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), JUNE 3, 2011 495

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

6 ?if II tlIcblif

ns1ie14 Mar f4#111


fly 3 .,f. 2011

iENRIT W1.31T. 49 /*.31.35/2009 / al 38 / 2011. — f4 : 31tq 3ifta

4Ic1 9TeTTchic 311tt 5 7 3T1IffizIli, 2009 (2009 451 tat 3afffi llT 1 35), *1 UHT 38 MI'
31:11--4T171 (2)* MP-T uffdd 37E17. (1) gm Siv1 7TffitTzt1M-T 1441 , r 4Nc4 gq, FR 4Iuif
nr* e tr, P 4-11W6ct t 3T2117:—

(1) -6 M-11# 6Re1I 0 11 r4:71 aft 31-1t4H1 cud %err wr 3tkcd 9Tri
1171:1, 2011, 416 7T TIM-n t
(2) 4 SIThTVM eft 1614I
4, vi.r (14) 44-- If
(i) -01M414, arwr 30%4 t1,— treoTrErrqi
"34f q i1 ' 3TMIiT t, 311R- 3rR4r4 41ci IteiT
3Titt-W Sf, 2009 (2009 41 4114 3TRIThiFf 35);
(N) di uatbia" aftrwr t t1uf fart 3rgitir4 4P-IT
vitaTur *44, ;
(Tr) -31-E44441 Rt 344srm t ,11.<01 , 3f1 find'
Thm-re ver-c4 cues f4mr-fr 4ez r*34/r4 :v.Trftru
31t1T9-4-141 ;
(4) tiRfOrd t 31f furtT t, ffi441 t tid 1:1ffitlZ ;
() ‘3414TT t an! t,

Wrz fk 39,
• er-r .) 414 t 44 ;
'art 44 44 titcr 44 ;
45err (11-1* fk;• : tild 44 t 311 T4 ;
m-5-4 art M arra a4 t 41 44 ;
TUT ff4 a ffiq. 41 dEt t 4tT 44 ;
afr -at *1: 434 44 t ok g 44 ;
1i41,t6 44 t 4 1t6 44 ;
(viii) Ter arra writ 44 tr ;
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

() " c1) .1%41 ,1 T9( U aTT 31drigf qq1c14)

affAsurir 9a-AT t R504 t bra


() 6 411 Ir thct)k
R1-r-'41 war 31-Trlftcr IMP:Tr if21r w-st
al nl &t.44 .7-rtr-413a
k flt -141-RiA 4144 *
arm 31-r4 cic4 tzrRaR ;
(ii) 3-1-9T2T ;
jrq 31-itt. cnrfc-n- wo g-) ;

fatssr ur\t cf rilei 41014) ;

MITT ThT GlIc14) ;
ca9 "Th c zl aTftrwzr t, %aft foirrr z-21T

g t1h411 grt Ti S1,41fIci

artt-it ;

(7) ftrur zarwiti" t 3rftrim71 t, fa

P/te-fr lt-t141-11-ziclISTIFI crw.T#R)/1:4-
t au TtA t tNcbt gru 0- fora ui
3FZT arRim-rtr;
CIWIT t arlAsTrzr t * fkErAl t ,601 W4;
(7) tHcw 3S7R:f g , 1^44TrA Tl 6Rulolr ,z7,4
‘two pr ;

(z) uAcp[41 Tl 3rrf d t 3109 A ErItTrItrd

( I) 44[141i ;

i4 u5 Ptrerr Nfrrtitr, TrYP6- ftefr

ftaTr aTitm-rt, N TH ■341Vci our 34EPC7 ;

(11) tgiq MTh-Hi M-Tr P1411-ct) cl;

374---at4rk &t.4 ;
(a) um *IRE?" 44 arfrin t rth-411 tr yucir grcz fklt
Thum** t RT4Tr ar f4-4)-ir ;
-1 . 1v4Ati arTzt g, sfly_wir trrlr
1973 (1973 Th-T 24) A 11 2IT ITRITTMT -14H41101;
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)
(4) arre-#4-e lam"" arfks#4 t, .zrotr sRarvlr 'It
rfTedThT 3tRiftiFF, 1973 (1973 Th7 24), 6 II
31-1tfrzIN, 1994 (1994 TT 16) Tall 6R til u if 'OWE& tivf
3n, 1994 (1994 m 11) 31t119- U1 41 Litilticf, thif
Rwit Azr 0-11#0 ml c#4 ;
(Br) Are-431-6 %flew 0 3ff1;#4 t, cr, yid
fThict) 31141ffal .v.1T41-4 Illf0Th •1 111 g iA f$34i
- zl tki hi t ;
3Tft-fi 3TI7T- 14-€ 65

(u) "S ANcr 3rfiti4Ar" A 3T-14104 t, 1437 att3 A00,

tcrzlicfr-r amfrffa q iei g) mct virf 34i400r ;
"Then 3Tft-s-r3 ifficrur 3). 3TMIAT21 t ikzPi 23
ThiFf (2) 31119- ed. 4)14 1111(M uf ;

(-4) ErrA t aff#s#4: t, Sr mar Eu0 ;

(El) Aciiew trf3r4 71- 3afAM, 3TitINTal Met s1171 34

Ther 0-4 we (1)* aff Trea0 4-ftErc ;
tcbc4 WiT1T t, EIRtti

t a-ff A-Ef9 TiTffelt ‘rq51T ,(14t ;

(K) V ei-ki rf 31MATzT t, WU 21 tf

\34 ar3r (1)*0cri,t4 Wr# 01:60 Atilt ;

fdisilou-AfralA A SIAM 314*-11 3117
m-13 (1.,4 144mo 74?-1Tff Th`t
(4) "IA-64-113nA-3TRAru t, 4icke4-.530T.,
0-24- cbizt-5-A=r- (17). 31R1 ITO qi-A TEPTin tr(OK gr0
Mf' mar uiN ;
(4) -4-41" t El-RP/11z TT1 #3wr Bite 3011m- crt fill
citqg ;
(TT) at-C1-111 41 4.11 ''FFTTE aiRE 311-zrm—ptr-t-r,
itwr, ,o4.1 irr ct)) arm A-Fritt, tkcw
feez ,i114
(2) u Th30# 4 94ff 311:04-TtiT 31w4 TE U241. 3fRale4W4
Th7 cr gl. 3T2f 61iIr cb43r: Sr 4 Rrn TRIT t I
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)
srfteirr (1) 0 . 9)N TIT WIT#RT Lifitt-M7 mgm-R149. th-344
id^alMU $1 Thweth AW '-4# ittsf Arel#1 l 3T#ETT click 4THTt Met Ttc9-f
.Thka# P r-irgtqcr trth ilirerrur arrnie ra aRrta, :—
(() tiftre /ram uithcrki r r 61rr arkTr1M thttr tit" t turn
met r li, .39<tcr arrpj 3ITTR Breit 71711if R amm13-a 51 + 11 ;

(U) SlitEPT thER tr(3TR4T4 (.1 , 114 T me# kthrzrr ,riyrir;

(Tr) mftre thweth mrizr armrrciml wvr thza ;
(E) crftre i mtcprthth fl t 9N-f $31 athth Itc
*Tit f-34 thur Mt ved i3Tl if3W-17 133 M-
mf S i afthm-d# athth M f frf3-d ml ur 34-Mrift;

(2) wierm, 39 . 313e'u TRIM men- # "ET <my? ER, thtlEr rAPre M
1:17Wq 3TEAT EIT. 61# thtlEr arm Stilt ctrifir 4 11 f l fM a1' 71a men * TTRT
titherni rkim # term m y 811-3 Mt-1E 4 1P 't e a 0#2f 51 .11 I 11 ii 'T-Ict

(1) 3TR I I —IITRIT rl

t iN Wit ml th.rier
aTifelt 1*-41 un •if it th r--if*Z.q cr erir :—
(() meriziv f4,cr441d ,raRV4M At-d3

RTh 196 cr ti M4 34-9 mid orcvr ch Fl ;

(34) mart vi VII I cirkr thol rik ,r zti •01- * gisrff3 :
mez # m .# mu lm 341 14tritr TQr-r TETI 19 -4
mr-14 34 m# cil t glen,
mi-d-9 1.1-191-7, wig cb q iisml c1c4
att3 TrthrTuram, wI .krarml * EN't .I r
mgth tr-dr3 cria
1411( 1 4 net

Ten-91# THmK TIT *.-T11# AffaM7131 .Q41 tit # facilcri Li 3i4RV-id-i 1, ftRTRk
‘34n L1 44 (1) * 3Ttit#f TfRirst mri cw-r 3ffrt t €4-cr 1 ,yri TIM I
tkcbli ZIT ZP-ITtIT ge1AIIL TrCrV-ql*
f1q Wei ‘3 r-Hlocr 34nz1+-r (1)-M3TE11# thee& arrt—mit M zrr 13TY * 514--d3
4,14 Niotr %vim t zrr TRiTtEr vrit-t-Tur ,3 4 fkm:r ()A fkikftrz
ftWr-m3vT IrreTgro c72TT 3T-r irrirfl?r mmTurq
cr-r rir
(4) 3vcr ‘4 ,1\9&11 t I rls-cf wi g? E f # •I-NWN. ZIT Zn 141%t] ul TZk
# EIT 34 tilc g &RI 34 4:0- crtc4 Y mert Ti( r mr4 urrk TTE 3rr-t—Er3433
* z13rf rm R iic 1 akr * ii3 # fu w cOrir
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

32TTI"RE 16 et) !WI-1213)7T t4 id IM a1 5T 1-101 r II1 4 Ir, vl 5i

Wa-M-1 T1-4T.WOOTt 317 371-t 3a-MT9MM I-td7 A-0)M 311-4TU M
-flaAct) .94 #ift TM9T tlI ciun ct, cOnT I

OA ir 7IcklcIf ti MRMIM'TTRT7cT ‘i • idSllcru tra#4

412TT Tffer t, TIT flu sii%ton Ti lr4d 3t17 ot 149 cIt.-1 VT47-20
314-Fer-T ctrfl4 r WO ct) 4 11. I
tNctti Z1T 7Q-TT4I1 T LITRIM-PT Tit TH-fW cb I r i idtr1M4T
flr t94-9D4) 3117 flitctL fact) crthcol* <bk . ] siDcrarcr 9
(a) -“Tr fatTlei Ll tO, tN ctik. qd1 111 ur2T f 49 211 3r

vr2ifk 1- c7 cpiLU 41-d7 tar#-P-itwurr m-Aft uur ‘ 39<A ff-6# Zrr ATrrR'r
ARriku AMA 3-1tu f#T1-# (441 Trawdr-t-Turtcffzel
(9) croL'IT Mthdu f3rv1-310:1 31-14ia 1154 M w4-4#
,th ct)H 3TEZITT Tiar4TOrt-7141- 72TT "g9: 14Rn+-1)1/431-1 1 174-4.1. M^T I -Q ,t11. MP:1
CI*M .67T Mr1 30 1/41-{ cI ch qtr eth-LIT vlllnl 721T 3TE2T4MI MT IT RI- ,41,3-1 .-r auffmt
ffr4ftrZ 1T gpo Y1Tf Th I 61 4 I
(U) 31T:1R WRT 2 * 5 (ire) tttmlt cMIT
5. (1) UM 2 Ther 311£1171 (i)
‘3 1-RV (i) 32Tr (ii) f#itz fweitr 9trl am 614 coc ra alb 4, ah 'tfftrn CITf44)\mi
3cr1 4111c4 I
s-TRT 12 Th1431:NTIRT (1) * ti v5 (TT) 3ITT11, ETTRT 2 * Tguz (4) * .34K5u.g
3117 (iv) 14 Mite 141(14 S 514 =nor cr)) 91(14) tTRT 3 The1 3 cfURT (2)
TINT 31:1*-Tff 9T6TT c, fa t; 64)411 04IT:

ETRI T:Yi ck-idi A 9tcr fth-R# 69dct) m-sr#i ratcr -War aft-
t161 244) Wit It chtlrcult
tw cfr y s..INT 12 *1 39RTM (1) M. UTTZ (€) M 317TR
11-671 ft# wiem, -A-Rw firer Urr arr Tjf4wrq <t),<4
‘i rl .< 41 cc( gRT 2 *Uu3 (a) * 34 q.5 u 5 (10, (iii) 3147 (iv) 14 f411Tz ntheig
5f 6 4 11 I
3TM-117543i * fat41e1 244 r 31—d11177 cf<4 3117 39$11e71-9r cM-4
*14 41 ,irr*fk Parcr) *Te rre A ,P_Trttri,91cfreir RE4R,Rrm-r koR
cr) ath Val 6.)T c, WaMI, f4:71-4rdliflTT 4Ta4t, ar-e#9# w-r 1Tl#f4m.
4, WIT* .44 t TIWRTff NTRM).7 UM 4 life& 41-0-Mt Tir‘d Tit NT-Mt
Th"T T9- f4z11# M144)17I-f*1 ftf4 1} 1c.t) ## met ara*litaR. 3NA--fr li zt9cr,i;
4fu^ii-i cO4Ir I
titcr,I7 Trr 7-P-Tr-4"Rr Ma ctr uT 476 7f49q7 M Tit 1-4IlegT ct;1
€11e10 f, In rein TiWc.11 T0:1-4-67, * 31trelff Y tl I
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

URI 8 'c.8' ITIr3 (Tr) 31R QRT 9 M V.-4TTT(TO M. tinT‘MIT

e1 4K 31z 7-241414 grftw4r z ,zfift-44 4,04 fth, rtht. (writ u44-
41—c-TM 3tR 31111It. 1A L-I fth)d1 4MM MMT 4)-4-e
c • 44,44, th 44141 4 m4r-4 47_rcir& 3T 4iTtx4 ajfl2rr3r1* 3uuhi 3R44
•?ui -c4r4a 3tM sit u Th4—TTF4 Wirt fir T3IN I

TRMITT LIT aP-.41tT(TT Q f21a T ur tfi r 44 t1 3rf ills 3M * LEci

if/TaTT 'c'1 211 CUT9 MaTT . -(4
-1-f& itaft 4) MT WIRT (TRTTI
6. (1) 3TTITttrer MRicbc-If M. 'MUM t 7-2Tiftt CrIttRIT T &GOT 3ifiTTMIRm
* Tilifl7 Eft tI4E'iur gRT Ti lfr 41-6- M MT -CT-TM M-Tti aTml 31-1 teTT457
3Tftc4u ,rthrr
ftft-f! firer 344thli Tilfll nR €srtnr t 3TTITtr
3F140.N1 litcH ,Td HITT tfe10 cTt 3Ttmel gizI a4 4-51- 31- 1 Metb
th9 cicb ciff 31-%4-c4 T4-4r

