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Class 1: “I didit”

Aprendizaje esperado: Leer y demostrar comprensión de información e ideas

principales explícitamente señaladas en textos instructivos, informativos y

descriptivos breves y simples relacionados con personajes y lugares famosos.

Concepto Clave: Past


Habilidades: conocer- aplicar

Work in pairs. According to your own experience, read the following questions

about your holidays then write your answers in your notebooks, next comment

your answers with the rest of the class.

The holidays The last month yesterday

Did you travel to another Did you listen a new Did you watch TV last
cityon holidays? Where? songlast month? Where? night?

Did you go to the beach? Did you go to a party the Did you read an
Why? lastmonth? Did you interestingcomment in
dance? facebook page?
Did you eat a new food
onholidays? Did you like Did you play any sport Whatdiditsay?
it? lastmonth? What kind of

See the information that you wrote in your notebooks and highlight the verbs,then
write the verbs on the board and divide them into regular and irregular, baseand
past form.
Two years ago I went to Brazil to see a football
match, it was awesome. First I arrived to Sao Paulo’s
airport and immediately I could feel the cool
of the city, in fact all people were kind and friendly,
the weather was warm and sunny, everything was
to me. The next day, I visited the Sao Paulo stadium,
was enormous, it had a capacity of 20.000 people so I
was enthusiastic to see the final match between
andCorinthias. There I met a lot of funny people, one
them was Roberto, he was 15 years old and he was a
football player of the Santos’ minor team, he taught me a
lot of football indeed. When the match started all the
audience was screaming and motivating both teams,
was amazing, however the most essential moment of
match was when Neymar,(a Santos’ player) scored the
goal to win, it was fabulous.
What is the next text about?___________________________________
with your teacher.
See the following pictures and guess what the next paragraph is about, comment
Habilidades: conocer- comprender
read Read listened Listen
went Go played Play
Past form Base form Past form Base form
Irregular Regular
Answer the questions use the verbs in bold in past form.

Where did Tom go two years ago?


Where did Tom arrive?


Who was Roberto? How old was he?


Who did the goal score?


What was the winner team?


Create 5 questions to Tom using the verbs in box, then share your questions

with your teacher.

Learn. Know- listen- eat-lose-win-read-play- see- do buy


CIERRE Reorder the following sentences Habilidades: sintetizar

1. Bought- the oldman- last- week- a new videogame

2. Go- last summer- Did- ?- where- you
Class 2: “I was when you were”

Aprendizaje esperado: Escribir textos descriptivos, informativos y/o narrativos

muy breves relacionados con tradiciones, música popular y literatura en otros
países: haciendo referencia a acciones en progreso en el pasado, usando pasado
continuo, relacionando ideas en oraciones en forma coherente a través de
conectores, como where, however, then, while, when, y conectores de secuencia
como first, then, afterthat, finally

Conceptos Clave: verb + Ing

Habilidades: Conocer, aplicar

Complete the information about the past form of verb to be.

I /He /She /It _____________________

You /We /They _______________________

Combine the verbs in box with “ing” to create progresive verbs.

Write + ing = writing

Dance + ing =

Read + ing =

Sing + ing =

PlaListen + ing =

Eat + ing =

Walk + ing =

Cook + ing =

Go + ing =y = ing =
DESARROLLO Habilidades: comprender,

Fill in the gaps using the verbs in brackets to create pass progressive sentences

and then share your answer with your teacher.

- Yesterday I was_____________(play) an acoustic guitar when my little sister

was______________(read)a new comic story.

- At 14:00 o clock I was__________(sing) a new Bob Dylan’s song in my class

ofmusical practice, while Fred, Laura and Chris were___________(dance)
atraditional Chilean dance.

- My friends were________(act) Romeo and Juliet at school, when I was

__________(sleep)at home.

- Carl, John and Peter weren’t_____(eat) pizza, when Sam and Rose
were___________(cook) spaghetti.

- I was_______(go) to your home, when you were_____________(call) me to

inviteme to the barbecue.

- What were you________(do) last night, when I was______________(read)a book

about Australia.

- At midnight I was_______________(drive) through the Atacama’s desert.

Work in pairs and create comparisons about what you and your classmate were

doing the last Saturday, use the words “when and while” to connect the

sentences. (you can create affirmative and negative sentences)


At nine o’clock: I wasn’t running outside, when John was reading the newspaper.

At half past ten


At midday

At three in the afternoon


At half past four in the afternoon


At ten in the evening


Check your answers with your teacher and find a classmate who was doing the

same of you.

Habilidades: sintetizar

Correct and rewrite the sentences in past progressive. Check the verbs in bold

I were listened a new country song

I was listeninga new country song

Maria and Pedro was cooked empanadas.


Anne were readeda new book about world history.


Caroline were danced folk, while I were played guitar.


Yesterday, you weren’t eatedvegetables at the lunch time


Janis and Mike was singed a famous rock n’ roll song

Class 3: “Futureplans”

Aprendizaje esperado: Escribir textos descriptivos, informativos y/o instructivos

muybreves relacionados con adicciones y auto cuidado: aplicando el vocabulario
temáticode la unidad, haciendo referencia a planes e intenciones futuras y
prediccionesusando las estructuras will y goingto.

Conceptos clave: will – going to

INICIO Habilidades: conocer


Time expressions “will and going to” are used to talk about future. Check the
information below and then complete the box with the proper time expression.

Will = we use will

when we decide to do

something at the

time of speaking.


Subj + Will + Verb (Base Form) + complement

Example: I will do exercise probably

(Be) going to: We use

(be) going to when we

have already decide to

do something.


