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Maya Jensen

Business Plan

Steps Ahead
Address: Biopolis Dr
Singapore: 598434
Telephone: +65 1234 1234

Table of content

Maya Jensen

1.1 Executive summary …………………………………………………… 3

2.01 Company overview …………………………………………………… 4

2.02 Vision statement …………………………………………………… 4
2.03 Mission statement …………………………………………………… 4
2.04 Company goal …………………………………………………… 4
2.05 Company objective plan for 3 years …………………………………………………… 4
2.06 The industry …………………………………………………… 5
2.07 What is important to us in the business …………………………………………………… 5

3.01 Product overview …………………………………………………… 6

3.02 The problem we are solving …………………………………………………… 6
3.03 Our product …………………………………………………… 6
3.04 SWOT …………………………………………………… 7
3.05 Price …………………………………………………… 8

4.01 Market analysis …………………………………………………… 9

4.02 Research …………………………………………………… 9
4.03 Economy …………………………………………………… 9
4.04 Feature and benefit …………………………………………………… 9
4.05 Customers …………………………………………………… 9
4.06 Competition …………………………………………………… 10
4.07 Niche …………………………………………………… 11
4.08 Strategy plan …………………………………………………… 11
4.08 Pricing ……………………………………………………. 11

5.1 Operation plan …………………………………………………… 12

5.2 Location …………………………………………………… 12
5.3 Pricing …………………………………………………… 12
5.4 Personnel …………………………………………………… 12
5.05 Company organization chart …………………………………………………… 13
5.06 Credit police …………………………………………………… 13

6.1 Company and management structure …………………………………………………… 14

6.02 Project team …………………………………………………… 14

7.1 Financial plan …………………………………………………… 15

8.1 Appendix …………………………………………………… 17

1.1 Executive summary

Maya Jensen

Steps Ahead is a company that sells workshops to young people. In today’s society, we see a
growth in young people who are feeling stressed. There is a really high number of young people in
distress and we hope that we can help lower this number.
Our goal with this workshop is to create a successful, useful, inspiring and evidence-based
workshop that will help young people understand their identity and their values in life.
We want to help young people to increase their self-confidence and to work on their personal
growth and personal leadership.
The price of our product will be 750 SGD for 15 hours spread over 5 weeks.
When looking at our competitors we concluded that 750SGD is an attractive price compared to the
other workshops. We believe this is a realistic price and that we will be able to make a profit.

Steps Ahead is a company that is started from scratch and is a part of the services marked.
We are a new company on the market, and it might be difficult to earn a lot of money during the
first period. We have therefore put money aside, so we won’t end up having a big debt.
In the first couple of months, we are planning to be spending some money on advertising in order to
get our workshop out on the market.

The coaches who will carry out the workshop must be knowledgeable about how to approach young
people and knowledgeable regarding research and science behind the content and exercises.
We are focusing on keeping our employees happy in their working environment. Since that is an
important factor in having a good company and having a good bond between the co-workers.

It is important to us that the details regarding the workshop and the settings have been thought
through; that the environment where the workshop is held is aesthetic and easy to get to. According
to our survey this is an important factor when costumers are looking for workshops.
It is also important to us that we receive and develop from feedback after the workshops and that we
are ready for a change when necessary. It is important to us that people we are in touch with feel
well treated and that they will progress from joining our workshop.

In the future, we are aiming for having more than one kind of workshop. So, one workshop for
children between 13-18, another one for 18-25 and one for 25+. We will have our camps around the
world, where young people come for 5 days (not only lessons classes) during their holidays to gain
personal growth and self-confidence. We will also have different kinds of levels to attend so they
can keep building on top of their knowledge.

Maya Kynding is investing 31.800 SGD in it and a family member of her is investing 50.000 SGD
in the company. With this money we able to start up the business.

2.01 Company overview

Maya Jensen

In the world today there are a lot of pressure on young people. They feel pressured to have the
perfect body, good grades in school, a good social life and expectations, but all of this have an
impact on young people. According to a survey from the Mental Health Foundation (appendices 1)
we can see that 57% of young people are stressed because they are afraid of making mistakes. This
should not be a problem since making mistakes is a part of the learning path. This survey shows
how much young people feel pressure to succeed.

