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Green freaks business plan

Lieke Schot

green freaks
German European School Singapore
+96 2435 7890
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Table of Contents

I. Table of Contents 2

II. Executive Summary 3

III. General Company Description 4

IV. Products and Services 7

V. Marketing Plan 9

VI. Operational Plan 16

VII. Management and Organization 19

IX. Startup Expenses and Capitalization 21

X. Financial Plan 22

XI. Appendices 24
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Executive Summary

Here at green freaks, we are passionate about increasing the world's

sustainability and decreasing suffering. thus, we have come out with our
plastic box. It is a revolutionary product which allows anyone to recycle
plastic at home and turn it into food packaging, pallets to exchange for
product or filament for 3d printers.

We are currently a team of 11 people with 4 full time and 1 part time
employees. The rest are non-paid interns that are activists for making our
world a better place. Most of our team have degrees in science and
technology-based subjects and are very passionate about our cause.

Our customers mainly fall within the millennial generation, this is because
that is statistically the generation most interested in living a more
sustainable life. but we don’t discriminate, whether you are 15 or 95, we are
happy to sell our products to you. We just care about allowing people to live
a more environmentally friendly life, and thus giving them that warm fuzzy
feeling of doing good. We think the future holds many opportunities for us as
we’re entering a new, fast growing market.

in order to go through with our business, we’re seeking a $120 000

investment. This will be used to pay our startup costs such as buying
inventory and advertising our product. The money will make our business
more profitable as it allows us to make more and sell more of our product,
thus resulting in payment to our investors. Our investors get 35% of our net
profit per year which is 5% more than the industry norm, this is because our
business is not about making money for our team, it is about paying our
investors, investing in our business, and donating 25% to charities that
target human rights and sustainability. When people purchase from us, they
know that their money is going towards a good cause which at the end of the
day is the whole idea behind our business.
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General Company Description

We will be in the recycling and sustainability market.

our name will be “green freaks” we found this to be a relevant, catchy name.

We are trying to solve both social and environmental issues with this product. There is currently a
recycling crisis that is leading to problems in 3rd world countries and major environmental damage. We
want to create products that allow people to recycle at home in order to reduce waste and turn it into
something that is useful to the individual. And create further solutions to help reduce waste and unethical
conditions for people to live in.

Vision Statement: In 10 years we want to be a big contributor to reducing suffering in

3 world countries in regard to recycling. We also want to be the basis of sustainability companies; we
hope to create a new submarket in the sustainability market for recycling solutions. We hope to be the
number 1 market share holder and hope to contribute to reducing the build-up of waste on our planet. We
also want to contribute to reducing the plastic soup that our ocean is turning into.

Mission Statement: Our goal is to help people recycle their products at home to
increase their sustainability levels. And give them a sense of fulfillment whilst also reducing some bigger
problems. There is an increasing market for products that help sustainability and we hope to be a good
contender to fulfill the demand.

Goals and objectives:

· Year 1 goals- we want to start to gain some motion in the market and hopefully do some
advertisements to our specific audience through social media. We want to build a good
reputation and gain a customer base. We would like to start product development for future
projects and look into ways to work together with charities.

· Year 1 objectives- we want to employ 8 people, make 500 000 dollars in revenue at least.
We would like to sell at least 15000 of our products.

· Year 2 goals- we want to continue to gain motion and create a customer base, we want to
find an advertising company to help us reach out to influencers that might want to promote
our products. We would also like to put our second product into production by this point. We
would like to do a follow-up swot analysis to gain another look at how our company is doing
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and if there’s anything we can do to improve it. We want to start working together with
charities and donate the majority of our profit to them.

· Year 2 objectives- we want to employ at least another 6 people into an advertising and
finance department, we would also like to sell 20 000 of our product and make about

1 000 000 dollars in revenue.

