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General General Se eee sole Oita CONTENTS ae a a TANGINT INDIA: 1. Harappan/Indus Cvilzaon 2. Vaio Qh 2S AM. Mahsirapoda Pes 3, Religious Movements” Maury, Qe ee ee tecisk tesagee ose ae Bere tome tne ore esr a Ne nl tps rete sa a a ees ei ee Be eee sate re re ne a eer Sh ee os ee Seep neta wie ke Pane aa eye er eee ees tae! came hese Balik Cormeen Conse Sanson a oa conte | 2 Wetton ws TANCENEWORLD:Mecptin Citizen Esptin ise Fee Go Gene aay an elie me TIMEDINAL WORLD“ Matcra Baap Cena, Cosa th Gein Mer Cine Neer fem Sey Nose Moke ME MGOET HERD Raccene Keema Fe es alien tail trons Tats For eros Unica sy Unter of Comey Fant Weld War Rusin Revolution Chinese Revolution, Turkish Revelation, | ‘World Depression of 1923-34 Fascsmin tay, Nazism in Germany, Mian fn Japan Second Word Wer. IN. MISCELLANEOUS - Important Dats, Association of paces, Abbreviated or Alternative Names, Important Bates 3. Gevgraphy 158 The Solar System, Continents and O’eans, Biosphere, Lithosphere, Fiydrosphere Atmosphere Latitudes and Longitudes,Ditterentheat 2nesot the earth, Longtudes and time zones, International Date Line, Motion of the ‘earth, Effet ofthetted axis on day and night the Atmosphere (composition and layer ofthe Atmosphere), Weather and Climate, Atmospheric Pressure, Tntemal Structure ofthe earth, Rocks, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Various Landforms (Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Grasslands, Landforms created by the river system, Landforms created by glacier, Landforms created by the actonof wind, Landforms crested by theacions of Groundwater), The indian ‘Sub continent: Postion, exent and” physical features, Climatic diversity in the Indian Sub-continent, Soil resoures of the Indian sub-continent Agriculture in India, Land use pattem of Inia, Water resources and thir Ublization in India, Multipurpose river valley projets, Transport in india Indiacar gun Ste na capitals Poplin na a Site Wife antares an arp in ttn ian ‘nd power pct an satis» nl Col ned 0 ‘Aga Coogphy the nan stones Counties wh reat ‘egy Keer ae i Neder he met Cou sn a ah paces and dust Tos iad wth Same pian inst oss Fanon (Wd) Changed ome Cetin ah area, Continents highest an lowest ity Tie eps cea Highest “mountain peaks (world), Geographical epithets Important boundary ines, ‘ites an thi hanelnds Ghcery Indie Poy ond Constittion meme 1 volun of Indian Corton, 2 Contant Aserbly and Malig the Constuton Dif Sores fhe indian Carton 4 Important Arts ofthe Consttation& Iporart Amedinent fhe Cotsen ‘© Some Special features of the Indian Constitution. 7. Federal and Unitary: feature ot the Lian Union § The preamble 9 Lape of Parancuncy 10. eegrton and Merge finan Sates The Union and Teron 12. Reorganization of States 18 Citizenship 14. Fundamental Rights SS Dinstve Prngpi of Ske Ty 16. Fundamental Dats 17 Procedure of Amending the Coston 18, Exrctive ofthe Union 1 TheParamentofTnla2. nective ofthe Sates 21 Special Ponto 12 Panchayats 24 Municaiies24, The Supreme Cour 2 Ths High our 2 ner Sate Council 27. Fnane Commision 28 Paneing Commission Nail Dvelopneat Coun, Nabil eration Coun 3 ne State Relstins 32 Emergency Provisions $3, Pblc Service Cosmisons 3H. Heton 3, Deliritaton Comision of India 36. The Oil Languages 2 National Spal 38. Glasar of Costtutonal Terms Indian Economy eas! 1 Righlght of indian Bomomy2 Eamon and Eamomis3,Chaaceistics orca Economy 4 Agsculte & Land Development 5, Nanal Income & Panag? Unemployment Tae & Commerce New Enos Paley 10 Indian Franca Sytem IL Tan cal System 12. Banking in India 15 Tax System It Inds 15 Foreign Trade 16. Misclangous Facts 17 Giosary of Feonomic and Financial Terms 18. Some Noteworthy Fass ‘Append Highigh of Economic Survey 0118, #Appendin-2S0d0 Economicane Case Census 201 Physics = 401-450 1. Unit 2. Motion 3. Work, Energy and. Power 4. Gravitation 8. Pressure 6. Floatation 7. Surface Tension 8. Vices 9. Elasticity 10, Simple Harmonic orion 11. Wave 12. Sound Wave 13, Heat 14 Light 15. Static Electricity 16. Cursent Hectrcity 17. Magnetism 18. Atomic & Nuclear Physics 19. Electronics 20. Scentfc Instruments 21. Inventions 2. Important Discoveries Relating to Physics 23. Varios Unis of Measurement Weight 4. Conversion ‘of Units from one System to another Sytem, a 7% Chemistry a some. annicseuctse Preeti, re eduction ACs Bases? ge 7 ng felts Compounds 1. Fu 5 Indian Histooy 1 NoneMetal 4. Common Fen ! : Ancient Indi Biolog ‘i 1. Harappar eae BB an, cimaasof Onis’ Cle 4 Cet. Orage snes EaPPalnds Cation 0 B37 BO) ree pty Csi o Pet Kingdom 2 Man Norpeloy sme~Indus Cvlzaton, Fin ref Motaytese 6 at Hormones 6, Von Pa ‘According to archeological radon the most mppropsan name F faligy Pion, Zadogy <1. Chsaton of Animal Kingdom ‘Civilzation (Harappe the Retdiesromel ean appa EE ren Hunan Blood 4 Sytem of Human Body 5, Nutrient ‘According, to geographical point of view, “umn Dene. Micros. ys ue creo Cio Ui lugs Goan of elon i i a Indu Staal ver valley: Wf selement ang Sawed) dia (Mak) 2. iss in nda (Female) Firsts in World (Mate The mont accepted period-2500 BC-1750 BC (by Carbon-¥4 dating) pela Mle 6 Important Mose John Marshall was the fiat scokae to se the tor Td ‘ ais Hm ES es rn Indus Civilization oS Ea nus Civilzaton belongs to Pot Here Pei Eee 9. Aina Paria ic Prod (Chalelihic Agel Ss 6-Otfial Books 17. Nev The Indus Civilization was. spre papers wes speed secretary Cones 21 jean jen ears Ui and Noho Salto Te) | ss.sargcneralyelevetalaappe Ch te Tod's Word Heritage Sits 27, rind a he wa ae ae ee ‘of dia 29. Internal Security of “The Northem-most site of Indus Civili (Earlier) maton Day of Sone States i ianai/ koe tale odeonee, en aaa = Research Cente in Indi ths stead tase ane hernmost site of Indus Ciliation dng (Kin) Gar ati Dinah raat Now see st he Fara te of nhs Catnip indo ta Ta Nenemnorstaal nes Cian Sagtr Nao Gopi Ces —Harappa, Mobeni, Port lieyLathal, Sutkagendor Aladin alot, Kunis ‘Sie “Nee Dit Stel Cory eo : rou) lee Balan nest el apps Ravi_——Sahwal Fb Pakistan ci Mobesjdaro Indus Caan ‘Quinte one nega ssl scence Keene a -- eee ee ee aE Lenn hai Beet cot ocd ete rac epapescer nme Indian History a ele (Kamatal Afghan Pea kan) she ‘ghanistar Pen an Sut conver et Rate ante, Aa te Alghanitan, Bhar Topstar and Spphine Badak shan Alpha) pie ‘Cents Ass sett ‘taher-Sokta an Kiar le Pakistan Amat Mahara : ‘ate, Chakslonis and Camere Seurshraand West india copper ete > Ayer interting et ofthis uitaaton wath rm ma kon the people. The Sumerian texts refer to trade relations with’ Me given tothe Indus region. Agricultural products, cotton goods, erracota igurines, pottery, (trom Chenhudarc candhstll (rom Latha ivory procs, which was the name >> Sotughsiand Mundigag were the indus sts found in Afghani. 