Nippulavagu Project Information1 PDF

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eee Project Information Format improvements to Escape Channel, Nippulavagu, Galeru River land Kundu River from Km 0,000 to Km 189.200 and Re- Name of the Project |gradation of Vagu, flood Protection works and providing hia! level Bridges at enroute villages for improving the carrying lcapacity to 35000 cusecs”. (Retain appicable areas) 1. Irigation/ Water Resources. i 2. Water for domestic use (including drinking water) 2. Water for domestic us 3. Industrial Water, and Sectoral area 4. Horticulture. irrigation Circle for the linigation circle Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. project 5 "To draw flood water 35000 Cuseos per day within 40 days ‘About the Project [SPasily the need for the project, current and _ instead of 11,150 Cuseos. From Banakacherela Regulator to projected ‘inflows/ outflows [Penna River through Nippula vagu, Galeru and Kundu River. Project Components |specify the major project components (Pump IHouses, Sub-stations, Main and Branch Canals, IReservairs, Bridges, etc.) Level Bridges and Ps 3. Construction of Protectior Benefits of the project limplementation of the project. Include new ben stabilized ayacul, ith drinking water fecilties, no. of industries enefited, no. of villages benefited, districts [benefited etc. [Specify the major benefits to be realized through) >. of people provided Ii. To draw flood water 35,000 Cusecs per day within 40 days land Domestic Purpose. bb. To improve the Ground water along the Project Scheme and ill be Improve the Ayacut. 3 .Inigated Ayacut along the Scheme from Banakacherlla ICross regulator to Somasila around 14.00 Lakhs (ie;KC canal lAyacut, Kundu Ayacut and Somasila Ayacut.) 14. Constriiction of Mini Hydel Power Station and Generate the \Power. |5. To saye Life and Property of along the villages frequently being he Jfoods. 6. To improve the Social Economy condition of the surrounding jllages. | 2. To Development the Fisheries Activites. | ‘Specify month and ‘April-2020 \From ae ito. ‘Specify month and Up to March 31 st-2022 | ce 7 | Proposed Project duration ears 2Years i Months ae Neri LI ‘urrent inflows and Specify in cusecs itis canal Current inflow capacity 11,150 cusecs. wutflows | [Projected inflows and Specify in cusecs It is Projected canal Current inflow capacity 35,000 cusecs. loutfows, 8 | Water Availabilty 75% dependence yield_| Speatyin TMC 720 TMC (Catchment area |. Specify in Hectares 2340 Hectares: Average Rainfall in Specify in mm. Average Rainfall 762.34 mm [proje mn si E NO. ‘Yes / No (specify area in Hectares if yes) tL fo | ios perce ‘Yes / No (specify area in Hectares if yes) Ne 47] Private Land Acquistion | Yes/No (epecify area in Hectares fryes) Yes, 100.86 Haclares. 2 Yes / No (apeciy area in Hectares If yes) No. Yes / No (speci no. of Habitalions and Project No 13 mes Displaced poy Families (PDFs) if yes) 14 [Any Other (Please specify) Yes/No No 4 Project Information Format Project information Format Is to be pooled, total pooled, NO. 15 Land Pooling [balance to be pooled and tentative date of completion |Specify total land to be acquired, total acquired, No 16 Cer merece |balance to be acquired and tentative date of ‘Acquisition leompation |Spacify total land to be acquired, total acquired, Proposed Land is 100.36 Hectares. 