· Year 3 goals- we want to establish our place as the market leader and keep up to date with
our technology and competition. We want to establish a core customer base that looks to us
for sustainability solutions. We want to start sourcing plastic from the ocean as a raw material
to create our products. We want to start to talk with other companies to build a relationship so
that our customers can bring their recycled pallets to companies in exchange for the product.
We want to continue to expand our company and do regular swot analysis to not lose track of
how we’re doing as a company.

· Year 3 objectives- we want to employ 15 more people and hope this is a sufficient amount
for our companies. We want to double our revenue again and also double the number of
products sold. We want to start giving a large percentage of our revenue to companies that
help other people and the planet

Marketing- we will market our product to mainly gen-z and millennials as these are the
generations that are very aware of the sustainability issues we are currently facing. It is the generation
that is most interested in “saving the turtles” and cleaning the oceans for example. appendix 1.2

The industry- This industry is definitely quite a new one, it hasn’t been around for a long
time, and is definitely fast-growing. We hope to take advantage of the growth of the market by being one
of the first companies to create a product like ours. We suspect that the industry will continue to grow
exponentially which will help our business to grow in the long term.

Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies. What factors will make the
company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background
experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture

below are some strengths and weaknesses, a full swot analysis will be in appendix 1.1

Our most major strength is that the products we make are very innovative and new. Some factors that
would make our company successful include:
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● Our employees have backgrounds in science, engineering and marketing. Nearly

everyone that works for us has a degree in one of the three or a field related to that.
● We have a great marketing department that knows who to market to and through which
platform to do so. strength
● Sustainability is currently starting to become a trend on social media, this means that we
can use influencers in this field to market our products. This is a cheaper way of an
advertisement than a billboard and is targeting our market quite accurately. opportunity
● We will work from a home environment in the first year, reducing our costs for that year.
● We hope to donate the majority of our revenue to charity. strength
● there may not be a market for our product. weakness
● there may be an economical dip- threats
● investors may not be interested- threats
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Products and Services

The problem: There is currently a recycling crisis in the world, most of the waste that is put
in recycling bins is not actually able to be recycled due to toxic fumes or the inability to be melted into new
products. Most of our recycled waste is being sold to developing countries and is detrimental to their
economies. It causes lots of illegal recycling plants to recycle plastic without following regulations, this is
causing local people lots of health issues which in turn is bad for the local economy as less people are
able to work due to respiratory illnesses like asthma. Much other plastic is ending up in the oceans
creating a massive strain on ecosystems.

Lots of people are frustrated because they don’t know how to recycle especially in Singapore (as was
concluded from our market survey) 80% of GESS students were worried about the recycling crisis and
wanted to do something to help. see appendix 1.2

It is always a good idea to think in terms of customer needs and customer benefits as you define your
product offerings, rather than thinking of your side of the equation (how much the product or service
costs, and how you deliver it to the customer).

Our product will be:

· Called a plastic box, it is a machine that allows people to recycle plastic at
home. It will first grind up your plastic and then proceed to melt it into
either pallets or a select number of plastic objects, these will likely
1. Food packaging
2. Plastic pallets to send to companies.
3. Water bottles.
4. Etc.

· Easy to use – with a clear manual in so people don’t inflict any harm on
themselves or others.
· Compact because people don’t have lots of space and don’t want it to take
up much space
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· Appendix 1.2- 40% of people were willing to pay between 80 and 110
dollars for my product, so we’ll price it accordingly
· We will talk to other businesses e.g.- a body product one, to see if the
plastic pallets can be exchanged for new products at companies. Thus, it
will sort of pay for itself

Our product will fulfill the problem because it is a relatively affordable solution
that pays for itself. And if enough people are passionate about making a difference
in the world it could prove to be very successful.

swot analysis for our product - appendix 1.1

strengths Our product is very innovative and
new, there is nothing else like it on the
market asides from DIY projects, this is
a major strength as people are always
looking for new ways to make their
lives more sustainable.

weaknesses Our product being the first on the

market could also be a great weakness,
this is because people might not be
interested in it at all. In this case our
company would not get off the ground
and we would not be successful.

opportunities if there’s an influx in green being the

current trend this could be great for
business because it would lead to more
people looking for products to be

threats one big threat would be that another

big organization or government finds a
solution to the recycling crisis, this
would cause less of a demand for our
products and could be detrimental to
our business success.
further swot analysis appendix 1.1
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Market analysis/marketing Plan

Market research - How?