3 The Sumerian texts so refer to two intermediate tations — ilu aban) tnd. Makan (Makran coast), Som and Urape Mesopotamian places where Hoarappan seals were found. The Harappans were the east people to produce coin ( was led by the Grek). [As ther is no evidence of coins, barter s assumes fo have ben the normal tethod of exchange of goods Lethal was an ancient port f Indus Gviization. “The indus Civilization was primarily wan. “Thereisnodear-cut evidence ofthe natueof poly butitscemsthatibensing, authority of indus Chiization was a das of merchants. ‘The Harappan people did! worship thee godsin temple No temple in fact thas been upearthed. An idea of thei eigon i formed frm the satues and figurines found. ties > The most commonly found fgirine i that of Mother Gress (Matridert “Shalt There i evidence of prevalence of Yoniiemale exrgan) wor, > The chief male deity was the Pasupati Mahadeva! a ™ (ProtoShiva) represented in seals as sitting in posture; ‘surrounded by four animals (elephant, ge shino and buifalo) ad two ez cs (ingen worsip. ¥ vy ov v > The on of puapic ci un miy on sag Sept hae no eon epee ae ba Orctap of Feira toereeciaw derwrtngnasbocwe ns morte 40 left and from left to right in alternate lines, It has been referred toasmralt Drain a Nae thle nin stint Hn Se Sips bm sien omhoog sip owe om Bid in Seas inal sed int manta as > Humps bls epee inmestol he nds sae 3 Iahutation or complet burl was the moat come the dead > Theonign ofthe Syanta‘gmbolcanbe raced he ness Cen > “nas caso caning be decline das Cote ay a > Tefigretnpekvofettlents place mune Myung wien ee nied wi cp > The mpriy of slat hat the make ofthis ctaton weg > method of isos Dravidian, > Contemporary civilizations of Indus Civitzaton—Mesopotamis ype ang China 2 Vedic Culture (1500 8500 BC) Origin tome oie Aryan > "ihe bction of the rignal home of the Aryans sl rowio, « conor poit Some schlrselioe al te Arjan were nae he Sela nda a soe ote scholars belies ht i Ayre ce med fom outside Casal a (x Miler) Farope/ Anti ogo (8.0 ath > According opps the jan ae suppose to have mga fen inal Asan te ndanstheontnent instead sage ea 2 BCs RC > Bopha! inxptin (sla Nin Takes), which mentions 4 wie gas fies Vrain Nas proven Ce! Ra Ty a > The group that cameto India fst settle nthe present Frontier Province and | the Punjab then called Sapa Since, rogion of seven rivers Tey Bed 7 centuries and graduclly pushed into the intros setlin the valleys ofthe Ganges and the Yamuna. thatthe Rig Veda was composed weil the Aryans were sila ahi Eounaces >> Thereare four Vedas-Rip Leia Sama Va aur Madan Athare Ve The fit tne Vidas are jointly ell Vetrayit too eda > Of he four Vedas the Rig Veo (Collection yc) she eldest text in the woe and therefore, i ao known asthe int testament of mankind? The Rig Neda contains 28 ym ive no 10 manly. Sx mandala Em arecalled Cota /Vamsha Mandales (Kula Granth) The dnl 07h mand Ist and 10h mandalas ansaid to have tema fatet-The TOKh mandala contains the famous Purushasukta which explains the 4 Varma Beaman, Kshatrys Vishya and Shudra. Thehymasof Rig Vs were ced by Plate >The Sam Ved (book of chats) had 1549 hymns, All yrs exclang 75) ‘wow taken from the Rig Veda. The hymns ofthe Sama Veda erence by igor This Veda is important fr Indian muse > The Yajur Veta hook of scifi prayer) is ritual vd, Ils hymns were rected by Aaivagyus Its divided ito two patis-Krishna Yajur Nee end hk Yajur Vea tn contrast othe it two which arin were entirely. his ‘nwis in both vege and prese > The Athorva Nia (book of magical formulae), the South and the last one nia charms on spells to wardffevisand diseases. Fora very lang ime iewas not included in the eatagory ofthe Vedas > The Brahmansexpain the hymns of Uo Vedas. They are writen in prose and nualisticinnature,Brmameans sacri. The various aenifices and itis hhave been elaborately discussed in the Hrahumaras Every Veda has several Frahomanas attached tit Yes Aitweyaand Kasi Stalin ~ Sam Veda Panels (Tndya Maha ena: Shadnsh ‘rps Vohra "Yur Veda ‘Shep odet and the ep sharon) and altar ‘athena Vedi Gopatha ate > The word Aranyzmeas the forest’. The fort texts’ were called Aranyaka ‘because they were writen mainly forthe hermits and the stats ving in jungles. The Aranyaka are the contig petons othe Brahamanas. > The Upanishads ore philosophical texts, They are generally ale eden, 4 they came towards the end of the Veda, There are 108 Upanshadas. Vihodaranyatais thecldest Upanishada, Uterature of Vedic Tradition (60 BC-600 AD) > Uleratureof Vedi Tradition (Site, ememberance eran) of Sterary works: 1, Vedangas/Sutas? SmaitsDhaemashastras3 (Fpies)4. Puranas Upwedas 6. Shad-Dharshanas. s These are sx Vang: 11 Shiksha (Phonetics) :“Pratishakhya” 2 KalpaSutras(Ritual:) s oldest suse mat «Se (hte ig an History / of dict vedi Won ignary of the World) no i is Vda Yl 0 BCDC St crm toner este cS * tat nit) Mars Set (Pro Gupta Pasig Hind trhan ocann Rig Veda chavs ceria oft ogre an Scr ie ncaa | cae a, ee ease come Peed) Commentators gma ~ SE cree cee a ee Porton Capoeira Makar!) Aparara mentions 21 rivers which ctude. Miata Theda Pak aa Bn Sort (GHP Period (8) Kept Sy Kha (Kabul) inthewest Mis Baa = fered) PH) ~ Rigvedic people, who called Panahinl Rav Pama yi Mataanyn 1): “d Reetvehytrssorcnde! Sam Sa Ral a ri [bs ken a8 Ad? Kava" he odo i the rca which came to be Saianvath Santi | Kejeshan niche ic ee | Gene ra bt Bal ~ 26000) in 7 Kandas ic. sections. 