Law of Crime II

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Course Handout

1 Course details
Faculty name Dr. Mandeep Kumar
Programme BA LLB, BBA LLB, LLB
Semester IV/IV/II
Section Section A/ Section B
Course code BALB 2026/ BBLB 2026/ BLLB1023
Course title Law of Crimes-II (Specific Offences)
Vision of the Department of School of Law
2 To be globally recognized for Pragmatic Hands-on Experiential Legal Education, emphasizing on Research, Innovation and
Value Based Education.  Mapping between Cos and Pos
3 Mission of School of Law
Sl. No.  Establish State Course -of-art Outcomes
facilities (COs)
for world class legal education and research. Mapped Programme Outcomes
SN Marking Criteria Max. Allocated Marks out
 Make students industry ready, such that they are grounded with legal knowledge and equipped with skills required for the legal
To define a conceptual understanding of the specific principles of
profession. of 100%
1 K1
Criminal Law. 1 Knowledge of facts and law
 Develop students' critical analytical and legal reasoning skills through students' 20 centric approach and innovative pedagogy.
To explain different2 offences against Human
Framing of Body
Issues andsuch as analysis
legal Murder 20
2 Prepare ethical
and Rape. professionals, emphasizing on Justice Education. K2
3 Advocacy skills
To analyse different offences against Property such as theft,
(Arguments 20
3 Programme educational
Extortion, robbery, /Expression/Articulation)
dacoity etc. objectives (PEOs) K4
PEO1 4 Use of Authorities & Relevant laws 20
Ensuring inculcation of advocacy skills.
4 To illustrate offences
5 againstCourt
peace and Mannerism&
tranquility of State. Presentation & Time 20 K3
4 PEO2 Management Students will have Oral and Written Communication skills.
PEO3 Preparing them to be ethical and legal professionals who will be socially responsible
while meeting their own career goals.
PEO4 Will be industry-ready with strong legal research and problem solving skills.

Programme outcomes
PO1 Students will possess the knowledge and understanding of legal theory, Substantive and
Procedural laws. (K1 & K2)
PO2 Students will demonstrate proficiency in critical analysis and legal reasoning. (K2, K4
& K6)
PO3 Students will develop proficiency in legal research (K4)
PO4 Students will demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication (K2 & K3)

PO5 Students will develop skills to give opinions on legal issues. (K4 & K6)
PO6 Students will gain familiarity with the rules of professional ethics towards clients. (K2)
PO7 Students will develop the professional skills of counselling and negotiation needed.
Programme specifics outcome (PSO)
PSO1 Develop research aptitude using doctrinal and non-doctrinal research.
PSO2 Inculcate argumentative skills through presentations, student seminars, moot

2= addressed significantly
Law of Crimes II

1=addressed to small extent

PO 1: Students will possess the knowledge
and understanding of legal theory,

Substantive and Procedural laws.

reasoning. PO 2: Students will demonstrate

proficiency in critical analysis and legal

PO 3: Students will develop proficiency


in legal research

communication PO 4: Students will demonstrate


proficiency in written and oral

PO 5: Students will develop skills to give


opinions on legal issues.

PO 6: Students will gain familiarity with


the rules of professional ethics towards


PO 7: Students will develop the

professional skills of counselling and
negotiation needed.
3=major part of course

16 Detail academic calendar of lecture topics

Relat Reference
ed Chap./Sec. (Book)
Lecture Learning outcomes of each Unit (T1 means test book in
Date Topics to be covered e in
No. topic of serial 1 and so on
syllab R1 means reference book
us in serial no 1 and so on)
Introduction to the Course, Teaching To give an overall picture of the I
February Plan and Assessment course

February a. General Introduction to specific To refresh the basic concepts in

2020 offences law of crimes
20 T1-Chapter 1

February b. Theory of causation To understand the relevance of

2020 causation in a criminal case.
February c. Culpable Homicide and Murder – To identify the main ingredients
2020 of sections 299 and 300.
Definitions – Case law

February d. Culpable Homicide and Murder – To enable the student to

2020 Distinction – Case laws distinguish murder and culpable
homicide as distinct offences.

February e. Section 299 (a) and 300 (1) – A To understand the distinction
2020 comparison between murder and culpable
homicide not amounting to
6. murder

February f. Section 299 (b) and 300(3) – -do- I

2020 Comparison

February g. Section 299 (c) and 300(4) – -do- I

2020 Comparison

9. February h. Exception I and II of Section 300 To understand the situations in I

2020 which culpable homicide does
not amount to murder.

