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112 European Environmental Law Review April 1994

An Authoritarian Eco
Ils There the Threat of an which cause damage to the environment, the permanent
bringhg forward of the threshold of intervention by the
Authoritarian Ecological State! state from the defence against danger to a mere reduction
of the risk ( Y ~ s o z g e ~ n z i >the
~ ) ,increasing loss of the
possibility of using goods relevant to the environment
Michael Kloepfer* for private purposes (for example land, water), the alloca-
tion by the state of certain rights to use environmental
Protection of the environment by the state leads to am goods (for instance water), but also the not always
enormous increase in the power of the modem state. immediately perceptible - and adjustable by a state under
Leaving aside the limits of a constitutional state there the rule of law only with difficulty - indirect forms of
exists, especially in the case of ecological crises, the danger state-directed behaviour in the course of the protection
of the establishment of an authoritarian ecological state. of the environment (taxes, warnings, etc), may lead to
This danger must be opposed by the ecological renewal of essential restrictions on the freedom of the individual,
the liberal community. who may feel to an increasing extent no longer to be a
It is true that protection of the environment may be person acting responsibly but rather as the object of an
understood as the safeguarding of liberal preconditions ecologically-motivated state limitation. Often it is not so
and also of basic rights, as an attempt to safeguard all much the individual measure of environmental protection
ecological security in the end but, nevertheless, it is by the state that leads to anxiety but the random cumula-
obvious that freedom and protection of the environment tion of various rules, charges and expectations of
exist in an elementary relationship of tension. A lot of behaviour with their "synergistic" political and economic
economic, but also private activities (for instance leisure effects. Policy and right are facing almost helplessly this
time), lead to ecological damage, the restriction of which "general interference7', which is often aggravated by
by environmental law is understood as interference with delaying legal proceedings. The basic rights and the prohi-
the freedom of the people concerned. This tension bition of excess are useful to control selected individual,
between freedom and the protection of the environment but not cumulative, interference. Additionally, there is the
also infiuences the question whether our free demoracy fact that traditional forms of the individual power to
could develop into a kind of "Okodiklatu~"~. enforce right, h a t is the concept of basic rights and of
the simple subjective public rights including their legal
protection, were elaborated in order to defend the laws
Increasing Impoflance of the Protection and rules of a state acting bindingly for one side. These
of the ~niironment traditional instruments of defence in favour of individual
freedom are however, almost ineffective faced with a
The enormous increase in the importance of environ- smoothly emerging ("motivating") state which rather
m e n d protection as a result of the precarious situation of stimulates than cornmands behaviour (for example by
the environment and of a strengthened environmental subventions or persuasion).
awareness of the population, leads to the fact that state Not only is there emerging the decisive question whether
measures to protect the natural bases of life are backed up the subjective public right, the classic instrument for
by a far-reaching social consensus. The political parties safeguarding freedom with the help of a state under the
h d themselves - apart from rarher delaying phases (as rule of law that is handed to the individual, is still useful as
now) - in principle in a competition by which they outbid a basic rule for a state which will have to abolish the
each other in the field of environmental policy. Sometimes concept of ecological resources as so-called free goods and
one gets the impression that the cause of environmental deal with scarce ecological resources. Is it not w e that in
protection now justifies almost every means. But just at the future one will have to start from a comprehensive
this point there comes about the, perhaps underestimated ecological duty of the basic rights, and indeed, is it really
until now, danger for a liberal society in that the protec- possible to put into practice basic and individual rights
tion of the environment (in a precise case) is possible only to damage to the environment (for instance claims -
at the expense of other legally protected rights. A balance according to basic rights - to use equipment which is a
of society as a whole can be expected most from the danger to the environment) and is it still legitimate at all
pressure groups representing interests that damage the today? Anyhow, evident socially dangerous, reprehensible
environment (economy, transport) and from Illinistries damage to the environment should not - right from the
and other bodies serving them de facto. It is quite obvious beginning - be protected by basic rights. Is the starting-
that in such a balancing act - especially in a time of point of individual claims and responsibility regarding
economic weakness - the equilibrium may be altered at the collective ecological goods really a step forward or will
expense of the protection of rhe environment. The act of there come about a far-reaching fading-out of individuality
balancing social counterforces is, therefore, a permanent as society develops the legal pattern of allocating respnsi-
task of the modern, moderating state which, nevertheless, bility and a collectivisationof claims and duties because of
must discharge its task of political leadership. the problems of the amount of environmental protection?
Although p y "only" economic freedom is in dan-

Restrictions on Freedom Resulting from

*Professor of Ecological Law rhe the HumbolBt UnivPm'ry, Berlin
Environmental Protection
The restriction by the state of certain kinds of behaviour 'Principle of precaution.
European Environmental Law Review April 1994 1 13