1st ang nyo othe revives Sth Kabul ‘Afghanistan pee the ates adtons the Remayana Keni Soiaaes Siva sod thes ve ara Aihardtan 2 Te Mahibanls (le Ya): The Lot pic of the wea, y Ves Patel & saad x Jae ens of 10 shlokasi.. verses (Originally Bann iecaif@ctaturini Sikes Somho/ Bharat, Ply gma | According to the Rig Ved, the most mentioned iver—Sindhus the most plus Sts Sania Mate Bra) in 18 Pavan i. chore pa river—Saraswal, mention ofthe Ganges-l time mention of Yamuna-3 times Horeasa supplement. Bhagavad Cita isextracte from BikshunaParyagg > The Dastajon War (The atl of Tan Kings) Maha Shan Pavan theagst parvan hapten of eMalapen A cording i hes Daran war wantin wage Aryans. The Dasrjan war gives names often Kings who participated ina Wer > ThePrnamears the okt, Tere are 18 famous’ Puranas’ The Matsyary REI Theothes nportznt Parrasces oe against Sudas who was Bharata king of Tetsu family The ten kings Wee of er etre Terns ane Thar thestatesof Porus Yad Turvasay Anusand Druyus alongwith Ave ther ein y Sencalogies of vaio, ‘iz. Alinss, Paks, Bhalanas Sis and Vshanins. The baile was fought on es the bank of Parushni (Rav) in whieh Sis emerged victorious, > Tete heat vedas wertraditonallyasocated witha yy aaa AGORA | ~ Phe Kula (the family Above the Kela were the Grama, the Vi the Jana and was the basis of both soca and political organisations. o Rashi A group of Bueetieses: ae = Kame ome Grama he gs) an a Dhirurveda - > Regarding the form of goverment It was of patriarchal nature, Monarchy was. a Your ‘ocala Or a fa thon wea (shwakarme) AtbaraNGl > The Reshira was ruled by a King or Rajan and the royal descent was by School of Indian philosophy known as Shad-Darshanas waa as ‘Dasthans Founder ene > Very litte Ss known about ministers of Wait Mead 1 Sanya Darshana = theking. ThePurohitoordomesticpriest Kula (the family) Kulapa eee suas) Vasily Rent Grima tig) Goma Biers Patanjai Yoga Sutra 4 Kings peceptog frend, philosopher ithe dan _Vispati | MebetiDian — GaeecnCavins Noo EN ones yma ChepSe) Gopal BRE a | ‘Gramani ead of lage) ashtathe county) Rajan mata Parva Mims Sit > The amy consisted of font-sldiers and chariteers, Wood stone bone and « Milas Dadajana rahmasuta eevee Keo Beattie sn NI ema ale ee we ee er ing sent upholder of & Cee ten Polder of he a > el paste ihe amt Width, nas 5 assemboe> ant individuals. Ty aise ern portant nd 00 po > Be of fw posed 2° Certs on the arbitrary rule of eee Sorin St court of justice in rst 8 eof Be ingot ening eS Fhe hen > Tet ce “a ey is Sa nets ceeri kanoirs er > Tacs nd pie and barker were called Vaichyag et Serene ar > These wodby per as they became later on. a See rs riches #3 aa ec acmmnclttonh > The father’s property was inherited by son. veer a Se oe a SS cerieweimentemenel andthe > Mik ed ts predict, buter and gheeformed an important pat edt Tei also the mention of grain cooked with milk (Kit > Themes offs bins and animals was eaten. ® Tiscow was aleady deemed Aphanyaic. not to be killed on Pal tdethorexpuson from the kingdom tothest $ Mshotdinis SursandSomayere sso consumed ternal and paral people who rekon > Toot the gamble’s lament says: “My wile rejects me Ihe ip veda 83 dancing chariot racing and dicing. One sim tert Indian History > "Daring Rigedictine he Gods worshipped were pc the porwerofNatue It wasbetved hatin poweenton capeecheeniean Eh ies nd punishments nan Fi wavs nitereopeae oe the inermeay bets mans Ga cm were 23 Gs Late day tction sified hem et caer of tata (prthvthanl acta or meme anorectal Sis Grattan 1, Terentia Prithisthaniva: Poti. Ag Som Bahupaon ver 2 Aesallintrmedate Antrsosthanya des ade Ye Tus Paya 3 Geestal Dyusdniya) + Dau Sac Qn 3 forms | Sut Sv Al ‘Pushan, Vishnu), Varuna, Aditi, Usha and Asvin. sal > Inde Agnian Varuna were the most popular ees of igedic ryan Indra oe Purandare destroyer or) The mostionpertant ed 0 Rigi yrs aredevoed to him} who played hell wand and weseaetre tole fe aad Agri: The second mos important god (20 Rigweic hymns ar devoted to im re god was conser tobe the intermediary Betrwn the oan emi ‘runs: Pest water was supposed ool‘ the str nk (Ritasyagop Suna San) was woripe i 5 em Surya Sivitd Mi Phan a Vista arya) God who ive iy wn toy ini a even Spacers Sov (the god fight) Te fimons Gayot Manta adres thee Mim A sole ae Pasian + The god of mariage main funciom-gwarting. of wads fenton an cying ete Visa god which covered earthin hse tes paca > Soma : Originally a plant producing potint dink during courses of A gnisuomasarifce, could be hemp) a led King of plans denied inter withthe mou. The th mandala of Rig Ven which contains hy isarebuted tothe Soma That’ why tied the Some Mandal > Other Gods/ Goddesses Raa Che goof animal), Dyaus he ade gx _and the father of the world), Yama (the god of death). Ashwin/ Nastya (the godothealth youthandinmoraliy) Addithe ret mater of gods) sinha (iver goddess). > Sometimes gods were visualised a animals but there was no animal worship. > The nature of Rigvediceigion was Henotheismitea belief in many godsbut each god standing out in tums as the highest > Their religion primarily consisted of the worship of gods with a simple ceremonial known as Vjnaor sacrifice Sacrifices consisted ofoferingsof milk, the, grin, lsh and soma. “The Aryans crosed the nomadic stage Yel. great importance was oes Teva roe ina a ana aacrreny markets were known but they were not extensively die ot hnown > Gomplenity in producing goods resins lke carpenters, sits, rode its appearance. Men of ‘inners, weavers, pater and genders Smeets aed ce ‘scales nme SS cara agar vere shomepetneinte The ao ait Neg win and rugs rms ond spels wer Theos clea ee eran de cag See est Pot) Calne 150081000 BC 2 —- , beep Later Vedic Period: 100 BC- 600 BC ‘So py Comrie i en acho eceoee trie of Nore nd > The cei of altar now sited from Saraswati to Ganges (Madhya desak > Ther was mention of moce rivers such as Narmada, Sodanica Gandsl), Comat > The expansion of prope towards the east is indicated in a legend SiupoiaBeshamansow Vides Madhava migrated from the repo comed Scania and came to the land of Videha (modern “Te Ags hen went burning slong the earth towards the east and ahusaa (he pre and Viegh Mathaa followed afer im.” —Sa > Emergence of Jenapadas—Kuru (Combination of Purus and anchals Combination of Turvasasand Kev Kashiet in Doab region. > Ler Vicieratures mention Vindhya mountain (Southern mountain). > Rekencetotheteritil dvsion the later Vedas gives threebroad divs cf lia i. Aryoari (Northen India), Madhya des (Central ln Dakbinspot Souter India) Feliy > Lang Kingdoms and tly cities made their appearance inthe later 2 Lucent's General Knowledge Se ah en > Anulema Vivaha: marriage between a bridegroom fr ae uppe mayan Jatakarma5, a9. Karnachhedang javaratana Li, Vivalg lfeated King or with > 16Samskaras:1. Garbhadhana2. Pumsavana3,Simantom Namakarané Nishkxamana7 Annaprashanas Chudakor 10, Vidyarmbha 11, Upanayana 12. Vedarambha 13, Sam: 