The market we’re trying to enter is the green technology sustainability market. It is
expected to grow from $8.7 billion in 2019 to $28.9 billion in 2024, thus it is a growing
market which can help us to be very successful

When completing my survey, it was found that 80% of students aged 10-20 were also
concerned about the environment, making a secondary audience for my brand. However,
this generation doesn’t yet have a sustainable income, so they are less likely to buy
something like this. appendix 1.2

in my survey, many teens proved to be very aware of the recycling crisis, but were very
confused on what to do to help appendix 1.2

My direct market research suggested that there was a demand for my product. On a
survey of 10 students, the average rate out of 10 given was a 7.2. I have since changed
some things about my product and suspect this will have an effect on that number.

this is also in appendix 1.2

Some competitors include:

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o Reverse vending machines that are due to start rolling out in Singapore, people will be
able to put their plastic bottles in exchange for a discount voucher worth 20 cents for
FairPrice. We suspect that this won’t be a big problem

o DIY projects. People have been doing similar things to what my product can do at home.
They’re using paper shredders and pots to melt the plastic. However, this is not very safe,
and we’ll include that when we’re marketing to make sure people don’t try that at home
and put themselves in danger.

o I couldn’t find any other companies that do things similar to our product, this is a good
thing because it means that we won’t have too many competitors so we can keep our
pricing sustainable to our business.

Facts about your industry:

● the current market is worth $8.7 billion

● we expect to have a 10% market share

● there is a big demand for new green innovative products

● the market is growing at a very fast pace

● there is lots of growth potential because the product is new and innovative
in a market that is looking for innovative products

● some barriers we might face include:

o High production costs- our product is new and may require expensive
resources we will overcome this by just accepting not making lots of
revenue, that’s not what our brand is about. we want to pay our
shareholders and give the rest to charity
o Consumer acceptance and brand recognition- we will try to market
through influencers to help reach our target audience directly
o Unique technology and patents- we will have to patent our technology
as it is an original idea

● How could the following affect your company?

o Change in technology could lead to an influx in competitors which

could lead to problems with competing
o Change in government regulations- will allow us to sell less product if
the government comes with a solution to the recycling crisis. people
would rather not pay if the government gives it for free
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o Change in the economy- if people start earning more, it means we can

sell our products for a higher price. if interest rates go up this could
reduce spending and have a negative impact on us. it depends on
whatever happens to the economy
o Change in your industry- if more competitors come out with similar
products it would allow us to be more innovative but could cause us to
have to price it at less which would lead to less revenue


Features and Benefits

plastic box features:

● It is special because it is the first product on the market which allows people
to truly recycle at home, it is able to melt waste into food containers, plastic
filament or plastic pallets. these were requested in our survey appendix 1.2

● it has a filter that will filter out the toxic fumes when the plastic is melted

● it has different modes for the different types of plastic and will be easy to

● The product looks sleek and will come in 1 color to start with, but we expect
to come out with different colors later. our initial color will be a simple mid-
tone grey.

● it will last a long time

plastic box benefits:

● it will make people feel that they’re doing good which is good for the
emotional wellbeing of an individual

● It is a good way to reuse your waste. you can return your plastic pallets to us
and we’ll give you the product of the month in exchange. a folder will come
out every month and you can choose from that. We can use that plastic as a
resource for future products.

