Assisnment 1

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What is Value and Moral

Values are concepts that reflect individual or cultural beliefs. A set of values can be included
in the value system concept. The value was planted in childhood and moved on the next level.
Literally value means something that has prices, something valuable, love and advantageous;
Then some are willing to suffer from and sacrifice. In other words, the value is a set of rules
or behavioural rules. This means, holding them and also judgment on the nature and amount
of value compared to something else. This means the act of achieving something, holding and
even the act of passing on the nature and the amount of value compared to something else.
The value is considered as desirable, essential, and held in a high price by a particular
community where a person lives. Thus, the value of giving meaning and strength to a person's
character by occupying a central place in his life. The value reflects a personal attitude,
judgment, decision, choice, behaviour, relationship, dream and vision.

Value is trust. But they are beliefs tied to emotions, not objective, cool ideas. Value is
fostering motivation. They refer to the reasonable goal of the person trying to accomplish.
Values that go through certain actions and situations. They are abstract goals. The abstract
nature of values distinguishes them from concepts such as norms and attitudes, which usually
refer to specific actions, objects, or situations. The value of the selection or assessment
guidelines for actions, basics, people, and events. That is, the value acting as standard or
criteria. Value ordered by interest against each other. The value of others forms a system
ordered the priority of value that characterize them as individuals. This value hierarchy
feature also distinguishes them from norm and attitudes. Value theory defines the value as
desired, Trans-situational goals, differs in importance that acts as the guiding principle in the
public's lives. They come from certain groups or systems, such as culture, religion, and
political parties. However, the personal value is not Universal, genes, families, countries and
historical environments help determine a person's personal value. The concept of our self-
value is not Universal, merely that every individual has that unique concept of personal
knowledge of the appropriate value for their own genes, feelings and experiences. So
different values from individual to individual and from group to group.

Value education has the ability to transform a diseased mind into a very young, fresh,
innocent, natural healthy and attentive mind. The thought that change is capable of higher
sensitivity and the level of perception that peaked. This leads to fulfilling the role of
evolution in humans and in life. Value education is self-assisted and a relationship with
society. Value education makes a safe and personality, he adds peace to society. Individual
and society for each other. Education is the process of building personality. It is always
associated with the community. It has both personal and social dimensions and such as two
sides of the same coin, this is inseparable. According to Gandhiji, real education does not
consist of brain packaging with fact and figures information, or passing exams by reading the
number of books set, but by developing the right character. The difference value throughout
the generation, the higher the lifespan, the greater the difference. The young group holds a
stronger view of secular ones from older groups. In developing the community both young
and old people hold traditional values almost at the same level.

What is Modernization
In line with Haviland (2002) modernization is defined as a comprehensive cultural and
socio-economic change process, where the community develops efforts to acquire some
common features to the industry community. In the conduct of modernization, traditional
knowledge and techniques give way to the application of scientific knowledge borrowed
mainly from the west. ' Due to modern technology, modernization creates a change in
traditions and values. People will receive this because progress is necessary and useful to
society and individuals (Arnold Hurn 1966). Modernization involves the emergence of a new
behaviour system with certain characteristics of its own. It refers to a deeper change in the
way people think and feel the change in full attitude to problems of life, society and the

The term ' modernization ' involves the emergence of a new behaviour system with
considerable changes in value. Majority of the behavioural scientists have realised that
modernization is essentially a process of changing value. Some of the behavioural scientists
have studied the modernization process of being discarded some of the very high hypothetical
hypotheses and presented the Modernity attribute (Armer 1992). Modernization is a process
of transitioning attitude and mentality as a citizen to live according to the needs of these days.
Currently, modernization has occurred especially among teenagers and students. It is due to
globalization that requires many people to follow the change of globalisation. Globalization
brings many kinds of effects to students.
Influence of modernization in value and moral of students in school

The first influence of modernization is cultural change. It enhancing individualism and social
in equitation. Changing cultural values in society can make students become confusing,
because there are many local and international cultures that are united to become a culture.
So, students can not differ between local and international cultures. Student who are not
willing to accept cultural changes are usually depressed. They will be growing in
individualism also felt facilitated by advanced technologies making them do not need other
people in their activity, sometimes they forget that they are social beings. That would be
deeper bay between individuals and others.

The second influence of modernization is mass media. Mass Media plays an important role in
spreading and encrypting information and education to society especially to students.
Nowadays, there is a schools from various layers of society with audio-video facilities such
as television, radio, Internet, iPad and computer. Conversely, mass media abuse is
increasingly prevalent among the people, especially these students and mass media have a
negative influence on the moral of the students (Rosly in 2007). According to Ab. Halim
Tamuri (T.T.), the problem of moral collapse of the students is currently at a very crisis. This
is due to the formation of many student’s character influenced by the mass media. Hence, the
error in choosing the form of entertainment can make man desolation and easily follow with
the external culture absorbed and will bucking the moral and culture of the next generation.