15, Vanprastha 16, Antyest. Religion The aslcr vines Indra aap aod Age oe sie iaetaa oer Into the background wie 2. Malic the Queen Universe, Inter known as % Wats Crown prnee Beahimal, Vishnu(Patrn god 4 Sita/Ssrthl the Royal herald Chie Of Aja) and Redes th Ge of animals, Teter ent With Siva/Mahesha)rosein © SstPanl.. Hesd othe lage a Mame 7. XGhata—‘Gatenan/Chanbesn became supreme God. Sonate ‘Trssurer > Pushanawhoprotectedcatle 9% Bhagaduidha Cols of tes intheearly VesicPeriodnow 10. Alshavapa Corer 4| became the god of Shucras’ i, Palgnls Pend of King ] Bahadanyota Uoniad 12 Cova Hest ost pune -docsrine oftransmigration (Punarjanma/Samsara-chakra)and deeds (Karma) > The early simple ceremonial of Rigvedie Period gave place to elaborate sacrifices requiring the services of as many as 17 press In the later Vedas and Brahamanas soerifces Yjnas)came into prominence. > There were two varies of sacrifices 1. Laghuyajnas (Simple/Private Sacrifices) ; Performed by householder eg: Pancha Mahayana ‘Darsha Yana (on Amavasya eon the ayo dt righ Puma Pron thy moon) ete. A 2 Malayainas{ Grand /RoyalSacrifces):Sacrifcesthat couldony be ‘by an aristocratic and wealthy man and the king. |) Rejasuya Yana: Raya consecration, whic i its ull form ‘eres of sacrifices lasting over a yea. Jn later days it was ie. anoinkment. Indian History life or a year before Vajna, Oy oii and his wife spent ascetic ‘Pnction against cul stuale and paced aa ina a tn ems negate , Lo the carpenter and the tner and the iidedeosee = an Ceo lemme tr the Rig Veda, ee ie eee cof rference to corporations (GanasJand aldermen (Sreshtins)” eee 3.1, Mahajanapada Period (600 BC-325 BC) emergence of 2 strong, Priestly domination; Reletion ofthis mood ert Knowles Indian ah » ian ile ee) Pan Pata > Heconquered Aga test jal pica aka wo Uji when Avan King dt a ‘aloe by uncon {Se sem) a ein ~ Knomna.onpa heathen waht an : serrunsiae) Rofo sak = He buit the city of New Rajagrha. tn sys Mav) and a Rte Kania ee Pathe mesos Co gogo peta ml "tr cen Ai ats ie ay aoe ri, Kosala, Valea, Ched, Shas ~ Soe nt ~ Tel oda Anne lad To ee eee SC pcan ea ae ae eren = ‘The three things that played important role to defeat the Vaiji—1, Sunidha and PROMEEC cre tanta a adel ot el et ren adinecas ea a > nts we Kaan al Oe cpael Va) wee addi Mei a hes eed eal ee a He built the fort of Rajagrihe and a watch-fort (laladunga) ata village called ieee Dain ee 7 [iiegr tmp nut ite aaa theconfluence oftheSon and the Gangesand shifted the capital from Rajagriha > Uap mci Aan He aa ve shinanga Dyoney: ADCS Aug Diasak was unworthy to rule, So the people got disgusted! and elected Sooner nokia ae ee : > Themes inporan herent f Saag wis Se Sac Pradyota dynasty of Avanti. This brought to an end the hundred year old cay btu apa ane He ee ta iidesarad . > Shisunaga was succeeded by Kalashoka (Kakavarna) His reign is important ‘because he convened the Second Buddhists Council in Vaishali (383BC). ‘Nanda Dynasty : 344 BC-323 BC ¢ > The Shisunaga dynasty was overthrown by Mahapadma who established a ‘new line of kings known as the Nandas. * > Mahapadma is known as Sarvakshatrantak te, Uprooter ofall the Kshatriyas (Puranas) and Ugrasena ie. Owner of huge army (Pali texts). ‘ Pancha, Kamboja Shakya (Kapila snstates Voi Mall, Ku ra Rammgrama} Soria (PPPHV=D sn ih century BC onyeards Is the hi India om Taga, Kosala, Vatsa and Avant of strato be roof Magacha emerged tobe themost powerful one tec thei Sa ed or making Weapon thats cpl of Moa ee ll in clean he hick oe implement on chahares ploughed the lane better and helped to in ripped plac iro-ippes plaoug walle y dh organisation. Although! 4. Mpc expe sia adantgen military ogoistion Along Neate feel aqurned wth th use of ores aed chaos gua wich st sed elephants on a Tage scale nis Wa 9 Haryanaka Dynasty : 544 BC-412 BC Bimbisara(Shronika):544 BC-492 BC > Hewasthe founder of Haryanka dynasty. > Magadha came into prominence under the leadership of Bimbisara- > Hewasa contemporary of Gautama Buddha > He marie the princesses of Kosala (Kosaldevi] Mahakosala-sister Of King rasent), Lchchhavi(Chellan-sister of Lichchhavi Head Chet MadralKhema-daughier ofMadcaking) whichhelped him in ise policy. > Heyjned a par of Kash as the dry in his marrage withthe sister Prasenjit of Recala : Lucent Genera Ree Je. the sole monarch H para > Terao MEME rant me nang Hel ret a ener ofan de send by Kinch Dianne i > Nara empty Mn with he Agra ne panda vans Alesana seen in 328 ter Custis Dhararanda commanded 2 huge 10 Gr ry 200 cari and 309 lepants ya vs WY) Meuander an sped is mah > Aen spun eval Fright of Danan that eee cane aa 32221 8 an 8 > the Nada ray un th Chg Moa ont ain oe le > The Adoompe Magadan pinos took advantage ofthe poli doae ee at ete Ne Te hein a ad Te Sctenmenn 2 Mec a tl 00 BC-400 BC et of Iranian Invasion {._Iegawoan impetus to Indo-ranian trade and commerce 2 Through thelranian the Greeks came to know about the great wealth of tn this evenly ko Alexander's invasion of Ini, The anan seibes brought into India a form of writing which came Anownas the Kharosthisrpt, K was writen from ight to lef tke the: 4 rananinience on he MauryanSeulptureis clearly perceptible the ul shapes capitals Iranian influence may aso be traced in the (of Ashokas ects aswell asin certain words used in thea 1 Macedonian tnvasion—Alexander’stnvasion (626 BC) > Inthe ah century BC the Greeks and te Iranian fought for the the word, Unde the leadership of Alexander of Macedonia the Greek Buddhism sls the anon en ‘ > Alevancersucvedes his father Philip tothe throneof Macedonia, He pia only 20 yeast Age > > From his very chilhood he ua to dram of workd-conguest He : in sxngaena may as. Lacon Genera Kens eses aero te ae vinoess of Kell republic ns ec tompenir hrm a - early age (0 ne metre = jhe hada #0" ray fon -rson, a dead body and an ascetic Foursighte-anold mar sd eased per dead body Cees Ns philosopher) fm pabhinshkramans (Rerseiation) See gt Shenae! marcas Ne ae ee fe gn eh fn el See erat aires ni tins ei en sa re one ours Princess of Mahabhinsbkremana Cat Kust ) Thisis known as Mahaparinirvana Shakya Munk Doctrine of Buddhism CChatwrat Arya Satyani Four Noble Truths) Ws the essence of Buddhism, 1. Lifeis fll of sorrow (Dak ‘There are causes of sorrow (Dultha Samudava): Dwadash Nidant Pe Samuipada 3. Thissormw canbe topped (Dultha Niroda)» Nirvar 4. Ther isa