February i. Exceptions III and IV of Section 300. -do- I

10. 2020

February j. Attempt to commit murder To understand the ingredients of I

11. 2020 the offence

February Attempt to commit murder- Case Laws

February k. Attempt to commit culpable To understand the ingredients of I
13. 2020 homicide – Case law the offence.

l. Suicide – Offence of attempt and To understand the constitutional I

abetment, Constitutionality issues around section 309. To
14. 2020 T1-Chapter 3
analyse the need to
decriminalise the offence
Suicide – Offence of attempt and To understand the constitutional
abetment, Constitutionality. Case law issues around section 309. To
15. 2020
analyse the need to
decriminalise the offence
February m. Rash and Negligent act – offence To analyse the need to amend I
16. 2020 and relationship with section 299. the section in view of large
number of offences.
February n. Unnatural offences – To understand the constitutional I
17. 2020 Constitutionality of Section 377. issues around section 377.

February o. Offences against unborn children – To understand the offence under I

18. 2020 miscarriage and injuries – definition of IPC and the special law T1-Chapter4
19. February o. Offences against unborn children – To understand the offence under I
2020 miscarriage and injuries – definition of IPC and the special law
p. Hurt, Grievous Hurt – Definitions, To understand the ingredients of I
February case law- Acid Attack as a specific the offence. To sensitise the
2020 offence – Recent changes in law students towards better
appreciation of the new law
relating to acid attacks
February q. Kidnapping and Abduction – To analyse the need for harsher I
21. 2020 Differences, Ingredients – punishment for the offence T1-Chapter6
Constitutionality of Section 364A
February r. Assault and Criminal Force – To understand the ingredients of I
22. 2020 Distinction the offence

23. Class Test 1
March s. Wrongful restraint and wrongful To understand the ingredients of II
24. 10 T1-Chapter-13
2020 confinement – Distinction with case law the offence
March a. Offence of outraging modesty of To analyse the new law II
2020 women, obscene acts and songs
March a. Offence of outraging modesty of To analyse the new law II
2020 women, obscene acts and songs
b. Rape – Definition, ingredients, case
To learn the constituents of the II
March law offence and to critically
27. T1-Chapter 11
2020 examine its position in the
statute book.
c. Rape Law – Lacunae and reform To sensitise the students II
28. proposals towards better appreciation of
rape laws.
d. Rape – Law Commission Reports and To enable the students to be II
March Recent legislative changes aware of the latest
29. T1-Chapter5
2020 developments in rape law
e. Dowry Death – Definition, To make the student understand II
March punishment – Definition of ‘cruelty by both substantive and procedural
2020 husband or his relatives’ aspects of prosecution for
dowry death cases.
March e. Marriage-related offences, penal law III
31. T1-Chapter 10
2020 on adultery – constitutionality
March a. Theft – Ingredients and punishment To understand the ingredients of III
32. 8
2020 the offence
March a. Theft – Ingredients and punishment To understand the ingredients of III
33. 8
2020 the offence
March b. Extortion – Definition and distinction -do- III
2020 with theft
March c. Robbery as a specific offence – -do- III
35. T1-Chapter10
2020 origin, definition
March d. Dacoity - distinction with robbery -do- III
March e. Criminal Misapproppriation of -do- III
37. 2020 property – definition, level of intention
of required
March e. Criminal Misapproppriation of
38. 2020 property – definition, level of intention
of required
March f. Criminal Breach of trust – distinction -do- III
2020 with misappropriation
March g. Cheating – constituents, case law -do- III
40. T1-Chapter 16
March h. Receipt of Stolen Property – offence -do- III
2020 and punishment
April i. Mischief – offence and definition -do- III
42. 10
April i. Mischief – offence and definition
April j. Criminal Trespass – comparison with -do- IV
44. T1-Chapter12
2020 tort law
a. Forgery – definition To learn the constituents of the IV
April offence and to critically
2020 examine its position in the
statute book.
April b. Offence relating to property marks, -do- IV
2020 coins etc.
April b. Offence relating to property marks,
2020 coins etc.
April c. Defamation – ingredients -do- IV
April d. Defamation – Exceptions -do- IV
e. Offences against the state – Sedition To learn the constituents of the V
April law offence and to critically
50. 7
2020 examine its position in the
statute book.
April e. Offences against the state – Sedition
2020 law
f. Law commission reports and criminal To have in-depth knowledge of V
law the reforms recommended by
52. the Law commission of India on 4 T1-Chapter15
various sections of IPC on the
basis of case laws
April Class Test II V
April g. Case laws – update of recent cases in DO V
2020 each module
April g. Case laws – update of recent cases in DO V
2020 each module
56. May Law commission reports and criminal DO V
2020 law
May Law commission reports and criminal DO V
2020 law
May Law commission reports and criminal DO V
2020 law
May h. Discussion on question paper pattern To improve the writing skills V
May Revision
Catalogue Description