Therefore, the product we have created will be marked out to young people between 13-18 years
old. The business we have create is a workshop that will give young people personal leadership.
The workshop will help people to build self-confidence and to be aware of possible next steps in
their lives.
We carried out a survey where we asked if people would have a workshop for one hour per lesson
or a workshop for a hole day one. Here is one of the answers we got: I would prefer to go to a lot of
different workshops to get time to reflect on my own learning. 7 out of 10 would prefer to go to a
workshop once a week.

2.02 Vision statement:

In 10 years from now the company is thriving and growing. We will have our own camps around
the world, where young people come for 5 days (not only lessons classes) during their holidays to
gain personal growth and self-confidence. There will be upgrading camps to attend for those young
people who wants to develop further and who might also want to use their own experiences to help
other young people (then they eventually can become daily leaders of some of the exercises or parts
of the workshop/camp – and in that way the company will be feeding itself with employees).

2.03 Mission statement:

The goal is to create a successful, useful, inspiring and evidence-based workshop that will help
young people understand their identity and their values in life. We want to help young people to
increase their self-confidence and to work on their personal growth/personal leadership.

2. 04 Company goal:
The goal is to start out having only one workshop with 8-12 people on and in the longer term to
open workshops all over the world.

2.5 Company objectives for 3 years:

Year 1:
After the first year one of the objectives is to have created all the needed materials and carried out 4
trials for the workshop and receive feedback from the participants. The feedback we will collect
will we be using to make the workshops better and more useful the next year. One of the main goals
in the first year is to get an understanding of what people want to learn and what they want to
achieve attending these workshops. In the first year we will be marketing our workshop and
hopefully be able to create more workshops next year.
Year 2:
At the end of the second year one of the objectives is to expand the number of workshops also into
different areas in the country. The second objective is to have different facilitators, there would be
experts on different subject and topics the workshop will be working with. This year we will also
get a more stable economy and start expanding the workshop.
Year 3:

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After the third year the objectives are to have workers who are happy for their job and now that they
are making a difference for other people. This year we also want all our customers to be happy for
their experience at our workshop and want to inspire other people to attend this workshop. This year
will be the main turning point for the success for this company.

2.06 The industry:

Almost daily, the media reports of children and young people cracking as a result of stress and
performance anxiety. Therefore, the workshop is very usable for people today. Because if they in an
early stage of life can learn methods and strategy to handle stressful situations. We foresee that the
demand for workshop like this will be growing in the future.

2.07 What is important to us in the business?

It is important to us that the main goal of the business is about helping other people and not earning
money. It is important to us that we never take advantage of the weakness of other people, but that
our main mission is to support and help other people to grow.
It is important to us that the participant feel acknowledged and appreciated and that they all feel
they will go home with more than they brought with them, therefore it is also important to find the
right persons to be in charge of the workshops. 
The coaches of the workshops must be knowledgeable about how to approach young people and
knowledgeable regarding research and science behind the content and exercises.
It is important to us that the details have been thought through; that the environment of the space
where the workshop is held is aesthetic and easy to get to.
It is important to us that we receive and develop from feedback and that we are ready for change
when necessary. 
It is important to us is that people we are in touch with get treated well and that they will carry out a

3.01 Product overview

3.02 The problem we are solving

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In a survey we asked if people find workshops used full 70% (appendices 2), we also asked if
people have felt unconfutable talking or presenting something in front of a lot of people and for that
80% (appendices 2) said that they have felt unconfutable.

3.03 Our product:

The program for the workshops for each week
This full course will be: 3 hours each Sunday or Saturday for 5 weeks. All in all, 15 hours.
The course will run with 8-12 participants.
Every lesson starts with “checking in” and temperature of the day, with a short explanation on how
they feel.
Coaches will do an introduction and a starting assessment. They will start out working in pairs and
as course continue the groups will get bigger. This is a part of getting them comfortable taking in
front of people. The groups will come back and share their thoughts and coach will “tie knots”.
After 1.5 hour there will be a short break.
Coaches will do an introduction and start an assessment, they participants can either work alone or
in groups of 2/3/4. At the end of the lesson the coach will give out a homework that can be either
reding an article/text, practicing an exercise or reflecting about their journey.