path leading to the exsstion of sorrow (Duikha Nirodha Ga Pratipada}: Ashtangika Mar Dr te 1 ali Sampak etd (en a Kath yeoman igen) 2 Desire is root cause of sorrow. ro 3 itnnews ina lata means liberation from the cycle of birth and death. a «Age age ge = Sten ie rape Teneo dahon Tae cena) Dn ‘oddist ©) RET NR Buddhist Literature L Pali Texts vamsho and Mahavamsha— UL Sanskeit Texts » Lucent's Genetal Knowledge in the South of India, eg Se Lanka, Borma (Myanmar, Syam (Than) Tava ee 6 There were te subsets of inayane-bhawka a Soutanene ‘Malhayana (ithe Greater Voice 1s lower believed in the hesventines, i Buda 2 They sought he walation ofall through the grace and help of Buda and Bodkin 9 They blvd in idl-worship They favoured Sant language's is know as ‘Northen Buddhist Reign’ becouse frcmalad Wt tat Noch of dla eg, China, Korea, Japan ete. 6. There ere Riaubuecuothahayana-cMadhyanska)Shunvavada(founder-Nagarong) ‘and Yogachar] Vinanavada (founder-Moitreyanath and his disciple Asanga), Sega eaioanineistoncas adie itl ponce hh they elled Va? The chet dviites of hs see eee nse ltbecate popula in Easter India, particularly Benga an Bila i Varapani: the dra hols undertow ofsin an ev. 2._Asloliesvara the lord wholooks down) ls called Padmapani(the ots bearer) : kind-hearted. Mans Gimusor o understanding) He holds abook dessin 10 sami itl pret). M The future Buddha, guard of paratries. jamitayusha: Buddha of heaven Scape heh ow pri ees life, namely Birth, Enlightenment, First Sermon and Death “To these are added four places Sravast, Raigriha, Vaishali and i places have all along been considereel as the eight holy xn in Ancient India-Amaravat and Nagajunikonda Nalanda in Bihar; Junagadh and Yallabh in Gujrat IMP Ajanta-EllorainMaharashtzs;Dhaulagiiin rss {Mathura in UP and Jagadsla and Somapur in West was developed in thee forms: Buddha of some prominent Buddhist monks are a iy ah Mc Man eae anda suuleck Harshavardhana (Vardhana ruler) Gopala, Dharmenie fee ee oe ate Sot Baht sla et sis daghersrghona ana sent mission to Chi Koc and Jpn 2, Paso Bengal ne hacer ts P i and grea patrons Phan, Thitthankaras (literally Ford maker, across, = the stream of existence), the fist being Nae = Rishabhaceva/Adinatha and last being = Rststha = sateen > The Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavay 3 Somibhirnalh — Hose Some ert UL Tine re : : ee Parshivanath (23ed) and Mahavira 24th), > Parshivanath was a prine of Benaras who abandoned the throne and le the fe of a hermit and. died at StimmetShiar) Parshicanath (Parasanath) Fil, Girth Jharkhand. Bis tour main Wwachings (Chaturthi) were 1, Aina oon-njs)2 Satya (nov-lying) 3. Asteye (non stealing) 4. Apariraha (non-possesson). Mahavira adopted ll these fur teahingsand added. ‘one more, that is frahmacharya (Chastity) twit Mahavira's Life > Mahavira was bom in 540 BC i a village Kendgronsa eae Vaishali Bars > Mis father Sitahartho was the head of 24 Mahaify Tom the Joathrika Kshtviya lan under Vai of ‘aisha and hismother Trisala was the sister of Chetak, thekingof Vaisal ‘Mahavira wasalsorelaectoBimbisar,theralerof Magadha.iwhohadi ‘Chellana, the daughter of Chetaka. " wc > Mahavira was married to Yashoda (daughter of Samarvira king) and a az sor’ General Koowlede oe potest Se a ememmsteen nn 7 pacticsnd| mecarh oftruth, le was ccompained by Maki Seine er = tine ks ot Figen bank of ig Me atv stained Kevstaoprene bree) re now nels fe wos eld. Keon (perfec eae, na @ Poundiyaone i conquered His venses), Netra free fom all bond Jhanttlesed one) and Mahavira(the brave) and his followers were namag edaivendlis internat Pras dpestknownas 11Garthra * ‘Gandharvad. Later, he founded a Join Sangha(Jain commune) at Pava. S Ait hge cf $68 06 he pase aay at Povapuriner Birt SB ecco 1 Gathers wh ied ser Sh he aim of existence is to attain through the triratna of TT tay shes igh ah isthe ble in Thiraankarag yak Jan (Right knowledge) ‘Wis the knowledge of the Jain creed. Le Five Vows of Jainism ism are: |. Alimsa(nominjury) 2. Saty{non-ying) 3. Asien, a{non-possession) 5. Brahmacharya\ chastity) The down by Parshwanath. The fith one was added by iad ats jareKooates eles appara ; Kinane coc of +All our ju See or Indian History 2 scons Yor Wome han a & 500 BC Patiputa Sthulibiades Chandeagspta i SHAD VARA Deva sin complain 9 2 ‘Ange sod 12 Upangas Notet4Pres/Parver-tsthepartef12 Angamand dle Mahavie’sprachings Besides this, the important jan texts are 1 Kalpast(in Sanskrt)—Bhadrabahu 2. Bhadrabal Carta 3, Parishishia Parvan (an appendix of Trshashthishlaka Purusl}-emehandrs of Jainism Se onan trod of many Join monks othe Deccan and South nda (Shravanbelgola) Slang with Bhoceabohu and. Chandeogupta Maurya They exam Ba Sher 12 years. The leader ofthe group, which stayed back st Magacha was, ‘Shulobhacra When the Jains (Bhadrabah and othe) tured em South, india, they eld that complete nucity be an nena part ofthe teachings of Mahavira, whe the monks in Magadha began to paton white clothes >» Thusaroethetwosecs Shvetambara white cad) and Digamibaraty clad) 1. Shetambaras (ce. those who pon white robes} —Sthuahadra 2. Digombaras ie those who were statknaked)—Bhadrabahi samples of Jain Architecture 1. Gumphas ie. Caves eg. Hathigumpha, Baghagumpha etc, Udaigisi and Khandagii(Orsss}~Kharvela 2. ilwara temples eg Vimalavasahi temple, T3epala temple-Mount ‘Abu (Rajasthan) 3, Temples —Girana and Paitana (Gujrat) 4 ‘Temples eg, Pavapari temple, Rajgrha temple-tihar 5. Statue of Gometeshwar/Bahubali-Shravanbelgola (Karnataka). Royal Patrons North India: 1. Nandas; Binbisar,Ajtshatra and Udayin (Haryank, Chandragupta | Maurya Bindusara and Samproti (Mauryan)-Magadha 2 Pradyota (Avanti) _ 3 Udayan (Sindhu-Sauvira) cS wad. Dymay 2 eee “3 SEAS on Csi oa Ganga patrons of ‘Kbaravela (Kalinga). aurya Period (322 BC-185 BC arene orien Dhoonnts Arn, Pltarchand Latin writers suchas Plinyand Justin le foMaunyan administration, ase system, absence of slavary ond usunge Indiaete > Vaoklha Data's ‘Madea Rakshasr’ «Though it was writton during Guy Period, describes how Chandregapta Maurya get Chanakya's assist fo overthrow the Nandss, Besides this it gives an excellent account ofthe revalling socio-economic conditions. > Puranas: Though they are a collection of legends interspread with relia teachings, they give us the chronology and lists of Maurya Kings, adds Lertoe 1 lodian Bais ext Jraka=(a part of Khuddsaihaya ‘of Suttapitaks which describes 519 stories of Buddha's previous bigs reveal a general picture of socio-economic conditions of Mauryan period 2.CeylonsseBuddhistchronilesDipavamssand Mahavamsadescibe the part played by Ashoka in spreading Buddhism to Sri Lanka. 