● if you make food packaging, you’ll always have containers for whatever you
need them for
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● you can feel good about your purchase from us as we’re an ethical,
sustainable company that donates a large portion of our revenue to

● Our product will come with a 2-year warranty. if anything breaks, we will
replace it for you

● Our delivery is free so there’s no extra cost for the customer there.


We are intending to sell to the millennial generation as this is statistically the

generation most interested in buying from sustainable sources with more than 73
percent being more likely to buy sustainably rather than fast fashion. This makes
for a great target demographic for our business. appendix 1.2

gen-z could make for a secondary demographic, however, this generation doesn’t
yet have a sustainable income, so even though they care. they might be unable to
purchase from us.

You may have more than one customer group. Identify the most important groups.
Then, for each customer group, construct what is called a demographic profile:

● age 20-40 (millennials)

● Gender- mainly female but men are also interested

● Location- located in Singapore, we want to keep it as local as possible to

increase sustainability

● Income level- medium to high, our product will be 110 sgd so that’s not
unrealistic for most people.

● Social class and occupation- doesn’t really matter, but they have to feel
confident to operate our machine even though it’s very simple.

● Education- high school at least so they have common sense. we wouldn’t

want any lawsuits due to misuse of our product.

Some competitors include:
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o Reverse vending machines that are due to start rolling out in Singapore, people will be
able to put their plastic bottles in exchange for a discount voucher worth 20 cents for
FairPrice. We suspect that this won’t be a big problem

o DIY projects. People have been doing similar things to what my product can do at
home. They’re using paper shredders and pots to melt the plastic. However, this is
not very safe, and we’ll include that when we’re marketing to make sure people don’t
try that at home and put themselves in danger.

o I couldn’t find any other companies that do things similar to our product, this is a good
thing because it means that we won’t have too many competitors so we can keep our
pricing sustainable to our business.

Table 1: Competitive Analysis

factor me strength weakness DIY project reverse


products plastic box very easy to not sure of use a paper put your
use and our shredder plastic
convenient audience and the bottles in
microwave- exchange
quite for 20
dangerous cents. only
works for

price 110 SGD quite people doesn’t cost doesn’t cost

affordable might not anything anything
for what it see its
is value as we

quality exceptional made from expensive isn’t great good

recycled to make for quality and quality as
materials us is quite issued by sg
dangerous government

location can be can be used not made at you have to

bought from the everyone is home go to
online for comfort of able to certain
at home your own afford it locations to
home use it

appearance very sleek looks some doesn't not very

mid-toned aestheticall people may look good attractive
grey y pleasing not like the at all either
way it looks
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reliability very if it breaks there are no promise lines can be

reliable down, we no of very long so
will be with downsides reliability. you may
you within to being do at your have to wait
24h reliable, own risk a long time
but we may to put in
not have your bottles
staffing at

image new and our aim is some repurposin government

fresh to have a people g issued.
new and aren’t keen busy
fresh image on
and change

selection for now, we we are very some you just use you can
just have keen on customers the one only insert
the one expanding may not thing. there plastic
product our range want to isn’t really bottles and
of products wait for a need for all the
and colors their ideal selection machines
in the design or look the
coming color to same
years come out

Our product has many advantages including that it is quite affordable for the
average consumer to buy, furthermore, we are a very attentive business that
strives to be the best that we can be. If the customer finds any issues, we are more
than willing to help them at a fast rate. However, we will have some competition
from governmentally issued products and DIY projects because people would
rather pay nothing at all. we can advertise against this idea though as our products
are very innovative and unique.

Our niche is that our products are the first of its kind, there’s nothing like it on the
market today which is a great marketing tactic that we could use. Furthermore, we
are new and fresh, and we hope to stay this way as our company grows. In addition
to this, we are very reliable even though we’re a small business and our customer
service is amazing. When you buy from us you also pay for the experience that our
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team will deliver. all the proceeds that don’t go to shareholders will go to charities
that stand for a more ethical, sustainable world.