Criminal law is distinctive for the uniquely serious potential consequences or sanctions for failure to abide by its rules. Law of crimes is the initial course
in the legal concepts constituting basic criminal law. Criminal Law talks about the substantive rights and duties of a human being about his life, Limb and
property. The law of crimes-I, discuss about the general principles of criminal law, however, the Law of Crimes-II discuss about the specific principles of
criminal law like offence affecting human life, offence against women, offences against property and offences against peace and tranquility of State. This
subject divide into two parts as Law of Crime-I and Law of Crimes-II, the law of crimes –I deal with general principles of criminal law. Law of Crimes-II
covers specific offences like, the offences affecting human Life, offences affecting property and the offences affecting State. The subject of Criminal
Law-II has been designed as to generate critical thinking among students about the stated objectives of criminal law and to enable them to scrutinize the
recent developments and changes that have taken place in the field with the help of large number of case laws and legislative changes.

a. Text Books:
1. The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Bare act)
2. K. D. Gaur, “A text Book on the Indian Penal Code”, Universal Law Publishing, Delhi, 2011.
3. K.I. Vibhute (Rev.), “P.S.A. Pillai’s Criminal Law”, 12th edition,  Lexis Nexis India, 2012

b. Reference Books
1. J. W. Cecil Turner, “KENNY on Outlines of Criminal Law”, 19th Edn. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
2. K.N.C. Pillai & Shabistan Aquil (Rev.), “Essays on the Indian Penal Code”, The Indian Law Institute, 2005.
3. K. D. Gaur, “Criminal Law Cases and Materials”, LexisNexis Butterworths, India, 2008.
4. Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, “Ratanlal & Dhirajlal’s Indian Penal Code”, Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur, 2011.
5. B. M. Gandhi, Indian Penal Code, 2nd edition, Eastern Book Co, Lucknow, 2008.
6. Wing-Cheong Chan, Barry Wright & Stanley Yeo, “Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code”, Ist edition, Ashgate, UK, 2011.
7. V.B. Raju, “Commentary on Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Vol. I & II)”, 4th edition, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow, 1982.
Course Content

Module 1: Offences affecting human body

 General Introduction to specific offences
 Culpable Homicide and Murder
 Causation – Distinction between culpable homicide and Murder
 Attempt
o to commit murder
o to commit culpable homicide
o Suicide and its Constitutionality: Attempt and abetment.
 Homicide by Rash or Negligent act not amounting to Culpable Homicide
 Unnatural offence
 Miscarriage and injuries to unborn children
 Hurt and Grievous Hurt, Acid attacks
 Kidnapping and Abduction
 Assault and Criminal force
 Wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement

