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An Instructional Module

Christian E. Cariaso

Philippine Copyright 2020



Reviewed by:


Published by:

President Ramon Magsaysay State University

Masinloc Campus, Masinloc, Zambales

ISBN 091-239-19236-2-6

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced ina any form or by any means without
permission from the author.

Printed by:

PRMSU Masinloc Campus- College of Teacher Education

Masinloc, Zambales

Modules are fractional part of a student's education experience. In an entire degree

program, each class represents a module focused on a given subject. In a single class, a
module is a chapter, class meeting or lecture on a specific topic. It is self-contained and
independent units of instruction with well-defined objectives to develop specific
competencies. These are designed to make learning easier yet challenging to the user to
become creative, resourceful and independent. An educational tool, modules which
present and explain the topics substantially serve as a textbook. They also provide a variety
of activities that stimulate independent and self-guided learning experiences.
As an effective mode of instructional delivery system, modules in teaching Music could be
most helpful to the BEED students.
To ensure that teaching competency in Music is developed, this module in Teaching Music
in the Elementary Grades focuses on the educational foundations of Music as it apply to
teaching and learning in the elementary grades and various teaching strategies and
assessment appropriate for each area.
Furthermore, this module will help BEED students to be skillful and competent in
providing varied teaching-learning experiences according to the needs, interests and levels
of the pupils/students, and thus deliver quality education.
This module is written in a very user-friendly manner. Definitions, processes and samples
are included as an input knowledge or as a guide. Instructions are made clear and straight
to the point.
In order for learners to gain competency in Teaching Music in the Elementary Grades, this
module has been structured into seven parts as follows:
Module 1: Disciplinary Foundation of Music Education
Module 2: The Nature, Structure and Content of the K to 12 Music Curriculum
Module 3: Teaching Music to Children: Learning Strategies
Module 4: Methods of Teaching Music in the Classroom
Module 5: Assessment of Learning in Music
Module 6: Selecting Appropriate Instructional Materials in Teaching Music
Module 7: Developing an Instructional Plan in Music
Students are encouraged to go each lesson to maximize learning. They should work on
exercises as they build concepts of each topic introduced in each lesson. They should study
this module with co-learners at own pace or with the help of peers, tutor or friends.
Module 1
Module Overview

Disciplinary Foundation of
Music Education

In this Module
1. Legal Basis of Teaching of Music
2. Philosophy and Rationale of Music Education
3. Multiple Intelligence Theory Applied in Teaching Music
4. Four Pillars of Learning Applied in Music
5. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values of Music
6. Goal of Teaching Music

Music education is a field of practice, in which educators are trained for careers as
elementary or secondary music teachers, school or music conservatory ensemble directors.
As well, music education is a research area in which scholars do original research on ways
of teaching and learning music. Music education scholars publish their findings in peer-
reviewed journals, and teach undergraduate and graduate education students at university
education or music schools, who are training to become music teachers.
Music education touches on all learning domains, including the psychomotor
domain (the development of skills), the cognitive domain (the acquisition of knowledge),
and, in particular and the affective domain (the learner's willingness to receive, internalize,
and share what is learned), including music appreciation and sensitivity. Music training
from preschool through post-secondary education is common because involvement with
music is considered a fundamental component of human culture and behavior.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO)

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:

 state the legal basis, philosophy, and rationale of Music Education;

 discuss the multiple intelligence theory applied in music;
 identify the four pillars of learning applied in music;
 differentiate the intrinsic and extrinsic values of music;
 analyze the goals of teaching music;
 explain the importance of teaching music in the elementary grades.
Lesson 1 Legal Basis of Teaching Music

 Discuss the legal basis of teaching Music;
 Explain the importance of legal basis of teaching music; and
 Relate the legal basis of teaching Music to your personal experiences.


Culture from around the world have different approaches and roots to music education,
largely due to the varying histories and politics. Studies show that teaching music from
other cultures can help students perceive music and sounds more comfortably, and they
also show that musical preference is related to the language spoken by the listener and the
other sounds they are exposed to within their own foundation. It is important to know the
roots of teaching Music in order to connect it to the present situation in teaching Music
Education in the Philippines especially when applied to teaching elementary grades.