In the First week we will start out with a small game where people will get to know each other and
hear what they want to archive attending this course. Participants are introduced to a presentation on
positivity and research on positivity. They will do different exercises, like providing appreciative
post-it’s to each other.
The intention of the exercises is for the students to practice what they can recognize others for and
even be recognized for themselves. They also get a home assignment: Make a video-log about “3
good things” and write a “Thank you letter” for something/someone they feel grateful for. The
intention is to train in providing space for the good things, to dare to say, “thank you” and to show
gratitude. Good comes from good.

In the Second week participants are introduced to a presentation on the concept of

“flow”/”flourish” and intrinsic motivation. They will do an exercise in small groups “Building a
transportation for an egg” with an afterward reflection on when in the process they were most
engaged. The home assignment is to take a picture with their phone every time they find themselves
occupied and in a state of “flow”.
The intention of these exercises is to put a focus on motivation and engagement.

In the Third week participants are introduced to a presentation on positive relationships. 

In the workshop, non-humiliating activities are played and performed, to focus on building good
relationships and the opportunity for experienced self-confidence.

In the Fourth week Participants are introduced to a presentation on shared values and opinions.
They will be introduced to different assignments, that could be writing a speech to themselves from
their best friend. The intention of the assignments is that the students feel that it is important to be
something for someone and that they can actively do something about it.

In the Fifth week participants are introduced to a presentation on self-efficacy and self-confidence.
They will do different assignments on “What am I good at?”, “When did I do something that I am
really proud off?” and other team buildings assessments.
The participants will fill out a feedback survey on the last workshop day.

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Our employees and coaches will do their best to make the young people learn as much as possible
and give them strategies that will be important and useful to know when dealing with stress and
felling pressured in the future. We have a website where people get to know our values and can ask
questions if they have any regarding the course.

The PERMA model will help our participant understand the elements of the good life and
happiness. The model is developed by Martin Seligman (positive phycology).

3.04 SWOT
Strengths A strength in our brand marketing is that we can use Social Medias, since our
target audience are young people. Another strength is that our business is
about personal growth and many parents want to invest in their kids and
prepare them for the future and try to protect them for the stress they will face
later in life. Working with people who have the same passion and want to
work together and exchange ideas, will increase the chance of having a
successful business.

Weaknesses The weakness for this workshop is if we don’t get enough customers who
want to attend the workshop.
A lot of young people need help or a reason to attend a workshop, so here it is
important for us that either the family or friends will support them or even join
the workshop with them.

Opportunities An opportunity for the workshop to grow will be if another workshop closes
down, then there will be more people who will come to our company/
workshop. When new families with young people move to Singapore, there
will be new opportunities for our company to get new clients.
If the market is good and the company don’t have to pay any big bills now is
an opportunity to prepare for potential bad times.

Threats A treat for the finance is if the market goes down, then we can lose money,
and our customers may not want to come to our workshops since they don’t
know how the market will look like in the future. Other workshops are also a
treat since people with kids can go to another workshop, they have heard
about. Another one is if families with kids (ours target market) choses to move

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out of the county.

If the demand of workshops is falling it would be a threat for the company.

3.05 Price:
We have many competitors, but we also have an advantage since our workshop is unique and are on
a price level that most people in Singapore can afford.

The price cannot be to higher since we want to people to come to our workshop instead of others, so
the price needs to match the demand for the workshop and what other companies are taking for the
lessons/workshop. We will also have to pay or workers who are educated adults and young people.
The average price of our product will be 750 SGD for 3 hours each Sunday or Saturday for 5 weeks.
One of the reasons because of this is that before starting up the business we made a survey
(appendices 2) and asked people what they would be willing to pay for one hour.

4.1 Market analysis

4.02 Research:
Secondary research:
According to NHS Many people are stressed out and even sinking into depression. It is not likely
that the need for this kind of support for young people is slowing down and shrinking.