We will market to people that are bored of what’s out there on the market and are
willing to make a difference. We hope to reach an audience that is passionate
about making a change in our “broken” world. we hope to make a difference with
our product and want an audience that has the same stance

● I will get the word out to my customers via advertising through mainly
influencers, posters, and other methods of online advertising
● Advertising: I will use mainly online advertising as it is often cheaper and
it’s easier to reach my target audience. in addition to this, I will use maybe
posters to advertise as well
● Some lower-cost methods to use include advertising using smaller
influencers that focus on sustainable living, we can either do sponsored
posts with them or send them PR in the hopes that they’ll mention it during
one of their videos or post. we would also make posters to hang up around
Singapore, to avoid wasting too much paper with flyers. in addition to this, I
will maybe get some volunteers to advertise out in public as well.
● Once we get a following, I believe that mouth on mouth advertising would
also get us a long way.
● We want customers to see us as being innovative and aesthetically pleasing.
we want our audience to think of us as being the market leader that is
ethical and sustainable in everything that we do.

We plan to include some homelike touches such as a handwritten note with the
customer’s order and also a feedback form. We want our customers to be able to
talk with us about queries they have, and we want to hear any suggestions that
could make our company better.

We will also have a system that identifies repeat customers so we can say thank
you to them in the form of special promotions.

Promotional Budget
How much will you spend on the items listed above?
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We will have an original startup budget of 5000 dollars for advertising and our
website. posters should be close to free so that won’t bring up any additional costs.
sending PR to influencers is also free for us so we might send our product to about
30 influencers in Singapore and do 10 sponsored posts. this will all be accounted
for by our budget of 5000 dollars.

After this, we intend to spend 7000 dollars on advertising a year, if our company
happens to skyrocket, we plan to up this budget to $10 000 a year.

Our product plastic box will cost 110 dollars, the reason is that from our market
survey it was concluded that quite a good portion of people were willing to pay this
much for our product. We also believe this is quite a fair price for what our product
is, and it makes it accessible to a large portion of people. Our prices are higher
than our competition but we are not employed by the government so that is

Our price isn’t important as a competitive factor because we are the first people on
the market to do something like this.

Proposed Location
we will work from home originally; we have a shed available to us as storage so
that is very convenient. Once our company grows, we intend to open up an office.
Our fulfillment center is organized by our manufacturer.

planning for the first year

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Operational Plan


● it will be produced in a model factory in Singapore that builds technological

machines etc. the one we plan to use is Yamazaki Mazak Singapore Pte Ltd

● we will check every product made in the line of production to ensure that no
faulty products get out on the market

● Customer service- we intend to employ 2 people that can be on customer

service, we can be reached by our phone number and email address and
someone will be with you in less than 24 hours.

● Inventory control- we plan to take inventory at the end of every week when
it gets to below 1000 units, we will put more into production.

● Product development- me and my coworker, john who has a degree in

engineering and I have a degree in science, will meet once a week to work
on the development of new products we are interested in producing.

What qualities do you need in a location? Describe the type of location you’ll have.

Physical requirements:

● We don’t need a warehouse, our manufacturer is able to store about 2000

units for us and any extra will be stored in the shed in John's (our paid
logistics person) backyard. We won't start with office space, but we plan to
start looking for one in about month 6 of our business venture. all our
meetings will be from my home for the time being.

● Type of building- our fulfillment center (Sing Post) will pick up our product
to deliver straight from the manufacturer so this is very helpful to our
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business hours:

Monday 10:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00

Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00

Thursday 10:00 - 17:00

Friday 10:00 - 17:00

Saturday 12:00 - 15:00

Sunday closed

Legal Environment
Describe the following:

● Permits- we don’t need a permit as this is taken care of by our manufacturer

● Health, workplace, or environmental regulations- also taken care of

● Insurance coverage- we’re using UOB business insurance, they have great
policies and we have the money to pay for it

● Trademarks, copyrights, or patents- we currently have a trademark pending

for our company name “green freaks” and a trademark for “plastic box”

● 5 employees that are skilled in the innovation of technology and science, I
already have 5 friends with degrees in science and engineering that are
willing to work for free.