3. Tibetan Buddhig fext Divyavadana gives information about Ashoka and his efor to spread Buddhism. 2 Archaeological Sources : > Ashoton Ets and isis Thee ane Rok Fics, Pilar aia) ave nso oad at several plices inthe Indian sub-continent. Th aan scene d {or14 Mejor Rock VrousPcpes Wt Maaahor Pata ee pha ‘ait Kaba Dead ‘woah Cima, Fradnhl Ohaal (Canam oa cote art Rak i aes ict addon wee z the nalnga wae (ia) Minor Rock Personal Nort nate sr ent ea ome ee ‘aur Arora and Kay oat oie ene arabar Cave Ashihara and AGH lean as Sa 1 ps oe ce A py beeen 5 pepe g 4 Courtesy to nulatives, elders on F rane [downloaded From: s ashisthakur23. blo toate Roowrciee Indian History a the available evidence (Buddhist iterature mainly that there pears rom the aval Buxkdhist iterate manly) th » ofthe Mout a 5 ‘te en net tem 2 > apr eric one amon pices on te dnt Bn a Drea retatinacn ces ems il Kuna (flow da epg Butt adiion, Asoka usurped the throne afer Hi his ecm rte su on iaguptacnlyasamagy > Acai Sra Te tae youngest one. Radha inser of vical rie ae Rsk Init laman (150 AD) Bstsara helps! him inf of Radradaman (150 AD) has some nding Ppa of session aceon er ineregnam of fut years 7-20 BO > The junngarh Rock ihivse Se es the Mayan das This 1 ger securng hs potionon the hone Asko Nas formally heer hand try to ink the Mauryan dynasty wig, Mayne #269 BC > frown st ig trp Ars Ce Ee | hae ela apo ame tobe oT 25 Beare enn poston oF Aka Che Pot) ang HM paises tt Mob ino tiet can sy thatthe Maury longa tthe Mor tea eee nriatec ce) | eee s eeee papal itr mine eke chandngapa Maurya 322 BC298 BC : Fe onda rie Charan! wd once] Se HPN BC with teh of Katia (Chak) rrydas Rap Maga Dutra ina rck ee > arecanianpa inns detec: lau whonurnden as aba cv inept ea se eRiuding Ava (era), Arachosa (Kandhs), Gedroma Py Kandhar mar rck eit and Deepa Alesa sn Paroparade (Kabul neuro cleans Aco a (ea ragapa ancl he Hiahush ese ound o tinea clei ‘a Varn Puranas Dace arta ent the of Capa ~ ela ul be Kas van 81 ea tis coronation. The Mauyaty Selec Naor ‘Big was moved by the maseacre in this war and therfore abandoned the > Ghandragupta became a jain and went to Chendragiri Hill, Sravanbelgali pplicy of physical occupation in favour of policy of cultural conquest. In other eer teed wr he iad by ow Sen ana ere edie ics /Slehar. > Ashoka was notan extreme pacifist, edd not parse te policy of peace for To patent imate tena | rennin raeneea ee H and incorporate it nto his empire. ‘> Tate Bourshed, agriculture was regulated, weights and messures wa ible tt leon Ee the Pandyas, and ee cre we states ruled by Greek Kings (Antiochus ya: Philadlphos Ptolemy > Tmation sation and famine relief became the concerns ofthe state. Higgs Antone Necdonln Meee eo ae ‘Bindusara:298 BC-273 BC pa piegoenwriaaneehe clei and Serpe ace > Chandragupta Maurya was succeed by his son Binds Ashoka's Dhamma & indus Lnown to the Geeks as Amitrchates (erived from the Sand > Ashola's Dhamma cannot be a Aron saraghaa te. layers ffs) i said to have card is arms toe See ane oe cel alae theirparents pay mapect to Brahmanas and Buddhist monks and show > Bina a Asin Ff 97 and an ee A Sdeaeeianaie nai and show mercy a aphat Antachos sent wine and igs but politely epied tat GRA Held that if people behaved well Phiopber 2 would attain Swarga (heaven a SS ioe canner ees. wena cawunens hiamsmavcamec cetera ene eS a ‘Ando the dil was named. Paton stm by the division of the Mauryan Empire into two > ‘The Wester part came tobe ale by Kiana (m of Ashoka an the Eastern pparteame tobe ruled by Psst > The last Mauryan ruler firhacaths was aswssinated in 185 BC by hig feammenderin-chiet, Pushyautra Surge, who established his own Sung dyna > Causes for the Destine: I. Highly centralised aministratio SFacpatejecadla fay Beaman : Beara eaten ects Spins Wek tesauyan Reg Fe oD. Rosin) 7 Nee of erly Frontier (Resaings ORM of the king, Ambarsdor Grech hing) ‘ Sendrocottus-Strabo, Justin Megasthenese (2-28 HC) (Secs Jn, Plutarch NikatorFesia ar Babylonia) tan | Mishabhadata (Mra) texts Dimachos fet (Antiochus 1» Syela) Dionysiuy txt (Phiadelphos/Poteny IE) Prana ore tae The Mauryan goverment was a centralise bureaucracy of which Fa SE swantheking According tKautlya/Chanakyo,thereare elements then) Raj( the king) Amatya the secretaries), fangpoda “Ren he tease), Seng (Arny)and es Friend) vas garded asthe soul among al the seven elerentsf the tate. ei Ptshad : The king was asisted by Mants Parishad, whose othe San the coven piace) 2 The pura he ‘TheSenapatltive commander-in-chief) iv) afew other ministers, nee ‘Then in charge he ity admin jae Accountint Genera ‘Sandhya Supers pcre Poach Superintendent of content (sevshondhyaishe ——Superotndentot hate Povtovadhyolsa ———_Supoitendont ef welghs and anes evade Superintendent of ship satkanthyatsha Calico ols ‘suaradhyabsho Saperinenden ins Tatdhysisha Superintendent fon I Provincial Administration ‘ovince capita ‘Wtwapathate Northern Provine ‘tot ‘vanes. Wester Province in Prachi: astern and Cental Province Patiputrs Kolin Easter Povige ‘oahu Dakshinspsthaje Souther Povins Suvamagi Note: according tthe unagadh Rc of Rudman Sasrshia wat gover by oshrapeP the vay, fete of Chane Maurya andy eat ting Tashspoat the eof Ashoka, ‘Minit Dit Heed = een Chase, provins) haps Kmars : Abse/VshevaGe Ditie) —__‘Prdethaladminrtiaand Raja landrevenue) Sangahana (group of 10 vile) Gaps halla emi sags) Graiha Sit ML Municipal Administration > Kautlyadevotesafulchaptertotheraesotthe Negara tysuperintndent. is ct Gay was maiteanceoflwandordet > Megasthenese account ofthe system 6 committes of five members each, and ‘their functions; Ist — Industrial Art, 2nd ~ Entertainment af 3a ~Reqisration of Biths and Deaths, th — Trade and Commerc, Sth ~ Public sale of manufactured goods, and 6th Collection of taxes onthe articles sold 1/10 of purchase price). 