Maya Jensen

Primary research:
We did a survey on different parameters of our project.

I researched on:
- Interest and importance now and in the future
- Whether it should be a workshop for one day or more like a camp; stretching over more
- What the demands could be regarding content of such a workshop
- How much they would be willing to pay per session
- Online or a face to face presentation/workshop.
- Where it should be located

See all the answers of our survey in appendices 2

4.03 Economy:
The size of our target marked is around 8% of the population in Singapore (appendices 3). We are a
part of the health care industry but still a private company.

The current demand in Singapore is high. According to an article (The Straits times: “More teens in
Singapore seeking help at IMH for school stress”) more and more teenagers are seeking help for
school stress. Dr Lim Choon Guan states that the number of young teenagers seeking help has been
rising over the past five years. He also says that young people today are more willing to seek help if
they feel stressed or overwhelmed.

What barriers: we could face some barriers regarding consumer acceptance and brand recognition,
therefor we must be very careful to educate our staff and to brand ourselves correctly.
Our company could be challenged by changes in economy; if the population do not have the
resources to pay for our service or if the government decides to include a similar idea/project into
the school system.

4.04 Feature and benefit:

 Goodie bag/features: “Memory-expander-booklet”
 Follow up conversation with a coach or mentor.
Benefits: more awareness of personal leadership and personal growth (more self-confidence and

4.05 Customers:
Our customers are young people between 13-18 years old. They must be mentally well, since our
workshop is not made for people who are in need of clinical healthcare. The price of the workshop
is made for the middle and higher social class, since we not will provide or accept any subsidy.
The costumer needs to be openminded and have a positive attitude when attending the workshops.

Target group table:

Age 13 – 18 years
Gender Either male or female
Field Students
Social class Middle to higher class

Maya Jensen

4.06 Competition:
(analysis over competitor A and B)
We have been looking at two companies that could be competitors to our company:
“One to One coaching” with Daniel Wong, Singapore and “MOT”, self-building young people in
public schools (working towards resilience and robustness) in Norway, Denmark, South Africa,
Thailand and Latvia.
We have done an analysis on following topics/fields:
- Reputation
- Quality
- Target group/who is it for
- Readiness for changes/will it be personalised
- Webpage/ what information do we get
- Economy/ Price

Company Strengths Weaknesses

A: Daniel Wong Reputation: He is well-known and Quality: Only on person; no other
has a good reputation experts involved and it makes his
Quality: he has documented company structure fragile
experience, he holds a certificate in Webpage: Is unstructured, he is only
counselling and coaching one person
Target-group: One to one coaching Economy/ Price: Very expensive
with students (6000 SG$/8 lessons)
Economy/ Price: Only one person
(no paying of employees)

B: MOT. global Target group: A concept for schools, Readiness for changes: Since it is a
and universities concept it might be difficult to
Quality: There are many people/ personalise.
experts involved, they have Economy/ Price: Price unknown,
experiences from many counties and there are many people on the pay list
Webpage: easy to navigate in

The advantages and disadvantages of our company:

Our advantages will be that our product will have a very good quality since we have many coaches
who are experts within the area. Our target group is in the age of 13-18 years, this is a good age
group because they start thinking about their future and their parents are also very interested in their
child’s personal leadership and growth.
Since we are not on the market yet, we don’t have any reputation. This is both bad and good. Bad,
since people won’t be talking about our company, but it is also an advantage since we then don’t
have any bad reputations. We don’t have a concept workshop since we will carry out the workshops
with our own coaches, who constantly will be changing the courses accordingly to the clients.
We have a simple website with a stylish touch. It is important that is easy to navigate.
We have made a survey regarding prices and have looked at what other companies are selling their
workshop for. We believe that we have a really good price: 750 SGD for 15 hours course split up on
3 hours each Sunday or Saturday for 5 weeks.

