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Assignment for Lecture 7

Assignment 1
• Find the following measurement of dispersion from
the data set given in the next page:

– Range, Percentile range, Quartile Range

– Quartile deviation, Mean deviation, Standard deviation
– Coefficient of variation, Coefficient of mean deviation,
Coefficient of range, Coefficient of quartile deviation
Data for Assignment-1
Marks No. of students Cumulative
40-50 6 6
50-60 11 17
60-70 19 36
70-80 17 53
80-90 13 66
90-100 4 70
Total 70
Assignment 2
• See the data in page 50 “Buku Ajar Statistika”.
Add all the data with the last digit of your
NIM. If the last digit of your NIM is “0” add the
data with “10”. Conduct the procedure for
simple linear regression

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