SLC Survey

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Student-Led Conference (SLC) Survey

Directions: Please provide complete, honest answers to the following survey questions. Your
responses will be used to help improve the SLC program this year. Thank you!
1. What grade are you in?
 6th  9th  12th
 7th  10th
 8th  11th
2. In the past, how successful was the SLC experience for developing your ability to advocate
for yourself based on your goal-setting and achievements?
 Very successful. Please explain your response:
 Somewhat successful.
 Somewhat unsuccessful.
 Very unsuccessful.
 I have never done an SLC at IAS.

3. In the past, how clear were the expectations for planning and preparing your SLC?
 Very clear. Please explain your response:
 Somewhat clear.
 Somewhat unclear.
 Very unclear.
 I have never done an SLC at IAS.

4. “In the past, doing my SLC forced me to think about why and how I was learning in each of
my classes.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
 Strongly agree. Please explain your response:
 Somewhat agree.
 Somewhat disagree.
 Strongly disagree.
 I have never done an SLC at IAS.

5. Which of the following would strongly motivate YOU to participate fully in your SLC? Check
ALL that apply.
 Hot breakfast or pizza party for students who complete their SLC.
 Report card withheld until your SLC is completed.
 Pass/Fail grade assigned for your SLC.
 Extra class party if ALL of your classmates complete their SLC.
6. In a parent-teacher conference, the parent(s) and teacher(s) discuss a student’s progress in
their classes. In a student-led conference (SLC), the student presents artifacts from their
classes in order to show the teacher(s) and parent(s) how they are achieving their learning
a) In your opinion, which meeting format would be better for getting parents involved?
 Parent-teacher conference  Student-led conference

Please explain your response:

b) In your opinion, which format would be better for communicating what students have
 Parent-teacher conference  Student-led conference

Please explain your response:

7. Preparing for your SLC will require you to do a number of things, such as set goals, select
coursework that demonstrates your progress toward those goals, prepare a meeting agenda
to guide your conference, invite participants, etc. Which of these components do you
think will be most challenging? Please explain why you think it will be challenging.

8. During your SLC, YOU will be the leader. You will introduce yourself and the participants.
You will follow the agenda that you prepare ahead of time. You will present your
coursework or other evidence that demonstrate your progress toward your goals. Which of
these components do you think will be most challenging? Please explain why you think it
will be challenging.

9. Briefly describe one or more suggestions for improving SLCs this year:

Thank you for taking the time to provide genuine, honest feedback. Please check that you
have fully answered each item. We hope to incorporate your constructive input to help make
SLCs more meaningful this year. Feel free to attach a paper with any additional comments.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Advisory Teachers,
Please administer this survey to your students during the advisory period on Monday, August
28, 2017. Instruct students to answer the questions completely and honestly. Information
collected will only be used to improve the Student-Led Conference (SLC) process. If needed,
students can attach a separate paper in order to elaborate on their responses. We would also
appreciate if YOU answer the applicable questions on the survey. If there is a significant
amount of time left after everyone has completed the survey it may be helpful if you solicit
any questions the students may have about the SLC process this year. You could send us their
questions on separate paper. Please return the completed surveys to Trevor by lunchtime.
Thank you!!
Trevor & Michael

Monday, August 28, 2017

Advisory Teachers,
Please administer this survey to your students during the advisory period on Monday, August
28, 2017. Instruct students to answer the questions completely and honestly. Information
collected will only be used to improve the Student-Led Conference (SLC) process. If needed,
students can attach a separate paper in order to elaborate on their responses. We would also
appreciate if YOU answer the applicable questions on the survey. If there is a significant
amount of time left after everyone has completed the survey it may be helpful if you solicit
any questions the students may have about the SLC process this year. You could send us their
questions on separate paper. Please return the completed surveys to Trevor by lunchtime.
Thank you!!
Trevor & Michael

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