Maya Jensen

4.07 Niche:
Within the health and wellbeing marked our company is a niche focusing young people’s self-
development and personal leadership.
 The product will be introduced in Singapore
 Age group 13-18 years
 Will be focusing on personal leadership

4.08 Strategy: marketing strategy/promotion (+budget)

We have to make a marketing plan/ strategy plan that will provide an overview, a clear and
structured plan that will lead the company to success.
Our plan for “Steps Ahead” will be a lot of advertising and carry out a test workshop, where we will
be using volunteers, to receive feedback on our workshop and its contents. That will be the main
plan for the first year.
Our main target group within marketing and promotion will be the parents and other adults working
with/caring for young people. Since the parent’s are paying for the workshop, we will have to
convince them that what we’re offering is the best solution for their child.
We will be advertising the products in schools where will be hanging up posters, we will look for
opportunities to visit parents meeting from grade 7-12, we will create flyers to hand out at different
location such as parent meetings, SportsCenter’s and staffrooms in schools and we will have an
online webpages.
the market

Start doing Make the

the program for
workshops the
weekly workshops


Carry out a
Seek help
and resive

4.09 Pricing:
For the promotion part we will have to use around 7000SGD since we will have to hire one to do
our website, we will also have to print out poster and hand out flyers.

5.1 Operational plan

5.02 Location
We will have our offices space in a two storied house, where we also will carry out the workshops.
The ground floor will be used for offices space, toilets, kitchen, and the waiting room where the
participants will have to wait when they have arrived since we will have the responsibility for the
kids. The second floor is divided into three functions rooms and it would be a good idea to have

Maya Jensen

wall that is moveable. We will also need a green space since we may be doing some of our activities
In the survey we made (appendices 2) we found out the demand for a location where it is easy to get
to with public transport was important for our future participants. Because the workshop is located
in Singapore it is not necessary to have a parking park.
We want to start small in order to get the economy running, but still the location must be attractive
and a place where you would like to come back to.

In the first 5-6 months we will be working from home and meet for small meetings. We will have to
pay around 8000 SGD for the renting of the rooms every month. We will also have to buy good and
quality furniture’s since we must have a good environment and workspaces for our staff and
participants. Each week we will also have to go grocery shopping in order to provide snacks for the

Here is a table over the cost for the location and the physical needs for our staff and participants:
Location 8000 SGD/ each month
Furniture’s 40000 SGD
Life supplies 200 SGD/ each month

Here is a table over the offices hours and when it will be possible to contact us online.
Days Business hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10 – 16
Wednesday 10 – 18
Thursday 10 – 18
Friday 10 – 16
Saturday 8 – 18
Sunday 8 – 18

5.03 Pricing
It will cost 750 SGD for 3 hours each Sunday or Saturday for 5 weeks. All in all, 15 hours. You can
get a discount if you are a family and if more than one child will attend the workshop, it is also
possible to get a discount when attending the workshop for the second time or more.

5.04 Personnel
Our company will have 10 employees since we will need people to carry out the workshop, we will
also have employees who will do the financial part, and others might work on expanding the course.

The leaders and coaches of the workshops must be knowledgeable about how to approach young
people and knowledgeable regarding research and science behind the content and exercises.
They don’t need to have had previously experience, since we want to have young adults.

We will use our own contacts to find the employees, that we believe have the right skills for our
workshop. We will also make job advertising and do interviews.

In appendices 4 it is possible to see our plan for the company’s first 12 months.

5.05 Company organization chart:

Maya Jensen


Administration Financial Managing

manager manager consultant


5.06 Credit police

When the participants are signing up for the workshop, they will have to pay 40% and the
remaining 60% when the workshop is over. The payment terms are within 30 days for the last 60%.
It they do not par with in the 30 days they will get 2 extra percentage every day until they have

6.1 Company and management structure

We need to have a clear management structure to provide a structure to our employees by telling
how is in chart of what job, it will give an overview of each person’s role in the company.
We believe that it is very important to good organisation management.

6.02 Project team:

Maya Jensen

- The CEO Maya Kynding have an education within psychology and business management.
she is majored in…She was the one had the main idea and decided to start a business. She is
very passionate and interested in how to give young people self-confidence and learn more
about personal leadership that will be help full now and in the future. As the CEO she will
have the overall responsibility for the company.

