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Dacumos, Bernalyn BSCE – 2B

Fontanilla, Naera Mei


1. Describe the settings of the narrative.
“The emperor responds to the prophecy by making the prince a commoner with
the surname Minamoto or Genji. However, the emperor loves Genji very much
and permits him to reside in the royal palace.”
“This is recompense for Genji's earlier exile to Suma.”

2. What particular period in History did the literary piece appear?

 Heian Period (794-1185)

3. Describe the prevailing socio-cultural or eco-political situation during the period.

 Heian Court Culture
– A time of great cultural production in terms of poetry, music and literature
– What Heian culture dictates opposition to what individuals want to see happen
“The emperor responds to the prophecy by making the prince a commoner with
the surname Minamoto or Genji. However, the emperor loves Genji very much
and permits him to reside in the royal palace.”


1. Who are the characters? What are their roles in the narrative?
2. What are their traits (positive and/or negative) and values?
3. Describe each character according to principality, development, and personality. Justify
your description.


Genji Protagonist Static Flat
Kokiden Antagonist Static Flat
Rokujo Lady Antagonist Dynamic Round
Kiritsubo Supporting Character Static Flat
Fujitsubo Supporting Character Static Flat
Aoi Supporting Character Static Flat
Murasaki Supporting Character Static Flat
To-No-Chujo Supporting Character Static Flat
Oborozukiyo Supporting Character Static Flat
Sazuko Supporting Character Static Flat
Yugao Supporting Character Static Flat
Hikaru Genji

 Handsome and Talented – he was admired by most of the women in the palace
 Womanizer
“Genji falls desperately in love with his stepmother but, aged 12, he marries Aoi, six
years his senior. Bewitched by Fujitsubo, Genji's marriage is a failure. He has
numerous affairs, most significantly with a lowly girl called Murasaki who resembles
Fujitsubo and who he will later marry.”

Rokoju Lady

 Obsessed
“Genji, whose first wife Aoi died in childbirth thanks to the evil wishes of a former
lover Lady Rokujo.”

1. Write the plot of the narrative. What kind of plot development is this?
 Linear Plot (Chronological Order)

 Exposition
o Introduction of characters and setting

 Rising Action
o Lady Kiritsubo died. Genji longed for the love of a mother that he never
experienced since she died when he was very young.
o Genji began to fall with his stepmother, Fujitsubo. She never allowed it so
when Genji was in his right age, he was married to Aoi.

“Genji falls desperately in love with his stepmother but, aged 12, he marries Aoi,
six years his senior. Bewitched by Fujitsubo, Genji's marriage is a failure. He has
numerous affairs, most significantly with a lowly girl called Murasaki who
resembles Fujitsubo and who he will later marry.”

 Climax
o Genji raped Rokujo Lady. Because of it, she wanted Genji not to be owned
by any other woman. She found out about Genji’s affair with Yugao and
killed her. Knowing that Aoi is also pregnant, Rokujo Lady killed Aoi after
giving birth.

“Genji, whose first wife Aoi died in childbirth thanks to the evil wishes of a
former lover Lady Rokujo.”

o Genji attended several concerts and events. He saw an open door and
entered it, have sex with Oborozukiyo, sister of Kokiden, not knowingly
about her identity. They were caught by Minister of the Right and was exile
in Suma.
 Falling Action
o Rokujo Lady asked Genji in her deathbed not to make her daughter,
Akikonomu, as one of his lover and to take care of her. Genji decided to
marry Akikonomu with Reizei.
 Denouement
o “Genji makes plans to withdraw from public affairs.”

2. What literary device is used in the plot development? Identify the plot of the narrative
for this device.
Chronological Arrangement

3. What is the conflict in the narrative? What type of conflict is this? How is this conflict
 Man vs. Himself
o The character is not faithful with only one woman. He doesn’t know who he
really loves.

1. What point of view is applied in the narrative?
Third Person Point of View

1. What is the significant truth (message/insight) about life, about human nature, about
human relationship, about the world/society, or about human experience (whichever is
applicable) is communicated in the selection?
 History - it shows the culture and tradition of Japan back in the history
 Affection – everything will be done for love even if it is against the law


1. What object/s or who are the symbolic in the selection? What do they symbolize or
 Genji – he symbolizes those people who are not contented with only one woman
 Hair – it symbolizes commitment when you cut it, becoming a nun

2. What about the setting? What does it symbolize?

 Royal Court – policies that everyone should abide even the highest rank, Emperor

1. What family-social values, cultural-spiritual values, or economic political values
(whichever is applicable) are revealed in the selection? To whom are these values
attribute? Justify your answer.
 Be contented with what who have because anything that is too much is bad.
It is attributed to everyone even if it is not for love. Even in the things that we
possess or eat. It should always be in moderation.

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