An Authoritarian Ecological State?

ger, this is very often an essential precondition for political life, therefore, will probably have to make even more far-
freedom. reaching decisions in order to maintain and reinstate the
Although, on the way to more ecological determination environment (for instance in relation to transport and
by the state, one must also take into consideration legal or refuse disposal). A further increase in state power result-
basic rights extending the tendencies of environmental ing from this fact will be seen. The permanent creation of
protection (for example in the direction of so-called auton- new laws means in practice that new possibilities of inter-
omous rights of nature or of a basic right for protection of ference are always being placed at the disposal of the state.
the environment). Closer examination of such legal exten- Is it, therefore, true to say that the way towards a total
sions shows that they serve more to weaken the classic 0kostaat (eco-state) - in which the right of freedom is
idea of a subjective public right or of the idea of a basic completely or to a large extent overtaken by unlimited and
right respectively. The ideal of basic rights cannot be excessive state measures in the field of environmental
maintained where it is not the aim to defend human policy - is already pre-determined? Is it possible, then, to
individuals and their goods against the predominance of compensate, at least partly, for losses in traditional liberal
the state. rights by the right of participation in statemade eco1ogicd
decisions? Or, on the way towards an "Okodiktatur", or at
least towards its initial form, is the kind of state unavoid-
Burdens Caused by the Protection able that indeed safeguards the environment but uses
totalitarian forms of rule for this purpose and destroys,
of the Environment thereby, its citizens' democratic freedom and liberties
under the rule of law? Is that supposed to mean that we are
For the individual, protection of the environment may be
on our way towards a totalitarian ecological supervising
a h a a c i d a d social burden that should not be -under-
estimated. The state has to be aware of this fact in order and allocating state which - if necessary and in order to
not to cause, as a result of the protection of the envi- safeguard its rule - even uses devastating concepts of an
enemy in the form of a world ecological destructor? Does a
ronment, disadvantages to or restrictions on the already
limited possibilities of socially weak people. It is well- striving for an almost complete exclusion of any risk lead
to a justification of a solicitous state suffocating freedom,
known that protection of the environment by the state may
in which the slogan "No freedom without risk" finds its
lead, de facto, to discrimination against small commercial
enterprises in comparison to large-scale industries. To this pathetic reverse "Without risk no freedom"?
extent, the social responsibility exercised by the state
restricts the protection of the environment in favour of less
efficient parts of society.
During the present enthusiasm for the role of so-called Prognosis of the Trend
economic instruments in the protection of the environ-
ment ("more protection of the environment at less cost" In order to answer these questions an anticipatory analysis
by tradeable emission permits permitting damage to the - which is not easy and is necessarily insecure - of the
enviromene for example) &is is not dways suffkiently possible relevant trends in the development of the com-
taken into account; as in general, social and political munity must be made. In this respect, only the develop-
limits, requirements of the rule of law, but also the eco- ment of individual states is taken into account here. The
logical limits of these economic instruments should be organisation of international protection of the environ-
considered to a greater extent in the future. The specific ment cannot be examined here, although the global
risks regarding the state under the rule of law are to dimension of a lot of ecological problems can lead an
be found in the characteristic bluntness of remedies, in individual state to the limits of its power. Normally, global
the clever inclusion of "voluntariness" of the concerned strategies for the introduction of comparable international
(which reduces legal protection) as well as in the danger to standards for environmental protection are necessary in all
the protection of third party rights (especially those of states, and are linked with a policy of ecological compen-
neighbours). Ecological limits result from the specific sation between the first and the third world. Of course,
insecurity of the effect of economic hstmmenrs. By the visions of an ecological world government make one feel
way, it is impossible that nature can be purchased as one rather apprehensive, taking into consideration our tradi-
wishes. Ecological goods are just not goods like all the tional constitutional structures, because a lot of states in
other economic goods. the world do not achieve this liberal and constitutional
standard but would be entitled to participate in such a
world government. How, in the end, an ecologically orien-
tated state could (or should) look like cannot be discussed
Emerging Possibilities of Interference? in detail here. But the possibility that this state - irrespec-
tive of its original constitution - could change finally into
The above mentioned dangers to the liberal and social an "Okodikratur" cannot be excluded, because of the
state under the rule of law, resulting from a one-sided already foreseeable reduction in ecological goods, at least
protection of the environment, are confronted by the fact during an aggravated ecological situation similar to a
that the environment - in spite of the results achieved in crisis. Ecological need can produce a state of emergency
the last few years - is not at all in a satisfactory state. The and this is, without any doubt, a splendidly fertile soil
governments of the future must understand to an even
greater extent, the completeness of the environment as a
task as well as a standard. The "Um~eItstaat"~,described
as a state adopting responsibility for the natural bases of 3Ecologicalstare.
114 European Environmental Law Review April 1994

