti- loss reached approximately 1.8% and 0.53% per year in Block A-NW and
vation was conducted on the mineral soil and shallow peat, including Block E respectively. All of the deforestation and degradation rates
that along the banks of the MRP drainage canals and the Mantangai (solid lines in Fig. 3) were higher than natural regeneration rates (Fig.
River. The community in Block E explained that the practice of shifting 3), except for the rates between swamp shrub and secondary peat forest
cultivation significantly declined during 2000 to 2009, because the com- in Block E. The conversion of other land covers to shrub–mixed dryland
munity preferred fishing, collecting rattan and gemor bark, and tapping farms occurred at rates higher than the forest could regenerate,
the existing old rubber plantations for their livelihood. From our survey resulting in a net increase in the area of shrubs–mixed dryland farms.
which was conducted in 2011, we found that the community stopped Because there were no logging concessions or palm-oil plantations in
collecting gemor bark because they could not find any gemor trees both blocks, we presume that the increase in shrubs–mixed dryland
close to their villages. farm area occurred to meet community livelihood needs.
The communities used fire (100% of the respondents) for land clear- The overall changes in above-ground carbon in both blocks are
ing, known as Manusul, to develop new rubber plantations and rice cul- shown in Fig. 4c. We found that the net above-ground carbon emissions
tivation areas. During interviews, the communities clearly stated that from 2000 to 2009 in Block A-NW and Block E were 266,834 t C
they never light fires deliberately to burn the peatland. Instead, they (26,683.4 t C/yr or 0.61 t C/ha/yr) and 285,454 t C (28,545.4 t C/ yr or
were aware of the adverse impact of wildfires within the peatland and 0.38 t C/ha/yr), respectively. However, we believe that the total carbon
to their livelihood. The communities also stated that they commonly emissions per year would be greater when all carbon pools, including
used fire breaks, known as Batas Kehu, to avoid the spread of fires below-ground carbon, are included in these estimates. We did not esti-
from their livelihood areas to other areas. Hence, they know how to re- mate the total carbon emissions because of the lack of detailed data on
duce the risk of wildfire during land clearing, however, they acknowl- the below-ground biomass and peat soil degradation. Nonetheless,
edged that on a few occasions in the dry season fires escape to the over 10 years, the community activities in Block A-NW and Block E re-
shrub land, and further spread to burn the forest and peat soils. In duced the above-ground carbon by about 17% and 3%, respectively.
these cases, wildfire was unintentionally caused by escaped fires. The reduction in carbon in Block A-NW was lower than in Block E, how-
When forest and peat fires occurred, the communities stated that ever, the small areas of deforestation and forest degradation in Block A-
they had limited capacity to suppress them. Other livelihood activities NW caused a larger percentage reduction in the above-ground carbon
involving fire were Mangaruhi (clearing vegetation in order to collect stock. Recurrent fires also made it difficult for the vegetation to regener-
trapped fish in an uprooted tree pond or canal during dry seasons) ate in Block A-NW. In Block E, the reduction of above-ground carbon
and drying gemor bark. Although both activities could potentially stock in the primary forest was offset by an increase in secondary
cause wildfires, the communities stated that the intensity of Mangaruhi forests.
108 M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113

Fig. 4. The trends of land cover change and above ground carbon stock.

4.3. Land Cover Change and Fire for rice paddy fields and made use of the fertile soils that were dug up
and placed along the banks of the MRP drainage canals. The soil adjacent
Post MRP, the conversion of swamp shrubs to shrub–mixed dryland to the MRP drainage canals mostly overlies deep peat and this has re-
farms in Block A-NW has been the dominant land use change. One of the sulted in an increase in shrubs–mixed dryland farm area overlying
reasons for this was land clearing caused by shifting cultivation. Instead deep peat (Fig. 5c) and a high number of fire hotspots occurring on
of rotating agricultural land with forest using long fallows, local com- shrubs–mixed dryland farm and swamp shrub land areas overlying
munities expanded agriculture onto swamp shrub land dominated by deep peat (Fig. 6a and b).
grass (Imperata cylindrica) and ferns (Pteridium) using short fallows Conversion of forest to shrubs–mixed dryland farms and to swamp
(2–3 years). The community also actively searched for suitable places shrubs also occurred in Block A-NW (Fig. 3a), although during group
M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113 109