● marketing director- 3 interns that study graphic design and marketing

● sales director - in charge of accountant gets the information back to me


● 1 operational director- our logistics are taken care of by the outsourced


● will elaborate further in management and organisation

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● we want to keep an inventory of :

1000 for our finished product

enough raw material for 500 machines at any time

● The average value in stock- 10000 dollars worth of the product equals about
1000 units

● Rate of turnover and how this compares to the industry averages?

● Lead-time for ordering- we will need to order 2 months before it is needed.

Identify key suppliers:

● Yamazaki Mazak Singapore Pte Ltd will be my manufacturer. They have

their own logistics in place already so we just need to give them our final
design and they are able to make it for us. they have historically been a very
reliable producer so that is great. when we give them our final design they
are able to source the raw materials for us
● we’ll just use the one supplier as we’ll have a good inventory in case
something goes wrong
● we don’t expect any issues but have a protocol in place in case a problem
does arrive
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Management and Organization

our team:

● ceo- lieke schot recently graduated from sydney university. She majored in
science and technology and has a passion for the sustainability of our planet.
She is a good leader and has great operational skills. she has a startup
budget of 10 000 sgd which should allow us to start producing product and
paying our operational director, and accountant. she will work for 25 dollars
an hour and full time

● marketing director is called Mark Hill, he has no degree, but is currently

studying marketing and is topping his class, he is passionate about
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marketing and is willing to work for free for the time being as he is lieke’s
friend. he will have 3 interns under him that can help him with graphic
design and other things. when he’s busy.

● operational director- Lily Williams is also one of Lieke’s friends however, she
will be paid for her job as it has quite a big job description, she will organize
most of the logistics with our manufacturer and fulfillment company. She
will be paid 20 dollars an hour. She will also work together with our
innovation team which will include me, Mark and some other friends from
university. We will meet about once every two weeks at my house.

● sales director- Elizabeth Connor is going to be our sales director, she will
take care of our sale numbers and have the accountant get numbers back to
Lieke. she will work for free as it isn’t a very large job to do, the accountant
will do most of it. when the workload gets busy, she’ll be paid 15 dollars an
hour part time

● accountant- Leo Bidden is our only other paid employee, he will keep track
of all our costs, sales, and our revenue, he will also be the one that works
together with our charities so that the money is directly going there. his job
will be quite big thus, he is already a university graduate that has been
working in the field of accounting for quite a few years. he is willing to work
for 20 dollars an hour because our business is a social business and Leo is
passionate about making the world a better place.

● this wasn’t mentioned in our company diagram, but we’re also employing
Lauren O’Brien, she will be our customer service person, she will work full
time for 20 dollars per hour
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Startup Expenses and Capitalization

in appendix 1.3 my startup expenses are displayed

● salaries- I will pay $30 000 in salaries for the first two months, this is
based on the numbers displayed in the graph below

● We will pay $5000 a year for insurance. This is just basic business
insurance. our supplier also is insured
● $2000 to acquire a trademark and a copyright
● $100 000 for our inventory- 830 machines
● $10 000 deposit for our supplier
● $20 000 cash on hand, in case something goes wrong and we have to
pay for legal fees. or the price of our supplier increases
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Financial Plan

sales forecast:
● in our sales forecast, we predicted that in the first 6-7 months we would sel
product increasing exponentially, this is because our market is very new and
we expect people to be quite interested based on our survey (as discussed
in market analysis)
● We predict a spike in sales during November, December and the beginning
of January. this is because that’s around christmas and statistically people
are more likely to purchase products during the holiday months
● We expect to sell a total of 16 500 products in total because of our
marketing through influencers and posters. and the general appeal of our
product (discussed in product description and market)

12-Month Profit and Loss Projection

appendix 1.5

• This is my net profit and loss in the first 12 months.