An Authoritarian Eco
for totalitarian regimes. If the state sinks into an ecological number of environmental laws. From the weakness of the
chaos an ecological-authoritarian order will result from it. state there could, then, result a predominance of the state.
Describing this danger of a "Okodiktatur" as a "theoreti-
cal" face only serves to underestimate the problem. It
would be better to work in good time against such a Losses in the Identity of a Constitutional
development with the help of early analyses of the possible
causes. State
It is, in any case, reasonable to have a sceptical look at
naive ecological world outlooks, especially at those which The far-reaching changes, up to now too linle described,
understand the 'haturalness" of rule (in the sense of in the preconditions and effectiveness of the constitution
harmony with nature), as a kind of defence against totali- of the Federal Republic of Germany caused by the
tarian rule. This theory fails to notice that a rule developed challenge of ecological thinking, renders possible the clari-
on the basis of nature very easily degenerates into some- fication of its inner, system-destroying power. In the
thing being totalitarian and that the development of Federal Republic of Germany (or elsewhere) an ecological
constitutional power in the meaning of the western consti- reduction of basic rights is perceptible, also an illegiti-
tutional states is nothing other than a long-lasting striving misation of federal or communal, narrow structures of
for a limitation and restriction of "naturally born" power. decisions in the face of broad ecological problems and the
Nature is not organised "democratically"; in nature the failure of the controlling and regulating mechanisms of a
law of the stronger predominates, even when we call the state under the rule of law in the face of dynamic, state-
result an ecological balance of forces. directed instruments of environmental protection (legal
Since the middle of the 1970s there has been an increase protection against "weak" instruments). Additionally,
in the number of those voices (their motives are altruistic, traditional guarantees set up by the state under the rule
but p d y also transparent and directed at certain inter- of law (eg devaluation of the power of existence of authori-
ests) who warn against a trend towards totalitarian systems zations by orders given subsequently) are deprived of
of ecological states against the idea that the adaptation their power, and forms of decision of a representative
of the human being, that became necessary because of democracy are transformed or driven out respectively by
the ecological crisis, to the new ecological framework ecological pdcipation (for instance by the influence of
conditions is only possible with the help of a strong state, citizens' initiatives). All this shows clearly that the Federal
centrally directed and organised according to the prin- Republic of Gerrnany can loose its political identity to such
ciples of a planned economy. The planning and allocating an extent that it could become (or even must become) an
state equipped with extensive competence is said to be almost unlimited ecological state.
the only one that is able to work as an "authority of The necessiry resulting from the ecological crisis of
regulation" of the many-fold requirements of the environ- putting into practice appropriate restrictions in nearly all
meat. In this respect, it is possible that the state puts into spheres of life, could be stated as an almost self-evident
practice a monopoly of decision-making necessary for a justification of the restrictions on freedom that must neces-
dictatorial regime and maintains the relations of ownership sarily be expected. In the field of environmental precau-
valid until then. For this reason, such a form of state is tion, taking a reduction in emissions as an end in itself
sometimes called "eco-fascism" - a term that does not there is, for example, an evident danger of the possibility
make the whole thing transparent. Or the monopolisation that the freedom-insuring idea of the prohibition of excess
of state power takes place in the elimination of the private collapses because of the absence of a precise relation
right of disposal of relevant ecological goods, a status that between purpose and means. The means (for instance the
could - under the proviso - be called "eco-socialism". reduction of emissions) is no longer tried out as a means to
Neither variety should be welcomed politically. an end (eg protection of human health) it is simultaneously
Expecting that state and society can defend themselves the end itself.
successfully against a revolutionary development, such a The accumulation of the most manifold ecological
scenario is not very probable in the near future. But this instruments allow the state to practice an ecological rule
does not, however, mean that there could not emerge which can bestow "natural force" upon it. Furthermore,
other, more hidden forms of an "Okodiktatur" or steps in the end the state becomes a "natural force" itself which
towards it. Forms of authoritarian-bureaucratic systems of demands urgent juridical regulation. In the face of the
rule that have a tendency towards a kind of care that ecological power of the state one has to consider also that
suffocates freedom seem to be possible in rhis respect. today political catastrophies may easily lead to ecological
During this process one may expect a slow, insidious catastrophies (eg wars) and vice versa, ecological catastro-
growing of these forms of rule while, at the beginning, the phies may cause political crises. In the same manner that
ruling constitutional order is formally maintained. Martial the social state assumed responsibility for the situation in
eco-dictatorships are more likely to result from elementary society - and for this reason it is tested on the social
ecological catastrophies (with the effect of following-up situation - the ecological state designed on the basis of
crises in the economy and policy). responsibility for the environment must be tested, too,
Thus far, it seems to be quite possible &at in this on the situation of the environment. Destruction of the
ecologically motivated movement towards an authorita- environment, thus, destroys the state.
rian, or even dictatorial state, a phase of weakening of the
state's power will be passed through initially. In such a
phase the state cannot resist the interests of industry, Rule of Ecological Elites?
cannot keep up with the pace of the sciennfic and techno-
logical change and cannot put into practice the great A stage below such dramatic crisis-like aggravations, eg,
European Environmental Law Review April 1994 115