34-444 (1) our (2) 4 1'41'4'4:: 3rfiel ,s4 T71 T 44 araffff femur
T31. IT I

(4) 311fltzTri (2) t 1T4ffTZ 3T1 iTTT€T c4T a14 14, ff \n4
TaT M11; 4 11 3N UHT 9M. Rifu3- (3') TIT ftg7IM TP-TT fM{1T 31-RTI SItTmtl
* fa-4 34z44 femur .44,0
(s) aufTr4 (i) -c-plr (2) 4 111 ft 7.12741z4Mtz
SiTutM M16M +ITET&T ffrag f4,74 •ciTN , a
UTT3 firer 3Tf1 Tit TfrdmBier 31f9 RP-Tfa
t 2TT f-1 -tat 3TI4 c-Tht tRimi
Brat (00f fM '071-0
34-14-03-(-4 3*Ir4 ralrefzi): ft 414ifthcr 'Hitt 4T-Fm4 4r4 w4-4, It4c.14
,z4<1 ,41k- t4 t fl.4414in g
4i4 7-q1W1 4-4 Tier 311-49tTt/ TO rrufm lMTQW-I ifrtrmt
4 -,41 ,o2r ffitrefur crc-z)-(F 41--ort*-N-4-ET ft Z7-444i T41 4 44 g ,r-c4r -140i
ff),c-ta R161 q c11 iur CIttlt R.T 2IT aitt%—d tud0 fur -th) , 4141 4444t I
f11181I Wig 41Td45 TIlfd- -m firer Tktrsi 4 OM 44U 3Ttift fMTTIT unym
7. (1) WU 2 M. fp3 ( -)M 31-CirTT^ (in) 3N (iv) 4 ftr
gte idWMU LI6
nrAt UHT 12 0 Wiltit (1) R11 -1T (4) M 3TTIT:ri # ftk

E41c-14) nl G.01 ffr34 3TRTI 4TaT0 ;IT 'FM. th-airK 3F4

W- MM-1* fc:1-C 34-(r1f t f4;-4 v24-r-41 3t)- Ti441 1TH arrzttu w(r11

(2) zTRI 2 * NTI3 (U)* (m) 3T1Tq(iv) 4 -1^41'&1-4c4eitt u-6-

ft— 4,1, i r it tilt 12 0 tiftTRT (1) * .5 IIT^ (TT) M 31-TTPI LIT171 fgc TT
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

#1e141 T'rRT um4 43.T1.14 eiT--4T, urtruileicatt

pitrwft gmet-f4 wm:0-7 critarur *PITA, Tura,4t7 4 11.11 ark 4),,4
39 T Z1wire#14 f+-41 to k 4u uraml f4 .44- f+-4T vi 11 4 11 I

rilT 4 (i) l'4124r& e-)t tETN

UM 12 -el 31TEITRT (1) * aUG (T r) 31TRIIT # TN ;I#4 4 (1141,

fatilvia ETRT 12 aR #TRTNT (1)* (TT) # flitZ 7a-el

7 TP-Tlt Mc) *1%ff 10m-1014 -1-1 7 CRITt-91- - 7 -1■;Nzicb* ,:k4 31-1*-4-#.
aiTf311 ThT itCd-R 71-trrr
“171 2 * Uu3 (Z) Th ‘3i-K4 u ,gW4T (iv)fez idsiiMU7:1T
7pft-4ff 4,41 f Derr . -) TIT T44 tk4 ■515i Thtf di t e, mar cf2 c4 71
4,9 t (b i-( Cdratt, WM 12 Thar 3TRTRT (1)Th T3u3 (TT)* 3471V #T1`
424 317Pru-q 4A 14 4cig T40- cuc1 a4-RW4 ft ;

ii-4q m--4* col 2-1T 31-&1 11T4 fA uf # 31-Ta aft Th #T-6Thlf

*1-c 14-4 uflzrct Rut- M41-&-4-Mf4Q -uk vrora ft 4•1
Nr-d-m-t fq - *1 7rcrT11:
SIIWZ17TlfiZ 31[41fl
at al t fi ufZ fttEr Rthozr 11 ;Ow fdg au-4-4-4: met
d,TwlW uilf u2 TT arewq 4ALI\E infreid01-a
&RIM- t, TOT T 3llEF clicti gi4 Itzrr .ivir
ecgov al glitu sft, au-4-1444
fl G1 CAlci . * 611eiThThI gt 1t4T unqui ‘46f uf3-4-R tw-nruci f4-41-4
cfrr ara I Paici, afrc-T44 urft4R*fr-gre isu 4 fort
fkbT 7It c04if

(5) UTT3- (Z)

.1171 2 ■3 Litqu .4 (ii) f4fThz id iM U Their lv TIT
*tHl Thai al, urc d,l t1, z1 al 317 (14) utri Witt /11:' 4 f4 tilel zf Nr 11141
34-1-4-r91* ,w-uluid -41r8cOur 4P_Tr VI#11 1-11cf AltTht m-sr gfaiz cOur
-TaTT #171 12 *1 37-1IRT UTT3 *31-gfri \i ri cti). TT! Mr 3Tf^4-47d taiT a a lf I
u-'4-sr P ,--1D%cf trl'a- fth-
uD4cr 711t TETI \ t 7 4err, urc
71=MRa T 31-0193a gq TrRrfkm
a Alin 0171ra ThT frMITT fktili 7 T‘31-1N41
(4) 7 3T717 femur 1/44Nur

00 c,t) t iffc 4-)1 t1, zl a -41-d1 d,l c4

-Rtre tr ito-r4 d).1
uia (new) im .411uir .Q.-41441(44 t1e1"-f t
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(g ) mat -Th qg.11c44 ftt at a wt 3T-T-F*wri-Tnt

Thefir gfi 31Td c14) I
(6) -Th-1-11eiti‘394Th-iatuft -14g-4.T *3-Tan 3--4-4 -442T1fiTh-4
I N Tit 41c14) Th aka9mii Th tcEL m.11 Tj-ffr1=4-n0- C04)
;41- 8. (1) 'E cilk gl-U 31477 711-fii ThWe0-11 --ni-rWci at l aR t.,(1
4M-4) ° T4 -`rn TIWITzl roffftm grw 2 Th K(113 (g ) .34Rwi g (i) ffifftz RgaidaI
w Imp
4tr-gT ftur LR 3144fi f1140 3th*-- 4ta t<4>k LIT Wt 3T-4;
u-rftw- ur -31-1:a-&1 (10 ,n if*ral 64 4 1CI cr),cyr a arrant (24 g , tho,(

Wm T RTi sit-116Th 644 6E111

tw ecg oew :uft wIcim c.44 4)1 aiwur cot; *1,1amri
UM 2 Th U-11-3 (() -Th- ‘34i..4 115 (0) 4 lfi4ffi&- rathei Lll' cR tN cbk w-i4Ei
rater 3117 fa gAlc-.14) 4-n 4-ad watt ■3900 cW-4 014-1 cin 461 War
ETTRT 2 Th U113. gm 6W.q11.^ (10) 3117 (iv) 4 titz -Ck1Th do 1c u
n-1T 12 Thrl -3-41-1TT (2) Th 31.1fin 7-11nr Th \'n9 4 )304 4-RT Mtn WI Thai CIRRI -94)
guy s .q rcir Term I
faac,14 g171 sEctTh4 91c,q Trerl't q ueiLf ft qfftg-Faril
a g al Wffr 41-rJ-4.) fteff 344-t-tZ tic-414n c0441 -114
ttzw r J a2.1-r amt rd trt4 4421-ff 111 fThfi7 9110 I
UHT 2 Th €413- (() Th 09 q.4 1/,^ (iv) ft 41:Elfin 14.11e14 1-411(54
Thrl- 7-247;4 -n 24 '1/44 r1lc•Ef * i tlffil, 44n, )394) ,04 TIT 31 41 VT3-11 TIT
vrt War +Tar utarra g -ROO 014*
R z41 2-4c11. cN1 uz 3gr4
oiciu 41-a-m-1 nl W-{i^i Kct) Thffi zrr aff4- Tefraft fWarr d4 air gag
fur g, 4{4 Role-14 ‘3 , -r 4a-ithoT t-ICIVH (4)) Tfirni114
,1191VIcf Onfigfit Thfir WS9-111^-0-4 f cAIelu \i4N14cr aitt argi-R tc4-1osq c-n *31-1-RTR-
f42-j-n-24 3114414 %all a4 I

(5) URI 2 ...4(1 .^ 00 )1i 461-d- thvic,m): al fl-Erci 7*

31—fflfl tk e.bk -4 WWI 31-14-inITh Ni 111Vici 4 4-4-21 ani 61111-
n21-1 zl idcaic 1Thtz mnr cblg crtuLt *t -r\rift I
(4) MT 2 7Sfu-3- (() 3 1 .4 u.^ (10) nV-1:1 (iv) 4 4ferfin fa641c14fi
1t0-41. 91-071c1c11 4 4 Th4 94{4-4424 3-1-1144 ThEdfiThfit
cr-a-zr caLi ;face mmt 7RaftI
(6) (T) *N4g,r, fact-11w 74-AVM a, 6 Th uil 00)N, f th'174,
cau2 aziPa, 6RTh ull '1‘14)K itur R47, ft—r9-4Tr
lu u21T-ff SI, (34-0740, tad7im , 4fiffi&Th- ftrarr 0211 fad210
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

sear II itur arPrzER erimz zit:Aft m-r

mser zrfffi*rr ffizrffi mar 3rffiti--49T M. 414 cf14 19.4*
*am mkt U21T 3-g* €114- 9T4M -. Ricri-y irmr *anTrrft
terfrim *If M. fd-cflcr wen, t5-4 air ffitiftrir m-**Ir ;

(u) faree Ma l t *3T111-4- f4thci4 a2zr 3N-6-rzr-d-r crrwr f gozr

TT ■34(10 t9ti l Cfrarkt glRT 12 * .4 4.9 (1) * ("Tt (TT)* 3T41-4 OTT -rMTN-
"q-M-4 msr terformf S dla 1 A'r*ffiurwr g i •tf 317Wd Trar, 441
crizilaT t)■-r t cr-OPcr) 3T r Sinzrzr t mat wszTft 1 1 fi-r-4 9-fd-vra mar cr2zzr
fm-za mar R TI I-€14 41Ni T tif4V Met 71\ffi't am *Er Mi ug-z4t *;rfazKM mar
wer I from fM-ze cit cbc) 31:02iltr ac11 3Te4 SfedYIn -d-24 this*
f-4zfr arftrtqa*arzfrg- 4-4 mram'im-r azwr-zur -aN-r aziftwft *4c-Lfi g -r * GIN Si

(1) ‘316( Mti , T c 3T‘T - f4-416 ' f 1W ct,'J f Si. 1886 (1886 349 itraTi
MT 6)* 3TE49- w µ1 4-917 Ta 34-6-ea 4691 t, 46( f4. 1-4(CIR.90 Ctkll ^T4 f53f1 TA A IaWI

Rucizi) Ithf * 1,1 q1ufri l * f4 g rew, mar ar-rm-r 'W1 11 urNig:—

(m.) az-zzra-ra ZIT ti N ct, '14 30043,-;

(r) 3rrtra affrr'dar ; srawr

(*) 4-thir %if -4T zeTt5 g i4 g irl* St 39 air WPT try

(2) 3TairrM v1-14 4 .11 14 1-4-11 fMT-t 41c1M*uaxr ai

TrOT it WzrlArd 7'41-4171 Altt7uf Thl• ctir a24-r iii ui (Dicic
a2zr m'r 441 TL-49-r * ss tho itra* wrrizr—zr aztfm
4) (II I

ir fg4 ThsKg Rcr affiffir WW1* -11fu- *4 grR-PiT mar n'tf

3.1*1- I
ffrftr *r zrr-4 mat terr I
tIWT 15
,i6f Itzfr 611e1M 4))
(2) affiltr*Trzffriltt *t yks-r
1t111 wear t 461 46 ids 1614- * 7/19' e rr 3TtirT4 arse
-42.4 3.T4e fdxla crffirtrr
mar .961zror 3itzR19' TT cwt .) W51 0 4 11 I

11_ it-r mar fficrierzlI %err * TfitZFE t aTff u9Rwr 1/4,1vir fs-er ftur si mum!
af-r ftrar-r limy* ail au:A a qr Iffittim z0 &iv r a ciT 6) 4 41 Trg
341-ur f*azicb crfi giew EN mar wit MI-thell4 f*-**ta*crarffmr wcrrfi
24R 3TPT ffifee 3Ta T *ta* . 161*17r-er tat wcr*ml. Tr 7r4irr

12. (1) 6-4 ffiTT91- rn IfTVii tHcPi4 TIT 7QTT4(4 uactre* alzl wrfera., fdurciw m1
-R*-rftrffiea zrr f*I0Frrtfrq ft ffieg ew f uc ffisiieru T*Iffizrzil* 9I-Ic1I I
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

CIWIT (1) .1 411ii Th°134-et* .44-itafr aff-trti t 3470

fafkfftz 3frt 41-9m-I* gi-Tr af-juirf^+- 9-11 ?TT 31-4247
M .T4 cr-51:1-2_4 Ti t 312Tfq-

(T) tlifl198Thf tf ie l g t u r 3TffifiTTP1 1860 (1860 MT 21) *

?W1-4zd e11-4cit Tfr tb-4 Tir 4d15Cfl, Trr .4ReRr
^9111 nITIT 1882 (1882 MT 2) M. 3TtiR TifT4d-
MITIt Mtffi2111 1956 (1956 MT 11) * 3TE119-MTWM
-TRT ti Talc c1 Theilc19 tl %lido mrfcfroir 1'4444
3T11-9 f4f41 . 31-17Rul c091;

(T) EI lei LT tfi^41TNT seo-R-nftrn af7 -zi4 3rm-tr t;

('T) Raid* 479zrr 3fl1 . 1k r1 .11q Tri ftur 3flt zits-rF
Thm-re Li) uf f -crzn-rr -4 eiN wld g;
(g) McTie-fT, Zr ,TT ,T(t)I ,T t-r •-21-74=r4 1-T1341Mct r+74
affr-t-rtr grw frefur cr, 4 * fw qcr-&-etT t;
frIc.yr wrzr—wrq 'TR 3tTq 911-1911 CI-T7 cftc1i
t ttF1 aferarr m! ilI 3N Tug tHcIM 7q-rtzr ulflt tur
t tR434-Ta-.4 TI3ITIFF9. ch , c) g 91-9c11Mi
M fluid, 34-19T6TqTii*T4d cr,4 T.11eR1
9 M
cbizict) u i -4 m-f4/11 t) 7 v) ,) a 7rtr f u-riq
(4) tIRT 25 -4 7 2TT f4f4f& Lti 3TWITT 3TTT1VM 31-1-4U