- The Administration manager Amanda Smith is placed under the CEO. She is the one who is
in chart of the planning and is play a key role in the company.
She has excellent communication skills and organisation skills which is needed when having
an overview over what is happening in the market and in the company. She will also be in
chart of the daily operation of the company.

- The financial manager is Christian Pedersen. As the Financial Controller, he will work with
the management and control of an organization's finances in connection with advertising,
leasing of premises and market for our workshop. He has an education within economy and
math which gave him skills to work with financial management, accounting, controlling and
auditing in private companies.

- Kristina Olsen is the Managing consultant have an important role; she does not only have a
team of 6 consultants under her she is also the one who needs to have a solution to all the
problems that might pop up. Providing a strategy will also a part of her job and help the
company with how to improve the workshop. Beyond this she will also have to participates
in bigger meetings with possible collaborations in the future

- Under the Managing consultant, we will have all the Consultants who will be holding and
preparing the workshops. It will also be their job to incorporate the feedback we will be
given into the workshops to make sure the all our costumers are happy with their experience.
But they will be given jobs and things to working from the Managing consultant.

7.1 Financial plan

Our financial part of our company is visualized through the tables.

In our Start-up cost we will have two different costs; the fixed cost and the operating capital.
The fixed cost will not change due to the activity of the business. This cost includes the leasehold
improvements, equipment, furniture and fixtures. The operating capital is the daily operating

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business. This cost will include; advertising and promotion, rent deposits and the supplies of the
From the table it shows that we will have a Start-up cost of 81.800SGD (appendices 5).

Maya Kynding is investing 31.800 SGD in it and a family member of hers are investing 50.000
SGD in the company. With this amount of money, we are able to start up the business. It is not
necessary for us to take a loan. Along the way we will see if we will have to take up loans, but as it
looks like right now, it is not necessary.

We will have one owner who will get 30 SGD/per hour, 6 full-time employees getting 25 SGD/per
hour and the 3 part-time employees getting 20SGD/per hour. For more information look at
appendices 6 Payroll year 1-3.
In the Payroll we have also shown the cost for salaries. The annual cost for salaries during the first
year will be 366.838SGD including taxes and benefits.
The growth rate will be 20% for the owner after the second year, 15% for the full-time employees
and 10% for the part-time employees (appendices 6).

We made a Sale forecast for year 1-3 which can be seen in appendices 7. We believe that we during
the first year will be selling around 91 workshops in total. Each workshop will consist of 5 times 3-
hour long sessions.

In the Cash flow (appendices 10) it is possible to see what we expect to have as Inflow and

In the Operating expenses we have shown that we will start the advertising process in May, which is
two months into the Start-up of the company. We have chosen to do this, since we will be carrying
out some test workshops where we will receive feedback from clients.

In the Breakeven analysis it shows when we will start earning money.

Our month breakeven amount is 55.104SGD. So, after the monthly Breakeven amount, we will start
earning money.

For more information regarding the financial look at appendices 5-11.

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8.1 Appendix
Appendices 1: Survey from the Mental Health Foundation

Appendices 2: Survey

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Appendices 3: Population pyramid Singapore

Appendices 4: Gantt chart

Appendices 5: Starting point

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Appendices 6: Payroll year

Payroll year 1:

Payroll year 1-3:

Appendices 7: Sale forecast

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Sale forecast year 1:

Sale forecast year 1-3:

Appendices 8: Additional inputs

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Appendices 9: Operating expenses year

Operating expenses year 1:

Operating expenses year 1-3:

Appendices 10: Cash flow

Cash flow year 1:

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Cash flow year 1-3:

Appendices 11: Income statement

Income statement year 1:

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Income statement year 1-3:

Work sited:
“More Teens in Singapore Seeking Help at IMH for School Stress.” The Straits Times, 12 Apr.

“MOT's X-Factors.” MOT Global,

Wong, Daniel. “1-To-1 Coaching with Daniel Wong.” Daniel Wong, 14 Oct. 2019, www.daniel-

“60% Of Young People Unable to Cope Due to Pressure to Succeed.” Mental Health Foundation,
16 Jan. 2020,

“Depression in Children and Teenagers.” NHS Choices, NHS, 11 Apr. 2017,

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