Case Law:-

1. Palani Goundan v. Emperor, 1919 ILR 547 (Mad) 1

2. In re Thavamani, AIR 1943 Mad 571 8
3. Emperor v. Mushnooru Suryanarayana Murthy (1912) 22 MLJR 333 (Mad.) 10
4. Rawalpenta Venkalu v. State of Hyderabad, AIR 1956 SC 171 22.
5. Kapur Singh v. State of Pepsu, AIR 1956 SC 654 26
6. Virsa Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1958 SC 465 27
7. State of Andhra Pradesh v. R. Punnayya, AIR 1977 SC 45 32
8. Dhupa Chamar v. State of Bihar (2002) 6 SCC 506 42
9. Prahlad Krishant Patil v. State of Maharashtra (2006) 9 SCC 211 51
10. Emperor v. Mt. Dhirajia, AIR 1940 All. 486 53
11. Gyarsibai v. The State, AIR 1953 M.B. 61 58
12. K.M. Nanavati v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1962 SC 605 62
13. Ghapoo Yadav v. State of M.P, (2003) 3 SCC 528 79
14. Dhirajbhai Gorakhbhai Nayak v. State of Gujarat (2003) 9 SCC 322 82
15. Cherubin Gregory v. State of Bihar, AIR 1964 SC 205 86
16. S.N. Hussain v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1972 SC 685 89
17. Mohammed Aynuddin v. State of Andhra Pradesh (2000) 7 SCC 72 93
18. Rambaran Mahton v. The State, AIR 1958 Pat. 452 115
19. E.K. Chandrasenan v. State of Kerala (1995) 2 SCC 99 123
20. S. Varadarajan v. State of Madras, AIR 1965 SC 942 132
21. Thakorlal D. Vadgama v. State of Gujarat, AIR 1973 SC 2313 137
22. State of Haryana v. Raja Ram (1973) 1 SCC 544 148
23. Dr. Nikhil Dattar & Ors. v. Union of India, (2008)110 BOM. L.R. 3293
24. Aruna Shanbag v.Union of India, AIR2012SC1571
25. Richpal Kharra V. State [2015 STPL (Web) 1578 Rajasthan (RAJ)
26. Joseph shine v. UOI, 2018 SCC OnLine SC 1676
27. Navtej Singh Johar v. UOI 6 September 2018
28. State of MP v Madan Law, 28 February, 2018
29. Vikram Singh v Union of India, 23 January, 2018
30. Parivartan Kundra v Union of India (2016) 3 SCC 571
31. State of MP v Anup Singh Criminal Appeal no. 19 of 2017
32. Common Cause v Union of India 2018 SC

 Abortion Laws in India- Reflection of American Jurisprudence on The Indian Milieu of Liberalised Abortion Policies <>

Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971

Module 2 : Offence against women (With 2013 amendment)

 Outraging the modesty of women, (354, 507),
 Obscene act and songs,
 Rape and attempt to Rape
 Dowry Death, Cruelty by husband or relatives
 Offences relating to marriage

Suggested readings
 An Open Letter to the Chief Justice of India (1979) 4 SCC (J) 17 160
 Justice Verma Committee Report-2013
 42nd Report of the Law Commission of India
 84th Report of the Law Commission of India
 91st Report of the Law Commission of India
 156th Report of the Law Commission of India
 172nd Report of the Law Commission of India
 202nd Report of the Law Commission of India
 243rd Report of the Law Commission of India
 Flavia Agnes,“Law, Ideology and Female Sexuality-Gender Neutrality in Rape Law”, Economic and Political Weekly 844, 2002

 The Protection of Children against Sexual offence Act, 2012
 Criminal Law (Amendment Act, 2013)