(w) 14.1[014 11-a TIO OJT cr,wr t 34-3-rwitr

cut-RT7 cI'lIclI *1
SIM-14 1 ATi EatfulT LITT 5 M -9- 9- MITT ft9#
* '+}Wf F firer 3rf4-t-rft 7-43Trwor ,i1iri4)01
44) &Tutu* tn4 Tl f-r Tr6-w Breit
3TM-wit .94tel* \1/4)1.1 tai tau 311t1M1t 721T JP-1 11 -91 z4 ffiLl /91
ErrE1-4, fzR4-4 Th-ErreRT f3QTV g, vrritrF 0 41 I Tiffilt 1 R4 cytq.
7-21-a-g t M --tefur w3-T ft T-cro: th-lsruir ter wftr W zl JTIT-r W Ttr-ff 34 MTT TT (1)
*in tr-r19 1-IT U211 4TT9MTT2.11. 371 M) cr,4* f^ g v-€cr 1 4 4iir cp,«'r t
(4) \i l-P q 4 (3) 4 flittz f43lau-r Mtaur ft:nt
for * cr-er i7-rci-Tt aft fdtici I vl it -Ids?, 7Ed-1
31-Tt-cf l-1N .114 w fMtarar S4 It ti f antr*Iird- therr
firoLf arcR P ict, (crs-rm-ff)/#E1-4Tr fadzlgn (mzutF)ifi--e 4-11 .-=4 'sr-4-H- 4)
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

Wet H'
■.ILPtiq (1) T1 of aft Tit
3 t1 T %aft 3iffrt-t 37417 c1)4) 31TeT*Iiltlfrit
in-R 9110 0.2TT ltir fft1W1 31 fu rl, 2013 .^f TO WA. *11144 V-417
cfro)-*Feic *-4-6'Sf4teiTrf tq ftaiT aiRr-t-rt ar-glET \9<rtir

tk chl TIT In ATibM7 01- Yltr WiftM, 3fIfir&TOM zTT

e tkirrii117 VIc14 ftr- Ai i 14104 f3T-t't ,P-ritr9( i f4a9t *9-r-t-KS
ll t Ict1i TrW- 31t0T VILT (wok * •ugint \i4N4 (1) -4
ifrMRec 411 .151U2if rftfOrtz ratiT trftfttz ^ ffiffiftz uvr wg-9*
TirdTh-t M-1 110 c.0 4 0 Z r citcnt1t1':0 Tiftlit.39N fi (3) 1); Trtu ftqfttz

ffitaur m-7iff HI d BV 1- L1 44 * Ti f11 '14 34Wt *

#1-d7 UCT f4n# (4) 4 TRIT -41911714644PM gbdr‘r iid 1-11-
4-1c11* it-4U ti f4ctif fzif
13. (1) 1-a-r Ittf'd-- tar 3T14-t-rt Rr:crturr irr 12+7:11 wff4fft Arc?( fth--4
ftErr-6-4 m`t
Trr4r-dT aly
314-70-4-4 kelW rthR u114 cllc4 Th-Rit zi6 Th7110 cN •If cbkof V.Ncra
fa TH ii*3T0 119 HINCII 1141 1 11 Thsirwr 9 f l lit t GIH 14,c ‘414 fMttvrdi
t zn f+-zrr t zrr 3T fl 124-Ntz 41 .-14sI at7 9T9-0
c t l t,c71 4g. 1-1--1 R.q cf tit 4 q'i4
ftl cbt .) T1 3ifi4'
1-4fiew 1441-1 cbt=1M1 '4101* icM4 i a1 fete
c) ted-RT 71qf o(ii attTgEtril fart *41--t7 *Li ter
i c l .11 ;
(W) 41t trIR ‘yib)- 4-r 121-ird titRug
T1111?-17-9-4 9

tLitccicbroi crrl?T 9 61't $t g za 4 12 -Fr cp Bran

aiRr-t-rt .31-ivcr -11441-4-,tr mbr vu4 tr
t lad J14 ttflit4TI-C-Pft The't TrItrth gio
Mtarur ctwir ticbcg
(0 fterrg-q 1 ;
'<b4 TRaTT-1 ;
'ii'i titlit crft19fr-i ;
(iv) twbi ;rfaf4(-2
untf Thct 'T\Trff Wall TITRTM ail wIYf tco4
zir 1 arutfil t f arcr-14t ftitbiRxr a 2T aPT-41 itt81 Mr 41-12-6- then
of It cb) 9RT*4t97 urgff m-trft
(4) 1-Mr T ftrall 3itm-rt anal fotr uft* TrraT 31-141 m`i
124434 faxicb m--14----Trr
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

1=4awm f414-44,M EH< ftur 41-14-mit ffc4-JMi

4rft4 tffi 34 4dic14 ft434 m`4 31414 M tchcs4 41-4cir 410 (4 ,4 4r
31-R:141 M- 17 3Tft Mrita (O W I

1-4aY1(b, 3-4 1=4411- (2) 47-

44-ff 3TTM4T S 3114-R trt 31441 1-0t-4
ffi4-{44 S 4Thi T f f4m fteTT arftrm-rt 3if44 4,
4-3- i Thu citf 41 9-4A1- -eft * t.1Ha1 mT 3TZRT 9 CH fM-7 fir
41-24or ml 9cw crivtr -i glizfr WNW!
(4) is-FT 14-rd-M 9MTT Sift, gfe 1411R7 an Yr Wr 3114
f*L114 .-rT33-M't grft M 14434 S m4nr
(s) 41-Q-101 4)))1 TT 311kM1 ‘311N4 t&P-44rm 44 34 (1)N 4 N-
Off 7211 3IRT-754RIMIa11104‘144-th 41-L141 urn fdwcia * 4-T 4 cnl 41 Of
ftzrr g, thf4f4Tz
id uFc 4 gam. 14. (1) 54 ffl-444 M SITTAT ifit1 M 4c R- 31-444 31-14MTR4T M144-d-R-
TiftP-aR #R-w-d-r
fl51401 4M144c)14 ^1 -r4- 434m laUcii4 94) fweiLr 44 i7if zm 46.1
424 4T4-m 4144 4IC 79-4-64 fm-4-r faueRr c444-Tiffur ft-R4,
cuq, 'trig 1?t in4-r& fM--241- 1 N1 t) min H6 ■i Lli4L14 (4) 4 TRH
3q 4-14-ff t141914) tratg M4 84 (1)) TI-4714 n Turd-4 tt
TN g:—
(i) 1z4TC4-074- Si ‘el c41 001-300 (1)-12 tiara ,
St tH.541 301-500 d eb-16 ti a ,K1 ,
(HO ti WI 501 711- 344-M-20 .(1C)(-4
1-441c14 7444 T#41^a-flt4 tH-541 MT Tr-4-T07 9 7l 4774
* 41c11—frffr3tr 4-r 34-3&mt 4 34 6141 I -P.irc.14 4 Lid * 4-F4r—tiff 4724
NTh4T44r1 aR lv.) w4r tiff? G4 M 1 nE71174 M-15C-04.
TT crPtocr4 few 'gT3r teircitr trItR fm-4-r 91N91 I Tficir ftr-dr uPir 311*-14-M
14s4c)14 M fo4 trmareff4g •-fritp4-11Z-r 7 mi 44144 ,4 f^+-an
,IN4r I FM-44 TirHck 144T4 M4 474 4 3rtrftrur arfOmuft/ 4Th-dm %aft
aitm-rqr msritFr 424 or q 41-f-dm fThiwr 3444i134 ml TIPT M 34747
em-ar 91N411
sllrla -4-4N-4- tillft q )1-14 .e4 tr ysLir MT Yl g-9- 1-H 9Ri YI4
1) 4--IWZg cr c41k44'r 34 61 H1, ar2if4,.—
(() (4 olc 4r VI'{ cf-T44, R-Pilt1, *
344-3R4 34 \t—fd-6r4 )tiara ,
(33) f4 c1Ic44M 3It44FEM4 *It Vt)-1=d-8T1tiara, Ulti ch1 fl1I Yas
1411c)14 3TafT4M4 Ei It1 f+-zrr ,
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(TO • -QTr#177 ftred-cl Trr q uimer t t14t=4,

-14)r fdikswr Trf trIt theit—ft d-raTI/tReim-t t-Tr

eimer cr4q# 116-1 # 140N-I u1? '14 ,1-41 Ritarg

Wi1e1 44ITTeT 3T[Affi 42„crr tr tk-s m Tr 41, 4-1 N4) tl4.4-14
argilta Rut wit TTRra sliir I fotg ar* tsieT
cbA Rk 4)A JIIelf err fg cli faelicio ;r4er9. Tifi=tft -1541f`vier ?MITT Ait
Tr5- 4'tr zufT2r&
faend cr4u9- Tifiklt 3TVThT fl41-cm mt#1c72TT WITETRY
HMI-troy t 5Thr I fawei q Zr-5-€04 aTeTitur-Trfaelicier
Zr *JO t, cl6E qNv-3i -1-elle-N4 w4e1-9 Tra-9
t4‘1-4 ,14 1-I 44 6 IT I
(e) E11r14 Atli eRiI? 110 41 M# t' 4) 1i 1;4/ 4114 3ET41 ka'T *Pi
''etr—d4 ulcb .gNit-6-4 * Th-für ffair it4z1 7i1P-a arftedft=M
ftc ukA 3fYz ■4 •14-II 4), ,41i1

(7) f4enev4 cm.79- TrfAlt, ETRT 21 mr't 3E1AM (2)* RAE13 (M) t (ET)
fr'H-fftz- m;:ezt aTedltrf crm7A 1-Tr*-1 TT *tI c• 71-T*A1#*
m-rdwit Tad-z1TTwer t, r trra# -m-3Tfr,

A APIT 911 40 •4114 611c4 44)M 3TRIMTRT M3TreT tr

‘11 ,4 44)N., 72TT4T4 ETTfTm771, facli ci #10I-S4-11 3117 Tt7UM*
Mdall #1148c4 11 S 34W-ET317i mat 79711ETT77 tHei
3417 .41■41 ,11c114) \1/409 Tra4)-5 ;
(w) eiTT 24 31413 (() &TR 3) 324T tilt 28 MTT 4)1 11 -411
3rItT4d. 44 ,01 ;
(Ti) * ,4141c4M1 .1 4 t ,d-11 44) •4•111 3TEATE1m1 ER ETRT 27 A 1'4-11z
m-4-4 it Th—tlfe tfiw1 Tr # skit wit;
(ET) 1.411(10# 3TRT-11T3134* 74.1r Nraml -11 1114)-1 3th 1=4-4-d7
-11f3-24'th tf4'07 Mtlf ;
3rd ft f4f8* aft Trr9-1 4T1w#N 7-€A aR
41e144M3armTRI t felt Tic4-4 4), Mt ,<T4
mirAct, aft' zwMcb E(01'1 5 44)1' f+7 ,41 .) 3117
URI 3 met 3ERTNT (2) 34T-1R ct,C1 LI *0111144
c 41 7flf llifOcbeff Z 1 ‘511 ,1401# c11 ,11 ;
ci44ET T
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(SS) 311 -477-14)(113t MT WM -1 1111, c.-113th UNT 4*

1/43 314 q1 l'44-r-ir \
(t) 14 VR4T-Ici13131 . 4m) 4,114r1r-r 3Nrcrqi \3,441
Th`r .RP
- 1-13P ffr 11-11 4,a4r aft7 Arai 9To- 3•Trn ITFI
a-1 art T-4 cm•1 mlTr4fR44-a ,
(w) fti-rF74 4Q44 -u*'41--A*4-,k41-,N4 mat 4o-4 mr ,
(N) fasire“, mIThr 44:4i41 at 4 mi a 4-€7 chin me 1r ,

(Z) 7-N chk guar altd Tr4 44 34-4 q44

Te 3Tftr4774*3TEti9- 3174 ThTsz;1 ml f44-w4 *1^ gidciiclu

vgE74- tf4ffi g ,?r vrTr f erivrft IFT313 €114 TGT f=-4-tcr
a4 Derr m'r 44c41

\3 3111 4 1 (6) LTD3 (aT) aria 34-1'4-4-4 (7) 4 fkfttz1 m1

id aiMW 4444 tftrit 3-4,77ar4/\34r229Ra 3M 44R,4-(4 gar 63-11ETftd - f+-74 u'iN 4 1 347
\3a4 Nf d41 lm Tff mR 341-1 4 tt ,zarqr4 4-01401 a,1-i zr-d--e4 cf),flW1
kr113 1 1

faukT4 n-4,74 15. (i) ff-w,77 4-4E1-4 -414Iti 3 H %114ad <$, 1Th a-r4 340MR:4i M 34a9-
ii/ N I - eth 4 1ö-f e+-41 .4 1 LI1 t,
• Tr ‘3' <PI TT4r adtmzt i613 J-thirk4
1^4-t-r-4 Harzm'aifr

f-4.40-H4 fTht-H1 4tfrq c 41fitT

wq-th-cm-mq eitrr

fa4-oir Ich-rar 41,4•r 4 c-E0 61 - -

(m )u m ad me lar7 r VW], M ;

M 31TC-41
t rifq art c t 3T-nfr
alurrurcb-1, ftlaT4 3P39-4 tci 3TEZ119• ft trz1 3M
304m1Tha-4, aTuirm, zufkc-4 t, 4 7Rczn- mnr 341a4 !-4- 44 -47r
3444 t 4,3R Ott ,

(Tr) 4-R-ttz d2.4 ffif4f& u I Th4f4e& flr-'44 414 at.1

4Th• fir t 4-Rmte,m, (114 44 44 3T-414
\-34+a, met 41ffi74 30e1T ,
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(9) 3,99 (r) 3& (7T)* 94 ST 3419 -&-ER

c iThAt9 31-147W-dT, iTh7C-T 31-- 4-U URI 4 14 M-19fflz
1s19 9-ffrer9 tfdtTT, f^4:71 14144Th-14,1 9-fft fl
-ir-ds1/9-riksTan ts9-rtr athrd-zir r S 31919 1)c1ioLr
3-th4ac4l m19 cri ,) RW ctq 31-D-1399 f9--4t9
ai-daft 1l YT fir t

I411d g MTIT1 /1177 t 1 iei T CM.Vq- Tif4f 3TuRIRIR-zraT

3t11 t LA ■YIT gkf att7 6 1r 3111ThAiE1 11:1R ifstrr
tor t, Sr eA- f-dr Tins tar 3rf4s 31 -rrrw9 t
9%9 Sr -q-Rall

uoitr 1ts1-9 RlIt79T Az1R 0 ,0 TT ClitTaPTT MIT \91.79A. T

MAT * 71-4- 11 cNul gERT * 9R-Fre
far 1/4i1Nn1

fTt) TAMTid sile1U 31u1FET T 1 T f6R 19->t 61 .1f 3reaI1

16. (1)

4Ic4 aff4t1T f^g-C td-drf 31-6-d1V W)Trf ZINI 23 * 341 4-1 (1) *
zl taffors w--9 &flu-a Sr uilq

teifErrs 31-effN URT 2 T (()

1ThtZ nW<PRI * fW g1 1 \? our uI61 cofam er 3TuThqT) T
9-arsk 1r 9-N9-rfku 9er f rr 'NH cr6i tksH 91-9--ef f9-PH-Ftiz m1-411

