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1. I visit museums once or twice a year. Mostly with school.

2. I prefer general museums because i like to see many different subjects
and things in museums.
3. Muzej iluzija and Muzej grada Zagreba are last two museums that I have
been to. They are in my city and I recommend Muzej iluzija because it is
really amusing.

1. Pros of encyclopaedic museums are that it has many different objects from
the world. They are also very educational and can teach you a lot about many
topics. Cons of encyclopaedic museums are that they take many objects from
old places during the time of war.
2. The objects were aquired during Britain’s colonial period and they were
probably stolen so many countries wanted them back which is reasonable.
3. The Rosseta Stone will probably not be returned to Egypt because many
people think that London is safer and more popular place then Cairo. On the
other hand many people from Egypt can not afford to go to London to see their
own national treasure.
4. The Elgin Marbles were stolen from the Partheon temple and lord Elgin took
the sculptures and damaged the monument. British people think that he had
permission to do so.
5. I think its not very different from theft because its still taking objects from
someone and they should be returned to origin country.

POTTERY- handmade objects from clay
PRECIOUS- very rare
TROPHY OF WAR- object used as a victory proof
ACQUIRE- to get sth
MONUMENT- object made to honour person
FIERCELY- in a powerful or destructive way
EXHIBIT- to showcase
RELUCTANT- not willing to do something
LOOT- to steal sth often in war
ACQUISITION- the process of getting sth
COMMON GROUND- shared interest
JOINT PROJECT- same project by two different sides

1. They took the loot and left the town.

2. Italy made monument for their president.
3. He used that sword as a trophy of war
4. They acquired her in their group.
5. Amethist is very precious.

The Musee D’Orsay – is a museum in Paris, France, on the Left Bank of the
Seine. It is housed in the former Gare d'Orsay, a Beaux-Arts railway station
built between 1898 and 1900. The museum holds mainly French art.
The Tate Modern – is a modern art gallery located in London in the former
Bankside Power Station on the south bank of the Thames. The power station
was closed and part of it was turned into Tate Modern which was first opened
in 2000.

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