17 | Private Land Acquisition |balence fo be acquired and tentative date of jcompletion |Spacify total land to be acquired, total acquired, No 18} Forest Land Acquisition |balence to be acquired and tentative date of \completion \Specify total PDFs resettled, balance to be No Resettlement & i 19 Rehabilitation resettled andtentative date of completion. (Any Other (Please spe \Specify in INR Crore and USD Million (with laxchange rate) Rs:1601 Crores in INR | ‘Overall Project Cost | |Specity in INR Crore and USD Million (with lexchange rate) for the components identified in |. Mechanical works and Electrical at BCR Earth work Excavation ‘Complex.INR.16.10 Crore.USD Millio: 2.18, (As on Exchange Rate date: 09-03-2020). formation of Banks. : 104.08. (As on 0). Component Wise Project . c . Construction of protection wails. INR.310,88 Crore.USD| ea Cost Perey ee no Million: 42.01. (As on Exchange Rate date: 09-03- Iaaintenance costs here) Rate date: 09-03-2020), Lump sum items INR.185.87 Crore, USD 104,08. (As on Exchange Rate date: 09-03-2020). 25 | Gost related to Land [Specify in INR Crore and USD Milion (with n: 4.86. (As on Exchange Rate date: 09-03, ‘ 4 Project information Format ‘Acquisition nxchange rate) 2020) na} pashfelated to speci in INR Grore and USD Millon oth Rehabilitation _[Pxchange rate) Cost related to lexchango rate) \Specity in INR Crore and USD Million (with ~ Not Applicable 27 | Coastal regulation Zone 28 Forest Yes / Noi Not Af 29 Witdife Yes / No/ Not Applicable 30 Heritage Yes / No/ Not Applicable Resettlement & 31 settlement Yes / No! Not Applicable Final Clearance from Not Applicable 32 Central ‘Yes / Nof Not Applicable Water Commission 33 Hydrology. Yes [Nol Not Not Appi 34 Inter-state matters Yes /No/ Not Not A 35 | Any other (Please speci Yes / No Not Applicable Not Applicable ‘Specify current status endtentative date of Not Required %6 Environment ae 37 | Coastal eguaion Zone | _SP#2 erent statusanderiaive Gate of Not Required rea aes ‘Specily current status andtentative date of Not Required completion as aa Sree eure late ance di of Not Required oly current status andientative date of Not Required 40 Heritage Spe completion ai| Resettiament& ‘Specify current status andtontative dato of Not Required Rehabilitation completion . Project information Format ao| PnelCiearance from | specify current status andtentative dato of Not Requted Water Commission perpeieg re Hyolegy Sealy cent ls aptetatve dao of Not Required 44] estate metre | SHPO Son slats ancora at of Not Required 45 [Anytber Pease spin | SPH Sent lls andere dae of Not Required Ihether any court or ibunal proceedings 48 pending that could impact Yes/No 12 project? current Status of court or /46altribunal proceedings if pending No ‘Two Crops a7 Ne of Gps gown in Tepe one, to or fre crops a year IT} rown in Rice, Maiz wer, Groundnut, Sugercane, Tobacco, Oilseeds, 48 |ESrenand ston" [SP ie” Supercar Mango We. Nese Wooton, Putt ad Vegoublscte lis the Command area also ‘Stabilising of Ayacut under Telugu Ganga Project 49 |serviced through other ‘Yes/No lirigation schemes [Micro Irrigation existing |Specify area under Micro Irrigation in Hectares 3,68,500 Hectares (65%) lunder Command area__land as percentage of Command area jecify measures such as Canal lutomation etc. if Yes) (Canal efficiency measures | Yes! No, |practiced Z EB Be z 5 ena 60 Which Indicator is used to | Specify whather assessment Is through Cost- Cost- Benfit Ratio lassess benefits? Benefit ratio/ ERR/IRR/NPV 51 [Indicator value ‘Specify Weighted Average Cost of Capital Sie (WACO) (In case ERR/IRR/ NPV are the 7 + ‘ * . Project information Format Yes! No NO IReport (DPR) or Detailed lEngineering Design for the Yes! No a mee Total | ‘Counterpart funding being made available by Total external | Project assistance | st | sought [implementing | State Central | Financier j 1 Agency | __Govt_ Govt | L ININR Tranche | 880Grores[ =~ ~+|~ ~~ |S VTranche2 651 Crores | ja te ae [Trenches 7 SOSOOPSC*~<“~:=Cs*~‘s*sé~Stsi‘“‘C;é‘;s*é*@CS ye ee TOTAL 7 J ole = TNUSD (One USD =... Watey [ Trenehe i . ia ae cael | a - = 2 — ‘Tranche 2 | } ‘Tranche 3 ~ ja ie TOTAL - ~ me |e

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