Fig. 5. Land cover change over various peat depths.

discussions the community stated that the current forests were far from overlying deep peat (Fig. 6c, d). The MRP drainage canals have also en-
community settlements and they were afraid to practice agriculture abled the community to fish further inside Block A-NW, and fishing can
within the forests because they may be accused of illegal logging. In also introduce fire because it is used to clear fishing canals of vegetation.
any case, unintentional fires caused by uncontrolled burning did occur In Block E, the total increase in shrub–mixed dryland farm area was
at forest edges and played a significant role in forest cover reduction. small compared to Block A-NW. However, primary peat forest is still
The construction of the MRP drainage canals meant that the forest being converted into shrub–mixed dryland farms, and degraded to sec-
areas, which were mostly located on deep peat, were made accessible ondary peat forest (Fig. 3b). From our field observations, we discovered
and the community moved into the forest area to grow crops on the min- that most of the conversion from forest and swamp shrubs to shrub–
eral soils fringing the canals. The result has been a significant reduction in mixed dryland farms in Block E was concentrated along an old logging
peat forest cover (Fig. 5a, b) and high fire occurrence within peat forest road that was built over mineral soils. On the shallow peat areas
110 M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113

Fig. 6. Number of fire hotspots on various peat depths and land cover.

surrounding the road, community activities converted the primary for- The results of Maxent modelling runs 1, 2 and 3 (Fig. 7) clearly
est edges and swamp shrubs into shrub-mixed dryland farms. Mean- show that increased community access provided by the MRP drain-
while, natural vegetation regeneration from shrub-mixed dryland age canals and annual precipitation have had a major influence on
farms and swamp shrubs to secondary peat forest occurred over the the probability for fire within the study area. For all model runs,
deep peat areas, which are not suitable for cropping (Fig. 5e, f, g and annual precipitation and distance from drainage canals were the
h). Fire hotspots in Block E were detected over mineral soil and shallow dominant contributors (N 75%) to fire hotspot occurrence (Table
peat, medium depth peat and deep peat areas in both primary and sec- 3). The influence of a dry year (2009, Fig. 7c) can clearly be seen
ondary forest (Fig. 6c and d). It is highly possible that escaping fires from as a larger area of increased fire probability. All models had good
land claiming activities on both sides of the logging road spread to adja- fire hotspot discriminating power (AUC's above 0.8), were reason-
cent secondary and primary forest overlying the deep peat areas. ably specific and sensitive (above 0.75) and performed around 51
M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113 111

Fig. 7. Fire occurrence probability in 2000, 2005 and 2009.

to 78% better than random (TSS ranging from 0.514 to 0.780) et al., 1967; Arrow et al., 1995). It has been generally recognised that
(Table 4). traditional shifting cultivation with adequately long fallow periods is
an appropriate method of soil management and suits the local economy
5. Discussion and socio-environment (Arrow et al., 1995; Barlas, 1996).
With the establishment of the drainage canals in Block A-NW by the
Due to the formulation and execution of poor government policy, MRP, local communities suddenly had access to new areas and this
the MRP resulted in the initial and substantial deforestation and degra- allowed them to expand their livelihood activities into deep peat and
dation of the peat forest within the study area. Our study focused on the forest areas. The areas adjacent to the MRP drainage canals, where min-
post MRP period and demonstrates that the negative impacts of this eral soil were deposited on top of peat during canal dredging, became
flawed policy are still continuing. We found that the improved access new land for short fallow shifting cultivation (ladang) (Fig. 4), rubber
provided by the MRP drainage canals in Block A-NW and the mining planting and the growing of fruit such as banana and pineapple. The
road in Block E, as well as changes in the shifting cultivation practices fire occurrence probabilities in Fig. 7a, b, and c indicate that land clear-
of local communities, resulted in a net loss of forest cover and above ing with fire occurred intensively around the drainage canals within
ground carbon. Block A-NW. This was a dual consequence of both land use activities in-
Previously, the traditional Dayak community used mineral soils volving fire and lower moisture content of the peat immediately adja-
along the higher river banks for shifting cultivation and rubber agrofor- cent to the canals which made it more susceptible to peat fires.
estry (jungle rubber). They rarely ventured into the deep peat areas be- In Block E, a mining road improved access for the community to ad-
cause those areas were inaccessible and commonly covered by dense jacent forest overlying deep peat areas. This access allowed the commu-
peat forest. However, when they did venture into those areas, it was nity to claim land and convert the forest edges to permanent
for mainly for fishing, hunting and collecting non-timber forest prod- agriculture, in particular rubber monoculture plantations. During field
ucts such as rattan, gemor bark and honey. In this manner, traditional observations in 2010 and 2011 in Petak Puti village, we found burn
shifting cultivation, combined with jungle rubber and other subsistence scars and newly erected timber signs along both sides of the road. The
activities, were undertaken in harmony with the natural peatland eco- signs indicated that land was being claimed in order to obtain compen-
systems (Hudson et al., 1967; Setyawan, 2010) for centuries (Hudson sation from the mining company, road contractors or the government.

