Warehouse Design For Airline Reservation

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Data Warehouse:

Data Mart Design:

Fact and Dimension Tables:

In this data warehouse, the dimension tables are booking, travel class, country, airport, direction,

flight seat price, flight status, flight aircraft instance, and aircraft manufactures, these are

recommended identifying characteristic data, the number of records included is comparatively

lesser than the fact table.

The fact tables of this data warehouse design are client, flight, schedule, aircraft seat, aircraft

instance, and aircraft. These are related to analyses for a special event. Accompanying with

numeric values, the table also contained foreign keys denoting the dimension tables. In this case

study, we work on the system of airline reservations, where a user came to book flight tickets.

Design Data Mart:

Identify the model type of each data mart:

We use two models of data mart in this data warehouse design including dependent and

independent. Independent data marts of this warehouse are booking, travel class, country, airport,

direction, flight seat price, flight status, flight aircraft instance, and aircraft manufactures. These

are not dependent on another data mart. Dependent data mart included client, flight, schedule,

aircraft seat, aircraft instance, and aircraft.

Describe the benefits and disadvantage of using schema:

• In this data warehouse designing, we use star schema.

• Benefits of star schema

• It is easy to understand.

• Swift retrieval of data and faster aggressions

• Efficient and effective for business

• Contained with a smaller number of table

Disadvantages of star schema:

 Lack of flexibility

 Data integrity is not well-enforced

 Data anomalies in case of one-off inserts and updates

Why we use this schema:

The architect of star schema is the simplest data warehouse schema and also easy to understand.

We use this schema because it allows more than one fact table. The given case named airline

reservation system is a complicate system so we use star schema to make it easy to understand.

Description of Tables:

In this warehouse design, we construct a common airline reservation system. In this design, there

is a total of 15 tables included client information table, booking, country, airport, direction, flight

seat price, flight, schedule, aircraft seat, aircraft, flight aircraft instance, aircraft instance, flight

status, and aircraft manufactures.

All table has specific not null values contained in it, there is various type of data included

integer, characters, double, timestamp, etc. The table of the client contains client id, name of the

client, phone number, email id, passport number, and IATA country code. In the client’s table,

the primary key and IATA country code is a foreign key. The booking table contains client id,

flight call, aircraft id, and seat id. In this table aircraft, id and seat id are primary keys. In the

table of the country there are two keys IATA country code and country name, IATA country

code is a primary key. Table airport contains IATA airport code, airport name, city, and IATA

country code. In the table of direction, there are two keys IATA code of origin airport and IATA

code of destination airport.

Flight table contained three keys one primary key and two foreign keys. The primary key is

flight call and two foreign keys are schedule id and flight status id. Keys of flight seat price are

flight call, aircraft id, and seat id and price USD. Travel class contained three keys, travel class

id, class name, description and travel class id is the primary key. Aircraft seat has three keys

including one foreign key named travel class id, and the other two keys are aircraft id and seat id.

Flight aircraft instance has two keys included flight call and aircraft instance id. Flight status has

two primary keys included flight status id and flight name. Aircraft has three keys; they have

included aircraft id, aircraft manufacturer id. The most important table is the schedule, it contains

schedule id as primary key, origin IATA airport code, destination IATA airport code as a foreign

key, other keys are departure time GMT and arrival time GMT. All of the above mentions

suggest a common airline reservation system.

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