Authoritarian Ecological State?

a bureaucratic-technocratic regime of "ecological elites", community. The earlier already perceptible ecological
seems to be possible in the medium term, a regime problems are opposed efficiently, the less will be the
that could be legitimised especially by the ecological con- "cost" of environmental protection for a state under the
sciousness and competence of its representatives and the rule of law.
ecologically-oriented policy they stand,for, but not neces-
sarily by the majority will of the population. Thus, an
at least partially authoritarian, centrally organised and
directed state system could be established under the super- Solutions
ficial maintenance of the ruling constitutional state struc-
tures. Anyone who looks more closely at the problem will An efficient protection of the environment presupposes,
see already certain indications of the beginning of a rule however, a kind of environmental policy that is shaped in
of experts on the ecologically-relevant ways of decision- the longer term, that is both anticipatory and efficient.
making in Germany; whereby this rule of experts is politi- Almost no other sphere of policy requires responsibility
cally not really responsible and, perhaps, cannot be for the long t e r n in the way that environmental protection
included as part of the democratic process. A further does. The thought processes of democratic politicians
development of societies being democratically structured during election periods can keep up with this challenge
towards regimes of ecological elites and away from demo- only to a very limited extenr. For this reason, one has to
cracy, seems to be at least possible in the light of the take into account the creation of institutions of long-term
increasing destruction of the environment and the increas- responsibility in order to enable democracy to be effective.
ing necessity of state regulation of ecologically relevant In general, an efficient kind of environmental protection is
behaviour. necessary in a community with a liberal constitution.
Environmental protection is impossible at "Nulltarif ' 5 ,
that is without restrictions on freedom. But the limitation
of the unavoidable restraints on freedom to essential cases
Ecological Renewal or Authoritarian must remain the aim. The instruments of environmental
protection require, because of the insidious danger of loss
Distortion of the State of freedom linked with them. an earlv analvsis of their
compatibility with the constitution in order to prevent
The ecological renewal of a liberal community may also be
the destruction, caused by unlimited environmental pro-
possible. The inclusion of a Sraarszielbestimmung4,mcor-
tection, of the political system of a democracy enjoying the
porating environmental protection into the basic law could
obligation of freedom, the rule of law and related social
be such a signal to commence - nothing else. The firm
aspects. For quality of Me is not only determined by an
incorporation of ecological aspects into the political, juri-
environment worth living in but also by a human political
dical, economic and social system of decision-making of
system. It seems to be necessary that measures should
the Federal Republic of Germany seems to be ever more
be taken which safeguard, on the one hand, efficient
necessary. Whether there will come about an ecological
environmental protection but do not, on tdae other hand,
renewal of the modern conseieudonal state or rather an
extend further state power and reduce all the dangers of
ecologically authoritarian structure of rule depends most
moving towards an Okodikratur. One should particularly
of all on the problem whether, and how fast, the ecological
think of a partial denationalization of environmental
crisis (globally as well as regionally) can be managed.
protection with the help of economic instruments, of
For it may be doubted that in the case of a dramatic
the inclusion of enterprises as subjects of environmental
aggravation of the ecological crisis the political and legal
protection, of ecological co-operatives or perhaps of envi-
system ruling up to now in Germany and similar states
ronmental laws created by the economy itself (or in asso-
will be able to restrict - under existing conditions - the
ciation with ecological associations) but controlled by the
measures necessary for the maintenance of the bases of life
state. This far, the principle of co-operation in German
to such an extent that the liberal and constitutional level
environmental policy as a principle of environmental pro-
currently achieved may be maintained. One must be afraid
tection contributes to the creation of efficient environ-
thae the lirnits of environmental protection see up by a
mental protection in the future in a free, democratic and
social state would be crossed.
ecological state under the rule of law. The Okodiktarur
Ecological measures of the state which do not exist or
must not, and need not, be our fate.
are inefficient, which are taken or which work too slowly
lead this state - from the point of large sections of the
population - into an extended crisis of credibility. Thus,
sigrdcant ecological crises may lead easily to state crises.
For this reason, efficient protection of the environment 4Rules determining state directives.
safeguards the constitutional consensus vital to our 'Free of charge.

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