Case Law
1. State of Punjab v. Gurmit Singh (1996) 2 SCC 384 165
2. Tukaram v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1979 SC 185 154
3. Sakshi v. Union of India (2004) 5 SCC 518 178
4. Bhupinder Sharma v. State of Himachal Pradesh (2003) 8 SCC 551 189
5. Priya Patel v. State of Madhya Pradesh (2006) 6 SCC 263 193
6. Bhupinder Singh v. UT of Chandigarh (2008) 8 SCC 531 196
7. Shanti v. State of Haryana, AIR 1991 SC 1226 95
8. Satvir Singh v. State of Punjab (2001) 8 SCC 633 99
9. Ram Badan Sharma v. State of Bihar (2006) 10 SCC 115 105
10. Bodhisattwa Gautam vs Miss Subhra Chakraborty, 1996 SCC (1) 490
12. Rupan Deol Bajaj & Anr vs Kanwar Pal Singh Gill & Anr 1995 SCC (6) 194
13. The Chairman Railway Board and Others v Mrs Chandrima Das and Others AIR 2000 SC 988.
14. Independent Thought v. Union of India AIR 2017 SC

Module 3: Offence against property

 Theft
 Extortion
 Robbery
 Dacoity
Case Law
1. Pyare Lal Bhargava v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1963 SC 1094 200
2. Jadunandan Singh v. Emperor, AIR 1941 Pat. 129 203
3. Sekar v. Arumugham (2000) Cr.L.J. 1552 (Mad.) 205
4. State of Karnataka v. Basavegowda (1997) Cr.L.J. 4386 (Kant.) 208

Module 4: Other Offences against property

 Criminal Misappropriation of property
 Criminal Breach of Trust
 Cheating
 Receiving stolen property
 Mischief
 Criminal trespass

Case Law
1. Jaikrishnadas Manohardas Desai v. State of Bombay, AIR 1960 SC 889 213
2. Mahadeo Prasad v. State of West Bengal, AIR 1954 SC 724 218
3. Akhil Kishore Ram v. Emperor, AIR 1938 Pat. 185 221
4. Shri Bhagwan S.S.V.V. Maharaj v. State of A.P., AIR 1999 SC 2332 225

Module 5: Other offences

 Offences against the State
 Giving or fabricating false Evidence
 Offences relating to documents
 Defamation
Criminal Law (Amendment Act), 2005
Criminal Law (Amendment Act), 2013

Case Law

1. Asok kumar Sarkar v. Radhakant Pandey, AIR 1967 Cal 178

2. Ram Jethmalani v. Director, CBI 1987 Cr.L.J 570 (Del)
3. S.Mohinder Singh Saluja v. Vansan Shoes Delhi, (1987)1Crimes 57 (61) (Del)
4. J.Jayalalitha v. Arcot N. Veeraswamy 1997 Cr.L.J 4585 (Mad)
5. Kedar Nath Singh v. State Of Bihar AIR 1962 SC 955

6. Keho Bam Hazarika v The Government Of Assam 1951 CriLJ 68

7. Manubhai Tribhovandas Patel And Ors. v.State Of Gujarat And Anr 1972 Cri.L.J 388

8. Uttamrao S/O Keshavrao Patwari v. State Of Maharashtra And Anr, 1990 (1) BomCR 321

9. State Of Madhya Pradesh v. Baleshwardayal And Ors.1967 Cr.L.J 1110

10. Bilal Ahmed Kaloo v. State of Andhrapradesh AIR 1997SC 3483

11. Balwant Singh v. State of Punjab (995) 3 SCC 214

12. Dr Vinayak Binayak Sen v. State of Chhattisgarh, Criminal Appeal No 20 of 2011 & Criminal Appeal No54 of 2011
Appendix 4.3: Compliance report

School of Law
BALB 2026/ BBLB 2026/ BLLB1023
Programme Chair Dr. SEEMA YADAV

Compliance report of course handout

Taught by Course handout Remarks by
Sl No Course code Course title Section
faculty coordinator Submission PC if any
1. Mandeep
2. Mandeep

Sigature of PC; Signature of Dean:

Review by IQAC:

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