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Sugar 2


Jimmy Jamieson

Scene One
Sam being released from prison
Joe- alright
Sam- just take me home
Joe- nice to see you to then
sam- leave me alone I'm not in the mood right now
joe- thank you joe for picking me up from prison
sam- (SHOUTS) just leave me alone

Scene Two
Sam at home from getting out of prison
Sam- (Grunts)

Group- You’ve lost it man this is Vince’s town now

Sam- who the heck is Vince
Group- Vince is the head of the biggest sugar cartel in the contrary
and he probity doesn't even know your name and his product is
cheaper and better than yours ever was
Sam- (grabs the man talking in the group) he won’t be for long.
Group_(leader of the group) that what they all say
sam-(shots the man in the foot) I'm not most people though am I
(walks off)
Scene Three
Phone call to Vince
Vince- Hello who is this
Sam- This is Sam we haven’t met before I think we should have a chat

Vince- right ok what for

Sam- sugar
Vince- right what you want to buy some
Sam- no I want you to get out of my trade
Vince- (laugh’s down the phone) ok little man meet me at the end of
Cock Street at 11:45 my men will pick up from there
Sam- (hangs up)

Scene Four
Meeting with Vince
CUMA- (sighs)

Vince- come in take a seat if you haven’t already noticed it’s not a
good idea to piss me off , what do you want then
Sam- we have to find out then wont we
Vince- find out what
Sam- if it’s a bad idea to piss you off
Vince- you want to test me go on
Sam- (points a gun at Vince from across the table) the sugar
business is mine get lost
Vince- (all of his men point their guns at Sam) (Laughs) we are done
(Vince’s men grab Sam and chuck me out side where they beat him)
Sam- (shouts at the men as they walk back inside) THIS IS WAR

Scene Five
Sam enters his house and puts his keys on the table he anciently
nocks his coffee on the table.
Throws his glass at the wall, calls Joe
Joe- what’s up, how did the meeting go.
Sam- you know my men
Joe- yeah
Sam- have them all shot
Joe- Sam
Sam hangs the phone up and punches the wall match cut to Joe
shooting one of Sam men at a coffee shop
Joe- Sam owes me for this one.
Cuts back to Sam trying to find new men this goes back and forth
with Joe shooting his old men and Sam recruiting new ones.
Montage with music of Sam showing his new crew his plans to take
over Vince and them getting all of their guns ready and then they
jump in Sam's truck
All of Sam’s jump out of the car and start shooting all of Vince’s


Daryl- Hold them off you come with me and Vince in the car
Sam- He’s over there
Sam- quick jump in the truck he’s getting away
Jammy Jamieson- URHU

They chase Vince in his car until they get to a dead-end where they
jump out and chase them in to a wooded area

Daryl stops and shoots jimmy Jamieson and he dies

Sam- (shouts) KILL HIM

Vince comes out from behind Sam puts a gun to his head

Vince- kill who

Sam- fuck you
Vince shoots Sam in the head it is getting relatively dark now at
this point joe and Daryl are fighting police car pulls up and CUMA
jumps out and runs at the men Daryl and Vince are beating Joe

Joe-(screams) HELP ME

Vince pull out his gun and starts shooting at CUMA

Vince-(shouts) DIE

Joe then gets up and tackles Vince to the ground and starts to smash
his face with a brick Daryl gets arrested and CUMA makes his way
over to Joe but when he turns the corner there is Vince’s body and
no Joe in sight.
CUMA-(radios) I’ve lost one of the suspects
Screen then fades to black and there is a small clip of Joe from
revolving door.

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