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Spokesperson's Office

State House, Nairobi

Monday, 30th March 2020

Press Release


To foster our national response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, His

Excellency the President has directed the National Treasury to set up the
COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.
The principal object of the Fund shall be to mobilize resources for
emergency response towards containing the spread, effects and impact of
the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The seed capital of the Fund shall be drawn from the Exchequer, including
the voluntary salary-cuts undertaken by the senior ranks of the Executive,
Judiciary, Legislature and County Governments.
The Exchequer contributions shall be supplemented by donations by
Kenyan individuals and corporate entities, grants from our development
partners and multinational institutions, and such other gifts, subscriptions
and contributions as the Fund may receive from time to time.
The Fund shall be governed by a Board; which His Excellency the President
has constituted as follows:
Chairperson Ms. Jane W. Karuku
Members Mr. Michael Joseph
Dr. James Mwangi
Dr. Narenda Raval
Mr. Joshua Oigara
Mr. Jeremy Awori
Mr. Wachira Waruru
Mr. Mohammed Hersi
Ms. Phyllis Wakiaga
Secretary Mr. Kennedy W. Kihara

His Excellency the President has further designated Dr. Fred O.

Matiang’i, EGH and Govnr. Wycliffe Oparanya, EGH as the joint
representatives of the Government of the Republic of Kenya.
The Government of Kenya calls upon all Kenyans, Corporate Entities both
domestic and multinational, as well as our international development
partners to support the national initiative. By doing so, Kenya will be better
able to successfully contain the spread, effects and impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on our citizens, and particularly the most vulnerable members of

Kanze Dena-Mararo
State House Spokesperson

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