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Nombre fl I can understand when someone describes their

activities and routines

Dreaming Spanish- Dai Ly Life fl I can taLk about my daiLy Life at home, schoot, and
My Weekday Routine fl
aa I can compare how I and others spend our time and
what we do at certain times of the day

A. Match the emoji to the corresponding activities l,isted bel,orv.

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t ffil

1. grabar videos 6. mirar una serie en e[ ordenador
2, comer cena leer libros
3, ducharse 8. dormirse en l.a cama
4. mirar una pelicula g. tomar cafe
5, hacer ejercicio

B. Draru an illustration,/emojito match the activities l.isted betouu.

hablarchino trabajar usar coffer

mirarvideos en levantarse de [a cama

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