3rarrcrs4d1 9t-efr tizu cicr coek 4-c, 7--4t

aarRilt9 i wt I

17. (1) TiNmiz 31t7IITT tl CPTI71 tffivrqI6 31-rd.ft99 cry< * f 1 3iga1\

f9ftz 34-r4dt If[
cfr ciN 4 11 i TRI 2 * R31:13- (() * 37-N (1), (ii) MIT (vi)
vid q. Tit 3T2IM45 71 * -C1R12# T t l-R1 17 * ■i t-f FITTR (2)
T 3TOR fegt i art-ar N-14199-Tr 9-R-9T z1 Ert9 94 St
34 19 * 11197 4-41 wr artd-R 3TN7 (091

(2) q-RT 2 * Uti3 (U) * 314-Nu3 MIT (iv) # fe& 1-441e1W

T 31EZITETT 71 3n T TIRT1T 611 1 uz 1 17 T au ffizT# (2) T
31E119. a fil 3T i 1,“zar iv..11eizf sr #91 arf9I'd-99S SIR-P9
t T13419 T 7TTM td-99349-rq 311'.1-9 *fC 3TariT 440
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

31 E41 c )m is. (i) P-'T41 ah -sral 4 f*a TATI•T ,TN-Trr, 3T24 1:—
if1, I
(s) ft11,1R J Cl*FITTnra cM 31u1-19M1 Th'1 9141W1;

( q) T 3-TUJP:14)J T-tRiR -1^4939; TRirSti

(T I) -taTITIEF 3Tu4FT4 -(t T,Prqi-q 10 ,6;f0 141

31.1-1-•W I

31 E 41 Rh g-HT 19. (1) MT 24 Th°1 ■i Lf MT (1) rflZTc—?41 Thel 3T-TITF9T M.TT UNT
3TEV41F4 f ,Frn 29 Ther 39 ffl-RT (2)* (Tri)Thi 34-4Eit c.t)•) ct) 41 1 31U1194) -44) IWO T41
ark 44-04
ftriRT4 1KtW Mf 074 t1111 91- UM 30 31-1 MT (2)14
faf4-I'& ftur fl.11111TPT 44 aTm-R 614vr

(2) 1-.TRT 24 Thd 1 UM (1) (<F) t (3).0 a TRzlt

alThN?r 3Tu-ITEr11'47ft-a- W119-1 TI i1 •<*f4-9-1 aafc1 FR T N f.T;Tf'dfiga tdciI
4) TIT 3T2.1j-cl

1i1te191 TTif q) 1 1)" 1-1TiT cl it ;

(€) Trrd:Tr4TTf PTr1II r 3i TIT-47wIT fa-t-RT, vItraTur TITTFIt a-2TT

W ei TU- if0-t-R1 11 71FT (-)91;

(-9) SifT . 3TWITW '..q1c1 I

( FT) ETTRT 4 gHT 9-21-13-1 -1 ft71 uf 911:taTuf .111

TC41:0-wr cr) ,Tr1E TTMT NTH,T, 1 TITTETT sYfe ci Tf ciTT)-T

qiwzr uTfr TgnTf Icrr Twr
3t1 gIRT -99?1 ÷c-N. 4t 9-0 WTI{ tl

91e14)* 1^ 7 1-1 ,09710101*'t99 4 -1-tf 4,1 a2rr Parm'Rr

wTTT--taTTFT\TTIT arf *.41c-H(4)1 f rT * fN arf4TrTra
9-rqvOsr TqT etc I

(u) 1/434,H1 f T1-0401e14, 11z4 171101 a-qT aTr4.#rer,

r4 T21T *fir cbitf Tiquf 34!"1 ! 1 t
Th q 91 I

aruinft-1 -1 20. tkc.bk 3TuFfTh1*1n N 710- ft4)Rld f nT U 1 -9111Tit 1 *II I

ftr-t-rwi cF1^1-ifrul
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

21. (1) LiloI ti zi tcqictv-1 CfrezfT 3TRIMI1M cfr&1 !Wi t( tatfor gar-et-17f
Oda( I
111 cM u f, —

(Ti) Viii aft 31Tg i tii q m q utur u- 3f11 arur

f tapir 3,ou1J) euR ct) ■ If ;

NO Ail' 3TV-ITT 16 Th crAd ct) 4 11 ;

(Tr) f417 war writ 314-zfre 14 ,“54 1•R

111 1 cb it-4m tzrR c0 4 ir ;

(E0 um 30 A9.
tITRT (2)* Liu1- rfq. Tr4T9' cfr<
fq ?Orr f4-4-zr taR fltir

e<cort irr xico sricni m-1 Z1Tvr Tru-r

3TR:1 mid

terT uiflcne u r P 1 ci 311TIN u1 Titkutid uiclu mar ffitthur

mar vrEur f3viirr 3th chloilcr *-rr
terliM ul(aem u f cticti c0 + 11 WaTT fadzim ffaIT 6 q i 41

Pan 414 twit Tpir P u la mom I

22. (1) Trted" itaiT * IT 6)4 M-111 1-11 u1 LI-gliffauT ZTT CR1Tff 34E2TTW siTrrurri srqm
U2TTI)cif 1411 4),(11 I
1 .<1 Trif ftell ly cot). * IV:t> 41Itf M IftUR. 1-11 •1-4> L11
fteiT 3rfiTWTt5r1i vrceTrie-Tftu fth-zrr

(2) \i41.4 41 4i (1) fiftz w1i u ic 11—

() 14 411Picf fanif vrlclr t i ETRT 29 i 31t thf4RTIZ 31P.449•*

W4-11. Ilictq s0 4-1M-) filici ct) ukr vr Th7 f err Trzfr f ,

(u) wicrt r f3T ti e r ai-POur 61■11 uur artzrzru*

fatu irk 7 red-r4W 5 a)-5 Z1 cot ST
zErFft 4t fie mar 7rTit ictr, Trreem 3rt13-4fr
tuck r.c-rr 2r, xAt, Rtal art%-ft 7rrikF
.11\ ir

23. !WOK T ?OA. S ANTIT *ET tITRI 31 $)314 WTI (1) ftEll. aart-R
ire Tcu1 ST 4r14 9rtirr wr artr-t-R r srftwur itai vr q,e,r
ffiffifttz wtrftI
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

fl utf ilc116cM 24. (1) te1I64)k LIRITC 311.741 at -61 q b TiTTZAt k Therm -

cftici cb-r ,16-1

ff alT Thai I (i) %all rofur 45rwrEhrft E rP-Ers 4,1 31.,TNT
GIRT 34 f ;

\r4 WITq trqq. , Pr&iir Nut 5ftiTP1T

f t7 411
t ^ arnzreT 61m ;

(n) fadxim, FrczrfkW Brett r4tiff *a\4-1 5 ;

(iv) Kivu uR z lWtir Mw- r, 5P La ir urP11 Piaui-04,1ra tre417,

trftErs E r-a7 tic to 61 4 11 ;

firms, TIP8T ?2.T fatt-ft1Torm, 6Rui u n 120117 col tra#

sr 5 If ;

fadxit,E5 ft&TT f4NT1 T E ff3=1-Ca 71-11

(vii) trq-4 6 d q l II id idu ItTUT urftqc ti True

61 4 1;

LiPtis*31- q=1 , qc1/1 TitftiV Pfau 3fYz krTir f <bpi

&r17 t 31-14T4 R--€1 . arc) WI R:11 t

1,1c1,k fir

cb# c a t cril q ise argna Irft r?1211f1w4-c, -2-1-[

rT441-nr ar414c-H-4 6'1 ,1 qrrR ;

g 4,4i co4i V-I4tqfatq 41( ft4TT

v•-r 417crc iRcn ar-1+r4CC.44 ql
t 51) tiftg ;

(TO M cb ftrur ar-1-q #1-s17 *im aI c

a-14cy llr # rwftir ;

co# trariT ftrffi*a1,r fo17 III arh

ci -Il q 51R0 31-17fq clIct oThr rft-q ;

(z) flt0 ThsT .9(0 itr74 q a t-Ttitt Tfia5-T eltf I

(2) trftErc ta--4' #1TR

fl61tRIT WI WIT 4) 4 11 I
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

TRITC* 4)N 611 ,f *tl al c16H*

I taa Mt9T f'914 uct,H t * Tit—
(I) 413trc t14-14 mi Pal .(n9 tt-6-m-@ft 3ItifeT
TriTE fl-TITfrm`i aTI TT um writ tam *
3T-R- gi r;
(1) Tritarc met tam ml 3ibliaTUT 3TVIS g it aR774t, Ufd It-ti
mN u i Z1 3TUrgi cr13zr9 1tam- 4 3c1R-P-Ta g 11 .4M u114 tIC
ZtiTafei *t GIT-TIETM cr)+111 1:1RITC mar
Tr u T I O tLft tree -rcr tft Uk Lo y . r ci; cbTr t m-4
149rt critzr9 ti5t4 3 1Tft-P-Id el

I TREIC *TiTC411 ikaWf

t t Th-qtrff atT1 ST4 MIR it-17
(() tic,ea 991d9 IT-Ear ct) ,I aR t t zi 94 mar
3T-4(4 11 3174 tfq Ilf

q Z ch)4 tilt , T9*9 t ar-9-frt t aff4m arTrmr g E mtRur

cO g r ;
•i<va m1 mcrrfetra 3T49 a-116H ZIT aTerPrifr * arrtrw t tar
tk cbk 3TItU gkr zrr fe •1 --(41lcT ur S
11C .1134 crth u r 37i* 1 t 6ci1T i T tItc11 t ;
ft3Trircrei En-RM IT7 ; zrr

494 cr) ,) 49-ret zur 9,14 u, ,)- T1 ale-Tcr 6 g Z ;

ftmcu f--cT TIT Zie&T9 ^241-11e14 9RT 4 ,6 cr-tRizifitn 4),(4

g Z , TIT

3V1-4 311f4 q tr 9m-R iTcrt ur ItzTT t f 9,99,r

99 1:R T :T 6 . 11 el)(1, f^89. -re ;
tam tftlf WT 3ERW.T*1= 7 tclit4 it-4T ; ZIT

(vi) 1ItT9 vrl?r itg trfercUR fit t

dchi 31Tiftaia

ut ft4t V-N ,t4 ^3t1 1 14 cict,

iit ,A6r cif f .3 , ‘-r Tmmrd m-r 991-mr 99F 4
ft-mr 4 I t41 e.;
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(r0 t,fZvr-c-fEnt * cbm cb 13f4Tr u-e-4't tivr,

TerfcbTT ur 31- 12.TT t i t, el 13ffivr 1/4341zoi• (2)
&VTR. I 1 33f4T1 4Pth §V 120 1z4"*r 3TT4T4*
7rvrft ;

trfOrc \r< 4 dle1, urr aft* fa-c

t-TT 3-#1 7t7 tkcnr,Fr
TT-47-4t*Tte..T T-N49 ,L kr wqr artzil*arT-in Trr-r tff
trkw Iffit l critcpscr)41•1 041

yt-t-rai1 25. uiti f4491* emi,* .uur-0.11 f+--01aRanzwr q i let crM

fp m .
-11 I
1,47r eth t a1 th ficir tp<cw i1 f4f4-1z fir 91N T ITT: I.4,T14)11=iuT4
3Tffili 91. I
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(titig q tyi 12)
3TRIMTi P 4-1 4{, 2011 cii 6 1-4
6 q l If f4:sj 1)7 3T T4 Gitet,
faVIeN S /91-10, 11-49

vrafkw fac11el4 Disci Thcilcia

.th-xf an
1T49 ffarr err tlaq t 1-m uqr ttR Tt-a*
1 'Ill'i
1=q• Ill i' Ifr

w iwr WO Tritu wz•li NF-Tr w T *1

2 W49
Ttl-wr 41-4-q Ttem licirr

vit 3TVW1 \ 4, Tel- crlt 3Turrig-1 ' ) a

3 'W i-KY-11
31-argf17 al 1cR LIcbdiTtiPt
4 4hIgle14 45i aT/ g-c-04
31tATT:1" 49./1-1173E

aitcR44bniltik •4
5 WItd 74 1T'crs'n (vii mil
eir kt)
ri ctli -ff2TT c,1 4 * crIct)) 74T crI zi • *
6 WffizT9
C 112-112T fd7 tra—T-TT.

31T4gfrdlTER 3114YLI4+c1I 1Pt

7 turf tgrq

TIK—t141t/G11,51. wit-Fr ,C)titi trafTr Syr/14

311-47Wd9WER 3114Rt14+c1IV1'
9 .ticichIcief
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)


(AT' Mzfil 12)

6f1 L11 II f4:71- atIN- aift414 wlci fteff ftZTPf, 2011 61,)
1.2,11-14ff 141104 lifff/Hi-fcb

w xr SLIP IRS fk i Thcilazr

=itstir fdtho
1 V RFRITed-ti- &-)-) 0.5 - 4).,5 R-e! 0.5 \<h.- (7-5S
■T-1- R5 *5")i) •!ANTRT4 -c5f-%
2 IS (ffitrur a.)9) 0.5 \ cl/ ‘(\ chef \ 5 ms (tctief
TA-1=1-4 544) tO-Ns5 W0q)
3 .H-4- Taff ifT\T -cis' R-.1T 1j-or Eft
Tii-tr Thrrr 'ff4i rithTr
5155 4-4N-W 7-1-55% liM-Til-Citf 455
(1.12 * 311-515c1 (1.12 5%
m-r 1-q ) 3w mr -cd-r-T) i
4 4 E -R — Tie'T bT :STWN (3Titl,V. 8827-1978 5% 432 itif MT 432 55 %.5
34-11111 Aft Pv.rrairl 4=1tb-Tf 12 -411` fif,a)

5 -air c-fiti mr ticwi cA "fl Ct 31n1Tilf loch

a a
6 44 4 cyf 4 '4 T1U4 . 8f of 143d
432 432 44f y
7 T<14h le14 432 4 4z 432 4+f tr

8 SI4I+IYI IMIlr 600 4 4 I 4;c 600 4 I-12,t

(f5-- T9/ Tiftriff/ 5Ki l) ci/ Th-T1TCRy3T-R4
TA 4 1 Yfi 0134 Tit a)
(c)cb ch

9 7-Tir3R 375 =of Er 375 5 1E5

10 i RT-f)- \10 11 ^ 317 (1/4,16f m-et di 1,.e) 270 44 MT 270 cI f f MT
11 Tindffl-14 Tiff C 4) cA 15%) 432 4 + f Er 432 g if Tot
12 N-g71.Ff/I, ‘T t 'ai- 600 4 + f 42 600 4 + 1 MT
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

13 T,154). 2-TT "c144) &1) * f'&7 ii2 TR7s19 432 44t 142,C. 432 4 V
(fart( 3T17Y t1 chd1al1 clIa 1W1*f^-c lci
(.1i CTh-li . ffittf CRTR.T9 Thl" nr
14 -c1H4141a 6 ¶ d;z8 6 V 4;-cil