Table 3
Contribution of Canals, Road, Peat Depth, Rainfall and Land Cover on Hotspots Occurrence.

Annual rainfall Land cover

No Scenario Canals road Peat depth 2001 2005 2009 2000 2005 2009

1 Hotspot01 44.7 7.9 4.8 34.5 – – 8.2 – –

2 Hotspot05 6.5 9.8 6.2 – 70.4 – – 7 –
3 Hotspot09 54.9 6.7 4.2 54.9 – 21.2 – – 13.1
4 Hotspot010509 43.5 5.4 1.1 32.5 1.8 6.1 1.1 3.5 5.2
5 Hotspot010509 vs LC 2009 39.6 5.1 0.9 34 4.6 6.4 – – 9.4
112 M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113

Table 4
Sensitivity tests on Maxent simulation results.

No Scenario Number of variables AUC Fractional predicted area Specificity Training omission rate Sensitivity TSS

1 Hotspot01 5 0.926 0.143 0.857 0.142 0.858 0.715

2 Hotspot05 5 0.949 0.11 0.89 0.11 0.89 0.78
3 Hotspot09 5 0.85 0.23 0.77 0.23 0.77 0.54
4 Hotspot010509 9 0.84 0.243 0.757 0.243 0.757 0.514
5 Hotspot010509 vs LC 2009 5 0.841 0.243 0.757 0.243 0.757 0.514