• i’m breaking even in month 5, which is when i’m starting to make a profit
• the total net profit in the first year will be $357 507, this is the number after
all expenses.
• We will use 35% of this to pay our investors. thus investors will get $125 127
back in the first year. this means that investors will get their money back
within the first year and start earning minimal money ($5000)
• we will then put 40% back into the business-$143 000
• and donate 25% of all profits to charity-$83 000
• we intend to keep the percentages the same for at least years 1-3

Projected Cash Flow - appendix 1.6

● our projected cash flows are displayed in appendix 1.6

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● we’re assuming that we get an investor to invest to have our initial balance
of $20 000
● we put a line of credit balance of $8000 in place especially for the first few
months which is where our budget will be quite tight. this does mean we
have to pay interested on it of 8% per month
● we expect to have $1.5 million in cash inflows, this is based on the sales
forecast that was previously mentioned.

Break-Even Analysis

● above is our break even analysis.

● we break even after having a cash inflow of $690 000 this will happen in
month 5 according to our sales forecast, after this point we’ll start earning
● This equals about 6200 of our product.
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1.1 swot analysis

strengths weaknesses opportunities threats

Many people are It might be too If a news Maybe over

Product/ service interested in expensive or too channel consumerism
offering being more much of a hassle suggested a Wil start to
sustainable for people. They documentary or become more
which is may not want to an influencer did prevalent again,
creating a fix the problem on recycling, this could be
demand for themselves but this could create detrimental to
products like want others to do a demand for my the success of
ours it for them. product and my company
It is quite cause many because it will
expensive, some people to be slow down the
people might not interested. demand by a lot.
have or want to
spend that kind If sustainability Brands don’t
of money became the new want to work
trend this would with us for our
also be great exchanging
due to increased policy. That
demand would cause
some people to
not want to buy

It’s becoming Many people We find an Other people

Brand/marketing trendy to go don’t like a influencer that start suggesting
green so we sustainable matches our to make things
play on that aesthetic, so vision perfectly at home, this
theme with our even if we try and we could will cause people
marketing. they might not pay them to do a to no longer be
We will make like it. sponsored post interested in
the product look for us. This will what we’re
sleek and pretty allow us to selling
to make it more target our target
attractive to audience
consumers. we directly
also donate assuming that
most of our the influencer’s
profit to audience
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charities, which watches them

people tend to for the
appreciate sustainability

Our staff is Some of our staff We might find Our current

Staff/hr experienced in prefer working more people that employees may
the field of on their own, are interested in quit because
science, which can cause sustainability they aren’t
engineering and a lack of and or human getting paid for
marketing, this communication rights, that are the work they’re
means that we within our willing to work doing, this will
can be very company which for free, this will increase the
innovative and isn’t very good allow us to workload on the
market our because it expand our remaining staff
products very decreases company and cause them
successfully. efficiency without any to quit
additional costs.

We have an It may not be If someone was No investors are

Finance additional start- enough money willing to invest willing to invest
up budget of 10 and cause us to in us it would would be
000 sgd, this go bankrupt. We improve the detrimental, in
seems to be are still very longevity of our this case we
enough to buy dependent on business greatly could look for a
our first load of investors for the and it would be cheaper supplier
product and pay success of our very and lower the
some employees business appreciated. wages of our

Our We don’t have n/a n/a

Operations/manage management many people
ment structure is very meaning that the
clear and is easy workload will be
to interpret. quite heavy,
This makes it some people may
easy for not want that.
investors to see
the worth in our

1.2 market research

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appendix 1.3 startup expenses

appendix 1.4 - sales forecast

appendix 1.5 12 month profit/loss projections

appendix 1.6 cash flow chart

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