15 cN11141 8%C 51- 8V 51

16 e11
ter cP er) 8 v ti131 8 Ln-az Wr

Ca tgut :—
SI-1-4) c!ITt al u2-# crwm *1"6-R c‘mkk EMIT! TZvS1bthvott
1-e/11-8.9 7T4r. Va chN u ll 7.4 lit .eclAccl 31:4ff
1011 ,4-77, 31 .11TEeTT WIT0T- 119 2T2TT 311t9- TP1171-1fl 1-1P1 31R1-\FT
'0311-ft trercd# M 3T-vT tR-Iu r3r 7r-4t ?FRI
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

[tc&V ag 2 Oin
fi t, aff

cr,s c.r.Pb Lri

m-LT4 wr))-7—ik AI Yom— fle1 c1K—ate ZIT eiur 72ir

Tr-t-- (i) ,-41 ,11,-r
fiTUF— tleNN—ate -SCFCCT ZIT C14
UP-TT 4bd ch 71

1ff, Tril lit N-r '3"-', nil at mnr -Tif (Tit)

Tfl (Tit)

a 4R/-q *, 'Icy met CI ITO419. t, 'leTh1 i , LIS T-11 8q, Itt

r, 4I
mrdlr7 ,-01 4I r7 LI, 1

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)
Iftlf I
nVicief 41 111^z4c11 UCH" ct) ,Z-1 4: I1ifulT—n-31T4C9.
Of&V /t ff/i 12 (I)]

fir #1-1 Ita4 ailtrwitr,
(6 gm°


5kr f'4:71- aft aTfl4r4 Wlc1 itarr Tr 3TRWR 3T1T M, 2009 tr

Thfiez tr(41-1 4r-;m-1 t ar-Trra-4* Tr-4ET N g, E4404

wr ru g) art 44 20 Cl e14 111-0-101 W417

ch .< fflt4 cff-t-4 4 34444 44144 tent/ m-cd1

- ti

Wiff : trea .41trit 55T aTuraT/4474--

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

W. ThF11c14 * szin
1 1411(14 4)1 9 TTT
2 t-WT tl
3 f-a-r
4 Slch ITifi

5 1111I/3re
6 c-16\inci
7 ch,g
8t cil •I-TrEf
Tif0 9R•
10 t—ki moi, 11Z cr,1 er
11 f;cbdcl rgii 2.INT
N. twiEZ I ilFIT
1 wrcr9T Tt
2 rit--4t vR f4€Aicritr .G-6-4 mr3r fat-
3 "LIN-7 tn•dl*a/cr--0-•A-- 700-
TT ripi
4 4171 • rr-fr/ti * /v-17 tin itAtTu t
5 cam. amffi, 1fr cm, TTti /tiltiler/AT-,ERTi
•RTIiilt wr 1i,,11, u[ reFrp:r t
6 0 *411+c4 cNi -41 4/ ,di /CRWff • ifklt *
;wt m-r vol rrati t, ‘,11 VicraT- 1:1 •RT-S
14-,E "au 39Th̀1 T41 gm Ted- t1
7 favimet * q--04-/3Tare/ tr< ri wr -rrr
wr-emaRT trifr
171.ThEf (cnie-leE4)
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

8 ftros (MT otri $ qUi-r th,(4 sr S sr airRrwr/th

Wt 3 cyLI 3TTRTM4/04it

9 LI -fq lilt tNctth ZIT WT 3T-44 TOTE

MW CI Lf M ch 4 if in itt
wth-R tr , e Ncovr tr # t1
Tr. fdthMU air eater 3r1t ath
1 ftrau wr Trrtini
2 %M # fith-er (;thr S arr warrq a '
3 LI I. < '(18ificir n t, al 3Tft1M7uT MT 971 3117
8 Licir M 11k zicr
4 +IR. t1WQI t1 4-11 .-LI 1511 1 c1 t
5 til-Z- e, th- fth-Tr srrlr-th-rft gm
6 ?TIT ue,rfr wr aff19T Erfi wr .8-8-9- t TIT 8-t
fthirc W .144ff ik th-P4 cr, ,w t?
7 crtif 1411(1 t1 * 1-1149' 71 311w:1 tit-ci1311' ZIT Thc311

7QTal wr -frf!)-fr th4R4 -tau a thtsw fthth-r-ii W

;rfrt- * 1c fth-frr vT TOT t
8 i4.11 QM MT c4;(4 ek-wh- ed

9 1-48erfr wr fiatn- 8.)-

A. iimitrm farra
cover 31-T-T1TT7 # tIC,Z11 italftt Mbi cszir
2 1 Tk v

3 VI tr VIII
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

u. am:IT-4m t a4 aitT taro 1 Tr4Eft -trurq

-TCT ti t4lf AThd 3fra

1 el.T

2 *1(4 c•14 te-T—i6-14377

-t-ei--ti6—warmt a

3 Titit-66—li3H

. 3IRT RI t11(

1 7zIT Tit crtittrrat of ttireo crrtT t

2 3T EEF tld RIFt (Tit tic mi) •

3 e14),S 3.417 ti ‘it-et (Tit flei -I 4) .) •

4 lAtc-101c,1 14 lac c -1 Th, Tint

is (gwt1 Si titqii)

5 eIRM& TSW-9T311 'Wttf 3N tN_.wr

6 ,-4-49 I ,(140t 'TT

() Y -41M q ath TVEd111 Thar fltqlf

NTt1 * -fR 'Pt VE6M/3ri‘ 1 Thi2r


Eii4434 * fn K v-r6t/ti >)t;T

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

S. 3parm9 m-rfili .0- MI 1 (

a- m-r 9-m fkm/ Erff zrritrt ,4-9 leaft

W -911i (3)

/ITT 31 or iteffim 31--gum nd 3r-19-9-

(4) (6)

?Veer met urf -9-ftrud- zrr 311;rfitrru-a
triqt 1 mur
(7) (8) (9)

14 tf)
2 ARAM 3P lire-TIMM 4 ri • ii 316TIPT9 (SIAM 3T6111' * VP TIM t

alarm- mr i litr-mpara zrrtr-4r 1/44-9 fa-f

(1) MT 9PI (3)
ti- 3i cir lcc M 3Trifig 3Taffcr9 ter 3T-194
• (6)
• (4) (5)

tifili ,I4merr 1= 1-f49- met 9rtmi- 9ftfm-9- in arsrlt-W9

(7) (8) (9)
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

3 WM- 34u1TIT

3TulTur 4)1 -H I{ itov Erfo- Tn. Li-A . fa-10'

(1) Cl,! 'iii
(2) (3)

-*Wm- argt-r 41^-ff- aig-d-N 3T -T t rpm-

(4) (5) (6) •

Tilt Tr ffi fir mni NtTr cftrf'uff irr aTa

() (8) (9)

. Irrazir441 Ai trrqq,:bq
1 cr-r- .. e-fr 14 afurqr- q tirditrqzrf ah Ludzwi * -a:0 (Taff
31Td 04)
2 i11 * f40-N u r aR Er-4th
3 4-4r Itara-4 * ft-arfOzil t Taff afra cfcb mt t4 trtur .=r
mnr 34th mli-fr-dt P

10-3 Ici 1511 ui ldr f rd-C-4 I ei *‘ R1T2T i T 9-14# .Z.1-c4 -11 WTI-A
3TJZ -curft-r u r •(" 11 # 71'1 'iira cr÷cr met g
crffrPit f+-Err 91101 f Tfra trrruwitt stif42 cr ft-Rir ait-ch-Ct gr# f iui T ml
ft 1ft iVrefai four wi •-i ch ar tr
mmiPicr r+--Err unurr g id weizi t f I ‘‘ti PL#8 311: WU
WRI--Ti071uz f tf fterr 3ff4mrt J T ar clf t11- ;4114,01 z•rr
f 0tram 9TaTT 31 -10ThTT1 cb) 311,Yr1 mR 3371-0-9T (1)91, 9I-001 Thn1 Tal
•tic10 35-01d - -ff 1 •qW3tici fcAleig 4,14m 4i mitpt cp)
-rtt ffii'
;Fflfifff four \JIM f iii 31-1:4#474-# ‘(19cf 1-11(-1•7
TW1 f 411"-d %au airv-t-rt .Tur trA-T uif^mi gr g-R-r cr10--7 f aïft-t-rt
-1-fte-Tur M f it N f4lici zT fiTim# Ti9-#F# STRI - t cOnr,
tN TIT z24T-4izr fkm-p4 zrf m-sr zrurft-P•Ted- dcbr crt
ard-rail r fk-4-gq-cne 1 * -f^ g arr-ar-
TiTr2f .q-9T4

iWT9- : Tiftt MJ 3TtzraT/4-9-
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

Th4M- II

ta&V /MIN 12 (4)1

fla4rm, 9TE-1T 6 zri u ir M-1 9)Ei d


Fif: ath 3A4I4 4104+ 1411 MT 3TREMT7 atfitiftzffr, 2009 MI ITTVT

• 18 WIL4 1 .* fag fif: xtet GEf7 31ft4T4 4Ta . P4TE1T MT 3TRIMW
Th q .r, 2011 M.rA zef 12 •E (4) 311=1Tff Thellc141
411-4 CITIPT-1- I
NTT* f 1dWQ1 L1
3TO-47 3117 5€ Tr4ET 1-12T
31; A (1431(14 wr #r cr, KTO- Tretu)
Z I Y-41 ,c1d1 trr4R/f4fterur *
f zT fdf m cfl 1q4 sr switf s
04) aTte'-# 7-4-m cN ,'r aor/acil , I

3 11 .< r 31ylit f#1 11:kftM Mt 1Mq wl 3itirciN t:-

•-ir-en-rr Recip<ulla t 3417 wr# ft-t LI # merr 347 t Liztriq
411-Liditri4q# ml 4fsirdf 17V1*-U 1
T 3TW417 3TRP TITS 2009 3117 f#:-7d 3117
2 raweE1 1:4: -41 - 3117 3fIt4Tit 41c1M ftEiT
3#'4#17i Wei 9T511 348017 f4tIli, 2011 ST 410 .11 tn^ + lr I
3slIcI4 mart -) (Trr T124T13-241t, t cur2lfAw Mall A), 3t1 werr wati- met \t-itc•zrr
crfatrm cit 3Trii—t1r m-Tutt-i• 4 , 11 3ft-4 attitfi w-r
q w--6-mt 4,1
f4:71-af17 3###T4 TrIMM ft5iT 'ti t L VI I (-14)
VT471 CT-417 4-) 1 11 3117
VT t

Warci 9r<11 4 11 :
yR V grziftrw wefrat TrFrt # aft *tr Hi-rt MT 3fa7i7 uf itzfr WIC+Ir I

3 # nitZ NTaMT * fc t, q c.11el Lf 4;1 TNT 12 Th°1 311RT (2) 37011 alTeR
te v 14,1(14 112/0t 1 R3fIdT
gee. ftzET un to' I ##T 14P LO LIt 1041 co ,M
#T WIN wr € 4,15 u 1 cr,trr 3117 FM-41"r €410ct) Zir flictr—ftrat
5tlIrI zt it7#
ch) f tatt (fterffti) ezrr 3Tu1tft9- re. 4•)4111
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)
6 fthMT1 f T11 4R-14, X1 1 chi T4-11 614 * 444 u r i f I COT, CR\RT
ltftftsz 1^4- TRU 31-44 4sirt T.1161 q?-11 th" ‘3 +HT 4 r+-41- ‘FIN + 11 d21T
virrRi ZII cm , pT 7Q-Trff Al .394 t fz-ft arrvaR ue f4#-q 9-ei fth-zzr 1/4,9411
7 id ulMU i s-91-Z,09cr zifkftqff —
(i) srktir ft-cr TFC ffith-741 qtr 410-14, 4&<61 l ffitlazi 3-ff-tnf iterr ter
6 4) im+-14t a•TT3711484H 1 14) 1 11 zrr i'1 1-4.41(44 • 1‘,4,1Ricr
cr, II;
(u) f ft zft 9m4, c..9 ZIT zrr9-It-T \ickil 3(urrirq fth-zrr
\ik II;
41-PdT Paffr rk-'41X11 a f+-Rft ft q I Mt z1 1 4r4 ur .u-494 4,4 mi
tid- %UT 1 01 c.N4 41(4 11-41(14)/8A48 i411149 22 * 3T 1 H
3ItfThtU 10-11u1-1flA fth-zrr
(v) azitiftr# ucr-4az a(-1-€R 1^4:71471c11 4-k-c-r/ffitcr 31-r-474w-waft 41 11^4-aa44
citzr r-zrr
3(zzurc 1 m't Th`1 TNT 23 (1) 3104q1 1:121T 33.11-tjtfU W11
az-earaft3TraT rd^t zrz L 3-t17 f i fc1 ,99 *.4-r
azruPPTH curt# alearq t, . zrr cbil 3(04 7-1r-d7 94't
R1-9--d^ srearR 3114-d1 4)441;
31afT1311W4-81T1 a1aTT4T 24 (1) * 310491 r41=411RTe 311144 4)ccic44 it 141-6-91
4 g ar t1; 3fr1R1
(viii) 3TEIFiclTh1144 414 r+-414 f^4A4 3TUITER 4141d1-4 14fault icr Ter 4, ;
8 W 44 tz9ferr Tildzi-cmf arrqR 41d, 244) ,-r iN Locm
9 Rcodzr cp) EMT 19 zp.9- reta, fdulMU 311-6-&-/ ttql314 -94-9
f4trazff zz--11"6-a ct)4111
wc, 4 az10-ftzr# m`t NKr 19 # z12zr Th-f4ffire f JIM4 1 aar tAzoi 4, 4-9-rR
* f arfazi f4tranTr *791924 Mt crtitcifq
tocizr gRi ti etT:h-M c f4fit-d.