Addd _______________ _______________ _______________
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I know about... _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
I want to _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
I have learned... _______________ _______________ _______________


Legal Basis of Teaching Music

 Article II, Section 17

"The State shall give priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture and sports to foster
patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and
Tell something about this statement:
 Article XIV: Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports

Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all
levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.
Tell something about this statement:

Section 14. The State shall foster the preservation, enrichment, and dynamic evolution of a Filipino
national culture based on the principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free artistic and
intellectual expression.
Tell something about this statement:

Section 15. Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of the State. The State shall conserve,
promote, and popularize the nation’s historical and cultural heritage and resources, as well as
artistic creations.
Tell something about this statement:

Section 16. All the country’s artistic and historic wealth constitutes the cultural treasure of the
nation and shall be under the protection of the State which may regulate its disposition.
Tell something about this statement:

Section 17. The State shall recognize, respect, and protect the rights of indigenous cultural
communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and institutions. It shall consider
these rights in the formulation of national plans and policies.
Tell something about this statement:


In groups (4-5 members), go over the Legal Basis of Music Education, then, supply the
information needed to complete the table below. Present your answer to the class.

Article/section Key Concepts Relationship to Application to

Music Education Teaching


True or False. Write TRUE if you agree with the statement, if not, write FALSE, then, state
the reason why you say FALSE. Write your answer on the space provided.

___________1. The sole priority of the State is to promote total human liberation and development.
___________2. Article II section 17 focuses on the legal foundation of education.
___________3. Article XIV section 1 states that we have the right to access quality education.
___________4. Unity in diversity relates with the preservation, enrichment and dynamic evoution of
Filipino culture.
___________5. Music is part of our culture, thus, it constitutes the cultural treasure of other nations
that we have to protect.
___________6. Plans and policies shall be implemented according to section 17 of Article XIV in
protection to the rights of indigenous communities.
___________7. Arts and letters are different entity of artistic creations.
___________8. Article 17 pertains to the protection of the State towards country’s historic
wealth and cultural treasure.
___________9. Based from the legal foundation of music, we can sya that the goal of Music
education is artistic expression and cultural literacy.
__________10. Music, as an artistic creation, shall be conserved, promote, and popularize.
Lesson 2 Philosophy and Rationale of Music Education

 Discuss the philosophy of teaching Music; and
 Explain the rationale of Music Education.


Both the Music and the Arts curricula focus on the learner as recipient of the knowledge,
skills, and values necessary for artistic expression andcultural literacy. The design of the
curricula is student-centered, based on spiral progression of processes, concepts and skills
and grounded in performancebased learning. Thus, the learner is empowered, through
active involvement and participation, to effectively correlate music and art to the
development of his/her own cultural identity and the expansion of his/her vision of the
world (Curriculum Guide K to 12 Music Curriculum).


Match Column A from Column B. Write the letter of your answer before the number.

Column A Column B

____1. Process of Education A. NRCP

____2. Performance-Based Learning B. Ronald Thomas
____3. Aesthetic Education C. Jerome Bruner
____4. Multiple Intelligences D. Thelma Kintanar & Associates
____5. Structure for Music Education E. V. Lowenfeld and WL. Brittain
____6. Gongs and Bamboo F. Cleve Miller
____7. Compendium on the Humanities Musical Arts G. Howard Gardner
____8. Cultural Dictionary for Filipinos H. CCP
____9. Creative and Mental Growth I. Elliot Eisner
____10. Discipline-Based Art Education J. Jose Maceda
____11. Encyclopedia of Philippine Arts and Tuklas Sining K. Bennett Reimer


Philosophy and Rationale for Music Education

 A keen sensitivity to environmental and musical sounds needs to be developed.

 The student must learn to ―hear, ―speak, and ―think in the medium of music.
Simultaneously, growth and development in the skills that enable the application of
the learner’s knowledge should be encouraged through active involvement in the
various musical processes.
 Drawing from the development of music pedagogy through the years, the K-10
Music Curriculum embodies the best practices advocated by the SPIRAL, MULTI-
CULTURAL, and INTEGRATIVE approaches in music education, as well as current
philosophical thought about contemporary general education.

 We envision that Music in the K-10 Program will effectively nurture and refine the
learner’s artistic expression and cultural literacy, and celebrate his/her national
heritage, while it instils, within every individual Filipino learner, pride in his/her
own cultural identity. Source: Curriculum Guide K to 12 Music Curriculum

The Philosophical Foundations of Music Education upon which Standards and

Competencies are Based

Philosophical Foundation Principles

Aesthetic Education
Compendium on the Humanities
Musical Arts
Creative and Mental Growth
Cultural Dictionary for Filipinos
Discipline-Based Art Education
Encyclopedia of Philippine Arts
and Tuklas Sining
Gongs and Bamboo
Multiple Intelligences
Performance-Based Learning
Process of Education
Structure for Music Education
Lesson 3 Multiple Intelligence Theory Applied in
Teaching Music

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Lesson 4 Four Pillars of Learning Applied in Music

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Lesson 5 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values of Music

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Lesson 5 Goal of Teaching Music

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