1 Army » Lanes anata Knowledge th nate controled sonal emomncativiton Tilted dom pasanis varied fom 1/41 160 the prstuce > esate so prove rigaton tas (eat) a charged ay i ae es “cedeeipte > Import tra /Mharhos sytem ‘in Denyal (astern cost, ‘a > Duting Maueyan perc the punch marten cons (est of vel were he common ui tasactin atl they way ale f1qu0% ManUiciy Setar /ratingopen oa rigid cn the Varna system as the -oarlior Siti writers. sus Atco upon th Shas an Arya comma eee reattatinwnce ters Recolgapotventh Vaya fem ween cee “oir trade though others continued eultivation) and the Shuclras(quite a fow gt om ere no aricultrists and others beng asthans). enesestaes tha dan woelety was divided into? classes acmers Slits 4. Herdsmen 8 Artisans 6 Magistrate ‘Th ‘laws’ mentioned above appear to have been econo we tate that there were noslavery iv India: ye acconting ‘Wasa recognised institution during Maryan eign as thinking of slavery in fll egal sense asi «high poition and freedom in the Mauryan soxety nen were peated to havea voc o eae onal bodyguards ofthe king, spiesand inothet > The Mauryasnteduced stone masonry on ange scale during Ashoka. Fraginentsofstonepillarsand wooden floor and eu plan hall have been discovered at Kumar em outset of Pat 1% follows : These palaces are so bewulll ara >be the creation of Ged eather than of ert the “masterpieces of Mauryan. sculpture. Each ofsandstoneonytheireaptay whicharebcautifl form of on or bul ae joined with pillar on the top. spial at Sarath and Sond, Lionel capita of Sanath was adopted nal Emblem of Inno 36 Jan, 1980, Single lion capital at Rampurva and Lauriya Nandangash. Single bull capita at Rampurva, ‘Acarved elephant at Dhauli and engraved elephant at Kale ‘The Mauryan artisans who slated the practice of hewing out caves from focks for monks to live in, The easiest example are Berar caves (Sudan, ‘Wook Ht, Chowpada of Karna, Rishi Lomesh) in Gaya (Ashokan). The other ‘examples are Narn cavesin Gaya (Dasharathh « built throught the empire to enshrine the eles of Buddha, OF the mist famouis are at Sonehi and Bharhta a s arta ere gnc em eee, “All men are my children — Kalinga Rock Edict F(Ohauli) 5.1, Post-Maurya/Pre-Gupta Period (185 BC-319 AD). Fe cece ‘Sunga Dynasty : 185 BC-73 BC ‘{Capital-Vidisha (M.P)) > Sunga Dynasty wasestablished by Pushymitra Sunga, aBrahenin Commander oe ee Sorainanns sci oe ee cae ee ee > Pushyamitrawassuccesded by hisson Agnimitrs, the heroofKalidasa'sdrama as SS hac serene» si Ral les ‘hagabhadea, Devabhuty followed, lading to the decline ofthe dynasty. > During their rate there was a revival of Brahminical influence. The Bhagavata ies ‘Pata author of the Mahabhasyat, was Bom at Gardai Central Tad. Patajal asthe pret of 2 Awana Yjnas performed by Puckymitea sutton caren ‘ailing which surrounds the Sanchi stupa, built by. ‘sonsirctes during the Sunga period. , ghrepyn sents Ne Chia and Spe hj on > The pila cone of sculpt vw > Stupas the ¥ very = mete Rn anos Dynty: 79 BC-24 BC — Stare va caer a he Sagat wos marry (Rao Vacate bs cued anode he kan yee The pero Kanal came wan end in 28 BC Surana Dyan 0 BC-28 AD Copal Psat thors timate ef mative ssn of the MAY in iy Dasa dCi ert aan > Te stshna record ob ena wih the Anas Wo ‘eter inc Porras > Treen ura ng appeared retin Anbu Makaha hey ist bec acpanshave ee ar ‘> ‘Sinuka0039 9) wns ine fonder th Satahann Satan tel ale and sper ond prestige by congue FSi nvr waste stro Cathar ot Stasi Pak Fel et K in Pe) ase coterie Mat > vas Gntaspry Sth (16 130 AD) who revive the Slav ahany gn deented he Saka oatrap Nahapan, He wasthe retest Satavahan ‘ior ied Setavahana rl ‘= sip Sei Satatar ts 24h rule wasmariedtothedaughierol Ska Kecapa Raxrndaman but defeated by him twice Mana Si Setabar its 27 alr, was the dynasty’ ast great ules, Planar ts 300s ruler, was the last Satavabana rue. > Setavahanas wer filly soccedo by the Ihshvakusin 3 Century AD, > Satovahanassartedthe practice of donating land with scl andadmisistrative {munities to Brabmanss and Buddhist monks, which eventually ween their authority. The ealstnsriptinalevidencsof land grantin ndiabslongs tos century BC > UndertheSatavahanas many Chaityas(orshiphallandihara(monasteri) ‘ere cutout fom rocks mainly in North-West Deccan or Maharashtra. The famous examples were Nasik Karheriand Kerk, > Stupas arg round structure erected overasacred relic) were seen satene all “round Ella The most famous of hese attributed to the Satay hana period ‘ne Ammaat a sculptural treasure house, and Nagarjunokonda > Theol language ofthe Satavahanas was Prakri¢ > TheSstavahanas issued their coins in ead (mainly) copper, bronze and poi ChetilChedi Dynasty of Kalinga > The history of Kalings after the death of Ashoka is shrouded in obscurity. 6 ‘new dynasty knownas the Chet or Chesi dynasty, rose inthe region probably inthe 1st century BC. > Osrinformation bout this dynasty is derived solely from tne Hathigumpht Tasca Baneshwar Oisa Khtravea the nd leo > Alollower of jainism, Kharavela was liberal patron of Jain monks for whole ees mann cso he Ug ea Bt - chs) wer the . eekuler was Men foreign sur of North-Western {\5BC-14SDC) alah agar a Mabe of coins which they issued a che were the st rulers iat ase coins which can dnt > es ww the kings. ‘sinbute hoy were te est to ae gold cof Hence. Greek estursinar giving rise Gandharachoo! Thee sata ah Arnda the mos th century AD. ‘The mest farnous Saka ruler in India was Rudeadgman (130 ADASO AD): > famous not only for his military conquests (particlary againat the aah) but also for his public works (he reputed the famous Sudarsin his patronage of Sanskrit (he snes the iss [ake of the Mauryan period) a the Lang insription i chaste Sasi) Saka rulerin India were Nahapana, Ushavadeva, Ghamatik, > Obherimporta ‘Chashuana ec > Inabout 58 BC a king of jin - Vikramaditya fs supposed to have fought ‘fectvelyagpinst the Sakas. An era called Vikramua Samat is reeknoed from ssc The Fasthians It Century BCAst Century AD Poel the Parthians (ahlvay vedi ran they rpc sh Saka in Nord Westrn Indi but contd an aet mh sale than the aka > Themast famous Pathan bn was Gndpheresin whose gn. Thomas issid shave come to nda forte propagation of Christin. The Kashan: Ist Century ADnd Century AD >the Kushans were rw of he ive Yeu clans of Central Asa > They placed the Parthians in North Wester indian the expands othe lower Indus asin and the upper and idle Gangetic basin > ThefintKushan dynasty was founded by Kadphist/KyjalKadhphises The secon king was Kadphises Il] Yona Kadphise who sed gol is ‘The second Kushan dynasty was founded by Kanishka ts kings extendes the Kahn