The 3T- 181-& fir za)7ch&

'wzyralt mr fl.c,q41
TC-0111tzETEW \LW. --4b124 (14---.66 -1-1317PTH

41c14, of 6111-C1443ft t12.1 T41(14

(vi) ddfttri
11ARYANA GOVT. GAL (EXTRA.), JUNE 3, 2011 527
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

3Tzru--9- 1 ft Trm-r8 *
mtrre8-8 zr-0
(ix) 3TUINT zr-44 Tr- Tilt/Mr4T
- eiv akit<hApito< p iei zT mcr zEra-carifil
t ck [sold me-1K
11 qffiTt l711 7 z1T Wki* AT-87 q vidzi *
9t 7Tsrifr I
fasIld4 11-491 Tif tit*i -11311 m-r srth-Tr ccier fatrzir 3t $1-7TF ffim-re
12 3Tw

M wilyk Lir1
31tfrff traT7 Wit!
13 fdlel tatq a .( 1- ct,‘-r 3n, 1860 (1860 75T 21)
307 1-z-fr Act, Wlti gki
rif si g kr TIT at-4190 ITV Wet fafir
ter t 1
qfgR a-Rit gkr
14 141104 **Urraff met W1 tris 3rm-T38-8 alt[ ti ll au mcr I-11
l . 3iTER l lit 1ZJ w1.)
SIBTfaffi it-4T u11 .11 ftk UP-TT a ART itglu f ffi F1)
ftreTT Sit mt 1).1)
mre8-v -Aurr 1'48R-or met iw crlt c-=w iM cif
,ffirft Tritc
31TedT tItszlIch t1 vim w-4
15 3117-3 1411r10
C 5IN tHs2 -114) `b11
ei tf Wig
T49r R-mu crrmr t t11I4-iicrn ER tedTh Breit
16 id ler z r l t d It4t8
31IR• tk4)vi/WIT-4Rr1014ruf
ThaTcbtraTT TraW fteiT 3TfOThlt gki 31Eraff
tiocr m'r TP-Nz
ttt aree Th-r Eri-gff 9rmr.t, •* 4-11-wr RI4th sm1 *
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18 zrfaz ul * 3171-R zi-RT TA ,eidirr mnr Watt I


Trzi-wr i I ICtI (siTithi/am faxicr, uzim4)

4 it, (.14 PaTcp zrdm Brett, eR4rvar
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

61k445 tftrr u-t-Lr
tWeiv Pern e (5)1
(45) ktiotia n8 ,414 *it*. miff. fkir, 1/4n-44 rai criTrur 34v1T, rrTh--01 W-Htt
ct oftra urdi warm;
(der) ilmr-Murtu **Rts zst wilt welt &win;
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4r4-45- mri

(F) *OW *tam zai$

t/E; S
0.0 raw Ziff zRfRIR WE;
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arri rit
(*) zrit n-44 tAtta urf r $t 4-4T4 sftwft-dr et Tit *, tfft wirrfir
75.7-4, non ma.
(T) szir maw istota zpi CTS**Nu * 1a t (Pxtr 2(1)(v) trzrr tifteff
*IT* zrf *at *wow *) twf *1) t
(sr) twe warr ?tot fir, zi*rd sus cm* MIT 31,14ffrdT * thrift Thritt Vaortg
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coivci W-TH Trf^ -q,
sPzfl u il tk<bi ,c ftraTr thwr
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]

The 3rd June, 2011
No: S.O. 49 /C.A.35/2009/S.38/2011.— In exercise of the powers
conferred by sub-section (1) read with sub-section (2) of section 38 of the Right
of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act 35 of 2009),
the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules, namely : -
(1) These rules may be called the Haryana Right of Children to Free Short title and
and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011. Commencement.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the
official Gazette.
(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,— Definitions.

"Act" means the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory

Education Act, 2009 (Central Act 35 of 2009);
"Academic Authority" means the State Council of
Educational Research and Training, Gurgaon;
"Anganwadi" means an anganwadi centre established under
the Integrated Child Development Scheme of the Ministry
of Women and Child Development, Government of India;
"Appendix" means the appendix annexed to these rules;
(e) "Appropriate age for appropriate class" means the age for
admission in class, which shall be, -
for Class One : five years to six years;
for Class Two : six years to seven years;
for Class Three : seven years to eight years;
for Class Four: eight years to nine years;
for Class Five : nine years to ten years;
for Class Six : ten years to eleven years;
for Class Seven : eleven years to twelve years;
for Class Eight : twelve years to thirteen years;
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(f) "Child belonging to weaker sections and disadvantaged group"

means a child belonging to any of the following categories,-
a child of a family covered under the latest list of
Below Poverty Line of both rural and urban areas
issued and approved by the Government;
an orphan;
a HIV affected child;
a child with special needs;
(v) a child of war widow;
"Director" means the Director, Elementary Education
Department and includes any other officer authorized by the
Government in this behalf;
"District Elementary Education Officer" means the District
Elementary Education Officer of the District in which a
recognized primary/middle school is situated and includes
any other officer authorized by the Government in this behalf;
(1) "Form" means a form appended to these rules;
"Government" means the Government of the State of Haryana
in the Administrative Department;
"Local Authority" besides the bodies defined in the Act,
the School Management Committee;
the Block Education Officer, Block Elementary
Education Officer, District Elementary Education
Officer, Additional Deputy Commissioner and Deputy
(iii) `Mewat Development Board' and 'Shivalik
Development Board' in their respective jurisdiction;

(1) "managing committee" means the body of individuals

entrusted with the management of a recognized private
"municipality" means a municipality as defined in the
Haryana Municipal Act, 1973 (24 of 1973);
"Neighbourhood area" means a ward declared as such under
the Haryana Municipal Act, 1973, (24 of 1973), Haryana
Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (16 of 1994) in urban areas
and Gram Panchayat under the Haryana Panchayati Raj Act,
1994 (11 of 1994), as the case may be;

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(o) "neighbourhood school" means a school which is attached

with one or more neighbourhood area by the local authority
with the approval of the Director;

(p) "pupil cumulative record" means record of the progress of

the child based on comprehensive and continuous evaluation;
"Right to Education Protection Authority" means an authority
constituted under sub-rule (2) of rule 23;
"section" means the section of the Act;
"State Advisory Council" means the council constituted
under sub-section (1) of section 34;
"school bag" means a bag that can sufficiently carry all the
reading and writing material;
"School Management Committee" means the committee
constituted under sub-section (1) of section 21;
"school mapping" means planning school location to
overcome social barriers and geographical distances;

(w) "textbooks" mean textbooks, supplementary readers and

workbooks or any other reading material as may be specified
by the Government;
(x) "Uniform" includes all clothes and accessories as mentioned
in appendix-III;
(y) "writing material" means notebook, exercise book, pen,
pencil, colour box, eraser or any other material as may be
specified by the Government;
(2) Words and expressions used but not defined herein but defined in
the Act shall have the same meanings respectively as assigned to them in the Act.
3. (1) The School Management Committee of a school owned and special Training.
managed by the Government or a local authority shall identify children requiring
special training and organise such training in the following manner, namely:-
the special training shall be based on specially designed,
learning material, appropriate to the age as approved by the
academic authority;
it shall be provided in classes to be held in the premises of the
it shall be provided by teachers working in the school;
the duration of the said training shall be for a minimum period
of three months which may be extended, based on periodical
assessment of learning progress, for a maximum period not
exceeding two years.
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(2) The child shall, upon admission into the age appropriate class,
after special training, continue to receive special attention by the teacher to enable
him to successfully integrate with the rest of the class, academically and emotionally.
Area or limits of 4. ( I ) The area or limits of neighbourhood within which a school is to be
neighbourhood school
established by the Government shall be-

from classes Ito V, within a distance of one kilometre:

Provided that there are at least thirty children within the age
group of five to six years;

from classes Vi to VIII, within a distance of three kilometre:

Provided that there are at least one hundred and fifty children
in the primary school and minimum thirty children in class

In areas with difficult terrain, risk of landslides, floods, lack of

roads and in general. danger for young children in the approach from their homes
to the school. the Government or the Local Authority shall consider locating the
school in such a manner as to avoid such dangers by reducing the limits specified
under sub-rule(I ).

For small hamlets as may be identified by the Government or the

Local Authority, where no school exists within the area or limits of neighbourhood
specified under sub-rule (1) above, the Government or the Local Authority shall
make adequate arrangements, such as free transportation and other facilities. in
relaxation of the limits specified under sub-rule(1).

in area with high population density, the Government or the local

authority shall consider establishment of more than one neighbourhood school.
having regard to the number of children in the age group of six to fourteen years in
such area.

The local authority shall identify the neighbourhood schools where

children can be admitted and make such information public for each habitation
within its jurisdiction after the approval of the Director.

In respect of children with disabilities which prevent them from

accessing the school, the Government or the local authority shall endeavour to
make appropriate and safe transportation arrangement.

The Government or the local authority shall ensure that access of

children to the school is not hindered on account of social and cultural factors.

(8) Before opening a new school, the Government shall undertake

rationalization exercise within the existing primary and upper primary schools and
take appropriate decisions including those relating to their merger or closure as
may emerge from the rationalization exercise.
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(9) In order to maintain the Pupil-Teacher Ratio in each school, the

Government shall conduct a rationalisation and redeployment exercise of teachers.
Such exercise shall be completed by 30 th of June of every year and the deployment
of the teachers shall be governed by the norms specified in the schedule.
5. (1) A child attending a school referred to in sub-clause (i) and (ii) of Responsibilities of
clause (n) of section 2, in accordance with clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section Government and local
12, and a child attending a school referred to in sub--clause (iii) and (iv) of clause
(n) of section 2 in accordance with clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 12 shall
be entitled, to free education as provided for in sub-section (2) of section 3 :
Provided that a child with disabilities shall also be provided free
special learning and support material.
Explanation: In respect of a child admitted in pursuance of clause (b) and (c)
of sub-section (I) of section 12, the responsibility of providing the free
education and other facilities shall be of the school referred to in sub-clause
(ii), (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of section 2, respectively.
For the purpose of determining and for establishing neighbourhood
school, the local authority in consultation with the Director shall undertake school
mapping, and identify all children, including children in remote areas, children
with disabilities, children belonging to disadvantaged groups, children belonging
to weaker sections and children referred to in section 4, within a period of one year
from the date of publication of these rules and every year thereafter.
The Government and the local authority shall ensure that no child
is subjected to caste, class, religious or gender abuse in a school.
For the purposes of clause (c) of section 8 and clause (c) of section
9, the Government and the local authority shall ensure that a child belonging to a
weaker section and to disadvantaged group is not segregated or discriminated against
in the classroom, during mid day meals. in the play grounds, in the use of common
drinking water and toilet facilities.
The Government and the local authority shall endeavour to provide
pre-primary education to the children above three years and before their admission
to class one.
6. (1) The local authority through Anganwadi worker shall maintain a Maintenance of records
record of all children, within its jurisdiction, through a household survey, from of children by the local
birth till they attain the age of five years.
The District Elementary Education Officer shall, with the help of
the local authority, maintain a record of all children, within his jurisdiction, through
a household survey, from age of five years till they attain the age of fourteen years.
The record, referred to in sub-rule (1) and (2), shall be updated
each year.
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

The record, referred to in sub-rule (2), shall be maintained

transparently, in the public domain and used for the purposes of clause (e) of section
9 or any other purpose, as may decided by the Director.
The record, to be codified, referred to in sub-rule (1) and (2) shall,
contain such information as specified in Form 3.
The Block Education Officer or the Block Elementary Education
Officer, as the case may be, and the District Elementary Education Officer shall
jointly ensure that the names of all children enrolled in a schools under their
jurisdiction are publicly displayed in the school.
A comprehensive health card shall be maintained in respect of
every child by conducting health check up in association with the Public Health
Centre and Anganwadi/pre-primary school. The required medical assistance and
management shall be provided to the children as required. The health card shall be
updated yearly till the child completes elementary education.
Admission of children 7. (1) The schools referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of
belonging to weaker section 2 shall ensure that children admitted in pursuance of clause (c) of sub-
section and
section (I) of section 12 are not segregated from the other children in the classrooms
disadvantaged groups.
and their classes are not held at places and timings different from the classes held
for the other children.
The school referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of
section 2 shall ensure that children admitted in pursuance of clause (c) to sub-
section ( I) of section 12 shall not be discriminated from the rest of the children in
any manner pertaining to usage of academic and non academic facilities in the
school such as classrooms, laboratories, library and Integrated computer training
facilities, extra-curricular activities and sports.
The areas or limits of neighbourhood specified in sub-rule (1) of
rule 4 shall apply to admissions made in pursuance of clause (c) of sub-section ( I)
of section 12 :
Provided that the school may, for the purposes of filling up the requisite
percentage of seats for children referred to in clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section
12, extend these limits with the prior approval of the Director.
(4) The schools referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of
section 2 shall ensure that at least twenty five percent of total seats of class one or
previous classes, wherever applicable, are reserved in accordance with clause (c)
of sub-section (1) of section 12 for the children belonging to weaker sections and
disadvantaged groups :
Provided that five percent seats for children of Scheduled Castes,
four percent seats for children of Backward Classes (A) and two and half
percent for children of Backward Classes (B) category shall be reserved
for weaker sections and disadvantaged groups :
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

Provided further that if the number of applicants for admission in a

particular school is more than the number of seats for children belonging
to weaker sections and disadvantaged groups, the admission shall be done
by draw of lots.
Explanation: The admission to the seats mentioned above shall be
given to the children to such schools connected to a neighbourhood area/
where their families normally reside not otherwise. The Director will issue
the guidelines so as to confirm the residence of a family in a neighbourhood.
(5) The schools referred to in clause (ii) of clause (n) of section 2 shall
reserve seats from class one or previous class, if any, to class eight in proportion to
grants received by the school in any manner, and admit children in such proportion
and provide free and compulsory education to them in accordance with clause (b)
of sub-section (1) of section 12. Such admissions shall be made in the following
(i) twenty five percent seats shall be reserved in class one or
previous class, if any, to the children belonging to weaker
and disadvantaged group. The distribution of such seats shall
be made as per sub-rule (4) of rule 7; and
(ii) out of total reserved seats, remaining seats in class one or
previous class, if any, shall be filled up from children residing in
that neighbourhood area to which that school is attached.
schools of such category shall reserve seats from class two to
eight in proportion to grant received by these schools.
(6) The schools of such category shall ensure completion of elementary
education of all children admitted therein under the provision mentioned above.
8. (1) The total annual recurring expenditure incurred by the Reimbursement of per-
Government, whether from its own funds, or funds provided by the Central child expenditure by
the Government.
Government or by any other authority, on elementary education in respect of all
schools referred to in sub-clause (i) of clause (n) of section 2, divided by the total
number of children enrolled in all such schools, shall be the per-child expenditure
incurred by the Government.
Explanation : For the purpose of determining the per-child
expenditure, the expenditure incurred by the Government or local authority
on schools referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (n) of section 2 and the
children enrolled in such schools shall not be included.
Every school referred to in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n)
of section 2 shall maintain a separate bank account in respect of the amount received
by it as reimbursement under sub-section (2) of section 12.
The school in the month of July every year shall submit the list of
names of the children admitted in a school to the District Elementary Education
(JYST. 13. 1933 SAKA)

Officer for verification. These names shall also be displayed in a manner as required
by the Director .
The schools mentioned in sub-clause (iv) of clause (n) of section 2
which have received land, building. equipments or other facilities for the
establishment and operation of the schools free or on concessional rates and have
while availing such facilities undertaken to provide free education to children in
one or more classes, shall be bound by that commitment. Accordingly no
reimbursement shall be made in such proportion under which the school has to
provide free and compulsory education as per the commitment as detailed above.
(a) The schools mentioned in sub-clauses (ii) of clause (n) of section
2 shall give admission in proportion to the grants received from the Government as
per rule 7 and no reimbursement of expenditure shall be given to such schools.
(b) The expenditure shall be reimbursed to the schools mentioned
in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) of clause (n) of section 2 in proportion to the admissions
given to the children of weaker sections and disadvantaged group.
(6) (a) The Government shall constitute a committee comprising of Financial
Commissioner and Principal Secretary (Finance). Financial Commissioner and
Principal Secretary (School Education). Financial Commissioner and Principal
Secretary (Planning), Director of Elementary Education and State Project Director.
Sarav Shiksha Abhiyan. The committee shall meet three months after the notification
of these rules, and thereafter every year in the month of September to assess the
per-child expenditure for the next academic year.
(b) The reimbursement of expenditure incurred by a school under
specified category and an unaided school, on the children admitted under sub-
clause (c) of clause (1) of section 12 shall be made directly through electronic
transfer to a separate bank account maintained by the school in two instalments
during the academic year. First instalment of fifty percent shall be reimbursed in
the month of September and balance shall be reimbursed in the month of February.
The second instalment shall be made after verification of the retention and attendance
of such children subject to a minimum of eighty percent of attendance till January
and the pupil cumulative record.
Documents as age 9. ( I ) Wherever a birth certificate under the Births, Deaths and Marriages
proof. Registration Act, 1886 (6 of 1886) is not available, any one of the following
documents shall be deemed to be proof of age of the child for the purposes of
admission in a school: -
hospital / auxiliary nurse and midwife register record;
anganwadi record; or
(c) affidavit of the age of the child by the parent or guardian .
(2) The head teacher shall intimate the local authority concerned
regarding admission of any child without birth certificate and the concerned authority
(JYST. 13. 1933 SAKA)

(Registrar, Births and Deaths) shall forward copy of the birth certificate within six
months of such intimation.
10, (1) Extended period of admission shall be six months from the date Extended period for
of commencement of the academic year of a school. admission.

