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IT SBA Mark Scheme, 2020


Specific Key Skills Mark Maximum
objectiv Students must demonstrate knowledge and use as well as manipulation Allocation marks per
e of various features of the applications. section
S4: SO3 Formatting features ( 4 marks once any four features are used) 4
 Any Two: bold, underline, italics
 Justification (Centre, full, right)
 Change in Line spacing
 Superscript/subscript
 Change in font or font size
 Page Numbering

S4: SO3 Page Layout 2

 Use of any of the following : Margin change, page orientation, 1
paper size and text orientation
 Correct use of Header or Footer 1
Select and give marks for any two of the following (S01 AND S02)
S4:SO1 Inserting/ Importing Files 2
 Use of Logo /chart in document 1
 Logo size/ graphics, chart sized appropriately to fit location 1
S4:SO2 Columns 2
 Used correctly throughout the document 2
 Used mostly correct 1
S4:SO2 Tables 2
 Correct number of rows and columns 1
 Correct formatting of tables (i.e border, shading, colouring ) 1
Select and give marks for any two of the following (S06,S07 and SO8)
S4:SO6  Table of Contents 5
 Auto-generation of the table of content 1
 Table of content in the right place (location in document) 1
 Use of two levels of Headings 1
 Appropriate headings use ( 1 mark for each heading) 2

S4:SO7 Mail Merge Facility 5

 Date Source created 1
 Appropriate Primary document created 1
 Presence of Merge fields in the right section(s) 1
 Correct Merged document 2
S4:SO8 Fillable Form 5
 One mark each for the correct use any three of the following: 3
Option box, check box, text box, drop-down list, date picker,
 Layout of form clear and easy to follow 2
 Layout not clear or easy to follow 1

S6:SO3 Create a Database 5

 Appropriate field names ( names should relate to 1
the field) 1
 Appropriate data types 1
 Table populated 1
 The presence of At Least two tables of files 1
 Selection of a suitable primary key
S6:SO3 Simultaneous use of two or more tables or files 3
 Joining or merging Tables or files 1
 Joining or merging the correct tables or files 1
 Evidence of 1 to 1 or 1 to many relationship 1
S6:SO4 Create Queries 5
 Simple Query done 1
 Use of Complex query More than 1 criteria 2
 Correct use of the Calculated field called 2
Create Forms
NB: SBA does not require a form in the solution so the 2
marks were allocated to SO4 below and SO3 above.
S6:SO4 Sorting of database table/ file/Report 2
 Evidence of sort 1
 Sorting the required field name 1
S6:SO5 Generate Reports 5
 Selection of Appropriate fields for report creation 1
 Use of Statistical and Summary Features (Eg:
average, sum, Count) 1
 Group required fields 1
 Correct and specific report title 2
 Generic report title created 1 mark only.
WEB PAGE DESIGN (10 marks)
S4:SO9 Appropriate design features to create a simple web page 3
 Graphics and Text included 1
 Appropriate use of text 1
 Appropriate use of graphics 1

S4:SO9 Web Page for Intended Audience 2

 Webpage layout can be followed easily by any shopper 1
 Most shoppers will be comfortable with the layout of
the page 1

S4:SO12 Consistent Information on the page specific to requirements 3

 Majority of information is consistent with what web
pages should be about the store is about. 3
 Somewhat Consistent content 2
 A few aspects are consistent 1

S4:SO11 Hyper links 2

The presence of links to any TWO of the following ways:
 Links to another website or webpage
 Links to the fillable form created in Word
 Link to email address
 Link to a location on the page

SPREADSHEET (20 marks)

S5:SO3 Pre-defined System functions – 1 mark for each correct use of 3
Any Three different functions.
 Correct use of any three built-in functions 3
S5:SO4 Arithmetic formulas – 1 mark each for any 3 correct formulas 3
S5:SO5 Replicate formulas into other cells 2
 Use of absolute addressing 1
 Use of Addressing in any two of the following 1
DA, NHI, EL, NIS (Task A number 3 )
S5:SO6 Spreadsheet formatting 4
 Any Two: decimal place, currency, comma, percentage 2
 Task B3 center justified 1
 Use of special features: merge cell, wrap text,
orientation, shrink-to-fit etc. 1
S5:SO7 Sorting data in the Spreadsheet 1
 Data sorted by last name (Task A number 1) 1

S5:SO7 Extracting Data 2

 Use of a simple filter 1
 Evidence of correct criteria in filter (Task A: number 2) 1
S5:SO7 Pivot Tables 1
 Salaries summarized by categories (Task A: number 6 ) 1
S5:SO8 Charting operations 3
 Ability to select required range 1
 Appropriate chart (Bar chart) 1
 Appropriate title for chart 1
S5:SO9 Use of two or more sheets/tables 1
 Linking the spreadsheet to Access tables for staff
information. 1


S7:SO5 Flowchart or Pseudocode 6
 Start of Algorithm 1
 Presence of user-friendly variable names 1
 Initializing variables 1
 Request for input 1
 Appropriate and logical use of structures
-selection 1
- Looping
S7:SO7 Trace table 4
 Variables present in trace table 1
 Use of Appropriate test data 1
 Changes in value correctly done 2
- Some errors in manipulating trace table 1
S8:SO2 Program Execution 1
 A working program 1
S8:SO5 Program Language Features / Working solution 3
 Variable: initialization 1
Control Structures:
 Appropriate use of selection statements ( if then
else etc. ) 1
 Use of Loops 1
S8:SO7 Documentation 1
Program documentation ( inline comments, date created, 1
statement of the problem. author, user documentation))

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