Larking (1997) discusses how the mass media in particular the computer affected the
development of a student's life. Larking also stated computer can be a modern day idolatry in
school and threats to moral teachings if the use is extreme and not controlled. Larking also
asserts that computer abuse can have a negative impact on the school students as they are the
young generation who are looking for their own identity. Computer becomes a competition
for printed educational materials due to its entertainment properties and more attractive
performances than writing texts. Indirectly, the culture of excessive use has attracted the
students to better use the computer and are less focused on the reading of moral books.

According to Asiah Sarji (2002), various magazines which were under-educated readers were
now found to have an influence on the moral development of students. This is because the
magazine is a mere entertainment and does not contribute positively to the moral
development of students but it only displays the stories of artists. Indirectly, this culture has
influenced the thought of students who have no strong moral education. Apart from the
content of the entertainment magazine, there are also advertisements that highlight Western
cultures based on the excitement, clothing and culture of free life that disregard noble values
in moral teachings. Magazines and story books from Korea and Japan are attracting the
interests of the present students.

According to Orestes (2002), the Internet is spreading the understanding of sex, pornography,
pornographic stunts, hardness, extreme violence and wild life that is deviated from culture
and religion. The effects of the non-responsible Internet influence led to the standard of moral
students in Malaysia deteriorating, 20% of the students were involved with fornication, 24%
involved in pornography and pornography stunts, 21% sex before marriage and 35% juvenile
cases. All these things cause students to become problematic and cause them to involve
problems in disciplinary violations in a very noticeable school.

Role of teacher and school

Schools and teachers have to play an important role in the development of students ' value of
the modernization influence. The different types and cultures of the schools should be
emphasized towards the creation of the student's noble value. Teachers who teach from
various subjects, teaching experiences and teachers ' personality should provide awareness of
value and moral to the students in their teaching and learning process. As a result of the
growing concern on value planting and morality, it will have a positive impact on student
value development.

In terms of the sophisticated environment and school culture, what can be explained is the
culture of the school encompassing the entire self-environment of students in school. A state-
of-the-art environment factor can affect the formation of the behaviour (Rusni Mohd. Nor,
2005). The environment with sophisticated facilities is physical and non-physical. The
encouraging and supportive environment can have a positive impact on the teaching and
learning process and the appreciation of the noble values. In that way, efforts to develop the
moral and personality of the students can run smoothly and effectively

Habsah Ismail (2000) also formulated that the school and teacher should know about the need
to create a school culture required in the KBSM. In addition, Alimuddin Mohd. The Dom
(2009) has also stated that a good school culture also assists and supports the effectiveness of
teachers ' teaching in classrooms. According to the view of the teacher's teaching
environment will influence the teacher to implement an noble value in Lesson (Zakaria Kasa
et al., 1994). Therefore, to ensure the implementation of the adoption of Noble's values can
be done well with the cultural aspects of school needs to be given attention. When the
adoption of Noble's value is well executed and perfect, it is hoped that the student value
development can be formed through the appreciation of the noble value applied by the

Since students step into to school, students are very dependent on teaching the teachers as
their amount of time with the teachers. Therefore, teachers play an important role in shaping
students ' life. Teachers are important people in student life. Students ' relationship is very
close and this relationship is an important role in teaching and learning (Kamaruddin Hussin,
1995). Teachers behaviour easily influences students. Students are easily interpretations of
something done by the teacher whether or not the way teachers speak or in the conduct.
Teachers should demonstrate a positive attitude in students to instil a positive attitude in
students (Zuria Mahmud Salleh, 1998). In addition, the nature of teacher's concern for
students is important in the establishment of students ' personality.

The influence of modernization and its relationship with the formation of noble behavior is
very important in shaping the act of students and whatever is born from the students
themselves. The effect can lead to a noble nature that there in the soul shall continue. In fact,
the act of students has a close relationship with the nature and temperament that are in his
heart. Demonstrate that the precise method in restoring student behaviours and creating a
prosperous lifestyle is to rehabilitate and purify the students ' soul as well as inculcate the
value of noble moral. Moral education asserts that happiness or tribulations, wealth or
poverty, is a result of noble values and the properties available on students. The importance
of building a noble moral and the contact with modernization is also seen in terms of
judgment before making or leaving an action. Students first think of something appropriate
and correspond to the properties that are in their soul. The moral education emphasizes that
the students adhere to the moral norms and love the good moral. Strive to carry out its own
life until each student is always good .. In this regard, the importance of student’s life is an
absolute claim. Morality is a very important topic for a student.

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