(2) Where a child is admitted in a school after the extended period, he

or she shall be eligible to complete studies with the help of special training, as
determined by the head of the school.
'Hindi' shall be preferred medium of instruction in all schools. The Medium of
institution willing to adopt any other medium of instruction shall take prior instruction.
permission of Director. This permission shall be granted within forty five days of
receipt of letter in the office of Director. In case the permission is not given within
specified period, it shall be deemed to have been granted.
(1) Every school, other than a school established, owned or controlled Recognition of
by the Government or local authority, established before the commencement of
these Rules, shall make a self declaration within a period of three months of the
commencement of these rules, in Form 1 to the concerned District Elementary
Education Officer regarding its compliance or otherwise with the norms and
standards specified in Appendix I and II and the following conditions, namely:-
the school is run by any individual or association of individuals
or firm or society registered under the Societies Registration
Act, 1860 (21 of 1860). or trust created under the Indian Trusts
Act, 1882 (2 of 1882), or a company registered under the
Companies Act, 1956 (I of 1956). The School authority shall
follow the norms specified under these rules;
the school conforms to the values enshrined in the
the school buildings or other structures or the grounds are
used only for the purposes of education and skill development;
the school is open to inspection by any officer authorized by
the State Government or the Local Authority;
the school furnishes such reports and information as may be
required from time to time and complies with such instructions
of the State Government or the Local Authority as may be
issued to secure the continuedfulfilment of the condition of
recognition or the removal of deficiencies in working of the
the pupil-teacher ratio as specified in section 25 is maintained;
(g) the school provides barrier free access and adapted toilets for
children with disabilities.
(JYST. 13. 1933 SAKA)

Every self declaration received in Form I shall be placed by the

District Elementary Education Officer in public domain within fifteen days of its
There shall be an inspection committee consisting of District
Elementary Education Officer as Chairman and Block Education Officer, the
Sarpanch of the concerned Gram Panchayat or Muncipal Councillor of the ward in
which the school is situated as member. The committee shall conduct on-site
inspection of such schools which claim in Form I to have fulfilled the norms and
standards and the conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1) within two months of the
receipt of the self declaration.
After the inspection referred to in sub-rule (3) is carried out. the
inspection report shall be placed in public domain and schools found to be
conforming to the norms, standards and the conditions shall be granted recognition
by the Additional Director (Administration) / Joint Director (Administration) of
the Directorate of Elementary Education within a period of forty five days from
the date of inspection.
Schools that do not conform to the norms, standards and
conditions mentioned in sub-rule ( I) shall be listed by the District Elementary
Education Officer through a public order to this effect and such school may request
the District Elementary Education Officer for an on-site inspection for grant of
recognition at any time before 31st March. 2013.
(6) Every school, other than a school, owned or controlled by the
Government or Local Authority established after the commencement of these rules
shall conform to the norms and standards and conditions mentioned in sub-rule (1)
and also satisfy the norms for the land and building specified in Appendix I and
Appendix II in order to qualify for recognition. Before the grant of recognition the
inspection shall be carried out by the committee as specified in subrule (3) and
accordingly the decision with regards to grant of recognition shall be taken by
authority as mentioned in sub-rule (4) within the time scheduled as specified in the
said sub-rule.
Withdrawal of 13. (1) Where the District Elementary Education Officer on his own
recognition to motion, or on any representation received from any person, has reason to believe.
to be recorded in writing, that a school recognised under rule 11, has violated one
or more of the conditions for grant of recognition or has failed to fulfil the norms
and standards specified in the Schedule, he shall act in the following manner:-
issue a notice to the school specifying the violations of the
condition of grant of recognition and seek its explanation
within twenty-one days;
in case the explanation is not found to be satisfactory or no
explanation is received within the stipulated time period, the
District Elementary Education Officer may cause an
inspection of the school to be conducted by a committee of
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

three to five members comprising of the following members

to be nominated by the Deputy Commissioner of the district,
Educationist - 1;
Panchayati Raj Institution - 1;
Media - 1;
Government Representatives - 2.
The committee shall make due inquiry and submit its report,
along with its recommendat ions for continuation of
recognition or its withdrawal to the District Elementary
Education Officer within one month.
(c) The District Elementary Education Officer shall forward the
report of the committee, along with his comments, to the
Director within fifteen days.
The Director shall, after due examination, pass a speaking order
for withdrawal of recognition or otherwise, within a period of forty-five days from
the date of receipt of the report from the District Elementary Education Officer.
The Director shall, on the basis of the order referred to in sub-rule
(2). convey its decision to the District Elementary Education Officer within fifteen
Provided that no recognition shall be so withdrawn without giving an
opportunity of hearing to the managing committee of such school.
The District Elementary Education Officer shall further execute
the order passed by the Director within thirtydays of its receipt.

The order of de-recognition shall be operative from the immediately

succeeding academic year and shall specify the neighbourhoo d schools to which
the children of the de-recognised schools shall be admitted.
Composition and
14. (1) A School Management Committee shall be constituted in every functions of the
school, other than an unaided school, within its jurisdiction, within six months of school management
the commencemen t of the rules, and reconstituted every two years. A School
Management Committee (hereinafter in this rule referred to as 'SMC') shall consist
of (excluding the Convener Member as provided in sub-rule (4)). members as
detailed below:
Strength of students - 001 - 300 = 12 members;
Strength of students - 301 - 500 = 16 members;
(iii) Strength of students - 501 and above = 20 members.
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

Seventy five percent of the strength of the SMC shall be from

amongst parents or guardians of children. A meeting of all parents and guardians
whose wards are studying in the school will be arranged in the school premises by
the Head Teacher or the senior most Teacher of the schools for the constitution of
the committee. The association of parents and guardians will unanimously nominate
members as required to the SMC. In case of any dispute the matter shall be reported
to the Block Education Officer / Block Elementary Education Officer and
subsequently to the District Elementary Education Officer tor resolving the matter.

The remaining twenty five percent of the strength of the SMC

shall be from amongst the following persons. namely;

one third members from amongst the elected members of the

municipality or Gram panchayat as the case may be;

one third members from amongst teachers from the school.

to be decided by the teachers of the school;

(c) one third from amongst local educationists or children in the

school, to be decided by the parents/guardians in the

In the composition of SMC fifty percent members shall be women.

At least one member each, from amongst the total member of the SMC shall belong
to scheduled caste and backward class categories. At least one parent of the children
with special needs shall be co-opted in SMC if not included already.

The School Management Committee shall elect a Chairperson and

Vice Chairperson from among the parent/guardian members. The Head Teacher of
the school or where the school does not have a Head Teacher, the senior most
teacher of the school shall be the ex-officio Member-Convener of the School
Management Committee.

The School Management Committee shall meet at least once a

month and the minutes and decisions of the meetings shall be properly recorded
and made available to the public by the Member - Convener.

The School Management Committee shall, in addition to the

functions specified in clauses (a) to (d) of sub-section(2) of section 21, perform the
following functions, for which it may constitute smaller working groups from
amongst its Members, namely :-

communicate in simple and creative ways to the population

in the neighbourhood of the school, the rights of the child as
enunciated in the Act; as also the duties of the State
Government. Local Authority, school, parent and guardian;
ensure the implementation of clauses (a) and (e) of section 24
and of section 28;
(IYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

monitor that teachers are not burdened with non academic

duties other than those specified in section 27;
ensure the enrolment and continued attendance of all the
children from the neighbourhood in the school;
monitor the maintenance of the norms and standards
prescribed in the Schedule;
bring to the notice of the Local Authority any deviation from
the rights of the child, in particular mental and physical
harassment of children, denial of admission, and timely
provision of free entitlements as per section 3(2);

(g) identify the needs, prepare a Plan, and monitor the

implementation of the provisions of section 4;
monitor the identification and enrolment of, and facilities for
learning by disabled children, and ensure their participation
in. and completion of elementary education;
monitor the implementation of the mid-day meal in the school;
prepare an annual account of receipts and expenditure of the
any other task entrusted by the Government.
Any money received by the School Management Committee for
the discharge of its functions under this Act, shall be kept in a separate account, to
be made available for audit every year.
The accounts referred to in clause (j) of sub-rule (7) shall be signed
by the Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson and Convener of the School Management
Committee and made available to the Deputy Commissioner within a period of one
month of their preparation.
15. (1) The School Management Committee shall prepare a school Preparation of school
development plan.
development plan at least three months before the end of the financial year in
which it is first constituted under the Act.
The first School Development Plan shall be a three year plan
comprising three annual sub plans.
The School Development Plan shall contain the following details—
estimates of class-wise enrolment for each year;
requirement, over the three years period, of the number of
additional teachers, including Head Teachers, subject teachers
and part time teachers, separately for classes one to five and
classes six to eight, calculated. with reference to the norms
specified in the Schedule;
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

physical requirement of additional infrastructure and

equipments, over the three years period, calculated. with
reference to the norms and standards specified in the Appendix
I and II;

additional financial requirement. over the three years period,

year-wise. in respect of (b) and (c) above, including additional
requirement for providing special training facility specified
in section 4. entitlement of children, such as free text books
and uniforms, and any other additional financial requirement
for fulfilling the responsibilities of the school under the Act.
The School Development Plan shall be signed by the Chairperson
or Vice-Chairperson and Convener of the School Management Committee and
submitted to the Additional Deputy Commissioner through the District Elementary
Education Officer before the end of the financial year in which it is to be prepared.

The Academic Authority in consultation with the Director shall

provide training to Member-Convener and other members of the SMC in preparing
School Development Plan.
Minimum 16. (I) The minimum qualifications for persons to be eligible for
qualification. appointment as a teacher in an elementary school shall be such as notified by the
academic authority in pursuance of sub-section (I) of section 23.

The minimum qualifications laid down by the academic authority

shall be applicable for every school referred to in clause (n) of section 2 and where
the academic authority has not defined the minimum qualifications in respect of
certain categories of teachers the Government shall specify the norms.

The Government shall notify the agency authorized to conduct the

Teacher Eligibility Test.

Acquiring minimum 17. (I) The Government shall provide adequate teacher education facilities
qualifications. to ensure that all teachers in schools referred to in sub-clause (i). (ii) and (iv) of
clause (n) of section 2. who do not possess the minimum qualifications prescribed
under sub-rule (2) of rule 17 at the time of commencement of the Act, acquire such
minimum qualifications within a period of five years from the commencement of
the Act.

(2) For a teacher. of a school referred to in sub-clauses (ii) and (iv) of

clause (n) of section 1 who does not possess the minimum qualifications laid down
under sub-rule (2) of rule 17 at the time of commencement of the Act. the
management of such school shall enable such teacher to acquire such minimum
qualifications within a period of five years from the commencement of the Act.
Conditions of service 18. (1) The terms and conditions of service shall take into account the
of teachers. following, namely:-

(a) accountability of teachers to the School Management

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

adherence to the conduct rules and code of professional ethics

for school teachers;
provisions enabling long-term stake of teachers in the teaching
Duties to be
19. ( I ) In performance of the functions specified in sub-sectiott (1) of performed by
section 24 and in order to fulfil the requirements of clause (h) of sub-section (2) of teachers Section
section 29, the teacher shall maintain a file containing the pupil cumulative record 24(1)(F).
for every child which shall be the basis for awarding the completion certificate
specified in sub-section (2) of section 30.
(2) In addition to the functions specified in clauses (a) to (e) of sub-
section (1) of section 24, a teacher shall perform the following duties assigned to
him, namely :—
participation in training programmes;
participation in curriculum formulation, and development of
syllabi, training modules and text book development;
maintaining a daily teacher's diary;
impart special training as mandated by section 4;
(e) ensure that every child attains the minimum levels of learning
outcomes specified by the academic authority for each subject
and assess the levels achieved by him throughout the academic
(0 act as a mentor to the children and shall adopt the tutorial
system so as to ensure individual attention for the all-round
development of the child.
(g) ensure full utilization of school facilities like, library,
laboratory and information and communication technology,
sports and games, work education etc.
Grievance redressal of
The Government shall specify an appropriate grievance redressal teachers.
system for the teachers.
Functions of
(1) While laying down the curriculum and evaluation procedure, the academic authority.
academic authority shall,—
formulate the relevant and age appropriate syllabus and text
books and other learning material;
develop in-service teacher training design;
prepare guidelines for putting into practice continuous and
comprehensive evaluation;
prepare guidelines for award of certificates for the purpose of
sub-section (2) of section 30; and any other work assigned to
the academic authority by the Government-or Director,
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

The academic authority shall design and implement a process of

holistic school quality assessment on a regular basis.
The academic authority shall carry out the functions and take all
decisions in consultation with the Director and the Board of School Education,
Award of certificate.
22. (I) The certificate of completion of elementary education shall be issued
by the Head Teacher or Headmaster and countersigned by District Elementary
Education Officer within one month of the completion of elementary education.
(2) The certificate referred to in sub-rule (I) shall.—
certify that the child has completed all courses of study
specified under section 29; and
contain the pupil cumulative record of the child and also
specify achievements of the child in areas of activities beyond
the prescribed course of study and may include music, dance.
literature, extra-curricular activities, hobbies, sports, etc.
23. The Government shall specify the Right to Education Protection
Constitution of Right
Authority for the purposes of performing the functions specified in sub-section (1)
to Education
Protection Authority. of section 31, within six months of the commencement of these rules.