Subj. + (be) + going to + Verb (BF) + complement

Example: I’m going to eat vegetables tomorrow

Choose the proper time expression and compare your answers with
yourclassmates and then share the information with your teacher.

Peter is will/going to read an article about healthy lives, probably he will/going to

doexercises too, because he want to stay fit. The last week Peter told me that
hewill/going to buy a bike, but I m not sure if he did it.

Habilidades: comprender- aplicar

Fill in gaps to complete the sentences using “will and going to”.

- I feel really tired. I think I_____________go to bed.

- Where are you going?

I________________ buy healthy food.

- Do you want me to help you?

No thanks. Bruce_____________ help me.

- What will you prefer? Junk food or eat a delicious dish of vegetables.

I ______________ prefer natural food.

- What are your plans for the holidays?

I____________________ visit my uncles for a few days in Paris.

See the following pictures and make 3 predictions about what will happen?


He will eat junk food

He won’t stay healthy

He will be fat

Now write five sentences about what are you going to do the next weekend?

Example I´m going to visit my uncle Carl.


CIERRE Habilidades: sintetizar

Complete the sentences with the proper information.check your answer with your

We use_________ when we havealready decide to dosomething.


Subj. + + going to + + complement

Example: I eat vegetables tomorrow

We use_______ whenwe decide to dosomething at thetime of __________


Subj + + Verb ( Form) + complement

Example: I do exercise probably

Class 4: “Future”

Aprendizaje esperado: Escribir textos descriptivos, informativos y/o instructivos

muy breves relacionados con adicciones y auto cuidado: aplicando el vocabulario
temático de la unidad, haciendo referencia a planes e intenciones futuras y
predicciones usando las estructuras will y goingto.

Conceptos clave: will – going to

INICIO Habilidades: comprender

Remember the use of going to


Habilidades: aplicar
Be Going To

A. Write the following sentences in negative:

Example: We are going to have a meeting on Sunday. (tonight)

We aren’t going to have a meeting tonight.

1. Martin is going to do her work now. (in the afternoon)


2. I am going to do my homework later. (now)


3. They are going to leave the country soon. (tomorrow)


B. Write the following sentences in interrogative:

Example: Mr. Green has a bad cold (he/ stay at home today)

Is he going to stay at home today?

1. The weather is very bad (you/ stay at home tonight)


2. Dan is very late (his father/ be worried)


3. The bus is very crowded (it/ stop at the station)


C. Write the following sentences in interrogative using WH Questions:

Example: Ruth is in Haifa (when/ she visit us)

When is she going to visit us?

1. They are still busy (when/ they finish)


2. We are going to be in Jerusalem (where/ we eat lunch)


3. There is party tonight (what/ you wear)



D. Write the following sentences in negative:

Example: My uncle will be in Israel in winter. (in summer)

He won’t be in Israel in summer.

1. The project will be ready by 16:00. (14:00)


2. I will be at home. (at school)


3. Dan will bring some fruit. (cookies)


E. Write the following sentences in interrogative:

Example: The letter arrived today (you/ answer it)

Will you answer?

1. The plane is leaving in an hour. (we/ be ready by then)


2. Our friends will arrive today. (you/ meet them at the station)


3. Dana will travel to the USA next summer (she/ be in New- York)


F. Write the following sentences in interrogative using WH Questions:

Example: Ruth is helping mother. (when/ she help me)

When will she help me?

1. We will travel to Paris next summer (what/ we do there)


2. There is a party tonight. (what/ you prepare)


3. I am meeting John tonight. (where/ you meet him)


Habilidades: sintetizar
Write the correct form of future tense (use going to or will)

1. A: This light doesn’t work. The bulb is probably burned out. Where the new
light bulbs?
B: I (get)      one for you.

2. A: It’s cold in here.

B: I agree. I (turn)      the heater on.
A: That’s a good idea.
Class 5: “A strangeexperience”

Aprendizaje esperado: Leer y demostrar comprensión de información e ideas

principales explícitamente señaladas en textos informativos, descriptivos y
narrativos breves y simples, música popular: › reconociendo vocabulario temático
de la unidad› identificando referencias a eventos en progresión en el pasado›
identificando descripciones de acciones habituales en el pasado › identificando
ideas relacionadas entre sí mediante los conectores

Conceptos clave: pasado continuo


Remember the use of past continuous Habilidades: comprender

-Read this text loudly


Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were
driving through a small village. It was time for lunch, so we stopped at a
restaurant .

It was a large, old building. We looked through the window. There were lots of
people in the restaurant. They were eating, drinking and chatting. A musician was
playing the violin. But there was something strange about the people. They weren't
wearing normal, modern clothes. They were wearing hats, jackets and dresses
from another century. We couldn't understand it. But we were hungry, so we
opened the door.

When we went into the restaurant, everything was different. The people were
wearing normal clothes. The musician wasn't there- the music was on CD. It was a
very strange experience!
Habilidades: comprender

Answer the following questions.

1- Who was Daniel on holiday with?


2- Why did they stop at a restaurant?

3- What were the people in the restaurant doing?


4- What instrument was the musician playing?


5- What was strange about their clothes?


6- When they went into the restaurant, did they see the musician?


Habilidades: aplicar

1-Look at the picture and write what these people were doing when the teacher
arrived at the school? (Proyectar imagen en PPT)

1- When the teacher arrive, the girl in number 1 was sitting on a bench and she
was studying.

Write your sentences

2. ________________________________________________________________


4. _______________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________


7. _______________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________

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