poweroverupeind, Theircapitalswereat Peshawar(Pueushaputa) The most famous Kushan ruler was Kanishka (78 AD ~101 AD), also known ai “Second Ashoka’. He started an era in 78 AD which is now known as the Saka eraand \s used by the Government of India, > ™ Las Caner Krone RII Gare snip rss» mys rr rc teres ele ce Se 1% Molant grat Kushan aera Vasneva > TheKushanscontat famous wh ntstarting from China passing thro hed empire or 9 Ma aad Western Asi TS a Ince tthe Kushans > The Kine wee the ist ul int sae pol co 84 tothe yal court of Kanishka a host of scholars foun patronage. Pare Monumite Asvaghsha,Nagarhna coharok and Ntchare were some of them JS) C= 0 AD) = Savahanas [9 RC Sh Cetary AD) ~ Saka Kushars {NDAD-¥0 AD) ~SahmKustars, sve ede the Garr choo whe Maury or > Inaba? AD, Hiyas a greek all, discovered the monsoon Se Aut ty Toa from West Asia > tmporant ports : Renae (Bhawwh) and Rartwineum (Western Const Avon Pivetaeaconing 19 ‘erp -neat Pandiseri-Eastem Coast > Ballin was owing out of Rome to It" Geagraphica’—Serahy “Gangraphy’— Per “Perino the Brthryan So“Unknown, > iat cotta with Central Asa, China Gr East Asia ‘SU, The Sangam Period (Ist-3ni Century AD) ‘Natural History—Ptng, ceo- Roman Weed and South: > The Chere cour occupies the portion of beh Kerala and Tamil Naga > Thecapital of Cheras was Vay. > Remain ports were Mucns and Toni ct up two regiment at Muze dente with Grange i Di csonen oon arate Che aes and ter bowen among Chere urs was Ulan Oath sms an a an wo a i ie : tary Part ofCheraking ewer wa Songun Red Ger Wi ai Te inne Nor an evn od Cg ia thunder hemos nso Ff chastity-Kar - {HOCH gins tna ed a Tre rym hing between Penna and Vela iver Chat kings corey to the meer Tanne and Tachi ais evan capital was Urata ple famous for cotton trade, One of he Ie courees of wealth for Colas was tradein cotonelath, tran ential with Kaveripattanam was he main port of Chola and served Peitemative capital of Chola. ‘Teearlest known Chola king was Bara who conquered Sei Lanka and rule revit or nearly 50 yeas. ‘Their greatest king was Karka (man with charred eg) who founded Pubar Toes uttanany and constructed 16) km of embankment along the Kaver {ee with the lp of 12,000 Lankan slaves > They maintained an efficient navy > Te Chola were wiped out in the attack of Pllavas from the North. The Pandyas FP The Pandyas were frst mentioned by Megasthanese, who sid thei Kingdom twas famous for pearl, = The Pandya territory included modem districts of Tirunelveli, Ramand and ‘Macirai in Tamil Nadu. Ithad its capital t Madura situated on the banks of Vaigai river > The Pandya hing profited from trade with Roman Empire and sent emisaries toRoman emperor Augustusand Trojan. ‘The Pandas find mention inthe Ramayana and Mahabharat, > Thecariest known Pandyan ruler was Madukexum, > The greatest Pandya king, Nenlyjllan, cused Kovalan of theft As areal the ty of Madurai was lai under a curse by Kanna? (Kovalan's wife) Sangam Administration > Theking was the centre of administration, He was called Ke. Manna Venian Korravan oe iaivan, > Ava was the court ofthe crowned monarch. > Important officials (Panchmahasebia):1. Amaichchar(Minisers)2 Puroitar (icats) 3. Ducar (Envoys) 4. Senaputiyar (Commander) 5. Ora (Spies). 7 ¥ Lucent General Knowdge Stina ila) ee TName lcm enh arbour anh Cho Saha ion: Karsi(Land Tax), (Tribute paid by feudatg ; oneal ae Rea rehateatctciy pcan et rae * : seein Mandel Nadu) Udon, > me Bee cnllecton) Sere Japuld le down produced enough to feed seven persons I inp peta wore very fertile with gation facies, le Sangam ier Serviving, wm SS Ava Agay ue chia sy [ebatinse) Wskapys ster chaman) “Toppan: ‘North Madurai Nakkiror Eawogai, a at pat i Patines Inka te. Sangamyasanossembly of Tamil poetsheld under royal patronageotPandyan ™ ingsin Madura. According to tradition the assembly lasted for and ws ates by 8.5% poets and 197 Pandyan kings Theft Sangamyas attended by Gods and legendary sages Allis workshave 1390 yes > Ofthe second Sangam the only surviving work is Tolkappiyam anerly work © emia grammar eiton by Teak. “OF the thint Sungate mostly works are surviving, These are Etuogalg anthologies) Pattupatat.e- lO kdyls), Patinenkilakanakku(e 18a 4 orks) and > and Ptupatty are called Melakanakku (28 major wo “pale in form, Painenkana cll Kilakanakh (18 ino wo and didacive in form. , 4 Kimlos Mapp par of Patinenklakarakku ant writen by Tew alle! "The Bible of Tamil Land tis treatise on polity, ethics and social norm The Epes :ilappadikaram, Manimekalal, Sivaga Sindamant ee = (dhe story of the Anklet): Written by ago Adal the story of Kovalan and Madhavi of Kaveripattinam, His. ‘of Tam posty’ > Manimekalai: Written by SitalaSatanar it deals with se nee the daughier born of Kovalan and Madhav al ‘and strongly tinged with Buddhise. ~~ sas Sn naa Chinn Wan by ain Tad a > Sey unged with Jaina statu Write by Pea eas) Oe natty Pa ly Ys tine) Muig Caring ura tar Nemlnntr te) Catling Me bey ya Marae vata) ws ‘ng Agta Awe ina stn etn) owgh Ager ua a a (oat) Maing Sukevtacon Partner 6 Gupta Peviod (319 AD-540 AD) path Century AD anew yay the Gupta voce Magadhs and esablkis! « bige the a igptam over the greater part of Nosh Chasdaguplat 318384A0 Inthe cmp nn Sng {Patol he Marya). Tetrute ast or mone ‘than 200 years, bepereown ~ man p> Thsperie i rofered asthe ‘Clasical Age or Ein “Golden Age of ancient India the most prosperous > Accorting to epigraphic evidence, the founder ofthe dynasty was a person named Gupta He ‘et the imple tile of Maharaj > Gupta was suacweted by his son Ghatotkach, KumangptNes| as perhaps inthe tian history trhoalno inherited the ie ot Mabaroi diggs Chandragupta 1: 319-384 AD i. Naimbaguptis Sheva the int Cuplarulertoassumethe He KGaA AES AD) of Maharani - >t strengthened his Kingdom by matron lange with the pent family of Lichehhavis who weretherulesot Miia Hismariageto Licht Princess Kixmaradev brought tohimenormwnss power resouces a Hetook vantage of estan an scape hea oat alley > Hostarted the Gupta fain 319-20 AD. > Chandrogupta | was able to stash hs athay ver Maga Pryaga and Saketa, Original type of Gold Coins (Dinars); Chandragupla FKumarndel (ype Samuutrapupta 338380 AD > Samuatrayupia was the greatest king of Gupta dynasty a eeg_ ~ Resp ome con Pot i cm te > According to Prayaga Prasaitt, he was Inthe Gangetic Valley and Central y

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