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10. mn 2. 13. 14, 15. 16. 18, 19. 20. 21 23 24, 2s, ‘A “quality environment is essential fr healthy and happy living. Discuss. (S marks) Describe four broad areas which the concep of environmental quality encompasses (8 marks) ‘What do you understand by the term ‘biogeochemical cycle" (2 marks) Describe the importance of biogeochemical eycles (5 marks) ‘With the sid of neat sketches, desrie the processes of the Water Cycle i the Nitogen Cycle Describe the human impacts onthe carbon biogeochemical ect (5 marks) ‘What is environmental legislation? (2 marks) Describe the origin of environmental law ( masks) Discus the basic principles of environmental aw (10 marks) ‘What isan Environmental impact Assessment (EIA)? (2-marks) Describe the importance of EIA in respect to Environmental Protection (2 marks) Briefly describe the important aspects of EIA (3 marks) Describe the components ofthe environment the EIA process considers (5 masks) Describe the three major categories that determine the level of BIA required for particular project (6 marks) Describe the basi steps taken in the Ugandan EIA process (14 marks) List the basic contents ofa Project Brief that is prepared in preparation fo establish whether or ot the activity is likely t have significant impact on the envionment (7 marks) Discuss the guiding principles for EIA according tothe Uganda National Environment Policy (22 marks) Describe the steps that comprise the preparation of an EIA report (10 marks) “The EIA process is cyclical with interaction between various teps. Desrit in the BIA process (10 marks) the steps involved ‘What do you understand by water pollution? (2 marks) ‘What causes water pollution? (5 marks) DDeseribe the four (4) major types of water pollutants (8 marks) |What are the public health impacts of water pollution? (2 marks) How would you tel that water i polluted? (2 marks) Discuss the effects of pollution on the following water sources: (Streams and rivers (i) Lakes (i)Groundwater 26. What are the key preventive measures that will help to ensure that spring water is of @ consistently high quality? (4 marks) 27. Discuss the origin of air contaminants (10 marks) 28. Describe the effects of air pollution (10 marks) 29. What do you understand by air quality management (5 marks) END

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