According to the communities, for a payment of Rp 150,000–250,000/ha members still use Manusul. As a result, individual (non-collective)
or about US$ 15–25/ha, one can obtain a Surat Keterangan Tanah (SKT) land clearing with fire became more prevalent and secretive because
or land ownership statement from the Village Head to own and clear community members were afraid of getting caught by others. Individ-
land. A similar type of land claiming process has also occurred in West uals find it difficult to keep fires under control and this is presumed to
Kalimantan (Anshari and Armiyarsih, 2005). With fire as the main be one of the reasons for the occurrence of wildfires within forest and
method employed by the community for land clearing, the increased shrub areas within the study area. A survey conducted by CARE in
probability of fire can be clearly seen along the western boundary of 2009 (unpublished report to KFCP) found that 56% of fires in 2009
Block E, which is where the road is located (see Fig. 7c). were caused by land clearing. Other causes of fire were found to be
The change in shifting cultivation toward shorter fallow periods is a land claiming, opening access to forest and agriculture plots, protests
typical driver of deforestation in Southeast Asia. It occurs where farmers against government policies, and the tradition of Mangaruhi (collecting
look to find the ‘best’ short-term solution to maintaining their subsis- fish by clearing the vegetation surrounding swamp shrubs or canals
tence regardless of the long-term consequences (Angelsen et al., using fire). Extreme dry years caused by ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscil-
2014). In our study area, a change from traditional shifting cultivation lation) in 2002, 2006 and 2009 also amplified the number of uncon-
and jungle rubber toward short crop rotations and rubber monoculture trolled fires within the study area. The fire probability maps in Fig. 7
plantations occurred because farmers believe that plantations will pro- show that 2009 had an increased extent of high fire probability (Fig.
vide them with better production and income. With the desire to im- 6c), particularly in Block E, due to 2009 being a dry ENSO year.
prove their quality of life, and the destruction of local livelihoods Another underlying factor driving local communities to exploit
caused by the MRP, the pressure to crop land instinctively escalated peatland is poverty. Poverty is known to be one of the underlying causes
leading to shorter fallows. For some households in Block A-NW, shifting of deforestation and is widespread within communities in tropical
cultivation is their routine livelihood activity and cannot be separated peatland areas (Silvius et al., 2008), including those within our study
from their local custom. We concur with Sulistyawati et al. (2005) on area. Although the historical data on income and household expendi-
the role of shifting cultivation as a food safety net in response to factors ture between 2000 and 2009 was unavailable, we believe that the com-
such as; rubber price fluctuation which are affected by changing market munities have been living around the poverty line (US$ 1.00 per day) for
fundamentals and the decline in fishing yields which has been caused a long time. During interviews, most community members stated that
by unsustainable practices (overfishing, use of poison and electricity) they had struggled to maintain their subsistence for many years and
and pollution from the gold mining activities (Suyanto et al., 2009). this situation worsened after the MRP era because many of the places
In Block A-NW, the communities practiced at least three methods of they depended on for their livelihood were destroyed. Suyanto et al.
‘shifting cultivation’. The first method involves searching for mineral (2009) reported that poverty was still a problem in 2009 and this was
soils adjacent to the MRP drainage canals and cultivating the identified confirmed by our survey in 2011. However, post abandonment, we
area adopting a fallow period of 2–3 years. This method is similar to the found that the MRP had inadvertently improved the livelihood opportu-
traditional shifting cultivation method, but with a much shorter fallow nities for local communities by providing them with access to land that
period. In the second method, the community applies a ‘harvest and re- they previously could not use. From field observations it was evident
place’ rotation whereby rice is grown in the identified areas with miner- that there was an increase in land used for shifting cultivation along
al soils, and after the rice harvest, the rice paddies are replaced with the banks of MRP drainage canals. Despite the increase in shifting culti-
other crops (mostly rubber) after a one to two-year fallow. Once the vation area, local rice production has yet to meet the local communities'
rubber trees are planted, the land became permanent agricultural demand for rice due to low productivity (about one ton per hectare per
land. In the final method, the community practices a ‘back and forth’ ro- year). Our observations found that community members were buying
tation, whereby they establish a rice paddy field on half of the land area, rice from the local market or floating kiosk boat. As such, it seems that
leaving the other half to fallow for 2–3 years. After the rice harvest, they the improved land access provided by the MRP is not enough to com-
move the rice paddy to the fallowed half for the next planting. As they pensate for the loss of the original livelihoods that were in place before
rotate between fallow and cultivated areas in quick succession, the fal- the MRP.
low areas become dominated by ferns and grasses and suppressing The resulting increase in poverty is likely to also increase pressure on
the ability for the forest to naturally regenerate. This is one of the rea- the community to find other alternative livelihoods, such as illegal fish-
sons why the rate of land cover change from swamp shrubs to shrub– ing and illegal gold mining, in the Kapuas River. In the past, poverty has
mixed dryland farms were so dominant in Block A-NW (Fig. 3). forced some communities to carry out illegal logging, known as ‘mencari
The uncontrolled use of fire for land clearing, particularly in dry sea- kayu’. During the logging era in the 1980s and mid-1990s, legal and ille-
sons, is one of the main causes of tropical peatland degradation. Com- gal logging became one of the main income sources in the study area.
munities in our study area admitted that fire was the only affordable The community sold timber to three logging concession operators and
means they had for clearing land, whether for rice paddies or crops to outsiders. Those logging activities stimulated the local economy and
such as rubber. Land clearing by fire (Manusul) is a tradition in Dayak connected the Dayak with the outside world. As a result, local commu-
Ngaju communities inherited from previous generations. It is part of nities began abandoning their traditional farming practices (shifting
the yearly planting cycle and is usually conducted in the dry months cultivation and jungle rubber) and turned to logging as their primary
from July to September. Traditionally, the community conducted source of income. When the government enforced illegal logging laws,
Manusul as a collective task involving community groups. However, many community members were reluctant to go back to shifting culti-
since the release of a series of Central Kalimantan provincial regulations vation and preferred to plant more rubber trees, intensify fishing, and
prohibiting the use of fire for land clearing, only some community collect forest product such as rattan and gemor tree bark.
M. Medrilzam et al. / Ecological Economics 136 (2017) 101–113 113

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