Constitution and 24. (1) The State Advisory Council shall consist of a Chairperson and
functions of the State fourteen members,-
Advisory. Council.
Minister in-charge of the School Education Department shall
be the ex-officio Chairperson of the Council;
Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to
Government Haryana, School Education Department, shall
be the ex-officio Vice-chairman of the Council:
Director, Secondary Education shall be the ex-officio member
of the Council;
State Project Director, Haryana Prathmik Shiksha Pariyojna
Parishad shall be the ex-officio member of the Council;
Director, Women and Child Development Department,
Haryana shall be the ex-officio member of the Council;
Director, Elementary Education shall be the ex-officio
member secretary of the Council;
Secretary, Board of School Education, Haryana shall be the
ex-officio member of the Council;
other Members of the Council, shall be appointed by the
Government from amongst persons having knowledge and
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

practical experience in the field of elementary education and

child development, as under:
at least three members should be from amongst persons
belonging to Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and
at least two members should be from amongst persons
having specialized knowledge and practical experience
of education of children with special needs;
One member should be from amongst persons having
specialised knowledge in the field of pre-primary
At least two members should be from amongst persons
having specialized knowledge and practical experience
in the field of teacher education;
(e) one third of the members shall be women other than
the ex-officio members.
The Director shall provide logistic support for meetings of the
Council and its other functions.
The procedure for transaction of business of the council shall be as
The council shall meet regularly at such times as the
Chairperson thinks fit but three months shall not intervene
between its last and the next meeting; and
the meeting of the council shall be presided by the
Chairperson. If for any reason the Chairperson is unable to
attend the meeting of the council, Vice-chairman of the council
shall preside over such meeting. Quorum of the meeting of
the council shall be considered complete if at least fifty percent
of its members are present.
(4) The terms and conditions for appointment of members of the council
shall be as under:—
every member appointed by the Government shall hold office
for a term of two years from the date on which he assumes
office :
Provided that no member shall hold office for more
than two terms;
the member may be removed from his office by an order of
the Government on the ground of proved misbehaviour or
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

incapacity, or on the happening of any one or more of the

following events :—
is adjudged an insolvent; or
refuses to act or become incapable of acting; or
is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a
competent Court; or
has so abused his office as to render his continuance
in office detrimental to the public interest; or
is convicted for an offence by a competent Court; or
is without obtaining leave of absence from the Council,
absent from two consecutive meetings of the council:
Provided that no member shall be removed from his
office without being given an adequate opportunity of
being heard;
if vacancy occurs in the office of Members, whether by reason
of his death, resignation or otherwise, such vacancy shall be
filled by making a fresh appointment;
members of the Council shall be entitled to reimbursement of
travelling and daily allowances for official tours and journeys
in accordance with the orders issued by the Government in
relation to non-official members of the Committees and
Commissions and such like categories of persons.
Removal of doubts 25. Where a doubt arises as to the interpretation of any of the provision of
these rules or their applicability, the matter shall be referred to the Government,
whose decision thereon shall be final.
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

(See Rule 12)

Minimum land / building standards for a school established before coming into effect of the
Haryana Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011

Serial Particulars Primary School Middle School

Land Land for building and Land for building and
playground playground

Building All weather building with All weather building with

Barrier free access Barrier free access

Number of rooms One room per teacher One room per teacher

Office room / Head As per requirement As per requirement

teacher room / Store

Kitchen-cum- Store As per requirement As per requirement

(wherever applicable)

Toilets Separate for boys and girls Separate for boys and girls

Playground As per requirement As per requirement

Boundary Wall / Of sufficient height Of sufficient height


9. Library As per requirement As per requirement

(JYST. 13. 1933 SAKA)

(See Rule 12)
Minimum land / building standards for a school to be established after coming into effect of the
Haryana Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules. 2011

Serial Particulars Primary School Middle School

Land (Municipal Area) 0.5 acre (Single compact 0.5 acre (Single
unit) compact unit)
Land (Rural Area) 0.5 acre (Single compact 1 acre (Single compact
unit) unit)
Building All weather earthquake All weather earthquake
proof building proof building
Barrier free access (slope Barrier free access
of ramp in ratio of 1:12) (slope of ramp in ratio
of 112)
Size of Classroom (minimum 432 sq. ft. 432 sq. ft.
12 sq. ft. per student as per
IS: 8827 — 1978)
Number of class rooms One room per eacher One room per teacher
Office cum Head's room 432 sq. ft. 432 sq. ft.
Library 432 sq. ft. 432 sq. ft.
Laboratories (includes science / 600 sq. ft. (Optional) 600 sq. ft.
math / geography / computers /
other labs)
Store 375 sq. ft. 375 sq. ft.
Kitchen-cum-Store (wherever 270 sq. ft. 270 sq. ft.
1i.. Activity Rooms (optional) 432 sq. ft. 432 sq. ft.
Multimedia/EDUSAT rooms 600 sq. ft. 600 sq. ft.
Toilets separate for boys and 432 sq. ft. 432 sq. ft
(including provision for special
toilet with grab rails / low height
commode for children with
special needs
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

Boundary Wall 6 ft. height 6 ft. height

Verandah Width 8 ft. Width 8 ft.
16. Stairs (if any) Width 8 ft: Width 8 ft.

Each room shall have two doors and sufficient windows for ventilation and
Land ownership proofs, Building completion certificate, Structural safety certificate
and fire safety certificate, permission about change of land use etc. from the
appropriate authorities have to be submitted along with land / building documents.
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

See Rule 2 (x)
Boys Girls
Clothes Shirt Pants Primary —Salwar-Kameej or top and skirt
Socks Middle — Salwar-Kameej-
dupatta or top and skirt
Woollen full sleeves Combination
Jersey (winter) Socks
Woollen full sleeves Jersey (winter)
Assessories Belt Belt
Necktie Necktie
Identity tag Identity tag
Shoes with laces Shoes with laces
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)



[ See Rule 12 (1) ]

The District Elementary Education Officer,
District (Haryana)

I forward herewith with a self declaration regarding compliance with the norms and
standards prescribed in the Schedule of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
Act, 2009 and the rules framed thereunder and an application in the prescribed proforma for the
(Name of
grant of recognition to
the school)

With effect from the commencement of the school year 20


Yours faithfully,

Chairman of Managing

(JYST. 13, 1933 'SAKA)

A. School Details

I. Name of School

Academic Session


Postal Address



Pin Code:

Phone No. with STD Code

Fax No.

10. E-mail address if any

1 I , Nearest Police Station

B. General Information

Year of Foundation

Date of First Opening of School

Name of Trust/Society/Managing Committee

Whether Trust/Society/Managing Committee is

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

Period up to which Registration of

Trust/Society/Managing Committee is valid

Whether there is a proof of non-proprietary

character of the Trust/Society/Managing
Committee supported by the list of members
with their address on an affidavit in copy

Name and official address of the

Manager/President or Chairman of the





Phone (0)


Total Income and Expenditure during last 3

years surplus/deficit.

Year Income Expenditure Surplus/ deficit

9. If land for the school is taken from Government or any other facilities in cash or kind is
taken from Government.

C. Nature and area of School

Medium of Instruction
Type of School (Specify entry and exit classes)
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

If aided. the name of agency and percentage of

If School Recognized
5: If so, by which authority
Recognition number
Does the school has its own building or is it
running in a rented building.
Whether the school building or other structures
of the grounds are used only for the purpose of
education and skill development?
Total area of the school
Built in area of the school

D. Enrolment Status
Class No. of Section No. of Students
I- V

E. Infrastructure Details and Sanitary Conditions

Room Numbers Average Size
Office room - •
cum - Store Room -
cum -
Headmaster Room
3. Kitchen - Cum —Store

F. Other Facilities

Whether all facilities have barrier free access

Teaching Learning Material (attach list)

3. Sports and Play equipments (attach list)

(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

4. Facility books in Library

Books (No. of books)


5. Type and number of drinking water facility

6. Sanitary Conditions

(0 Type of W.C. and Urinals

Number of Urinals/Lavatories Separately for Boys

Number of Urinals/Lavatories Separately for Girls

G. Particulars of Teaching Staff

Teaching in Primary/Upper Primary exclusively (details of each teacher separately)

Father/Spouse Name Date of Birth

Teacher Name
(1) (2)

Professional Qualifications Teaching Experience

Academic Qualification
(5) (6)

Appointment Date Trained or Untrained

Class Assigned
(8) (9)

Teaching in both Elementary and Secondary (details of each teacher separately)

Father/Spouse Name Date of Birth
Teacher Name
(1) (2) (3)
(JYST. 13. 1933 SAKA)

Academic Professional Teaching Experience

Qualification Qualifications (6)
(4) (5)

Class Assigned Appointment Date Trained or Untrained

(7) (8) (9)

3. Head Teacher
Teacher Name Father/Spouse Name Date of Birth
(1) (2) (3)

Academic Professional Qualifications Teaching Experience

Qualification (5) (6)

Class Assigned (7) Appointment Date (8) Trained or Untrained (9)

Curriculum and Syllabus

Details of curriculum and syllabus followed in each

class (upto VIII)

System of Pupil Assessment.

Whether pupils of the school are required to take any

Board exam upto class 8?

I. Certified that the school has also submitted inf irmation in this data capture format
of District Information System of Education with this application;
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)
Certified that the school is open to inspection by any officer authorized by the
appropriate authority;

Certified that the school undertakes to furnish such reports and information as may
be required by the District Elementary Education Officer from time to time and
complies with such instructions of the appropriate authority or the District
Elementary Education Officer as may be issued to secure the continued fulfilment of
the condition of recognition or the removal of deficiencies in working of the school;

L. Certified that records of the school pertinent to the implementation of this Act shall
be open to inspection, by any officer authorized by the District Elementary
Education Officer or appropriate authority at any time, and the school shall furnish
all such information as may be necessary to enable the Central and / or State
Government/ Local Body or the Administration to discharge its or his obligations to
Parliament / Legislative Assembly of the state/PanchayatlMunicipal Corporation as
the case may be


Place : Chairman/Manager, Managing Committee

Date : School
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

[See Rule 12(4)1


No. Dated

The Manager,

Subject : — Recognition Certificate for the School under sub-rule (4) of rule 12 of Haryana
State Right of Children to Free and .Compulsory Education Rules, 2011 for the
purpose of Section 18 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
Act, 2009.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to your application dated and subsequent

correspondence with the school/inspection in this regard. 1 convey the grant for provisional
recognition to the (name of the school with
address) for Class to Class for a period of
three years w.e.f. to .
The above sanction is subject to fulfilment of following conditions:-
The grant for recognition is not extendable and does not in any way imply any obligation to
recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII.
The school shall abide by the provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009 and the Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Rules, 2011.
The school shall admit in class I, to the extent of % of the strength of that class.
children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighbourhood and
provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion :
Provided, that in case of pre primary classes also, this norm shall be followed.
For the children referred to in paragraph 3, the school shall be reimbursed as per sub-
section (2) of section 12. To receive such reimbursements school shall provide a separate
bank account.
5. The school shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or
guardians to any screening procedure.
(JYST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

6 The school shall not deny admission to any child for lack of age proof. If such admission is
sought subsequent to the extended period specified for admission, the same shall not be
denied and the child shall not be discriminated on the ground of religion, caste or race,
place of birth or any of them.
7. The school shall ensure that:-
no child admitted shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the
completion of elementary education in a school;
no child shall be subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment;
no child is required to pass any board examination till the completion of
elementary education;
every child completing elementary education shall be awarded a certificate as
laid down under rule 22;
inclusion of students with disabilities/special needs as per provision of the Act;
the teachers are recruited with minimum qualifications as laid under section
23(1) of the Act. Provided further that the current teachers who, at the
commencement of this Act do not possess minimum qualifications shall acquire
such minimum qualifications within a period of 5 years;
the teacher performs its duties specified under section 24( 1) of the Act; and

(viii) the teachers shall not engage himself or herself for private teaching activities.

8. The school shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum laid down by academic
9 The school shall enrol students proportionate to the facilities available in the school as
prescribed in section 19.
10. The school shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in section 19
of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspection are as given under:-
Area of school campus total built up area
Area of play ground
Number of class rooms
Room for Headmaster-cum-Office-cum-Storeroom
Separate toilet for boys and girls
Drinking Water Facility
Kitchen for cooking Mid Day Meal
Barrier free Access
(ix) Availability of Teaching Learning Material/Play Sports Equipments/Library.

No unrecognized classes shall run within the premises of the school or outside in the same
name of school.
(NST. IS, 1933 SAKA)

12. The school buildings or other structures or the giounds are used only for the purposes
education and skill development.
13 The scheiol is run by a society regisiered under the Societies Registration Act, 18 t30 (21 of
!SOO h or a public trust constituted under any law for the time being in force
:Lit The accounta should be audited certilied by a Chartered Accountant and proper
accounts statements should he prepared as pet rules A copy each of the tiii:ttritii it
tlewourbt shtntki sent to the District Elementary Efincation officer eeery year
1 he recognition Code Number to yonv Thni may plea he no:eh <1/4,ti
quoted. for any coo ,t:spontkirost with this °Chet..
b. The schotii (urn:she; suit reports rind informaiieni may Lie the Dire,ticy
Hi:lineation/District ! •:temitriary E.:loci:non Officer front lime to till,: dnd I. i t ',Yin
a t tt I Lit 'frit h:I:C:di LOCiti Auth o rity LiS matt bo icterti scr:e t. the
con t.:stele: 17.n:ten:en; or tee coin:it:lil y. trocntnition or ihe tetoovit ; et ttcnts sit
<If cov schoro..
ii(egisattin Fe: :A Society if ant he eniited.
8. Other It per i'stcwrotte eh, htsett

fait hitt!ty

loort thietnei tArtmithKiistirsci

thiiocina! Director tAtiontiettrationt
Ole! fthisitclor Biententary Thitteittitere
(INST. 13, 1933 SAKA)

:See rule 6(5)1

Via) unique identification code, name, sex, date of birth (including 13irth Certificate
Number, wherever possible), place of birth;
parents' or guardians; names, address, occupation;
pre primary school/anganwad i centre that the child attends (up to age .;))
[di elementaiy school where the child is/was admitted;
(e) present address of the child;
class in which the child is/was studying (for children between the age of five years
and above but not having completed the age of fourteen years) ;
if education is discontinued in the terrinivial jurisdiction of the local authofit the
Call60 and period of such discontinuance;

h) . whether the child belongs to the weaker section and disadvantaged group (indicate
the eategeJy of weaker section and disadvantaged group as defined in rule 29( t 54 .
details of children requiring special facilities or residential facilitie saccount or
Migratioil and s p arse poputation,age appropriate admission and disability;
learning ;Achievement (readinUl writing/ compel-tension/ competency as per
appropriate class/age).

Financial Commissioner and Principal SeCte.:,
Government Haryana. School Education Department.

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