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Construct a test instruction of writing

Basic Competency:
Students can compile oral and written recount texts, short and simple, about activities,
events, by paying attention to social functions, text structures, and correct linguistic
elements and context.
Students can identify the generic structure, language features and purpose of a recount text,
mention the topic, the events and the objects on the picture series, and make a recount text
based on the instruction.

Writing Test

1. Write a recount text about the most embarassing experience, using your own
words at least 20 sentences in 120 minutes.
2. Your writing will be scored based on:
a. Content
b. Grammar
c. Vocabulary
d. Mechanics

The specific explanation of the analytic scoring would be used as the scoring rubric in giving
mark for the students’ writing recount text. It is described as follow:
Categories Score Description
Content (C) Knowledgeable, thorough development of thesis, the
40% generic structure is complete, correct, relevant to the topic.
*Orientation Some knowledge of subject, limited development of
*Events 3 thesis, but lacks detail, the generic structure is complete
*Re-orientation but there are some sentences not relevant to topic.
Limited knowledge of subject, inadequate development of
2 topic, the generic structure is not complete, only write 2
part of generic structure.
Limited knowledge of subject, inadequate development of
1 topic, the generic structure is not complete, only write 1
part of generic structure.
Does not show knowledge of subject, not enough to
evaluate, the generic structure is wrong.
Grammar (G) The paragraph contains complete sentences and correct in
30% form of past tense.
*Use Past tense Mostly complete sentence. There are 1-3 errors in form of
past tense.
2 There are 4-6 errors in form of past tense.
1 There are 7-9 errors in form of past tense.
0 More than 9 errors in forms of past tense, so the paragraph
shows that the writer does not master the grammar or not
enough to be evaluated in forms of past tense.
Vocabulary (V) The paragraph shows that the usage of words such as
20% 4 noun, action verbs, conjunction, and adjectives is used
1-3 errors of words form such as noun, action verbs,
3 conjunction, and adjectives show in the paragraph but the
meaning is not obscured.
4-6 errors of words form such as noun, action verbs,
2 conjunction, and adjectives show in the paragraph but the
meaning is not obscured.
7-9 errors of words form such as noun, action verbs,
1 conjunction, and adjectives show in the paragraph but the
meaning is not obscured.
More than 9 errors of word form, so the paragraph does
0 not show that the writer understands the usage of words
such as noun, action verbs, conjunction, and adjectives.
Mechanic (M) The words are correct in writing, so the writer is good in
10% spelling.
*Spelling 4 The paragraph shows that there are no mistakes in using
*Puntuation period, comma, and capitalization, so the paragraph is
exceptionally easy to read
Makes 1-3 errors in spelling in the story.
The paragraph shows that 1 or 2 mistake in using period,
comma, and capitalization, but the paragraph is still easy
to read.
Makes 4-6 errors in spelling in the story.
2 The paragraph shows that 3 or 5 mistake in using period,
comma, and capitalization.
Makes 7-9 errors in spelling in the story.
1 The paragraph shows that 5 or 7 mistake in using period,
comma, and capitalization.
Makes more than 9 errors in spelling in the story.
The paragraph shows more than 7 mistakes in using
period, comma, and capitalization, the writer does not
master in the usage of punctuation and capitalization.

To calculate the score of writing test, we use this formula for each questions as follows:
( 4 xC ) + ( 3 xG )+ ( 2 xV )+ ( 1 xM )
Test Score= x 100
In which:
C = Content, G = Grammar, V = Vocabulary, M = Mechanic
In criteria:
Test Score Classification
85 – 100 Excellent
75 – 84 Very Good
60 – 74 Good
50 – 59 Fair
< 50 Poor

 If the total score of students is between 85 and 100, the students get Excellent.
 If the total score of students is between 75 and 84, students get Very Good.
 If the total score of students is between 60 and 74, students get Good.
 If the total score of students is between 50 and 59, students get Fair.
 If the total score of students is less than 50, students get Poor.

2. Research Problem
How can picture series be used to improve students' skills in writing recount texts for the
eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Pontianak?
Research Purpose: To improve the students' skills in writing recount texts by using picture

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